Cricket Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players. It is set on a cricket field centred on a 20-metre (22-yard) pitch with two wickets each comprising a bail balanced on three stumps. For each phase of play, or innings, a batting side tries to score as many runs as possible after striking the cricket ball thrown at the wicket (or delivery) with the bat, while a bowling and fielding side tries to prevent this and dismiss each player (so

› sports › Cricket... · Cricket2018-09-26 · Cricket Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players. It is set on a cricket field centred on a 20-metre

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Page 1: › sports › Cricket... · Cricket2018-09-26 · Cricket Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players. It is set on a cricket field centred on a 20-metre


Cricket is a bat-and-ball game playedbetween two teams of eleven players. It isset on a cricket field centred on a 20-metre(22-yard) pitch with two wickets eachcomprising a bail balanced on threestumps. For each phase of play, or innings,a batting side tries to score as many runsas possible after striking the cricket ballthrown at the wicket (or delivery) with thebat, while a bowling and fielding side triesto prevent this and dismiss each player (so

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they are "out"). Means of dismissal caninclude being bowled, when the balldirectly hits the stumps and dislodges thebails, and by the fielding side catching theball after it is hit by the bat, but before ithits the ground. When ten players havebeen dismissed, the innings end and theteams swap roles. The side with the mostruns generally wins, though there areexceptions where the game is drawninstead. The game is adjudicated by twoumpires, aided by a third umpire andmatch referee in international matches.They communicate with two off-fieldscorers (one per team) who record all thematch's statistical information.

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Eden Gardens, India under floodlights during 2016ICC World Twenty20 Final

Highestgoverning body

International CricketCouncil

First played 16th century; south-east England


Contact no

Team members 11 players per side(substitutes permittedin somecircumstances)

Mixed gender yes, separatecompetitions

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There are various formats ranging fromTwenty20, played over a few hours witheach team batting for a single innings of20 overs (i.e. 120 deliveries), to Testmatches, played over five days withunlimited overs and the teams eachbatting for two innings of unlimited length.Traditionally cricketers play in all-white kit,but in limited overs cricket they wear clubor team colours. In addition to the basickit, some players wear protective gear toprevent injury caused by the ball, which isa hard, solid spheroid made ofcompressed leather with a slightly raisedsewn seam enclosing a cork core which islayered with tightly wound string.

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Historically, cricket's origins are uncertainand the earliest definite reference is insouth-east England in the middle of the16th century. It spread globally with theexpansion of the British Empire, leading tothe first international matches in thesecond half of the 19th century. Thegame's governing body is the InternationalCricket Council (ICC), which has over 100members, twelve of which are fullmembers who play Test matches. Thegame's rules are held in a code called theLaws of Cricket which is owned andmaintained by Marylebone Cricket Club(MCC) in London. The sport is followedprimarily in the Indian subcontinent,

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Australasia, the United Kingdom, Ireland,southern Africa and the West Indies, itsglobalisation occurring during theexpansion of the British Empire andremaining popular into the 21st century.[1]

Women's cricket, which is organised andplayed separately, has also achievedinternational standard. The mostsuccessful side playing internationalcricket is Australia, having won seven OneDay International trophies, including fiveWorld Cups, more than any other country,and having been the top-rated Test sidemore than any other country.


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Cricket is one of many games in the "clubball" sphere that basically involve hitting aball with a hand-held implement; othersare baseball, golf, hockey, tennis, squash,and table tennis.[2] In cricket's case, a keydifference is the existence of a solid targetstructure, the wicket (originally, it isthought, a "wicket gate" through whichsheep were herded), that the batsmanmust defend.[3] The cricket historian HarryAltham identified three "groups" of "clubball" games: the "hockey group", in whichthe ball is driven to and fro between twotargets (the goals); the "golf group", in

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which the ball is driven towards anundefended target (the hole); and the"cricket group", in which "the ball is aimedat a mark (the wicket) and driven awayfrom it".[4]

It is generally believed that cricketoriginated as a children's game in thesouth-eastern counties of England,sometime during the medieval period.[3]

Although there are claims for prior dates,the earliest definite reference to cricketbeing played comes from evidence givenat a court case in Guildford on Monday, 17January 1597 (Julian calendar; equating to30 January 1598 in the Gregorian

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calendar). The case concerned ownershipof a certain plot of land and the courtheard the testimony of a 59-year-oldcoroner, John Derrick, who gave witnessthat:[5][6][7]

Given Derrick's age, it was about half acentury earlier when he was at school and

"Being a scholler in the ffree

schoole of Guldeford hee and

diverse of his fellows did runne

and play there at creckett and

other plaies".

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so it is certain that cricket was beingplayed c. 1550 by boys in Surrey.[7] Theview that it was originally a children'sgame is reinforced by Randle Cotgrave's1611 English-French dictionary in which hedefined the noun "crosse" as "the crookedstaff wherewith boys play at cricket" andthe verb form "crosser" as "to play atcricket".[8][9]

One possible source for the sport's nameis the Old English word "cryce" (or "cricc")meaning a crutch or staff. In SamuelJohnson's Dictionary, he derived cricketfrom "cryce, Saxon, a stick".[5] In OldFrench, the word "criquet" seems to have

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meant a kind of club or stick.[10] Given thestrong medieval trade connectionsbetween south-east England and theCounty of Flanders when the latterbelonged to the Duchy of Burgundy, thename may have been derived from theMiddle Dutch (in use in Flanders at thetime) "krick"(-e), meaning a stick(crook).[10] Another possible source is theMiddle Dutch word "krickstoel", meaning along low stool used for kneeling in churchand which resembled the long low wicketwith two stumps used in early cricket.[11]

According to Heiner Gillmeister, aEuropean language expert of BonnUniversity, "cricket" derives from the

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Middle Dutch phrase for hockey, met de(krik ket)sen (i.e., "with the stick chase").[12]

Gillmeister has suggested that not only thename but also the sport itself may be ofFlemish origin.[12]

Growth of amateur and professionalcricket in England

Evolution of the cricket bat. The original "hockey stick"(left) evolved into the straight bat from c. 1760 whenpitched delivery bowling began.

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Although the main object of the game hasalways been to score the most runs, theearly form of cricket differed from themodern game in certain key technicalaspects. The ball was bowled underarm bythe bowler and all along the groundtowards a batsman armed with a bat that,in shape, resembled a hockey stick; thebatsman defended a low, two-stumpwicket; and runs were called "notches"because the scorers recorded them bynotching tally sticks.[13][14][15]

In 1611, the year Cotgrave's dictionary waspublished, ecclesiastical court records atSidlesham in Sussex state that two

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parishioners, Bartholomew Wyatt andRichard Latter, failed to attend church onEaster Sunday because they were playingcricket. They were fined 12d each andordered to do penance.[16] This is theearliest mention of adult participation incricket and it was around the same timethat the earliest known organised inter-parish or village match was played – atChevening, Kent.[5][17] In 1624, a playercalled Jasper Vinall died after he wasaccidentally struck on the head during amatch between two parish teams inSussex.[18]

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Cricket remained a low-key local pursuitfor much of the century.[9] It is known,through numerous references found in therecords of ecclesiastical court cases, tohave been proscribed at times by thePuritans before and during theCommonwealth.[19][20] The problem wasnearly always the issue of Sunday play asthe Puritans considered cricket to be"profane" if played on the Sabbath,especially if large crowds and/or gamblingwere involved.[21][22]

According to the social historian DerekBirley, there was a "great upsurge of sportafter the Restoration" in 1660.[23] Gambling

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on sport became a problem significantenough for Parliament to pass the 1664Gambling Act, limiting stakes to £100which was in any case a colossal sumexceeding the annual income of 99% ofthe population.[23] Along with prizefighting,horse racing and blood sports, cricket wasperceived to be a gambling sport.[24] Richpatrons made matches for high stakes,forming teams in which they engaged thefirst professional players.[25] By the end ofthe century, cricket had developed into amajor sport which was spreadingthroughout England and was already beingtaken abroad by English mariners andcolonisers – the earliest reference to

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cricket overseas is dated 1676.[26] A 1697newspaper report survives of "a greatcricket match" played in Sussex "for fiftyguineas apiece" – this is the earliestknown reference to an importantmatch.[27]

The patrons, and other players from thesocial class known as the "gentry", beganto classify themselves as "amateurs"[fn 1]

to establish a clear distinction vis-à-vis theprofessionals, who were invariablymembers of the working class, even to thepoint of having separate changing anddining facilities.[28] The gentry, includingsuch high-ranking nobles as the Dukes of

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Richmond, exerted their honour code ofnoblesse oblige to claim rights ofleadership in any sporting contests theytook part in, especially as it was necessaryfor them to play alongside their "socialinferiors" if they were to win their bets.[29]

In time, a perception took hold that thetypical amateur who played in first-classcricket, until 1962 when amateurism wasabolished, was someone with a publicschool education who had then gone toone of Cambridge or Oxford University –society insisted that such people were"officers and gentlemen" whose destinywas to provide leadership.[30] In a purelyfinancial sense, the cricketing amateur

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would theoretically claim expenses forplaying while his professional counterpartplayed under contract and was paid awage or match fee; in practice, manyamateurs claimed somewhat more thanactual expenditure and the derisive term"shamateur" was coined to describe thesyndrome.[31][32]

English cricket in the 18th and 19thcenturies

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The game underwent major developmentin the 18th century to become England'snational sport. Its success wasunderwritten by the twin necessities ofpatronage and betting.[33] Cricket wasprominent in London as early as 1707 and,in the middle years of the century, largecrowds flocked to matches on the ArtilleryGround in Finsbury. The single wicket form

Francis Cotes, The Young Cricketer, 1768

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of the sport attracted huge crowds andwagers to match, its popularity peaking inthe 1748 season.[34] Bowling underwent anevolution around 1760 when bowlersbegan to pitch the ball instead of rolling orskimming it towards the batsman. Thiscaused a revolution in bat design because,to deal with the bouncing ball, it wasnecessary to introduce the modernstraight bat in place of the old "hockeystick" shape.[35]

The Hambledon Club was founded in the1760s and, for the next twenty years untilthe formation of Marylebone Cricket Club(MCC) and the opening of Lord's Old

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Ground in 1787, Hambledon was both thegame's greatest club and its focal point.MCC quickly became the sport's premierclub and the custodian of the Laws ofCricket. New Laws introduced in the latterpart of the 18th century included the threestump wicket and leg before wicket(lbw).[36]

The 19th century saw underarm bowlingsuperseded by first roundarm and thenoverarm bowling. Both developments werecontroversial.[37] Organisation of the gameat county level led to the creation of thecounty clubs, starting with Sussex in1839.[38] In December 1889, the eight

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leading county clubs formed the officialCounty Championship, which began in1890.[39]

The most famous player of the 19thcentury was W. G. Grace, who started hislong and influential career in 1865. It wasespecially during the career of Grace thatthe distinction between amateurs andprofessionals became blurred by theexistence of players like him who werenominally amateur but, in terms of theirfinancial gain, de facto professional. Gracehimself was said to have been paid moremoney for playing cricket than anyprofessional.

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The last two decades before the FirstWorld War have been called the "GoldenAge of cricket". It is a nostalgic nameprompted by the collective sense of lossresulting from the war, but the period didproduce some great players andmemorable matches, especially asorganised competition at county and Testlevel developed.[40]

Cricket becomes an internationalsport

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Meanwhile, the British Empire had beeninstrumental in spreading the gameoverseas and by the middle of the 19thcentury it had become well established inAustralia, the Caribbean, India, NewZealand, North America and SouthAfrica.[41] In 1844, the first-everinternational match took place betweenthe United States and Canada.[42] In 1859,a team of English players went to NorthAmerica on the first overseas tour.[43]

The first English team to tour overseas, on board shipto North America, 1859

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The first Australian team to traveloverseas consisted of Aboriginalstockmen who toured England in 1868.[44]

In 1862, an English team made the firsttour of Australia.[45]

In 1876–77, an England team took part inwhat was retrospectively recognised asthe first-ever Test match at the MelbourneCricket Ground against Australia. Therivalry between England and Australia gavebirth to The Ashes in 1882 and this hasremained Test cricket's most famouscontest.[46] Test cricket began to expand in1888–89 when South Africa playedEngland.

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World cricket in the 20th century

The inter-war years were dominated byAustralia's Don Bradman, statistically thegreatest Test batsman of all time. Testcricket continued to expand during the20th century with the addition of the WestIndies (1928), New Zealand (1930) and

Don Bradman of Australia had a record Test battingaverage of 99.94.

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India (1932) before the Second World Warand then Pakistan (1952), Sri Lanka(1982), Zimbabwe (1992) and Bangladesh(2000) in the post-war period.[47][48] SouthAfrica was banned from internationalcricket from 1970 to 1992 as part of theapartheid boycott.[49]

The rise of limited overs cricket

Cricket entered a new era in 1963 whenEnglish counties introduced the limitedovers variant.[50] As it was sure to producea result, limited overs cricket was lucrativeand the number of matches increased.[51]

The first Limited Overs International was

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played in 1971 and the governingInternational Cricket Council (ICC), seeingits potential, staged the first limited oversCricket World Cup in 1975.[52] In the 21stcentury, a new limited overs form,Twenty20, made an immediate impact. On22 June 2017, Afghanistan and Irelandbecame the 11th and 12th ICC fullmembers, enabling them to play Testcricket.[53][54]

Laws and gameplay

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In cricket, the rules of the game arespecified in a code called The Laws ofCricket (hereinafter called "the Laws")which has a global remit. There are 42Laws (always written with a capital "L").The earliest known version of the codewas drafted in 1744 and, since 1788, it hasbeen owned and maintained by itscustodian, the Marylebone Cricket Club(MCC) in London.[55]

A typical cricket field.

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Playing area

Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played on acricket field (see image, right) betweentwo teams of eleven players each.[56] Thefield is usually circular or oval in shape andthe edge of the playing area is marked by aboundary, which may be a fence, part ofthe stands, a rope, a painted line or acombination of these; the boundary mustif possible be marked along its entirelength.[57]

In the approximate centre of the field is arectangular pitch (see image, below) onwhich a wooden target called a wicket is

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sited at each end; the wickets are placed22 yards (20 m) apart.[58] The pitch is a flatsurface 3 metres (9.8 ft) wide, with veryshort grass that tends to be worn away asthe game progresses (cricket can also beplayed on artificial surfaces, notablymatting). Each wicket is made of threewooden stumps topped by two bails.[59]

Cricket pitch and creases

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As illustrated above, the pitch is marked ateach end with four white painted lines: abowling crease, a popping crease and tworeturn creases. The three stumps arealigned centrally on the bowling crease,which is eight feet eight inches long. Thepopping crease is drawn four feet in frontof the bowling crease and parallel to it;although it is drawn as a twelve-foot line(six feet either side of the wicket), it is infact unlimited in length. The return creasesare drawn at right angles to the poppingcrease so that they intersect the ends ofthe bowling crease; each return crease isdrawn as an eight-foot line, so that itextends four feet behind the bowling

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crease, but is also in fact unlimited inlength.[60]

Match structure and closure

Before a match begins, the team captains(who are also players) toss a coin todecide which team will bat first and sotake the first innings.[61] Innings is the term

A modern SG cricket bat (back view).

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used for each phase of play in thematch.[61] In each innings, one team bats,attempting to score runs, while the otherteam bowls and fields the ball, attemptingto restrict the scoring and dismiss thebatsmen.[62][63] When the first inningsends, the teams change roles; there can betwo to four innings depending upon thetype of match. A match with fourscheduled innings is played over three tofive days; a match with two scheduledinnings is usually completed in a singleday.[61] During an innings, all elevenmembers of the fielding team take thefield, but only two members of the battingteam are on the field at any given time.[61]

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The order of batsmen is usuallyannounced just before the match, but itcan be varied.[56]

The main objective of each team is toscore more runs than their opponents but,in some forms of cricket, it is alsonecessary to dismiss all of the oppositionbatsmen in their final innings in order towin the match, which would otherwise bedrawn.[64] If the team batting last is all outhaving scored fewer runs than theiropponents, they are said to have "lost by nruns" (where n is the difference betweenthe aggregate number of runs scored bythe teams). If the team that bats last

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scores enough runs to win, it is said tohave "won by n wickets", where n is thenumber of wickets left to fall. For example,a team that passes its opponents' totalhaving lost six wickets (i.e., six of theirbatsmen have been dismissed) have wonthe match "by four wickets".[64]

In a two-innings-a-side match, one team'scombined first and second innings totalmay be less than the other side's firstinnings total. The team with the greaterscore is then said to have "won by aninnings and n runs", and does not need tobat again: n is the difference between thetwo teams' aggregate scores. If the team

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batting last is all out, and both sides havescored the same number of runs, then thematch is a tie; this result is quite rare inmatches of two innings a side with only 62happening in first-class matches from theearliest known instance in 1741 untilJanuary 2017. In the traditional form of thegame, if the time allotted for the matchexpires before either side can win, then thegame is declared a draw.[64]

If the match has only a single innings perside, then a maximum number of oversapplies to each innings. Such a match iscalled a "limited overs" or "one-day" match,and the side scoring more runs wins

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regardless of the number of wickets lost,so that a draw cannot occur. If this kind ofmatch is temporarily interrupted by badweather, then a complex mathematicalformula, known as the Duckworth-Lewismethod after its developers, is often usedto recalculate a new target score. A one-day match can also be declared a "no-result" if fewer than a previously agreednumber of overs have been bowled byeither team, in circumstances that makenormal resumption of play impossible; forexample, wet weather.[64]

In all forms of cricket, the umpires canabandon the match if bad light or rain

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makes it impossible to continue.[65] Therehave been instances of entire matches,even Test matches scheduled to be playedover five days, being lost to bad weatherwithout a ball being bowled: for example,the third Test of the 1970/71 series inAustralia.[66]

Bat and ball

Two different types of cricket balls both of the same

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The essence of the sport is that a bowlerdelivers (i.e., bowls) the ball from his endof the pitch towards the batsman who,armed with a bat is "on strike" at the otherend (see next sub-section: Basicgameplay).

Two different types of cricket balls, both of the samesize:

i) A used white ball. White balls are mainly used inlimited overs cricket, especially in matches played atnight, under floodlights (left).

ii) A used red ball. Red balls are used in Test cricketand first-class cricket and some other forms of cricket(right).

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The bat is made of wood, usually salix alba(white willow), and has the shape of ablade topped by a cylindrical handle. Theblade must not be more than four and onequarter inches (108 mm) wide and thetotal length of the bat not more than 38inches (965 mm). There is no standard forthe weight which is usually between 2 lb 7oz and 3 lb (1.1 and 1.4 kg).[67][68]

The ball is a hard leather-seamedspheroid, with a circumference of 22.9centimetres (9.0 in). The ball has a "seam":six rows of stitches attaching the leathershell of the ball to the string and corkinterior. The seam on a new ball is

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prominent, and helps the bowler propel itin a less predictable manner. Duringmatches, the quality of the balldeteriorates to a point where it is no longerusable, and during the course of thisdeterioration its behaviour in flight willchange and can influence the outcome ofthe match. Players will therefore attemptto modify the ball's behaviour by modifyingits physical properties. Polishing the balland wetting it with sweat or saliva is legal,even when the polishing is deliberatelydone on one side only to increase the ball'sswing through the air, but the acts ofrubbing other substances into the ball,

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scratching the surface or picking at theseam is illegal ball tampering.[69]

Basic gameplay: bowler to batsman

During normal play, thirteen players andtwo umpires are on the field. Two of theplayers are batsmen and the rest are alleleven members of the fielding team. Theother nine players in the batting team areoff the field in the pavilion. The image withoverlay below shows what is happeningwhen a ball is being bowled and which ofthe personnel are on or close to the pitch.The photo was taken during aninternational match between Australia and

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Sri Lanka; Muttiah Muralitharan of SriLanka is bowling to Australian batsmanAdam Gilchrist.

1 Umpire2 Wicket3 Non-striking

batsman4 Bowler

5 Ball6 Pitch7 Popping

crease8 Striking


9 Wicket10 Wicket-

keeper11 First slip12 Return



23 4 5









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In the photo, the two batsmen (3 & 8;wearing yellow) have taken position ateach end of the pitch (6). Three membersof the fielding team (4, 10 & 11; wearingdark blue) are in shot. One of the twoumpires (1; wearing white hat) is stationedbehind the wicket (2) at the bowler's (4)end of the pitch. The bowler (4) is bowlingthe ball (5) from his end of the pitch to thebatsman (8) at the other end who is calledthe "striker". The other batsman (3) at thebowling end is called the "non-striker". Thewicket-keeper (10), who is a specialist, ispositioned behind the striker's wicket (9)and behind him stands one of the fieldersin a position called "first slip" (11). While

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the bowler and the first slip are wearingconventional kit only, the two batsmen andthe wicket-keeper are wearing protectivegear including safety helmets, paddedgloves and leg guards (pads).

While the umpire (1) in shot stands at thebowler's end of the pitch, his colleaguestands in the outfield, usually in or near thefielding position called "square leg", sothat he is in line with the popping crease(7) at the striker's end of the pitch. Thebowling crease (not numbered) is the oneon which the wicket is located betweenthe return creases (12). The bowler (4)intends to hit the wicket (9) with the ball

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(5) or, at least, to prevent the striker (8)from scoring runs. The striker (8) intends,by using his bat, to defend his wicket and,if possible, to hit the ball away from thepitch in order to score runs.

Some players are skilled in both battingand bowling so are termed all-rounders.Adam Gilchrist, pictured above, was awicket-keeper/batsman, another type ofall-rounder. Bowlers are also classifiedaccording to their style, generally as fastbowlers, medium pace seam bowlers or,like Muttiah Muralitharan pictured above,spinners. Batsmen are classified

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according to whether they are right-handedor left-handed.


Of the eleven fielders, three are in shot inthe image above. The other eight are

Fielding positions in cricket for a right-handed batsman

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elsewhere on the field, their positionsdetermined on a tactical basis by thecaptain or the bowler. Fielders oftenchange position between deliveries, againas directed by the captain or bowler.[70]

If a fielder is injured or becomes ill duringa match, a substitute is allowed to fieldinstead of him, but the substitute cannotbowl or act as a captain. The substituteleaves the field when the injured player isfit to return.[71] The Laws of Cricket wereupdated in 2017 to allow substitutes to actas wicket-keepers[72], a situation that firstoccurred when Mumbai Indians' wicket-

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keeper Ishan Kishan was injured in amatch on 18 April 2018.[73]

Specialist roles

The captain is often the most experiencedplayer in the team, certainly the mosttactically astute, and can possess any ofthe main skillsets as a batsman, a bowleror a wicket-keeper. Within the Laws, thecaptain has certain responsibilities interms of nominating his players to theumpires before the match and ensuringthat his players conduct themselves"within the spirit and traditions of thegame as well as within the Laws".[56]

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The wicket-keeper (sometimes calledsimply the "keeper") is a specialist fieldersubject to various rules within the Lawsabout his equipment and demeanour. He isthe only member of the fielding side whocan effect a stumping and is the only onepermitted to wear gloves and external legguards.[74] Depending on their primaryskills, the other ten players in the teamtend to be classified as specialist batsmenor specialist bowlers. Generally, a team willinclude five or six specialist batsmen andfour or five specialist bowlers, plus thewicket-keeper.[75][76]

Clothing and equipment

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The wicket-keeper and the batsmen wearprotective gear because of the hardness ofthe ball, which can be delivered at speedsof more than 145 kilometres per hour(90 mph) and presents a major health and

English cricketer W. G. Grace "taking guard" in 1883.His pads and bat are very similar to those used today.The gloves have evolved somewhat. Many modernplayers utilise more defensive equipment than wasavailable to Grace, notably helmets and arm guards.

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safety concern. Protective clothingincludes pads (designed to protect theknees and shins), batting gloves or wicket-keeper's gloves for the hands, a safetyhelmet for the head and a box inside thetrousers (to protect the crotch area).[77]

Some batsmen wear additional paddinginside their shirts and trousers such asthigh pads, arm pads, rib protectors andshoulder pads. The only fielders allowed towear protective gear are those in positionsvery close to the batsman (i.e., if they arealongside or in front of him), but theycannot wear gloves or external legguards.[70]

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Subject to certain variations, on-fieldclothing generally includes a collared shirtwith short or long sleeves; long trousers;woollen pullover (if needed); cricket cap(for fielding) or a safety helmet; and spikedshoes or boots to increase traction. The kitis traditionally all white and this remainsthe case in Test and first-class cricket but,in limited overs cricket, team colours areworn instead.[78]


The innings (ending with 's' in bothsingular and plural form) is the term usedfor each phase of play during a match.

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Depending on the type of match beingplayed, each team has either one or twoinnings. Sometimes all eleven members ofthe batting side take a turn to bat but, forvarious reasons, an innings can end beforethey have all done so. The inningsterminates if the batting team is "all out", aterm defined by the Laws: "at the fall of awicket or the retirement of a batsman,further balls remain to be bowled but nofurther batsman is available to comein".[61] In this situation, one of the batsmanhas not been dismissed and is termed notout; this is because he has no partners leftand there must always be two activebatsmen while the innings is in progress.

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An innings may end early while there arestill two not out batsmen:[61]

the batting team's captain may declarethe innings closed even though some ofhis players have not had a turn to bat:this is a tactical decision by the captain,usually because he believes his teamhave scored sufficient runs and needtime to dismiss the opposition in theirinnings

the set number of overs (i.e., in a limitedovers match) have been bowled

the match has ended prematurely due tobad weather or running out of time

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in the final innings of the match, thebatting side has reached its target andwon the game.


The Laws state that, throughout aninnings, "the ball shall be bowled fromeach end alternately in overs of 6 balls".[79]

The name "over" came about because theumpire calls "Over!" when six balls havebeen bowled. At this point, another bowleris deployed at the other end, and thefielding side changes ends while thebatsmen do not. A bowler cannot bowl twosuccessive overs, although a bowler can(and usually does) bowl alternate overs,

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from the same end, for several overswhich are termed a "spell". The batsmendo not change ends at the end of the over,and so the one who was non-striker is nowthe striker and vice-versa. The umpiresalso change positions so that the one whowas at "square leg" now stands behind thewicket at the non-striker's end and vice-versa.[79]

Umpires and scorers

An umpire signals a decision to the scorers

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The game on the field is regulated by thetwo umpires, one of whom stands behindthe wicket at the bowler's end, the other ina position called "square leg" which isabout 15–20 metres away from thebatsman on strike and in line with thepopping crease on which he is takingguard. The umpires have severalresponsibilities including adjudication onwhether a ball has been correctly bowled(i.e., not a no-ball or a wide); when a run isscored; whether a batsman is out (thefielding side must first appeal to theumpire, usually with the phrase "How'sthat?" or "Owzat?"); when intervals start

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and end; and the suitability of the pitch,field and weather for playing the game.The umpires are authorised to interrupt oreven abandon a match due tocircumstances likely to endanger theplayers, such as a damp pitch ordeterioration of the light.[65]

Off the field in televised matches, there isusually a third umpire who can makedecisions on certain incidents with the aidof video evidence. The third umpire ismandatory under the playing conditionsfor Test and Limited Overs Internationalmatches played between two ICC fullmember countries. These matches also

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have a match referee whose job is toensure that play is within the Laws and thespirit of the game.[65]

The match details, including runs anddismissals, are recorded by two officialscorers, one representing each team. Thescorers are directed by the hand signals ofan umpire (see image, right). For example,the umpire raises a forefinger to signalthat the batsman is out (has beendismissed); he raises both arms above hishead if the batsman has hit the ball for sixruns. The scorers are required by the Lawsto record all runs scored, wickets takenand overs bowled; in practice, they also

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note significant amounts of additionaldata relating to the game.[80]

A match's statistics are summarised on ascorecard. Prior to the popularisation ofscorecards, most scoring was done bymen sitting on vantage points cuttingsnotches on tally sticks and runs wereoriginally called notches.[81] According toRowland Bowen, the earliest knownscorecard templates were introduced in1776 by T. Pratt of Sevenoaks and sooncame into general use.[82] It is believedthat scorecards were printed and sold atLord's for the first time in 1846.[83]

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Spirit of the Game

Besides observing the Laws, cricketersmust respect the "Spirit of Cricket," whichis the "Preamble to the Laws," firstpublished in the 2000 code, and updated in2017, and now opens with thisstatement:[84]

"Cricket owes much of its appeal

and enjoyment to the fact that it

should be played not only

according to the Laws, but also

within the Spirit of Cricket".

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The Preamble is a short statement thatemphasises the "Positive behaviours thatmake cricket an exciting game thatencourages leadership,friendship andteamwork."[85]

The major responsibility for ensuring fairplay is placed firmly on the captains, butextends to all players, umpires, teachers,coaches and parents involved.

The umpires are the sole judges of fair andunfair play. They are required under theLaws to intervene in case of dangerous orunfair play or in cases of unacceptableconduct by a player.

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Previous versions of the Spirit identifiedactions that were deemed contrary (forexample, appealing knowing that thebatsman is not out) but all specifics arenow covered in the Laws of Cricket, therelevant governing playing regulations anddisciplinary codes, or left to the judgementof the umpires, captains, their clubs andgoverning bodies. The terse expression ofthe Spirit of Cricket now avoids thediversity of cultural conventions that existon the detail of sportsmanship – or itsabsence.

Bowling and dismissal

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Most bowlers are considered specialists inthat they are selected for the teambecause of their skill as a bowler, althoughsome are all-rounders and even specialistbatsmen bowl occasionally. The specialistbowlers are active multiple times duringan innings, but may not bowl two oversconsecutively. If the captain wants a

Shoaib Akhtar of Pakistan holds the world record fordelivering the fastest ball (161.3 km/h).[86]

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bowler to "change ends", another bowlermust temporarily fill in so that the changeis not immediate.[79]

A bowler reaches his delivery stride bymeans of a "run-up" and an over is deemedto have begun when the bowler starts hisrun-up for the first delivery of that over, theball then being "in play".[79] Fast bowlers,needing momentum, take a lengthy run upwhile bowlers with a slow delivery take nomore than a couple of steps beforebowling. The fastest bowlers can deliverthe ball at a speed of over 145 kilometresper hour (90 mph) and they sometimesrely on sheer speed to try and defeat the

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batsman, who is forced to react veryquickly.[87] Other fast bowlers rely on amixture of speed and guile by making theball seam or swing (i.e. curve) in flight.This type of delivery can deceive abatsman into miscuing his shot, forexample, so that the ball just touches theedge of the bat and can then be "caughtbehind" by the wicket-keeper or a slipfielder.[87] At the other end of the bowlingscale is the spin bowler who bowls at arelatively slow pace and relies entirely onguile to deceive the batsman. A spinnerwill often "buy his wicket" by "tossing oneup" (in a slower, steeper parabolic path) tolure the batsman into making a poor shot.

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The batsman has to be very wary of suchdeliveries as they are often "flighted" orspun so that the ball will not behave quiteas he expects and he could be "trapped"into getting himself out.[88] In between thepacemen and the spinners are the mediumpaced seamers who rely on persistentaccuracy to try and contain the rate ofscoring and wear down the batsman'sconcentration.[87]

There are ten ways in which a batsmancan be dismissed: five relatively commonand five extremely rare. The commonforms of dismissal are bowled,[89]

caught,[90] leg before wicket (lbw),[91] run

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out[92] and stumped.[93] Rare methods arehit wicket,[94] hit the ball twice,[95]

obstructing the field,[96] handled the ball[97]

and timed out.[98] The Laws state that thefielding team, usually the bowler inpractice, must appeal for a dismissalbefore the umpire can give his decision. Ifthe batsman is out, the umpire raises aforefinger and says "Out!"; otherwise, hewill shake his head and say "Not out".[99]

There is, effectively, an eleventh method ofdismissal, retired out, which is not an on-field dismissal as such but rather aretrospective one for which no fielder iscredited.[100]

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Batting, runs and extras

Batsmen take turns to bat via a battingorder which is decided beforehand by theteam captain and presented to theumpires, though the order remains flexiblewhen the captain officially nominates the

The directions in which a right-handed batsman, facingdown the page, intends to send the ball when playingvarious cricketing shots. The diagram for a left-handedbatsman is a mirror image of this one.

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team.[56] Substitute batsmen are notallowed.[71]

A skilled batsman can use a wide array of"shots" or "strokes" in both defensive andattacking mode. The idea is to hit the ballto best effect with the flat surface of thebat's blade. If the ball touches the side ofthe bat it is called an "edge". The batsmandoes not have to play a shot and can allowthe ball to go through to the wicketkeeper.Equally, he does not have to attempt a runwhen he hits the ball with his bat. Batsmendo not always seek to hit the ball as hardas possible, and a good player can scoreruns just by making a deft stroke with a

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turn of the wrists or by simply "blocking"the ball but directing it away from fieldersso that he has time to take a run. A widevariety of shots are played, the batsman'srepertoire including strokes namedaccording to the style of swing and thedirection aimed: e.g., "cut", "drive", "hook","pull".[101]

The batsman on strike (i.e. the "striker")must prevent the ball hitting the wicket,and try to score runs by hitting the ballwith his bat so that he and his partnerhave time to run from one end of the pitchto the other before the fielding side canreturn the ball. To register a run, both

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runners must touch the ground behind thepopping crease with either their bats ortheir bodies (the batsmen carry their batsas they run). Each completed runincrements the score of both the team andthe striker.[102]

The decision to attempt a run is ideallymade by the batsman who has the betterview of the ball's progress, and this is

Sachin Tendulkar is only player to have scored onehundred international centuries

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communicated by calling: usually "yes","no" or "wait". More than one run can bescored from a single hit: hits worth one tothree runs are common, but the size of thefield is such that it is usually difficult to runfour or more.[102] To compensate for this,hits that reach the boundary of the fieldare automatically awarded four runs if theball touches the ground en route to theboundary or six runs if the ball clears theboundary without touching the groundwithin the boundary. In these cases thebatsmen do not need to run.[103] Hits forfive are unusual and generally rely on thehelp of "overthrows" by a fielder returningthe ball. If an odd number of runs is scored

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by the striker, the two batsmen havechanged ends, and the one who was non-striker is now the striker. Only the strikercan score individual runs, but all runs areadded to the team's total.[102]

Additional runs can be gained by thebatting team as extras (called "sundries" inAustralia) due to errors made by thefielding side. This is achieved in four ways:no-ball, a penalty of one extra conceded bythe bowler if he breaks the rules;[104] wide,a penalty of one extra conceded by thebowler if he bowls so that the ball is out ofthe batsman's reach;[105] bye, an extraawarded if the batsman misses the ball

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and it goes past the wicket-keeper andgives the batsmen time to run in theconventional way;[106] leg bye, as for a byeexcept that the ball has hit the batsman'sbody, though not his bat.[106] If the bowlerhas conceded a no-ball or a wide, his teamincurs an additional penalty because thatball (i.e., delivery) has to be bowled againand hence the batting side has theopportunity to score more runs from thisextra ball.[104][105]

Women's cricket was first recorded inSurrey in 1745.[107] International

Women's cricket

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development began at the start of the 20thcentury and the first Test Match wasplayed between Australia and England inDecember 1934.[108] In 1958, theInternational Women's Cricket Council wasfounded (it merged with the ICC in2005).[108] In 1973, the first Cricket WorldCup of any kind took place when aWomen's World Cup was held inEngland.[108]


ICC member nations The (highest level) Test playing

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The International Cricket Council (ICC),which has its headquarters in Dubai, is theglobal governing body of cricket. It wasfounded as the Imperial CricketConference in 1909 by representativesfrom England, Australia and South Africa,renamed the International CricketConference in 1965, and took up itscurrent name in 1989.[108] The ICC in 2017has 105 member nations, twelve of which

ICC member nations. The (highest level) Test playingnations are shown in orange; the associate member

nations are shown in yellow; the affiliate membernations are shown in purple.

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hold full membership and can play Testcricket.[109] The ICC is responsible for theorganisation and governance of cricket'smajor international tournaments, notablythe men's and women's versions of theCricket World Cup. It also appoints theumpires and referees that officiate at allsanctioned Test matches, Limited OversInternationals and Twenty20Internationals.

Each member nation has a national cricketboard which regulates cricket matchesplayed in its country, selects the nationalsquad, and organises home and awaytours for the national team.[110] In the West

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Indies, which for cricket purposes is afederation of nations, these matters areaddressed by Cricket West Indies.[111]

The table below lists the ICC full membersand their national cricket boards:[112]

Nation Governing body Member since[113]

 Afghanistan Afghanistan Cricket Board 22 June 2017

 Australia Cricket Australia 15 July 1909

 Bangladesh Bangladesh Cricket Board 26 June 2000

 England England and Wales Cricket Board 15 July 1909

 India Board of Control for Cricket in India 31 May 1926

 Ireland Cricket Ireland 22 June 2017

 New Zealand New Zealand Cricket 31 May 1926

 Pakistan Pakistan Cricket Board 28 July 1953

 South Africa Cricket South Africa 15 July 1909

 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Cricket 21 July 1981

 West Indies Cricket West Indies 31 May 1926

 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Cricket 6 July 1992

Types of match

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Cricket is a multi-faceted sport withmultiple formats that can effectively bedivided into first-class cricket, limitedovers cricket and, historically, single wicketcricket. The highest standard is Testcricket (always written with a capital "T")which is in effect the international versionof first-class cricket and is restricted to

A Test match between South Africa and England inJanuary 2005. The men wearing black trousers are theumpires. Teams in Test cricket, first-class cricket andclub cricket wear traditional white uniforms and usered cricket balls.

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teams representing the twelve countriesthat are full members of the ICC (seeabove). Although the term "Test match"was not coined until much later, Testcricket is deemed to have begun with twomatches between Australia and England inthe 1876–77 Australian season; since1882, most Test series between Englandand Australia have been played for atrophy known as The Ashes. The term"first-class", in general usage, is applied totop-level domestic cricket. Test matchesare played over five days and first-classover three to four days; in all of thesematches, the teams are allotted two

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innings each and the draw is a validresult.[114]

Limited overs cricket is always scheduledfor completion in a single day. There aretwo types: List A which normally allowsfifty overs per team; and Twenty20 inwhich the teams have twenty overs each.Both of the limited overs forms are playedinternationally as Limited OversInternationals (LOI) and Twenty20Internationals (T20I). List A wasintroduced in England in the 1963 seasonas a knockout cup contested by the first-class county clubs. In 1969, a nationalleague competition was established. The

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concept was gradually introduced to theother leading cricket countries and the firstlimited overs international was played in1971. In 1975, the first Cricket World Cuptook place in England. Twenty20 is a newvariant of limited overs itself with thepurpose being to complete the matchwithin about three hours, usually in anevening session. The first Twenty20 WorldChampionship was held in 2007. Limitedovers matches cannot be drawn, althougha tie is possible and an unfinished matchis a "no result".[115][116]

Single wicket was popular in the 18th and19th centuries and its matches generally

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qualify as important. In this form, althougheach team may have from one to sixplayers, there is only one batsman in at atime and he must face every deliverybowled while his innings lasts. Singlewicket has rarely been played since limitedovers cricket began. Matches tended tohave two innings per team like a full first-class one and they could end in adraw.[117]

Most international matches are played asparts of 'tours', when one nation travels toanother for a number of weeks or months,

International competitions

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and plays a number of matches of varioussorts against the host nation. Sometimesa perpetual trophy is awarded to thewinner of the Test series, the most famousof which is The Ashes.

The ICC also organises competitions thatare for several countries at once, includingthe Cricket World Cup, ICC ChampionsTrophy and ICC World Twenty20. A leaguecompetition for Test matches played aspart of normal tours, the ICC World TestChampionship, has been proposed severaltimes, and is currently planned to begin in2019. The ICC maintains Test rankings,ODI rankings and T20 rankings systems

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for the countries which play these formsof cricket.

Competitions for member nations of theICC with Associate status include the ICCIntercontinental Cup, for first-class cricketmatches, and the World Cricket League forone-day matches, the final matches ofwhich now also serve as the ICC WorldCup Qualifier.

National competitions

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First-class cricket in England is played forthe most part by the 18 county clubswhich contest the County Championship.The concept of a champion county hasexisted since the 18th century but theofficial competition was not establisheduntil 1890.[39] The most successful clubhas been Yorkshire, who had won 32official titles (plus one shared) to2017.[118]

Yorkshire County Cricket Club in 1895. The team firstwon the County Championship in 1893.

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Australia established its national first-class championship in 1892–93 when theSheffield Shield was introduced. InAustralia, the first-class teams representthe various states.[119] New South Waleshas the highest number of titles.

The other ICC full members have nationalchampionship trophies called the AhmadShah Abdali 4-day Tournament(Afghanistan); the National Cricket League(Bangladesh); the Ranji Trophy (India); theInter-Provincial Championship (Ireland);the Plunket Shield (New Zealand); theQuaid-e-Azam Trophy (Pakistan); theCurrie Cup (South Africa); the Premier

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Trophy (Sri Lanka); the Shell Shield (WestIndies); and the Logan Cup (Zimbabwe).

Limited overs


The world's earliest known cricket matchwas a village cricket meeting in Kent whichhas been deduced from a 1640 court caserecording a "cricketing" of "the Weald andthe Upland" versus "the Chalk Hill" atChevening "about thirty years since" (i.e.,c. 1611). Inter-parish contests becamepopular in the first half of the 17th century

Club and school cricket

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and continued to develop through the 18thwith the first local leagues being foundedin the second half of the 19th.[17]

At the grassroots level, local club cricket isessentially an amateur pastime for thoseinvolved but still usually involves teamsplaying in competitions at weekends or inthe evening. Schools cricket, first known insouthern England in the 17th century, hasa similar scenario and both are widelyplayed in the countries where cricket ispopular.[120] Although there can bevariations in game format, compared withprofessional cricket, the Laws are alwaysobserved and club/school matches are

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therefore formal and competitiveevents.[121] The sport has numerousinformal variants such as Frenchcricket.[122]

Influence on everyday life

Cricket has had a broad impact on popularculture, both in the Commonwealth ofNations and elsewhere. It has, forexample, influenced the lexicon of thesenations, especially the English language,with various phrases such as "that's notcricket" (that's unfair), "had a good innings"(lived a long life) and "sticky wicket". "On a


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sticky wicket" (aka "sticky dog" or "gluepot")[123] is a metaphor[124] used todescribe a difficult circumstance. Itoriginated as a term for difficult battingconditions in cricket, caused by a dampand soft pitch.[125]

In the arts and popular culture

Cricket is the subject of works by notedEnglish poets, including William Blake andLord Byron.[126] Beyond a Boundary (1963),written by Trinidadian C. L. R. James, isoften named the best book on any sport,ever written.[127]

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In the visual arts, notable cricket paintingsinclude Albert Chevallier Tayler's Kent vsLancashire at Canterbury (1907) andRussell Drysdale's The Cricketers (1948),which has been called "possibly the mostfamous Australian painting of the 20thcentury."[128] French impressionist CamillePissarro painted cricket on a visit to

Tom Wills, cricketer and co-founder of Australianfootball

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England in the 1890s.[126] Francis Bacon,an avid cricket fan, captured a batsman inmotion.[126] Caribbean artist WendyNanan's cricket images[129] are featured ina limited edition first day cover for RoyalMail's "World of Invention" stamp issue,which celebrated the London CricketConference 1–3 March 2007, firstinternational workshop of its kind and partof the celebrations leading up to the 2007Cricket World Cup.[130]

Influence on other sports

Cricket has close historical ties withAustralian rules football and many players

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have competed at top levels in bothsports.[131] In 1858, prominent Australiancricketer Tom Wills called for theformation of a "foot-ball club" with "a codeof laws" to keep cricketers fit during theoff-season. The Melbourne Football Clubwas founded the following year, and Willsand three other members codified the firstlaws of the game.[132] It is typically playedon modified cricket fields.[133]

In England, a number of associationfootball clubs owe their origins tocricketers who sought to play football as ameans of keeping fit during the wintermonths. Derby County was founded as a

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branch of the Derbyshire County CricketClub in 1884;[134] Aston Villa (1874) andEverton (1876) were both founded bymembers of church cricket teams.[135]

Sheffield United's Bramall Lane groundwas, from 1854, the home of the SheffieldCricket Club, and then of Yorkshire; it wasnot used for football until 1862 and wasshared by Yorkshire and Sheffield Unitedfrom 1889 to 1973.[136]

In the late 19th century, a former cricketer,English-born Henry Chadwick of Brooklyn,New York, was credited with devising thebaseball box score[137] (which he adaptedfrom the cricket scorecard) for reporting

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game events. The first box score appearedin an 1859 issue of the Clipper.[138] Thestatistical record is so central to thegame's "historical essence" that Chadwickis sometimes referred to as "the Father ofBaseball" because he facilitated thepopularity of the sport in its early days.[139]

Glossary of cricket terms

Related sports



See also


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1. The term "amateur" in this context doesnot mean someone who played cricket inhis spare time. Many amateurs in first-classcricket were full-time players during thecricket season. Some of the game'sgreatest players, including W. G. Grace, heldamateur status.

1. "ICC survey reveals over a billion fans –90% in subcontinent" .

2. Major (2007), p. 17.

3. Barclays (1986), p. 1.

4. Altham (1962), pp. 19–20.

5. Altham (1962), p. 21.


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6. Underdown (2000), p. 3.

7. Major (2007), p. 19.

8. Altham (1962), p. 22.

9. Major (2007), p. 31.

10. Birley (1999), p. 3.

11. Bowen (1970), p. 33.

12. Terry, David (2000). "The SeventeenthCentury Game of Cricket: A Reconstructionof the Game" (PDF). The Sports Historian,No. 20. London: The British Society ofSports History. pp. 33–43. Archived fromthe original (PDF) on 27 November 2009.Retrieved 2 May 2016.

13. Birley (1999), p. 9.

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14. Barclays (1986), pp. 1–2.

15. Major (2007), pp. 21–22.

16. McCann (2004), p. xxxi.

17. Underdown (2000), p. 4.

18. McCann (2004), pp. xxxiii–xxxiv.

19. McCann (2004), pp. xxxi–xli.

20. Underdown (2000), pp. 11–15.

21. Birley (1999), pp. 7–8.

22. Major (2007), p. 23.

23. Birley (1999), p. 11.

24. Birley (1999), pp. 11–13.

25. Webber (1960), p. 10.

26. Haygarth (1862), p. vi.

27. McCann (2004), p. xli.

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28. Major (2007), pp. 268–269.

29. Birley (1999), p. 19.

30. Williams (2012), p. 23.

31. Williams (2012), pp. 94–95.

32. Birley (1999), p. 146.

33. Birley (1999), pp. 14–16.

34. Ashley-Cooper, F. S. (1900). "At the Signof the Wicket: Cricket 1742–1751" . Cricket:A Weekly Record of the Game. Cardiff: ACS.pp. 4–85. Retrieved 8 September 2017.

35. Nyren (1833), pp. 153–154.

36. Wisden. "Evolution of the Laws ofCricket". Wisden Cricketers' Almanack,

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100th edition (1963 ed.). London: SportingHandbooks Ltd. pp. 184–187.

37. Birley (1999), pp. 64–67, 97–101.

38. Barclays (1986), p. 456.

39. "Annual Meeting of County Secretaries– the programme for 1890" . Cricket: AWeekly Record of the Game. Cardiff: ACS.1889. pp. 478–479. Retrieved 3 July 2017.

40. Frith, David (1978). The Golden Age ofCricket: 1890–1914. Guildford: LutterworthPress. ISBN 0-7188-7022-0.

41. Barclays (1986), pp. 62, 78, 87, 99, 113,127 & 131.

42. Das, Deb (n.d.). "Cricinfo – Cricket in theUSA" . ESPNcricinfo. Retrieved 2007-03-09.

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43. Birley (1999), pp. 96–97.

44. "The Australian Eleven: The firstAustralian team" . National Museum ofAustralia. Retrieved 30 December 2014.

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46. Lewis, Wendy; Simon Balderstone &John Bowan (2006). Events That ShapedAustralia. New Holland. p. 75. ISBN 978-1-74110-492-9.

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48. "Notes by the Editor" . WisdenCricketers' Almanack online. ESPNcricinfo.

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81. Bowen (1970), p. 57.

82. Bowen (1970), p. 266.

83. Bowen (1970), p. 274.

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97. "Law 33 – Handled the ball" . Laws ofCricket. MCC. Retrieved 6 July 2017.

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110. "About the England and Wales CricketBoard" . ECB. Retrieved 7 July 2017.

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116. "The first official T20" . ESPNcricinfo.Retrieved 8 July 2017.

117. Major (2007), pp. 155–167 & 404–410.

118. Playfair. Marshall, Ian, ed. PlayfairCricket Annual (70th edition) (2017 ed.).London: Headline. p. 216.

119. Harte, p. 175.

120. Birley (1999), pp. 9–10.

121. Birley (1999), pp. 151–152.

122. "Rules of French Cricket" . topendsports. Retrieved 8 July 2017.

123. Green, Jonathon (1987). Dictionary ofJargon. Routledge. p. 528.ISBN 9780710099198.

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124. Marcus Callies; Wolfram R. Keller;Astrid Lohöfer (2011). Bi-directionality inthe Cognitive Sciences: Avenues,Challenges, and Limitations . JohnBenjamins Publishing. pp. 73–. ISBN 90-272-2384-X.

125. Robert Hendrickson (2001). WorldEnglish: From Aloha to Zed . Wiley.ISBN 978-0-471-34518-3.

126. Smart, Alastair (20 July 2013). "The artof cricket: Enough to leave you stumped" ,The Telegraph. Retrieved 12 March 2016.

127. Rosengarten, Frank (2007). UrbaneRevolutionary: C. L. R. James and the

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Struggle for a New Society. University Pressof Mississippi, ISBN 87-7289-096-7 p. 134

128. Meacham, Steve (6 June 2009)."Montmartre, with eucalypts" . SydneyMorning Herald. Fairfax. Retrieved31 August 2009.

129. "Caribbean cricket art, in the middle" .BBC News. Retrieved 11 June 2016.

130. "Cricket: Dawn of a New World" .Bletchley Park Post Office. March 2007.Retrieved 11 June 2016.

131. Blainey, Geoffrey (2010). A Game ofOur Own: The Origins of Australian Football.Black Inc. p. 186. ISBN 1-86395-347-7.

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132. de Moore, Greg (2008). Tom Wills: HisSpectacular Rise and Tragic Fall. Allen &Unwin. pp. 77, 93–94. ISBN 978-1-74175-499-5.

133. Hess, Rob (2008). A National Game:The History of Australian Rules Football.Viking. p. 44. ISBN 978-0-670-07089-3.

134. Goldstein, p. 184.

135. Goldstein, pp. 15 & 184.

136. Goldstein, p. 458.

137. His Hall of Fame plaque states, in part:"Inventor of the box score. Author of thefirst rule-book ... Chairman of rulescommittee in first nationwide baseballorganization." Lederer, Rich. By the

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Numbers: Computer technology hasdeepened fans' passion with the game'sstatistics. Memories and Dreams (Vol. 33,No. 6; Winter 2011[–2012], pp. 32–34).National Baseball Hall of Fame officialmagazine.

138. Pesca, Mike (July 30, 2009). "The ManWho Made Baseball's Box Score A Hit" .National Public Radio. Retrieved March 8,2014.

139. Arango, Tim (November 12, 2010)."Myth of baseball's creation endures, with aprominent fan" . The New York Times.Retrieved November 8, 2014.


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Altham, H. S. (1962). A History of Cricket,Volume 1 (to 1914). London: George Allen &Unwin.

Ashley-Cooper, F. S. (1900). At the Sign of theWicket: Cricket 1742–1751. Cricket: A WeeklyRecord of the Game. London: CricketMagazine. OCLC 28863559 .

Barclays (1986). Swanton, E. W., ed. BarclaysWorld of Cricket. London: Willow Books.ISBN 0-00-218193-2.

Birley, Derek (1999). A Social History ofEnglish Cricket. London: Aurum Press Ltd.ISBN 1-85410-710-0.

Bowen, Rowland (1970). Cricket: A History ofits Growth and Development. London: Eyre &Spottiswoode. ISBN 0-413-27860-3.

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Goldstein, Dan (2000). The Rough Guide toEnglish Football (2000–2001). London: RoughGuides. ISBN 1-85828-557-7.

Harte, Chris (1993). A History of AustralianCricket. London: Andre Deutsch. p. 175.ISBN 0-233-98825-4.

Haygarth, Arthur (1862). Frederick Lillywhite'sCricket Scores & Biographies, Volume 1(1744–1826). London: Frederick Lillywhite.

Major, John (2007). More Than A Game.London: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-00-718364-7.

McCann, Tim (2004). Sussex Cricket in theEighteenth Century. Lewes: Sussex RecordSociety. ISBN 0-85445-055-6.

Nyren, John (1998) [First published 1833].Ashley Mote, ed. The Cricketers of my Time.

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Guha, Ramachandra (2002). A Corner ofa Foreign Field – The Indian History of aBritish Sport. London: Picador. ISBN 0-330-49117-2.

London: Robson Books. ISBN 1-86105-168-9.

Underdown, David (2000). Start of Play.London: Allen Lane. ISBN 0-713-99330-8.

Webber, Roy (1960). The Phoenix History ofCricket. London: Phoenix House Ltd.

Williams, Charles (2012). Gentlemen &Players – The Death of Amateurism in Cricket.London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. ISBN 978-0-7538-2927-1.

Further reading

External links

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Data fromWikidata

Organisations and competitions

International Cricket Council (ICC)

Statistics and records


News and other resources

"Cricket" . Encyclopædia BritannicaOnline

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