A Simple Efficient Method for Purification of Degraded PCR Primers

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  • 8/17/2019 A Simple Efficient Method for Purification of Degraded PCR Primers


    Received 16th Septem.b:+r



    Andrea Fekete” and John A. Bantle*

    Department of Zoology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,

    Oklahoma, 74078.


    A simple, efficient method was used to purify QCR primers which had degraded during storage at

    -2O”C/-9O’C. The primers were electrophoresed ou 3 A (w/v) agarose gel, the main band was

    electroeluted via a trough cut in the gel. The primers were recovered by isobutanol extraction

    followed by ethanol precipitation. The yield was 20-40% and the A,,/A,, ratio was greater than

    1.8. The purification resulted in good amplification.

    Many applicatioras of QCR technology including diagnostic research require routine amplification

    of a large number of samples and high reproducibility.

    To achieve this, we found that it is often

    necessary to use purified primers and carefully control Lhe quality of the primers. For the purifica-

    tion of 25-40 bp nuckotides, I5 % polyacrylamidef3OR urea gels

    are commody used

    to obtain good

    band separation followed by cutting the band of interest, eluting *with appropriate buffer and then

    purifying by reversed-phase chromatography on silica gei or phenolfchloroform extraction. The

    primers are then precnpitated in ethanol (Sambrook et al.,

    1989). QoIyacrylamide gels have the

    disadvantage of being made from very toxic monomer, which must be handled with care.


    procedure is also very time consuming.

    Recently, we have experienced that even purified oligonu-

    cleotides can be degraded during storage at -20°C or -90°C causing complete failure to amplify the

    intended target. Here we describe a reliable, simple method for purification of degraded QCR

    primers by elecctrophorcsis on 3 %


    agarose gel and electroelution.


    . ~CETIILXIE~~ address: Institute of Biophysics, Scmm&veis Medical University, P. 0. Box 263, Budapest, H-1444, &ngary.


  • 8/17/2019 A Simple Efficient Method for Purification of Degraded PCR Primers


    Agarose Gel Electronhoresis


    Oligonucleotide primers (28 bp long each) were dissolved in O.OlM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7). The

    concentration was determined by absorbance measurement and adjusted to 0.1 pg/pl.

    15-15 pl was

    analyzed on a 3 % (w/v) agarose gel (Bethesda Research Laboratories, BRL, Gaithersburg, MD)

    containing 0.5 pg/ml ethidium bromide (Sigma, USA) in TBE buffer (89 mM boric acid, 89 mM

    Tris-HCI, 2 mM EDTA, pH 8). @X174 DNA/HaeIII fragments were used as size standards (BRL).

    The samples were electrophoresed at 100 V for 30 min using a BRL “baby gel” apparatus.

    Purification of primers

    The bands were detected by a UV transilluminator. A sharp scalpel was used to cut a trough directly

    in front of the leading edge of the desired band and about 2 mm wider than the band of each side.

    The gel was returned to the base plate, the trough and the buffer reservoir was filled with buffer,

    but the gel was not covered. The same current was applied and the electrophoresis was continued

    and the progress was monitored every two minutes by a long-wavelength hand-held UV lamp.

    When all the primers in the main band had moved from the gel, they were recovered in the fluid

    taken from the trough (total volume approximately 25 ~1). The whole electrophoresis/electroelution

    proceduie lasted only 45 min. From the pooled primers, the ethidium bromide was removed by two

    extractions of equal volumes of isobutanol and precipitation by cold (-20°C) ethanol. The precipi-

    tate was resuspended in distilled water and the concentration and purity determined by absorbance


    Polvmerase Chain Reaction

    Polymerase chain reaction was performed using a Coy Model 60 Tempcycler or a Teclme Thermo-

    cycler. Brucella abortus S19 DNA (1 rig/test) or freeze-thawed Brucella cells (IO rig/test) were

    amplified by use of Perkin-Elmer Cetus GeneAmp amplification reagent kit. The reagents, stock

    solutrons, as well as the primers used were the same as described earlier (Fekete et al. I 1990a).

    Briefly, a master mixture of reagents was prepared (water, buffer, 1 mM magnesium, 70 pmol of

    each deoxynucleotide, 200 pglml bovine serum albumin, 0.35 pmol of each primers and 1 U of Taq

    polymerase) and irradiated for 5 min with a 300 run transilluminator. The template DNA was dena-

    tured at 105°C before adding to the reaction mixture. Then the mixture was overlayed with 35 ~1

    of mineral oil. Forty temperature cycles were performed.

    The times and temperatures were: denat-

    uration, 94°C for 1.5 min, primer annealing, 60°C for 1 min, and chain elongation, 72°C for 1

    min, these temperatures are solution temperatures.

    Fifteen ~1 of the reaction mixture was electro-

    phoresed on 1% (w/v) agarose gel containing 0.5 pgiml ethidium bromide at 75 V for 1.5 hr using a

    BRL “baby gel” apparatus.


    Earlier we developed a test to detect Bruceila DNA based on PCR (Fekete et ai.) 1990 a,b).

    Figure 1A shows the results of the amplification cf a 607 bp fragment of Brucella abortus S19 DNA

    with degraded and newly synthesized, unpurified primers: lanes 1: 1 ng S19 DNA, degraded prim-

    ers, 2: 10 ng freeze-thawed Brucella cells, unpurified primers, 3: no template DNA, primers only

    4: 500 bp Cetus DNA from the kit as a positive control 5: 123 bp DNA ladder size standard. It can

    be seen that only a smear, mostly of high molecular weight material, was produced instead of the

    expected 607 bp fragment. Thus result was obtained even though the previously optunized protocol

    was used (Fekete et al., 1990a). Thus protocol had worked well for more than a year as long as the

    primers were not degraded. The same smear was produced when template DNA was not added to

    the reactron mixture (lane 3). The reason for the smear could only be the primers as the possible

  • 8/17/2019 A Simple Efficient Method for Purification of Degraded PCR Primers


    DNA contaminants were eliminated by UV irradiation (Sarkar and Sommer, 1990). The Perkin-

    Elmer Cetus positive control also worked well during the same run, indicating that the reaction

    components were good. We then purified the primers in order to prove that primer degradation

    caused the smearing effect. We found that oligonucleotides can be separated not only on polyacryl-

    amide gels but on 3% (w/v) agarose gels as well. Fig. 1B shows the electrophoretic pattern of the

    28 bp oligonucleotide primers: lanes 2 and 3, primer l and 2, respectively. Lane 1 contained the

    OX174 HaeIII fragments as size standards. The primers were dissolved in 0.01 M Tris-HC1 buffer

    (pH 7) and were stored in aliquots at -90” C for more than six months.

    Instead of the expected

    single band, a number of other bands were observed, especially in the case of primer 2.

    The elec-

    trophoretic mobility seemed to be dependent on the base composition: the CC content is 50 % and

    68% for primer l and 2, respectively.

    A similar electrophoretic pattern was obtained with newly

    synthesized, unpurified primers.

    We obtained the same separation of bands on denaturing polya-

    crylamide gels (data not shown). If these undesired sequences contained complementary bases to

    each other, they would anneal with each other rather than to the template DNA. This event can and

    FIGURE 1.

    A: Electropboretic analysw of thz amplification product of Brucella on a 1 X (w/v) agarose gel. Lanes: 1: 1 ng S19 DNA,

    degraded primers 2: 10 ng freeze-thawed


    cells, unpuntied primers 3: no template DNA, primsrs only 4: Cztus

    DNA as a positive control 5: 123 bp DNA ladder as a size standard 6: I ng S19 DNA, purified primers 7: 10 ng freeze-

    thawed Brucek~ cells, punfied primers 8. no template DNA, purified primers only.

    B: Electrophoretis analysis of the 28 bp oligonucleotide primers on a 3X (w/v) agarose gel. Lanes: 1’ OX174 DNA HaelI

    fragments as size standards 2, primer 1 3: primer 2 4. primer l aRer purification 5: primer 2 after purification .


  • 8/17/2019 A Simple Efficient Method for Purification of Degraded PCR Primers


    does result in the extension of each primer. As each primer serves both as primer and template, a

    sequence complementary to each primer can be formed.

    This product, upon denaturation is a per-

    fect template for further primer binding and extension.

    As can be seen on Fig. lA, identical rcac-

    tions with and without added template DNA resulted in primer artifacts or smearing.

    A variety of methods exist to remove DNA fragments f rom agarose gels (Sambrook et al., 1989).

    We eluted the primers from 3 96 agarose or 3 96 low melting point agarose gels, then extracted with

    phenol/chloroform and precipitated with ethanol.

    The yield (20%) and the oligonucleotide purity,

    as judged by absorbance measurement at 260 and 280 nm, was acceptable.

    However, they may

    have contained contaminants of agarose which inhibited the Taq polymerase activity: the reaction

    still did not work but the smear was less.

    We found that oligonucleotide primers can be electroeluted best from the horizontal slab gel via a

    trough cut in the gel. There was no need to use a dialysis bag or other electroelution device (Manns

    and Grosse, 1991). The electrophoresis/electroelution procedure lasted only 45 min and we could

    use the same apparatus as for the analysis of the PCR samples. We found that was not necessary to

    further purify the primers and we could simply remove the ethidium bromide by extracting with

    isobutanol. The yield was about 20%-40%) which was superior to the typical 15 % yield with

    polyacrylamide gels (Tullis et al., 1989). The A,,IA,,

    ratio was greater than 1.8. On Fig. 1A,

    lanes 6-8 show the electrophoretic analysis of the PCR reaction with the purified primers.


    conditions are the same as in the case of lanes l-3.

    The expected single band (607 bp) appeared in

    each lane, indicating the effectiveness of purification.

    The reason for the occurrence of degraded primers has not been resolved but our experience has

    shown that it can happen during storage in unopened tubes at -90°C.

    We found that the best way to

    remove the degraded fragments was by agarose gel electrophoresis and electroelution.


    The authors wish to thank Mendi Hull for assistance in the preparation of this manuscrip t. This work was supported by a

    United States Department of Agriculture-ARS Cooperative Agreement Number 58-5114-9-1008.


    Fekete, A., Bantle, LA., Hailing, S.M., Sanbom, M.R. (IPPOa). J. Appl. Bacteriology 69, 216-227.

    Feketc, A., Bantle, IA., Halling, KM., Sanbom, M.R. (1990b). Biotechnol. Techniques 4, 31-34.

    Manns, A., Grosse, F. (1991). Biotechniqucs 10, 158-160.

    Sambmok, I., Ftitsch, E.F., Maniatis, T. (1989). Molecular Cloning - A Laboratory Manual, 2nd Edition. Cold Spring

    Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

    Sarkar, G., Sommer, S.S. (1990). Nature 343, 27.

    Tollis, R.H., Fetberoff, P., O’Hara, B. (1989). Amplifications 3, 17-18.
