A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industry in Islamic Republic of Iran

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  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


    Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-607X (P per! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!$ol.4% No.22% 20&4


    A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation:A tool on the Development of the Tourism Industry in Islamic

    Republic of Iran

    del )otu*ini (Corresponding ut*or!+. . Student o, ouris + n ge ent% /niversity o, S ien e 1 rt% Dep rt ent o, + n ge ent

    P# o3 5&67-&'''"% d% Ir n8- il9 del.)otu*ini :y *oo. o

    ;ossein S yy di or nloP*D student o, Industri l + n ge ent t +od res university% e*r n% Ir n

    8 il9 *.s yy di: od res. .ir

    +o* d S le* + idi+. . Student o, ouris + n ge ent% /niversity o, S ien e 1 rt% d% Ir n

    8- il9 e use touris is ? i3ed industry@ o prised o, priv te ,ir s% pu li gen ies nd not-,or- pro,it sso i tions% sust in le touris industry reAuires o it ent y ll p rties involved in t*e pl nning pro ess. *is p per wit* t*e guid n e o, t*e synt*esis ppro * ( o ple3 o, ot* top-down nd otto -up perspe tives! nd y onsidering studies in touris poli y% * d een reviewed t*e e,,e tive , tors in,luen ing poli y i ple ent tion in touris industry o, Isl i repu li o, Ir n. It w s ,ound t* t ,ive , tors in luding9 pu li poli y% ro 1 i ro environ ent% institution l rr nge ents% inter-org ni tion l rel tions nd inter-org ni tion l oordin tion nd interest groups were in,luenti l in t*e i ple ent tion o, touris poli y. In t*isreg rd Ir n s*ould identi,y its we Bnesses nd re ove pro le s y re te intelligent poli ies% pl nning nd

    re,ul e3e ution o, t*ese poli ies t* t is onsidered s ,und ent l reAuire ent in ountry% pro ote in o e

    level o, t*e t rget re s espe i lly in under-developed p rts o, ountry nd onsiders sust in le develop ent indi,,erent re s o, t*is industry s n undeni le ne essity.eywords: Pu li Poli y% + ro 1 +i ro environ ent% Institution l rr nge ents% Inter-org ni tion l

    rel tions nd inter org ni tion l oordin tion% Interest groups

    !" Introduction:ouris is one o, t*e ost pro,it le usinesses o, t*e world. *is industry now is onsidered s le ding

    industry in ny ountries due to , ster growt* t* n ot*er se tors o, t*e e ono y nd re tes nu erous =oopportunities. ouris tod y is so i port nt in t*e e ono i nd so i l develop ent o, ountries% nde ono ists * ve lled it s invisi le e3ports. In division o, t*e ost i port nt sour es o, in o e in t*e world%oil e3plor tion nd e3ploit tion industry is onsidered s t*e *ig*est in o e industri l tivity% t*e uto otiveindustry o es ,ter t* t% nd touris is t*e t*ird. In re sing nu er o, tourists in t*e world ,ro 2" illion people in &5"0 to 522 illions in 200 nd its ver ge nnu l growt* o, ".6 per ent s*ows t*e e ono ii port n e o, t*e touris industry ore t* n ever% t*ere,ore &0 o, DP nd &0 o, world e ploy ent is nowllo ted to touris industry (/NE #% 20&0!. ouris industry is one o, t*e l rgest industries in t*e world.

    *e develop ent o, touris to t*e position o, t*e world@s l rgest industry * s een r pid% nd t*is glo l tr velgrowing ontinues strongly (/NE #% 2006F E C% 200"!.

    >e use touris is ? i3ed industry@ o prised o, priv te ,ir s% pu li gen ies nd not-,or-pro,itsso i tions ( ndersson 1 et %2005!% sust in le touris industry reAuires o it ent y ll p rties

    involved in t*e pl nning pro ess (; ll% 2000F Gi *ins 1 Pe r e% 2000!. Gese r * on poli y i ple ent tion * s een *ot dis ourse ong so i l s ientist sin e &570s w*en Press n nd Eild vsBy (&57'! roug*t t*e issueo, poli y i ple ent tion to t*e ,ore,ront. ll o, t*e poli ies re pl nned re,ully% nd t*ey onsider t*e *u n

    nd environ ent l i p ts o, touris (Hin% 2006F *eo ld% 2004!. Dror (&5 5! on t*e ot*er * nd% points outt* t poli ies re gener l dire tives on t*e in lines o, tion to e ,ollowed. St ted ost si ply% poli y is t*esu o, govern ent tivities% w*et*er ting dire tly or t*roug* gents% s it * s n in,luen e on t*e li,e o,

    iti ens w*i * result in g ins to so iety nd e ono i develop ent. It is t*ere,ore riti l to ensure t* t t*ei ple ent tion pro ess o, t*e p rti ul r touris poli y is well t*oug*t out nd e,,e tive. *is% results in t*e,or ul tion o, poli ies t rgeted in re ting ondu ive environ ent en ling t*e touris se tor to grow. Poli y

  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


    Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-607X (P per! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!$ol.4% No.22% 20&4


    i ple ent tion ording to $ n +eter nd $on ;orn (&57"! in ludes ll tion y n individu l or group o, people i ed t *ieving set go ls nd o =e tives. *e E # (&5 0! * s w rned t* t ny pl ns ,or touris* ve een prep red t t*e n tion l level ut re r rely i ple ented s intended% o,ten e use t*ey re too

    o ple3% ,in n i lly i pr ti l% or dis onne ted ong t*e institution l rr nge ents o, p rti ul r destin tions.Ir n is ountry wit* *ig* potenti l to ttr t tourists. in ter s o, se urity% Ir n * s n e3 ellent

    position in t*e world% ountry wit* ,our v rious se sons %wit* very *ig* li te v ri ility% t*e ,i,t* ountry*olds n tur l ttr tions% t*e tent* *istori l ountry o, t*e world % nd wit* &2 re orded r * eologi l worBs y/N8SC#. Persepolis% *og* J n il% B*t-e Soley n% P s rg d e% +eid n 8 Is, * n% > nd itsCultur l H nds pe% >isotun% S*us*t r ;istori l ;ydr uli Syste % Solt niye*% r eni n +on sti 8nse leso, Ir n% S*eiB* S ,i l-din nd S*rine 8nse le in rd il nd ri ;istori > r Co ple3 re re orded sIr nKs n ient sites (/N8SC#% 20&0!. In ddition% ri * ultur l i3ture nd gre t ivili tion wit* *istori l

    nd n tur l ttr tions% * s een introdu ed Ir n s n ttr tive ountry ,or tourists round o, t*e world.;owever un,ortun tely% Ir nKs s* re o, world touris in o e is very low nd is out & (/NE #% 20&0!.

    ,ter t*e Isl i Gevolution in Ir n t*e Cultur l ;erit ge nd ouris #rg ni tion * s e3tensivev ri tions ,irst% it w s su set o, t*e +inistry o, Culture t* t t*is inistry lso ,ound itsel, in * nges nd t*enswit *ed to t*e +inistry o, Culture nd Isl i uid n e s n e Ir n ouring nd ouris #rg ni tion(N tion l ouris #rg ni tion o, entr l onitoring nd , ilit ting touris develop ent! nd now% t*isorg ni tion * ve dopted series o, poli ies ,or touris develop ent. #ne o, t*e ost i port nt pro le s int*e developing o, touris is un le r division o, ut*orities nd responsi ilities ,or poli y ,or ul tion to t*isindustry oreover o st les to t*e i ple ent tion o, touris su * s ,oreign prop g nd nd ultur l rriers

    re usu lly negle ted or disreg rd y o,,i i ls. Due to t*ese pro le s it see s t* t develop ent o, ultur l*erit ge org ni tions n en le t*e touris industry in order to i ple ent stronger poli ies nd e poweringin t*is re . 8ven t*oug* touris is i port nt ,ro n e ono i point o, view% it still re ins rel tivelynegle ted s =or poli y issue. #ne ssu ption underpinning t*e present p per is t* t touris poli y ustt Be into ount o unity o it ent nd ,o us on t*e environ ent% e3 ining t*e rel tions*ip etween

    onte3tu l spe ts o, t*e touris r t*er t* n only onsidering t*e te *niAues nd et*ods involved in prep ring pl n. L+ n ge ent de isions re not wort* t*e p per t*ey re written on unless t*e poli ies nd de isions re

    i ple entedM (8lliot% &557!.#n t*is sis% t*is p per is intended to onsider per eptions *eld y poli y Bers ( ot* ,ro

    govern ents nd o unities!. )or t*is purpose% t*e study tte pts to ridge t*is g p% nd i ple ent tion o,touris poli y t t*e lo l level% w*i * ,o uses on t*e onne tions etween poli y i ple ent tion% st te ndso iety (; ll% &554!. It e p* si ed t*e signi,i n e o, studying poli ies in rel tion to t*eir inter tions wit* t*ewide spe tru o, org ni tion nd environ ent o, t*ese se tors. ;ope,ully ontri utes nd *elp to o pleten tion l touris poli y syste wit* use,ul Au lit tive study.

    #" $iterature review2.1. Public Policy+il Bovi * 1 ordon (200&! de,ine pu li poli y s t*e org ni ing ,r eworB o, purposes nd r tion le ,orgovern ent progr s t* t de l wit* spe i,i so iet l pro le s. Pu li poli y is in,luen ed y t*e e ono i %so i l nd ultur l * r teristi s o, so iety% s well s y t*e ,or l stru tures o, govern ent nd ot*er ,e tureso, t*e politi l syste ( w e% 20&'!. Pu li poli y is Bey on ept in govern ent lt*oug* losely rel ted tot*e ,ields o, politi l s ien e% politi l e ono y nd pu li d inistr tion% pu li poli y is reg rded s sep r te ,ield. Pu li poli y- Bing% in luding touris poli y- Bing% is ,irst nd ,or s politi l tivity. It* s een o served t* t t*e su ess o, pu li d inistr tion depends on e,,e tive i ple ent tion o, pu li poli y( w e% 20&'!.

  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


    Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-607X (P per! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!$ol.4% No.22% 20&4


    )igure &. Con eptu l ,r eworB o, , tors in,luen ing pu li poli y i ple ent tion

    In t*e study o, touris % touris pu li poli y is w* tever govern ents *oose to do or not to do wit*respe t to touris (; ll 1 OenBins &55"!. Poli y * s lso een seen s so i l pro ess t* t involves nd isin,luen ed y t*e institution l onte3t% issue drivers su * s ro-environ ent , tors% tors% s well s sp e

    nd ti e (Dredge% 2007!. *ere,ore in pu li poli ies- Bing ttention is dire ted ,irst to power. *e n lysis o, power ev lu tes rel tions*ips etween tors nd t*eir in,luen e on poli y de tes nd de isions ,,e tingtouris . *e e3 in tion o, t*e ppli tion o, power in touris ssists in identi,ying w*o ene,its ,ro touris

    nd *ow. *e *ig*ly politi l n ture o, studying t*is on ept e ns t* t t*e use o, power is tied to given set o,v lue ssu ptions w*i * predeter ine t*e r nge o, its ppli tion.

    #"#" %acro environment &s" %icro environmentording to >er n (&57 !% poli y i ple ent tion t Bes pl e t two levels9 ro nd i ro. t ro

    i ple ent tion level% entr lly lo ted tors devise govern ent progr F t i ro i ple ent tion level%lo l org ni tions re t to ro-level pl nsF develop nd i ple ent t*eir own progr s. ;owever% *e rgues

    t* t% ost i ple ent tion pro le s ste ,ro t*e inter tion o, poli y wit* i ro-level institution l settings.Centr l-level tors n indire tly in,luen e i ro-level , tors. It is e use t*e rules re ted y entr l torsre do in ted y lo l i ple enting onte3tu l , tors (P udel% 2005!.

  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


    Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-607X (P per! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!$ol.4% No.22% 20&4


    )igure 2. + ro 1 +i ro environ ent on eptu l ,r eworB ( uBsel 1 uBsel% 2000!

    + ro environ ent is de,ined s , tors t* t e3ist outside o, n org ni tionKs ontrol t* t nsigni,i ntly i p t its per,or n e in indire tly nner. 83 ples o, ro environ ent ele ents re t*ee ono y% govern ent poli y- Bing. *e ro-level stresses regul rities o, pro ess nd org ni tion lstru tures s st le outlines o, t*e poli y pro ess. Conversely% i ro-level n lyses ignore syste i tt in ents

    nd un nti ip ted onseAuen es ,or t*e institution l setting s w*ole. +i ro level n lyses% t*us% provideli ited guid n e to poli y Bers , ed wit* syste -wide de isions. (P udel% 2005!

    #"'" Institutional arrangements*e ter Institution l * s ny e nings% ut *ere Institution l re n est lis*ed l w% usto % pr ti e%

    org ni tion% or ot*er ele ent in t*e politi l. *ey re est viewed s ,ilter t* t edi tes nd e3presses t*e pl y o, on,li ting so i l nd e ono i ,or es in so iety. *e Institution l rr nge ents re lso ,,e ted%touris in,luen e t*e pro ess t*roug* w*i * t*e poli y gend ,or touris is s* ped% t*e w y in w*i * touris pro le s re de,ined nd ltern tives re onsidered% nd *ow *oi es re de% nd de ision nd tions t Ben

    nd t*ey * ve to de ide nd t wit*in set o, rules nd nor s ( oBi% 2000FGeed% &557!. wo Binds o, rules ndnor s were identi,ied w*i * govern #s@ e* vior% n ely9(&! d inistr tive rr nge ents o, t*e pu li d inistr tion syste .(2! /nderst nding o, touris d inistr tion nd touris poli y i ple ent tion% or v lues reg rding touris(; ll 1 OenBins% &55"!.

    Gules re s* red elie,s w*i * di t te w*i * e* vior is per itted% not per itted or y e reAuired inso e situ tion. Gules re gener ted in so i l situ tions in order to oordin te t*e e* vior o, inter tors so go lsin poli y se tors o, touris s*ould e tt ined on epted rules nd regul tions.

    #"(" Inter)organi*ational relations and inter)organi*ational coordination*e touris environ ent is de up o, v ried set o, org ni tions% e * o, w*i * ontrols v riety o, resour es.

    8 * org ni tion is liBely to inter t wit* ot*ers in order to Auire t*e resour es ne ess ry ,or go l*ieve ent sin e no org ni tion n gener te independently ll t*e ne ess ry resour es ( li=n% &557! w*i *

    re liBely to e involved in ediu to long-ter rel tions*ips. *e n ture o, t*ese inter org ni tion lrel tions*ips is liBely to e in,luen ed y t*e stru tur l di ensions o, t*e environ ent% in luding resour e

    on entr tion or dispers l% on entr tion or dispersion o, power nd utono y or dependen e (Pe r e% &552!.

  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


    Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-607X (P per! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!$ol.4% No.22% 20&4


    )igure '. In,luen es nd Pro esses Involved in Inter-#rg ni tion l Gel tions ( uBsel 1 uBsel% 2000!

    Inter-org ni tion l eAuili riu % w*i * involves oordin tion% + y lso ,,e t t*e rel tions etweenorg ni tions (>enson &57"!.Coordin tion re,ers to p tterns o, oll or tion nd ooper tion etweenorg ni tions. Coordin ted is to t*e e3tent t* t progr s nd tivities in two or ore org ni tions re ge redinto e * ot*er wit* 3i u o, e,,e tiveness nd e,,i ien y ( uBsel 1 uBsel% &555!. *e l n e or t*eeAuili riu is re *ed w*en p rti ip nt org ni tions re eng ged in *ig*ly oordin ted% ooper tiveinter tion sed on nor tive onsensus nd utu l respe t (Pe r e% &552!. *e inter-org ni tion l

    oordin tion divisions (I#C divisions! org ni ed y lo l govern ents lso , ilit tes e,,e tive touris poli yi ple ent tion nd in re sed govern ent org ni tions@ e3perien e in inter-org ni tion l ooper tion (E ng1 P% 20&'!.

    #"+" Interest groupsInterest groups re n integr l o ponent o, t*e touris poli y Bing pro ess nd o, institution l rr nge ents

    nd n e l ssi,ied s produ er% non-produ er nd single interest groups (; ll 1 OenBins% &55"!. Produ ergroups in lude usiness nd l or org ni tions nd pro,ession l sso i tions re per nent% well org ni ed nd

    n en=oy Bey positions in negoti tions wit* govern ent. Non-produ er groups% su * s onsu er ndenviron ent list groups re est lis*ed on t*e sis o, s* red or o on issue% w*i * is ontinuing relev n eto t*eir e ers. Single interest groups re developed to lo y ,or spe i,i issue nd usu lly dis ppe r on et*eir lo ying e,,orts * ve een *ieved or re ndoned (> ggott% &55"! suggested t* t t*e negoti tion

  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


    Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-607X (P per! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!$ol.4% No.22% 20&4


    p ility o, interest groups depends on t*e sever l Binds o, resour es t* t t*e interest groups n deployin luding le ders*ip% de o r ti pro esses% ,in n e% s n tions% nd so i l resour es. So t*e in,luen e o, interestgroups on t*e touris poli y pro ess * s een widely re ogni ed ( n st si dou% 200 F ; ll 1 OenBins% &55"FO l 1 et % &555F yler 1 Din n% 200&! nd it lso s*ould e su =e t o, onsider tion espe i lly in touris poli ies.

    Nu erous touris studies nd pl ns * ve een ,or ul ted in tou * t*e touris liter ture ut ,ew,o uses e3pli itly were de on developing t*eoreti l poli y i ple ent tions% ong t*e ,ew ore ,o usedssess ents o, touris poli y i ple ent tion. #ver ll looB into studies in poli y i ple ent tion suggest t* t

    t*ere re v riety o, , tors in,luen ing poli y i ple ent tion% rese r *es lso on t*is ,ield s*ows t*e touris poli y Bing is di,,erent ,ro ot*er se tors o, t*e poli y Bing nd environ ent l , tors n lso ,,e t t*etouris poli y Bing. It is ne ess ry to s y t* t ,ew rese r * studies pu lis*ed in t*is ,ield is t t*e st ge o,identi,ying di,,i ulties nd pit, lls. In t*e onte3t o, touris % * ve gener lly ,ound t* t poli y i ple ent tion* s proven ore di,,i ult t* n poli y re tion. ordingly% t*is p per reviews t*e di,,erent per,or n es on poli y nd entions t*e spe ts o, touris nd ore , tors re e,,e ting on touris poli y i ple ent tion.> sed on t*is t*e e3t nt study w s developed to , ilit te n underst nding o, t*is , tors utili ed to providerelev nt Bground in,or tion ,or t*is study nd i port nt i pli tions nd ,un tions in studying t*ei ple ent tion di ension o, touris poli ies.

    le &.Perevious Gese r *es

    Title Author, Pub-Date, Place Research Methodology Findings

    ouris Pl ns )or ul tionnd I ple ent tion9 *e

    Gole #, Inter #rg ni tion lGel tions

    )IS/N S8H 1IH S8H% 2000

    Qu lit tive rese r * n n lysis o,e3isting do u ents nd sour es% ndAuestionn ires re re oved

    proposes on eptu l ndoper tion l ,r eworB in order tostudy t*e p tterns nd pro esses o,rel tions etween touris -rel tedorg ni tions in reg rd to,or ul tion n i ple ent tion o,touris develop ent pl ns.

    # st le o *eI ple ent tion o, ourisPoli y

    nd Gegul tions InP;/ 8 % ; IH ND

    #r t i rutw ys*o%; IH ND%.200'

    Qu lit tive interviews (se i-stru tured interview!Do u ent tion

    n lysis% su * s using lo lnewsp pers. *e interviews will t Be pl e in P*uBet% * il nd%

    )or t*is study it is e3pe ted t* tulture will e gre t in,luen e on

    poli y i ple ent tion in t*edeveloping world onte3t.

    Power nd ouris Poli yGel tions In r nsition

    >ill >r wellDorot*e +eyer%2007%/

    use o, rel tion l ppro * in poli yrese r * *is study gener lly uses Au lit tive ppro * nd o ined yusing interviews nd n lysis o,dis ourse in order to e3plore t*edyn i s o, rel tions etween torsin t*e networBs nd lso t*eir

    e nings% in luding ?? tor str tegies%rules o, ondu t% Hevels o,institution li tion nd powerrel tions@@. rese r * pl e is n isl ndin ,or er 8 st er ny ndinterviewees in luded le ding lo lrepresent tives o, t*e touris industry

    use o, rel tion l ppro * in poli y rese r * *is studygener lly uses Au lit tive

    ppro * nd o ined y usinginterviews nd n lysis o,dis ourse in order to e3plore t*edyn i s o, rel tions etween

    tors in t*e networBs nd lsot*eir e nings% in luding ?? torstr tegies% rules o, ondu t% Hevelso, institution li tion nd powerrel tions@@. rese r * pl e is nisl nd in ,or er 8 st er ny ndinterviewees in luded le ding lo lrepresent tives o, t*e tourisindustry

    Criti l ount o, Poli yI ple ent tion

    *eories9 St tus ndGe onsider tion

    N rendr G = P udel2005

    dis usses t*e issues o, poli yi ple ent tion studies nd e3 inest*e ppli ility o, su *t*eory(reviewed rti le!

    Issues on erned wit* t*eon eptu l l rity o, poli y

    i ple ent tion% t*eoreti l de teover t*e top-down or otto -up perspe tives% ppli ility ortr ns,er o, rese r * output ,roone region to not*er

    ouris Poli yI ple ent tion

    ndSo iety

    #r t i rutw ys*o>ill >r well20&0% * il nd

    So iety- entered% rel tion l ppro *integr ted top-down nd otto -upPerspe tives interview person lo serv tions. lo l newsp perinterviews were ondu ted in 200'wit* 44 respondents to n ly eAu lit tive d t

    It is s*own *ow Poli yi ple ent tion involved rel tions

    nd rg ining power etweentors pursuing t*eir interests.

    )o used ore on e3plored t*ere ipro l inter pl y etween

    tors% in,luen es% pro esses ndso iet l onte3t.

  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


    Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-607X (P per! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!$ol.4% No.22% 20&4


    s you see so e o, t*e studies in t*e ,ield o, touris poli y in re ent ye rs roug*t to t*e ove t lein rie, t* t e * o, t*e studied touris wit* di,,erent ppro * to p rti ul r spe t o, t*is su =e t. Eit*t*e study ove rese r *es% t*e , tors t* t ppe r to e ore e,,e tive t* n t*e rest were identi,ied nd sele tedin t*e region o, Isl i Gepu li o, Ir n in t*e ,ield o, touris . In t*is reg rd% wit* t*e guid n e o, t*e synt*esis

    ppro *% studies in touris poli y were reviewed to identi,y t*e , tors in,luen ing touris poli y

    Prioriti tion o, )or s o,ouris in Ir n to

    )or ul te N tion lStr tegies

    G in s di 1 + * oudD ry ei

    *e study is o, survey rese r * type inter s o, olle tion o, in,or tion ndd t * s een de t*roug* studying ooBs nd do u ents. )or o t ining

    ne ess ry in,or tion t t*is study%reAuired d t * ve een olle tedt*roug* li r ry- sed studies%Auestionn ire nd o t ining d t ,roresour es nd do u ents

    results s*ow t* t *e lt* tourisdue to v il ility o, potenti l

    rBets nd providing *ig* Au lityservi es onsistent wit* entioned

    rBets * s t*e ,irst priorityong t*e ,or s o, touris in

    Ir n. Geligious touris % ultur ltouris % e otouris % ur n tourisnd rur l touris re t*e ne3t

    priorities w*ilst proper pl nningn e t*e strengt*s nd

    dv nt ges o, touris industry inIr n.

    #/GIS+ P#HICD8$8H#P+8N 9

    + H SI N8XP8GI8NC8

    * iril E *idin w ng 1u* nis d i %

    + l ysi %20&&

    se i-stru tured interviews wit* poli yBers ,or ed t*e sis o, t*e

    rgu ents

    )indings suggest t* t touris isviewed s very i port ntindustry s e p* si ed yrespe tive poli ies.

    Investig ting 8,,e tive) tors on Develop ent o,

    ouris Industry

    in Ir n

    Seyed ) t*oll * irig*d ie%20&&%Ir n

    using li r ry resour es Auestionn ire.Gese r * popul tion in ludes t*e

    n gers o, touris gen ies in

    Is, * n ity y r ndo s pling.

    in re se t*e v riety nd Au lity o,wel, re servi es in re sing o,se urity in ,in n i l nd li,e

    spe ts re te de re sing tenden yo, tourists to visit% so t*ose w*oresponsi le ust p y ore

    ttention to t*is issue.

    I proving touris poli yi ple ent tion e *e use o,*y rid +CD+ odels

    C*ui-;u Hiu% wo-;s*iung eng% +ing-;ueiHee%20&2. iw n

    *is study used t*e *y rid +CD+odels su * s D NP 1 D8+ 8H.

    t*e survey w s ondu ted viAuestionn ires distri uted to t*reegroups o prised o, & e3pert- poli y Bers

    odel designed t* t is use,ul inidenti,ying ot* n in,luenti lnetworB nd priority seAuen e o,di ensionsR riteri rel ted totouris poli ies nd% t*us% is*elp,ul to touris poli y

    n ge ent.

    Identi,y nd Investig te o,8,,e tive ) tors on t*eDevelop ent o, t*e ourisIndustry(Nort* *or s n Provin e!

    S* *r il nini %+o* d leg* ni%

    *ol li S li i%20&2%Ir n

    g t*ering in,or tion nd identi,yingdi,,erent spe ts o, t*e issuet*roug* interviews wit* v riouse3perts nd li r ry studies nd Inorder to olle t d t used twoAuestionn ire

    t*e results o, study indi te t* tt*ere is dire t rel tions*ip etween we Bness o, in,r stru ture, ilities nd servi es o, touris

    nd l B o, ultur l ept n e o,tourists wit* n underdevelop ento, touris industry in Nort*

    *or s n provin e.

    ) tors ,,e ting touris poli y i ple ent tion9

    on eptu l,r eworB nd se studyin C*in

    D n E ng% Oo*n pp20&'%C*in

    des riptive rese r * 1 *epri ryd t were olle ted t*roug*interviews. *e interviewees weresele ted ,ro t*e #s t di,,erent

    d inistr tive levels *is studyinvestig ted t*e i ple ent tion o,touris poli y t ot* n tion l ndlo l levels in C*in

    ,ound ,our , tors in luding9e ono i nd so i l ro-environ entF institution l

    rr nge entsF inter-org ni tion lrel tions(I#G! nd inter-org ni tion l o-ordin tionstru tures (I#C!F nd interestgroups% lso ddresses so esolutions w*i * y enri * t*etouris poli y

    Poli yi ple ent tion9 ool ,or8n* n ing ourisDevelop ent in * n

    w e s o *20&'% eny

    Qu lit tive rese r * n n lysis o,e3isting do u ents nd sour es% ndAuestionn ires re re oved

    *e study reve ls t* t t*e tourisse tor * s de signi,i nt

    ontri ution to t*e e ono y o,

    * n % t*oug* ert in * llenges persist. *e p per re o endst* t ro ust poli ies e designed

    nd e,,e tively i ple ented toen* n ing touris develop ent in

    * n .

    ouris Poli y + Bing9*e Poli y Ber@

    Perspe tives

    N n y Stevenson% D vidirey% r * +iller%

    8ngl nd%20&'

    Do u ents% series o, se i-stru turedinterviews. ouris+ n ger oun ilors% o,,i ers% t*edire tor o, t*e lo lstr tegi p rtners*ip

    poli y Bing is essenti lly so i l pro ess% involving

    o uni tion ndnegoti tion etween people in t*e onte3t o,wider * nge

  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


    Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-607X (P per! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!$ol.4% No.22% 20&4


    i ple ent tion. n ely9 &! pu li poli yF 2! t*e ro-environ ent (i.e. e ono i nd so i l environ ent! $s.+i ro environ ent '! institution l rr nge entsF 4! inter-org ni tion l rel tions (I#G! nd o-ordin tion (I#C!F

    nd " interest groups. *e ,ive , tors re introdu ed in det il in t*e su seAuent se tions.

    '" %ethodology

    Gese r * w s olle ted o, relev nt do u ents. * t w*i * dopted des riptive ppro * nd n n lysis o,e3isting st tisti l sour es nd do u ents ,ro t*e rti les o, touris w s done% t*is te *niAue is ppropri te%sin e do u ents re non-re tive% nd ,or t* t re son t*e possi le i ses w*i * re o,ten re ogni ed to derive,ro interviews nd Auestionn ires re re oved (>ry n% 2006!.6. n ly ing , tors in IGI (Isl i Gepu li o, Ir n!

    ("!" Public Policy*is study ,ollowed t*e n lyti pro ess in order to n lysis o, pu li poli y- Bing in Ir n nd so e o, t*e

    e3isting pro le s in t*is ,ield we * ve looB t t*ree distinguis*ed levels ut t*ese t*ree levels re linB ndin,luen e to e * ot*er.("!"!" Intra)organi*ational relationsPu li org ni tions in Ir n re not uilt ording to t*e reAuire ents o, t*e so i l stru tures or r t*er t*ey regovern ent l stru tures% t*ey * ve een developing nd e3p nding t*e govern entKs need. lt*oug* not st tede3pli itly% in Ir n t*e pu li org ni tions re divided in two types or groups9 groups t* t * d to Be series o,

    * nges in t*eir rules nd t*eir pl ns due to t*is , t t* t i ple ent tion o, poli ies re strongly depends onsupport nd n gree ent wit* ot*er govern ent org ni tions t *ig*er levels nd o,ten it in,luen ed t*e n tureo, o-ordin tion etween ot*er govern ent org ni tions in t*e ountry su * s t*e +inistry o, Culture ndIsl i uid n e% ouring nd ouris #rg ni tion nd ot*er org ni tions t t*e s e level. In ot*er group%org ni tions * ve utono ous rules su * s s *ools nd universities ut In spite o, * ving t*e independen erules t*ey * ve een , ed to d ily routine worBs in o-ordin tion wit* ot*er govern ent org ni tions%

    onst ntly t*ey re in on,li t wit* G di lis .("!"#" Inter)organi*ational coordination in the countryI, we onsider govern ents s l rge org ni tion% in t*is se we * ve v rious org ni tions nd gen ies wit*

    ny di,,erent tivities in t*e ,ield o, pu li servi e wit*in it. *e interesting t*ing is t* t ,or tion o, t*isorg ni tion is not essenti l need o, ivil so iety nd govern ent onstitutes t*is org ni tion sed on its needs.

    *is entry represents =or pro le s etween t*e st tes en% i, inter-org ni tion l oordin tion , ils t*en nogree ent or pr ti l i ple ent tion pl ns n e *ieved t* t in re ent ye rs t*e govern ent * s een

    sensitive to t*is issue nd * s initi ted steps tow rd its downsi ing.("!"'" The level of inter)organi*ation in the international arena with the assumption of government as anorgani*ationEe n onsider t*e govern ent in rel tions wit* ot*ers intern tion l org ni tions in n enterprise t osp*erewit* its peri eter in order to int ining power rel tions nd e3p nd t*eir own interests. # viously * s powerresour e *elp t*e govern ent to t Be inter tion wit* ot*er org ni tions. *e org ni tion t t*e Intern tion l

    nd glo l level su * s t*e /nited N tions% t*e /nited N tions /nited N tions #rg ni tion% Eorld r vel ndouris #rg ni tion% Eorld ouris #rg ni tion% Eorld ouris #rg ni tion% t*e Eorld r de

    #rg ni tion.("#" Interest ,roups

    lw ys% ll o, t*e people * ve een e3pe ted o, t*e govern entsF in Ir n lso individu ls% t*e in,luenti l persons%org ni tions s well s institutions nd t*e edi ll o, w*i * re e3pe t t*e govern ent ttention to t*eirde nd nd reAuests nd Be t*e s tis,y nd solve t*eir pro le s. Could even s y t* t ny o, t*eseorg ni tions re ,or ed to re,le t nd rein,or e o, t*ese de nds. ouris poli y- Bing pro ess * s not een prote ted or i une ,ro t*e e,,e ts o, in re sing t*e nu er o, interest groups. Interest groups re gener l

    o ponent in t*e pro ess o, touris poli y- Bing nd t*e poli y pro esses re reg rded to t*e touris . ;ereupon% wit* n in re sing in t*e nu er o, t*e interest groups e3pe t tions nd de nds ,ro t*e govern ent int*e pro ess o, poli y% t*e duties nd responsi ilities o, t*e st te is very di,,i ult to eet nd respond to t*esee3pe t tions. Sigler s ys K y in re sing t*e r te o, in,iltr tion o, t*e groups in t*e pro ess o, poli y Bing% t*egovern ent ility in solving nd redu ing so i l nd e ono i pro le s * ve een de re sed. HiBe ot*er

    ountries t*ere re interest groups in t*e Isl i Gepu li o, Ir n. t t*e n tion l level o,,i i l org ni tionssu * s t*e environ ent l prote tion gen y% t t*e lower levels o, t*e unions su * s usiness groups% touristtours nd o p nies seen s interest groups re oper ting in t*e ,ield o, touris .("'" Institutional arrangements/nderst nding o, touris pu li poli ies ent ils n underst nding nd re ognition o, touris on institution li ed

    rr nge ents t* t re in prin iples on t*e designing nd developing touris poli ies. *ese prin iples in t*eIsl i Gepu li o, Ir n * ve ted s ,ilter nd reve l t*e role o, on,li ted so i l o unity nd e ono i

  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


    Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-607X (P per! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!$ol.4% No.22% 20&4


    ,or es in t*e so iety. Institution l p tterns Bing it le r y providing olle tion o, pro edures nd rules.*ese rules y e e3pli it nd ,or l (Constitution% St tutes nd Gegul tions! or in,or l nd i pli it

    (org ni tion l ulture% nor s nd prin iples governing nd ruling , ily rel tions!% *ere t*e institution lrr nge ents * ve een designed in order to regul ting t*e rel tions ong individu ls nd groups ut in Ir n

    t*e religion s n Isl i ountry * s n e,,e tive nd old role in t*e ,or nd est lis*ed prin iples o,

    institution l rr nge ents. *e ,or ul tion% develop ent nd i ple ent tion o, t*e rules o, t*e onstitution int*e Isl i Gepu li o, Ir n on t*e sis o, Isl i s* ri re resulted in poli ies t* t * s een ,,e ted t*etouris poli y se tors y t*is issue. Gese r * in t*is ,ield s*ows so e o, t*e prin iples derived ,ro religion int*is ountry nd in ny +usli ountries nd ot*er , tor wit*in nd ross Isl i ountries in lude levels o,religious intervention in touris develop ent. )or e3 ple in Ir n ,ter t*e de l r tion o, n Isl i Gepu li

    nd t*eo r y led y y toll * *o eini in &575% touris poli y in,luen ed y religion nd it is rings ert in degree o, li er lis ,or +usli s nd tourists ( ouris in t*e +usli world% * pter &'% p2&'!. su * s

    int ining t*e veil or *i= or l B o, drinBing ,ollowed y ,oreign tourists w*en t*ey st y nd residen e in Ir ndue to t*e ountryKs ttr tions t* t it * s een epted y tourists. *ere,ore% religion pl ys very i port ntrole in touris poli y i ple ent tion t* t s*ould e su =e t o, onsider tion.("(" %acro environment &s" %icro environment8,,e ting o, + ro environ ent on t*e pro ess o, poli y i ple ent tion s it n s oot* t*e n geri l p t* o,org ni tions s is one o, t*e ost e,,e tive ses t* t pply in t*e poli y- Bing. In t*e Isl i Gepu li o,Ir n politi l nd e ono i , tors re ore e,,e tive t* n ot*er ite s in t*e ,or ul tion nd i ple ent tion o,touris poli ies. *e touris industry develop ent reAuires ro d stru tures nd ot*er , ilities su * s well-developed in,r stru ture to run i ple ent tion o, poli ies in etter ,or . ong t*e o vious pro le s in t*isissue% not greeing in ountry on t*e e ono i su =e ts liBe ,unding nd lo ns% prioriti e o, pro=e ts rel ted tot*e touris % degree o, dependen e t* t e ono y o, touris * ve on ,oreign e3 * nge r te t* t solving t*ese pro le s re ne ess ry to en le t*e industry to ontri ute tow rd develop ent% espe i lly in under-developed p rt o, ountry reAuires t*e e3isten e o, *otel o od tion nd ot*er , ilities spe i,i to touris .In dis ussions rel ted to t*e ,oreign poli y o, t*e Isl i Gepu li o, Ir n it see s ne ess ry trying to ove

    ore e,,ort to etter in,r stru ture nd , ilit ting t*e issu n e vis s ,or ,oreign tourists nd inter t ndonsult tion wit* t*e touris se tor in ot*er ountries. #, ourse it s*ould e entioned t*ere re steps nd

    tivities in order to solve t*e ove pro le s t* t need to e strengt*ening nd ontinue in t*e ,uture wit* oreo*esion.

    ("+" Inter)organi*ational relations and inter)organi*ational coordination

    )or v rious re sons% su * s l B or redu ing t*e inter-org ni tion l so i l pit l% in re ent ye rs ost o, t*etivities o, t*e org ni tion * ve een seen in t*e ultil ter l rel tions% long ter nd o ple3 ontr ts ndn gers re ove w y ,ro t*eir org ni tion l e* vior on t*e rBet poli ies nd e3posure in t*e dire tion

    o, t*e p rtners*ips nd ontri utions wit*in t*e org ni tions nd institutions o, n org ni tion nd outside norg ni tion long wit* *ig* so i l pit l. Now d ys t*e =ority o, org ni tions in t*e Isl i Gepu li o,Ir n wit* reg rd to t*e ultipli ity o, issions nd in order to per,or nd rry out e,,e tive nd su ess,ult*eir duties need to p y ore ttention on su st nti l * nges to t*e ppro * nd stru tur l de ision Bing (*ier r *i l ppro *... to networB ppro * t*roug* t*e p rti ip tion o, t*e ost suit le st Be*olders in poli y! nd t*e use o, Plur listi ppro *es to deter ine t*e touris poli ies in order to give orre t respondto t*e syste nd its t rget o unity. I port n e o, rel tions nd ooper tion etween org ni tions in t*estru ture o, t*e Ir ni n govern ent re not still s* ped in its logi l ,or seriously% lt*oug* legisl tion% re ting

    p rtners*ip etween t*e o ission nd ooper tion etween t*e org ni tions * ve een ore t* n e,orestrengt*ened ut it lled ore ro ust nd stronger le ders*ip in t*is ,ield. Poli y Bing in t*e ,ield o, t*etouris wit* reg rd o, e3p nsion o, t*is industry% e3tensively need t*e v st nd regul r ooper tion under t*es rt nd t rgeted n ge ent to progress in t*is industry wit* ore speed nd e sily.

    +" -onclusions and Policy Recommendations*is p per intends to review on e,,e tive , tors nd str tegies ,or i ple ent tion poli ies in touris industry.*ere is need ,or new str tegy to touris develop ent% develop worB le e * nis s o, ot* t*e pu li nd

    priv te se tors to worB toget*er is ru i l ,or sust in le touris develop ent% Ge onne t org ni tions toget*ernd eli in te ro d lo Bs nd st ,, s*ould e e powered. le rning environ ent s*ould lso e re ted% nd

    ,le3i ility s*ould e3ist. lso te worB s*ould e e p* si ed in s ny w ys s possi le. Su ess,uli ple ent tion depends upon linB ges etween di,,erent org ni tions nd dep rt ents t di,,erent levels.8 ono i t*inBers tod y in n lysis o, Ir nKs e ono i pro le s elieve t* t one o, t*e =or pro le s o, t*ee ono y in Isl i Gepu li o, Ir n is *ig* relied e ono y on oil s it is ost i port nt sour e o, in o e% )ort*is purpose sust in le nd ltern tive sour es o, in o e inste d o, oil resour es is reAuires in order to e3it t*esingle-produ t e ono y sed on oil nd ording to e ono i e,,e ts o, touris ,or ountry% govern ent ustgive ore ttention to touris in order to e n ip te its relied e ono y on oil s well s in re se o, ,oreign

  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


    Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-607X (P per! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!$ol.4% No.22% 20&4


    revenue lso provide e ono i prosperity nd develop its in,r stru tures% t*roug* using new Bnowledge o, t*eworld nd dv n ed te *nologies develop its touris industry. In t*is reg rd Ir n s*ould identi,y its we Bnesses

    nd re ove t*ese pro le s y re te intelligent poli ies% pl nning nd re,ul e3e ution o, t*ese poli ies t* t isonsidered s ,und ent l reAuire ent in ountry nd e3 * nge resour es nd pro ote in o e level o, t*e

    t rget re s% sust in le develop ent in di,,erent re s o, t*is industry is onsidered s n undeni le ne essity.

    *e n tion l touris develop ent ster do u ent o, t*e Isl i Gepu li o, Ir n st ted t* t9 In view o, t*e, t t* t Ir n re orded s t*e ,i,t* ountry *olds n tur l ttr tions% t*e tent* *istori l ountry o, t*e world% wit*ore t* n &2 re orded r * eologi l worBs y /N8SC#. Persepolis% *og* J n il% B*t-e Soley n%

    P s rg d e% +eid n N g*s*-e-O * n Is, * n% > nd its Cultur l H nds pe% >isotun% S*us*t r ;istori l;ydr uli Syste % Solt niye*% r eni n +on sti 8nse les o, Ir n% S*eiB* S ,i l-din nd S*rine 8nse lein rd il nd ri ;istori > r Co ple3 nd sed on t*e predi tions y t*e end o, t*e l w progr $IIdevelop ent t* t oin ides wit* t*e Ir nKs 20-ye r vision pl n in 202" .D% Ir n ust g in twenty illion doll rs,oreign e3 * nge revenues in t*e ye r o, t*is industry. *ese go ls re s gener l go ls nd long ter n tion ltouris develop ent ster or o pre*ensive do u ent wit* reg rd to ri * ultur l o, Ir n nd gre t

    ivili tion wit* *istori l i3ture nd o on *erit ge in ountries round t*is ulture% Ir n s*ould p y orettention on touris poli y Bing in ddition to t*e intern tion l ren to region l level lso in order to

    introdu e ore Ir n s n ttr tive ountry ,or tourists o, t*ese ountries nd to ot*er n tions.

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  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


    Developing Country Studies www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-607X (P per! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!$ol.4% No.22% 20&4


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  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


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  • 8/9/2019 A Review on Factors Effecting on Tourism Policy Implementation-A Tool on the Development of the Tourism Industr


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