A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE METROPOLITAN THEATER IN MANILA AS NATONAL CULTURAL TREASURE WHEREAS, the Constitution of the Philippines provides that “the State shall  promote and popularize the nation’s historical and cultural heritage resources,” WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State to preserve and protect Important Cultur al Properties and national Cultural Treasur es of the Natio n and to safegu ard their intrinsic value; WHEREAS, the cultural properties of the Nation are necessary and indispensable in the understanding of its history and culture; WHEREAS, Republic Act 4846, otherwise known as “The Cultural Properties and Protection Act” as amended by Presidential Decree 374; and Republic Act 8492, the  National Museum Act of 1998, specifically vested the National Museum as the agency of the Government to implement the provisions of this Act; WHEREAS, Section 3 of the amended Republic Act states that a “National Cultural Treasure” is a unique object found locally, possessing outstanding historical, cultural, artistic and/or scientific value which is significant and important to the country and nation; WHEREAS, Section 3 of the amended Republic Act includes buildings in the category of cultural properties; WHEREAS, theaters are venues for artistic expression and therefore belong to the category of culture; WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Theater (MET), built in response to the need for a national theater and inaugurated on December 10, 1931, was funded by the investment of various chambers of commerce as enc ouraged by Manila’s Philippine Magazine; WHEREAS, outstanding performances by talented local and international groups of actors and playwrights were staged in the MET from its inauguration until it was badly damaged during its bombing in 1945; WHEREAS, the income from a series of shows performed in this theater partially supp ort ed the cha rit abl e ini tia ti ves of a group of women vol unteers (le d by Hel en Benitez, Nenita Barrios, Trophy Ocampo, Pilar Campos, Bing Escoda and Conchita Sunica) during the war years; WHEREAS, the MET served as the center of cultural entertainment during the Japanese occupation;

A Resolution Declaring

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WHEREAS , this architectural heritage is the most outstanding example of ArtDeco in the Philippines featuring stylized designs with a uniquely Filipino touchevidenced in the flower and fruit motifs on the grilles, stairways, and wall detailing

WHEREAS , the MET is the masterpiece of Architect Juan M. Arellano;Arellano, one of the first Filipinos who had graduated from schools in the USA, alsostudied with theater construction expert Thomas Lamb;

WHEREAS , the interior of the building, designed by the architect’s brother,Arcadio Arellano, showcases Filipino ornamentation reflected in the rich colors of tapestries, bas-reliefs of stylized Philippine plants and a segmental arch crowned with atiara of stylized Muslim minarets;

WHEREAS , the components of the theater are aesthetically significant for their craftsmanship, mode, technical excellence, exquisiteness, expression of skill and quality

of design and execution;

WHEREAS , mural paintings by the first Filipino National Artist FernandoAmorsolo adorned the walls of the building;

WHEREAS , the modern sculptures gracing its lobby are creations by famousItalian sculptor Francisco Ricardo Monti who lived in the Philippines from 1930 till hisdeath;

WHEREAS , the Grand Dame of Theatres likewise features a proscenium-likeentrance by House of Precast and a window mural of colored glass by Kraut;

WHEREAS , following its declaration as a National Landmark and ensuingrevival in 1978, the MET housed the Manila Symphony Orchestra - Asia’s oldestorchestra and once again became the setting for creative expression until withdrawal of financial assistance led to its decline;

WHEREAS , this priceless architectural heritage is significant for its associationwith cultural and historical events;

WHEREAS , the MET has outstanding social and historical significance to thecultural and artistic community;

WHEREAS , there is a need to conserve the theater building to avoid thedeterioration of the structure, such conservation efforts – undertaken as early as 2004,must be in accordance with the internationally accepted standards and procedures;

WHEREAS , there is manifestation of commitment from the artistic and culturalcommunity as well as the local government to protect and preserve the MetropolitanTheater for present and future generations of Filipinos;

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RESOLVE, as it is hereby resolved, that the Panel of Experts makes itknown its support for the declaration of the Metropolitan Theater in Manila asNational Cultural Treasure.