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a Recruitment Software Provider that fits Recruitment Software Provider that fits 5 Steps to Help You Win Over Key Stakeholders and Invest in a Talent Acquisition Software Suite That

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a Recruitment SoftwareProvider that fits5 Steps to Help You Win Over Key Stakeholders and Investin a Talent Acquisition Software Suite That You Will Love.

Page 2: a Recruitment Software Provider that fits Recruitment Software Provider that fits 5 Steps to Help You Win Over Key Stakeholders and Invest in a Talent Acquisition Software Suite That

B2C technology trends in social media, mobile, and video have caused disruption in the talent acquisition market. Simply stated, the channels candidates now use to find out about jobs and apply for them have changed. These technology trends have put HR professionals in a place where they need to make a critical choice: select innovative solutions that can be integrated or go down the path of an ERP-based HR module or full suite HRIS.

While consolidation can sometimes be a good thing,recruiting tasks can be extremely specific in nature;therefore, recruiting technology should be built to makea recruiter’s job easier so that they can find and hire thebest candidates efficiently.

Considering the importance of talent acquisition efforts toward the company’s success, recruiters need dedicated technology tools to expand your organization’s employment brand reach and connect with best-fit talent quickly.

In this eBook, iCIMS’ Hire Expectations Institute maps out five steps you should take to build a business case to invest in talent acquisition technology providers.

Would you value a software suitefocused solely on Talent Acquisition?


16% 16%

Yes No I don’t know

Source: iCIMS Hiring Insights.Based on surveys of more than 600 recruiters, 375 hiring managers, and an analysis of 400,000 jobs.

93% OF CEOSfind that they need to changetheir strategy for attracting

and retaining talent,

BUT 61%don’t know where to start.

PwC 17th Annual Global CEO Survey 2014

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Page 3: a Recruitment Software Provider that fits Recruitment Software Provider that fits 5 Steps to Help You Win Over Key Stakeholders and Invest in a Talent Acquisition Software Suite That

The first step, before researching different technologies and speaking with vendors, is defining the problems and challenges that need to be solved. For example, do you struggle with:

Write the top 5 problems that need to be solved within your organization on the right.

▪ A long and drawn out hiring process because you have too many candidates to screen, or not enough?

▪ A recruitment process that’s manual, labor intensive, unstructured, or all three?

▪ Limited employment brand awareness?

▪ EEO/OFCCP compliance?

Distinguish the Symptoms from the DiseaseAutomating a bad process will not solve the problem.







# Talent Acquisition Tip


a Recruitment SoftwareProvider that fits

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*Boxes marked with a pencil are interactive.Fill them with notes to help you build your case for a Talent Acquisition Software provider that fits your needs!

Page 4: a Recruitment Software Provider that fits Recruitment Software Provider that fits 5 Steps to Help You Win Over Key Stakeholders and Invest in a Talent Acquisition Software Suite That

The next step is to identify your talent acquisition goalsfor the next 6-12 months.

▪ Do you want to decrease turnover?

▪ Do you need to hire X number of peoplewithin a specific timeframe?

▪ Are you looking to expand your businessinto new locations?

▪ Do you want to super-charge your company’s employee referrals?

▪ Are you trying to improve key metrics like time-to-fill, cost-per-hire, etc.?

80% of hiring managers and 84%of recruiters agree that hiringthe right people is the key to acompany’s success.

# Talent Acquisition Tip

Source: iCIMS Hiring InsightsBased on surveys of more than 600 recruiters, 375 hiring managers, and an analysis of 400,000 jobs.


a Recruitment SoftwareProvider that fits

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5Write your organization‘s talent acquisition goals for the next 6-12 months on the right.

Page 5: a Recruitment Software Provider that fits Recruitment Software Provider that fits 5 Steps to Help You Win Over Key Stakeholders and Invest in a Talent Acquisition Software Suite That

Identify What Solutions Are Necessary to Achieve Your GoalsOnce you've identified your goals, you can determine which technology solution(s) will best support the achievement ofthose goals. For example:

Improve Quality of Hire

Close Hard-to-Fill Positions

Reduce Paper & Mailing Costs

Standardize the Recruitment Process

Improve the Candidate Experience/Increase Number of Applicants

Automated Screening- Screening Questions- Video Screening Tools

Recruitment Marketing Automation- Build Talent Pools- Candidate Relationship Management (CRM)

Electronic Forms

Configurable Candidate Management Workflows

- Simple Application Process with Social Media Profiles- Mobile-Optimized Career Portals

- Recruitment Marketing


WHAT IS “RECRUITMENT MARKETING?”Recruitment Marketing is a strategic process that involves automating job board distribution, social recruiting, search engine optimization (SEO), & employment branding tactics that target and attract top talent.


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Page 6: a Recruitment Software Provider that fits Recruitment Software Provider that fits 5 Steps to Help You Win Over Key Stakeholders and Invest in a Talent Acquisition Software Suite That

What to Look for in a VendorNot all companies are alike, especially when it comes to the customer experience. Given that hiring the right people is a huge contributor towards a company’s success, your talent acquisition provider should be a true partner that offers the following benefits:

Pure SaaS. With Pure SaaS providers, all clients run the same version of the software, which is highly configurable and upgraded by the solution provider at routine intervals. Pure SaaS solutions provide maximum flexibility for the buyer with minimal, if any, need to involve IT resources to support the technology.

Expertise. Talent acquisition is the most dynamic aspect of Human Capital Management (HCM), and the software should be designed by experts in your field, rather than a solution created as an “add-on” module.  

Innovation. Truly effective pre-hire solutions need to leverage the latest social and mobile functionality to compete in what is an extremely vast, fast-paced,and uncontrollable external candidate landscape. The technologies used in the external candidate world evolve at a rate that only a dedicated, Pure SaaS provider can keep up with.

Customer Service. Large HCM and ERP suite vendors have a lot on their plates. The bigger the company gets, the less likely it is that end users receive quality support, regular

product updates, responsive invoicing, and other services that need to be agile in order to improve

your day-to-day operations.

Real Integration. Make sure the vendor can integrate with your existing technology. Some companies piece together their own talent

acquisition solutions with individual technologies and systems. This patchwork approach is costly,

time consuming, and also risky, as companies may suffer significant data loss, and reporting and workflow

limitations. Truly integrated products that work welltogether are designed to do that from the get-go.

Did you know? 45% of our clientsmade the switch to iCIMS because

of customer service.

# Talent Acquisition Tip


G2 Crowd

Find Your Cloud


a Recruitment SoftwareProvider that fits 5

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Page 7: a Recruitment Software Provider that fits Recruitment Software Provider that fits 5 Steps to Help You Win Over Key Stakeholders and Invest in a Talent Acquisition Software Suite That

▪ Your Boss

▪ Senior Executives

▪ Potential Users

▪ IT Department

▪ Hiring Managers

▪ Procurement



Points of Interest:

Objections to Change:


Points of Interest:

Objections to Change:


Points of Interest:

Objections to Change:


Points of Interest:

Objections to Change:


Points of Interest:

Objections to Change:

Whose Buy-In Do You Need? How Do You Secure It? Identify who you will need to have on your side. These are the key stakeholders who will either help your project succeed or hinder its progress. This list could include:

▪ Who has the most clout?

▪ Does the proposed solution make their job easier? Harder? No change?

▪ What information would this personfind most important?

▪ What is the best way to communicate to this person?

▪ Who will likely promote the project?Who will likely derail it? Why?

Then, discover how the proposed solution will impact each stakeholder and vice versa. For example, begin to analyze:


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What to Include in Your Presentation When it's time to present your business case, ensure that it answers key topics like:

Background▪ Highlight problems with the current process and how

those problems hinder the company. Refer to the goals you identified in Step 2.

Top Vendor Contender(s) ▪ Features▪ Benefits▪ ROI (qualitative and quantitative)

Risk Assessment & Mitigation▪ Use your analysis from Step 4 to address and eliminate

any concerns that key stakeholders may have.

Conclusion and Setting Expectations▪ Technical documentation▪ Price▪ Implementation timeline

Need help preparing your business case?Download our easy-to-use template.


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Page 9: a Recruitment Software Provider that fits Recruitment Software Provider that fits 5 Steps to Help You Win Over Key Stakeholders and Invest in a Talent Acquisition Software Suite That

Companies have identified that their current processes will not be enough to carry them through the 21st century. We live in a fast-paced global economy where technological innovation has made nearly constant change inevitable. When we talk about talent acquisition today, we use phrases and concepts that weren’t part of our industry’s lexicon just a few years ago: mobile, search engine optimization (SEO), video interviewing, social media, and talent networks. Savvy, innovative organizations realize that they must keep up with evolving trends if they want to come out ahead in the war for top talent. Only a dedicated Talent Acquisition Suite is able to keep your company's recruitment efforts ahead of the curve.

Did you know? Of all current iCIMS customersthat switched from a previous system, 78%came from ERP or HCM/HRIS suite providers.

# Talent Acquisition Tip

Recruitment Solution Usage by TypeiCIMS is the second largest applicanttracking system provider in the industry.

Source: Based on an analysis of 88,000 USA-Based company career sites.




Homegrown ATS No ATS ATS Vendor

Oracle/Taleo | 23.2%

iCIMS | 12.2%

ADP | 9.4%

IBM | 5.7%

SAP | 2.8%

All Others | 46.7%





Unfortunately, while approximately 66% of organizations surveyed state that they are using some type of ATS,

64% of respondents are not completely satisfied with the features and functionality provided by theirERP or HRIS ATS module.


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Although it may seem obvious that a change is needed, anyproject that requires buy-in across an organization can encounter roadblocks. That's why we created a step-by-step guide on howto prepare and win over key stakeholders to prepare you to meet these potential challenges head on.

Great companies are built with great people. iCIMS helps thousands of companies of all industries and sizes gain a competitive edge in recruiting great people into their organizations. Our specialized software solutions focus exclusively on talent acquisition and spearhead the latest trends in the field including social recruiting, mobile optimization and video screening. It’s a new world out there for recruiting and job searching and the old tools just don’t work for today’s modern recruiter.

The iCIMS Talent Platform is the ideal applicant tracking software companies are using to modernize their recruitment practices and find and hire the best talent.

To learn more about theiCIMS Talent Platform,call 1-800-889-4422 or

take a look at our demo:

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For best practice insight andproprietary research, please visit the

iCIMS Hiring Insights website:


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