1 A profile of Junior ranks of Karnataka Police. – A survey of their Attitudes, Behaviour, Mental makeup and Stress levels. Guidance, Supervision & Initiative Dr.D.V.GURUPRASAD, IPS, Addl.Director General of Police Recruitment & Training Carlton House, Palace Road Bangalore. Ph : 080-22264311 Assistance in the Survey : Kum.Rovina Bastian, Sri.Ajit Kumar & Sri.Somashekar Hawaldar, UNICEF Team on GSPP Project, o/o the Addl.DGP, R&T, Bangalore. Statistical Analysis : 1. Sri.Abhay Prakash Somanal, Prob.PSI [Civil] 2. Sri.Lingaraju H. Prob.PSI[ Civil] 3. Sri.M.P.Honne Gowda, Prob.PSI [Civil] 5. Sri. R.Aravind, Prob. SPl. RSI [KSRP] 6. Sri.Manjunath S.Anaji, Prob. Spl.RSI [KSRP] 7. Sri.H.Gurunath, Prob. Spl. RSI [KSRP] 8. Sri.M.A.Sharath, Prob. Spl.RSI [KSRP] Analysis of results : Smt.Siri Gowri, M.Sc., M.Phil [Clinical Psychology] Asst. Commissioner of Police, Yalahanka Sub-Division Bangalore. Final Analysis, Presentation and Formatting : Smt.Anusuya Sengupta University of California, USA DECEMBER 2008

A profile of Junior ranks of Karnataka Police...Dr.D.V.GURUPRASAD, IPS, Addl.Director General of Police Recruitment & Training Carlton House, Palace Road Bangalore. Ph : 080-22264311

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Page 1: A profile of Junior ranks of Karnataka Police...Dr.D.V.GURUPRASAD, IPS, Addl.Director General of Police Recruitment & Training Carlton House, Palace Road Bangalore. Ph : 080-22264311


A profile of Junior ranks of Karnataka Police. – A survey of their Attitudes, Behaviour, Mental makeup and Stress levels.

Guidance, Supervision & Initiative

Dr.D.V.GURUPRASAD, IPS, Addl.Director General of Police Recruitment & Training Carlton House, Palace Road Bangalore. Ph : 080-22264311

Assistance in the Survey :

Kum.Rovina Bastian, Sri.Ajit Kumar & Sri.Somashekar Hawaldar, UNICEF Team on GSPP Project, o/o the Addl.DGP, R&T, Bangalore.

Statistical Analysis : 1. Sri.Abhay Prakash Somanal, Prob.PSI [Civil] 2. Sri.Lingaraju H. Prob.PSI[ Civil] 3. Sri.M.P.Honne Gowda, Prob.PSI [Civil] 5. Sri. R.Aravind, Prob. SPl. RSI [KSRP] 6. Sri.Manjunath S.Anaji, Prob. Spl.RSI [KSRP] 7. Sri.H.Gurunath, Prob. Spl. RSI [KSRP] 8. Sri.M.A.Sharath, Prob. Spl.RSI [KSRP]

Analysis of results :

Smt.Siri Gowri, M.Sc., M.Phil [Clinical Psychology] Asst. Commissioner of Police,

Yalahanka Sub-Division Bangalore.

Final Analysis, Presentation and Formatting :

Smt.Anusuya Sengupta University of California, USA


Page 2: A profile of Junior ranks of Karnataka Police...Dr.D.V.GURUPRASAD, IPS, Addl.Director General of Police Recruitment & Training Carlton House, Palace Road Bangalore. Ph : 080-22264311


A profile of Junior ranks of Karnataka Police. – A survey of their Attitudes, Behaviour, Mental makeup and Stress levels.

Executive Summary From the present survey one can understand that the aspects that are going to be discussed are mostly the indicators to the issues that will require further in-depth exploration in the direction of any reform that is to be implemented.

Police constables, HC’s and ASIs To begin with, most of the population has joined the department with an intention to mainly, serve society along with the prospect of earning adequate livelihood. Most of them did not join this department as a first choice. Most of them have would have preferred to become teachers than constables. Most of them have not had a role model to have inspired them to join the department. Most of them were unemployed before joining this department. From the Population taken for survey, most of them have been assigned general duty at police station levels. Majority report 8-16 hours of work in a day. Majority report that three is no leisure. They report that property disputes form the major law and order problem at their stations. They report that they prefer to abide by the direction of the higher authority in order to solve whatever problem that they come across. Most of them report being the satisfied with their present job. But a large portion also says that they are not satisfied. REASONS FOR SATISFACTION

1. To be able to reach out to public. 2. Regular salary / location of residence near by.

REASONS FOR DISSATISFACTION 1. No Proper rest. 2. Harassment by higher ups. 3. Inadequate leave / disrespect from the public. 4. Lack of adequate remuneration. Talking about pleasant experience, most of them say that they have not had any such pleasant experience in their career, except their basic training period. They also do not report any unpleasant experiences. Talking about good features of their work, they say that, discipline, Arogya-bhagya Scheme of health insurance, use of modern gadgetry and weapons. About the worst features at their workplace, most of them have listed out harassment by the higher ups, no duty limitations, no leave, overwork/ inability to attend to family work, political pressure/ interference/inadequate personnel, corruption, reservation in promotion are the worst features. Talking about family, most of them have housewives as spouses, none of their children are working for the department, and most of them report no problem with regard to family. But some of them do report having problem .Most say that their children are studying well .About leisure time activities, most of them report spending time with families, some report no leisure at all. Some have chosen not to respond. Most of them have friends from

Page 3: A profile of Junior ranks of Karnataka Police...Dr.D.V.GURUPRASAD, IPS, Addl.Director General of Police Recruitment & Training Carlton House, Palace Road Bangalore. Ph : 080-22264311


both police and others, most report that they prefer others to department as friends. Most feel that police is available to grievances of women and children.

At the police station level they have suggested the following reforms

1. Increase in personnel. 2. Fixation of duty hours. 3. Mandatory shift system.. 4. Availability of technology. 5. Increase in salary/allowance.

6. Proper rest and leave / amenities

In the area of recruitment and training, they have suggested the following reforms

1. Insulation from political interference. 2. Anti-naxal training to be mandatory. 3. Less strenuous physical training 4. Upper age limit for recruitment to be the same for all categories-SC/ST/OBC/GM Talking about awareness to judicial judgments, it is found to be low. Towards privatization, they are against any privatization, but prefer partial privatization and feel training in one area that could be privatized.

About police/public relationship, most feel it can be improved by responding adequately and timely to grievances, by being honest, befriending the public, by controlling negative media projection, wiping out monthly, weekly collection of money, reducing political interference.

Women police constables and head constables Most of the women constables report that they have joined the department to be able to deliver social justice, and livelihood. Majority of them say that joining the department was their “first Preference”, about alternative careers they have chosen teaching and report that there was no inspirational role model to them joining the department. Most of them were not working before joining the department most of them are constables and have been given general duty in the station. Most of them have been doing 8-12 hours of work in a day. Most of them say that there is no leisure available to them. About problem solving, most WPC’s and HC’s feel that theft in a major problem and that they tackle most problems based on the advice of the higher officers. JOB SATISFACTION Most of them say that they have had no pleasant experience in the department expect for training. Most of them say that the most unpleasant experience is harassment by higher officers. They have also reported that pregnancy, election duty, illness, night duty have been unpleasant as well. About good features in the department they have reported as follows: 1. Responding immediately to the problem. 2. Security to public property.

Page 4: A profile of Junior ranks of Karnataka Police...Dr.D.V.GURUPRASAD, IPS, Addl.Director General of Police Recruitment & Training Carlton House, Palace Road Bangalore. Ph : 080-22264311


3. Discipline 4. Maintenance of law and order WORST FEATURES HAVE BEEN REPORTED AS

1. No response / corruption. 2. Harassment. 3. Political interference / bad behavior by police. 4. British system of administration

ABOUT FAMILY PROFILE Most of their spouses are in a private job, none of their children are working for the department. Aabout family life they report that they have no time to attend to their parents, feel that police life itself in a punishment. Working post delivery and pregnancy is a big problem and that they have no proper rest. Most say that their children are studying well. Leisure times activities mainly include spending time with family .Most of their friends are from within the department. They also feel that police is accessible to problems of women and children. REFORMS In the station Include,

1. Increase in salary. 2. Fixation of duty hours. 3. Rest room for women in police station.

TRAINING / RECRUITMENT 1. Preference to in-service candidates 2. Increase the age limit for PSI recruitment irrespective of caste. 3. Priority to be given to women. Most of them report awareness to judicial decisions. About privatization, they feel service of warrant/summons/driving, training and computer operations can be privatized. Most of them have opined that police public relationship can be improved by responding properly to public, fighting corruption and discrimination. They have felt that media has been too critical of police.

SUB-INSPECTORS AND CIRCLE INSPECTORS Most of them have come in to render social service and for livelihood. Most of them have chosen to join the department as their first preference and have had no inspiration from any family member and most report that there is no leisure at all in the course of work. In this sample group it is noticed that most of them have not responded to the questions. They have chosen to respond only to a few questions.

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A profile of Junior ranks of Karnataka Police. – A survey of their Attitudes, Behaviour, Mental makeup and Stress levels.

Tools, Procedure & Responses

Aim : The present survey was conducted as a pilot study to be able to understand the possibilities of issues and areas to be looked into, in order to be able to conduct a detailed study in the future. Subjects and procedure : The subjects constituted of mainly three groups, first group consisted of a randomly selected group of 286 police constables, head constables and assistant sub-inspectors. the second group consisted of 25 randomly selected circle inspectors and sub-inspectors .the third group consisted of 30 women constables and women head constables.The age range of the selected population was between 18-58 yrs. The subjects were given the questionnaire as routine work. Nothing was told to them regarding the purpose of the study. Their identities were not revealed in order to maintain anonymity. Tools used : The questionnaire consisted of 22 questions based mainly on self report. The areas the questionnaire tried to explore consisted of motivation ,which included role models, job preference, jobs held, the other areas included problem solving, family profile, rest and leisure time activities, attitude towards women and children, reforms and awareness of judicial decisions, family burden and police public relationship. Analysis of data : The available data was divided on the basis of different police ranges. The five police ranges are based on geographical location .The range‘s as divided included central range, western range, southern range, eastern range and northern range. This was done in order to be able to look at area specific issues and socio-cultural aspects. Each question related to a specific area was rated on a scale of 0-4.apart from rating the responses, the responses which were found to have relevance to a better understanding of the current status of the police men were noted down separately .some of the responses to ascertain question was analyzed qualitatively using the ranking method.

In order to understand the concept of role model the first two questions of the questionnaire were used. The questions were as follows.

1. Why did u join the department? Was this your first choice for an employment? If you didn’t get into police, what other job would you take up?

2. Is anyone from your family who is or was in the department an inspiration to your joining the department?

1. Why did you join the department? Was this your first choice for an employment? if you didn’t get into police ,what other job would you take up?

Page 6: A profile of Junior ranks of Karnataka Police...Dr.D.V.GURUPRASAD, IPS, Addl.Director General of Police Recruitment & Training Carlton House, Palace Road Bangalore. Ph : 080-22264311


Why did you join the Police department? others livelihood Social

service + livelihood

Social service

0 01 02 03 Central range 1 Bangalore(north) 07 05 08 20 2 Bangalore(west) 03 06 12 18 Total 10 12 20 28 Southern range 1 Mysore 02 02 12 10 2 Hassan 03 03 03 04 3 Kodagu 04 05 09 08 Total 09 10 24 22 Western range 1 Karwar 01 02 05 03 2 Udupi 02 03 01 07 3 Chickmaglur 00 02 06 05 Total 03 07 12 15 Eastern range 1 Davangere 03 02 02 06 2 Chitradurga 01 03 04 05 Total 04 05 06 11 Northern range 1 Hubli- Dharwad 03 02 08 13 2 Belgaum 04 01 04 04 3 Dharwad 02 00 04 07 4 Gadag 01 03 04 05 5 Bagalkot 02 03 03 05 Total 12 09 23 34 Was this your first choice for employment?

Central range No first preference

First preference

0 1

No response

1 Bangalore(North) 13 21 05 2 Bangalore(West) 08 27 04 Total 21 48 09 Southern range 1 Mysore 04 22 - 2 Hassan 02 09 04 3 Kodagu 02 20 04 Total 08 51 08 Western range 1 Karwar 01 12 - 2 Udupi 01 11 01 3 Chickmaglur 02 10 01

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Total 04 33 02 Eastern range 1 Davangere 02 11 - 2 Chitradurga 03 09 - Total 05 20 - Northern range 1 Hubli-Dharwad 04 20 02 2 Belgaum 02 11 - 3 Dharwad 03 10 - 4 Gadag 02 11 - 5 Bagalkot 04 09 - Total 15 61 02 If you did not get into police, what other job would you take up? Job profile ranking

1 Teacher/ lecturer 57 2 Any job 25 3 Agriculture 19 4 Military 09 5 Social service 07 6 Private job 04 7 Banking/clerk/business 02 8 Self employment 01 Is anyone from your family who is or was in the department an inspiration to your joining the department?


inspiration Remote role model

Definite role model

0 01 02 Central range 1 Bangalore(north) 30 00 06 2 Bangalore(west) 33 00 03 Total 63 00 09 Southern range 1 Mysore 21 00 03 2 Hassan 09 00 04 3 Kodagu 22 02 02 Total 52 02 09 Western range 1 Karwar 12 00 01 2 Udupi 11 01 01 3 Chickmaglur 10 02 01 Total 33 03 03 Eastern range 1 Davangere 09 03 01 2 Chitradurga 11 00 02 Total Northern range 1 Hubli- Dharwad 25 00 01

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2 Belgaum 09 01 03 3 Dharwad 11 01 01 4 Gadag 12 00 01 5 Bagalkot 11 01 01 Total 68 03 07 When we look at the results we find that most of them have come in with a social service as a basic motivating factor, second motivating factor has been the livelihood which has brought them to the department. Coming to job preferences most of them have opined that this was their first preference. About an alternative job most preferred to have become teachers, on the second position are people who would not mind joining any job. Agriculture stands as the third preference and most of them did not have any inspiration which led them to join this job.

Job preference: 3. Were you working before joining this job?

Not working


0 1

Central range 1 Bangalore(North) 20 16 2 Bangalore(West) 21 15 Total 41 31 Southern range 1 Mysore 14 14 2 Hassan 07 06 3 Kodagu 18 02 Total 39 22 Western range 1 Karwar 11 02 2 Udupi 08 05 3 Chickmaglur 03 07 Total 22 14 Eastern range 1 Davangere 08 05 2 Chitradurga 10 03 Total 18 08 Northern range 1 Hubli-Dharwad 23 03 2 Belgaum 04 09 3 Dharwad 10 03 4 Gadag 11 02 5 Bagalkot 10 03 Total 58 20

(Jobs held) Duties performed in the department: 4. What are the different positions held by you in the police department so far? Rank Number

of persons

Police constables 210 Head constable 63

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Assistant sub inspectors 13 5. What is the duty assigned to you at present in the department? Duty assigned Number of


General duty 170 Writer 30 Enquiry 20 Computer operator 14 Crime section 11 Court duty 10 Traffic 06 SHO wireless 05 Warrant duty 04 Bandobast and escort duty 01 When we look at their job preferences, most of them were unemployed when they joined the department. most of them were constables and were assigned to general duty in the police station routine

Rest: 6. How many hours of duty you do in 24 hours? In a month how many times do you go on leave? How many days do you rest? How many hours of duty you do in 24 hours? Number of hours Number of


8-12 112 13-16 101 17-24 65 No response 8 In a month how many times do you go on leave? How many days do you rest? No

leisure Some leisure


0 01 02 Central range 1 Bangalore(north) 27 06 00 2 Bangalore(west) 30 06 00 Total 57 12 00 Southern range 1 Mysore 07 14 01 2 Hassan 06 07 00 3 Kodagu 08 14 04

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Total 21 35 05 Western range 1 Karwar 05 02 06 2 Udupi 07 06 00 3 Chickmaglur 08 01 04 Total 20 09 10 Eastern range 1 Davangere 01 08 00 2 Chitradurga 02 11 00 Total 03 19 00 Northern range 1 Hubli- Dharwad 10 01 14 2 Belgaum 07 06 00 3 Dharwad 03 04 00 4 Gadag 06 05 00 5 Bagalkot 07 04 00 Total 33 20 14 Looking at hours of rest (112)most of them have reported 8-12 hours of duty.101 persons have said that they work for 13-16 hours a day.65 persons have reported 17-24 hours of work. This could be indicating that a section of constabulary is being over worked. Coming to leave and rest majority have reported that they do not get adequate leisure. While it is noted that people in the southern range and eastern range have reported availability of some leisure. Problem solving 7. What do you think is the major law and order problem that you come across in your respective police station? How do you and your colleagues tackle such law and order problems at your respective police station? What do you think is the major law and order problem that you come across in your respective police station? Nature of the Law and order problem Number

of persons


Property disputes 44 1 Communal clashes 35 2 theft 32 3 Accidents 22 4 Petty quarrels 18 5 Family disputes 13 6 Bandoobast 08 7 Traffic 07 8

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How do you and your colleagues tackle such law and order problem at your respective station? Number

of persons


By acting in accordance with the directions of the higher authorities.

85 1

By discussion with colleagues and thereby arriving at conclusions.

37 2

By taking immediate and appropriate action 29 3 By arriving at an understanding with the public. 15 4 No response 14 5 By producing the culprits before the court 08 6 By patrolling 07 7 Problem solving : most constabulary feel that property disputes, communal clashes, theft accidents and petty quarrels are the most difficult to solve.When it comes to solving them they depend on the direction of the higher authorities, they also believe that timely and immediate action can solve any problem

Job satisfaction: 8. Are you satisfied with your present job? If yes then state reasons, if no then state reasons? 9. Which is your most pleasant experience in the police department till now? Describe. 10. Which is the most difficult/unpleasant situation that you have faced in the department till now? Describe? 17 .what do you think are the better and worse features of the present police system? 8. Are you satisfied with your present job? Response score ranking

Yes 121 1 No 74 2 Average 59 3 Better not to say 32 4 Why are you satisfied? Response Number

of persons


It helps to reach out to people. 89 1 Regular salary/ location of residence near by 06 2 Respect from society/sense of discipline 05 3 Job security 02 4

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Why are you dissatisfied? Response Number

of persons


No proper rest 21 1 Harassment by higher officers 16 2 No sufficient leave/no respect from the public. 08 3 Lack of basic amenities/no remuneration appropriate to hours of work.

06 4

Mental harassment by higher authorities/no time to attend to family.

04 5

9. Which is your most pleasant experience in the police department till now? Describe. Response Number

of persons


Not had such an experience. 90 1 Training 86 2 When thieves were caught 18 3 When responded timely to public 16 4 When appreciated by public/police sports 14 5 Enquiry 09 6 Bandobast 07 7 Appreciated by higher officers 04 8 10. Which is the most difficult/unpleasant situation that you have faced in the department till now? Describe? Response Number

of persons


No such experience so far 65 1 Training 27 2 Communal disturbances 26 3 VIP bandobast 20 4 Harassment by higher authorities 19 5 No proper leave facilities 15 6 Round the clock duty/when on duty in some other district 09 7

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17 .what do you think are the better and worse features of the present police system? Better features: Response Number

of persons


Discipline in the department 37 1 Provision of ration card and Arogya Bhagya scheme 28 2 Helps maintain law and order/modern weapons and instruments

16 3

Protection of public property 10 4 Training 07 5 Worst features of the department: Response Number

of persons


Harassment by higher ups 38 1 No proper leave/no time limits for duty. 20 2 Tiring work/inability to attend to family work 14 3 Political pressure/interference 19 4 Less number of personnel 11 5 corruption 10 5 Reservation in promotion 08 6 Higher officers listening to gossip 06 7

Job satisfaction: 121 persons have said that they are satisfied with their job .74 have said that they are not satisfied. While 32 people have resorted to say that they better not say anything. About being satisfied 89 people have said that they are able to reach out to public. Others have said that they are satisfied as they get regular salary; it gets them the respect that they deserve. They say that they are dissatisfied because of improper rest, harassment by higher authorities and improper leave and tiring work and inability to attend to family work. Family profile: 11. What is your spouse doing? What are your children doing? Are your children working for the police department? 12. Do you face problem vis-à-vis family owing to your present duty assignment? 13. Is your family life happy? Are your children studying well? 11. What is your spouse doing? Profile Number of persons ranking

Housewife 208 1 I am not married 54 2 working 13 3 No response 08 4

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What are your children doing? Are your children working for the police department?

Not working


0 1

Central range 1 Bangalore(North) 30 00 2 Bangalore(West) 30 00 Total 60 00 Southern range 1 Mysore 25 00 2 Hassan 09 00 3 Kodagu 22 00 Total 56 00 Western range 1 Karwar 09 00 2 Udupi 10 00 3 Chickmaglur 07 00 Total 26 00 Eastern range 1 Davangere 10 00 2 Chitradurga 10 00 Total 20 00 Northern range 1 Hubli-Dharwad 20 00 2 Belgaum 13 00 3 Dharwad 10 00 4 Gadag 11 00 5 Bagalkot 11 00 Total 65 00 12. Do you face problem vis-à-vis family owing to your present duty assignment? No

problem Some problem

Serious problem

0 01 02 Central range 1 Bangalore(north) 13 00 24 2 Bangalore(west) 12 21 03 Total 25 21 27 Southern range 1 Mysore 09 10 02 2 Hassan 06 00 07 3 Kodagu 08 13 05 Total 23 23 14 Western range 1 Karwar 06 07 00 2 Udupi 05 08 00

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3 chickmaglur 03 05 05

Total 14 20 05 Eastern range 1 Davangere 04 05 04 2 Chitradurga 05 07 01 Total 09 12 05 Northern range 1 Hubli- Dharwad 10 09 06 2 Belgaum 11 02 00 3 Dharwad 08 02 03 4 Gadag 09 00 04 5 Bagalkot 07 00 06 Total 45 13 19 13. Is your family life happy? No Moderate yes

0 01 02 Central range 1 Bangalore(north) 14 00 20 2 Bangalore(west) 07 06 22 Total 21 06 42 Southern range 1 Mysore 04 03 06 2 Hassan 02 00 11 3 Kodagu 03 07 16 Total 09 10 33 Western range 1 Karwar 04 00 09 2 Udupi 01 02 10 3 Chickmaglur 05 02 06 Total 10 04 25 Eastern range 1 Davangere 02 00 11 2 Chitradurga 01 03 09 Total 03 03 20 Northern range 1 Hubli- Dharwad 08 00 18 2 Belgaum 00 02 10 3 Dharwad 01 01 11 4 Gadag 02 00 11 5 Bagalkot 02 00 11 Total 13 03 61 Are your children studying well? No Average yes

0 01 02 Central range 1 Bangalore(north) 01 05 20 2 Bangalore(west) 03 06 18

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Total 04 11 32 Southern range 1 Mysore 01 00 17 2 Hassan 00 01 10 3 Kodagu 01 05 16 Total 02 06 43 Western range 1 Karwar 00 02 06 2 Udupi 02 06 03 3 Chickmaglur 00 03 05 Total 02 11 14 Eastern range 1 Davangere 01 00 05 2 Chitradurga 01 06 04 Total 02 06 09 Northern range 1 Hubli- Dharwad 00 00 13 2 Belgaum 00 00 11 3 Dharwad 00 00 07 4 Gadag 02 02 04 5 Bagalkot 01 01 02 Total 03 05 37

Family profile: Most of them have housewives as their spouses. None of them have them have their children working for the department.116 of them have said that they do not have problems owing to present duty assignments.89 of them say that they do have some amount of discomfort in family.70 of them have reported that the have definite problems in family life owing to duty assignments. Most of them say that their children are doing well in their studies

Leisure time activities: 14. How do you spend your time during leisure? 15. Are many of your close friends from the police department or otherwise? 14. How do you spend your time during leisure? Response Number of persons Ranking

Spend time with family 146 1 No leisure at all 43 2 No response 33 3 Watching TV 22 4 With friends 16 5 Chat with friends 10 6 Reading 07 7 Sleeping 06 8 Teaching my children 03 9 15. Are many of your close friends from the police department or otherwise? Police Others Both

0 01 02 Central range

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1 Bangalore(north) 08 15 05 2 Bangalore(west) 18 07 17 Total 26 12 22 Southern range 1 Mysore 06 03 13 2 Hassan 04 04 05 3 Kodagu 09 04 20 Total 19 11 33 Western range 1 Karwar 02 04 08 2 Udupi 06 01 11 3 Chickmaglur 07 06 03 Total 15 11 22 Eastern range 1 Ddavangere 04 05 07 2 Chitradurga 09 08 05 Total 13 13 12 Northern range 1 Hubli- Dharwad 12 07 14 2 Belgaum 03 02 08 3 Dharwad 05 03 09 4 Gadag 07 05 13 5 Bagalkot 05 03 08 Total 32 20 52

Leisure time activities: Most of them prefer to spend time with their families during their leisure .on the other hand most others also say that they do not have leisure at all. Majority of them have friends from both outside and inside the department. Most others say that their friends are within the department. This could be because of lack of adequate time to socialize with the outside world. Attitude of police towards women/children: 16. Do you think police is accessible to the grievances of women and children? No Average Yes

0 01 02 Central range 1 Bangalore(north) 10 05 21 2 Bangalore(west) 05 20 11 Total 15 25 32 Southern range 1 Mysore 00 03 13 2 Hassan 03 02 08 3 Kodagu 03 09 14 Total 06 14 35 Western range 1 Karwar 05 01 07 2 Udupi 01 05 07

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3 Chickmaglur 02 01 09 Total 08 16 23 Eastern range 1 Davangere 07 02 04 2 Chitradurga 00 08 05 Total 07 10 09 Northern range 1 Hubli- Dharwad 05 02 19 2 Belgaum 00 01 11 3 Dharwad 04 00 09 4 Gadag 01 00 12 5 Bagalkot 03 01 09 Total 13 04 60 Most of them think that police are accessible to grievances of women and children. Reforms: 18. What reforms do you suggest? A. In the present system in the police station. B. In the present system of police recruitment and training. A. In the present system in the police station. Area Number of

persons Ranking

Increase in police personnel 60 1 Fixation of duration of duty hours 40 2 Mandatory shift system 38 3 Availability of modern technology 29 4 Increase in salary and allowances 24 5 Proper rest and leave 18 6 Availability of residential accommodation and amenities to every individual without discrimination

12 7

Women should not be asked to stay back after 8 pm. Do not use them for other purposes than station work

07 8

B. In the present system of police recruitment and training? Area Number of persons Ranking

Present system of recruitment is satisfactory 80 1 No response 41 2 Insulation from political interference 20 3 Anti Naxal training to be mandatory 09 4 Increase the upper age limit for recruitment of constables 06 5 Similar age qualification irrespective of caste 04 6 Duration of training to be reduced to 6 months 03 7

-: tables are self explanatory :- Awareness of judicial decision:

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19. Are you aware of the supreme courts verdict on police system reforms? No Some

extent Yes

0 01 02 Central range 1 Bangalore(north) 17 13 04 2 Bangalore(west) 18 09 09 Total 35 22 13 Southern range 1 Mysore 07 04 11 2 Hassan 09 04 00 3 Kodagu 08 08 10 Total 24 18 21 Western range 1 Karwar 04 01 08 2 Udupi 05 03 05 3 Chickmaglur 05 01 07 Total 14 05 20 Eastern range 1 Davangere 01 08 04 2 Chitradurga 06 00 07 Total 07 08 11 Northern range 1 Hubli- Dharwad 12 03 10 2 Belgaum 06 00 05 3 Dharwad 04 00 09 4 Gadag 06 00 07 5 Bagalkot 05 00 08 Total 33 03 39 Majority of them are not aware of the judgment on police reforms. Burden: 20. What is your opinion with regard to privatizing certain duties of the police department? What are the areas that can be privatized? Say vehicle driving, office guard VIP escort, police training, office work etc.

What are the areas that can be privatized? Say vehicle driving, office guard VIP escort, police training, and office work etc. Area No of persons Training 13 No response 10 Driving /VIP escort/office work 09 Driving and guard 08 Tables are self explanatory. Police public relationship:

Area Number of persons

No privatization 200 Partial privatization 80 No response 06 Complete privatization 00

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21. Why do public blame police? 22. What do you think police should do to ensure harmonious and better relations with public and gain public confidence? 21. Why do public blame police? Reason Number of persons Ranking

Failure to respond properly to grievances 49 1 Corruption /bribery 38 2 Public don’t blame, its only an impression 31 3 No timely and immediate response 30 4 Media and cinemas malign police 28 5 Failure to provide justice to public 20 6 Unnecessary political pressure/interference 19 7 Rude and harsh behavior 18 8 22. What do you think police should do to ensure harmonious and better relations with public and gain public confidence? Suggestion Number of

persons Ranking

By responding properly 104 1 Being honest in duty 38 2 By not breaking the law 22 3 Befriending the public 10 4 Wiping out monthly ,weekly collection 09 5 Having control over negative media projection of the police

08 6

Empowering constables to levy fine in Traffic violations 07 7 Tables are self explanatory.

Women police constables and head constables


1. Why did you join the department? Was this your first choice for an employment? If you didn’t get into police, what other job would you take up?

1. Why did you join the department? Reason Number

of persons

Social service 17 For the sake of a government job 06 Livelihood 05 Is joining police department your first preference?

No first preference First preference Rating 00 01 Total 06 24

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What other job would you take up? Choice of job Number of persons

Teacher 07 Private work 03 Lecturer 02 2. Is anyone from your family who is or was in the department an inspiration to your joining the department? Rating 00

Not inspired 01 Remote role model

02 Definite role model

Total 26 03 01 Job preference: 3. Were you working before joining this job?

00 Not working

01 working

Number of persons 24 06 Jobs held: 4. What are the different positions held by you in the police department so far? Position Number of persons

Police constables 28 Head constables 02 5. What is the duty assigned to you at present in the department? Duty Number of persons

General duty 24 Writer and escort 03 Wireless 02 computer 01 Rest: 6. How many hours of duty you do in 24 hours? In a month how many times do you go on leave? How many days do you rest? 6. How many hours of duty you do in 24 hours? Hours of work Number of persons

8-12 28 16-24 02 13-16 00 In a month how many times do you go on leave? How many days do you rest? No leisure

00 Some leisure 01

Rest is adequate 02

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Number of persons 16 03 02 Problem solving: 7. What do you think is the major law and order problem that you come across in your respective police station? How do you and your colleagues tackle such law and order problems at your respective police station? 7. What do you think is the major law and order problem that you come across in your respective police station? Problem Number of persons

Theft 06 Accidents 04 Property disputes/family problems 03 8. How do you and your colleagues tackle such law and order problems at your respective police station?

Responses Number of persons

On advice from higher officers 07 Through consensus with colleagues 05 Timely response 04 Bandoobast / through discussions 03 Job satisfaction: 8. Are you satisfied with your present job? If yes then state reasons, if no then state reasons? 9. Which is your most pleasant experience in the police department till now? Describe. 10. Which is the most difficult/unpleasant situation that you have faced in the department till now? Describe? 17 .what do you think are the better and worse features of the present police system? 9. Which is your most pleasant experience in the police department till now? Describe. Responses Number of persons

No such experience 15 Training 06 When some one came to rescue in times of difficulty


Whenever treated respectfully 01 10. Which is the most difficult/unpleasant situation that you have faced in the department till now? Describe? Responses Number of persons

Harassment by higher officers 03 Sexual harassment at work place, election 01

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duty, pregnancy, illness and not granting leave, night duty /police department itself. 17 .what do you think are the better and worse features of the present police system? Good features:

Responses Number of persons Responding immediately to the problem 06 Security of public and their property 04 Discipline 02 Maintenance of law and order 01 Worst features:

Responses Number of persons No response/corruption 07 Harassment 06 Bad behavior by police/political interference 02 British system 01 Family profile: 11. What is your spouse doing? What are your children doing? Are your children working for the police department? 12. Do you face problem vis-à-vis family owing to your present duty assignment? 13. Is your family life happy? Are your children studying well? What is your spouse doing?

Job profile Number of persons Private job 02 Postman/ police constable/factory employee 01 Are your children working for the police department?

13. Is your family life happy? Are your children studying well? Responses Number of persons

No time to attend to my parents 07 Being a police women is itself a punishment/ 03 Work post delivery and attending to work at that time


No proper rest 01 Are your children studying well?

No 00

Yes 01

Number of persons 13 00

No 00

Average 01

Yes 02

Number of persons 00 01 12

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Leisure time activities: 14. How do you spend your time during leisure? 15. Are many of your close friends from the police department or otherwise? 14. How do you spend your time during leisure?

15. Are many of your close friends from the police department or otherwise?

Attitude of police towards women /children: 16. do you think that police is accessible to the grievances of women and children?


18. What reforms do you suggest? A .In the present system in the police station. B. In the present system of police recruitment and training. A. In the present system in the police station. Reforms Number of persons

Increase in salary 05 Fixation of duty hours/modern technology 02 Rest rooms in police stations/security to women constables in the late night deployment.


B. In the present system of police recruitment and training.

Reforms Number of persons Preference to in service candidates/present system to continue


Increase in the age limit for PSI recruitment. 02 Priority should be given to women 01 Awareness of Judicial Decisions :

00 No leisure

01 Some leisure

02 Spend with family

No of persons 04 06 20

00 police

01 others

02 Police/others

No of persons 14 05 11

No 00

Average 01

Yes 02

No of persons 04 05 21

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19. Are you aware of the Supreme Court’s verdict on the police system reforms?

Burden: 20. What is your opinion with regard to privatizing certain duties of the police department? What are the areas that can be privatized? Say vehicle driving, office guard VIP escort, police training, office work etc. Areas Number of persons

Summons and warrant/vehicle driving 02 Guard and bandoobast /training/computer operation


Police Public Relationship : 21. Why do public blame police? 22. What do you think police should do to ensure harmonious and better relations with public and gain public confidence? 21. Why do public blame police? Reasons Number of persons

Not responding properly 05 Corruption and discrimination 04 Media propaganda 03 Delay in court decision /wrong impression 01 22. What do you think police should do to ensure harmonious and better relations with public and gain public confidence? Reasons Number of persons

Behave properly with public/punish offenders


Quick action/ helping one’s who have suffered


Equal treatment by higher officers in all matters



01 No

01 To some extent

02 yes

Number of persons 14 00 16

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THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS http://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/bengaluru/article35699.ece

Study on police culture on the anvil By Naveen Ammembala Published: 12th February 2009 04:55 AM Last Updated: 15th May 2012 10:12 PM BANGALORE: It has almost become a cliche to brand the police ‘corrupt’ and of being hand-in-glove with the high and mighty. This anecdotal wisdom will either be exploded as a myth or receive a shot-in-the-arm through a study being conducted on the work culture of the police department of Karnataka. The study would be conducted by the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) and will be a warts-and-all account of the existing work culture. The former Director General of Police (DGP) of Corps of Detectives Ajai Kumar Singh and his successor D V Guruprasad have shown interest in this regard. “The police are accused of incompetence, corruption, sheer negligence and arrogance towards the public at all levels. " Consequently, the public looks at the department with disdain. If that is not enough, the police are also victims of overwork and under-payment,” a police officer opined. The ASCI study will suggest changes on how to ensure better efficiency, effectiveness and service delivery system and to usher in a corruption-free work culture. Guruprasad said that the study gains significance as it intends to “plug the loopholes in areas of professionalism, investigation and dealing with the public.” He claimed that his predecessor echoes his sentiments with respect to the study. It is to be noted that ASCI has considerable nation-level experience in conducting such studies. The state has sanctioned Rs 5 lakh to ASCI for the study. Incidentally, Guruprasad had undertaken the behavioural study of junior rank officers in the department. Through his thesis titled “A profile of junior ranks of Karnataka Police- A survey of their attitudes, behaviour, mental makeup and stress levels,” he gave suggestions regarding police training system, work pressure, behaviour, harassment by higher-ups, inadequate leave, disrespect from the public, lack of adequate remuneration among others. [email protected]

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THE HINDU http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-karnataka/police-force-stretched-study/article1391498.ece

Police force stretched: study December 9, 2008 Raghava M. Constabulary has to cope with long hours and poor pay ‘The constables are harassed by the higher-ups’ ‘Women constables do not get proper rest’ BANGALORE: After the Mumbai terrorist attack, all eyes are on the police. The Karnataka Police have come out with a report which states that the constabulary is stretched.The study, “A profile of junior ranks of Karnataka police — a survey of their attitudes, behaviour, mental makeup and stress levels”, commissioned in April by Additional Director General of Police (Recruitment and Training) D.V. Guruprasad was completed in November. It was recently submitted to the State Government. Though they are the face of the department, the constabulary is harassed by higher-ups, the study claims. Despite working for long hours, sometimes round-the-clock, they take home paltry remuneration. The study does not specify what exactly salaries are and the timings of work. According to the study, women constables do not get proper rest even during their pregnancy. At the end of the year, the leave quota of the police personnel lapses as they do not have the luxury of utilising their holidays. On the family front, many face serious problems as they have little time to attend to the needs of their spouse and children. No role model Most policemen who participated in the survey said they joined the force for the sake of a job. They neither expected good salary nor were attracted by any role model. The survey comprising 22 questions were randomly sent to 2,000 personnel — from constable to circle inspector of police. Of these, 286 male constables, head constables and assistant sub inspectors, 25 circle inspectors and 30 women constables and head constables responded. Among the questions were: the number of working hours, problem-solving ability, awareness of police reforms and law, satisfaction with the job, family profile, best and worst features of the department, leisure time activities, attitude towards women and children and opinions on how to improve the image of the police. Mr. Guruprasad told The Hindu that “The purpose of the study was to see whether men at the cutting edge were happy and motivated with their jobs.”Deputy Superintendent of Police Siri Gowri, who is also a psychologist, and eight sub-inspectors assisted Mr. Guruprasad. Positive indications Mr. Guruprasad said even before the report was submitted to the Government, the Chief Minister announced that the police force will be increased from 92 personnel per lakh of the population to 125 personnel. The report can be accessed on the police website — www.ksp.gov.in.