A new solar fuels reactor concept based on a liquid metal heat transfer fluid: Reactor design and efficiency estimation Cansheng Yuan a,b,1 , Colby Jarrett b , William Chueh d , Yoshiaki Kawajiri a , Asegun Henry b,c,a School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 311 Ferst Drive NW, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA b George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 771 Ferst drive Atlanta, GA 30332, USA c School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 771 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA d Department of Material Science and Engineering, Stanford University, 496 Lomita Mall, Stanford, CA 94035, USA Received 13 May 2015; received in revised form 20 August 2015; accepted 21 August 2015 Communicated by: Associate Editor Michael Epstein Abstract A new reactor concept for two-step partial redox cycles is presented and evaluated by transient simulation that considers heat and mass transfer along with reaction kinetics. The major difference between the reactor described herein and previous designs is that the conversion from solar to chemical energy is divided into two steps: sunlight-to-thermal energy conversion accomplished with a liquid metal based receiver, and the thermal-to-chemical conversion accomplished with a separately optimized array of reaction chambers. To connect these two conversion steps, liquid metal is used as a high temperature heat transfer fluid that feeds the solar energy captured in the receiver to the reactor. The liquid metal also facilitates efficient heat recuperation (80%) between the reaction chambers. The overall thermal-to-chemical efficiency from the thermal energy in the liquid metal to the chemical energy in the hydrogen fuel is estimated to be 19.8% when ceria is employed as the reactive oxygen storage material. This estimated efficiency is an order of magnitude higher than previous designs and the reactor concept discussed herein identifies important insights that apply to solar–fuel conversion in general. Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Thermochemical reactor; Liquid metal; Partial redox cycles; Water splitting; Heat recuperation 1. Introduction The idea of using solar energy as high temperature pro- cess heat to make fuel has been of interest for more than three decades (Funk and Reinstrom, 1966; Funk, 2001; Nakamura, 1977; Steinfeld, 2005; Steinfeld et al., 1995). This idea has gained increased attention over the last few years as attention has shifted to two-step partial redox cycles (Bader et al., 2013; Chueh and Haile, 2010, 2009; Chueh et al., 2010; Diver et al., 2008; Ermanoski et al., 2013; Furler et al., 2012; Keene et al., 2013; Lapp and http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2015.08.019 0038-092X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Corresponding author at: George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 495 Tech Way NW, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Yuan), colbyjarrett@ gmail.com (C. Jarrett), [email protected] (W. Chueh), ykawajiri@ chbe.gatech.edu (Y. Kawajiri), [email protected] (Asegun Henry). 1 Present address: BASF Advanced Chemicals Co. Ltd, 333 Jiang Xin Sha Road, Pudong, Shanghai 200137, China. www.elsevier.com/locate/solener Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Solar Energy 122 (2015) 547–561

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Solar Energy 122 (2015) 547–561

A new solar fuels reactor concept based on a liquid metal heattransfer fluid: Reactor design and efficiency estimation

Cansheng Yuan a,b,1, Colby Jarrett b, William Chueh d, Yoshiaki Kawajiri a,Asegun Henry b,c,⇑

aSchool of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 311 Ferst Drive NW, Atlanta, GA 30332, USAbGeorge W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 771 Ferst drive Atlanta, GA 30332, USA

cSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 771 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332, USAdDepartment of Material Science and Engineering, Stanford University, 496 Lomita Mall, Stanford, CA 94035, USA

Received 13 May 2015; received in revised form 20 August 2015; accepted 21 August 2015

Communicated by: Associate Editor Michael Epstein


A new reactor concept for two-step partial redox cycles is presented and evaluated by transient simulation that considers heat andmass transfer along with reaction kinetics. The major difference between the reactor described herein and previous designs is that theconversion from solar to chemical energy is divided into two steps: sunlight-to-thermal energy conversion accomplished with a liquidmetal based receiver, and the thermal-to-chemical conversion accomplished with a separately optimized array of reaction chambers.To connect these two conversion steps, liquid metal is used as a high temperature heat transfer fluid that feeds the solar energy capturedin the receiver to the reactor. The liquid metal also facilitates efficient heat recuperation (�80%) between the reaction chambers. Theoverall thermal-to-chemical efficiency from the thermal energy in the liquid metal to the chemical energy in the hydrogen fuel is estimatedto be 19.8% when ceria is employed as the reactive oxygen storage material. This estimated efficiency is an order of magnitude higherthan previous designs and the reactor concept discussed herein identifies important insights that apply to solar–fuel conversion ingeneral.� 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thermochemical reactor; Liquid metal; Partial redox cycles; Water splitting; Heat recuperation


0038-092X/� 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding author at: George W. Woodruff School of MechanicalEngineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 495 Tech Way NW,Atlanta, GA 30332, USA.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Yuan), [email protected] (C. Jarrett), [email protected] (W. Chueh), [email protected] (Y. Kawajiri), [email protected] (Asegun Henry).1 Present address: BASF Advanced Chemicals Co. Ltd, 333 Jiang Xin

Sha Road, Pudong, Shanghai 200137, China.

1. Introduction

The idea of using solar energy as high temperature pro-cess heat to make fuel has been of interest for more thanthree decades (Funk and Reinstrom, 1966; Funk, 2001;Nakamura, 1977; Steinfeld, 2005; Steinfeld et al., 1995).This idea has gained increased attention over the last fewyears as attention has shifted to two-step partial redoxcycles (Bader et al., 2013; Chueh and Haile, 2010, 2009;Chueh et al., 2010; Diver et al., 2008; Ermanoski et al.,2013; Furler et al., 2012; Keene et al., 2013; Lapp and

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HTF heat transfer fluidLM liquid metalLMHTF liquid metal heat transfer fluidOSM oxygen storage material


Arec surface area of the receiverAreactor surface area associated with the reactorbinsulation thickness of insulationCp heat capacityd32 OSM pore scale particle sizeF dimensionless energy factorshinsulation heat transfer coefficient of InsulationH chamber height of chambersHHVH2

higher heating value of H2

Lchamber length of chambersmOSM effective mass of the OSMMOSM molar mass of the OSMNpipe number of pipes inside of one chambernH2

total hydrogen production in a stage by a cham-ber

nO2total oxygen production in a stage by a chamber

pO2partial pressure of oxygen

preactor reactor powerQ heat input_q heat fluxRLM inner radius of pipe

RSup outer radius of pipeROSM outer radius including OMSRfs radius of bulk gas layertpumping pumping time in reduction steptpurging purging time in reduction steptpreheat time to preheat the chambersT temperature profileTH reduction step temperatureTH� initial chamber temperature of reduction stepT L oxidation step temperatureT Lþ initial chamber temperature of oxidation stepuLM velocity of LMugas;inlet inlet velocity of purging gasW chamber width of chamberDt cycle timeDd average change in off-stoichiometryd nonstoichiometry�dOSM average nonstoichiometry reached in OSMq densityk thermal conductivitye porosity of OSMeS sensible heat recuperation efficiencys tortuosity of OSMggas gas–gas heat exchanger efficiencygthermal–chemical thermal to chemical efficiencygsolar–thermal solar to thermal efficiencygsolar–chemical solar to chemical efficiency

548 C. Yuan et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 547–561

Lipinski, 2014; Lapp et al., 2012, 2013; Lipinski et al.,2013; Miller et al., 2012; Muhich et al., 2013; Siegelet al., 2013; Wei et al., 2013; Zinkevich et al., 2006) basedon materials such as ceria, which have demonstrated hun-dreds of cycles with repeatable performance (Chuehet al., 2010). Two-step partial redox cycles using metal oxi-des undergo the following two reactions to make a fuel,such as hydrogen from water, which is the primary examplediscussed herein:

Step 1: Reduction Reaction

MxOy !THMxOy�d þ d

2O2ðgÞ ð1Þ

Step 2: Oxidation Reaction

dH2OðgÞ þMxOy�d !TLMxOy þ dH2ðgÞ ð2Þ

In these reactions, the solid phase metal oxide serves asan oxygen storage material (OSM), signified by MxOy . TheOSM is heated to a high temperature TH (e.g. 1200–1500 �C) and is subjected to a low oxygen pressure (PO2

) environ-ment where it endothermically releases oxygen from its

lattice. The heat required to break the chemical bonds issupplied by the high temperature solar process heat andthe oxygen release is driven by the entropy increase experi-enced by the O2 molecules upon liberation. After step 1 theOSM is in a reduced state MxOy�d and is then cooled to alower temperature T L (e.g. 500–800 �C), such that the ther-modynamic driving force is reversed and the OSM con-sumes the oxygen in H2O to refill its oxygen vacancies.This second reaction liberates hydrogen thereby producingfuel, while the OSM can be reheated and cycled throughthese two reaction steps without being consumed.

From a fundamental perspective, using sunlight as asource of thermal energy provides advantages over photo-catalytic approaches, because the entire solar spectrum isutilized, as opposed to only using the high energy portionof the spectrum which is capable of splitting chemicalbonds directly. Techno-economic analyses by Stechelet al. have shown that the thermochemical approach tosolar fuels can be economically viable, if the solar to fuelefficiency of a system exceeds 20% (Kim et al., 2012,2011; Siegel et al., 2013).

The overall efficiency of a solar thermochemical reactoris constrained by a steady state balance between the power

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density of the fuel output and solar energy input. Theenergy conversion process from sunlight to chemical energycan be divided into two distinct conversions, namely (1)solar to thermal energy conversion, and (2) thermal tochemical energy conversion. To reach the high tempera-tures required for the reduction step, concentrated solarradiation is usually trapped in a cavity after enteringthrough a small aperture to minimize reradiation losses.The walls and any structures contained inside the cavityserve as the solar receiver, which absorbs the sunlightand converts it to thermal energy. The thermal energy isthen converted to chemical energy in the form of fuel(i.e., via a partial redox cycle) in what we will refer to inthe subsequent analysis as the reactor.

Using thermodynamic models that do not necessarilyconsider kinetics or the details of the reactor, severalauthors have shown that high solar to chemical efficiency(>20%) can be achieved (Diver et al., 2008; Ermanoskiet al., 2013; Lange et al., 2014; Lapp et al., 2012; Siegelet al., 2013). However, current reactors have efficiencieson the order of 1% (Chueh et al., 2010; Miller et al.,2012), and improvements have led to peak efficiencies upto 4% (Furler et al., 2012). This large difference betweenthe efficiencies calculated by models and the values mea-sured in experiments is in part due to the fact that thermo-dynamic based modeling does not fully capture thetransient and non-uniform evolution of temperature andoxygen pressure, which govern the rate of fuel production(Keene et al., 2013). Keene et al. (2013) showed that whenthe finite limitations on heat and mass transfer as well aschemical kinetics are accounted for in current reactors,the predicted efficiencies are low and the discrepancy withexperiments is reconciled. Therefore, a transient modelincluding the heat, mass transfer and reaction kinetics isnecessary to correctly predict the efficiency (Keene et al.,2013). In the following we introduce an alternative perspec-tive for designing solar fuels reactors and identify severalimportant issues that can be overcome with a differentdesign concept. We then introduce a new reactor conceptthat attempts to address these issues and uses a similarmodeling procedure as Keene et al. (2013) to predict itsperformance. The model shows that significantly higherefficiencies may be possible with a different reactor design.







Heat transfer fluid


reactor recA A=



(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Schematic of device to transfer solar energy to chemical energy.

2. Power density mismatch

Here, we discuss an important issue that exists in manyconventional reactor designs. In conventional designs, theOSM (e.g., ceria) simultaneously serves as receiver andreactor (see Fig. 1a). For the first conversion step fromsolar to thermal energy, the energy balance on the solarabsorbing surfaces can be written as:

_qsunArec ¼ _qheatArec þ _qlossArec ð3Þwhere _qsun; _qheat, and _qloss are fluxes (kW/m2) of the incidentsolar radiation, thermal energy captured by the receiver,and the parasitic heat loss to the environment, respectively,and Arec is the surface area of the receiver. Here, it is impor-tant to emphasize that Arec is the macroscopic surface areaand not the microscopic surface area that can be obtainedfrom microscopic porosity in the receiver walls. Using thesedefinitions, one can define a solar-to-thermal efficiencygsolar–thermal as:

gsolar–thermal ¼_qheatArec


¼ _qheat_qsun


Similarly, the thermal to chemical efficiencygthermal–chemical can be described as

gthermal–chemical ¼_qOSMAreactor



where _qOSM is the cycle averaged flux of chemical energy(fuel) production, and Areactor is the projected surface areaassociated with the reactor. Here, it is again important toemphasize that Areactor is the macroscopic surface area ofthe reactor and not the microscopic surface area that canbe obtained from microscopic porosity in the OSM itself,which is needed to facilitate the chemical reactions. Withthis definition, the chemical energy flux _qOSM can beexpressed using the properties of the OSM as follows:

_qOSM ¼ nH2HHVH2

AreactorDt¼ mOSMDd






In Eq. (6), nH2is the amount of hydrogen produced per

cycle, HHVH2is the higher heating value of hydrogen, Dt is

the cycle time. In the second expression in Eq. (6), MOSM ismolar mass of the OSM; mOSM is the effective mass of theOSM that produces fuel during the partial redox cycle,where Dd represents the average change in off-stoichiometry and the product mOSMDd simply yields thetotal amount of oxygen produced during each cycle. Notethat mOSM is not necessarily the amount of OSM mass inthe reactor, as it is possible that not all of the OSM massis fully cycled through Dd. In this sense, mOSM could be lim-ited by the way heat is delivered (i.e., the penetration depthof incoming sunlight), or other transport limitations suchas gas transport. By combining Eqs. (4) and (5), thesolar-to-chemical efficiency can be expressed as:

gsolar–chemical ¼ gsolar–thermalgthermal–chemical ¼_qOSMAreactor



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As is conceptually illustrated in Fig. 1a, many reactordesigns employ direct irradiation of the OSM with sunlight(Chueh et al., 2010; Diver et al., 2008; Furler et al., 2012;Miller et al., 2012), which is intuitive and straightforward.This approach ensures that the endothermic heat requiredfor step 1 is supplied at a sufficiently high rate. However,this approach has an important consequence, which is thatit fundamentally links the surface area available for lightabsorption to the surface area available for chemical reac-tions (Areactor ¼ Arec in Eq. (7)), and thus the overall effi-ciency is given by gsolar–chemical ¼ _qOSM= _qsun. To obtain ahigh efficiency, this constraint requires _qOSM to be nearlyequal to _qsun. These two fluxes, however, differ by morethan an order of magnitude in previous studies (Chuehet al., 2010; Furler et al., 2012). Based on experimentalwork of Chueh et al. (2010), the average power associatedwith the fuel power flux production _qOSM is only 1.8 kW/m2, which is obtained from the second equality in Eq. (6)using the values in Table 1. On the other hand,_qsun ¼ psun=Arec is as high as 230 kW/m2, which is computedfrom the solar power psun of 1.9 kW for the receiver surfacearea of Arec ¼ 0:0082 m2. Therefore, even though a materialsuch as ceria can be cycled many times with minimal degra-dation, the average power associated with the fuel powerflux production _qOSM is only on the order of 2 kW/m2,while _qsun is on the order of 100 kW/m2. In concept, itmay be possible to achieve much larger values for _qOSM,for example if full instead of partial redox cycles are used.However, for partial redox cycles, which have garneredinterest because of the large number of repeated cycles thathave been demonstrated with minimal degradation, thevalues for _qOSM are not likely to increase by an order ofmagnitude or more, because they fundamentally requirethat one only cycle a fraction of the constituent oxygenin the lattice.

The difference of two orders of magnitude between thepower input _qsun and output _qOSM is an important powerdensity mismatch, and offers a very simple explanationfor why the efficiency of conventional reactors are on theorder of 1–2%. This is because the rate at which heat isfed into reactors greatly exceeds the rate at which fuelcan be extracted. As a result, a steady state energy balance

Table 1Parameters used to compute _qOSM with experimental data.

Value Source

mOSM ¼ 325 g Total mass of ceria used (Chueh et al., 2010)(assumed to be equal to the effective mass)

Dd ¼ 0:066 Nonstoichiometry Dd for equilibrium atTH ¼ 1500 �C and pO2

¼ 10�5 atm (Chueh andHaile, 2010)

Dt ¼ 40 min Cycle time, obtained from Fig. 3 in Chueh et al.(2010)

d inner ¼ 25:7 mm Inner diameter of cylindrical OSM (Chueh et al.,2010)

hOSM ¼ 102 mm Height of cylindrical OSM (Chueh et al., 2010)Areactor ¼ 0:0082 m2 Obtained assuming Areactor ¼ Arec ¼ pd innerhOSM

requires that the remaining heat be lost. Keene et al. (2013)have shown that reradiation losses dominate as the cavitycontinues to increase in temperature until a stagnationoccurs where the majority of the heat is reradiated fromthe cavity.

Although there are several potential strategies toincrease the efficiency gsolar–chemical for conventional designs,substantial technical challenges must be overcome. Oneintuitive solution to improve the efficiency is to increase_qOSM either by improvement of the reactor design or mate-rial. Referring to Eq. (6), for the reactor design improve-ment, _qOSM can be increased by increasing the effectivemass of ceria in the reactor mOSM. However, for conven-tional designs, increasing the effective mass is fundamen-tally limited by how far the sunlight can penetrate intothe OSM. This is determined by the solar flux distribution,the OSM optical properties and how fast oxygen can beremoved from the reactor. One would not expect to gainan order of magnitude increase in such quantities andtherefore we believe this pathway may not yield order ofmagnitude improvements.

For material improvements, increasing Dd can alsoincrease _qOSM. However, for materials such as ceria, Dd islimited to values on the order of 0.01–0.1 for the tempera-tures and oxygen pressures accessible in previous experi-ments (Chueh et al., 2010; Furler et al., 2012; Milleret al., 2012). Thus, it is also unlikely that order of magni-tude improvements can be realized by increasing Dd.Finally, the cycle time Dt may be reduced to compensatefor the two order of magnitude difference between _qsunand _qOSM. However, order of magnitude shorter cycle timeswould require extremely fast heating and cooling rates,which may not be possible because of material limitationsassociated with thermal shock or system level heat transferlimitations. Therefore, it is difficult to envision a two orderof magnitude increase in _qOSM with current materials andreactor designs.

Another approach for increasing the efficiencygsolar–chemical could be to reduce _qsun. This can be realizedby reducing the ratio of the aperture area to the OSM area.While this approach may be viable, it will likely requirecareful engineering to minimize heat leakage while main-taining the high temperatures required for the reactions.It may also be challenging to achieve fast cycle times, sincethe heat input at a given location will be much lower, lead-ing to slower heating rates. To the best of our knowledge,such an approach has never been attempted. In practice,the opposite has been observed; experiments done by Fur-ler et al. found that increasing _qsun, increased efficiency(Furler et al., 2012). The reason efficiency increased in theircase was due to a higher value of _qOSM, as the higher _qsunresulted in a higher reduction temperature which increasedDd, and reduced the cycle time Dt more than the increasedreradiation loss. This approach, however, ultimately corre-sponds to an increase in Dd, and thus is expected tohave similar limitations as was previously mentioned,

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specifically for partial redox materials that can be repeat-edly cycled without degradation.

3. A new reactor concept

Since _qOSM and _qsun are naturally disparate for currentmaterials, here we consider a different approach, whichdecouples the two conversion processes such that Areactor

need not be equal to Arec. Such a reactor concept wouldallow Areactor to be significantly greater than Arec. The trade-off, however, is likely to be an increase in capital cost forthe now larger reactor, but it could potentially be viableif gsolar–chemical is drastically improved and the fuel generatedis of sufficiently high value.

One approach to decoupling the receiver and reactorarea is to use a moving/flowing media for sunlight absorp-tion. For the region of the system that is illuminated by theconcentrated sunlight, one cannot limit its radiative viewfactor back to the environment at the location of sunlightexposure, due to the requirement of detailed balance.One can decrease the aperture size to generally decreasethe view factor back to the environment, but this increasesthe required concentration, which is both fundamentallylimited and practically limited by issues such as the finitesize of the sun (e.g., it is not a point source) and trackingaccuracy. For the region of the system where concentratedsunlight absorption occurs, the input flux is usually so largethat the time scale required to heat a medium to the targetreduction temperature is short, by comparison to the timescale required to generate the fuel. Thus, it is advantageousto decouple these two time scales, by using a moving/flow-ing medium that passes through the region of high sunlightconcentration and high view factor to the environmentquickly. Then, once the medium has reached the targetpeak reduction temperature TH, the medium can be movedto another region of the system where its view factor to theenvironment is effectively zero (e.g., a location completelysurrounded by thermal insulation), preventing it from los-ing the heat that was captured. Once in this enclosed por-tion of the system, the medium can be utilized to performthe thermal-to-chemical conversion in a way that may takeadvantage of a much larger surface area, which is likely tobe needed for sufficiently fast reaction kinetics. As a result,the usage of a moving/flowing medium fundamentallyallows one to separate the area of sunlight exposure forsolar-to-thermal conversion from the larger area neededfor thermal-to-chemical conversion.

This approach has been pursued previously, for exam-ple, by Koepf et al. (2012) and Ermanoski et al. (2013).In their work, the OSM moves/flows as particles(Ermanoski et al., 2013), which are only temporarilyexposed to the incident light, whereby they are heated tothe target temperature. Once heated, the particles flow intoa portion of the system that has effectively zero view factorto the environment (e.g., fully enclosed containment)instead of remaining fixed in the region where sunlight isconcentrated. This then allows the time required for

heating to be completely decoupled from the time requiredfor chemical reactions as these approaches can operate asbatch processes. In these reactor concepts, the total surfacearea available for chemical reactions (Areactor) is propor-tional to the surface area of all the particles being cycledand is decoupled from the surface area available for sun-light absorption (Arec), which is proportional to the receiveraperture size.

Recognizing that decoupling the receiver and reactor sur-face is critical, here we examine another approach that real-izes the same advantages as Koepf et al. (2012) andErmanoski et al. (2013), but also facilitates improved recu-peration. The new reactor concept introduced herein usestwo separate devices, namely an optimized solar–thermalreceiver and a separately optimized thermal-chemical reac-tor, that are connected through a high temperature heattransfer fluid (HTF). This concept is schematically illustratedin Fig. 1(b). In this way, the exposed surface area and mate-rials needed for the solar–thermal conversion are decoupledfrom the thermal-chemical conversion. In such a design, wecan increase Areactor while keeping Arec fixed, which allows usto dramatically increase solar to chemical efficiency. Thisdecoupling can be accomplished with a solar receiver, whichuses a liquid HTF to absorb sunlight at a high temperature.The HTF is then pumped to a thermochemical reactor todeliver the heat to a stationary OSM and produce fuel.

The reactor concept shown in Fig. 1(b) hinges on theusage of a high temperature HTF that is both liquid andchemically stable in the temperature range of interest or[T L; TH]. Molten salts (Hasuike et al., 2006; Lata et al.,2008; Xu and Wiesner, 2012), glasses (Deubener et al.,2009) and metals (Sharafat and Ghoniem, 2000; Subasic,1998) are among the only classes of fluids that remain inthe liquid phase at temperatures of approximately 1000 �C or above. Among these choices, liquid metals have anumber of advantages that could prove useful for theapplication of thermochemical reactors as follows (Wetzelet al., 2014): (1) metals such as Sn have low melting points(232 �C), high boiling points (2602 �C) and low viscosities,similar to water at temperatures slightly above their melt-ing point. This is an advantage over molten glasses, whichcan become highly viscous and difficult to pump at lowertemperatures; (2) metals such as Sn are thermodynamicallystable in contact with a variety of ceramics, which can beused as containment materials with no corrosion. This isan advantage not necessarily shared by molten salts orglasses, which often contain a larger number of elementsfacilitating formation of unwanted corrosion products;(3) liquid metals have thermal conductivities that areapproximately two orders of magnitude higher than non-electrically conductive liquids. This leads to much higherconvective heat transfer coefficients and thereby reducesthe pumping power required for high rates of heat transfer.

Given these potential advantages we have designed anew type of solar fuels reactor that uses liquid metal(LM) as a HTF and can therefore overcome not only theissues associated with the power density mismatch, but

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can also facilitate highly efficient solid phase heatexchange, which has been identified as major source ofinefficiency (Lapp et al., 2012; Nakamura, 1977; Steinfeldet al., 1999). Since it is chemically compatible with liquidSn at all temperatures and is easily machinable, it is cur-rently envisioned that the system will be primarily con-structed out of graphite. To correctly predict the reactorefficiency, a transient model is built based on our design.As is shown later, our model suggests that our new designcan exhibit thermal-to-chemical efficiencies gthermal–chemical ofapproximately 20%. It is important to note that, to ourknowledge, no previous reactor design that has been mod-eled in detail has shown that such high efficiencies can berealized (Keene et al., 2013; Lapp and Lipinski, 2014).

In the following, we discuss the reactor model and per-formance, assuming a solar receiver that uses a liquid metalheat transfer fluid (LMHTF) can facilitate the solar–ther-mal conversion at high efficiency (gsolar–thermal � 0.8–0.9)and supplies the reactor with LMHTF at the peak reactortemperature TH. The ensuing analysis is not contingent onthis assumption, as the following analysis is devotedspecifically to gthermal–chemical. Thus, the assumption of highefficiency solar to thermal conversion simply serves asa basis by which the independent examination ofgthermal–chemical is justified, since it is expected to be the limit-ing efficiency for the entire system (see Eq. (7)). Nonethe-less, it is useful to note that the idea of a 80–90% efficientsolar receiver appears feasible based on modeling resultspresented elsewhere (DeAngelis and Henry, 2014), whichrely on a graphite receiver held in an inert environment.Such a receiver can reach such high efficiencies, when theconcentration entering the cavity is P5000 kW/m2,whereby the flux on the receiver absorbing surfaces is onthe order of 100 kW/m2. For a material such as graphite,which has a thermal conductivity >20 W/mK at high tem-perature (1500 �C) (Uher, 1991), a receiver made of tubesor walls with thicknesses on the order of 1 cm has a con-ductive thermal resistance of <5 � 10�4 m2 K W�1, andcan therefore transfer the heat to the LM with a tempera-ture drop across the wall on the order of a few tens ofdegrees K (<50 K). This then minimizes the temperaturedifference between the sunlight absorbing cavity surfacesthat reradiate back to the environment and the LM exittemperature. This then yields high efficiencies commensu-rate with the receiver efficiencies obtained in current con-centrated solar power (CSP) plants. Since the issue of thereceiver efficiency is to be examined elsewhere, the ensuingdiscussion is devoted to the working principles of the reac-tor and its novel heat recovery strategy. The modelingresults provide new insights and guidance on new direc-tions that can be pursued for even further improvementsin reactor efficiency.

4. Efficiency considerations

As discussed in the preceding section, in this study weexamine an approach based on a LMHTF. In this

approach a receiver, which can be located separately fromthe reactor, heats a LMHTF such as Sn(l). After beingheated in the receiver, the LMHTF is pumped to the reac-tor to supply the thermal energy to the thermochemicalcycle for fuel generation. In the ensuing discussion we havefocused specifically on hydrogen production, via watersplitting, however, other fuels or fuel precursors are alsopossible, such as syngas (Bader et al., 2013; Chueh andHaile, 2010, 2009; Chueh et al., 2010; Diver et al., 2008;Ermanoski et al., 2013; Funk and Reinstrom, 1966;Funk, 2001; Furler et al., 2012; Keene et al., 2013; Kimet al., 2012, 2011; Lapp and Lipinski, 2014; Lapp et al.,2013, 2012; Lipinski et al., 2013; Loutzenhiser et al.,2010; Miller et al., 2012; Muhich et al., 2013; Nakamura,1977; Siegel et al., 2013; Steinfeld, 2005; Steinfeld et al.,1999, 1995; Wei et al., 2013; Xu and Wiesner, 2012;Zinkevich et al., 2006). The high thermal conductivity ofthe LMHTF allows for extremely power dense heat trans-fer (i.e. 1–10 MW/m2) and is one of the principle reasonsour models indicate that the receiver can operate with highefficiency (gsolar–thermal � 80–90%) at 1350 �C (DeAngelisand Henry, 2014).

In our current design, a general form of the thermal effi-ciency gthermal–chemical is given by:

gthermal–chemical ¼nH2



¼ nH2HHVH2

QReheat þ QLoss þ W Pump þ QPurge þ QRXN

ð8ÞIn Eq. (8), QTotal is the total energy input per cycle;

QReheat accounts for the thermal energy required to heatthe OSM and reactor from T L to TH; QLoss accounts forthe heat leakage from the entire reactor system; QRXN rep-resents the endothermic energy required to liberate oxygenduring the reduction step; W Pump accounts for the mechan-ical work input required to lower the O2 partial pressure ifa vacuum pump is used; QPurge accounts for the energy

required to preheat the purge gas to T L to TH. Detailed for-mulations for these energy inputs are discussed in Section 6.To better understand how each term in the denominator ofEq. (8) limits the efficiency, we define dimensionlessenergy factors F i, where each energy requirement is nor-malized with respect to the total amount of fuel produced:

F i ¼ Qi=ðnH2HHVH2

Þ ð9Þwhere i ¼ Reheat;Loss;Work, and Purge. In this way, thenumerator of Eq. (8) becomes unity, and it allows us tomore easily identify the efficiency bottlenecks:

gthermal–chemical ¼1

F Reheat þ F Loss þ FWork þ F Purge þ F RXN

ð10ÞPrevious analyses have established that F Reheat is one of

the most important limiting factors in the efficiency (Baderet al., 2013; Chueh et al., 2010; Diver et al., 2008;

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Ermanoski et al., 2013; Furler et al., 2012; Keene et al.,2013; Lapp and Lipinski, 2014; Lapp et al., 2013, 2012;Lipinski et al., 2013; Loutzenhiser et al., 2010; Milleret al., 2012; Siegel et al., 2013; Steinfeld, 2005; Steinfeldet al., 1999; Wei et al., 2013), aside from reradiation losses.This is because, for partial redox cycles, all of the atoms inthe lattice, not only the oxygen, must be heated from T L toTH. Therefore, by comparison, the sensible heating require-ment F Reheat can greatly outweigh F RXN. There have beensuccessful approaches to addressing this issue, such as theradiative recuperation strategy of the CR5 (Diver et al.,2008; Miller et al., 2012), and the CR5 simulations demon-strate recuperative efficiencies >50% (Lapp and Lipinski,2014; Lapp et al., 2013). Since our system attempts to solvethe reradiation problem using a LMHTF based receiver,we focused our reactor design on solving the recuperationproblem, since it can be the largest loss in the reactor.

The second major issue addressed by our design is thedesire to control the gas environment separately for thetwo reaction steps. As will be discussed later, it is desirableto operate the reduction reaction at reduced total pressureand the oxidation reaction at higher pressures. This, how-ever, is not an option in some reactor designs where thereis no hermetic seal between the OSM undergoing the reduc-tion step and OSM undergoing the oxidation step (Diveret al., 2008; Miller et al., 2012).

With these issues in mind, in our design we use an arrayof sealed reaction chambers that are interconnected with apiping network which allows the LMHTF to transfer heatbetween the chambers (see Fig. 2(a) and (d)). In our systemall reaction chambers matriculate through the two reactionsteps at different times and therefore have different temper-atures at any given instant. In this reactor concept, the tworeaction steps (Eqs. (1) and (2)), as well as the heat recuper-ation, occur cyclically and semi-continuously in separatereaction chambers. Each individual reaction chamber con-sists of an array of pipes (see Fig. 2(b)), contained inside ahermetically sealed outer housing. Each pipe serves as acontainment material for the LMHTF flowing throughits inner bore (see Fig. 2(b) and (c)). Each pipe also servesas a support for the OSM as the OSM is coated around itsouter diameter. At present, we envision using graphite asthe piping material that supports the OSM, particularlybecause it is machinable, chemically compatible with Sn(l) at any temperature of interest, has high thermal conduc-tivity at high temperature and can withstand the repeatedthermal cycling between T L and TH (Sato et al., 1975).

A thin fully dense diffusion barrier, such as a ZrO2 basedlayer, is also needed as a coating on the pipes to blockchemical interactions between the OSM and the pipe, aswell as chemical interactions between the gas environmentand the pipe. Current development efforts suggest that aC-ZrC-ZrO2-OSM layering approach may offer sufficientprotection. Thus far, considering all of the materialsrequirements, a materials solution seems feasible, but addi-tional engineering will likely be needed to increase lifetimeand reliability. Such issues are beyond the scope of the

current investigation, but attempting to solve those chal-lenges must first be motivated by the potential to achievemuch higher efficiency, as is assessed by our model andensuing discussion.

5. Reactor design and operation

During the endothermic reduction step, high tempera-ture LMHTF from the solar receiver is pumped throughthe parallel array of pipes inside one of the reaction cham-bers. The sensible heat of the LMHTF is first transferredvia convection to the pipe’s inner wall, then it is conductedthrough the pipe wall to the OSM coated on the outside.The heat then conducts through the OSM to its surfacewhere oxygen atoms are liberated, which results in a localcooling effect. While the high temperature LMHTF fromthe receiver flows through the inside of the pipes coatedwith the OSM, separate gas ports on the hermeticallysealed container control the gas environment experiencedby the OSM on the outside of each pipe, as shown in Fig. 3.

During the reduction step, a vacuum pump is first usedto lower the total pressure to approximately 10�2 atm byopening Valve 2 with the vacuum pump working at the exitof reaction chamber, which reduces the total pressure in thereactor to a desired level. Once the target pressure isreached, Valves 1 and 3 are opened, and Valve 2 is shutoff to enable high velocity low pressure steam to enter thereaction chamber, which acts as a purge gas and furtherreduces the PO2

. It is important to appreciate that thesegas valves need not operate at elevated temperatures andtherefore one can make use of elastomer based sealingapproaches applicable at room temperature. During thereduction step, the total pressure is kept to the value atthe end of the pumping step, so that the steam is suppliedat low pressure. The reduced pressure decreases the densityof the gas, thereby reducing the total amount of heatneeded to preheat the gas to TH. Using a low-pressuresweep gas has been experimentally evaluated by Milleret al. (2012). Here, the sweep gas energy penalty scales withthe ratio of the purging gas flow rate to the O2 flow rate,which is approximately P sweep=PO2

(Ermanoski et al.,2013). Therefore if low O2 pressures are desired, low totalpressures are needed to minimize this ratio.

The idea of using steam as a purge gas is unconven-tional, but is motivated by its easier separation from O2

in the product stream by simply condensing out H2O inthe liquid phase. During the high temperature reductionreaction, one concern is that steam may simply reoxidizethe OSM, counteracting the intended reduction reaction.Steam that enters the chamber partially dissociates to gen-erate an effective oxygen partial pressure associated withthe equilibrium between water and hydrogen in the gasphase. At the temperatures of interest, the resulting partialpressure of oxygen is �10�5 atm. As will be shown later,this oxygen pressure is significantly lower than the lowestoxygen pressure achieved in our reaction chambers, due

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O2Step (1)Reduction

Step (2)Oxidation

Heat RecuperationPiping Network

Reaction Chambers




Gas flow


OSM support


Fig. 2. (a) Thermochemical reactor schematic showing an array of sealed reaction chambers interconnected by a piping network. The chambers aredenoted by two cylinder shapes and the piping network consists of pipes that do not intersect, but are overlaid on top of each other, so that each acts as adedicated conduit for LMHTF circulation between a pair of chambers. At a given instant, two of the reaction chambers on opposite sides of the circle eachundergo the reduction and oxidation steps respectively. (b) A schematic of an individual reaction chamber, which is consists of an array of pipes carryingLMHTF through the inner bore. (c) A cross-section of one tube inside of the chamber. (d) Each reaction chamber has a set of pipes that carry LMHTF toand from every other chamber in the circle.

Chamber Vacuum Pump

Valve 3

Valve 2

Valve 1

Fig. 3. Schematic of valve arrangement and sequence for controlling thegas environment.

H2,O2 (g)H2O (g) + H2,O2 (g)

Outlet Stream:

Purge gas:H2O (g)




H2O (l)

H2O (g)


Fig. 4. A schematic of heat exchanger, condenser and evaporator loop.The outlet stream from the chamber with high temperature gas exchangesheat with the low temperature purge gas. Then the outlet stream enters acondenser to separate the liquid water, which is supplied as purge gas afterthe evaporator.

554 C. Yuan et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 547–561

to constraints associated with the cycle time and limitingthe losses from preheating the purge gas. Thus it isexpected that steam can be used as a purge gas withoutcausing any unwanted reoxidation during step 1.

During the gas recuperation from the product stream,the heat released upon condensation can be recycled tovaporize more steam forming a circulation loop as shownin Fig. 4, which shows the concept of using a heat exchan-ger, condenser, and evaporator in a circulation loop. Here,we envision using a heat exchanger to preheat the purge gaswith high temperature outlet stream from reaction cham-bers. The condenser separates the product H2 and O2 fromliquid water, which is supplied to the evaporator to regen-erate purge gas. This avoids the need for mixed gas separa-tions to recover a pure oxygen stream.

In the reactor system shown in Fig. 2(a), while one reac-tion chamber undergoes the reduction step, the chamber onthe opposite side of the circle undergoes the water splittingoxidation step. In this reaction chamber, higher pressure(i.e. 1 atm) steam enters through the gas ports as thereactant for the water splitting reaction. A mixture ofH2O + H2 exits the reactor and its sensible heat can berecuperated through a heat exchanger, which is similar tothe system used for the high temperature purging steamdiscussed above for reduction. Again, by simply using purewater as the input, it can be separated from the H2 fuel thatis produced by condensing out the water and using the heat

of condensation to vaporize more reactant. Thus, the pri-mary reason for using steam is to enable separations withminimal energy requirements since the heat of condensa-tion can be recuperated.

While two of the reaction chambers undergo the reduc-tion and oxidation steps, the other chambers in the circlerecuperate the heat through the pipes at intermediate tem-peratures between T L and TH. Each reaction chamber has aset of pipes that carry LMHTF to and from every otherreactor in the circle. This piping network is used exclusivelyfor heat recuperation and consists of NðN � 1Þ pipes,where N is the total number of reaction chambers in the cir-cle. This expression accounts for the fact that circulation ofLMHTF between reaction chambers requires both a sendand receive channel.

Fig. 5 shows two stages (Stages 1 and 2) in the cyclicoperation of the proposed reactor concept. Each stage con-sists of three steps–pumping, purging, and preheating–asdescribed below. In the pumping step in Stage 1, Chamber1 undergoes the reduction step at the initial temperature ofTH�, which is below the desired temperature TH, whileChamber 5 undergoes the oxidation step at T Lþ. All other

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chambers are at intermediate temperatures betweenTH� and T Lþ. During the pumping step, Chamber 1 isheated to the desired temperature TH by the LMHTF fromthe solar receiver. Simultaneously the reduction reaction(Eq. (1)) occurs while the oxygen pressure is reduced bythe vacuum pump. On the opposite side, Chamber 5 iscooled from T Lþ to T L, and then undergoes the oxidationstep (Eq. (2)). Simultaneously, all remaining chamberstransfer thermal energy through the LMHTF to recuperateheat between themselves. After the pressure in Chamber 1is reduced to about 10�2 atm, purging is performed (purg-ing step) to further reduce PO2

for reduction reaction, whilethe heat recuperation and oxidation reaction still continue.After purging is completed, the preheating step begins,where the supply of LMHTF from the solar receiver stops,and Chamber 1 at the highest temperature TH transfers theheat to Chamber 2. Simultaneously, Chamber 5 at the low-est temperature T L exchange heat with Chamber 6. The restof chambers transfer thermal energy between themselvesvia the LMHTF to recuperate the heat as well. After com-pleting the above three steps, the next stage, Stage 2 begins,where Chamber 2 undergoes reduction step and Chamber 6performs the oxidation step. The remaining stages follow asimilar sequence. With this heat recuperation scheme, the








8 2

LLM T2H O(g)

2OVacuum pump

HT −


LT +





LLM T2H O(g)

2H O(g)








8 2


2H O(g)


HT −

2HLT +



Pumping Pu





2H O(g)


Fig. 5. A schematic diagram of the reaction and heat recuperation strategy forare open and circulate the LMWF to exchange heat and bring different reactionthe numbers denote the chamber number. Only the first two stages are shown. Tsteps, pumping, purging and preheating. (For interpretation of the references toarticle.)

sensible heat stored in the contents of each reaction cham-ber can be recuperated without mechanically moving theOSM. Instead, the LMHTF is moved, which reducesthe number of solid moving parts to those contained in thepumps and valves associated with the LMHTF circulationloops.

With this approach the theoretical maximum recupera-tion efficiency eS-MAX simply depends on the number ofchambers N . If one assumes constant heat capacity for allmaterials and no heat loss, the maximum recuperation effi-ciency is eS-MAX ¼ 1� 1=N (see Supporting Information).From this equation, it can be seen that with this new recu-peration scheme based on the usage of a LMHTF, one canachieve high recuperation efficiencies (>80% with eightreactors). The idea is easily generalized to any number ofreactors, but a larger number of reactors translates to a lar-ger capital cost, but higher recuperation efficiency.

We summarize the advantages of the proposed conceptbelow. One of the principal benefits of our approach is thatthe surface area/power density associated with the reactorcan be separately optimized from that of the receiver. Ifthe energy flux of the OSM _qOSM is low, then the area forchemical reactions Areactor can be increased by simplyincreasing the number and/or density of pipes coated with














8 2









8 2HT


e 1

e 2









2H O(g)

an eight-chamber reactor system. Red arrows denote which pipe channelschambers into equilibrium. Two grey cylinders represent the chambers andhe remaining six stages follow a similar sequence. Each stage includes threecolor in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

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OSM Support




Fig. 6. Two-dimensional cross-sectional view of a single pipe.

556 C. Yuan et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 547–561

the OSM within each reaction chamber, thereby increasingthe efficiency gthermal–chemical according to Eq. (5). This illus-trates how separating the receiver and reactor can improveefficiency, which is the primary benefit of the proposedreactor concept. The second major benefit of our new reac-tor concept is that the usage of a HTF facilitates efficientheat recovery of the solid phase and minimizes the numberof moving parts. The third major benefit of our reactorconcept arises from the use of an array of reaction cham-bers, which allows one to separately control the gas envi-ronments during each reaction step.

6. Reactor model

The reactor model consists of transient coupled massand energy balance equations for all phases in the reactionchamber (the bulk gas, OSM, OSM support, and theLMHTF) as well as the reaction kinetics. The model wasimplemented in gPROMS to identify limiting parametersto improve the efficiency (Process Systems EnterpriseLtd., 2004).

In the model, the thermochemical efficiencygthermal–chemical is given by,

gthermal–chemical ¼nH2



¼ nH2HHVH2

QReheat þ QLoss þ W Pump þ QPurge þ QRXN

ð11Þwhere W Pump is the energy required by the pump, andQReheat; QLoss; QPurge, and QRXN are heat input for the sen-

sible heat for OSM, heat input to compensate the heat lossto the environment, heat to increase the temperature of thepurge gas, and the heat of reaction, respectively. Here,QReheat, QLoss, and QRXN are given by,

QReheat ¼ ð1� eSÞZ TH



SupP ÞdT ð12Þ

QLoss ¼ _QLossDt ð13ÞQRXN ¼ nO2


The energy input for the pump W Pump is given by:

W Pump ¼Z

_ngasðP ðtÞÞgPumpðP ðtÞÞ

RT pump lnP ðtÞP atm

� �dt ð15Þ

where P atm is atmospheric pressure, _ngas is the molar flowrate of gas which is a function of reaction chamber pressureP ðtÞ; gPump is the pump efficiency which is also a function of

P ðtÞ. Finally, QPurge is given by:

QPurge ¼ ð1� eGÞ �Z T


P ngasdT ð16Þ

where T1 is the ambient temperature, T is the temperatureof the reactor (which is either T L or TH), ngas is the totalamount of purge gas used, and eG is the efficiency of the

gas heat exchanger. More detailed discussions on theassumptions and sensitivity analysis are given in Yuanet al. (in press).

The transient model consists of mass and energy balanceequations for all layers (gas, OSM, OSM support, and theLMHTF shown in Fig. 6) of a single pipe in the reactionchamber as well as the reaction kinetics. Additional discus-sion about the model as well as the approach to efficiencyoptimization are presented elsewhere Yuan et al. (in press).

The heat transfer between the OSM and LMHTF layersis given by the following equation, where the convectiveheat transfer rate is characterized by the heat transfer coef-ficient hLM,



@tþ qLMC



@z� kLM

@2T LM


¼ ALMhLMðT SupðRSup; z; tÞ � T LMðz; tÞÞ ð17Þwhere ALM is the surface area to volume ratio for the pipe.The energy balance within the OSM support layer is thengiven by the following equation,


@T Sup

@t� kSup

@2T Sup

@R2þ 1

R@T Sup

@Rþ @2T Sup


� �¼ 0

ð18ÞSimilarly, the energy balance within the OSM layer is

given by,





@R2þ 1




� �¼ riDHi

ð19Þwhere riDHi is the source term due to the heat of reaction.The energy balance in the bulk gas layer is given by the fol-lowing equation,


@T gas

@tþ qgasC


@ðugasT gasÞ@z

� kgas@2T gas


¼ AOSMhgasðTOSMðROSM; z; tÞ � T gasðz; tÞÞ ð20Þ

where AOSM is surface area to volume ratio for the OSMlayer.

In the reaction chamber, the O2 or H2 molecules pro-duced in the OSM layer diffuse from the surface of anOSM particle to the top of the OSM layer. The rate ofthe diffusion is represented by the effective diffusion coeffi-cient Deff , while the rate of mass transfer for the moleculesthat travel across the boundary layer between the bulk gaslayer and OSM is described by mass transfer coefficient

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kgas. For the OSM layer, the mass balance equation consid-ers the diffusion through the OSM layer and surface reac-tion rate, as follows,


@t� eDeff


@R2þ 1


@Rþ @2ci;OSM


� �¼ �ri

ð21Þwhere e is the porosity of OSM. For the bulk gas layer, themass balance equation can be written as follows,


þ ugas@ci;gas@z

þ ci;gas@ugas@z

þ kgasAOSMeðci;gasðz; tÞ� ci;OSMðROSM; z; tÞÞ ¼ 0 ð22Þ

The gas velocity ugas is obtained from the overall massbalance equation for all species,


þ ugas@cTotal@z

þ cTotal@ugas@z


kgasAOSMeðci;gasðz; tÞ� ci;OSMðROSM; z; tÞÞ ¼ 0 ð23Þ

Using Kroger Vink notation, the reaction rate for oxy-gen production is then be given by Keene et al. (2013),

rO2ðR; z; tÞ ¼ kþO2


ð1� 2dÞ2ð1� 0:5dÞ2KkV

� pO2ðR; z; tÞpref

� �12

d3( )


Here, the reaction rate constant kþO2is given by

kþO2¼ kO2



, where AR is the specific surface area,

and d32 is the particle diameter of the OSM material andthe equilibrium constant KkV is given as,

KkV ¼ exp �DhkV � TDskVRT

� �ð25Þ

where D�hkV and DSkV are enthalpy and entropy of thereduction reaction, which can be obtained from theexperimental data provided by Panlener et al. (1975).The nonstoichiometry d can then be computed from thefollowing (Keene et al., 2013),





ð1� eÞdðR; z; tÞ� �

¼ kþO2

ð1� 2dÞ2ð1� 0:5dÞ2KkV

� pO2


� �12

dðR; z; tÞ3( )


Here, the reaction rate constant kO2is obtained by fitting

Eq. (14) to experimental data (Chueh and Haile, 2010),since the precise kinetics are not known. This approach isequivalent to simply assuming the OSM chemistry andmicrostructure are the same as that which was measuredby Chueh and Haile (2010). Testing the sensitivity of theoverall system performance revealed that this choice isnot critical because the reoxidation step is not necessarilyrate limiting for such structures. As a result, the usage of

a more accurate kinetic model is not expected to alter theconclusions of the study herein, and the kinetics used inthis model are physically realizable.

For the oxidation reaction, the hydrogen productionrate is given by:

rH2ðR; z; tÞ ¼ kþH2






where kþH2is given by kþH2

¼ kH2AR ¼ kH2


. The change

in nonstoichiometry is then given by,





ð1� eÞdðR; z; tÞ� �

¼ kþH2dm



� �0:54


where the two parameters, the reaction rate constant kH2

and reaction order m, are obtained by fitting Eq. (17) toexperimental data (Chueh and Haile, 2009).

In our model, we assume that there are many parallelpipes (Npipes), such that the output of an entire reactionchamber (shown in Fig. 2(b)) is well approximated by sim-ply modeling the behavior a single pipe and multiplying byNpipes. Under this approximation, simulating one modelallows us to estimate the performance of the entire cham-ber, where all extensive variables such as flow rates andenergy expenditures in the chamber are equally dividedamongst the array. The same assumption has been madefor adsorption processes (Rezaei et al., 2014), which canbe justified by appropriately designing the distributor atthe gas inlet and collector at the gas outlet (Luo andTondeur, 2005).

We finally note that any reaction at an intermediate tem-perature between TH and TL is ignored in this model, thusmaking our estimate of gthermal–chemical conservative. If thereaction is allowed to continue at the intermediate temper-atures in between, it will simply result in a larger fuel out-put and efficiency, since no additional energy input isrequired. Nonetheless, further improvement of the esti-mates provided herein would require the reaction rates tobe characterized over a wide range of temperatures, whichis presently beyond the scope of this study.

7. Heat recuperation and efficiency estimation

For recuperation of the sensible heat in the OSM andreaction chambers, pairs of chambers exchange the LM,and the same operation is repeated in a cyclical manner(see Fig. 5). In this study, we assume TH = 1500 �C andTL = 800 �C based on the experimental data obtained byChueh and Haile (2010, 2009). To determine the time nec-essary for the heat recuperation, the start-up of the entirerecuperation scheme is simulated using an energy balance,and the transient dynamics are simulated. For this simula-tion, the initial temperature of all chambers is set to1450 K, to see how fast the cyclic steady state can bereached. Fig. 7 shows the average temperature of each ofthe eight reaction chambers as a function of time. In

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558 C. Yuan et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 547–561

Fig. 7, the switching time between stages is 12 min, whichincludes 8 min of reaction time and 4 min of preheatingtime. It can be seen that within 12 min all chambers reachthermal equilibrium, and thus 12 min is sufficient to com-plete each heat recuperation step. As a result 12 min inter-vals for each stage of the cycle results in each reactorreaching an intermediate quasi-equilibrium state, such thatadditional time is not likely to drastically change theresults.

With this simulation, we can also determine the effi-ciency of the sensible heat recuperation. Blue and greensolid lines with circle markers in Fig. 7 represent the initialtemperature of the reduction and oxidation reaction, whichreach the temperatures of TH� ¼ 1410 �C andT Lþ ¼ 877 �C, respectively in one cycle. Therefore, the sen-sible heat that needs to be supplied from an external sourceis only needed to heat the highest temperature chamberfrom TH� to TH, while heat required to reach TH� is recu-perated. The recuperation efficiency is then defined as,

es ¼QTL!TH�


loss þ Qpipesloss


where QTL!TH� is the sensible heat recuperated, QTH�!THis

the sensible heat supplied from the solar receiver for the

reduction step, and QNloss and Qpipes

loss are the additional heatloads that must be supplied to the reactors and pipes,respectively, to keep the entire system at elevated tempera-

ture. The sum of these two values, QNloss and Qpipes

loss can beestimated via a simple thermal resistance circuit,



¼ ðANchamber þApipesÞðTReactor � T1ÞDt

� binsulationkinsulation

þ 1


� �ð30Þ

where A and TReactor are corresponding surface area andtemperature responsible for heat losses, binsulation is thethickness of insulation layer that covers the entire reactionchamber and all pipes, kinsulation and hinsulation are the thermalconductivity and convective heat transfer coefficient forinsulation layer, respectively. Since the temperatures of

Fig. 7. Plot of the reaction chamber temperatures for one complete cycle,where each stage lasts 12 min.

the chambers are evenly distributed between T L and TH,we take the reactor temperature as the average temperatureTReactor ¼ ðT L þ THÞ=2. The surface area of pipes can beestimated from diagram of Fig. 8 and the recuperation effi-ciency is calculated to be 0.81, which is 93% of the maxi-mum value eS-MAX ¼ 1� 1=N ¼ 0:875 (see SupplementaryInformation). The main difference between the two efficien-cies is the inclusion of heat losses in eS .

We simulated the reduction and reoxidation reactionsusing the mathematical model introduced in Section 6and the model/design parameters are summarized inTable 2. The two reactions occur simultaneously in reac-tion chambers on opposing sides of the circle shown inFig. 5. It should be noted that the results here are associ-ated with a reactor designed to produce a time average of1 kW fuel output (25 g/h of H2) and the reactor perfor-mance parameters are shown in Table 3. The variablesnO2

and nH2represent the products generated in one

12 min stage, and the average nonstoichiometry �dOSM is,

�dOSM ¼R Lchamber



RSupdðR; tpreheatþ tpumpingþ tpurging;zÞ2pRdRdzpðR2



The efficiency of converting thermal energy in theLMHTF to the chemical energy stored in hydrogen canbe computed from Eq. (8). Fig. 9(a) shows each energyexpenditure for the cycle, all of which affect the efficiency.Fig. 9(a) shows that the heat contributed to the endother-mic heat of reaction F RXN is about 32% of the total heatrequirement, which is the second largest. The fact thatF RXN is a large fraction of the energy expended indicatesthat our reactor design is efficient. It should also be notedthat the energy required to preheat the steam is only 3.0%for both the reduction and oxidation reaction. This isbecause the density of the purging steam is low, due tothe low pressure, and 70% of the supplied heat is

Fig. 8. A schematic diagram to compute the total pipe length of pipenetwork for eight chamber reactor.

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Table 2Reactor chamber design parameters and operating parameters used forthis simulation.

Parameters Value Unit Parameters Value Unit

Reactor design parameters Oxidation reaction

W chamber 0.2 m T L 800 �CH chamber 0.2 m T Lþ 877 �CLchamber 0.6 m ugas;inlet 0.08 m s�1

ggas 0.7 OSM properties

Npipe 45 qOSM 7215 kg m�3

RLM 0.005 m COSMp 358 J kg�1 K�1

RSup 0.01 m kOSM 0.2 W m�1 K�1

ROSM 0.013 m e 0.6Rfs 0.0168 m d32 10.0 lmuLM 0.03 m s�1 s 1.2Reduction reaction Insulation properties

TH 1500 �C binsulation 0.3 mugas;inlet 5.0 m s�1 kinsulation 0.05 W m�1 K�1

TH� 1410 �C hinsulation 5.0 W m�1 K�1

tpumping 0.5 mintpurging 7.5 mintpreheat 4.0 min

Table 3Reactor performance for eight chamber reactor system.

Output Value Unit

gthermal–chemical 19.8%nO2

1.20 mol/stagenH2

2.40 mol/stage�dOSM 0.0245preactor 0.95 kW

C. Yuan et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 547–561 559

recuperated with the heat exchanger system, which isslightly more conservative than the recuperator efficienciesassumed by Lapp et al. (2012) and Ermanoski et al. (2013).Since the vacuum pump was only used for 30 s while itsefficiency is above 1% (e.g., at higher pressures of1.0–0.01 atm), the energy consumption for the pump is alsosmall. The pumping power needed to flow the LMHTF ison the order of 0.01 kW, which is an order of magnitudesmaller than power required to reheat the purge gas andis therefore negligible.

Fig. 9. (a) Examination of terms that limit the efficiency for the modeled eight cfraction vs. volume to surface ratio.

We note that although nearly 80% of the sensible heat(F R) is recuperated in the proposed system, the unrecoveredheat which is 20% of the total sensible heat still consumesapproximately 37% of the total heat input (F Reheat inFig. 9(a)). One way to alleviate this issue is to increasethe thermal mass ratio of the OSM to the pipes and cham-ber walls, such that a larger fraction of the recuperatedheat is used to heat the OSM and not the supportingmaterials.

Another significant energy loss is heat leakage to theenvironment. This loss is contained in F Loss, and can bedecreased by increasing the volume-to-surface area ratiofor the reactor system as shown in Fig. 9(b). Here, the ratioof the volume to surface area / for a rectangular enclosurefor the entire reactor is,

/¼ V chamber


¼ W chamberLChamberHChamber

2ðW chamberLChamberþLChamberHChamberþW ChamberHChamberÞð32Þ

where W, H and L represent the width, height and length,respectively. Thus, the volume to surface area ratio / isdetermined by the aspect ratio of the reaction chamber aswell as its overall size for a rectangular geometry. For thisgeometry, one can determine, by inspection that the maxi-mum value of /, for a fixed volume, occurs for a cubicreaction chamber (Lchamber ¼ W chamber ¼ H chamber), where/ ¼ LChamber=6. Since F Loss is proportional to the surfacearea of the reactor, while all other heat inputs are propor-tional to the volume of the reactor, increasing / leads to adecrease in F Loss and at sufficiently large scales this loss canbe almost completely suppressed with an insulation mate-rial that covers the entire chamber of a fixed thicknessbinsulation.

Although the model of our new reactor concept predictshigh efficiencies, we note there are still a number of remain-ing technical challenges and uncertainties, most of whichare the subject of ongoing work towards testing a

hamber reactor system. (b) Plot of thermal chemical efficiency and heat loss

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functional prototype. The discussion herein only focuses onthe efficiency of the reactor and not the solar receiver,which is examined elsewhere (DeAngelis and Henry,2014). Furthermore, there are many technical challengesthat remain before the proposed reactor can be demon-strated. For example, as previously mentioned, interactionsbetween the gas environment and piping material, as wellas the OSM itself and the pipe material must be preventedsince it is envisioned to use graphite for the LM piping net-work and overall structure. This necessitates developmentof a fully dense diffusion barrier that must be adhere tothe graphite or possibly other substrate material, throughrepeated thermal cycles. In addition, all materials that con-tact the LMHTF must be stable at the high temperaturesrequired and will experience repeated and fast thermalcycling. Lastly, the design modeled herein would requirehigh temperature LM pumps and valves. Such componentswould likely need to be made entirely from refractoriessuch as graphite or ceramics, with graphite packing mate-rials used for sealing. Such components are feasible andare currently being tested as part of an ongoing effort.Nonetheless, the high efficiencies predicted by the modelsuggest that the new reactor concept presented herein isworthwhile to pursue, as the materials and engineeringchallenges are not insurmountable.

8. Conclusions

The power density mismatch in current thermochemicalreactor designs, stimulated the development of an innova-tive reactor system for two step water splitting via partialredox cycle, which has been evaluated herein. LMHTF isadopted as the heat transfer medium and it serves as theheat source for the reactor. One important improvementcompared to previous systems in the literature is the recu-peration of sensible heat by circulating the LMHTFbetween the chambers. The piping network between reac-tors was also simulated and the results show that this strat-egy can recuperate 80% of the heat stored in the reactorsand OSM, or more if additional reaction chambers areused. The efficiency in converting the LMHTF sensibleheat to the hydrogen fuel is estimated to be 19.8%. Thisnew design has significant room for improvement as wellas a variety of technical challenges, which must beaddressed in future work.


This project was supported by DOE ARPA-E, GrantNumber DE-AR0000339.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data associated with this article can befound, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2015.08.019.


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