A New Method to Determine Residual Gas Saturation and Gas-Water Relative Permeability and Its Application in Reservoir Simulation for Gas-Condensate Reservoirs. Henny Mulyadi, ChevronTexaco Australia Pty Ltd. Thomas Mason, Woodside Energy Ltd David Steer, Woodside Energy Ltd. An analytical correlation to describe relative permeability is extremely useful in the absence of laboratory measured data, or when a general representative fluid flow is required. Previously, experimental work has been done to develop new correlations to predict gas-water relative permeability (RP) data for various permeability and porosity media. The newly developed technique consists of quick laboratory measurements to measure end-point saturations and new correlations to predict gas- water relative permeability behavior. These correlations differ from previous work because they honor the reservoir’s rock and fluid properties – such as reservoir permeability, porosity, interfacial tension and gas density. In this paper, the effectiveness and practicality of applying these new correlations to simulate laboratory measured gas-water relative permeability data, will be demonstrated for various permeability and porosity formations. As the correlations are capable of simulating measured gas-water relative permeability data in the laboratory, its application is extended to reservoir simulation models. The aims of this work segment were two fold: 1. To investigate the applicability of the newly developed analytical correlations to reservoir simulation and their impact on history matching and forecasting of reservoir production. No attempts were to be made to re-match the production history. 2. To investigate the effect of applying the correlations pre and post-upscaling of static reservoir model. This part of the investigation demonstrates that in situations where the upscaling of the static model has resulted in significant distortion of the K and φ relationship, application of the new correlations, or similar, would be erroneous. The new correlations were used to generate several sets of gas-water relative permeability data to replace the corresponding history-matched relative permeability data in the pre-upscaled and a post-upscaled producing gas-condensate reservoir models. The implications of the new correlations were assessed from the model’s historical and forecasted reservoir production performance. The results of the specific cases investigated demonstrated that while the new correlations did not significantly affect the history-matched period, it did have significant impact on the forecasted production profiles and ultimate recovery. Although these are not unexpected, the differences were significant enough to warrant attention; in particular the manner in which such correlations are used to populate dynamic models.

A New Method to Determine Residual Gas Saturation and Gas-Water Relative

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Method to Determine Residual Gas

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  • A New Method to Determine Residual Gas Saturation and Gas-Water Relative Permeability and Its Application in Reservoir Simulation for Gas-Condensate


    Henny Mulyadi, ChevronTexaco Australia Pty Ltd. Thomas Mason, Woodside Energy Ltd

    David Steer, Woodside Energy Ltd. An analytical correlation to describe relative permeability is extremely useful in the absence of laboratory measured data, or when a general representative fluid flow is required. Previously, experimental work has been done to develop new correlations to predict gas-water relative permeability (RP) data for various permeability and porosity media. The newly developed technique consists of quick laboratory measurements to measure end-point saturations and new correlations to predict gas-water relative permeability behavior.

    These correlations differ from previous work because they honor the reservoirs

    rock and fluid properties such as reservoir permeability, porosity, interfacial tension and gas density. In this paper, the effectiveness and practicality of applying these new correlations to simulate laboratory measured gas-water relative permeability data, will be demonstrated for various permeability and porosity formations.

    As the correlations are capable of simulating measured gas-water relative

    permeability data in the laboratory, its application is extended to reservoir simulation models. The aims of this work segment were two fold:

    1. To investigate the applicability of the newly developed analytical correlations to reservoir simulation and their impact on history matching and forecasting of reservoir production. No attempts were to be made to re-match the production history.

    2. To investigate the effect of applying the correlations pre and post-upscaling of static reservoir model. This part of the investigation demonstrates that in situations where the upscaling of the static model has resulted in significant distortion of the K and relationship, application of the new correlations, or similar, would be erroneous.

    The new correlations were used to generate several sets of gas-water relative

    permeability data to replace the corresponding history-matched relative permeability data in the pre-upscaled and a post-upscaled producing gas-condensate reservoir models. The implications of the new correlations were assessed from the models historical and forecasted reservoir production performance.

    The results of the specific cases investigated demonstrated that while the new correlations did not significantly affect the history-matched period, it did have significant impact on the forecasted production profiles and ultimate recovery. Although these are not unexpected, the differences were significant enough to warrant attention; in particular the manner in which such correlations are used to populate dynamic models.

  • Une Nouvelle Mthode pour Dterminer la Saturation de Gaz Rsiduels et la Gaz Eau Permabilit Relative et Son Application dans Simulation de Rservoir pour

    les Rservoirs de Gaz Condensate.

    Henny Mulyadi, ChevronTexaco Australia Pty Ltd. Thomas Mason, Woodside Energy Ltd

    David Steer, Woodside Energy Ltd. Une analytique corrlation dcrire relative permabilit est extrmement utile en l'absence de laboratoire mesures donnes, ou quand un gnral reprsentatif fluide flux est exig. pour la. Prcdemment, le travail exprimental a t fait pour dvelopper de nouvelles corrlations pour prdire de la gaz eau la permabilit relative (RP) les donnes pour la diverse permabilit et le presse de porosit. La technique rcemment dveloppe consiste en les mesures de laboratoire rapides pour mesurer les saturations de point final et les nouvelles corrlations pour prdire de la gaz eau le comportement de permabilit relatif. Ces corrlations diffrent du travail prcdent parce qu'ils honorent le rservoirle rocher de s et les proprits fluides tel que la permabilit de rservoir, la porosit, la tension de interfacial et la densit de gaz. Dans ce papier, l'efficacit et l'esprit pratique de demande de ces nouvelles corrlations pour simuler le laboratoire gaz eau mesure donnes de permabilit relatives, sera dmontr pour la divers permabilit et les formations de porosit. Comme les corrlations sont capables de simuler la gaz eau mesure donnes de permabilit relatives dans le laboratoire, son application est tendue aux modles de simulation de rservoir. Les desseins de ce segment de travail taient deux pli: 1. Pour examiner la validit d'application des corrlations analytiques rcemment dveloppes simulation de rservoir et leur impact sur galer d'histoire et prvoir de production de rservoir. Aucunes tentatives taient tre faites re gale l'histoire de production. 2. Pour examiner l'effet de demande des corrlations pr-et poste upscaling de modle de rservoir statique. Cette partie de l'investigation dmontre que dans les situations o le upscaling du modle statique eu pour rsultat la dformation significative du K et le rapport, l'application des nouvelles corrlations, ou similaire, serait erron. Les nouvelles corrlations ont t utilises engendrer plusieurs sries de gaz eau relatives permabilit donnes remplacer la correspondant histoire gal relatif permabilit donnes dans le pr-upscaled et un poste upscaled produire gaz condensate rservoir modles. pour pour de de des. Les implications des nouvelles corrlations ont t values du modlele s excution de production de rservoir historique et prvu. Les rsultats des cas spcifiques examins ont dmontr que pendant que les nouvelles corrlations n'ont pas affect significativement la priode histoire gal, il a eu l'impact significatif sur les profils de production prvus et le rtablissement ultime. Bien que ceux-ci ne sont pas imprvus, les diffrences taient assez significatives pour mriter l'attention; en particulier la faon dans lequel telles corrlations sont utiliss pour peupler des modles dynamiques.