, The of Otolaryngology, Volume 27, Number 6, 1998 A New Flap for Reliable Nasal Reconstruction . ............. . .. .. ..• ....... .. •.. .......... ................ •... ... ..... . ... ......... ..... .. .... ... ..... . ................. ...... ........ ... ..... •... ........... .. . .... .. ...... . ........... . ............ .......... ... .. .. .... .. . .. . .. ..... .... ............... ...... ... . ... .. .. ........ . .... .. ... .. .... .. ..•. . ..... .... ....... ....... Yadr anko Du cic, MD , FRCSC, Peter A. Hi lger, MD , FACS, and Ku rt is Wat ers, MD Abstract Objecti ve: In this ar ticle, we describe a new fl ap for use in l ower nasal reconstruction. Method: This technique consists of a planned heminasal transposition rotation fl ap, with b ot h laterally based and glabellar co mpone nt s. Es thetica ll y favourable incisions are made to follow at [h e junction betw ee n the esthetic subunits. R es ults: Gra ti fy ing ea rl y results are achievable, resulting in li t tl e postoper at i ve edema due to m ai nt enance of laterally based lymphatic and venous outflow. Likewise, pleasing long-term outcomes have been noted in each of the ten patients in wh om we have ut iliz ed [his fl ap for nasal reconstruction. Comp le te fl ap surv iv al has b ee n noted in every patient. Conclusions: Our experien ce with the use of t hi s fl ap t ec hniq ue !. uggests that it provides co nsistently rewarding, esthetica ll y pleasing results in pat ie nt s with c ut aneous defec ts of th e lower half of the nose. Sommaire Objecti f: Dans cet ar ti cle, no us d ec rivons un nouveau lambeau pour usage dans la reconstruction nasale basse. Methode: II s'agit d'un lambeau planifie he mi nasal de transposition ro tat ion, avec des composanres basees en l at eral mais au ssi gl abella ires. Des incisions esthetiqueme nt favorables so nt faites pour se s ui vre au x jonctions entre les sous-unites esthetiques. R es ultats: Des resultats es thetiques pr ec oces gratifiants peu ve m etre obtenu s. av ec un oecie me postoperat oi re subseque nt mi ni me secon d ai re au maintien de I'ecoulemcnt veineux et Iymph at ique qui se fait lateralement. De la me me f aryo n, des resul- t at s fi na ux a long terme sat is fai sams o nt ete noteS chez chacun des dix p:l t ie nt s ch ez qui nous avons em pl oye ce lambeau po ur la reconstructi on nasale. L :l su rv ie co mp le te du lambeau a etc notee chez ch aq ue p at ie nt . Conclusion s: Nos resultats avec l'usage de ce tt e technique de lambeau atteste sa vi ab il ite dans la reconstructi on nasale basse. Key wo rd s: hern in :l sal transposition cota ti on fla p, Mohs' surgery, nasal recons tr uction ................................................................................................................................................. ... ............................................................... ........... ... .................................................... .. ............................................. O ccup ying the ce ntral one thi rd of the face, the n ose is bordered by the major es thet ic subunits. A well · propo rt io ned, es th e ti cally ba lan ce d nasa l s tru c ture sho uld not be in co ng ru ous wi th th e rest of the face a nd b eco me the foc us of a tt e nti on fr o m a cas ual observe r's eye . Inste ad , id ea l n as al fo rm should re pr ese nt an impo rtant pa rt of the fa cial skeletal framew or k that prov i des a ha rmon io us bac k ground to the maj or esthetic highlighrs of the face, the periorbital and perio- ............... ...................... ............................................ ................. . .... .................................... ......... ........ R eceived 91 1198. R eceived revised 716/98. Accep ted fo r publica- tion 7/9/98. Yadran ko Du ci c: Department of Otolaryngology-H ea d and Nec k Su rgery, th e Univers it y of Texas Sou thWes te rn Medical Center, Dall as, Texas, and the Di vis ion of Oto la ryngology and F acia l Pla s ti c a nd Reconstr uc t ive Surgery, John Peter Smit h Hos- pi tal, F ort Worth, Texas; Peter A. Hilger and Kurt is Wa ters: Department of Otolaryngology-Head a nd Neck Surge r y, t he Un i- ve rs ity of Minne so ta, Minneapo lis, Min nesot a. Address re print requests t o: Dr. Yadranko Ducic, Di vision of Otolaryngol ogy and Facial Pl astic Su rgery, John Peter Sm ith Hospita l, 1500 South Mai n Str ee t, Fort Wo n h, TX 76 104. 327 ral areas. Na sal defect s, whe th er du e to s ur gical ext ir- p atio n of a mali gn an cy or tr a um atic tissue loss, re pr e- se nt a m ajo r divergence f ro m thi s ideal. Rest ora tion of n asa l fo rm a nd ma i nt enance of nasa l fun ction of t en p ose significa nt cha ll enges to th e s ur geo n fac ed with r eco n str uction of such defect s. App li cati on of a s in gle fl ap for r econst ructi on of a ll defects of the no s t' is obviously not pos sible. Given the relatively sma ll s urface area occu pied by the n os e, th e plethora of local and regional fl aps described for its r eco n st ru ct ion re fl ects its co mp lex s rrucru re. 1 - 12 The n asa l skin is noted to differ in co lo ur , elasticity. and t ex- rure as one mov es t hr ough th e es th e tic s ubunit s of the nose. Th e sk in o ve rlying th e bony dor s um is us ua ll y thin and plia ble, and of a so mewhat paler shade than that of the na sal tip ar ea. Here, especia ll y in males, the s kin is m o re se bac eo us, te nd s to be slig htl y pi nk er in co lo ur , an d is less ma ll ea ble in man y pati e nt s. As signif- ica nt as th e differences are b etween the di ff ere nt ar eas of th e nose, much gre at er differe nces are a pp are nt wh en co m paring the n os e to th e surro un di ng ar eas (chee k, upper li p, glabella, eye lid s). T hi s would expla in why, if

A New Flap for Reliable Nasal Reconstruction · Ducic et al., New Flap for Nasal Reconstruction 329 Discussion In the past, we have occasionally utilized the Reiger dorsal nasal flap

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Page 1: A New Flap for Reliable Nasal Reconstruction · Ducic et al., New Flap for Nasal Reconstruction 329 Discussion In the past, we have occasionally utilized the Reiger dorsal nasal flap


The Jo'~rnaf of Otolaryngology, Volume 27, Number 6, 1998

A New Flap for Reliable Nasal Reconstruction ................. .. ..•.........•.. ..........................•...................................... .............................................•......................................... ....................... ..... .. .....................•............................ .. .................... .. .... .. ..•.........................

Yadranko Du cic, MD , FRCSC, Peter A. Hi lger, MD , FACS,

and Ku rtis Waters, MD


Objective: In th is article, we describe a new fl ap for use in lower nasal reconstruction.

Method: This technique consists of a planned heminasal t ransposition rotation flap, with both laterally based and glabellar components. Esthetica lly favourable incisions are made to follow at [he junction between the esthetic subunits.

Results: Gra ti fy ing ea rl y results are ach ievable, resulting in little postoperative edema due to maintenance o f laterally based lymphatic and venous outflow. Likewise, pleas ing long-term outcomes have been noted in each of the ten patients in whom we have utilized [his flap for nasal reconstruction. Complete flap survival has been noted in every patient.

Conclusions: Our experience with the use of this fl ap techniq ue !.uggests that it provides consistently reward ing, esthetically pleas ing results in patients with cutaneous defec ts of the lower half of the nose.

Sommaire Objectif: Dans cet article, no us decrivons un nouveau lambeau po ur usage dans la reconstruction nasale basse.

Methode: II s'agit d' un lambeau planifie heminasa l de transposition rotation, avec des composanres basees en lateral mais aussi glabella ires. Des incisions esthetiquement favorables sont faites pour se suivre aux jonctions ent re les sous-unites esthetiques.

Resultats: Des resulta ts esthetiques precoces grati fiants peuvem etre obtenus. avec un oecieme postoperatoi re subsequent minime secondai re au maintien de I'ecoulemcnt veineux et Iymphatique qui se fait lateralement. De la me me faryon, des resul­tats finaux a long terme sa tis faisams ont ete noteS chez chacun des d ix p:l tients chez qui nous avons employe ce lambeau pour la reconstruction nasale. L:l surv ie complete du lambeau a etc notee chez chaque patient.

Conclusions: Nos resulta ts avec l' usage de cette technique de lambeau atteste sa viabilite dans la reconstruction nasale basse.

Key words: hernin:lsa l transposition cota tion fla p, M ohs' surgery, nasal reconstruction ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Occupying the central o ne thi rd o f t he face, the nose is bordered by the major es thetic subunits. A well·

p ro po rt io ned , es th etically ba la nced nasa l s tructure sho uld no t be incong ruo us with the rest of the face and become the focus of attentio n fro m a casual observer' s eye . In s t ead , idea l n asal fo rm sh o u ld re prese nt a n important part of the fa cial skeleta l fram ework that prov ides a ha rmon io us bac kground t o the m a jor esthetic highlighrs of the face, the periorbital and perio-


Received 911198. Received revised 716/98. Accepted fo r publica­tion 7/9/98.

Yadranko Ducic: Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the Univers ity of Texas SouthWestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, and the Division of Otolaryngology and Facia l Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, John Peter Smith Hos­pi tal, Fort Worth, Texas; Peter A. Hilger and Kurtis Wa ters: Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the Uni­versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Address reprint requests to: Dr. Yadranko Ducic, Division of Otolaryngology and Fac ial Plast ic Surgery, John Peter Smith Hospita l, 1500 South Main Street, Fort Won h, TX 76104.


ra l areas. Nasa l defects, w hether due to surg ica l extir­pation o f a ma lignancy or tra umat ic tissue loss, repre­sent a major d ivergence from this ideal. Restora tio n o f n asa l fo rm a nd ma intena nce of nasa l functio n often pose sign ificant challenges to the surgeon faced with reconstructio n of such defects.

Applica tion of a single fla p for reconstruction o f a ll defects o f the nost' is o bvio usly not possible. Given the rela tively sma ll surface a rea occupied by the nose, the plethora of local and regional fl aps described for its reconstruction refl ects its complex srrucru re.1- 12 The nasa l skin is noted to d iffer in colour, elasticity. and tex­rure as o ne moves thro ugh the esthetic subunits of the nose. The skin o verlying the bo ny dorsum is usua lly thin and plia ble, and of a somewhat paler shade than that of the nasal t ip area . H ere, especia lly in males, the skin is mo re sebaceous, tends to be slightly p inker in colo ur, and is less ma lleable in many patients. As signif­icant as the d iffe rences are between the d ifferent a reas of the nose, much greater differences a re a pparent when

com paring the nose to the su rro und ing a reas (cheek, upper lip, glabella, eyelids). This would explain why, if

Page 2: A New Flap for Reliable Nasal Reconstruction · Ducic et al., New Flap for Nasal Reconstruction 329 Discussion In the past, we have occasionally utilized the Reiger dorsal nasal flap

328 The Journal of Otolaryngology, Volume 27, Number 6, 1998

Glabellar transposition


, I


Figure 1 Outline of heminasal transposition rotation flap .

they can be used, adjacent flaps are usually preferable in nasal reconstruction. Healing by secondary intention or skin grafting after surgical excision can result in supe­rior functional and esthetic outcomes in some areas of the nose. However, acceptable outcomes are uncom­monly achieved when such techniques are utilized in alar and sidewall reconstruction. They may lead to unacceptable soft-tissue distortion, resulting in esthetic and functional (valvular collapse or stenosis) compro­mise. Single-stage repair with favourable skin colour, thickness, and texture match is often best achieved by borrowing tissue from one area of the nose to help

Glabellar transposition

flap ,

superior defect

Flap rotated into position

Figure 2 Elevation of flap to close defect.

reconstitute an adjoining area. In mobilizing tissue, the surgeon should ideally be able to do so without deform­ing the donor area, The areas of the glabella and nasal dorsum have a relatively greater elasticity to the skin that may be mobilized for lower nasal reconstruction.

In this article, we describe a heminasal transposi­tion rotation flap that we have utilized with good suc­cess in the reconstruction of a variety of nasal defects.

Surgical Technique

The nasal defect is measured and incorporated into the heminasal transposition rotation flap (Fig. 1). A laterally based rotation flap is designed, If possible, the dorsal incision is placed at the junction of the dorsal and lateral nasal sidewall esthetic subunits. Movement of this flap will result in the formation of a standing cutaneous-cone deformiry at the inferolateral margin of the defect, This is remedied by a planned excision of this skin redun­dancy with an incision placed again at the junction of esthetic subunits (a lar lobule and lateral nasal sidewall regions) (Fig. 1). The dorsal nasal skin, subcutaneous tis­sue, and muscle are elevated in a plane just superficial to

the perichondrium and periosteum. Minimal, if any, undermining is required in the medial cheek area. A back cut just inferior to the medial canthus is often required, since soft-tissue adherence at the medial canthal tendon area otherwise inhibits flap rotation. Advancement of this now mobi lized flap will allow closure of the nasal tip region defect, while creating a residual superior defect, This residual defect may be closed with a planned glabellar transposition flap. Precise technique is required in the formation of this transposition flap to avoid unfavourable tissue retraction that may resu lt in nasa l asymmetry or epicanthal fold formation. After transposi­tion of the second flap from the glabella, the glabellar defect is closed as a vertical linear scar (Fig. 2 ). We uti-


! f

Figure 3 Defect closure. Note incisions along junctions of esthetic subunits.

Page 3: A New Flap for Reliable Nasal Reconstruction · Ducic et al., New Flap for Nasal Reconstruction 329 Discussion In the past, we have occasionally utilized the Reiger dorsal nasal flap


Figure 4 Nasal defect after excision of basal cell carcinoma.

lize a few subcutaneous resorbable sutures to decrease any tension across the incisions, and nonresorbable sutures for skin reapproximation (Fig. 3). These are removed at 5 to 7 days after the procedute. Typically, as for most of our patients requiring flap reconstruction of external nasal defects, we perform early dermabra­sion at 6 to 8 weeks following the initial repair. We have found that this provides the patient with a consis­tently more superior result long term. Carbon dioxide laser resurfacing of these reconstructions may be con­sidered in place of dermabrasion but, in our hands, does not seem to provide as favourable an esthetic outcome in this patient population.

Figure 5 Intraoperative flap closure.

Ducic et al., New Flap for Nasal Reconstruction 329


In the past, we have occasionally utilized the Reiger dorsal nasal flap for reconstruction of selected nasal tip defects.'" The Reiger flap is a medially based rotation advancement flap that is united with a V -Y advance­ment glabellar flap.' This is a durable and reliable flap that is simple to apply. However, it often results in unacceptable esthetic outcomes that can be quite signifi­cant. The flap margins do not traverse favourable junc­tions between esthetic subunits . The resultant scars are often quite visible as they traverse the entire supratip area. As the Reiger flap is rotated into position, it also results in the formation of a standing cutaneous cone. This deformiry is difficult to address, because full correc­tion will result in compromise of the vascularity of a portion of this flap.lJ Moreover, correction of the stand­ing cutaneous cone will cause unfavourable scar orien­tation in the immediate supratip area. The significant superiorly oriented tension generated by this flap will, on occasion, also lead to some distortion of the alar margin. Finally, persistent long-term edema at the distal and inferior portion of the flap is often evident. Thus, the esthetic limitations encountered with the traditional Reiger nasal flap prompted us to develop a new flap. Our flap incorporates the durability and ease of use of the Reiger flap but, in addition, addresses the significant esthetic concerns seen with its surgical application. Bilobed and nasolabial flaps may also be useful for clo­sure of nasal-tip defects. However, significant draw­backs of long-term pincushioning commonly noted with bilobed flaps, and the need for 2 or 3 stages for naso­labial flaps all suggest that no ideal flap for nasal-tip defect reconstruction exists.

Our laterally based heminasal transposition rota­tion flap results in confinement of all incisions to one side of the nose, with the majority of the incisions fol-

, •

t,. ...

Figure 6 I -month postoperative result.

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330 The Journal of Otolaryngology, Volume 27, Number 6, 1998

.;. , .

Figure 7 Nasal defect after excision of basal ce ll carcinoma.

lowing the junctions between the es thetic subunits of [he nose. Planned excision of the standing cutaneous cone noted after flap rotation leaves a scar at the junc* tion between the alar and sidewall subunits. Moreover, fu ll cone excision is possible without risking devascular* ization of any portion of the flap. The external nose lymph drains to the facial lymph nodes primarily via lymphatic channels traversing the cheek*nose junction. This area is left intact with our flap, resulting in mini* mal flap lymphedema compared to the distal portion of the Reiger flap. Preservation of laterally oriented vascu* lar channels and a favourable length*to-width ratio con* tributes to the venous and lymphatic drainage of our

Figure 8 Intraoperative flap closure.

Figure 9 6*month postoperative result.

flap. Furthermore, less superiorly oriented pull is exerted by the configuration of our flap design. Thus, we have encountered no significant problems with alar retraction in our patients. Also, the use of a separate gla bellar transposition flap has resulted in much less dorsa l-nasal deformity than we had encountered with Reiger flaps.

The heminasal transposition rotation flap is limited to closing defects that are up to 2 centimeters in size. It is also not the ideal method for closure of defects in the infra tip lobule and soft-tissue triangle areas of the nose. Otherwise, we have found it to be a reliable, efficient, and easy-to-use flap design that predictably results in favourable esthetic outcomes when used to reconstruct defects of the lower one half of the nose (Figs . 4 through 9). We have seen no untoward effects from the use of this flap. Finally, we have had no partial or com­plete flap loss in any of the 10 patients in whom we have utilized this flap for nasal reconstruction.


We have described a new flap for lower nasal reconstruc­tion. Our heminasal transposition rotation flap results in tension·free closure of defects of the lower half of the nose. Esthetically favourable incisions are generally possi­ble at the junction between esthetic subunits, resulting in nice scar camouflage, and efficient venous and lym­phatic outflow. All of these factors result in excellent defect closure and pleasing long-term outcomes.


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