S. Laureys et al. (Eds.) Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 177 ISSN 0079-6123 Copyright r 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved CHAPTER 28 A new era of coma and consciousness science Adrian M. Owen 1, , Nicholas D. Schiff 2 and Steven Laureys 3 1 MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit; Impaired Consciousness Research Group, Wolfson Brain Imaging Center, University of Cambridge, UK 2 Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY, USA 3 Coma Science Group, Cyclotron Research Center and Department of Neurology, University of Lie `ge, Lie `ge, Belgium Abstract: In the past ten years, rapid technological developments in the field of neuroimaging have produced a cornucopia of new techniques for examining both the structure and function of the human brain in vivo. In specialized centers, many of these methods are now being employed routinely in the assessment of patients diagnosed with disorders of consciousness, mapping patterns of residual function and dysfunction and helping to reduce diagnostic errors between related conditions such as the vegetative and minimally conscious states. Moreover, such efforts are beginning to provide important new prognostic indicators, helping to disentangle differences in outcome on the basis of a greater understanding of the underlying mechanisms responsible and providing information that will undoubtedly contribute to improved therapeutic choices in these challenging populations. Of course, these emerging technologies and the new information that they provide will bring new ethical challenges to this area and will have profound implications for clinical care and medical–legal decision-making in this population of patients. We review the most recent work in this area and suggest that the future integration of emerging neuroimaging techniques with existing clinical and behavioral methods of assessment will pave the way for new and innovative applications, both in basic neuroscience and in clinical practice. Keywords: coma; vegetative state; minimally conscious state; locked-in syndrome; functional MRI; consciousness; ethics Introduction detailed information about brain structure (e.g. anatomy) and connectivity. Thus, in less than ten It has been a tremendously exciting decade for years, low-resolution metabolic group studies and 15 O research into disorders of consciousness. Rapid block design ‘activation studies’ using H 2 technological advances have produced a variety positron emission tomography (PET) have largely of novel neuroimaging approaches that allow a given way to event-related functional magnetic comprehensive assessment of brain function resonance imaging (fMRI) investigations that (e.g. cognitive performance) to be combined with combine high-resolution anatomical imaging with sophisticated psychological paradigms. Until recently, such methods were used primarily as a correlational tool to ‘map’ the cerebral changes Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1223 355294; Fax: +44 1223 359062; that are associated with a particular cognitive E-mail: [email protected] process or function, be it an action, a reaction DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(09)17728-2 399

A new era of coma and consciousness science€¦ · Coma Science Group, Cyclotron Research Center and Department of Neurology, University of Lie`ge, Lie`ge, Belgium. Abstract: I

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Page 1: A new era of coma and consciousness science€¦ · Coma Science Group, Cyclotron Research Center and Department of Neurology, University of Lie`ge, Lie`ge, Belgium. Abstract: I

S. Laureys et al. (Eds.) Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 177ISSN 0079-6123Copyright r 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


A new era of coma and consciousness science

Adrian M. Owen1,�, Nicholas D. Schiff2 and Steven Laureys3

1MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit; Impaired Consciousness Research Group,Wolfson Brain Imaging Center, University of Cambridge, UK

2Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY, USA3Coma Science Group, Cyclotron Research Center and Department of Neurology,

University of Liege, Liege, Belgium

Abstract: In the past ten years, rapid technological developments in the field of neuroimaging haveproduced a cornucopia of new techniques for examining both the structure and function of the humanbrain in vivo. In specialized centers, many of these methods are now being employed routinely in theassessment of patients diagnosed with disorders of consciousness, mapping patterns of residual functionand dysfunction and helping to reduce diagnostic errors between related conditions such as the vegetativeand minimally conscious states. Moreover, such efforts are beginning to provide important new prognosticindicators, helping to disentangle differences in outcome on the basis of a greater understanding of theunderlying mechanisms responsible and providing information that will undoubtedly contribute toimproved therapeutic choices in these challenging populations. Of course, these emerging technologiesand the new information that they provide will bring new ethical challenges to this area and will haveprofound implications for clinical care and medical–legal decision-making in this population of patients.We review the most recent work in this area and suggest that the future integration of emergingneuroimaging techniques with existing clinical and behavioral methods of assessment will pave the wayfor new and innovative applications, both in basic neuroscience and in clinical practice.

Keywords: coma; vegetative state; minimally conscious state; locked-in syndrome; functional MRI;consciousness; ethics

Introduction detailed information about brain structure (e.g.anatomy) and connectivity. Thus, in less than ten

It has been a tremendously exciting decade for years, low-resolution metabolic group studies and15Oresearch into disorders of consciousness. Rapid block design ‘activation studies’ using H2

technological advances have produced a variety positron emission tomography (PET) have largelyof novel neuroimaging approaches that allow a given way to event-related functional magneticcomprehensive assessment of brain function resonance imaging (fMRI) investigations that(e.g. cognitive performance) to be combined with combine high-resolution anatomical imaging

with sophisticated psychological paradigms. Untilrecently, such methods were used primarily asa correlational tool to ‘map’ the cerebral changes�Corresponding author.

Tel.: +44 1223 355294; Fax: +44 1223 359062; that are associated with a particular cognitiveE-mail: [email protected] process or function, be it an action, a reaction

DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(09)17728-2 399

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(e.g. to some kind of external stimulation) or athought. But recent advances in imaging technol-ogy, and in particular the ability of fMRI to detectreliable neural responses in individual participantsin real time, are beginning to reveal patient’sthoughts, actions or intentions based solely on thepattern of activity that is observed in their brain.New techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging(DTI) are also being used to probe the structuralintegrity of white matter tracts between key brainregions and emerging methods such as restingstate fMRI are beginning to reveal how theintrinsic functional connectivity of the brain isaltered by serious brain injury. Throughout thisnew volume of Progress in Brain Research — Coma Science: Clinical and Ethical Implications,the influence of this ‘technical revolution’ ispalpable; from methodologically themed chapterson multimodal approaches to assessment,advances in fMRI, DTI and MRI spectroscopythrough to more philosophical chapters on theproblem of unreported awareness and the moralsignificance of phenomenal consciousness. In thefollowing sections, we review some of the keyfindings in this area and discuss how novelneuroimaging methods and approaches are begin-ning to make a significant impact on the assess-ment and management of patients with disordersof consciousness. The results have profoundimplications for clinical care, diagnosis, prognosisand ethical and medical–legal decision-making,but are also beginning to address more basicscientific questions concerning the nature ofconsciousness and the neural representation ofour own thoughts and intentions.

fMRI: from passive paradigms to the assessmentof awareness

An accurate and reliable evaluation of the leveland content of cognitive processing is of para-mount importance for the appropriate manage-ment of patients diagnosed with disorders ofconsciousness. Objective behavioral assessmentof residual cognitive function can be extremelydifficult as motor responses may be minimal,inconsistent, and difficult to document, or may be

undetectable because no cognitive output ispossible (for a comprehensive discussion of thisissue — including the limitations of behavioralassessment — see Giacino et al., 2009). Thissituation may be further complicated whenpatients with disorders of consciousness haveunderlying deficits in the domain of communica-tion functions, such as aphasia (the consequencesof receptive and/or productive aphasia on thealready limited behavioral repertoire presented inthese patients are reviewed in Majerus et al.,2009). ‘Activation’ methods, such as H2

15O PETand fMRI can be used to link residual neuralactivity to the presence of covert cognitivefunction. A significant development over the pastten years has been the relative shift of emphasisfrom PET activation studies using H2

15O metho-dology, to functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI; see Chapters by Coleman et al., 2009;Soddu et al., 2009; Sorger et al., 2009; Monti et al.,2009). Not only is MRI more widely availablethan PET, it offers increased statistical power,improved spatial and temporal resolution anddoes not involve radiation. Given the heteroge-neous nature of this patient group and the clinicalneed to define each individual in terms of theirdiagnosis, residual functions and potential forrecovery, these technical benefits are of para-mount importance in the evaluation of disordersof consciousness.

Recent notable examples include Di et al.(2007) who used event-related fMRI to measurebrain activation in seven vegetative patients andfour minimally conscious patients in response tothe patient’s own name spoken by a familiarvoice. Two of the vegetative patients exhibited nosignificant activity at all, three patients exhibitedactivation in primary auditory areas and twovegetative patients and four minimally consciouspatients exhibited activity in ‘higher-order’ asso-ciative temporal-lobe areas. This result is encoura-ging, particularly because the two vegetativepatients who showed the most widespread activa-tion subsequently improved to a minimally con-scious state in the following months. Staffen et al.(2006) also used event-related fMRI to comparesentences containing the patient’s own name(e.g. ‘Martin, hello Martin’), with sentences using

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another first name, in a patient who had beenvegetative for ten months at the time of the scan.Differential cortical processing was observed tothe patient’s own name in a region of the medialprefrontal cortex, similar to that observed in threehealthy volunteers. These findings concur closelywith a recent electrophysiological study, which hasshown differential P3 responses to patient’s ownnames (compared to other’s names) in somevegetative patients (Perrin et al., 2006). Selectivecortical processing of one’s own name (when it iscompared directly with another name) requiresthe ability to perceive and access the meaning ofwords and may imply some level of comprehen-sion on the part of these patients. However, asseveral authors have pointed out, a response toone’s own name is one of the most basic forms oflanguage and may not depend on the higher-levellinguistic processes that are assumed to underpincomprehension (Perrin et al., 2006; Owen andColeman, 2008; Laureys et al., 2007).

Several recent studies have sought to addressthis problem of interpretation by adopting an‘hierarchical’ approach to fMRI assessment oflanguage processing in disorders of consciousness(Owen et al., 2005a, b; Coleman et al., 2007, inpress). At the highest level, responses to sen-tences containing semantically ambiguous words(e.g. ‘the creak/creek came from a beam in theceiling/sealing’) are compared to sentences con-taining no ambiguous words (e.g. ‘her secretswere written in her diary’), in order to revealbrain activity associated with spoken languagecomprehension (Rodd et al., 2005). In one largestudy of 41 patients, 2 who had been diagnosed asbehaviorally vegetative were shown to exhibit‘normal’ fMRI activity during the speech compre-hension task (Coleman et al., in press), Moreover,these fMRI findings were found to have noassociation with the patients’ behavioral presenta-tion at the time of investigation and thus provideadditional diagnostic information beyond thetraditional clinical assessment. These resultsillustrate how technically complex event-relatedfMRI designs are now being combined withwell-characterized psycholinguistic paradigmsto demonstrate that some of the processesinvolved in activating, selecting and integrating

contextually appropriate word meanings may beintact in some vegetative patients, despite theirclinical diagnoses.

Does the presence of ‘normal’ brain activationin patients with disorders of consciousness indi-cate a level of awareness, perhaps even similar tothat which exists in healthy volunteers whenexposed to the same type of information? Manytypes of stimuli, including faces, speech and painwill elicit relatively ‘automatic’ responses fromthe brain; that is to say, they will occur withoutthe need for willful intervention on the part of theparticipant (e.g. you cannot choose to not recognize a face, or to not understand speech thatis presented clearly in your native language). Inaddition, there is a wealth of data in healthyvolunteers, from studies of implicit learning andthe effects of priming (Schacter, 1994) to studiesof learning and speech perception during anesthe-sia (Davis et al., 2007) that have demonstratedthat many aspects of human cognition can go onin the absence of awareness. Even the semanticcontent of masked information can be primed toaffect subsequent behavior without the explicitknowledge of the participant, suggesting thatsome aspects of semantic processing may occurwithout conscious awareness (Dehaene et al.,1998). By the same argument, ‘normal’ neuralresponses in patients who are diagnosed withdisorders of consciousness do not necessarily indicate that these patients have any consciousexperience associated with processing those sametypes of stimuli. This logic exposes a centralconundrum in the study of conscious awarenessand in particular, how it relates to the vegetativeand minimally conscious states; our ability toknow unequivocally that another being is con-sciously aware is determined, not by whether theyare aware or not, but by their ability to commu-nicate that fact through a recognized behavioralresponse (for a fuller discussion of this ‘problemof unreportable awareness’ see Adam Zeman’schapter, 2009).

A significant recent development in this field,therefore, has been the development of fMRIparadigms that render awareness reportable in theabsence of an overt behavioral (e.g. motor orspeech) response (Owen et al., 2006; Boly et al.,

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2007). Crucially, these paradigms differ from thepassive tasks described above (e.g. speech percep-tion) because ‘normal’ patterns of fMRI activityare only observed when the patient exerts awillful, or voluntary, response that is not elicitedautomatically by the stimulus (for a fuller discus-sion of this issue, see Monti et al., 2009). Some ofthese techniques make use of the general obser-vation that imagining performing a particular taskgenerates a robust and reliable pattern of brainactivity in the fMRI scanner that is similar toactually performing the activity itself. For exam-ple, imagining moving or squeezing the hands willgenerate activity in the motor and premotorcortices (Boly et al., 2007) while imaginingnavigating from one location to another willactivate the same regions of the parahippocampalgyrus and the posterior parietal cortex that havebeen widely implicated in map-reading and otherso-called spatial navigation tasks (Jeannerod andFrak, 1999; Aguirre et al., 1996). The robustnessand reliability of these fMRI responses acrossindividuals means that activity in these regionscan be used as a neural proxy for behavior,confirming that the participant retains the abilityto understand instructions, to carry out differentmental tasks in response to those instructions and,therefore, is able to exhibit willed, voluntarybehavior in the absence of any overt action. Onthis basis, they permit the identification ofawareness at the single-subject level, without theneed for a motor response (for discussion, seeOwen and Coleman, 2008; Monti et al., 2009).

This approach was used recently to demon-strate that a young woman who fulfilled allinternationally agreed criteria for the vegetativestate was, in fact, consciously aware and able tomake responses of this sort using her brain activity(Owen et al., 2006, 2007). Thus, when the patientwas asked to imagine playing tennis or navigateher way around her house, significant activity wasobserved that was indistinguishable from thatexhibited by healthy volunteers performing thesame tasks (Boly et al., 2007).

An alternative approach that has been exploredrecently is to target processes that require thewillful adoption of ‘mind-sets’ in carefullymatched (perceptually identical) experimental

and control conditions. Monti et al. (2009)describe a study in which healthy volunteers werepresented with a series of neutral words, andalternatively instructed to just listen, or to count,the number of times a given target was repeated.The counting task revealed the frontoparietalnetwork that has been previously associated withtarget detection and working memory. Whentested on this same procedure, a minimallyconscious patient produced a very similar patternof activity, confirming that he could willfully adoptdifferential mind-sets as a function of the taskcondition and could actively maintain these mind-sets across time. A similar approach has beenadopted recently by Schnakers et al. (2008b) whoused, as targets, the patient’s own name and other‘non-salient’ names (e.g. similarly frequent namesthat had no relation to the patient or his/herfamily). All of the minimally conscious patientsthat were tested exhibited a significant responsewhen passively listening to their own name. Inaddition, however, 9 of 14 patients exhibited moreactivity when instructed to count the number oftimes their own name (or another target name)occurred than when they passively heard it.This approach also allowed awareness to beidentified in a case of complete locked-in syn-drome (Schnakers et al., 2009).

These types of approach all illustrate a paradig-matic shift away from passive (e.g. perceptual)tasks to more active (e.g. willful) tasks in the fMRIand electroencephalography (EEG) assessmentof residual cognitive function in patients withdisorders of consciousness. What sets such tasksapart is that the neural responses required are notproduced automatically by the eliciting stimulus,but rather, depend on time-dependent and sus-tained responses generated by the participant.Such behavior (albeit neural ‘behavior’) providesa proxy for an (e.g. motor) action and is, therefore,an appropriate vehicle for reportable awareness (also see Zeman, 2009; Overgaard, 2009).

fMRI as a form of communication?

One major aim of clinical assessment in disordersof consciousness is to harness and nurture any

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available response, through intervention, into aform of reproducible communication, howeverrudimentary. The acquisition of any interactiveand functional verbal or nonverbal method ofcommunication represents an important mile-stone. Clinically, it demarcates the upper bound-ary of minimally conscious state (MCS) (seeGiacino et al., 2009). More importantly, from aquality of life perspective, it allows such patientsto communicate their wishes (e.g. concerningtreatment options), and, therefore, to exert theirright to autonomy. Thus, a key future question forfunctional neuroimaging is whether fMRI datacould ever be used in this way; that is as a form ofcommunication, replacing speech or a motor actin patients for whom such forms of behavioralexpression are unavailable?

Several recent studies using fMRI suggest thatthis may be possible. For example, Haynes et al.(2007) asked healthy volunteers to freely decidewhich of two tasks to perform (to add or subtracttwo numbers) and to covertly hold onto thatdecision during a delay. After the delay theyperformed the chosen task, the result indicatingwhich task they had intended to do (andeventually executed). A classifier was trained torecognize the characteristic fMRI signaturesassociated with the two mental states and in80% of trials was able to decode from activity inmedial and lateral regions of prefrontal cortexwhich of the two tasks the volunteers wereintending to perform. Another previous study hasshown that fMRI can be used as a ‘brain–computer interface’ (BCI) that allows real-timecommunication of thoughts (Weiskopf et al.,2004); healthy volunteers learned to regulate thefMRI signal in a particular brain area using theirown fMRI signal as feedback. In general terms,a brain–computer interface is any system thattranslates an individual’s thoughts and intentionsinto signals to control a computer or communicatevia external hardware, thereby establishing a‘direct’ connection between the brain and theexternal world without any need for motor output(Kubler and Neumann, 2005; for further discus-sion, see Sorger et al., 2009). In recent years,significant progress has been made in developingsophisticated noninvasive BCI methods for

‘decoding thoughts’ using both fMRI and EEG(e.g. Birbaumer and Cohen, 2007; deCharms,2007). However, all of these methods requireextensive training of participants, the decodingalgorithm, or both. Moreover, accuracy rates aretypically in the 60–80% range rendering them oflimited use in clinical decision-making. In anexciting new development, Sorger et al. (2009)have developed a novel information encodingtechnique that exploits the fact that the signal-to-noise ratio in fMRI time courses is sufficientlyhigh to reliably detect BOLD signal onsets andoffsets on a single-trial level with a high degree ofaccuracy. Eight healthy participants ‘answered’multiple-choice questions with 95% accuracyby intentionally generating single-trial BOLDresponses in three tasks that were then ‘decoded’in real time with respect to three influenceablesignal aspects (source location, onset and offset).Although this ‘proof of concept’ was in healthyparticipants, such feats of rudimentary ‘mind-reading’ increase the likelihood that in the nearfuture, some patients with disorders of conscious-ness may also be able to communicate theirthoughts to those around them by simply mod-ulating their own neural activity.

Resting state fMRI

Another important new direction in the use offMRI data in the assessment of patients withdisorders of consciousness is in the examination ofso-called ‘resting-state’ data (for a comprehensivediscussion of this area see Soddu et al., 2009).Recently, increasing attention has been paid tothe ‘intrinsic’ functional connectivity of the brain,and this can be revealed by examination of fMRIdata collected while the participant is not per-forming any active task (e.g. they are ‘at rest’).Resting state data is very easy to obtain invegetative and minimally conscious patients, as itdoes not require the participant to performany task. Boly et al. (2009a, b) have recentlyinvestigated spontaneous activation in patientswith disorders of consciousness and showed thatresting state connectivity in the ‘default network’is decreased in proportion to the degree of

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consciousness impairment. Specifically, theydemonstrated that cortico-thalamic BOLD func-tional connectivity (i.e. between posterior cingu-late/precuneal cortex and medial thalamus) wasnotably absent, but cortico-cortical connectivitywas preserved within the default network in onevegetative state patient studied 2.5 years followingcardio-respiratory arrest (Boly et al., 2009a). In asecond study, resting state connectivity wasinvestigated using probabilistic independent com-ponent analysis in 14 noncommunicative braindamaged patients and 14 healthy controls (Bolyet al., 2009b). Connectivity in all default networkareas was found to be linearly correlated with thedegree of ‘clinical consciousnesses’ (from healthycontrols, to locked-in syndrome, to minimallyconscious state, vegetative state and coma).Moreover, precuneus connectivity was found tobe significantly stronger in minimally consciouspatients than vegetative state patients. As mightbe expected given their preserved level of aware-ness, in locked-in syndrome patients, defaultnetwork connectivity was not significantly differ-ent from controls (for further discussion seeSoddu et al., 2009). In this volume, Boly et al.(2009) suggest a theoretical framework for under-standing the properties that grant a system a stateof consciousness, and highlight the notion of‘integration’ as a necessary (but not sufficient)component of consciousness. While measures ofintegration have been proposed previously, thefact that these may be computationally out ofreach for a system such as the brain, makes studiesof intrinsic connectivity (e.g. using resting statedata) a relatively crude, but informative, approx-imation of the levels of functional integrationavailable at different levels of consciousness.

Using a somewhat different, but related,approach to understanding consciousness and itsbreakdown, Massimini et al. (2009) propose atheoretically grounded methodology for assessinga system’s capability for producing consciousness.Adopting a ‘perturbational approach’ they sug-gest that the combination of transcranial magneticstimulation (TMS) and high density EEG maymake it possible to evaluate the amount offunctional integration of a system — a theoreticalrequisite for conscious experience.

Diffusion tensor imaging

Another significant development in the lastdecade has been the development of variousmethods for assessing the structural connectivityof the brain (for a comprehensive discussion ofsome of these techniques, see Tshibanda et al.,2009). DTI is a noninvasive magnetic resonancetechnique that allows examination of white matterfiber tracts in vivo. In white matter, waterdiffusion is higher along the direction of fiberbundles (due to axonal organization and themyelin sheath). This anisotropy is measured withMRI to determine anatomical connectivity. Todate, detailed histopathological studies haveshown no pathological distinctions between vege-tative state and some minimally conscious statepatients (Jennett et al., 2001). This approach hasbeen used to great effect recently by Voss et al.(2006) who used DTI to longitudinally character-ize brain structural connectivity in a minimallyconscious patient who regained expressive andreceptive language 19 years after sustaining atraumatic brain injury. DTI not only revealedsevere diffuse axonal injury, as indicated byvolume loss in the medial corpus callosum, butalso large regions of increased connectivity(relative to healthy controls) in posterior partsof the brain (i.e. precuneal areas). In a secondDTI study 18 months later, these posterior regionsof white matter anisotrophy were reduced indirectionality. At the same time point, significantincreases in anisotrophy within the midlinecerebellar white matter were shown to correlatewith the observed clinical improvement in motorcontrol during the previous 18 months. Thesefindings strongly suggest that the observed struc-tural changes within the patient’s white matterplayed a role in his functional recovery.

Coleman et al. (2009) have also used thistechnique as part of a multimodal approach tothe assessment of patients with disorders ofconsciousness. In one minimally conscious patientdescribed in detail, DTI revealed reduced(�38%) fractional anisotropy in comparison tohealthy control subjects, indicating widespreadloss of white matter integrity. Moreover DTIrevealed a significantly increased apparent

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diffusion coefficient in comparison to healthyvolunteers, suggesting loss of cortico-corticalconnectivity. Indeed, a qualitative view of whitematter paths revealed a loss of the inferiortemporal and inferior frontal pathways that havebeen shown to mediate aspects of speech com-prehension in some of the psycholinguistic fMRItasks described above (e.g. Rodd et al., 2005). Ofnote, a prospective cohort study of serial DTIimaging following severe traumatic brain injuryand coma found that cognitive and behavioralimprovement correlated with recovery of normalto supranormal fractional anisotropy in prese-lected white matter regions (Sidaros et al., 2008).These findings showed a directional specificitywith improvements in fractional anisotropy seenonly in the eigenvectors of the diffusion tensorassociated with diffusion parallel to the axonalfibers; these results are consistent with the Vosset al. (2006) study and supportive of possibleaxonal regrowth.

In the coming years, we expect that theincreasing use if routinely acquired DTI data indisorders of consciousness will yield larger pro-spective studies in this patient group which willultimately determine whether the sorts of slowstructural changes reported by Voss et al. (2006)occur frequently in severe traumatic brain injuryand whether they have any influence on func-tional outcomes (e.g. see Perlbarg et al., 2009;Tollard et al., 2009; Tshibanda, 2009).

The impact on diagnosis and prognosis

As the use of multimodal imaging methods in theassessment of disorders of consciousness is trans-lated to clinical routine, the likely effects ondiagnosis and prognosis are beginning to becomemore apparent. The main goal of the clinicalassessment in the vegetative and minimally con-scious states is to determine whether the patientretains any purposeful response to stimulation,albeit inconsistent, suggesting they are at leastpartially aware of their environment and/orthemselves. Crucially, this decision separatesvegetative state from minimally conscious statepatients and has, therefore, profound implications

for the subsequent care of the patient andrehabilitation, as well as legal and ethical deci-sion-making. Unfortunately, the behavior elicitedby these patients is often ambiguous, inconsistentand typically constrained by varying degrees ofparesis making it very challenging to disentanglepurely reflexive from voluntary behaviors (forfurther discussion, see Giacino et al., 2009), a factthat undoubtedly contributes to the high rate ofdiagnostic error (37–43%) in this patient group(Andrews et al., 1996; Childs et al., 1993;Schnakers et al., 2006). In several recent cases,neuroimaging data has been entirely inconsistentwith the formal clinical diagnosis which remainsbased on standard behavioral criteria. For exam-ple, the patient described by Owen et al. (2006),was clearly able to produce voluntary responses(albeit neural responses) to command, yet wasunable to match this with any form of motorresponse at the bedside. Paradoxically therefore,this patient’s (motor) behavior was consistent witha diagnosis of vegetative state which effectivelydepends on an absence of evidence of awareness or purposeful response, yet her brain imaging datawere equally consistent with the alternativehypothesis, that she was entirely aware duringthe scanning procedure. Clearly the clinicaldiagnosis of vegetative state based on behavioralassessment was inaccurate in the sense that it didnot accurately reflect her internal state of aware-ness. On the other hand, she was not misdiag-nosed in the sense that no behavioral marker ofawareness was missed. Similarly, the minimallyconscious patient described by Monti et al. (2009)was able to ‘perform’ a complex working memorytask in the scanner, in the sense that his brainactivity revealed consistent and repeatable com-mand following. While this ‘behavior’ does notnecessarily alter the patient’s formal diagnosis(from ‘low’ MCS) it certainly demonstrated alevel of responsively that was not revealed by thebehavioral examination.

A second question concerns the implicationsthat emerging neuroimaging approaches mayhave for prognosis in this patient group. Atpresent, predicting survival, outcome and long-term cognitive deficits in individual patients withsevere brain injury based on clinical assessment is

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very difficult (see extensive reviews by Whyte etal., 2009; Katz et al., 2009; Azouvi et al., 2009;Zasler, 2009). It is of interest that in the casedescribed by Owen et al. (2006), the patient beganto emerge from her vegetative state to demon-strate diagnostically relevant behavioral markersbefore the prognostically important 12-monththreshold was reached (for a diagnosis of perma-nent vegetative state), suggesting that earlyevidence of awareness acquired with functionalneuroimaging may have important prognosticvalue. Indeed, with a marked increase in thenumber of studies using neuroimaging techniquesin patients with disorders of consciousness aconsistent pattern is starting to emerge. Di et al.(2008), reviewed 15 separate H2

15O PET andfMRI studies involving 48 published cases whichwere classified as ‘absent cortical activation’,‘typical activation’, (involving low level primarysensory cortices) and ‘atypical activation’ (corre-sponding to higher-level associative cortices). Theresults show that atypical activity patterns appearto predict recovery from vegetative state with93% specificity and 69% sensitivity. That is to say,9 of 11 patients exhibiting atypical activitypatterns recovered consciousness, whereas 21 of25 patients with typical primary cortical activitypatterns and 4 out of 4 patients with absentactivity failed to recover. This important reviewstrongly suggests that functional neuroimagingdata can provide important prognostic informa-tion beyond that available from bedside examina-tion alone.

In another recent study of 41 patients withdisorders of consciousness, Coleman et al. (inpress; also see Coleman et al., 2009) found directevidence of prognostically important informationwithin neuroimaging data that was at odds withthe behavioral assessment at the time of scanning.Thus, contrary to the clinical impression of aspecialist team using behavioral assessment tools,two patients who had been referred to the studywith a diagnosis of vegetative state, did in factdemonstrate clear signs of speech comprehensionwhen assessed using fMRI. More importantlyhowever, across the whole group of patients, thefMRI data were found to have no association withthe behavioral presentation at the time of the

investigation, but correlated significantly withsubsequent behavioral recovery, six months afterthe scan. In this case, the fMRI data predictedsubsequent recovery in a way that a specialistbehavioral assessment could not. In future, thefull utility of neuroimaging in this context willbecome clearer when even larger studies areconducted, preferably involving multiple centersusing standardized techniques and paradigms.

Therapeutic advances

At present, there is no empirically proven inter-vention to facilitate recovery in the vegetativestate and related disorders of consciousness (e.g.Schnakers et al., 2008a; also see extensive reviewby Zafonte et al. (2009) on pharmacotherapy ofarousal and Taira (2009), on intrathecal adminis-tration of GABA agonists). The favored approachis to create a stable clinical environment fornatural recovery to take place. The greatestdifficulty preventing the development of treat-ment options is the extent and heterogeneity ofpathology underlying these conditions. It isincreasingly accepted; therefore, that novel treat-ments designed for the individual or a small groupof very similar patients will be necessary. Onesuch approach is deep brain stimulation (DBS),which uses stereotactically placed electrodes todeliver electrical stimulation to the thalamus (alsosee Moll et al., 2009, on subpallidal DBS-inducedwakeful unawareness during anesthesia). DBS hasrecently been employed by Schiff et al. (2007)with startling results in a patient in post traumaticMCS. Electrical stimulation, delivered via electro-des implanted bilaterally into the central thala-mus, was found to produce increased periods ofarousal and responsiveness to command in a 38-year-old male who had remained in a minimallyconscious state for six and a half years followingthe injury. The changes correlated closely with thecommencement of DBS and could not be attrib-uted to gradual recovery over time. Importantlyhowever, the patient was at the upper boundaryof the minimally conscious state before DBS wascommenced. He had also produced inconsistent,but reproducible evidence of communication and

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fMRI had shown preservation of cortical languagenetworks. Yamamoto and Katayama (2005) useda similar technique on more severely impairedpatients and reported positive effects in 8 out of21 vegetative patients, who subsequently emergedfrom vegetative state and obeyed commands.However, in that study, DBS was commencedwithin 3–6 months of brain injury and it is notclear whether the behavioral improvement simplyreflected natural recovery. There are now wide-spread calls for the methodology of Schiff et al.(2007) to be extended to a larger number of moreseverely impaired patients in order to evaluate thepotential of this technique to facilitate recovery.

Neuroimaging and ethics

Neuroimaging of severely brain-injured, noncom-municative populations of patients raises severalimportant ethical concerns. Foremost is theconcern that diagnostic and prognostic accuracyis assured, as treatment decisions typically includethe possibility of withdrawal of life support. In anexcellent discussion of these issues (Fins, 2009),Joseph Fins notes that ‘the utter and fixed futilityof the vegetative state became the ethical andlegal justification for the genesis of the right-to-diemovement in the United States’ (Fins, 2003, 2006;Fins et al., 2008). At present, although several ofthe neuroimaging approaches discussed in thischapter hold great promise to improve bothdiagnostic and prognostic accuracy, the standardapproach remains the careful and repeatedneurological exam by a trained examiner.

That said, in future, the routine use oftechniques such as fMRI and quantitative EEGin the diagnostic process (e.g. for the detection ofawareness), will raise additional issues relatingto legal decision-making and the prolongation,or otherwise, of life after severe brain injury(see Levy and Savulescu, 2009; Lutte, 2009). Atpresent, decisions concerning life support (nutri-tion and hydration) are generally taken once adiagnosis of permanent vegetative state has beenmade. To date, fMRI has not demonstratedunequivocal signs of awareness in any patientthat has survived beyond the time point required

for such a diagnosis (Owen and Coleman, 2008;Laureys and Boly, 2008). Thus, whether fMRI willever be used in this context will only becomeapparent when more patients have been scanned,although if evidence for awareness were to befound in a patient who had progressed beyond thethreshold for a diagnosis of permanent vegetativestate, this fact would certainly have profoundimplications for this decision-making process. Onthe other hand, it is important to point out thatneuroimaging is unlikely to influence legal pro-ceedings where negative findings have beenacquired. False-negative findings in functionalneuroimaging studies are common, even inhealthy volunteers, and they present particulardifficulties in this patient population. For example,a patient may have low levels of arousal or evenfall asleep during the study (e.g. see review byBekinschtein et al. (2009) on the influence ofarousal fluctuations on patients’ responsiveness)or the patient may not have properly heard orunderstood the task instructions, leading to anerroneous negative result. Accordingly, singlenegative fMRI or EEG findings in patients shouldnot be used as evidence for impaired cognitivefunction or lack of awareness.

Ethical concerns are also sometimes raisedconcerning the participation of severely brain–injured patients in functional neuroimaging stu-dies (e.g. to assess pain perception; see Demertziet al., 2009), studies that require invasive proce-dures (e.g. intra-arterial or jugular lines requiredfor quantification of PET data or modeling), orthe use of neuromuscular paralytics. By definition,unconscious or minimally conscious patientscannot give informed consent to participate inclinical research and written approval is typicallyobtained from family or legal representativesdepending on governmental and hospital guide-lines in each country. We side with a proposedethical framework that emphasizes balancingaccess to research and medical advances alongsideprotection for vulnerable patient populations.Severe brain injury represents an immense socialand economic problem that warrants furtherresearch. Unconscious, minimally conscious andlocked-in patients are very vulnerable anddeserve special procedural protections (also see

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Lule et al., 2009, on quality of life in the locked-insyndrome). However, it is important to stress thatthese severely brain–injured patients are alsovulnerable to being denied potentially life-savingtherapy if clinical research cannot be performedadequately (for further discussion, see Fins, 2009).


Disorders of consciousness present unique pro-blems for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment andeveryday management. In this chapter, we havereviewed a number of areas where novel neuroi-maging methods and approaches are beginning tomake a significant impact on the assessment andmanagement of these patients. For example,cognitive activation studies using event-relatedfMRI are now being used to objectively describe(using population norms) the regional distributionof cerebral activity at rest and under variousconditions of stimulation. Indeed, in several rarecases, functional neuroimaging has demonstratedconscious awareness in patients who are assumedto be vegetative, yet retain cognitive abilities thathave evaded detection using standard clinicalmethods. Similarly, in some patients diagnosedas minimally conscious, functional neuroimaginghas revealed residual cognitive capabilities thatextend well beyond that evident from even themost comprehensive behavioral assessment.Moreover, these detailed functional images arenow being combined with high-resolution infor-mation about anatomy and images of structuralconnectivity, acquired using techniques such asDTI, to produce an increasingly cohesive pictureof normal and abnormal brain function followingserious brain injury.

Although insufficient population data currentlyexists, evidence to include the use of suchtechniques in the formal diagnostic and prognosticprocedure in this patient group is accumulatingrapidly. The emerging view is not that brainimaging should replace behavioral assessment,but rather that it should be used, whereverpossible, to acquire further information about thepatient and their condition. In doing so, thecurrent alarmingly high rate of misdiagnosis in

this patient group will undoubtedly fall. Likewise,clinical teams will have the best possible informa-tion for planning and monitoring interventions tofacilitate recovery.


The authors acknowledge the generous support ofthe James S. McDonnell Foundation. AMO issupported by the Medical Research Council(UK). NS is supported by NS02172, NS43451 andthe Charles A. Dana Foundation. SL is aResearch Associate at the Fonds National de laRecherche Scientifique de Belgique (FNRS).


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