The neater option is to remove part of the existing roof covering and lay the panels flush. This is certainly worth considering if the roof does not retain its orginal slates or tiles and is in need of repair or renewal. But this may not be appropriate with listed buildings. 4 SELECT THE SIMPLEST CONFIGURATION OF PANELS Photo-voltaics require a relatively high number of panels, often equivalent in area to an entire small roof. If a subsidiary roof is available, it is best to cover the whole roof area with panels. This will look simpler and neater than covering half the main roof. If there is only one roof available, the best arrangement is the simplest one – either a horizontal line of panels at eaves level or, alternatively, immediately below the ridge. It looks better still if the panels stretch the full width of the roof, from verge to verge placing them as close to the edge as practicable. This is a more traditional- looking arrangement than placing the panels in a square in the centre of the roof (or worse, off to one side). If the roof is not particularly large and the proposed pv panels cover most of the roof area, it is best to leave a complete, horizontal strip of roofing visible at the eaves, or at the ridge. Arranging panels in landscape rather than portrait format reflects the horizontal proportions of traditional buildings. Solar thermal need fewer panels for the average domestic installation. If possible specify a panel with the same module size and finish as a pv panel or rooflight so that they can all be combined in a simple linear arrangement. CONTACT US The Built Environment Section of the Cultural Heritage Team, Peak District National Park Authority, Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell DE45 1AE Telephone 01629 816200 2 CHOOSE THE LEAST OBTRUSIVE TYPE OF PANEL (the points in bold are critical) The plainer, darker and more neutral the panel, the better. In particular avoid pv panels with obvious star patterns. Also choose a panel with a black background. Ask for panels with black framing. Avoid those with bright aluminium edging. These emphasise the panel’s large module compared to roofing slates or tiles making them all the more incongruous. High reflectivity of the panel surface is a problem: the less shiny the better. Some pv panels are the size of modern tiles or traditional slates. Generally these are more suitable for properties being re-roofed. They blend in well and are the least obtrusive form of pv panel. For solar thermal, select a flat panel rather than the evacuated tube design. The former is simpler and less ugly in appearance. 3 DECIDE IF REROOFING IS REQUIRED Most people with a sound roof will prefer placing panels on top of existing slates or tiles. This is the cheaper option but also the most obtrusive as the panels sit well above the roof surface. There are also the issues of extra loading and damage to roof coverings referred to earlier. Solar slates Retro-fitted option Flush-fitted option Panels over an entire lean-to Panels below ridge Panels at eaves Solar thermal panels (flat panel type) manufactured by Velux Conserving your Historic Building DESIGN AND SITING OF SOLAR PANELS www.peakdistrict.gov.uk

a more traditional- DESIGN AND SITING OF SOLAR PANELS · 2020-02-29 · 4 SELECT THE SIMPLEST CONFIGURATION OF PANELS Photo-voltaics require a relatively high number of panels, often

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Page 1: a more traditional- DESIGN AND SITING OF SOLAR PANELS · 2020-02-29 · 4 SELECT THE SIMPLEST CONFIGURATION OF PANELS Photo-voltaics require a relatively high number of panels, often

• Theneateroptionistoremovepartoftheexistingroofcoveringandlaythepanelsflush.Thisiscertainlyworthconsideringiftheroofdoesnotretainitsorginalslatesortilesandisinneedofrepairorrenewal.Butthismaynotbeappropriatewithlistedbuildings.


Photo-voltaicsrequirearelativelyhighnumberofpanels,oftenequivalentinareatoanentiresmallroof.• Ifasubsidiaryroofis


• Ifthereisonlyoneroofavailable,thebestarrangementisthesimplestone–eitherahorizontallineofpanelsateaveslevelor,alternatively,immediatelybelowtheridge.Itlooksbetterstillifthepanelsstretchthefull


• Iftheroofisnotparticularlylargeandtheproposedpvpanelscovermostoftheroofarea,itisbesttoleaveacomplete,horizontalstripofroofingvisibleattheeaves,orattheridge.

• Arrangingpanelsinlandscaperatherthanportraitformatreflectsthehorizontalproportionsoftraditionalbuildings.

Solar thermal needfewerpanelsfortheaveragedomesticinstallation.

• Ifpossiblespecifyapanelwiththesamemodulesizeandfinishasapvpanelorrooflightsothattheycanallbecombinedinasimplelineararrangement.





2 CHOOSE THE LEAST OBTRUSIVE TYPE OF PANEL (the points in bold are critical)

• The plainer, darker and more neutral the panel, the better.Inparticularavoidpvpanelswithobviousstarpatterns.Alsochooseapanelwithablackbackground.

• Ask for panels with black framing.Avoidthosewithbrightaluminiumedging.Theseemphasisethepanel’slargemodulecomparedtoroofingslatesortilesmakingthemallthemoreincongruous.

• Highreflectivityofthepanelsurfaceisaproblem:thelessshinythebetter.

• Somepvpanelsarethesizeofmoderntilesortraditionalslates.Generallythesearemoresuitableforpropertiesbeingre-roofed.Theyblendinwellandaretheleastobtrusiveformofpvpanel.

• Forsolarthermal,selectaflatpanelratherthantheevacuatedtubedesign.Theformerissimplerandlessuglyinappearance.


• Mostpeoplewithasoundroofwillpreferplacingpanelsontopofexistingslatesortiles.Thisisthecheaperoptionbutalsothemostobtrusiveasthepanelssitwellabovetheroofsurface.Therearealsotheissuesofextraloadinganddamagetoroofcoveringsreferredtoearlier.

Solar slates

Retro-fitted option Flush-fitted option

Panels over an entire lean-to

Panels below ridge

Panels at eaves

Solar thermal panels (flat panel type)

manufactured by Velux

Conserving your Historic Building



Page 2: a more traditional- DESIGN AND SITING OF SOLAR PANELS · 2020-02-29 · 4 SELECT THE SIMPLEST CONFIGURATION OF PANELS Photo-voltaics require a relatively high number of panels, often


The best way of minimising the visual impact of solar thermal and pv installations is by considering the following 4 factors:



A Groundmountedpanels,avoidingtheroofentirelyisthebestsolution.Useanareaofthegardenleastharmfultothesettingofthebuilding.Althoughthisinvolvesmorecabling,itavoidstheproblemsofadditionalroofloadanddisturbingordrillingthroughroofcoveringstofixthepanelsintoposition.Whenpanelsaresubsequentlyremoved,makinggoodthesefixingholesisaconsiderableproblem.Aground-mountedarrayalsoallowseasiermaintenanceandrenewalofthepanels.Whenagroundlocationisimpossibleandpanelshavetogoonaroof,simplicityofarrangementisthekey.Itiseasytospoilabuildingbyaddingroofpanelsinaninsensitiveway,ignoringitscharacterandappearanceandthebalancednatureofitselevationalfeatures.Itneedsonlyafewsuchroofsinprominentlocationsandthecharacterofawholevillageisharmed.Ifthebuildingislisted,additionalrestrictionsapply(seebelow).

B Ifthebuildinghasadoubleroofwithacentral valleygutter,useoneofthehidden,innerslopes.

C Iftheroofisbehindaparapet,thiswillalsoenablepanelstobehidden.

D Wherenoneoftheaboveispossible,chooseadetachedmodernoutbuildingorgarage.

E Ifthisisnotpossible,sitethepanelsontheroofofanattachedconservatoryormodernextension.Thisleavesthemainpartofthepropertyunaltered-particularlyimportantwhenthemainroofisopentoview.

F Ifthepropertyhasaflatroofedelement,locatepanelsthereonaangledframe.

Solar thermal and photovoltaic (pv) panels are an increasingly popular source of renewable energy and play an important role in reducing carbon emissions. The National Park Authority welcomes their use in locations where the conservation of the National Park is not compromised. This advice looks to minimise that conflict by suggesting ways to reduce the impact of solar panels on our historic buildings and settlements.


Beforeconsideringrenewables,itissimplerandmorecosteffectivetofirstreducetheneedforenergybyusingitmoreeffectivelyandbydraught-proofing,addinginsulationandupgradingtheefficiencyofboilersandotherequipment.WithoutsuchmeasuresyourpropertymaynotachievetheminimumEnergyPerformanceCertificateratingneededtoobtainthebestpossiblefeed-intarifffortheelectricitygenerated. Checktoowiththeplannerswhetherplanningpermissionisrequired.Ifyourbuildingislisted,youwillneedlistedbuildingconsenttofixpanelstoeitherthemainbuildingoranypre-1948outbuildingwithinthecurtilage.Youwillalsorequireplanningpermissiontoputground-mountedpanelswithinthegarden.


Consult your mortgage and insurance providers in case their terms and conditions are affected by the installation of panels. Always check that an installer is a member of the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS). See the website: www.microgenerationcertification.org for more information.

Panels on roof of a modern garage

Panels forming an open canopied area alongside a modern building

Panels on roof of a modern extension

Flat roof option

Ground mounted panels

G Dependingontheproperty’sorientation,itmaybepossibletositepanelsontheroofofarearorsideelevation.Thoughinthecaseofalistedbuilding,thiscouldbeproblematic.

H Itisalsopossibletofixthem(againonanangledframe)toagablewallwhichisnottooprominentinthestreetscene.Again,possiblyproblematicwithalistedbuilding.

I Onlyasalastresort,considerfixingthemonthefrontroofslope.Thisoptionhoweverwillcertainlyberesistedinthecaseofalistedbuildingwheretheeffectonthebuilding’scharacterandappearanceislikelytobetoodamagingtobeacceptable.

In all cases, ensure that the panels are not over-shadowed as this vastly reduces the performance of PVs particularly.

Rear and side elevations


Within the roof valley