A law about making things better for people from different groups Guide to the public sector equality duty Easy read

A law about making things better for people from different ... · attracted to other women Gay means a man who is attracted to other men. 5 ... they are making things better for people

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Page 1: A law about making things better for people from different ... · attracted to other women Gay means a man who is attracted to other men. 5 ... they are making things better for people

A law about making thingsbetter for people fromdifferent groups

Guide to the public sector equality duty

Easy read

Page 2: A law about making things better for people from different ... · attracted to other women Gay means a man who is attracted to other men. 5 ... they are making things better for people
Page 3: A law about making things better for people from different ... · attracted to other women Gay means a man who is attracted to other men. 5 ... they are making things better for people

What is in this booklet page

What this guide is about 3

What the law says 6

Asking people what they need 7

Equality information 9

The Equality and Human RightsCommission


Page 4: A law about making things better for people from different ... · attracted to other women Gay means a man who is attracted to other men. 5 ... they are making things better for people

Finding out if changes have worked 13

Asking public authoritiesto change things 14

What next? 16

How to find out more 17

Some words in this guide andwhat they mean 18

Equality objectives 11

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The Equality and Human RightsCommission wrote this guide.

We work to make sure people ofdifferent ages and from differentgroups are treated fairly and equally.

We work to stop discrimination.

Discrimination means treatingsomeone worse than other people forreasons like:

l being disabled

l because they are a man or awoman

The Equality and Human Rights Commission

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l coming from a different race orculture.

We also want to make sure thatpeople’s human rights are respected.

Human rights are rights and freedomsthat everyone should have.

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This guide is about a law called thepublic sector equality duty or theequality duty.

This law says public authorities likeschools, hospitals and councils mustthink about how they can make thingsbetter for people from different groups.

The law covers lots of different groupsincluding:

l disabled people

l men and women

What this guide is about

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l people from different races andcultures

l people of different ages

l straight, gay and lesbian people

Lesbian means a woman who isattracted to other women

Gay means a man who is attractedto other men

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l people from different religions orpeople who do not have a religion

l women who are pregnant or have anew baby

l people who are married, or gay orlesbian people who have a civilpartner

l transgender people

Transgender people are peoplewho feel that the body they wereborn into is not right for them.This means they may want tochange from being a man to awoman, or from a woman to aman.

Public authorities should try tounderstand the needs of people fromdifferent groups.

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The law says public authorities mustthink about how they can make surethat everyone has the same chance touse their services.

Schools, hospitals, councils, police,colleges, universities and governmentare all public authorities.

They must stop discrimination againstpeople from different groups like gaypeople, disabled people or women.

They must make sure people are notbullied or called names because theyare from a certain group. For example,because they are old or because oftheir religion.

They must make it easier for peoplefrom different groups to tell them whatthey need so that they have the rightinformation when they makedecisions.

What the law says

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Public authorities should take steps tounderstand what people from differentgroups need. This will help them tomake their services better and to bebetter employers.

They should make it easy for peoplefrom different groups to tell them whatthey think.

They should make it easy for peoplefrom different groups to come tomeetings.

For example:

l they should have meetings inplaces where people who usewheelchairs can get in easily

Asking people what they need

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l there should be enough money topay for meetings to find out whatdifferent groups of people think.

A public authority might ask you whatthey should do to make things betterfor people from different groups.

They might ask you on your own.

They might ask you as part of anorganisation that works with peoplefrom different groups.

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This is when public authorities say howthey are making things better forpeople from different groups:

l it might say what they did to findout what different groups of peoplethink

l it should say what they are goingto do to make their services betterand to be a better employer

l it should say how they will know iftheir changes are working.

Public authorities must put equalityinformation on their website and theyshould give the information to anyonewho wants it.

Equality information

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They should make the informationeasy to find and easy to understand.

You can ask to see the information.

This is one way to find out if the publicauthority is making useful changes forpeople from different groups.

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The public authority must writeequality objectives.

Equality objectives say what they willdo to make things better for peoplefrom different groups.

The objectives should say:

l what are the most importantchanges that they will make forpeople from different groups

l who needs to make the changes

l when the changes will happen.

Equality objectives

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For example, they might have anobjective:

l to make a service better

l to make their decisions better

l to be a better employer.

You can ask to see their objectives.

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Public authorities can ask people fromdifferent groups if the changes theyare making have made things betterfor them.

l you can say what has worked well

l you could say what has not workedwell

l you can say what they could do tomake things work better next time.

For example, you could ask them towrite Easy read information about theirservices and to put it on their website.

Finding out if changes have worked

Things to do

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If you think that a public authority isnot thinking about how they can makethings better for people from differentgroups, you or an organisation youwork with can ask what they are doingfor the equality duty.

Here are some questions you can ask:

l what are the most importantchanges they want to make forpeople from different groups?

l did they ask people from differentgroups what they thought aboutthese changes?

l have things got better since thechanges have been made?

Asking public authorities to change things


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l what still needs to change to makesure that things get better forpeople from different groups?

l does the public authority haveequality information?

l does the public authority haveequality objectives??

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If you think a public authority is notthinking about what they can do tomake things better for people fromdifferent groups, you can telephonethe Equality and Human RightsCommission Helpline.

We can tell you what the law says.

We can tell you what to do next.

If you are in England

Telephone: 08456 046 610

Textphone: 08456 046 620

Fax: 08456 046 630

What next?

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If you are in Scotland

Telephone: 08456 045 510

Textphone: 08456 045 520

Fax: 08456 045 530

If you are in Wales

Telephone: 08456 048 810

Textphone: 08456 048 820

Fax: 08456 048 830

How to find out more

There is more information on ourwebsite:


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Discrimination Treating someone worse than other people for some reason.

Equality duty A law that says public authorities need to think about how they can make things better for people from different groups.

Equality information Information that says how public authorities are making things better for people from different groups.

Equality objectives Things a public authority will do to make things better for people from different groups.

Public authorities Places like schools, hospitals, councils, police, colleges, universities and government.

Some words in this guide and what they mean

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This paper has been designed andproduced for the Equality and HumanRights Commission by the EasyRead serviceat Inspired Services Publishing Ltd.Ref ISL373/11. March 2012.

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from our websitewww.equalityhumanrights.com

Telephone 1 of our helplines.

• They are open Monday to Friday8am to 6pm.

England• 08456 046 610• Textphone 08456 046 620• Fax 08456 046 630

Wales• 08456 048 810• Textphone 08456 048 820• Fax 08456 048 830

Scotland• 08456 045 510• Textphone 08456 045 520• Fax 08456 045 530

© Equality and Human Rights CommissionPublished March 2012

ISBN 978 1 84206 442 9