A History About Hatres but at the Same Time, Love

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  • 8/13/2019 A History About Hatres but at the Same Time, Love.


    Titled: Of dreams and fire guns turn into plowshares.

    Topic: The war between the Hutus and the Tutsis couldnt break the love of a group.

    Human been were supposed to be created as a huge brotherhood throughout the hole

    planet. Sounds like a utopia, like a kids dream or the kind of story one can see at a movie.

    But why wouldnt we take the liberty of dreaming about a world united by peace? Why is it

    so hard to imagine it could happen? The answer is very simple and it pops out every time

    we turn on the television to watch international or local news. People are killing each other

    mercilessly. The violence is becoming a tradition and hatred encourages it. Around the

    world the alarm of grotesque calls the attention and the sound of grief is knocking on too

    many doors.

    One of the worst cases is the ones that happen among people that are to be in an

    environment of coexistence. The story is about the Hutus and the Tutsis, two ethnic groups

    that share the same territory, same language, same genetic kinship, and almost same

    traditions. But as the world has come to know, what they had created over the years, maybe

    without their own acknowledge, they had destroyed it for the sake of revenge. As The New

    York Times reported, the Hutus and the Tutsis lived together, married each other careless

    and even unaware about whom was a Tutsi or who was a Hutu. But, suddenly, it all

    changed and the homicides started.

    This abrupt switch was preceded by a series of events in their countries; this is that

    the Hutus and the Tutsis lives among the territories of Rwanda and Burundi. While in the

    1920s those territories were ruled by Belgium, they wanted to make separations among the

    population. The parameters the Belgians used werent the appropriated as they considered

    theyre economics possessions more than theyre racial differences. If you had cattle them

  • 8/13/2019 A History About Hatres but at the Same Time, Love.


  • 8/13/2019 A History About Hatres but at the Same Time, Love.


    They believe people who share what they have being learning in the Bible are their

    brothers, and they take it seriously. These years of taking sides were very difficult for those

    who believe on the unity of races, tribes and languages as they expect a future with that

    kind of promises. Is not that they were against the war or in favor, they just couldnt take in

    his hands the lives of their fellows, none the less, leave them on their own tragically fate.

    The Yearbook of the Jehovah Witnesses of the 2012 reported these events. Despite

    lost of this people died protecting each other, some others lived to tell. Inside the pages of

    this book are written the experiences of those braves ones who didnt forget what love to

    the fellows is all about. Ones who do believe that war is not a way to bring justice but a

    way of messing the true nature of human kind and the true purpose of living among all this

    diversity of races, manners, skin colors, faces, ways.

    This group of people showed the world that is worth it to dream about a worldwide

    environment of no segregation, because they could. The beautiful truth is that this kind of

    interracial bond is not exclusively of Rwanda and Burundi but of many other countries and

    tribes all over the planet released by the same people united with the love that grew inside

    them, first for their creator, Jehovah God, and their beloved fellows, their international


  • 8/13/2019 A History About Hatres but at the Same Time, Love.


  • 8/13/2019 A History About Hatres but at the Same Time, Love.


    [email protected] Alvin reporte de suelos.

    Test: B1-308


    They are an ethnic group in Central Africa. According to theCentral Intelligence Agency,

    84% of Rwandans and 85% of Burundians are Hutu. Hutus speak Rwanda-Rundi as their

    native tongue. It is also spoken as a mother tongue by the Tutsi.

    Genes: Modern-day genetic studies of the Y-chromosome suggest a close ethnic kinship

    between the Hutu and other neighboring Bantu peoples, particularly the Tutsi. According

    to the New Encyclopedia of Africa, the social categories are thus real, but there is little if

    any detectable genetic differentiation between Hutu and Tutsi as Belgian authorities

    legally mandated ethnic affiliation in the 1920s, based on economic criteria. This means

    that the ones with cattle were cataloged as Tutsis and the ones that didnt have cattle

    were the Hutus. Despite the hutus are a larger ethnic group, the Tutsis had the control

    over them.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agencyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agencymailto:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 A History About Hatres but at the Same Time, Love.


    Coexisting time: Dado que los ruandeses son semejantes en gran nmero de aspectos,

    no era de esperar que se odiaran y mataran entre s. Los hutus y los tutsis hablan el

    mismo idioma y a menudo comparten las mismas tradiciones escribi el periodista

    Raymond Bonner. Tras varias generaciones de matrimonios interraciales, las diferencias

    fsicas los tutsi son esbeltos, y los hutus, ms bajos y gruesoshan desaparecido a tal

    grado que los ruandeses ya no suelen estar seguros de si alguien es hutu o tutsi.

    Segregation: The New York Timescomenta: Los polticos han tratado vez tras vez de

    fomentar los temores a la otra etnia y la lealtad a la propia; en el caso de los hutus, para

    conservar las riendas del gobierno; en el de los tutsis, para conseguir la adhesin al frente
