------- A Conversation with Audrey Hepburn: Brett Weber : Ms. Hepburn, I don't think Sarah McLachlan could have possibly known about the discovery of Abraham Lincoln's poem "The Suicide's Soliloquy" in 1997 when she released her hit single "Building A Mystery," but I literally just stumbled across Lincoln's poem while listening to her song's lyrics today ??? Sarah mentions a suicide poem in her song! Audrey Hepburn : And, that surprises you ??? Brett Weber : Well, yes actually, it does ??? I mean I was just reading about Abe's poem now as the music was playing ??? * Brett looks at Audrey a little bewildered. * Brett Weber : Apparently, Abe's suicide poem was found in the August 25, 1838 issue of the Sangamo Journal of Springfield, Illinois by Richard Lawrence Miller... but Richard discovered the poem in 1997. The same year Sarah McLachlan released her hit single ??? Isn't that just weird ??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Suicide%27s_Soliloquy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poetry_of_Abraham_Lincoln Audrey Hepburn : But, Abraham Lincoln did not commit suicide, Sir Brett. He went on to carry out God's purpose for his life, even if he was at times depressed about that purpose, or lost site of his purpose all together. He was more than a hit single! I do not think your coincidence is weird at all. * Brett casts another bewildered stare at Audrey. * Brett Weber : Clearly.

A Conversation with Audrey Hepburn - BrokenArtGallery.combrokenartgallery.com/AConversationwithAudrey11.pdfAudrey Hepburn: Hm. * Audrey sighs a little, puzzled over Sir Brett's lack

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------- A Conversation with Audrey Hepburn: Brett Weber: Ms. Hepburn, I don't think Sarah McLachlan could have possibly known about the discovery of Abraham Lincoln's poem "The Suicide's Soliloquy" in 1997 when she released her hit single "Building A Mystery," but I literally just stumbled across Lincoln's poem while listening to her song's lyrics today ??? Sarah mentions a suicide poem in her song! Audrey Hepburn: And, that surprises you ??? Brett Weber: Well, yes actually, it does ??? I mean I was just reading about Abe's poem now as the music was playing ??? * Brett looks at Audrey a little bewildered. * Brett Weber: Apparently, Abe's suicide poem was found in the August 25, 1838 issue of the Sangamo Journal of Springfield, Illinois by Richard Lawrence Miller... but Richard discovered the poem in 1997. The same year Sarah McLachlan released her hit single ??? Isn't that just weird ???



Audrey Hepburn: But, Abraham Lincoln did not commit suicide, Sir Brett. He went on to carry out God's purpose for his life, even if he was at times depressed about that purpose, or lost site of his purpose all together. He was more than a hit single! I do not think your coincidence is weird at all.

* Brett casts another bewildered stare at Audrey. *

Brett Weber: Clearly.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AFDHia51Do&feature=related Audrey Hepburn: Sir Brett, the angels are God's messengers. Brett Weber: They are ??? Audrey Hepburn: They bring God's inspiration to the prophets. Brett Weber: They do ??? Audrey Hepburn: You were just touched by an angel. Brett Weber: I was ??? Audrey Hepburn: Yes, and she is probably still close by... * Audrey pushes her shoulder up against Sir Brett. *


Brett Weber: Well, I don't know about that, Ms. Hepburn... Audrey Hepburn: You don't ??? Brett Weber: Well no, actually I don't, but Sarah McLachlan's song "Building A Mystery" was the last song I e-mailed to everyone in my address book this week... Audrey Hepburn: Yes, it was. Brett Weber: ...in regard to that sad African Grey Parrot burglary. Eight African Grey Parrots were apparently stolen from that woman in Connecticut, Ms. Hepburn. On the same day that her father passed away! That is really sad...

Audrey Hepburn: Hm. * Audrey sighs a little, puzzled over Sir Brett's lack of returned affection. * Brett Weber: Some of the birds separated had been life long partners too. Audrey Hepburn: One day, they will all be together again, Sir Brett. Brett Weber: Yeah right, in Heaven maybe! * Brett scoffs. * Audrey Hepburn: Who is that with you, Sir Brett ??? Brett Weber: What ??? Who ??? Oh... I don't know.. Audrey Hepburn: You know. Brett Weber: Hey, oh my goodness... it's "Chief" Audrey! My old African Grey Parrot ???


Chief: Hello. * Brett smiles and laughs. * Brett Weber: What the heck ??? Audrey Hepburn: Chief really likes you, Sir Brett. Brett Weber: Well, she is a pretty bird... like you Ms. Hepburn. * Brett hides a half-way smile, and softens a bit. * Chief: Pretty bird... Pretty bird... cluck, cluck, cluck.

Brett Weber: Chatty thing too... * ...gazing at Audrey. * Audrey Hepburn: She enjoys your company. Brett Weber: What is she doing here, Ms. Hepburn ??? My family and I had to find a new home for Chief, and her bad influence "Gabe" ...our other African Grey Parrot, years ago because of my declining health. My multiple sclerosis was making a complete mess of my life, and I could no longer clean their huge cage, or maintain for their care anymore. I am delighted to see her again, though... She looks good! Why is she here, Ms. Hepburn ??? Audrey Hepburn: I do not know why she is here, Sir Brett. This is your dream... Brett Weber: Dream ??? Oh right... Audrey Hepburn: ...but Chief does seem to be a very wise lady bird ??? Perhaps, God wants to compare her to Abraham Lincoln... the Commander in Chief. * Audrey giggles as Chief nibble on her finger tip. * Brett Weber: Oops... * Chief takes flight around the room. *

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkOQPovPU2A Audrey Hepburn: Is that how you win the hearts of your ladies birds, Sir Brett ??? Through your kindness and gentleness to animals ??? Brett Weber: Hm. Oh, um what ??? I am... sorry... Come back here Chief! Audrey Hepburn: Never mind her. Leave her go. Brett Weber: Where did she go ??? * Brett walks around the room looking for Chief, but eventually gives up and sits down next to Audrey. * Audrey Hepburn: Your other lady bird friend... Sarah McLachlan... She parrots Abe's poem in that song you say?

Brett Weber: Well yes, not verbatim, but yes. She does mention a suicide poem, and strangely, I do wear sandals in the snow ??? For many, many years now, because they are easier to take on and off than my boots. Well, when I was still able to take sandals and boots on and off by myself, anyway ??? It is still easier for my mom and dad who help me though... My feet never touch the snow... being in a powerchair, ya see ??? Audrey Hepburn: Yes, your life in a powerchair, Sir Brett. Brett Weber: Very humbling, but I don't need it here, Ms. Hepburn! Audrey Hepburn: No, you don't. Brett Weber: Why is that ??? Audrey Hepburn: Because in your dreams you are as free as Chief, Sir Brett. Brett Weber: My dreams ??? Audrey Hepburn: Reading your signs will become easier for you. Brett Weber: What ??? Um. * Audrey smiles. * Audrey Hepburn: Abraham Lincoln brought freedom to others, Sir Brett. Brett Weber: Well, yes... he did. Audrey Hepburn: That is what prophets do, Sir Brett. * Ignoring Audrey's comment. * Brett Weber: Anyhow, I have been reading about Abraham Lincoln this week, Ms. Hepburn... Since hearing Harold Holzer speak at the Heritage Museum here in Allentown, Pa. Harold is one of the most eminent Lincoln scholars in the world. * Brett stares at the floor. * Brett Weber: He was very interesting!!!!!!! Audrey Hepburn: Of course he was. * Audrey smiles again. * Brett Weber: This is not original Lincoln, but perhaps I can parrot some of Abe's

often parroted words to you ??? * Brett looks up at Audrey. * Brett Weber: Okay ??? Audrey Hepburn: By all means, parrot them to me, Sir Brett! * Chief lands on Audrey's hand. * Brett Weber: Surely, we must all do our best to obey ''the better angels of our nature." * Audrey raises one eyebrow at Brett. * Audrey Hepburn: In deed, we all must, Sir Brett. * Audrey kisses Chief on the beak. *

v=ZyLx0qc_gKc&feature=related Brett Weber: Lincoln said those words at some point ??? I can't remember when though... An angel must have stolen my thoughts ??? Audrey Hepburn: Very mysterious. Brett Weber: What ??? Angels ??? Audrey Hepburn: No, that Abraham Lincoln's poem "The Suicide's Soliloquy" was discovered in the same year as Sarah McLachlan hit single "Building A Mystery?" Brett Weber: Oh yes, it is mysterious. Mysterious too that I would notice both events almost simultaneously, and that they occurred in the same year! A little unsettling to me personally since I am chronically ill, and may decide that I have a reason to commit suicide one day. What is God trying to say to me, Ms. Hepburn ??? Audrey Hepburn: Exactly what He has said to you, Sir Brett. Brett Weber: What did He say ??? Audrey Hepburn: You heard Him as well as I did. Brett Weber: Then, apparently, you don't understand Him either. Audrey Hepburn: Oh, I understand Him. Brett Weber: Tell me then... Audrey Hepburn: Sir Brett, the angels record the actions of men. They receive their souls when they die, and appear as witnesses for them at the Last Judgment. Brett Weber: So, you are my angel, Ms. Hepburn ???

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZHrbjhwKik&feature=related Audrey Hepburn: An angel is simply a messenger, Sir Brett. If you accept my message, then I am your angel. Abraham Lincoln's poem was discovered in 1997, and Sarah McLachlan 's hit single was released that same year. Do you understand God's message to you, Sir Brett ??? Brett Weber: No, not at all. * Brett hesitates. * Chief: Hello. Hello. Brett Weber: Good grief... Well, God is making reference to dark events! Audrey Hepburn: Perhaps He is, but you have not listened carefully enough to His entire message my would be beginner prophet friend. In giving you free will, God has also given you the ability to interpret and make sense of extraordinary events and signs. Brett Weber: What ??? What do you mean ???

Audrey Hepburn: Abraham and Sarah, Sir Brett. Brett Weber: Abraham and Sarah... So what ??? Chief: Hello. Audrey Hepburn: How many Abraham and Sarah's do you know of ??? Brett Weber: Oh, my goodness ??? Abraham and Sarah... The Biblical Story ??? Audrey Hepburn: Of course... Brett Weber: Well, you gave me that one... Audrey Hepburn: I did not. Brett Weber: I am not a prophet, Ms.Hepburn. Audrey Hepburn: I simply repeated the names to you. Brett Weber: I am not listening to you. Chief: Hello. Audrey Hepburn: Abraham was a prophet. Brett Weber: You're crazy! Audrey Hepburn: If you are not a prophet, Sir Brett, then I am not an angel. Brett Weber: Fair enough... You are simply an android from the future. * Brett shrugs his shoulders, and after a few moments of silence. * Brett Weber: What was the story of Abraham and Sarah about anyway ??? Audrey Hepburn: You should read and interpret the story of Abraham and Sarah for yourself, Sir Brett. I may be an android, but I am definitely not a prophet. Chief: Hello. Brett Weber: Good grief! Audrey Hepburn: Well, I am not a prophet, Sir Brett. You should read the story for yourself.

Brett Weber: Come on, Ms. Hepburn, as an android, you would be here to guide me a little bit, at least ??? Audrey Hepburn: Ya think so ??? Brett Weber: Yes. Audrey Hepburn: But, you don't listen to me ??? You said so yourself. Chief: Hello. Brett Weber: Okay, I am listening. Audrey Hepburn: But, you will only hear the message. Brett Weber: Good. * Audrey sighs. * Audrey Hepburn: In the Old Testament passages, you will find out that Abraham is a man who believed God's promises despite the apparent impossibility of their being fulfilled. Abraham is also shown to be a man who often puts feet to his faith, Sir Brett, by obeying God when God tells him to do something. Sarah is held up as a model for women, showing them how to be influential with their husbands. You will know, having read Genesis, that Abraham and Sarah were not always confident in their faith and that there were times when their marriage went through difficult periods. However, we learn that they do triumph! God does not expect perfection from us, but He does want us to hold tight to our faith and to those we love as we travel the path He has prepared for us. Brett Weber: You are God's prophet, Ms. Hepburn. * Brett says looking at the floor. * Audrey Hepburn: No, you should read the story! * Brett looks up at Audrey. * Chief: Hello. Brett Weber: You are always telling me what to read, and what not to read. Audrey Hepburn: Will you read this story? Brett Weber: No. Chief: Death to tyrants!.

Audrey Hepburn: Very well. Brett Weber: I am just so tired, Ms. Hepburn. If God expects me to be His prophet, He should have made me healthy. Audrey Hepburn: In your case, that would not have worked, and I would not be here with you today, Sir Brett. Brett Weber: Why ??? Audrey Hepburn: Because, you are building a mystery as Sarah sings. Chief: Hello. Brett Weber: What does that mean ??? She didn't write the song for me! Audrey Hepburn: My dear, you only remember that song and the year Sarah McLachlan sang it because 1997 was also the same year that you were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and the same year you completed your doctorate in neuroscience. Brett Weber: Yeah so, what is your point ??? Chief: Hello. Audrey Hepburn: You understand my point. Brett Weber: I don't. Audrey Hepburn: Well then, of course... just as Abraham Lincoln, the Commander in Chief, had certain gifts that came at some personal cost, so does Sir Brett. Chief: Hello. Brett Weber: But, the cost is much higher than the gifts are worth! Audrey Hepburn: That is why you need faith! You can only do the things you are supposed to do with God's help, Sir Brett. Brett Weber: Convenient for Him. What kind of gifts come at any cost ??? Chief: Merry Chris... Merry Christmas! Audrey Hepburn: Frankly Sir Brett, you are now struggling with more than you can imagine, and that is quite a lot of imagination my friend, but you are not suicidal.

Brett Weber: Oh my, thank goodness! Audrey Hepburn: Not yet! Brett Weber: Good grief, for goodness sake... How can you gather all of that rubbish from what I say, Ms. Hepburn ??? I am simply a guy who is very interested in Abraham Lincoln, and who also happens to enjoy Sarah McLachlan's music. I should never have told you about anything! Audrey Hepburn: You couldn't keep all of that bottled up inside you. You said so yourself... that this strangely poetic coincidence bothers you ??? Brett Weber: God, or the devil more likely, is bothering me, Ms. Hepburn... twisting everything around on me. It's not fair! I can understand the devil doing this to me, but is this how Jesus would treat His friends ??? With unnerving coincidences, and darkly concealed messages that only you seem to easily understand ???

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSz16ngdsG0&feature=related Audrey Hepburn: Yes, I think so... if He needed to get your attention, and wanted to make you think a little, Sir Brett. Chief: Hello. Brett Weber: My head hurts! Audrey Hepburn: Another aspect and first duty of the faithful is to believe that God has sent prophets at all times to warn men of His power and of the judgment to come. Brett Weber: As I keep telling you, Ms. Hepburn, I am not a prophet. Or, I would have surely prophesied a winning lottery ticket by now. What else might I prophesize ???

Chief: Hello. * Audrey gives Sir Brett a knowing stare. * Brett Weber: Good grief... I can't win. Audrey Hepburn: Alongside the angels are the devils, Sir Brett, who rebelled against God, and who are ever ready to lead men astray. You are not suicidal... So, your divinely inspired message remains a mystery to us... like Sarah McLachlan's hit single "Building A Mystery." Simply another piece of Sir Brett's story, which he is writing down. You are still writing everything down, aren't you ??? Brett Weber: Honestly, I am getting a little tired of it Audrey... Er... Ms. Hepburn... Audrey Hepburn: Please call me Audrey! Brett Weber: No. Audrey Hepburn: I don't know why you ever stopped calling me by my first name ??? Brett Weber: Because, everything feels more like a business relationship between us now. I was even going to have the demon Abbadon in our play shoot my character to potentially end the script, but then your android character would probably just rescue him somehow...

Audrey Hepburn: She would try. Brett Weber: I haven't been writing anything, Ms. Hepburn. See for yourself... Our last three scenes in the "Rock Opera" remain unfinished. They are all a garbled mess! The story is crazy. Can I just please stop writing about it now ???




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http://www.brokenartgallery.com/AConversationwithAudrey1.pdf Audrey Hepburn: No. Chief: Pretty bird... Brett Weber: Do you really like yourself cast as an android, Ms. Hepburn ??? I am starting to think that it was just a crazy idea. You feel more like an angel to me. And, why is God eluding to my possible suicide ??? There are things about the script that I am writing that feel uncomfortably predetermined, Ms. Hepburn. That is why Sir Brett needs you to be his guardian spirit. Not his android, Audrey H. 2095! Audrey Hepburn: Hm. Brett Weber: Will you be my angel ??? Audrey Hepburn: I can only be what I am.


Brett Weber: What are you ??? Audrey Hepburn: If you accept your message, then I am your angel. Brett Weber: But, I am not a prophet ??? Chief: Merry Chris... Audrey Hepburn: Well then, regardless of who "Ms. Hepburn" is... Sir Brett has just been given something new from God, or yes possibly the devil, to speak to me about during his next dream. Something he should definitely be writing down. Chief: Hello... cluck, cluck cluck.


- To be continued.





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