7/21/2019 A City of Spiritual Beauty Broods in the Rubble War on Terrorism http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/a-city-of-spiritual-beauty-broods-in-the-rubble-war-on-terrorism 1/22 A city of spiritual beauty broods in the rubble War on terrorism http://news.independent.co.uk/world/asia_china/story.jsp?story=105032 By o!ert "isk 15 #o$e%!er 2001 &andahar looked %uch as it did when the 'ali!an turned (le)ander the *reat+s ti%eworn city into their political capital se$en years a,o: ruined- %ined and deserted- %ost o its inha!itants already in the reu,ee %iddens o akistan. 'he 'ali!an paid around 1.0% in 1 to take &andahar without irin, a shot 4those were the days when you could !uy cities as well as warlords with hard cash- and %ost o the %oney ca%e ro% 6audi (ra!ia- alon, with ta)es on roads and dru,s. 'he spiritual role in the 'ali!an lie o the city declared the irst capital o (,hanistan in 177- in the rei,n o (h%ed 6hah 8urani- was consecrated on (pril- 1 when the ushtu &andaharis entered the %ar!le9walled da &hera 6heri ;iarat- the 6hrine o the <loak o the rophet- and !rou,ht orth the $ery ro!e worn !y oha%ed. 'hey took it to the rootop ro% which the 'ali!an leader ullah oha%ed >%ar was

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A city of spiritual beauty broods in the rubble

War on terrorism


By o!ert "isk

15 #o$e%!er 2001

&andahar looked %uch as it did when the 'ali!an turned

(le)ander the *reat+s ti%eworn city into their

political capital se$en years a,o: ruined- %ined and

deserted- %ost o its inha!itants already in the

reu,ee %iddens o akistan.

'he 'ali!an paid around 1.0% in 1 to take

&andahar without irin, a shot 4those were the days

when you could !uy cities as well as warlords with

hard cash- and %ost o the %oney ca%e ro% 6audi

(ra!ia- alon, with ta)es on roads and dru,s.

'he spiritual role in the 'ali!an lie o the city

declared the irst capital o (,hanistan in 177- in

the rei,n o (h%ed 6hah 8urani- was consecrated on

(pril- 1 when the ushtu &andaharis entered the

%ar!le9walled da &hera 6heri ;iarat- the 6hrine o

the <loak o the rophet- and !rou,ht orth the $ery

ro!e worn !y oha%ed. 'hey took it to the rootop ro%

which the 'ali!an leader ullah oha%ed >%ar was

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speakin,- and laid it across his shoulders. rappin,

it around hi% in the hi,h wind- >%ar waited as the

crowd proclai%ed hi% (%ir al9o%ineen- @eader o all

ious usli%s. An just such a way had the <aliph >%ar

proclai%ed hi%sel leader o all usli%s in (ra!ia

ater the rophet+s death. ullah >%ar had used this

%o%ent to declare a holy war a,ainst the re,i%e o

resident Burhan9uddin a!!ani and his %ujahedin

,o$ern%ent- the $ery orces which were last ni,ht at

the ,ates o &andahar.

At was e$er a place o ri,hteousness and coura,e. A

$isited the city in 10- only days ater the irst

6o$iet troops had occupied &andahar pro$ince. (,han

co%%unists patrolled the city !y ni,ht- 6o$iet

soldiers !y day. Cet they $anished each e$enin, when

the people o &andahar e%er,ed onto their rootops to

screa% (llahu (k!ar- *od is ,reat- to the skies. At

was a cry o deiance. A spent %ore than two hours

listenin, to this lon, declaration9la%ent which echoed

across streets and parks and ,ardens in an unusual

lyrical pattern- one section o the city takin, up the

call ro% another.

An the %onths and years that ollowed the 'ali!an

takeo$er- &andahar was !elo$ed o the 'ali!an and

loathed !y the people o &a!ul whose pul$erised and

sepulchral streets no lon,er %erited the status o a

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decision9 %akin, city. 'o &andahar ca%e diplo%ats and

states%en and !ootle,,ers- ar%s9dealers and

dru,9runners. >il co%pany chies ro% (r,entina and-

yes- ro% the Dnited 6tates turned up to pay court to

ullah >%ar+s odd- !earded ,o$ern%ent. akistani

e%!assy sta ro% &a!ul and senior ,enerals in the

akistani Anterser$ices Antelli,ence arri$ed in

&andahar. 6o did e)ecuti$es o the (%erican oil

co%pany Dnocal. 6o did ussian diplo%ats and senior

6audi intelli,ence oicers.

Dnder the 'ali!an+s rule- the outward %aniestations

o cri%e and pilla,e inished- oten at the end o a

rope- while those %ost erocious o Asla%ic

punish%ents or which the 'ali!an were to !eco%e

notorious were irst practised in &andahar. 'he city

a%ous or its ,ardens and %osues thus !eca%e

synony%ous with the a%putation o eet and hands- the

ur!an wearin, o the !ura and the prohi!ition o

tele$ision and wo%en+s education.

'hat ullah >%ar- untutored and o peasant osprin,-

should ha$e worn the cloak o the rophet was an

aront to %any (,hans and his declaration to !e

@eader o all ious usli%s was unprecedented. hen

&in, 8ost oha%ed &han adopted the title in 13- he

was i,htin, orei,ners in what is today akistan.

ullah >%ar declared war a,ainst his own (,han

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people. Dnder his rule- &andahar prospered. Eis %odest

oices and ho%e lay alon,side the palace o >sa%a !in

@aden ? all destroyed in D6 air and special orces

raids o$er the past %onth ? !ut the !eauty o &andahar

had !een torn out durin, the 6o$iet occupation when

the %ujahedin attacked ussian troops in the city.

'he (,han i,hters %ined the ,ardens and irri,ation

ditches and the 6o$iets used their Eind helicopters to

!last away lar,e sections o the old city alon, with

its ci$ilian inha!itants. #or was &andahar the ha$en

o peace and le,iti%acy that the 'ali!an would later

clai%. ithin a year o their takeo$er- there were ,un

!attles in surroundin, $illa,es as (,han ashtuns

o!jected to conscription. 'he 'ali!an later e)ecuted

1 ar%y deserters in &andahar jail. 'he city+s Dle%a-

the reli,ious leaders who surrounded ullah >%ar- one

o who% tau,ht hi% Asla%ic jurisprudence- !eca%e the

eecti$e theolo,ical power in a land whose

internationally reco,nised capital was only once

$isited !y the %an who clai%ed to !e the rophet+s


(r%s supplies were re,ularly lown ro% 6audi (ra!ia

and akistan into &andahar+s newly9euipped airport

whose telephone and wireless co%%unications syste%s

had !een pro$ided !y Asla%a!ad. 'his sa%e airport was

last ni,ht reported to !e in the hands o #orthern

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>li$er Burke%an and Gulian Bor,erednesday >cto!er 31- 2001

'he *uardian

At is hard to i%a,ine an address closer to the heart o (%erican power.'he oices o the <arlyle *roup are on ennsyl$ania ($enue in ashin,ton8<- %idway !etween the hite Eouse and the <apitol !uildin,- and within astone+s throw o the headuarters o the "BA and nu%erous ,o$ern%entdepart%ents. 'he address relects <arlyle+s position at the $ery centreo the ashin,ton esta!lish%ent- !ut a%id the renetic politickin, thathas occupied the hi,her reaches o that world in recent weeks- ew ha$epaid it %uch attention. Flsewhere- ew ha$e e$en heard o it.'his is e)actly the way <arlyle likes it. "or 1 years now- with al%ostno pu!licity- the co%pany has !een si,nin, up an i%pressi$e list o or%erpoliticians 9 includin, the irst resident Bush and his secretary o

state- Ga%es BakerH Gohn ajorH one9ti%e orld Bank treasurer (sanehasheyekhi and se$eral south9east (sian power!rokers 9 and usin, theircontactsand inluence to pro%ote the ,roup. (%on, the co%panies <arlyle owns arethose which %ake euip%ent- $ehicles and %unitions or the D6 %ilitary- andits cele!rity e%ployees ha$e lon, ser$ed an in,enious dual purpose- helpin,encoura,e in$est%ents ro% the $ery wealthy while also s%oothin, thepath or <arlyle+s deence ir%s.

But since the start o the Iwar on terroris%I- the ir% 9 unoicially$alued at J3.5!n 9 has taken on an added si,niicance. <arlyle has!eco%e the thread which indirectly links (%erican %ilitary policy in(,hanistan to the personal inancial ortunes o its cele!rity e%ployees-not least

the current president+s ather. (nd- until earlier this %onth- <arlylepro$ided another curious link to the (,han crisis: a%on, the ir%+s%ulti9%illion9dollar in$estors were %e%!ers o the a%ily o >sa%a !in@aden.

'he closest the <arlyle *roup has pre$iously co%e to pu!lic attentionwas last ay- when a 6eoul9!ased e%ployee called eter <hun, was orced toresi,n ro% his 100-0009a9year jo! ater sendin, an e%ail to riends 9su!seuently orwarded to thousands o others 9 !oastin, o his plansto Iuck e$ery hot chick in &orea o$er the ne)t two yearsI. 'he %ore!usiness9oriented acti$ities o <arlyle+s sta ha$e !een conducted%uch %ore uietly: since it was ounded in 17 !y 8a$id u!enstein- apolicy assistant in Gi%%y <arter+s ad%inistration- and two lawyer riends-

their% has !een dispatchin, an array o or%er world leaders on a series ostrate,ic networkin, trips.

@ast year- *eor,e Bush 6r and Gohn ajor tra$elled to iyadh to talkwith senior 6audi !usiness%en. An 6epte%!er 2000- <arlyle hired speakersincludin, <olin owell and (>@ 'i%e arner chair 6te$e <ase to addressan e)tra$a,ant party at ashin,ton+s onarch Eotel. onths later- ajorjoined Ga%es Baker or a unction at the @anes!orou,h Eotel in @ondon- toe)plain the "lorida election contro$ersy to the wealthy attendees.

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e can assu%e that <arlyle pays well. #either ajor+s oice nor<arlyle will conir% the details o his salary as Furopean chair%an 9 anappoint%ent announced shortly !eore he let the Eouse o <o%%ons ater theelection 9 !ut we know- or the purposes o co%parison- that he is paid105-000or 2 days+ work a year or an unrelated non9e)ecuti$e directorship. Bush,i$es speeches or the co%pany and is paid with stakes in the ir%+sin$est%ents- !elie$ed to !e worth at least J0-000 per appearance. 'he!eneits ha$eattracted political stars ro% around the world: or%er hilippinespresident "idel a%os is an ad$iser- as is or%er 'hai pre%ier (nandanyarachun 9 as well as or%er Bundes!ank president &arl >tto ohl-and (rthur @e$itt- or%er chair%an o the 6F<- the D6 stock %arketre,ulator.

<arlyle partners- who include Baker and the ir%+s chair%an- "rank<arlucci 9 onald ea,an+s deence secretary and a or%er deputy director othe<A( 9 own stakes that would !e worth J10% each i each partner owned an

eual slice. (s in %any areas o its work- thou,h- <arlyle is not o!li,ed tore$eal the details- and chooses not to.

(%on, the deence ir%s which !eneit ro% <arlyle+s success is Dnited8eense- a Kir,inia9!ased contractor which %akes $ertical %issilelaunch syste%s currently on !oard D6 #a$y ships in the (ra!ian sea- as wellasa ran,e o other weapons deli$ery syste%s and co%!at $ehicles. <arlyle+sother holdin,s span an i%pro!a!le ran,e- takin, in the "rench newspaper @e"i,aro and the co%pany which !ottles 8r epper.

I'hey are !i,- and they are uiet-I says 8a$id ulholland- !usinesseditor o Gane+s 8eence eekly. IBut they+re not easy to ,et inor%ation out

o- L!utM Dnited 8eense are ,oin, to do well Lin the current conlictM.IDnited also owns Boors- a 6wedish %unitions %anuacturer.

<arlyle has said that it does not lo!!y the ederal ,o$ern%ent- thusa$oidin, a conlict o interest when- or e)a%ple- <arlucci %etu%seld in "e!ruary when se$eral i%portant deence contracts were underconsideration. But critics see that as a %atter o deinition.

IAt should !e a deep cause or concern that a closely held co%pany like<arlyle can si%ultaneously ha$e directors and ad$isers that are doin,!usiness and %akin, %oney and also ad$isin, the president o the Dnited6tates-I says eter Fisner- %ana,in, director o the <enter or u!licAnte,rity- a non9proit9%akin, ashin,ton think9tank. I'he pro!le%co%es when pri$ate !usiness and pu!lic policy !lend to,ether. hat hat is

or%er president Bush wearin, when he tells <rown rince (!dullah not toworrya!out D6 policy in the iddle Fast? hat hat does he use when he dealswith 6outh &orea- and causes policy chan,es there? >r when Ga%es Baker helpsar,ue the presidential election in the youn,er Bush+s a$our? At+s akitchen9ca!inet situation- and the inor%ality in$ol$ed is precisely a%ark o <arlyle+s success.I

'he world o pri$ate euity is an inherently secreti$e one. "ir%s such

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as <arlyle %ake %ost o their %oney !uyin, ir%s which are not pu!liclytraded- o$erhaulin, the% and sellin, the% at a proit- so the process !ywhichlikely tar,ets are e$aluated is %uch %ore conidential than on the open%arket. I'hese ir%s certainly don+t ,o out o their way to ,et intothe headlines-I says 6te$en Bell- chie econo%ist at 8eutsche (ssetana,e%ent. I'hey+d rather %ake a splash in Anstitutional ensions eek. 'heai% isto realise $ery hi,h returns or your in$estors while e)ertin, a hi,hde,ree o control o$er the co%pany. Cou don+t want to ,et into the headlineswhenyou orce the %ana,e%ent to ire a director.I

'he process has worked wonders at Dnited- and this %onth the ir%announced plans to ,o pu!lic- ,i$in, <arlyle the chance to cash in itsin$est%ent.

But what sets <arlyle apart is the way it has e)ploited its politicalcontacts. hen <arlucci arri$ed there in 1- he !rou,ht with hi% aphalan) o or%er su!ordinates ro% the <A( and the enta,on- and an

awarenesso the scale o !usiness a co%pany like <arlyle could do in the corridorsand steak9houses o ashin,ton. An a decade and a hal- the ir% has !eena!le to realise a 3N rate o return on its in$est%ents- and now clai%s to!e the lar,est pri$ate euity ir% in the world. 6uccess !rou,ht %orein$estors- includin, the international inancier *eor,e 6oros and- in 15-thewealthy 6audi Binladin a%ily- who insist they lon, a,o se$ered all linkswiththeir notorious relati$e. 'he irst president Bush is understood to ha$e$isited the Binladins in 6audi (ra!ia twice on the ir%+s !ehal.

'he <arlyle *roup does not e%ploy anyone at its ashin,ton headuarters

to deal with the press. Anuiries a!out the links with the Binladins 4as%ost o the a%ily choose to spell their na%e are instead reerred toso%eone outside the co%pany- on condition he is reerred to only as Ia sourcea%iliar with the relationshipI. 'his source says: IA can conir% theact that any Binladin *roup in$est%ent in <arlyle has !een ter%inated or is!ein, ter%inated. At a%ounted to a J2% in$est%ent in the <arlyle AA"und- which was anyway a $ery s%all portion o a J1.3!n und. An the sche%eo the in$est%ents and in the sche%e o the !usiness o either party it was$ery s%all. e ha$e to ,et this into perspecti$e. But A think there was asense that there were uestions !ein, raised and so%e contro$ersy- and orsuch a s%all a%ount o %oney it was so%ethin, that we wanted to put !ehindus.At was just a !usiness decision.I

But i the Binladins+ connection to the <arlyle *roup lasted no %orethan si) years- the current resident Bush+s own links to the ir% ,o ardeeper. An 10- he was appointed to the !oard o one o <arlyle+s irstpurchases- an airline ood !usiness called <aterair- which they e$entuallysold ata loss. Ee let the !oard in 12- later to !eco%e *o$ernor o 'e)as.6hortly thereater- he was responsi!le or appointin, se$eral %e%!ers o the!oard which controlled the in$est%ent o 'e)as teachers+ pension unds. ( ewyears later- the !oard decided to in$est J100% o pu!lic %oney in the

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<arlyle *roup. 'he ir%+s %a,ic touch was already !rin,in, results.'oday- it is pro$in, as ruitul as e$er.


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#IL$%&' THI( WA& I( A )&A*+

A@*F: 'EA6 ( A6 ( "(D8 By Gohn il,er- "or%er irror chie orei,ncorrespondent

'he war a,ainst terroris% is a raud. (ter three weeks+ !o%!in,- not asin,leterrorist i%plicated in the attacks on (%erica has !een cau,ht or killed in(,hanistan.

Anstead- one o the poorest- %ost stricken nations has !een terrorised !y the%ost powerul 9 to the point where (%erican pilots ha$e run out o du!iousI%ilitaryI tar,ets and are now destroyin, %ud houses- a hospital- ed <rosswarehouses- lorries carryin, reu,ees.

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Dnlike the relentless pictures ro% #ew Cork- we are seein, al%ost nothin, othis. 'ony Blair has yet to tell us what the $iolent death o children 9se$enin one a%ily 9 has to do with >sa%a !in @aden.

(nd why are cluster !o%!s !ein, used? 'he British pu!lic should know a!outthese!o%!s- which the (" also uses. 'hey spray hundreds o !o%!lets that ha$eonlyone purposeH to kill and %ai% people. 'hose that do not e)plode lie on the,round like land%ines- waitin, or people to step on the%.

A e$er a weapon was desi,ned speciically or acts o terroris%- this is it.Aha$e seen the $icti%s o (%erican cluster weapons in other countries- such asthe @aotian toddler who picked one up and had her ri,ht le, and ace !lowno.

Be assured this is now happenin, in (,hanistan- in your na%e.

#one o those directly in$ol$ed in the 6epte%!er 11 atrocity was (,hani.ostwere 6audis- who apparently did their plannin, and trainin, in *er%any andtheDnited 6tates.

'he ca%ps which the 'ali!an allowed !in @aden to use were e%ptied weeks a,o.oreo$er- the 'ali!an itsel is a creation o the (%ericans and the British.An

the 10s- the tri!al ar%y that produced the% was unded !y the <A( andtrained!y the 6(6 to i,ht the ussians.

'he hypocrisy does not stop there. hen the 'ali!an took &a!ul in 1-ashin,ton said nothin,. hy? Because 'ali!an leaders were soon on their waytoEouston- 'e)as- to !e entertained !y e)ecuti$es o the oil co%pany- Dnocal.

ith secret D6 ,o$ern%ent appro$al- the co%pany oered the% a ,enerous cutothe proits o the oil and ,as pu%ped throu,h a pipeline that the (%ericans

wanted to !uild ro% 6o$iet central (sia throu,h (,hanistan.

( D6 diplo%at said: I'he 'ali!an will pro!a!ly de$elop like the 6audis did.IEee)plained that (,hanistan would !eco%e an (%erican oil colony- there would!ehu,e proits or the est- no de%ocracy and the le,al persecution o wo%en.Ie

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can li$e with that-I he said.

(lthou,h the deal ell throu,h- it re%ains an ur,ent priority o thead%inistration o *eor,e . Bush- which is steeped in the oil industry.Bush+sconcealed a,enda is to e)ploit the oil and ,as reser$es in the <aspian !asin-the ,reatest source o untapped ossil uel on earth and enou,h- accordin, toone esti%ate- to %eet (%erica+s $oracious ener,y needs or a ,eneration. >nlyithe pipeline runs throu,h (,hanistan can the (%ericans hope to control it.

6o- not surprisin,ly- D6 6ecretary o 6tate <olin owell is now reerrin, toI%oderateI 'ali!an- who will join an (%erican9sponsored Iloose ederationI torun (,hanistan. 'he Iwar on terroris%I is a co$er or this: a %eans oachie$in, (%erican strate,ic ai%s that lie !ehind the la,9wa$in, acade o,reat power.

'he oyal arines- who will do the real dirty work- will !e little %ore than%ercenaries or ashin,ton+s i%perial a%!itions- not to %ention thee)traordinary pretensions o Blair hi%sel. Ea$in, %ade Britain a tar,et orterroris% with his !ellicose Ishoulder to shoulderI with Bush nonsense- he isnow prepared to send troops to a !attleield where the ,oals are so uncertainthat e$en the <hie o the 8eence 6ta says the conlict Icould last 50yearsI.

'he irresponsi!ility o this is !reathtakin,H the pressure on akistan alonecould i,nite an unprecedented crisis across the Andian su!9continent. Ea$in,reported %any wars- A a% always struck !y the a!surdity o eete politiciansea,er to wa$e arewell to youn, soldiers- !ut who the%sel$es would not say

!ooto a 'ali!an ,oose.

An the days o ,un!oats- our i%perial leaders co$ered their $iolence in theI%oralityI o their actions. Blair is no dierent. @ike the%- his selecti$e%oralisin, o%its the %ost !asic truth. #othin, justiied the killin, oinnocentpeople in (%erica on 6epte%!er 11- and nothin, justiies the killin, oinnocentpeople anywhere else.

By killin, innocents in (,hanistan- Blair and Bush stoop to the le$el o the

cri%inal outra,e in #ew Cork. >nce you cluster !o%!- I%istakesI andI!lundersIare a pretence. urder is %urder- re,ardless o whether you crash a planeinto a!uildin, or order and collude with it ro% the >$al >ice and 8ownin,6treet.

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*AF": ( ather weeps o$er his dead son ater the !o%!s !lunder in &a!ul

A Blair was really opposed to all or%s o terroris%- he would ,et Britainouto the ar%s trade. >n the day o the twin towers attack- an Iar%s airI-sellin,weapons o terror 4like cluster !o%!s and %issiles to assorted tyrants andhu%an ri,hts a!users- opened in @ondon+s 8ocklands with the ull !ackin, otheBlair ,o$ern%ent.

Britain+s !i,,est ar%s custo%er is the %edie$al 6audi re,i%e- which !eheadsheretics and spawned the reli,ious anaticis% o the 'ali!an.

A he really wanted to de%onstrate Ithe %oral i!re o BritainI- Blair would

doe$erythin, in his power to lit the threat o $iolence in those parts o theworld where there is ,reat and justiia!le ,rie$ance and an,er.

Ee would do %ore than %ake ,esturesH he would de%and that Asrael ends itsille,al occupation o alestine and withdraw to its !orders prior to the 17war- as ordered !y the 6ecurity <ouncil- o which Britain is a per%anent%e%!er.

Ee would call or an end to the ,enocidal !lockade which the D# 9 in reality-(%erica and Britain 9 has i%posed on the suerin, people o Ara or %ore

thana decade- causin, the deaths o hal a %illion children under the a,e oi$e.

'hat+s %ore deaths o inants e$ery %onth than the nu%!er killed in the orld'rade <enter.

'here are si,ns that ashin,ton is a!out to e)tend its current IwarI to AraHyet unknown to %ost o us- al%ost e$ery day (" and (%erican aircrat already

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!o%! Ara. 'here are no headlines. 'here is nothin, on the 'K news. 'histerroris the lon,est9runnin, (n,lo9(%erican !o%!in, ca%pai,n since orld ar 'wo.

'he all 6treet Gournal reported that the D6 and Britain aced a Idile%%aI inAra- !ecause Iew tar,ets re%ainI. Ie+re down to the last outhouse-I said aD6oicial. 'hat was two years a,o- and they+re still !o%!in,. 'he cost to theBritish ta)payer? 00 %illion so ar.

(ccordin, to an internal D# report- co$erin, a i$e9%onth period- 1 per centothe casualties are ci$ilians. An northern Ara- A %et a wo%an whose hus!andandour children were a%on, the deaths listed in the report. Ee was a shepherd-whowas tendin, his sheep with his elderly ather and his children when twoplanes

attacked the%- each %akin, a sweep. At was an open $alleyH there were no%ilitary tar,ets near!y.

IA want to see the pilot who did this-I said the widow at the ,ra$eside oherentire a%ily. "or the%- there was no ser$ice in 6t aul+s <athedral with theOueen in attendanceH no rock concert with aul c<artney.

'he tra,edy o the Arais- and the alestinians- and the (,hanis is a truththat is the $ery opposite o their caricatures in %uch o the estern %edia.

"ar ro% !ein, the terrorists o the world- the o$erwhel%in, %ajority o theAsla%ic peoples o the iddle Fast and south (sia ha$e !een its $icti%s 9$icti%s lar,ely o the est+s e)ploitation o precious natural resources inornear their countries.

'here is no war on terroris%. A there was- the oyal arines and the 6(6would!e stor%in, the !eaches o "lorida- where %ore <A(9unded terrorists- e)9@atin(%erican dictators and torturers- are ,i$en reu,e than anywhere on earth.

'here is- howe$er- a continuin, war o the powerul a,ainst the powerless-withnew e)cuses- new hidden a,endas- new lies. Beore another child dies$iolently-or uietly ro% star$ation- !eore new anatics are created in !oth the eastandthe west- it is ti%e or the people o Britain to %ake their $oices heard andto

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stop this raudulent war 9 and to de%and the kind o !old- i%a,inati$enon9$iolent initiati$es that reuire real political coura,e.

'he other day- the parents o *re, odri,ueP- a youn, %an who died in theorld'rade <enter- said this: Ie read enou,h o the news to sense that our,o$ern%ent is headin, in the direction o $iolent re$en,e- with the prospectosons- dau,hters- parents- riends in distant lands dyin,- suerin,- andnursin,urther ,rie$ances a,ainst us.

IAt is not the way to ,o...not in our son+s na%e.I



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*,(, &eport on &eligious )reedom is )lawed

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D.6. eport on eli,ious "reedo% is "lawed



4#ew Cork- >cto!er 2- 2001 'he 6tate 8epart%ent+s annual report on

international reli,ious reedo% has ailed to sin,le out a nu%!er oe,re,ious

$iolators that are %e%!ers o the D.6.9led anti9terroris% coalition- Eu%an

i,hts atch said today.

'he report- released today- candidly descri!ed $iolations o reli,iousreedo%

around the world- !ut ailed to desi,nate DP!ekistan- 6audi (ra!ia- and

'urk%enistan as I<ountries o articular <oncern.I

I<learly- the (d%inistration doesn+t want to oend key allies in thecoalition

throu,h e)cessi$e truth9tellin,-I said 'o% alinowski- ashin,ton (d$ocacy

8irector or Eu%an i,hts atch. I'he irony is that ,ettin, too close to

countries that crush reli,ious reedo% %ay !e %ore dan,erous or (%ericari,ht

now than keepin, its distance9particularly when the reli,ion !ein, crushed is


(%on, those countries not na%ed is DP!ekistan- where se$eral thousand

non9$iolent usli%s ha$e !een arrested in the last three years or practicin,

their aith outside state controls. DP!ekistan is hostin, D.6. orcesin$ol$ed

in operations in (,hanistan.

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'he 6tate 8epart%ent report acknowled,es that the DP!ek ,o$ern%ent hasco%%itted

Ia!uses a,ainst %any de$out usli%s or their reli,ious !eliesI 9 arrestin,

people or proselytiPin,- or pri$ate teachin, o reli,ious principles- or

wearin, o reli,ious clothin, in pu!lic- and or distri!utin, reli,ious

literature. At also acknowled,es that authorities syste%atically torture

reli,ious prisoners.

IBy not desi,natin, DP!ekistan a +<ountry o articular <oncern-+ the

(d%inistration %issed an easy opportunity to show that the war on terroris%

cannot !e a ca%pai,n a,ainst Asla%-I alinowski said.

6audi (ra!ia was not desi,nated- althou,h- as 6tate 8epart%ent spokes%an


Boucher said today- Ithere is essentially no reli,ious reedo%I there.

<hristians workin, in the country are or!idden to conduct any or% o pu!lic

worship. 'he country+s 6hiQa usli% %inority aces se$ere discri%ination.

<onser$ati$e 6unni clerics associated with the ,o$ern%ent ha$e pu!licly

deni,rated 6hiQa as IapostatesI and Inon9!elie$ersI !ecause so%e o their

reli,ious practices are at odds with the strict ahha!i doctrine i%posed !ythe

country+s rulers. An ew countries in the world is the denial o reli,ious

reedo% so inte,ral to the sel9conception and ethos o the ,o$ern%ent.

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(lso not desi,nated was 'urk%enistan- which suppresses all or%s o reli,ious

practice other than state9sanctioned Asla% and ussian orthodo)y. Eundreds o

rotestants- ollowers o Eare &rishna and other %inority reli,ions ha$e !een

harassed- uestioned !y police- and threatened with arrest or e)ercisin,their

reli,ious con$ictions. 'urk%enistan is the only state in the or%er 6o$ietDnion

where authorities ha$e coniscated and destroyed houses o worship 46e$enth8ay

(d$entist- Eare &rishna- and usli%.

<hina was desi,nated a I<ountry o articular <oncern-I and the report+s

analysis o a!uses o reli,ious reedo% is ,enerally accurate- with one

e)ception: 'he reportin, on Rinjian,- the %ainly9usli% re,ion o northwest

<hina- is strikin,ly less critical than last year+s. 'he ,o$ern%ent+s I6trike

EardI anti9cri%e ca%pai,n- launched nationwide in (pril 2001- has led to %any

ar!itrary arrests and su%%ary e)ecutions in Rinjian,. 6eparatis% and reli,ion

appear to !e as %uch the tar,ets as ordinary cri%e. Dnder I6trike Eard-Ipeople

ha$e !een arrested- or e)a%ple- or ha$in, Iille,al reli,ious pu!licationsIin

their possession. @ast year+s 6tate 8epart%ent report accurately descri!ed a

Iharsh crackdown on Di,hur usli%s...that ailed to distin,uish !etween those

in$ol$ed with ille,al reli,ious acti$ities and those in$ol$ed in ethnic

separatis% or terrorist acti$ities.I 'oday+s report- !y contrast- %erelynotes

that I,o$ern%ent sensiti$ity to usli% co%%unity concerns is $aried...and 4in

areas where there has !een $iolence attri!uted to separatists policecrackdown

on usli% reli,ious acti$ity and places o worship accused o supportin,

separatis%I in Rinjian,. 'he I6trike EardI ca%pai,n isn+t e$en %entioned.

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(lso desi,nated were Bur%a- Aran- Ara- #orth &orea- 6udan and the 'ali!an.

Dnder the Anternational eli,ious "reedo% (ct- when a country is na%ed tothis

list- the 6ecretary o 6tate %ust choose ro% an optional %enu o steps- ro%

diplo%atic pressure to the i%position o sanctions. ost o the desi,nated

,o$ern%ents- howe$er- are already su!ject to D.6. sanctions.

I'he 6tate 8epart%ent has !een least likely to use this tool in the countries

where it %i,ht ha$e the %ost i%pact-I alinowski said.


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Wake *p- America

By (#'E>#C @FA6

'he #ew Cork 'i%es 9 #o$e%!er 30- 2001


B>6'>#99At is the !roadest %o$e in (%erican history to sweep aside

constitutional protections. Cet resident Bush+s order creatin,

%ilitary tri!unals to try those suspected o links to terroris% has

aroused little pu!lic uproar. hy? Because- A a% con$inced- people

do not understand the order+s dan,erous !readth 99 and its deenders

ha$e done their !est to conceal its true character.

'he order is descri!ed as i it is ai%ed only at >sa%a !in @aden and

other terrorist leaders. ( or%er deputy attorney ,eneral- *eor,e G.

'erwilli,er AAA- said the %aster%inds o the 6ept. 11 attacks Idon+t

deser$e constitutional protection.I But the Bush order co$ers all

noncitiPens- and there are a!out 20 %illion o the% in the Dnited

6tates 99 i%%i,rants workin, toward citiPenship- $isitors and the

like. #ot one or 100 or 1-000 !ut 20 %illion.

(nd the order is not directed only at those who %aster%ind or

participate in acts o terroris%. An the $a,uest ter%s- it co$ers

such thin,s as Ihar!orin,I anyone who has e$er aided acts o

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terroris% that %i,ht ha$e had Iad$erse eectsI on the D.6. econo%y

or orei,n policy. any oneti%e terrorists 99 enache% Be,in- #elson

andela- *erry (da%s 99 re,arded at the ti%e as ad$erse to D.6.

interests- ha$e !een Ihar!oredI !y (%ericans.

(polo,ists ha$e also ar,ued that the Bush %ilitary tri!unals will

,i$e deendants enou,h ri,hts. ( 6tate 8epart%ent spokeswo%an-

Go9(nne rokopowicP- said that they would ha$e ri,hts Isi%ilar to

thoseI ound in the Ea,ue war cri%es tri!unal or the or%er


'o the contrary- Ea,ue deendants like 6lo!odan ilose$ic are

entitled to pu!lic trials !eore independent jud,es- and to lawyers

o their choice. 'he Bush %ilitary trials are to !e in secret-

!eore oicers who are su!ordinate to oicials !rin,in, the

char,esH deendants will not !e a!le to pick their own lawyers. (nd-

unlike the Ea,ue deendants- they %ay !e e)ecuted.

'he 6i)th (%end%ent pro$ides: IAn all cri%inal prosecutions- the

accused shall enjoy the ri,ht to a speedy and pu!lic trial- !y an

i%partial jury. . . .I 'hat co$ers citiPens and noncitiPens in this

country alike.

>n a ew occasions- acts o war ha$e !een treated as outside 6i)th

(%end%ent protection. oose$elt set up a %ilitary tri!unal to try

#aPi sa!oteurs landed on our shores in orld ar AA. But that

e)a%ple 99 a tri!unal or a particular occasion- li%ited in ti%e and

scope 99 shows the $ery dan,er o the Bush order. At is unli%ited-

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in a i,ht a,ainst terroris% that could ,o on or years.

IAt+s worth re%e%!erin, that the order applies only to noncitiPens-I

a all 6treet Gournal editorial said. A hope 'he Gournal+s editors-

who are usually supporti$e o i%%i,rants and their role in !uildin,

this country- will consider the pall o ear this order %ay put on

%illions o noncitiPens.

(nd the Bush order could easily !e e)tended to citiPens- under the

ad%inistration+s le,al theory. 6ince the 6i)th (%end%ent %akes no

distinction !etween citiPens and aliens- the clai% o war e)i,ency

could sweep its protections aside or anyone in this country who

%i,ht it the $a,ue deinitions o aidin, terroris%.

But *eor,e . Bush would ne$er let his order !e a!used- one o its

deenders said the other day. At was a prooundly un9(%erican

co%%ent. "ro% the !e,innin,- (%ericans ha$e reused to rely on the

,raciousness o our leaders. e rely on le,al rules. 'hat is what

Gohn (da%s %eant when he said we ha$e Ia ,o$ern%ent o laws- and not

o %en.I

'he "ra%ers o our <onstitution thou,ht its ,reat protection a,ainst

tyranny was the separation o the ederal ,o$ern%ent+s powers into

three depart%ents: e)ecuti$e- le,islati$e- judicial. Fach- they

reasoned- would check a!use !y the others.

'here is the ,reatest dan,er o the Bush order. At was an act o

e)ecuti$e iat- i%posed without e$en consultin, <on,ress. (nd it

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seeks to e)clude the courts entirely ro% a process that %ay

unda%entally aect lie and li!erty. 'he order says that a

deendant Ishall not !e pri$ile,ed to seek any re%edy . . . in any

court-I do%estic or orei,n.

A do not dou!t that leaders o (l Oaeda could properly !e tried !y a

%ilitary tri!unal. But the Bush order cries out or redratin, in

narrower- %ore careul ter%s. Dnder the <onstitution- that is the

duty o <on,ress. Ats leaders ha$e so ar !een araid to challen,e

anythin, la!eled antiterrorist- howe$er dan,erous. At is ti%e they

showed so%e coura,e- on !ehal o our constitutional syste%.


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