8.1 Youth Ministry Banquet 8.2 Spanish-Speaking: E.S.L. NO Bible Study or Programs 8.6 Alignment of the Living Stones 8.9 Spanish-Speaking: E.S.L. NO Bible Study or Programs 8.13 Blessing of Book Bags Parish Picnic Alignment of the Living Stones 8.16 AOM Meetings Bible Study, KBC and Youth Ministry resumes 8.20 Alignment of the Living Stones 8.21 Women’s Prayer Evening 8.23 Bible Study, KBC and Youth Ministry 8.27 Parish Breakfast Isaiah 54:5 Ministry Alignment of the Living Stones 8.28 Vestry Meeting 8.30 Bible Study, KBC and Youth Ministry Proclaim Proclaim A Chosen Generation A Chosen Generation A Publication of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church August 2017 Blessing of Book Bags By The Rev. James W. Barnhill, Priest in Charge Dear People of God, “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11-13, NIV I have always found it interesting that Paul understood that teachers are his gift to his people, for the edification of the church. I have also felt for many years now that we in our present-day society don’t do near enough to recognize the contributions and sacrifices of those among us who give themselves to the critically important discipline of teaching and study. So, as school starts back this month, we of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church are going to do something to mark the special contribution that both committed teachers and dedicated students make to our fellowship of believers. We are asking all students, faculty, and staff to bring with them to church at the 10:30 a.m. service of Sunday, August 13, their book bags, backpacks, satchels, and brief cases so that we may bless them and ask God to provide a particularly rewarding season as our school year begins. Please bring these items to the chancel steps a few minutes before the beginning of the 10:30 service on Sunday, August 13, so that we may mark as a church family the start of another exciting year of teaching and study in the lives of so many of our St. Peter’s Church family. God’s infinite peace, James+ “Keep hold of instruction; do not let go; guard her, for she is your life.” Proverbs 4:13, ESV MARK YOUR CALENDAR

A Chosen GenerationA Chosen Generation€œSo Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, ... Nikki Fox Nash, 904.781.8770 or [email protected]

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Page 1: A Chosen GenerationA Chosen Generation€œSo Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, ... Nikki Fox Nash, 904.781.8770 or nashmailetc@gmail.com

8.1 Youth Ministry Banquet

8.2 Spanish-Speaking: E.S.L.

NO Bible Study or Programs

8.6 Alignment of the Living Stones

8.9 Spanish-Speaking: E.S.L.

NO Bible Study or Programs

8.13 Blessing of Book Bags

Parish Picnic

Alignment of the Living Stones

8.16 AOM Meetings

Bible Study, KBC and Youth Ministry resumes

8.20 Alignment of the Living Stones

8.21 Women’s Prayer Evening

8.23 Bible Study, KBC and Youth Ministry

8.27 Parish Breakfast

Isaiah 54:5 Ministry

Alignment of the Living Stones

8.28 Vestry Meeting

8.30 Bible Study, KBC and Youth Ministry


A Chosen GenerationA Chosen Generation

A Publication of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church August 2017

Blessing of Book Bags By The Rev. James W. Barnhill, Priest in Charge

Dear People of God,

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11-13, NIV

I have always found it interesting that Paul understood that teachers are his gift to his people, for the edification of the church. I have also felt for many years now that we in our present-day society don’t do near enough to recognize the contributions and sacrifices of those among us who give themselves to the critically important discipline of teaching and study. So, as school starts back this month, we of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church are going to do something to mark the special contribution that both committed teachers and dedicated students make to our fellowship of believers. We are asking all students, faculty, and staff to bring with them to church at the 10:30 a.m. service of Sunday, August 13, their book bags, backpacks, satchels, and brief cases so that we may bless them and ask God to provide a particularly rewarding season as our school year begins. Please bring these items to the chancel steps a few minutes before the beginning of the 10:30 service on Sunday, August 13, so that we may mark as a church family the start of another exciting year of teaching and study in the lives of so many of our St. Peter’s Church family. God’s infinite peace,


“Keep hold of instruction; do not let go; guard her, for she is your life.”

Proverbs 4:13, ESV


Page 2: A Chosen GenerationA Chosen Generation€œSo Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, ... Nikki Fox Nash, 904.781.8770 or nashmailetc@gmail.com

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A Chosen Generation Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Priest in Charge

The Rev. James W. Barnhill


Office Manager

JoAnne Rodriguez


Eddie Haley


Nancy Lambert

Nursery Ministry

Michelle Cambron

Pastoral Care Ministry

Fr. James Barnhill

Worship Ministry

Jill Hunter

Youth Ministry

Todd Cambron


Adult Christian Ed.

Pastoral Care w/Fr. Barnhill

Brenda O’Neil

Altar Guild

Marlene Miller

Children’s Ministry

David & Maria Bell


Lay Ministers/Ushers

Collin O’Hara

Projection Ministry

Pam Holman

A Chosen Generation published monthly by

St. Peter’s Church © 2017. All rights reserved.

An exploration of the

Connection between Scripture

and our Prayer Book

The historic cornerstone of our

Episcopal tradition is the Book of Common Prayer. First published in 1549, this masterpiece of Anglican worship liturgy has stood the test of time very well, changing remarkably little since its inception. But what you may not be aware of is how much of our Prayer Book is based on Scripture. For five Sundays, beginning on August 20, we will explore what is the central pillar of our liturgy and its deep relation to the Bible.

Fr. James will begin The Bible and Christian Tradition in the Prayer Book with an examination of the rites of Morning and Evening Prayer at 9:15 a.m. in Church Library, and the series will look at the following parts of our worship rite:

New Sunday School Class Starts August 20, 9:15 a.m. By The Rev. James W. Barnhill, Priest in Charge

August 20: Biblical Morning & Evening Prayer as developed by the Reformers.

September 3: The Collects of our Prayer Book and our Rites of Christian Initiation.

September 10: The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper as practiced in the Biblical tradition.

September 17: The endearing and enduring characteristics of the Pastoral Offices.

September 24: Advent, Lent, Holy Week, and The Great 50 days of Easter.

Please join us in the Church Library

at 9:15 a.m. beginning Sunday, August 20 for The Bible and Christian Tradition in the Prayer Book.

Page 3: A Chosen GenerationA Chosen Generation€œSo Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, ... Nikki Fox Nash, 904.781.8770 or nashmailetc@gmail.com

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A Chosen Generation August 2017

Senior Warden

Nathlyn Hemmingway

Junior Warden

Les Holman

Vestry Clerk

Destiny Kelly


Rita Sheppard

Vestry Member

Dan Waldrop

Vestry Member

Teresa Yancey

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

Greetings from the Priest Search Committee!

We have been brought together by

the Vestry, through prayer and the Lord’s direction, to help select a new Rector for St. Peter’s. Humbly and prayerfully, we too seek God’s guidance in this divine appointment. Committee members are as follows:

Kevin Apple, Kim Fooshée, Ray Green, Eddie Haley, Nate Pellum, Debby Pruitt, and Starla Simmons We are currently meeting monthly.

So far, we have spent our time together in prayer and getting to know one another better since each of us represent various ministries, age groups, interests, etc. within our congregation. We are also using the book, Search: The Pastoral Search Committee Handbook by William Vanderbloom, as a resource and reference as we continue our task.

We prayerfully anticipate starting to review resumes soon. Please keep us in your prayers asking that the Lord would promote unity, wisdom, and humility among us and make His will for St. Peter’s abundantly clear.

“And God placed all things under his

feet and appointed him to be the head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.”

Ephesians 1:22-23 NIV

Priest Search Committee By Kim Fooshee, Parishioner

Page 4: A Chosen GenerationA Chosen Generation€œSo Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, ... Nikki Fox Nash, 904.781.8770 or nashmailetc@gmail.com

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A Chosen Generation Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

The Rev. Dr. Rose Boon will be with us again to lead a two-part series and continuation of the Alignment of the Living Stones here at St. Peter’s. Part I will consist of a seven-week small group meeting on Sundays,

beginning August 6 thru September 24,

5:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the Church Library.

This coordinates with the Youth Ministry time on Sunday evening, so you can “come and rest” while you wait for your teen, or just come discover how to get through the blocks in your life and be free to really grow. Come and see! Rose will

help us experience the Lord’s peace and freedom in our lives using the book, I Will Give You Rest by Edward Kurath, which will be provided. This is an expanded version of The Mystery, Which Has Been Hidden, which explains the promise:

“Come to Me, all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

Part II continues October 1

thru November 12.


No small group meeting September 3, Labor Day weekend.

RSVP your attendance at: 904.778.1434 or note it on your Connect Card in Sunday and Wednesday bulletins.

Alignment of the Living Stones: Two-Part Series By The Rev. James W. Barnhill, Priest in Charge


Sunday, August 13

After 10:30 a.m. service

Enjoy an outdoor picnic, water slide and

games outdoors. Fun for all!

Bring side dishes and/or desserts.

Contact: Todd Cambron, 904.504.7999 or [email protected]

WOMEN’S PRAYER EVENING: August 21, 6:30 p.m. 3rd Monday each month, Room 100. Contact: Nikki Fox Nash, 904.781.8770 or [email protected] ISAIAH 54:5 MINISTRY: August 27 at the Outback Steakhouse, 1775 Wells Road, Orange Park, after the 10:30am service. 4th Sunday each month. Contact: Ann Weeks, 904.287.7103 or [email protected] GLORY, GRACE AND HOPE CIRCLES: NO regularly-scheduled meetings in August.



Page 5: A Chosen GenerationA Chosen Generation€œSo Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, ... Nikki Fox Nash, 904.781.8770 or nashmailetc@gmail.com

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A Chosen Generation August 2017

Church Breakfast, Sunday, August 27: Eat and Meet! By Teresa Yancey, Vestry Member

We all know how much we enjoy eating and getting together here at St. Peter’s. So, let’s all do breakfast on Sunday, August 27, 9:00 to 10:00

a.m. in the Parish Hall. That means we’ll forego Sunday School that day and meet together for one big breakfast shindig! Yum! Breakfast will be potluck, so be thinking about the best sausage-egg casserole or biscuit recipe you have, and let’s make for a breakfast spread to remember. A signup sheet with suggested breakfast items to bring is available in the Coffee Room downstairs. Now, while we’re altogether that morning, we’re going to tend to some important church business with a Special Parish Meeting to vote on Vestry Nominees who have agreed to be considered and have met the requirements for becoming a St. Peter’s Vestry Member. The Vestry serves a vital and necessary leadership role in our church body for which we are truly grateful.

Would you be willing to devote some of your time and talent to serve as a member of the Vestry? Is God calling you to come forward and render your service for His purpose and vision for our church? Do you know of someone else in our parish that you would recommend to be considered for serving on this body within the body of Christ at St. Peter’s? If so, we will gladly give you more information about what it means to serve on St. Peter’s Vestry. Simply call the Church Office at 904-778-1434, or see one of our current Vestry Members, who are as follows: Nathlyn Hemmingway, Les Holman, Destiny Kelly, Dan Waldrop, and Teresa Yancey. We'd love to talk with you! In the meantime, commit all these things to prayer and prepare to be blessed. Amen! Contact: Teresa Yancey, 904.269.3127 or [email protected]


Tuesday, August 1

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.


Maple Street Biscuits Fleming Island

COST: $10

PARENTS: Signed permission forms required prior to off-ground outings and must be completed and given to Todd Cambron before event.


Todd Cambron, 904.504.7999 or [email protected]

Page 6: A Chosen GenerationA Chosen Generation€œSo Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, ... Nikki Fox Nash, 904.781.8770 or nashmailetc@gmail.com

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CHANGE in Procedure for

Guatemala Backpacks and Supplies

To optimize funds and continue to bless the

children of Kids Club Guatemala, Sally Jackson,

Jeanne Wright and the Mission Board have been

discussing and praying for a year as how best to

continue this ministry. To be good stewards of

what God has given, shipping cost is the major reason for the change. Over

the years, the supplies and then the backpacks have been a tremendous

blessing to Kids Club in Guatemala and the Jacksons. They are appreciative

of the generous support from their St. Peter’s family. Jeanne Wright has

been faithful in service to this ministry. It would not have been as successful

without her hard work and dedication. Thank you, Jeanne!

This year we are asking everyone to give $50.00

per child for supplies and a backpack. All the

funds will go directly to First Steps Ministry to

purchase supplies and backpacks from Antigua,

Guatemala. In sending the money, we avoid the

cost of shipping and the funds will go directly to First Steps Ministries and

the Kids Club. We will be stimulating the economy of Antigua and, most of

all, helping the parents that work in the market where the backpacks and

supplies will be purchased. As we did last year, we are asking you to write a

Scripture, Psalm or Blessing for each child. We are told the kids will keep

them in a special place and treasure them.

$50.00 per child along with a card with a

Scripture, Psalm or a Blessing. Please make

checks payable to: First Steps Ministries

and on memo line write Kids Club Backpack.

For your convenience, there will be a table downstairs in the Welcome

Center (Room 100) to accept donations on Sundays beginning August 6.


7:30 a.m.

Brenda O’Neil

Stan O’Neil

10:30 a.m.

James Evans

Virginia Pillsbury

Charlie Wright

Teresa Yancey



7:30 a.m.

Brenda O’Neil (H)

Stan O’Neil

10:30 a.m.

Virginia Pillsbury (H)

Charlie Wright

Teresa Yancey


Jim Evans

Anthony Hemmingway

David Hon

Collin O’Hara

Walter Pillsbury

Anthony Simmons

Larry Tipping


Jayne Bickerstaff

Marilyn Whiddon

Charlie Wright

Jeanne Wright


Lay Ministers

A Chosen Generation Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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Thank you for all your prayers for my precious sister, Judith Alison John, who left in peace to be with her Lord on June 13.

Wendy Weise, Parishioner

Dear fellow worshipers,

Thank you for the lovely flowers you presented to me on Sunday, June 18.They were a beautiful symbol of the love and fellowship we share with one another in our church. God's blessings to you all!

Evelyn Baldwin, Organist

We give praise and thanksgiving to our Church Family for taking care of

Patricia while we were out of town. It’s such a blessing in knowing that we didn’t have to worry about anything. Charlie & Jeanne Wright, Parishioners

Thank You Notes

A Chosen Generation August 2017

Richard & Peggy Tipping .............. 27

Nancy Lambert ............................. 1

Les Holman .................................. 2

Brittany Holman-Sparks ............... 5

Olivia Edinger ............................... 6

Thom McGuire ............................. 6

Pat Graf-Waldrop ......................... 8

Todd Cambron ........................... 14

Tina Greene ............................... 18

Matt Radcliffe ............................. 23

Cassie Lawrence ........................ 26

Gabrielle McKay ......................... 27

Bobbie Clarke ............................. 30

Condessa Keith .......................... 30

Lydia Fooshee ............................ 31

Page 8: A Chosen GenerationA Chosen Generation€œSo Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, ... Nikki Fox Nash, 904.781.8770 or nashmailetc@gmail.com

A Chosen Generation

Biblical Teaching

Spirit-filled Worship



5042 Timuquana Road

Jacksonville, Florida 32210

Phone: 904.778.1434

Fax: 904.778.1437

Website: stpetersjax.org

St. Peter’s Church Making Disciples of Jesus Christ


7:30 a.m. Holy Communion

No Nursery

10:30 a.m. Holy Communion

with Praise & Worship Nursery provided

Youth Ministry

5:30 p.m. Parish Hall Grades 6 - 12


9:15 a.m.

Adults Church Library/Courtyard

Nursery provided

Youth Youth Room Grades 6 - 12


Lower Sanctuary Grades K - 5


7:00 p.m. Sanctuary (Nursery by Request only)

Kids Bible Club (KBC)

Lower Sanctuary

Grades 1 - 5

Youth Ministry Starts in the Sanctuary

Grades 6 - 12

St. Peter’s Services


Monday thru Thursday 9:15 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.

Closed Weekends/Holidays



Available at: stpetersjax.org

Sunday, August 13 After 10:30 a.m. Service

Enjoy an outdoor picnic, water slide and games.

Fun for all!

Bring side dishes and desserts.

Contact: Todd Cambron,

904.504.7999 or [email protected]