SMU-DS-TR-257 A Bayesian Method for Testing TTBT Compliance with Unknown Intercept and Slope Jangsun Baek Henry L. Gray Gary D. McCartor Wayne A. Woodward Southern Methodist University Department of Statistical Science Dallas, Texas 75275 September 1992 Scientific Report No. 101 Project Title: "Statistical Research in Nuclear Monitoring" DARPA Contract No. F29601-91-K-DB25 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Department of Defense Phillips Laboratory United States Air Force Kirkland AFB, NM 87117-5320 'W0J75 w ,

A Bayesian Method for Testing TTBT Compliance with Unknown … · 2017-05-23 · SMU-DS-TR-257 A Bayesian Method for Testing TTBT Compliance with Unknown Intercept and Slope Jangsun

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A Bayesian Method for Testing TTBT Compliance with Unknown Intercept and Slope

Jangsun Baek Henry L. Gray Gary D. McCartor Wayne A. Woodward

Southern Methodist University Department of Statistical Science Dallas, Texas 75275

September 1992

Scientific Report No. 101 Project Title: "Statistical Research in Nuclear Monitoring" DARPA Contract No. F29601-91-K-DB25

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited

Department of Defense Phillips Laboratory United States Air Force Kirkland AFB, NM 87117-5320

'W0J75 w,

Page 2: A Bayesian Method for Testing TTBT Compliance with Unknown … · 2017-05-23 · SMU-DS-TR-257 A Bayesian Method for Testing TTBT Compliance with Unknown Intercept and Slope Jangsun


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Scientific Report No. 101 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE

A Bayesian Method for Testing TTBT Compliance with Unknown Intercept and Slope

o. «u i m.m\j/

Jangsun Baek Henry L. Gray Gary D. McCartor

Wayne A. Woodward


DARPA Contract F29601-91-K-DB25



Southern Methodist University Department of Statistical Science Dallas, Texas 75275



Phillips Laboratory Department of the Air Force Kirtland Air Force Base, NM 87117-5320

Contract Manager: Del Patten




Approved for public release; distribution unlimited

12b. DiST?l3lJT!O.M CODE

13. A8STRACT (Maximum 200 words)

In this report we examine the Bayesian method for testing for compliance to a given threshold studies by Nicholson, Mensing and Gray. It is noted that although this test and accompanying confidence intervals are valid for single event, it is incorrect to apply it or the confidence intervals to repeated events at the same eite unless the number of calibration events is large. Since in any foreseeable future the number of calibration events is likely to be small, this report studies the applicability of the Bayesian test in this case. The results suggest that in many instances the Bayesian method examined here should be used on repeated events with caution if the number of calibration events is less than three.

14. SUBJECT TERMS testing TTBT compliance, unknown intercept and slope, Bayesian method

15. NUMBER OF PAGES 59 pages







NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev 2-39) Pr»».:nn«<1 hv -fi".! '.Id <'i").lg

Page 3: A Bayesian Method for Testing TTBT Compliance with Unknown … · 2017-05-23 · SMU-DS-TR-257 A Bayesian Method for Testing TTBT Compliance with Unknown Intercept and Slope Jangsun

A Bayesian Method for Testing TTBT Compliance

with Unknown Intercept and Slope

Jangsun Baek, Henry L. Gray, Gary D. McCartor and Wayne A. Woodward

Southern Methodist University

Feb. 19, 1992


In this report we examine the Bayesian method for testing for compliance

to a given threshold studied by Nicholson, Mensing and Gray. It is noted that

although this test and accompanying confidence intervals are valid for a single

event, it is incorrect to apply it or the confidence intervals to repeated events

at the same site unless the number of calibration events is large. Since in any

foreseeable future the number of calibration events is likely to be small, this

report studies the applicability of the Bayesian test in this case. The results

suggest that in many instances the Bayesian method examined here should be

used on repeated events with caution if the number of calibration events is less

than three.

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1 Introduction

Over the last few years much of the interest in yield estimation and threshold

test ban treaty monitoring has shifted to the problem of properly monitoring

yields that are somewhat smaller than the current test ban limit of 150 Kt.

As a result of this interest in smaller yields it has become more important to

include the effects of unknown slope (in the standard magnitude/yield relation)

on estimated yields, associated confidence intervals, and related hypothesis tests.

The most popular approach for addressing this problem thus far has been

through the Baysian methodology. See W. L. Nicholson, R. W. Mensing and H.

L. Gray, or R. H. Shumway and Z. A. Der for example. In each of these papers

the authors make use of prior distributions on the parameter spaces to obtain

estimates of yield, confidence intervals for yield, threshold type test of hypotheses,

and associated F-numbers which allow for errors in estimating geological bias and

slope as well as several other unknown parameters. Although such results are

exactly what was needed in one sense they present a problem in another. That

is, although the confidence intervals and hypothesis tests are valid when related

to a single event from all possible parameter configurations they do not represent

such intervals or hypothesis tests when applied repeatly to a fixed test site (This

will be explained in detail in section 4). This problem was noted by Fisk, Gray,

McCartor and Wilson (1991) for the case where the slope is known.

In this report we examine the current Baysian approach to yield estimation

from several practical aspects. That is we consider:

1. The power of the tests for several different parameter configurations and

yield training sets.

2. The maximum benefit of previous no yield data regarding its contribu-

tion to increasing the power or decreasing the F-number.

3. The actual error rate or confidence interval (CI) that results when these

Baysian tests or CI's are applied to repeated tests at the same site.

Item 3 is of special interest if the number of calibration events is small and the

particular test site is an anomaly, i.e. a site whose parameters differ substantial


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from their corresponding Bayesian means. We shall refer to our investigation of

item 3 as a robustness study.

2 Notation and Background

Let Yj denote the jth yield at a given test site and let m,j denote the ith

magnitude associated with the jth yield,

mij = A{ + BiW0j + etj (1)

i = l,2,---,p and j = l,2,---,n, where WQJ = \ogYj - logF0 = Wj -

WQ, with Wo given and the e,-j represent random errors. Further let A =

(A\, • • •, Ap), B = (2?i, • • •, Bp), and ey = (ey, e<ij, • • •, epj)' where the prime

denotes transpose, and the e^- are normal random vectors with mean (0,0, • • •, 0)'

and known variance Ee. We can now write (1) in the matrix form

mj=A + BW0j + ej. (2)

In the model defined by Equation (1) A and B are vectors of parameters

that depend on the test site and the particular magnitude being considered. For

example my may refer to the jth. mj value while m^ might be the jth mL

value. Ideally A and B in (2) would be known. This is in general not the case.

However there may be sufficient information regarding A and B to restrict

their possible values. That is, it is arguable that one can reasonably impose

a probability distribution on A and B a priori. This is in fact the reasoning

that leads to a Bayesian approach to the problem. Specifically we suppose that

ß — (A , B ) has a prior normal distribution with known mean fio and covariance

E^. In the future we will denote this by ß ~ N(ftß,Eß). Therefore in Equation

(2) we no longer treat A and B as fixed parameters but as random variables or, if

you like, "parameters" which take on their possible values with some probability.

Now suppose n calibration events are available, ». e. n events at a given site

for which the yields Wj are known (or at least known sufficiently well that we

can neglect the errors in the observed Wj). Then we can determine a compliance

test and its associated F-number which properly integrates the information in the


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prior distribution with the data from the calibration events. This is the subject

of the next section.

3 A Bayesian Test of Compliance

In order to determine a test for compliance which makes use of prior informa-

tion regarding ß and the calibration events, we need to determine the probability

density function (pdf) for m = mn+i given mi, 1112, • • •, mn. We will denote this

pdf by /(m|mn), where m^ = (mi, m2, • • •, mn)'. Given n events for which the

yields are known we wish to develop a compliance test for an (n + l)st event for

which the yield is unknown.

Note that the model in (2) can be written in the form

mj = Djß + ej, j = l,2,---,n, (3)



f\ 0 ••• 0 Woj 0

0 1 ••• 0 0 WQJ

o \ 0


= (l,W0j)®Ip

\0 0 ••• 1 0 0 •

and ® denotes the kronecker product.

Case 1: ß known

The problem is a simple one when ß is known since in that event m is

independent of the previous mi,m2, • • • ,m„, i.e. 23^ = 0. The hypothesis Ho,

to be tested is

Ho : W < WT

against (4)

Hi : W > WT,

where W = Wn+i. If we shorten the notation Wo}n+l t° Wc, i.e. take Wo)n+i =

Wc we can write the hypothesis test in Equation (4) in the form

H0: Wc< WcT

Hi: Wc> WcT,


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where WcT = WT - W0. In this case /(m|inn) = /(m). Now let

P mr = Sr'm«' (5)


where the r,- are known weights with 0 < r,- < 1 and £{Li r,- = 1. It is well known

that if ej ~ N(0, Ee), then m ~ N(Dß, Ee) where D = (1, Wc) <g> Ip, and it then

follows at once that mr ~ NtfDß, r'Eer), where r = (rl5 r2, • • •, rp)'. Therefore,

under HQ, we take Wc = Wcj< so that a test of the hypothesis in Equation (4) at

the 100a: percent significance level is given by the following rule

Reject Ho if mr > T\a, (6)


Tla = r'DT)9 + za v/r'Eer, (7)

Dr = (l,WcT)<8)Ip,

and za is the 100(1 -a)th percentile point of N(0,1) distribution. We shall refer

to the test denned by the rule given by Equation (6) as Test 1.

Case 2: ß unknown

Of course ß is not known and therefore Test 1 cannot be used in practice.

It does however furnish us a base line for comparison purposes. What can be

reasonably assumed, as we have already mentioned, is that ß ~ N(fta, E«), where

fiß and Hß are known. In this case m and nt„ are not independent and therefore

the problem is a bit more difficult. It can however be solved by making use of

the following theorem, the proof of which we include in the Appendix.

Theorem 1. Let m = m„^i be a p-dimensioned magnitude related to

Wo,n+1 = Wc by the model of Equation (3). For k = 1,2, • • •, n + 1, let rh/fc) =

£j=l mj/K ^W{k) = E*=i Wojmj/k, and WQk = £j=i W0j/k. Suppose ß

has the prior density N(fiß, E^). Then the probability density of m given mn,


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/(m|ni„), is #(/*,£), where

i-l E = Ee Ee — H *^e>

H = E{(1, We) ® Ee1}S/?[s/?+ {En+i ® (se/(n + 1))}]~

.{En+i®(Ee/(n + l))| ElV/J + nfe^E"1)! m(n) ]


, (9)


H={(l,Wc)®Ip}E^[E^+{En+i®(Ee/(n + l))}]

. {En+1 ® (Ee/(n + l))} | ( J ®lJ ,

1 Wo.n+1



E„+i = .Wb,n+1 EJil <•/(" + !)-

Given Theorem 1, the problem is once again trivial and we can again write

down a 100a% significance level test. If mr is defined by Equation (5), then it

follows from Theorem 1 that the pdf of mr given m„ is iV^/i, r'Er), where fi

and E are given by (8) and (9) respectively. The desired test is then


Reject HQ if mr > T2a,

T2a = r'/i + ZaVr^r, (11)

fi and E are defined in Theorem 1 with Wc = WCT, and zQ is the 100(1 - a)

percentile point of JV(0,1). We shall refer to the test of Equation (11) as Test 2.

From Theorem 1 one can also obtain a confidence interval for W. For a

general treatment of the confidence interval problem with a Bayesian prior see

R. H. Shumway and Z. A. Der.

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4 A Constrained Bayesian Test

In a recent report Nicholson, Mensing and Gray (1991) show how previous

magnitude data can be used to define a Bayesian prior for ß even though the

associated yields are not available. We shall refer to such data as "no yield"

data as before, and we also assume that n calibration events are available. In

this section we consider the question, "What is the maximum information that

can be gained by this approach ?" In order to accomplish this we will consider

the problem of the previous section but we let the number of no-yield events

go to infinity. That is, we consider the case where the "no yield" data set is

sufficiently large that the parameters that are estimable from that data can be

estimated without error, i.e. they are known. By developing a test for this

case and comparing its power to Test 2 we are able to determine the maximum

improvement in power (or reduction in F-number) obtainable in the approach of

Case 2.

Specifically we note that the parameters

c,_i = Bi/Bi, i' = 2,3,---,p

and (12)

/x,_l = Ai-ci_iA\,

do not depend on yield and hence consistent estimates for c,-_i and [i(_i can be

obtained from the "no yield" data. Thus in this case we take c,_i and m_\ as

known, i = 2, • • • ,p. Moreover under these constraints the model of Equation (3)


mj=PL + VLjßl + ej, (13)

where^i =(^1,ß1)', /iX = (0,/ii,/X2,---,^-l)'and

/ 1 ci c2 ••• cp_i

\W0j CIWQJ C2WQJ ••• cp_ iW0j,

Thus the original 2p dimensional parameter space for ß is reduced to the 2

dimensional one due to the constraints in Equation (12).


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To determine a test for the model of Equation (13) we need the following

theorem, the proof of which is included in the Appendix.

Theorem 2. Let m = mn+l De a p-cfimensionaJ magnitude related to

Won+1 = Wc by the model of Equation (13). Suppose ß\ = (A\,B\)' has the

prior pdf N(m, Ei). Then the pdf of m given m„ is JV(/ic,Ec), where

Ec = [ip - DI)n+iQ^+1Din+1Ej J Ee, -In n-l HC = I*L + EcE-^i^+iQ-^Rn,


n+1 Qn+1 = EJ-1 + ^(Dij-E-^),

3=1 n

R„ = E^Vl + £ DiiEe Vj - /<l), i=i

/ 1 ci c2 ••• cp_i Y

L,n+l~\Wc ClWc c2Wc ••• Cp-iWc/

From Theorem 2 it follows that mr ~ i\^(r'/4c, r'Ecr) and hence a 100(a)%

significance test of the hypothesis in Equation (4) is given by the following rule:

Reject HQ if mr > T$a,


T3a = r'/ic + W^Ecr, (14)

and za is the 100(1 — a) percentile point of a JV(0,1). We shall refer to the test

of Equation (14) as Test 3.

5 Power Curve Comparisons

In order to assess the impact of imposing the prior information, we compare

the power of the following tests:


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Test 1 : a test of hypothesis based on the assumption that the population

parameters are known.

Test 2 : a test of hypothesis based on the unconstrained Bayesian ap-

proach and the assumption that the parameters are unknown.

Test 3 : a test of hypothesis based on the constrained Bayesian approach

and the assumption that the population parameters are un-


The power at W is given by

Pawer(W) = P(mr > Ta|mn, W).

Also the F-number of the test is given by


where WF is the value of the log yield at which the power is 0.5.

Since we specified the critical values of Test 1, Test 2, and Test 3 in (7), (11),

and (14), respectively, it is easy to show that the power of Tests 1, 2, and 3 are

Power(W)1 = 1 - $ (za + £^)§=^) , (15)

Power(W02 = 1 - * (^-^)^zaV?Wv\ \ Vr'Epyr )

Power(W03 = 1 - $ M^c - Kw) + W?%F\ V VT'2cWr /'

where D = (1, W) <g> Ip, * is the cumulative distribution function of N(0,1), and

{PW, Spy}, {HcW, ^cw) are defined as in Theorem 1, and Theorem 2, respec-

tively, with W given.

From (16) and (17) it is clear that the power of Test 2 and Test 3 depends on

the value of iitin. Therefore in order to compare with Test 1 we generate two equiv-

alent data sets for Test 2 and Test 3 with fixed values of {Ee,^,2^,ci,/ii,n}

when p = 2. With the known parameter and the generated data sets, we com-

puted the power of Test 1, Test 2, and Test 3 on the 100 equally spaced grid

values between log 150 and log 300 for W from (15), (16), and (17), respectively


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and Wo = log 125. We ran this simulation 20 times to get the mean of the powers

for Test 2 and Test 3. Pawer(W)l» mean Power(W)2, and mean Power(VT)3 are

plotted on Figure 1 through Figure 8 for various values of {Ee,Hß,E^, c\, fi\,n}.

Now we summarize some findings from the simulation. As we can see in Fig-

ure 1 through Figure 3, mean Power(W)2 and mean Power(W)z rapidly converge

to Power(W)i as n gets large. Similarly average F2 and average F3 converge to

Fi as n grows, where Fi, F2 and F3 are the F-numbers of Test 1, Test 2, and

Test 3, respectively.

The relatively better performance of Test 3 over Test 2 is observed regardless

of the values of c\ in Figure 1 and Figure 4. However, Figure 5 and Figure 6

show that the overperformance of Test 3 against Test 2 diminishes as the standard

deviations of A2 and B<i ((TA2,^B2) decrease to those of A\ and B\, respectively.

Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the same phenomenon as <rC2 becomes small enough

to be similar to aty. Thus it would appear that if the values used here for ftß, E^

and Ee are representative, additional no yield data would be of little value.

6 Robustness

In the previous sections we have developed a test of the hypothesis of com-

pliance of the (n + l)st event given n calibration events when ß is unknown. We

referred to this as Test 2. In making use of this test it is important to under-

stand the nature of the false alarm rate or significance level a. Possibly the best

way to interpret a is to think through a simulation for estimating a. In order

to simulate the process one would first generate ß from N(fiß^ß) and then,

given ß and Wt-, t = l,---,n, generate ei,e2,---,e„ to obtain m„. Now let-

ting Wn+\ = log 150 and generating en+i to obtain mn+i, one would apply the

test and note the decision. This simulates the senario of obtaining n calibration

events and one additional event of unknown yield. This entire process would be

repeated a large number of times and the proportion of incorrect decisions would

approach a. Table 1 below describes the method. The ßi denote the values of

ß generated on simulation # i. Let mr(T1+i(t) = r^mj^+i, where mj)T1+i is the


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(n + l)st magnitude vector generated in the ith simulation, i = 1,2, • • •, /.

Table 1. Simulation procedure for estimating the false alarm rate

Simulation # 1 Simulation # 2 Simulation # /

Given A,Wi," -,Wn faWu — ,Wn

Generate mn,---,mi„ m2i,---,m2n

Generate mi>n+i,W = log 150 m2in+i,W = log 150

Decision Reject if Reject if

mr>n+i(l) > r2a(l) mrfB+i(2) > T2a(2)

m/,n+l.^ = logl50

Reject if

mr>B+i(/) > T2a(l)

Now, if we define a random variable X such that X = 1 if mr>n+i(j) > T2a(j),

and otherwise Jf = 0, it follows that

a=Hm S^Xj 1= lim X, a.s.

We should note, however, that in practice the application of these tests will

be to events mn+i,m„4.2,-- -,mn+s at the same site. That is, what is needed

is essentially a test so that the empirical false alarm rate or significance level

approaches a as s gets large rather than as / gets large. We shall refer to the

sample false alarm rate as s —► oo as the "actual significance level" or "actual

false alarm rate" and denote it by a(mn|n,jö). Thus

a(r3„|n,0) = P(mn+S > T2a|m„, W„+s = log 150,0) (18)

It can be shown that

= Urn (# of mn+k > T2a)/k.

lim a(nt„|n,/9) = a.

Thus when n is large, a(mn\n,ß) « a regardless of the observed value of ß.

However in most instances n will be small and therefore the question which

arrises is, "How robust is a to small values of n and unusual values of ß, i.e.

values of ß far removed from fiß ?" That is, "How close is a to a(mn\n,ß),


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the actual false alarm rate, when n is small and ß is substantially different from

HßT In addition to the "actual false alarm rate" we need to obtain the probability

of rejecting HQ as s —► oo. We shall refer to this as the "actual power" or the

"actual probability of detection", and denote it by P(W\n,ß). Thus

P(W\n,ß) = P(mn+a > T2a\v&„J,Wn+, = W) (19)

= lim (# of mn+k > T2a)/k. «—►00

Then it also can be shown that

lim P(W\n,ß) = PoweT(W).

From (18) and (19) it is clear that a(mn\n,ß) and P(W\n,ß) depend on mR.

Thus for every sample of mn these quantities will be different. We can however

estimate E[a(mn\n,ß)] and E[P(W\n,ß)] for various values of ß and n. This is

the topic of the remaining portion of this section.

In order to investigate the robustness of the actual false alarm rate,

a(rnn\n, /?), a small simulation was performed for a variety of values of n and ß.

Specifically, taking p = 2,fiß = (/Mj,/^,^,/^)' = (Mfl.l)'» <*AX = *A3 =

^Bi = °B2 ~ °-05> PA = PB = 0.5, PAB = 0, ffei = <^e2 = 0.05, pe = 0.5, W =

log 150 and Wo = log 125, we considered the cases

0 = /*/? + <?• (^,^,0,0)',

where C = 0,±1, ±2, for n = 1,2,3,5,10 and 100.

For each case a value of m„+i was obtained 10,000 times (or equivalently

mn.f,-, t = 1, • • •, 10,000 was obtained) and a(mn|n,/?) was estimated by

Ä/_+ . .. # of rejections ,ääS 6&.\n,n~* 10

]000 • (20)

As already noted a(xnn\n,ß) depends on m„ and clearly the same is true about

&(mn\n,ß). Therefore a reasonable measure of the robustness of Test 2 when n

is small is the E[a(nin\n,ß)] = /ia. To obtain an estimate of fia, for each case

we generated 20 repetitions of a(mn\n,ß), i.e.

1 2° _♦ V<* = ^^2&iC^n\nJ). (21) 20 ,=.


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The results of these simulations are given in Table 2 for a = 0.025. It is worth

noting the relatively large standard deviation of a(mn\n,ß). In view of the val-

ues of fia one can conclude that the distribution of a(mn\n,ß) is quite skewed

to the right or at least contains some extreme values on the right side. That

is, values of a(mn\n,ß) much larger than jxa are more frequent than values of

a(tnn\n,ß) less than /xa, or substantially larger values of a(mn\n,ß) than p,Q

may not be unusual. Since a(tnn\n,ß) is obtained from 10,000 repetitions, it fol-

lows that a(mn\n,ß) « a(mn\n,ß). So similar remarks can be made regarding

a(mn\n,ß). The result of this is that Table 2 presents these results in a conser-

vative way since most people would interpret the mean as a typical value of the

false alarm rate. What we are cautioning here is that, in fact false alarm rates

substantially larger than the mean values shown in Table 2 will be much more

common than in a symmetric distribution. We probably should have included

the median in Table 2, but that was not calculated.

It should be noted that if C < 0, the Bayesian estimator of yield will un-

derestimate yield and hence the true false alarm rate will be too small while if

C > 0 the estimator will overestimate yield and hence the false alarm rate will

be too large. From inspection of Table 2, it appears that if we have only 1 or 2

calibration events, this effect can be large, and hence in this case the Bayesian

significance level or CI may be seriously in error. On the other hand if n > 5 the

method might be considered adequate, even though for C < 0 the false alarm

rate may still be sufficiently too small that it could very adversely effect the

power, i.e. the chances of detecting a violation.

Power Considerations

Figures 1 - 8 compare the power of Test 1, Test 2, and Test 3 for various

parameter configurations. As in the case of the false alarm rate, if these parame-

ter values are representative, little is to be gained from additional no yield data.

Also, from the comparison of the F-numbers it does not appear that a great deal

is to be gained by taking n > 2. Unfortunately these rather pleasant results do

not uniformly extend to the actual power.


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Figure 9 through Figure 36 compare the "actual" power of Test 2 to the

power of Test 2, i.e. they compare P(W|n, ß) to P(W). The figures also compare

the F-number for Test 2 to the "actual" F-number. For n < 2 it is clear that

both the power and the F-number are seriously effected if C = ±2 and the same

is true for C = ±1 if n = 1. It should be pointed out that the small F-numbers

associated with C < 0 are a result of very large false alarm rates and should not

be viewed as improved tests.

Concluding Remarks

In this report we have investigated the robustness of the Bayesian method

(referred to as Test 2) for testing compliance of an observed yield to a threshold.

Although the simulations reported here were not exhaustive, they were adequate

to demonstrate that the Bayesian method for testing compliance is probably not

satisfactory if there are only one or two calibration events. Moreover it is highly

desirable to have five or more calibration events to guarantee good agreenent

with the stated significance level. Similar remarks could be made regarding the

corresponding confidence intervals.

The consequence of these findings is that if it is unlikely that several cali-

bration events will be available, Test 2 and confidence intervals associated with

Test 2, the Bayesian tests and CI discussed by Nicholson, Mensing and Gray, and

those introduced by Shumway and Der should be used with care. In fact if the

number of calibration events is less than 3 it would probably be wise to consider

a constrained likelihood method as an alternative to the Bayesian method, or, if

possible, the Bayesian method should be extended to include the case of several

events following the calibration events.


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Table 2. Estimate of Actual False Alarm Rate E[a(n,ß)], a = 0.025

C = -2 C = -l C = 0 C = l C = 2

Aa 0.0000

st. dev. fia 0.0000

st. dev. a(mn\n,ß) 0.0000

£a 0.0006

st. dev. jia 0.0003

st. dev. a(mn\n,ß) 0.0012

£a 0.0034

st. dev. /ia 0.0014

st. dev. d(m„|n,/9) 0.0062

£a 0.0046

st. dev. fia 0.0018

st. dev. a(mn\n,ß) 0.0079

/ia 0.0076

st. dev. fia 0.0019

st. dev. a(mn\n,ß) 0.0084

Aa 0.0119

st. dev. fia 0.0017

st. dev. d(m„|n,/9) 0.0075

/xa 0.0229

st. dev. fia 0.0015

st. dev. a(tnn\n,ß) 0.0065

n = 0

0.0000 0.0023 0.0488 0.3165

0.0000 0.0001 0.0006 0.0011

0.0000 0.0004

n = l

0.0025 0.0050

0.0034 0.0149 0.0532 0.1418*

0.0013 0.0044 0.0112 0.0205

0.0058 0.0197

n = 2

0.0499 0.0919

0.0089 0.0225 0.0498 0.0985

0.0030 0.0061 0.0107 0.0173

0.0132 0.0273

n = 3

0.0479 0.0774

0.0099 0.0193 0.0364 0.0643

0.0033 0.0055 0.0087 0.0132

0.0146 0.0246

n = 5

0.0389 0.0592

0.0121 0.0192 0.0283 0.0425

0.0029 0.0042 0.0058 0.0081

0.0128 0.0190

n = 10

0.0259 0.0363

0.0155 0.0201 0.0255 0.0316

0.0025 0.0030 0.0034 0.0040

0.0110 0.0132

n = 100

0.0152 0.0179

0.0230 0.0234 0.0238 0.0240

0.0013 0.0016 0.0014 0.0015

0.0058 0.0072 0.0063 0.0065


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* note: For symetric confidence intervals a 100(1 — 2a)% two sided confidence

interval corresponds to a one sided a—level significance test. For example, for

Test 1 of size 0.025, the corresponding two sided confidence interval is a 95%

C.I. This suggests that if the "actual" significance level is 0.14, the actual C.I.

could be a 72% C.I. That is, if the site geological bias is 2<r greater than the

expected bias, \i£, then even though the Bayesian significance level is 0.025 and

the Bayesian C.I. is 0.95, the actual significance level is estimated here as 0.14

and one would assume that the actual two sided C.I. is around 72%.


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-m r-p-r TT TT TT i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii ii ii i i M rr - -

n = = 2

co o









•V V

/ / _

- C3

TEST 1 rj = 1.37



s?' ?■



TEST 2 Fg - 1.44

TEST 3 F3 = 1.40 -

o UlAJ-i-L-LJ-lJ ......... i . i .. . . , , 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300


"«. = 0.05 MA, = 4.00 MBj = 1.00 CTA, = 0.05 °Bt = 0.05 PAB = 0.00

°*z = 0.10 MA2 = 4.00 MB2 = 0.90 °A2 = 0.10 aB2 = 0.10 <=1 = 0.90

Pe = 0.50 PA = 0.45 PB = 0.45 Ml = 0.40

Figure 1


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POWER COMPARISON , i ! , I | | | | | II II I I I I I | I II II I I I I | | I I I I I I I I I | I I I I I I I I I | I I I I I I IMJJJJJJJ-U

TEST 1 Fi = 1.37

TEST 2 F2 = 1.41

TEST 3 F3 = 1.39

■ ■ ■ i ' ' 11 11 11 i I 111 i i i i 11 11 11 i i i 11

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

a, = 0.05 MA, = 40° AB, = 10° "A, = 005 "B, = 005 PAB = 0.00

C, = 0.10 fiAg = 4.00 MB2 = 0-90 <r*2 = 0.10 ohz = 0.10 Ci = 0.90

p. = 0.50 PA = °-45 PB = 045 in = 040

Figure 2


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TEST 1 F, = 1.37

TEST 2 F8 = 1.39

TEST 3 F3 = 1.38

11 ' ■ '' ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ' * ' * * ■' ■ * *' ■ ' * ■ ■ ' > ■ * * * ' * ■

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

aei = 0.05 ßAs = 4.00 ßBl = 1.00 oAj = 0.05 CTBl = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

cet = 0.10 ßAz = 4.00 MB2 = 0.90 cAz = 0.10 (TBj = 0.10 Cj = 0.90

Pe = 0.50 pA = 0.45 pB = 0.45 /ij = 0.40

Figure 3


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i i i i i i | i i i i i i i i i | i i i i i i ii i | ii i ii ii ii | ii IM ii ii | i ii MI ill i i i ii i iiMjjjjjm ~tr

_ n = 2 ^S0^ -*' _ y^ ^ s^ ^

co / ' _ / ' — o / '

■ / ' - / / - / / _

CO / / ^d

■ / /

/ /

/ /


c> / / . PLH^ // _

o / / //■■'


w //.■■ TEST 1 Fi = 1.35

d //. - // TEST 2 Fg = 1.41

s" yP TEST 3 F3 = 1.39

o tTii i i In ui ii,u.iji,iJ.jj.JiJ JiJj-iJi.i.j-i-Li.i.JiJ±j.jj,JjJi.jj.j.iiJ.JiJ.iiJjjji li ii in i , ,

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

a,, = 0.05 ßKl = 4.00 fiBi = 1.00 CTA( = 0.05 aBl = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

on = 0.10 fiAl = 4.00 MB2 = 100 trÄ2 = 0.10 <TB2 = 0.10 Cj = 1.00

p% = 0.50 pk = 0.50 pB = 0.50 ß} = 0.00

Figure 4


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POWER COMPARISON 11111111111111111111111111111111111 ii i 11111111111111111

TEST 1 Ft = 1.35

TEST 2 Fg = 1.41

TEST 3 F3 = 1.39

1 ' ' ' ' ■ ' ' ■ i 11 11 i i

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

oej = 0.05 /iAj = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 aAl = 0.05 aB, = 0.05 PtS = 0.00

at2 = 0.10 /i^ = 4.00 rtj2 = 1.00 akz = 0.08 CTB2 = 0.08 ci = 1.00

pe = 0.50 pA = 0.63 pB = 0.63 Hi = 0.00

Figure 5


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POWER COMPARISON *-( rrj-n 11 11 T> "^

n = 2


d - / y







/ ' / /

/ /

/y '/ /

/ /

- cv TEST 1 Fi - 1.35

o TEST 2 Fj - 1.39

. i i 11

/P' V

\ |

TEST 3 F3 = 1.39 -

o iii ii iiiii , ,, , ,

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

oei = 0.05 ßk% = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 aAl = 0.05 aB, = 0.05 pig = 0.00

o,2 = 0.10 fik2 = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 ckt = 0.06 CBJ = 0.06 Ci = 1.00

p. = 0.50 pA - 0.83 pB = 0.83 ^i = 0.00

Figure 6


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n = 2 j^^ •"* ■■■'

oo d

_ / / -





- / /

/ ' / ' / ' / /

/ A

/ ' / '


- / ,: ~ / /


Fj = 1.27

F2 = 1.32 C\2


O TEST 2 //

TEST 3 F3 = 1.31 -

o 11 Li.hjujgm 1 i i i i i i i i i 1

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

oei = 0.05 fiAi = 4.00 ßBi = 1.00 <TAI = 0.05 aBl = 0.05 PAB = 0.00

o,2 = 0.07 MA2 = 4.00 MB2 = 1.00 ckl = 0.10 aBz = 0.10 Ci = 1.00

Pe = °-50 PA = 0.50 pB = 0.50 Hi = 0.00

Figure 7


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cq 6




q d

| | | | | I | I I I | I I I I I I I I I | I I I I I I I I I IMjiiU'l I |IMUUI-»riVIMM | I I I

TEST 1 F, = 1.22

TEST 2 F8 = 1.26

TEST 3 F3 = 1.26

■ ' ' ■ ■ ■ '' '' ' 11 11 i i i i 11

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

ce, = 0.05 MA, = 4.00 ßBi = 1.00 aA( = 0.05 aBl = 0.05 PAB = 0.00

o„ = 0.05 /zAj = 4.00 /zBa = 1.00 aAi = 0.10 crBj = 0.10 Cj = 1.00

p. = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50 H! = 0.00

Figure 8


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Actual Power Comparison *-H '

n = 1 -

oo •

^n CD ■

£ - o,„ • P^ / -

o TJ _

CD -+-> TH

V^ / • " CD * OH - X / . H^ - / o TEST 2 r 2—1.27

Act.TEST 2 Act.Fg—1.42

o lill 1 1 liJJJJ.Ml.U.llliMjJ i , , . if,,,.,.

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

o.j = 0.05 /iAl = 4.00 ßBl = 1.00 aAl = 0.05 aBl = 0.05 p/s = 0.00

o,s = 0.05 /iAz = 4.00 /iBl! = 1.00 CTÄ2 = 0.05 oBj = 0.05 C = -2.00

pe = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 9


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Actual Power Comparison *-l i i 1111 | | 11 III_I ir' r~——n M 11 11 1111

- n = 1 -


^o " ~ OJ - - £ - - o ,„ .

PU^ . o

■Ö OJ ^^ ?rs - CD - PH - X

o -

TEST 2 Fj-l.Zv ■

Act.TEST 2 Act.F3-l.34

o '''■ 11 1 11 11 1 t-i-i.iii 11 1111 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

ati = 0.05 fj.A% = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 CTAJ = 0.05 oBl = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

a,2 = 0.05 fi^ = 4.00 /iBl = 1.00 aAz = 0.05 aBl <= 0.05 C = -1.00

p, = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 10


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Actual Power Comparison *-l

n = 1 -


^o ~~ <D • £ - o ,„ .

PL,^ _ o


-•-> Th

!r!o ~ 0) ■

PH - X .

o - TEST 2 Fj—1.27 - Act.TEST 2 Act.F2-1.27

o 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300


CTe] = 0.05 (j,Ai = 4.00 /iB] = 1.00 CTAJ = 0.05 aB, = 0.05 PAB = 0.00

a.j, = 0.05 ßkz = 4.00 ßBl - 1.00 CTAJ = 0.05 aBj = 0.05 C = 0.00

p„ = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 11


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Actual Power Comparison n^TTTTTTTm

TEST 2 F2=l-27

Act.TEST 2 Act.F2=M9

IJ-I I i UJ i liiiii i, n il„i i ii ill AxJ,.i,i„i 11 u i i -JI i I i ii i i i 1 i i i I i,i I J I 1 1 Ll.l J .1 LI.L

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

cej = 0.05 HKl = 4.00 tiBi = 1.00 CTAI = 0.05 cBj = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

a,2 = 0.05 MA2 = 4.00 /iBj = 1.00 aAj = 0.05 CTBj = 0.05 C = 1.00

p. = 0.50 pk = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 12


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Actual Power Comparison 1—1

n = 1 /^

CO ^o <D / £ / o „„ /

Pu^ / o / -d / 0)

+-> <«

?>* CD • / PH / X / H™ -

o ■

Act.TEST 2 Act. F2— 1.13

o " " ' " ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 t t 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ,

140 160 180 200 220 240 Yield

260 280 300

a„ = 0.05 MA, = 400 /iBl = 1°0 CTA> = 0.05 (TBl = 0.05 PXB = 0.00

ae2 = 0.05 ßk2 = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 CTA, = 0.05 CTB2 = 0.05 C = 2.00

pe = 0.50 p* = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 13


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Actual Power Comparison r-1

n = 8 /^

CD - /

t^ / CD / £ / o „„ / HH^ / o -Ö

CD -t-> «.

^ / 0) / PH / X / Hcv -

O TEST 2 Fg—1.20 - Act.TEST 2 Act.F2-l.34

o Mil Jj.Ul.lJJ.il 111 IllJlllJ

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

atl = 0.05 /iAl = 4.00 nBl = 1.00 CTA] = 0.05 trBl = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

c,2 = 0.05 /ikz = 4.00 /iB2 = 1.00 CTA2 = 0.05 cB2 = 0.05 C = -2.00

p. = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 14


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Actual Power Comparison ■*-1

1111 1111111111 11 u 111111 i 1 1 l l l 1 1 1 ILjJ-U 1 1 1 1 l | l 1 l l l l l 1 1 "| 1 1 1 l l 1 l .

n = 2














■ o

o " rTT-t ii'i 111111 ' ' , ,

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

c., = 0.05 MA, = 4.00 /xBl = 1.00 aA, = 0.05 CTBI = 0.05 PAB = 0.00

aez = 0.05 M*2 = 400 /iBs = 100 CTAI = 0.05 aBz = 0.05 C = -1.00

Pe = 0.50 PA = 0-50 pB = 0.50

Figure 15


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Actual Power Comparison *—1

n = 2


Vn " (D ■ ■

£ - - o „ . •

cuw. _ . o

-d . a;

■+-> Tt

^^ ~

CD • C^ - X .

W™ - O TEST 2 r2—1.20

1.1111 111111 1111 i. 11111111 11111111 JJ.

Act.TEST 2 Act.F2-l.c4

_i_i_ o 1.2 212 ii i-i-i-i-i 11 11 11 1 J 1111111 11 1 i 11 j 111

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

".. = 0.05 MA, = 4.00 MB, = 1.00 "A, = 0.05 °B, = 0.05 PAB = 0.00

°*2 = 0.05 MA2 = 4.00 MB2

= 1.00 °*2 = 0.05 <*Ba = 0.05 C = 0.00

P. = 0.50 PA = 0.50 PB = 0.50

Figure 16


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Actual Power Comparison *—1

IT 1 1 | 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | i | 1 1 I.I.I .J.I 1 MJ_I_UI 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | 1 '

n = 2 yS

00 / ^^

~ / <u - / £ - / O „ - : /

PU^ _ o

Ti <L>

+> * /

?* / CD / iX ■ / -

X [VI 02

o ■

TEST 2 Fa=1.25

Act.TEST 2 Act.F2=1.19

o 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1X1.1

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

atj = 0.05 ßAl = 4.00 ßB> = 1.00 CTA, = 0.05 CTBI = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

cea = 0.05 /iAs = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 aKx = 0.05 aBz = 0.05 C = 1.00

pe = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 17


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Actual Power Comparison I | | | | I I I I | I I I I I I I I I | I I I I I I I I I | I I I I I I I I I | I I I 'I I I I I MJJJ.,1 I I I WTTTTTI I I I I | I I I I I I I I I

TEST 2 F2=1.25

Act.TEST 2 Act.F2=1.15

M ■ ' I ■ » ■ i i i i i ■ I t i . . i i i i i i

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

ce, = 0.05 /iAl = 4.00 fiB> = 1.00 oA] = 0.05 CTBI = 0.05 PAB = 0.00

o,2 = 0.05 fikz = 4.00 /*B2 = 1.00 CTAS = 0.05 crBa = 0.05 C = 2.00

p. = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 18


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Actual Power Comparison 1-1

- n = 3

CO ^ri - CD . £ - o ,„ d^ o T3

CD tJ <* ■

?ri - oj . a . X

o _ TEST 2 Fg=1.24

Act.TEST 2 Act.F8=1.31

o ■ ■' ■ < ■■••■■ i ■ i ■ ■ ' '' i' -i-» J i 11 11 11 11 11 111 i

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

a., = 0.05 fikl = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 aAt = 0.05 aBl = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

a., = 0.05 fikz = 4.00 ßBz = 1.00 aAj = 0.05 CTB2 = 0.05 C = -2.00

P„ = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 19


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Actual Power Comparison *—1

n = 3 /^


^o <D / -'

£ / o ,„ . / PU^ _ f

o / -Ö /

OJ -4-> ,*

üo ~

CD / OH / X / H™ -

o - - Act.TEST 2 Act.r2-127

o , ,

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

oe, = 0.05 /iAl = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 oAl = 0.05 <7Bl = 0.05 pw = 0.00

o„2 = 0.05 fik2 = 4.00 MBa = 1-00 aAj = 0.05 aBa = 0.05 C = -1.00

p„ = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 20


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Actual Power Comparison r-t

1111 11111 M 1111 1111 i 1 ■

n = 3 \f

GO . y

5HO •'/ OJ - ./ £ - •7 o,„ .7

PU^ ■'/ _

o id 0)

-•-> * "o / oj / O. / X

o - TEST 2 F2-1.24

Act.TEST 2 Act.Fg-1.24

o ■ ■ ■' in •'

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

otl = 0.05 MA, = 4.00 MBl = 1.00 aAl = 0.05 aB, = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

a„2 = 0.05 MA2 = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 aAj = 0.05 aBj = 0.05 C = 0.00

pe = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 21


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Actual Power Comparison y-i ".

n = 3 yS










4 -

/ / ■ <->

Act.TEST Z Act.r2—1.Z0

o ■ , i i i , , i i i 11 111 i

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

oej = 0.05 MA, = 40° MB, = I0° aAl = 0.05 aBt - 0.05 Pig = 0.00

cei! = 0.05 ßkl = 4.00 MB2 = 1.00 ak2 = 0.05 <j„2 = 0.05 C = 1.00

p, «= 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 22


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Actual Power Comparison T-4

n = 3 -

CD ^rS - CD ■

£ - O Ä


PH^ _ o

T* cu


?* ~ CD - OH - X .

o - TEST 2 F2-1.24 • Act.TEST 2 Act.F2-1.17

o -rf^\, -1 1 1 1 I I^J-LJ-Ll.l.L.J-U-1.1 J J J J J J 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 111 11 11 11 1 n 1 11 1 1

140 160 180 200 220 240 Yield

260 280 300

oei = 0.05 IJ.kl = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 aAl = 0.05 aBj = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

o,2 = 0.05 ^A2 = 4.00 /iBi, = 1.00 CT>2 = 0.05 aBz = 0.05 C = 2.00

p„ = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 23


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Actual Power Comparison *-! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 | 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 II 1 IMU-I 1 ' 1 1 II 1 1 | 1 l-T'I I I 1 I 1 | 1 1 M 1 1 ! ! 1

n = 5 jf

co / ^o <L> / £ / O „ /

OH^ 1 o / -d / 0)

-t-j -^

^ 0) / p. / X / H™ - o TEST 2 T2—1.Z4 -

o --/■;,

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

otl = 0.05 /iAl = 4.00 fiBi = 1.00 aAl = 0.05 aB, = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

a,2 = 0.05 fikj, = 4.00 ^B2 = 1.00 tj>2 = 0.05 aBz = 0.05 C = -2.00

p. = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 24


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Actual Power Comparison *—1

1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1111 11 11 11111 i 11111 11111 IIIJJ,^ i 11 i 11111111 11 | -rr

n = 5

CO ^n - <D . £ - o en

OU^ o T3 <D

•+-> T^ *

^ -

<D - a _ X

o _ TEST 2 Fg=1.24 -

tni i i 111111

Act.TEST 2 Act.F2=1.27

o ' '' ' i 11 11 11 i 11 i i i i 11 j i i 11 11 11 11 i i 11 i i

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300


ce, = 0.05 ßAl = 4.00 ßBl = 1.00 <TAI = 0.05 aB, = 0.05 pis = 0.00

ae2 = 0.05 fik2 = 4.00 MBJ = 1.00 oAj = 0.05 CTBJ = 0.05 C = -1.00

Pe = 0.50 pk = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 25


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Actual Power Comparison W M I I I | I T I I I I I I 'I [ 1 1 I ! I I I T I

TEST 2 F2=1.24

Act.TEST 2 Act.F2=1.24

iiij.,1 j i ii 111 ii

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

oej = 0.05 /xA, = 4.00 fj.Bl = 1.00 cAl = 0.05 cBj = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

o,2 = 0.05 /iÄ2 = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 oAa = 0.05 oBl = 0.05 C = 0.00

pe = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 26


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Actual Power Comparison r-l

n = 5 / CO

y /

fr" •" / - 0)


£ / o ,„ ■ /

Pu^ / / _ o


-4-3 Tj<

^ / 0) / ex // X

o - TEST 2 F2-I.24 - Act.TEST 2 Act.F2=1.22

o ,, ,, ,

140 160 180 200 220 240 Yield

260 280 300

oei = 0.05 fiAi = 4.00 fiBi = 1.00 (TA, = 0.05 (7Bl = 0.05 PXB = 0.00

au = 0.05 ^iA2 = 4.00 ßBi = 1.00 aAz = 0.05 aB2 = 0.05 C = 1.00

pe = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB «= 0.50

Figure 27


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Actual Power Comparison T—I

n = 5 /

co S

Vri CL> / £ / O „ /

&««? / o •Ü

<D -+-> Tf

?^ / 0) / OH / X ■■ /

H^ - o TEST Z Fj—1.24 " Act.TEST 2 Act.rg=1.20

o 1 1 > 1 i 1 1 1-LII 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ill 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 > 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

CT«. = 0.05 "A, = 4.00 MB, = 1.00 "*> = 0.05 °B> = 0.05 PAB = 0.00

°*z = 0.05 *A2 = 4.00 MBj = 1.00 "A, = 0.05 °B* = 0.05 C = 2.00

Pe = 0.50 PA = 0.50 PB = 0.50

Figure 28


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Actual Power Comparison I I I II I I I I I | I I I I I I I 1 I | | | | | | | | | M I I I I | I I I I | | | | | | I | | | I I I I I | I I I I I I I I

TEST 2 F2=1.44

Act.TEST 2 Act.F2=1.72

111111111 '•'TVl'i'i't ' I I I I , , , , |

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

°e, = °05 /iAj = 4.00 ßBi = 1.00 aA> = 0.05 cB% = 0.05 PAB = 0.00

c,8 = 0.10 fiAl = 4.00 /uB, = 1.00 aAz = 0.10 CTBS, = 0.05 C = -2.00

P» = °-50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 29


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Actual Power Comparison T—1

111111111111111111111111 ii 1111111M1111111111 ii 11111 ii11111111111111111M iii M i

n = 1 ^^^^ ...-

CO jS*^

^ OJ y^

£ / o .^ / PU^ / o X3 (D


?* / 0) / ft / X / w~ - o TEST Z Fg—1.44 .

Act.TEST 2 Act.F2=1.57 -

o 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300


a., = 0.05 pki = 4.00 MB, = J 00 CTA, = 0.05 aBl = 0.05 p^ = 0.00

a.a = 0.10 /2Aj = 4.00 MB2 = 1-00 aAj = 0.10 CB2 = 0.05 C = -1.00

p. = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 30


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Actual Power Comparison 1111111111 111 MI 11 ii 1111111111111111M ii 111111111111111111

TEST 2 Fz=1.41

Act.TEST 2 Act.F8=1.53

140 160 180 200 .220 240 260 280 300 Yield

atl = 0.05 ßkl = 4.00 MB, = 100 cAi = 0.05 aB, = 0.05 pAB = 0.00

ae2 = 0.10 ßkz = 4.00 MB2 = 1.00 a^ = 0.10 (TB2 = 0.05 C = -2.00

Pe = 0.50 pA = 0.50 PB = 0.50

Figure 31


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Actual Power Comparison 1111M11111 111111111111 111M1111111111111111111111M111

TEST 2 F2=1.41

Act.TEST 2 Act.F2=1.44

' ' ■ ■ ' ' 11 . i i i 11 i i i i 1 ■'■■■■■■ ■ '' *' *

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

«■ = 0.05 MA, = 4.00 MB, = 1.00 °*, = 0.05 OB, = 0.05 PAB = = 0.00

«2 = 0.10 MA2

= 4.00 MB2 = 1.00 CTA2 = 0.10 °B2

= 0.05 C = -1.00

e = 0.50 PA = 0.50 PB = 0.50

Figure 32


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Actual Power Comparison TH

Mil | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | I I I I I I i I I 11 i i i i i i i i | i i i i i i i i i | i i i i i i i TT-

n = 3 •""-


^o OJ ■

£ - o „ -

OH^ - o

-Ö <D

-t-3 Tt

^ri " <P ■

OH - X . H™ -

o "

mill li.ixuj JJJJJJJJJJJ-J

Act.TEST 2 Act.F2-l.06

J_l_ o

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300


ae, = 0.05 /iA| = 4.00 pBi = 1.00 aA, = 0.05 aBl = 0.05 PXB = 0.00

o„2 = 0.10 fiki = 4.00 MB2 = 1°° °k2 = 010 aB2 = 0.05 C = -2.00

pe = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 33


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Actual Power Comparison »—I

11 11 11 11 111 11 i 11111 11111 | i 1111 11 11 111 11 11 11 i [iiiiiiiii 11 11 111 i

n = 3 ^^^^





- /



- /

ft X


o Act.TEST 2 Act.Fg—1.50

o IllilllllJjl IJIJJllJjUllJJJjJjJJllU

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 Yield

280 300

oej = 0.05 fiAl = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 oA, = 0.05 aBl = 0.05 PXB = 0.00

an - 0.10 nAl = 4.00 fiBl = 1.00 akt - 0.10 aBj = 0.05 C = -1.00

p. = 0.50 pk = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 34


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Actual Power Comparison ■*-<

III 111111111111111111 1111 111111111111111111 M i

- n = 5 -

GO ■

^n J0^ - <L> s - £ / - o,„ / .

PL«"* / o


-i-5 ^

?* / - 0) - a _ X

o -

TEST 2 F2—1.38 - Act.TEST 2 Act.F2=1.47

• o ■ 11 1 11 i-i_i-i_i..j.i 1.1 11 1111 1 ■ i J 1 1 1

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Yield

oti = 0.05 fikl = 4.00 MB, = 1 00 aAl = 0.05 aB, = 0.05 PAB = 0.00

aez = 0.10 nkz = 4.00 fiBz = 1.00 aA2 = 0.10 oB2 = 0.05 C = -2.00

pe = 0.50 pA = 0.50 pB = 0.50

Figure 35


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Actual Power Comparison i r i r t i i' i i | i i i ii i r r i | T T T r FT M r ] TTTI IIIII | TTT'TTTTTTTTT'T'TTI i "i i | M i I T T m n| i i i i r r T T_L

TEST 2 F2=1.38

Act.TEST 2 Act.F2=1.42

I t t t t i i i i t i I i i i i i i M n | x

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 Yield

280 300

«s = 0.05 "A, = 4.00 MB, = 1.00 "*! = 0.05 "B, = 0.05 PtS = 0.00

°; = 0.10 MA2 = 4.00 MB, = 1.00 CTA2

= 0.10 °*z = 0.05 c = ■1.00

P. = 0.50 PA = 0.50 PB = 0.50

Figure 36


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Proof of Theorem 1

For the new observation m related to Wc, the conditional pdf of m given

iitin, /(m|mn) is as follows:

f(m\ttLn) = J fi(mj\vtn)dß

= J f2(m\ßA)h(ß\mn)dß

f2(m\ß)fz(ß\^n)dß, (Al) /

where /i,/2, and /3 are the probability densities. The last equation is obtained

due to the independence between m and in„ when ß is given. The conditional

distribution of ß given mn may be computed using Bayes' law as follows:

Mfi\^)=lhUW^"W ■ (A2)

j h(ß)L(T&„\ß)dß '

where h is the prior density of the parameter vector ß and L is the likelihood

function for the data mn, given values of ß. If we assume ej are independent

multivariate normal, then


L(^n\ß) = H^mj\ß\ 3=1


rKmjW = (27r)-P|Ee|-1/2exp{ - I(m,- - D^/E^m; - D^)}.


f2(m\ß)L(nln\ß) = L(^n+1\ß,mn+l = m,Wn+1 = Wc)

since e^ are independent. Thus referring to (Al) and (A2) leads to

/(mlm-n) = .W)£("*"+llftm"+l = m>Wn+l = Wc)dß f h(ß)L(xän\ß)dß

Thus if h(ß) is available, / is completely determined.


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h(ß)L(TZn\ß) oc cxp[-±{(ß--ltß)'Vß1(ß-»ß)

+ ^(mi-D^)VK-D^)}

The exponential of (A3) is -1/2 times



Let W0n = E"=l W0j/n. Since D; = (1, Woj) 0 Ip,


2DJB"^ = E ((1. Wbi)' ® IP)2e*((1, Wbi) ® Ip) i=i i=i

-tff1 *iW) 'e

-1 0 (Ee/n)

IV Won £?=!</"/ V '

= JE„ 0 (Ee/n) } ,

= <


where -1


1 w0n

Let ih(n) = YJj=\ mj/n and "V(n) = £j=l Wojtnj/n. Then Jt is easy to

verify that

E npe^j = Hn)^W(n)) (*2 ® (Se/n)"1).


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We can rewrite (A4) as follows:

0 [E^1 + {En 0 (Ee/n) }" ]ß - 2 [jfö1 + (m'(n), m^(n))

—1 n

• (l2 0 (se/n) )] 0 + ^E^/i/J + 53 mJEe lmi i=i

= (0 - Zn)' [E^1 + {En 0 (Ee/n) }_1] (^ - Z„) -In

Z'„ [E^1 + {En 0 (Ee/n) } ] Z„ + ^E^ + £ mJ^lm. lj>


Z« = -1-1-1

n= [E^ + {En®(Ee/n)} '] l Ttfpß + {l2 0 (Ee/n) *} ( "^

Since -(l/2)(0 - Z^E*1 + {E„ 0 (Ee/n)}_1](0 - Z„) is the exponential

of the multivariate normal density with mean Zn and variance [Eä + {En 0

(Ee/n)}-1]"1, and / exp[-(l/2)(ß - Zn)'[E^ + {E„ 0 (Ee/n)}"1]^ - Zn))dß

is a constant, it can be shown that

J h(ß)L(TÄn\ß)dß oc exp[ - (l/2){ - Z'n [E^1 + {E„ 0 (Ee/n) }_1]z„

n + ^E-1^ + Em;E-1mi}].


For the new observation m, let /(m|m„) be the conditional density of m

given mn in the unconstrained case. Then

/(m|m„) = f h(ß)L(iZn+i\ß,mn+i = m,Wb,n+l = We)dß

oc exp

f h(ß)L(xZn\ß)dß

- (l/2){ - Z'B+1 [E^1 + {En+1 ® (Ee/(n + 1)) }_1] Zn+1

+ Z'n [E^1 + {En 0 (Ee/n) }_1] Z„ + m'E-1™}], (A5)


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Zn+1 = R-n+i E^+{l2®(=e/(n + l)) ^(P""^ .mW(n+l)

Rn+1 = E^1 + {En+i ® (Ee/(n +1)) } ,

En+1"Uo,n+l E3ilX'/(» + 1)/ ' n+1

i=i n+1

™»T(n+l) = J2 W0jmj/(n + 1), i=l n+1

^0,n+l = £ ^0j7(" + 1), J=l

with mn+i = m and Wo,n+l = Wc-


m(n+l) = (n/(n + l))«»(n) + (V(n + l))m

m^(„+i) = (n/(n + l))nV(n) + (wc/(n + l))m.


® m. Wc


Therefore the exponential of (A5) is —1/2 times

- M'n+1Rn+iMn+i + Z'n [E^1 + {E„ ® (Ee/n)p]z„ - /I'E"


(m-^E-^m-zi), (A.6) +


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Mn+i = Rn |j V^ + («A» + 1)) {h ® (WC« + 1)) ' } f ^^

E = So Ee — H l-l

mW(n) / J



/i = E{(l,Wc)®E-1}E/,[E^+{En+1®(Ee/(n + l))}] *

.{En+i®(Ee/(n + l))} E^V/J + nfc^S-1)^ "^ ) , L \ mW(n) ) .

H = {(1, Wc) ® IP}S^ [fy + {En+1 ® (Ee/(n + 1)) }] "1

{EB+i®(Ee/(n + l))}|f ®\v\-

Since the first three terms in (A6) are not function of m, which are constants,

the theorem holds.

Proof of Theorem 2

Note the distribution of nij given ß\ is the multivariate normal with mean

PL + ^Ljßl an(i variance Ee.

h{ßi)I4&n\ßl) oc exp[ - (l/2){(/*i - /ii/E^l " Ml) n

+ E(mJ " ^ - I>Ljßl)'2e\™j -ML- Djyft)}] .(A7) 3=1

The exponential of (A7) is —1/2 times

(ßl ~ Z»y [Sr1 + £ (ü^D^)] (ft - Z„) - Z'n [EJ-I + £ (D^-E-^^)] i=i





Z„ = i-l

V+E (P'LJ^^LJ))' [=rVi+EDi;EeV; -^)' • i=i i=i


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J h{ßl)L{^n\ßl)dßl

(l/2){ - Z'n [EJ-1 + £ (D^D^JZ» oc exp


For the new observation m, let /c(m|ntn) be the conditional density of m

given mn in the constrained case. Then

f h(ßi)L(mn+i\ßi,mn+i = m, W0)n+1 = We)dßi /c(m|m„) =

n+1 ex exp[ - (1/2){ - Z'B+1 [EJ-1 + £ (D^E"1^)] Zn+1


+ Z'n [^r1 + E (DliEe ^Lj)] Zn + (m - /i^E'V - |IL)}],


DX,n+l =

where Zn_|.i is defined as Zn with mn+i = m, and

1 c\ C2 ••• cp_i

,WC ci^c c2Wc ••• Cp-iWc

For A; = l,2,---,n + 1, let Rk = E^Vl + £*=i DijSe Hmj ~ 0L)I and let

Q* = Sr^EjtiCD^E-iD^)- Then with Zn+1 = Rn+D^E-^m-iij), it is easy to show that (A8) is

exp [ - (l/2){ - R'nQ^Rn + Z'nQ„Z„ + (m - HL)' [E"1 - E^D^+iQ"^

■ Di,n+iSe*] (m - /iL) - 2R'nQ^1Di)„+1E-1(m - |iL)}]

oc exp[ - (l/2){(m - /ic/E^m - /ic)}],


Ec = [lp - D^+xQ-^D'^E-1] _1Ee,

Hc = ML + VcVe1VL,n+lQnllR«-

The last result is obtained because Qn, Qn+i,Rn, and Zn are not function of m.


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Anderson, T. W. (1984), An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

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Rao, C. R. (1973), Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Shumway, R. H. (1991), "Multivariate Calibration and Yield Estimation with Errors in Variables," Air Force Technical Applications Center, Patrick AFB, FL 32925.

Shumway, R. H. and Der, Z. A. (1990), "Multivariate Calibration and Yield Estimation for Nuclear Tests," Unpublished Manuscript.