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A-801 Monday Section 1 W EDNESDAY, 19 TH S EPTEMBER

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What are linear statistical models?

A-801 Monday Section1Wednesday, 19th SeptemberUnit 0: Shopping Class Slide #1Roadmap for todayHouse keeping How do the pieces fit together?Questions/AOB?


Housekeeping - 3Final projects forumHighly encouraged to work in groups for the papers.Paper I details (all in the syllabus)8 pgs. (stick to the page limit. Add a cover page with your name & paper title)Due Oct. 5th 5 p.m EST (dropbox closes @ 5 sharp)20% of grade refer to rubric in syllabusIf a B- or less, option to re-submit within a week. Avg. of grades will be takenContent:Identify an issue pertaining to opportunities of children to learnCountry/region specificWhy is this issue importantEmpirical evidence to justifyEmpirical X AnecdotalAPA citations

3Section LeadingMust sign-up today.S-040, Fall 2010 / Unit 9: Regression in Practice Prof. Masyn (HGSE, 2010)4Resources5Journals Comparative Education ReviewJournal of Comparative & International EducationInternational EducationSubject based journalsSociety for International Education Journal at Teachers College

Blogs/Sites to followWorld Education Blog - UNESCOEducation for Global Development World BankEduTech World BankChris Blattman Brookings Center for Universal EducationSave the Children; UNICEF etc.Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and IPA

5Creating social value who defines social good? How do we judge impact then? 6

6Creating social value who defines social good? How do we judge impact then? Where are we-7

How do we measure progress?InputsPer pupil SpendingProcessesStructures, CurriculumOutputsEducational Attainment, LiteracyOutcomesEmployment and Productivity, Political Participation, Social Capital

8Your first stop for education data

Education at a Glance 2011: OECD

S-040, Fall 2010 / Unit 9: Regression in Practice Prof. Masyn (HGSE, 2010)9Key IndicatorsGross Enrollment RatesNet Enrollment RatesRepetition RatesStudent Flows completion ratesLearningSkills10IndicatorsLiteracy :Adult (15+) literacy rate, by sex, Youth (15-24) literacy rate, by sexPrimary education: Primary net enrolment ratio, by sex, Girl's share of primary enrolmentSecondary education: Secondary net enrolment ratio, by sex, Girl's share of secondary enrolmentTertiary education: Tertiary gross enrolment ratio, by sex, Women's share of tertiary enrolmentSchool life expectancy:School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education) by sex

11Dimensions of educational inequality: Racial Inequality Gender Inequality Casts Inequality Socio-economic inequality Regional inequality

12What is equality of educational opportunity?

Conservative Definition (Position in the social structure determines education chances)

Liberal Definition (Equality of Treatment)

Progressive Definition (Equality of Outcomes requires inequality of treatment. Positive Discrimination).13Equality of Educational OpportunityEquality of Outcomes (Social and Cultural Capital) Options in Life.Equality of Learning OutputsEquality of ProcessesEquality of InputsEquality of Access

14Equality of Inputs Per-Pupil expendituresTeacher characteristicsInstructional ResourcesPhysical facilities Learning outputs and outcomes from prior levels. The role of school segregation

15Equality of Processes

Instructional PracticesTeacher responsivenessTime on taskFit between curriculum and student background Language of instruction16Equality of OutputsResults tied to curriculum objectives

Academic SkillsEducational Attainement

17Equality of OutcomesEqual FreedomEqual Capabilities (not functionings)Equal Social CapitalEqual Cultural Capital18Today1. Analyze a policy document. A Global Compact for learning.2. Review the Eightfold Path3. Discuss the role of transfer in innovation4. Examine the role of modeling for transfer

A Global Compact for LearningCore argument

What is the problem?

What are the solutions?Bardachs Eightfold PathWhat if we had to develop the global compact, and decided to follow the Eightfold path. What would that process look like? What would we do?How is that different from the process followed to produce the Global Compact?The Eightfold PathDefine the ProblemAssemble some EvidenceConstruct the AlternativesSelect the CriteriaProject the OutcomesConfront the TradeoffsDecideTell your Story22

Repetition.Why worry about it?Isnt repetition a second chance? An extension of learning time?High Levels probably higher than reportedConsequences to students time to graduate, impact on self, leads to dropout?Under-age and over-age childrenEvidence of low levels of academic achievement?23Why do children repeat grades?Because they are not ready to meet the academic expectations of the gradeBecause their teachers dont teach effectivelyBecause their parents do not support their academic workBecause the curriculum is too demandingBecause there are not enough spaces for them in the next grade


What causes repetition?--modeling education processes--Household factors. Disproportionately among low SES children.Distinction between lower stage repetition and later grade repetitionCausal paths: povertynutritionabsenteeismBUT demand factors MEDIATED by school factors or in interactionSchool factorsHigh prevalence in rural, multigraded schoolsInbalances in class size among early and upper gradesEvaluation standards used by teachers25Trends of Analysis of RepetitionAutomatic PromotionRaise opportunities to learnChange cultures of repetitionRole of cultural context education systems vary enormously in terms of the incidence, causes and consequences of repetition.Repetition Rates have systemic causes26Policy OptionsComprehensive multipronged strategies home/school(e.g. adult literacy, mid-day meals, better school facilities, more textbooks, inservice training, and greater community involvement in schooling or strategies to improve readiness including nutrition, health and pre-school education; involving communities).27Prioritizing interventionsHome basedIncrease equity (remove fees and scholarships)Increase school fit (parental involvement, local control, enforce laws)Increase school readiness (parent education, community health and nutrition, infant stimulation)School basedIncrease school readiness (early entry, preschool provision)Increase access (enforce laws, fund school by attendance, eliminate fees, add grades or cluster schools, incentives to attract teachers to rural areas).Increase quality (reduce class size, lengthen school year/day, improve teacher quality, increase supervision, provide free textbooks)Improve assessment (competency based objectives, criterion referenced testing, performance based incentives for schools). Need for Systemic Sectoral Interventions.28Transfer and InnovationWhat is the argument?

What is contextualized transfer?

Where does it fit in the Eightfold Path?

In small groups, identify a particular country. You are a task force tasked with designing a country approach to implementing the Global Compact. Model the factors that influence the outcome you wish to change?How would you use contextualized transfer to stimulate educational innovation in any of the areas mentioned in the report?