September 9, 2012 EVANGELISM

9-9-2012 rev1 web · 2018-04-17 · SUNDAY • September 9, 2012 VOLUME 46 ISSUE 37 This Bulletin is a publication of: First Bible Baptist Church MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Women's Retreat

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Page 1: 9-9-2012 rev1 web · 2018-04-17 · SUNDAY • September 9, 2012 VOLUME 46 ISSUE 37 This Bulletin is a publication of: First Bible Baptist Church MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Women's Retreat

September 9, 2012EVANGELISM

Page 2: 9-9-2012 rev1 web · 2018-04-17 · SUNDAY • September 9, 2012 VOLUME 46 ISSUE 37 This Bulletin is a publication of: First Bible Baptist Church MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Women's Retreat

Introducing Today’s SermonBy Pastor Grace

If you are seeking a more comfortable socially acceptable way of presenting the Gospel to the unreached . . . forget it. Th e Gospel is called "the off ence of the cross." Th e Gospel is off ensive to the unregenerated ear, the gospel, i.e., the pure Gospel, stinks! One must be lost to be found. One must be damned to be a prospect for forgiveness and salvation. Th ere is no socially or culturally acceptable way of telling people that without God's forgiveness and the cleansing provided through the blood of Christ, that they are destined for and deserving of hell. Th is is the essence of the human condition, fallen, broken, lost, damned, guilty and headed down the road to the logical eternal destination. Let's face it, if a person doesn’t get off ended by the logical and theological consequences of sin they probably don't understand.

Most of us, if not all of us, think that we deserve a little bit of heaven. Th e cross is an off ence to the human spirit and pride. It says that I am not acceptable to God in my purely human state — so true. Th at's the bad news! Hopefully people will dialogue long enough to realize that there is good news; there's great news. I am not responsible for solving the sin problem for anyone else, but I am responsible to share my "God-story," i.e., how God intersected my life and gave me an eternal hope and solution beyond the bad news.

As uncomfortable, unrewarding and potentially repulsive as it may be, it is our responsibility to GO and tell, talk, verbalize, and communicate the God story!

John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."





SUNDAY MORNING • 8:30 & 10:30 A.M.Pastor Grace


SUNDAY EVENING • 6:00 P.M.Dr. David Gibbs III

WEDNESDAY EVENING • 7:00 P.M.Joe Marcone / John McAfee


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5:00 P.M. Reducing the Risk— C-105 (See the

Website for info.)

11 9:00-10:30 P.M. Men’s Prayer — Wedge

12 7-8:30 P.M. AWANA OPENS

8:45-10:00 P.M. Deacon's Meeting — Wedge


15 8:00-9:30 A.M. Men’s Prayer Meeting — Cafe



23-26 Bible Conference

8:30, 10:30 A.M.; 6:00 P.M. Sunday

7:00-8:30 P.M. Monday - Wednesday

10:30 A.M. Link a class for people in their 20s-30s

— Cove

27 7:00 P.M. Merge United College Bible Study

— Summit Classrooms

Page 3: 9-9-2012 rev1 web · 2018-04-17 · SUNDAY • September 9, 2012 VOLUME 46 ISSUE 37 This Bulletin is a publication of: First Bible Baptist Church MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Women's Retreat

Wanda (Doug) SmithTh ank you so much for your prayers and your cards. As many of you know on July 16, my mom went home to be with the Lord. Your kind thoughts have helped bring comfort to our family in our time of loss. May God bless you all.

Glenn CarterTh ank you to everyone that for the last two years has ministered to my mom, Isabelle, as she was in and out of the hospital. She received so many cards, and I know you were praying for her. We miss her but know that she is walking the streets of heaven with Dad.


About the BulletinSUNDAY • September 9, 2012


This Bulletin is a publication of:

First Bible Baptist Church

MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIESWomen's Retreat Re.New is forming teams. If you would like to be a part of the planning and organizing of this great women's event in 2013, come meet with other organizers on Monday, September 17, 7:00 p.m. in the Wedge Room. We have a place for decorators, photogra-phers, game leaders, drama, set up, clean up or just be there to love on the ladies that attend. Come get involved. If you are interested and cannot attend this meeting, call Kari; 330-3361 or Kim; 469-9341.

Th e Nursing Home Ministry is requesting donations of used large print Bibles. If you have one to donate, contact Joe DiMora at 671-0965.

VOTER REGISTRATIONYou must register by October 12, in order to vote in the November election. Registration forms are available at the information Wall in commons. Fill it out, drop it at the South Welcome Center and we will send it in for you. Reg-

ister online at http://www2.monroecounty.gov/elections-registration.php.

Senior Citizens: Come join us on Tuesday, September 18 for a tour of a dairy that makes Keefer Cheese from miniature Irish cows. Th eir cheese is available to purchase. Th e farm is located in the hills above Cayuga Lake. Th e bus will leave the parking lot at 9:00 a.m. and return around 4:30 p.m. We will stop at Slayton's in Spencerport for brunch on the way. Th e cost will be $7 for the bus and the tour. You meal will be up to you to pay for. Sign up at the South Welcome Center by Sunday, September 16.


11 years ago terrorists took the lives of thousands of innocent people. Take time this week to pray for their loved ones and thank Him for the protection that He has given your family.

Page 4: 9-9-2012 rev1 web · 2018-04-17 · SUNDAY • September 9, 2012 VOLUME 46 ISSUE 37 This Bulletin is a publication of: First Bible Baptist Church MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Women's Retreat

Written by: Pastor Grace

This Generation Nowincludes everyone at FBBC. However, it has a specifi c goal in mind

bringing our young people to full and God honoring Christian maturity. Our youngest people are the most vulnerable in a world that is not generally “Christian-friendly.”

Why this includes everyone is simple - our children do what we do more than they do what we say. Th ey learn Christianity from watching their parents and other Christian adults. Teachers, coaches, pastors and friends all have infl uence in forming the minds of our youth, but no one has greater infl uence than their parents.

Herein is the reason Th is Generation Now includes everyone at FBBC. We all interact with one another and have signifi cant infl uence with each other, specifi cally our FBBC – kids. Our custom is to send our children to a variety of Christian settings where they will be taught. Have you every worshipped with your children? Is it wrong to bring them to church withyou and have them sit and worship with you?

We need to show our children how to worship, how to pray and what it means to be stewards of all that God has given to us. We need to CONNECT before them as examples to them.

Are you growing with your children in the Word and discipleship? Or are you sending them to someone else to do your job? Do you think that your children see real Christianity in you? We must honestly answer these questions, for the future of Th is Generation Now depends upon careful attention to the present responsibilities to ensure a better, brighter, Christian future. We must GROW together.

Children love to “work” with their parents when they are small. As they grow older this inclination grows weaker. Have you ever SERVED with your children? Have they seen and experienced your own “crucifi ed life” experience? Do they have any stories to tell or any memories to share? “If you love life, lose it,” Jesus said. Could your children report to you how they have observed you “losing your life for Christ’s sake to fi nd it?”

A vision is simply a mental picture of a better future. Many of us are afraid of what will happen to Th is Genera-tion Now. Some are paranoid and paralyzed for the fear of what ap-pears to be inevitable. Worrying will accomplish nothing. Responsible and mature Christians must take action for the benefi t of those who are still trying to understand Christianity and how to navigate the challenges of a life lived for Jesus.

GO! We need some going and telling to create God sightings and interventions for our children. Our children need to see God at work in our lives and theirs. Every serious, mature and committed Christian has a God-story to tell. What is yours? GO and tell it boldly to someone who needs to hear!

Before Th is Generation Now becomes what deep in our hearts we hope it will be — they must fi rst see it in us. I do not even want to begin to think about the alternative.


Page 5: 9-9-2012 rev1 web · 2018-04-17 · SUNDAY • September 9, 2012 VOLUME 46 ISSUE 37 This Bulletin is a publication of: First Bible Baptist Church MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Women's Retreat

By: Pastor Gary Sauer

SEPTEMBER 2012What a blessing it is to tell you about Brockport Campus Min-istry/Athletes in Action! In just two short years since we set foot on Th e College at Brockport campus we have seen God do some amazing things. God orchestrated a need in my fam-ily’s life, which precipitated working at Seabreeze Amusement Park, which led to renewing an acquaintance with the regional director for AIA. He shared how they were praying to start a chapter on the Brockport campus but didn’t know anyone on the west side of town who could do it. One thing led to another and I began ministering at Brockport in August 2010.Athletes in Action is a ministry that focuses on reaching ath-letes, from high school age through professional sports. Th ey are an international ministry as well. Presently they minister in more than 85 countries, on more than 35 professional teams in the US, and more than 130 college campuses nationwide. Rochester is blessed to have three AIA chapters, located at St. John Fisher, the University of Rochester, as well as Brockport.

Brockport Campus Ministry is the “in house” name for AIA, due to fi nancial accounting reasons. It is the same organiza-tion with the same focus on reaching the student-athletes at Brockport. Th ere are almost 600 intercollegiate athletes on 21 teams at Brockport. We have been blessed to have had the

opportunity to minister in one way or another to 7 of those

teams, representing 280 players.

Th e President of the school has personally thanked me for the work we have done on campus. One coach called us “the friend of his team” in front of his players. Another coach strongly encouraged his players to seek out our help and to feel free to contact me if the players needed anything. One of the teams had me lead their recruits on campus tours. One ad-ministrator suggested that the coaches should see the recruit-ing value in letting prospective high school athletes know we are on campus. I have been asked to help radio broadcast one of their team’s games. I have also been approached to handle the public address duties for one of the teams.

God has also opened hearts and doors to work with the ath-letic administration and coaches too. Th ey have approached us to provide meals, tours, help at sporting events, etc. Th ey also sent 43 students out to the Sports Park to help with grounds work.

If you would like to get involved or if you have any questions about the ministry, feel free to contact me at

or call 585-392-0777, ext. 214. I will be glad to share with you even more of what God has done through Brockport Campus Ministry!

God bless,Pastor Gary

MISSIONARY MINUTEHere are some Highlights from this week’s missionary. Read it. It will take you a minute.


THE SKYLINE BOYS In Concert — Friday, October 12, 2012—7:00 PMSponsored by: Southern Gospel NY

Tickets: $12 AdultsChildren 12 and under $8 / Tickets at the door $15 You may purchase tickets at the South Welcome Center between services; at FBBC offi ce; and on line. Contact Bob Spamer or Joyce Lorraine (330-1164) or the website: www.sgny.net

Women of the Word

WOW GROUPSMeet Us In the Living Room. . . once a month on Saturday for 7 months, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m., with Kari Dutton, 129 Marlbourgh Road, (Chili). Starts September 29. Sign up is necessary at the South Welcome center.

Doors of Hope. . . Tuesdays for 6 weeks at 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. child care is provided. Starts Sept. 11, D102 with Andrea Pitcher. No sign up is necessary.

Loving Life from the Inside Out. . . Sundays for 6 weeks at 6:00-7:30 p.m., D-102 with Jhan Sauer. Starts Sept. 9.

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Key Staff Leaders

The rest of the staff can be reached

through email by using this format:

fi [email protected]

Northstar Christian AcademyNCA is a Ministry of FBBC

Northstar Christian Academy

332 Spencerport Road

Rochester, NY 14606

(585) 429-5530 • FAX 429-7913

Merge College Ministry PRESENTS KID'S NIGHT OUT

On Friday, September 21, 5:30 - 9:00 p.m., our college students will off er a chance for a date night, just relaxation, etc. as they open the church and off er to entertain your children (K-6th Grade) with food, fun, games, and contests. Th e cost is $15 per child, or $30 for two or more. What a deal! For more information, pick up a fl yer at the North Welcome Center or contact Sarah Rivera at .

Merge College Bible StudiesTh ese open communities are facilitated and guided by fellow college students and adults. Each study focuses on issues facing college students and meets the fi rst THREE Th ursdays and Fridays of every month at 7:00 p.m. Studies are open. . . attend the ones that you can.

Merge United KICK-OFF: Our monthly night of praise and worship integrates college students from all settings. Join us THURSDAY, September 27 at 7:00 p.m. at FBBC for worship, a challenge from Scripture, and community building.

THURSDAY Nights:Tim and Kristin Sampson19 Sarah Circle, Spencerport, 14559(with Ryan and Janae Grape)

FRIDAY Nights:Nelson and Sarah Rivera87 Carrie Marie Lane, Hilton, 14468(with Shawn and Stephanie Sloan)

Brockport College MinistryAnnounces the Finish Strong 5K to Benefi t Athletes in Action. Th e October 13 event will be a race and fi tness walk held at the Grace and Truth SportsPark. Th e proceeds will be used to reach athletes for Christ through BCM. You can help us in one or more of the following ways:

1. Pray for the event. 2. Register to run/walk the course. 3. Volunteer to help at the race. 4. Sponsor someone who is in the race. 5. Distribute race brochures to get the word out.

Th ey are located in the Information Area of the Commons, and more are avail-able in the Resource Room. Our website is www.FinishStrong5K.com, where you can get more info on the race, register to participate or to volunteer, and download a pledge form to raise sponsors if you run/walk the race. You can pick up an entry form in the Commons. For more information please contact Jeremy Demarest at

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FBBC Pastors


Main Offi ce InformationOffi ce hours are Monday—Friday

9:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M.

First Bible Baptist Church

990 Manitou Road

Hilton, NY 14468

(585) 392-0777 PHONE

(585) 392-4050 FAX

AWANA Clubs LAST WEEK TO REGISTERRegistration is $30; club vests and t-shirts, are $10 and $15 respectively. You can register online or at the South Welcome Center. Payment is required in order to register.

Vacation Bible SchoolVBS will be held, September 23—26 in the evening. Preschool-Kindergarten will meet in Tadpole Bay (North Wing); First Grade—Sixth Grade will start at Seaside Celebration (South Wing). Please sign up at the Welcome Center nearest you.

Summit Student Ministries

LAST WEEK TO REGISTERTh e total for the year of SUMMIT LEDGE is $30. Th is can be paid at the South Welcome Center where you will fi nd a sign up sheet. Questions can be directed to ).

Encounter Revival Ministries team will be ministering in our Summit Ministry during the Bible Conference, September 23-28. We are asking for help to supply them with lunches and some dinners. We will be needing food, paper supplies donated to make this happen. Th ere is a list at the South Welcome Center if you would like to take this opportunity to be a blessing to the team. Th ank you for your hospitality and generosity.


NORTHSTARNEWSOn Tuesday, October 9, 6:00-8:30 p.m. Greg Coutant will be meeting with us in the NCA cafeteria. He will be speaking on Finance for Kids which is a pro-gram that teaches kids disciplined fi nancial manage-ment and how that training can contribute to the development of godly charac-ter. All are welcome to attend, even if you do not have children at NCA. Email [email protected] if you would like to attend.

Page 8: 9-9-2012 rev1 web · 2018-04-17 · SUNDAY • September 9, 2012 VOLUME 46 ISSUE 37 This Bulletin is a publication of: First Bible Baptist Church MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Women's Retreat

A study including more than 15,000 adults revealed that about two-thirds are willing to receive information about a local church from a family member, and 56 percent from a friend or neighbor. The message is clear that the unchurched are open to conversations about church.– Philip Nation, LifeWay Research and National Spokesperson for Back to Church Sunday