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Verse, novella

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It has always been hard

leaving the children

they are growing up so fast

and I can’t even watch it happen

all I have is the loneliness of

getting on and off these planes

everyday to new places by myself

Business class is always very

quiet and tense, everyone keeps

to themselves

I wonder if all these people

have to leave their wife and children

to travel for a job they don’t even like

I look down at the photo in my wallet

of my two baby girls

I remember I am only doing this for them

trying to provide them with the best life I can

it hurts that I can’t be there for their

4th birthday party, but I’ll see them

next week

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Our day of jubilation has come

I pray to Allah that the plan will work

I pray that by doing this

Afghanistan will rise above America

and be able to have our own culture

around us instead of these filthy American ways.

They are such hypercritics,

Americans were the ones who trained

us to fight and gave us guns

to supposably keep Russia out

when really they should be kept out

they have influenced our people to dress and talk differently

After this my country will be free

we will no longer change our culture and religion

we will have revenge and they will

feel over powered and destroyed

just as we felt when they took over

The moment of triumph has come

the planes have taken off and all is in motion

soon millions will know who we are

and this day of revenge and victory

will be spoken about for years

the day that the culture of evil died

under my order to save my country.

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My hands are tired from typing these financial papers

My family must have me for dinner last night

I can’t imagine what they might be thinking of me

You can’t count on someone who is never ever there.

I should give myself a break and call them to say sorry

For missing diner with them. I can’t barely stay awake, my eyes are

Slowly shutting like when a baby is tired they can’t stay awake.

I head up to the tearoom to get a hot, steaming,

And sugar free coffee. Where are those donuts? The donuts are

Like the secret ingredient to a prefect morning breakfast.

Look at that view; it is like sleeping in a 5 star hotel

And waking to find the city right before your very eyes.

I put my cup of coffee down but I forgot to get

Some napkins silly me. The cup starts shaking and the tables

And chairs start falling to one side. I’m confused about

What is happening; it is only a cup of coffee. It can’t

Make the tables and chairs fall. I feel the floor tilting to one side. I hear people screaming and running away

from the building.

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I ask what is going on when I hear the police asking

People to evaluate the building and get far away as possible.

I start running to my desk collecting all my personals; saving

Those financial papers, what am I doing? These aren’t as in

Important as my life and love ones who are scared and terrified

For my safety. My hands start shaking and I start sweating

I am so terrified! Where is my mobile I should now

Definitely call my family now because it could be my last……

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Coming from Australia

looking at these beautiful towers

that I have always dreamed of seeing

I am so excited to be here

I hear a crash

I see smoke

there are people standing

in the middle of the street, gather

to see what has happened

I hear the cries and the phone calls to loved ones

The two beautiful towers

burning the lives of the people inside passing

the sound of people grieving for their loved ones

people never getting a chance to see

to love ones

The smoke starts to cover everything around us

the fire spreading throughout the building

the planes going further into the building

killing more innocent lives

what once was one of the

beautiful sites I’ve ever seen

burning to the ground.

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People scream in horror

lives changing forever

Innocent lives are being lost

families are being destroyed

Sirens roam the streets

police officers, fire fighters, ambulances everywhere

everyone shocked and confused but we all get to work

Doing our best to save the lives of these victims

Being a fire fighter is struggle

I see lives lost all the time

knowing that some of these people didn’t get to say goodbye

so much pain so much torture

The falling buildings come crashing down

a thousand lives inside

blood everywhere

People broken to pieces from signficatly large items falling

So little hope left

people taking in their last breath

I rescued this one young girl from the building

daughter, sister, mum, wife

her face smeared in blood, 30 degree severe burns

she cries in pain

Not much hope in her surviving but I try staying positive

I carry her out with so much fear, I couldn’t just leave her there otherwise she

wouldn’t have survived. Everyone deserved a chance to get out of that falling


she stopped breathing, I held my breath and prayed the medical doctors could

help her, they were able to resuscitate her.

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Paralysed for life, with severe burns everywhere.

one life saved but many others lost

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Arriving at the destroyed scene. I see people running and screaming

From the top of their lungs it was like the whole world was coming to an end.

No last regrets; everyone is on their own.

The Building is on fire, the sky is turning black from all the smoke.

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I ran straight towards the scene as if I was a child on a sugar that couldn’t wait

To get on the rides but accept that I’m trying to save lives.

My partner runs back to the car and gets the mage phone, and gets on top

Of a car and is giving directions on how to get out of the city quickly as possible.

Everyone turns and faces my partner and listens the only

Things that you can hear are the building fall, and the smoke going into the atmosphere.

I get on top of a car and say to help those in need of assistants and help.

Everyone stops and does what they are told. As we were evaluating the scene the press

We’re going to do anything to get a great story; I should have warned them more.

The whole police force is arriving at the scene

To help, I could say that all the lives were saved that day but that

Wouldn’t be saying what truly happen.

When suddenly a turned around and the huge crowd run all over me.

I awake to find the world to have experience a true pain. I was

Carried to safety but some of the lives that I was saving couldn’t be spared.

This day will have impacted on many lives and will stay with them


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What has happen?

I heard a huge bang a few levels up

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then a crack and a rumble

smoke spread though the building

after that I blanked out

I woke up with a sore head

being treated by paramedics at the scene

my eyes started to open as slow as a turtle

I saw my work building on fire

with smoke rearing from every end.

I didn’t know if I was dreaming or not

because I saw an elephant of a plane hanging out

of the building sizzling.

I had pain all through my body but

I couldn’t feel my legs, I wasn’t thinking

of it at the time until the young doctor

that me and told me that I would be

able to walk again.

My heart started to break, my tears blurred

my vision. I ask myself why I deserved this.

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One year ago many lives changed forever, including mine

One year ago was the last time I could walk and have proper functioning


One year ago was the last time I felt happy with the way I looked

One year ago a Beautiful Disaster hit New York

One year ago the twin towers came crashing down

One year ago was when everyone was running for their dear lives

One year ago fire burned the lives of the people inside passing, killing

thousands of innocent lives

One year ago...