The Reverend Monica B. Guepet, Lead Pastor 300 North Guernsey Road West Grove, PA 19390 ALL SAINTS SUNDAY COMMUNION SUNDAY EMERGENCY AID SUNDAY NOVEMBER 5, 2017

8:30 Contemporary Worship Service - West Grove United …westgroveumc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Worshi… ·  · 2017-11-07Joann Coates Pastor Jim Mundell Philip Colvin (Culbertson)

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Page 1: 8:30 Contemporary Worship Service - West Grove United …westgroveumc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Worshi… ·  · 2017-11-07Joann Coates Pastor Jim Mundell Philip Colvin (Culbertson)



*Opening Song “I Will Rise Up” PraiseWorks Band

Welcome and Ministry Opportunities

Please fill out the Friendship Register on the clipboard located on a chair in your row. First-time visitor or member, let us know you were here.

*Celebration Set “I Need You Every Hour” PraiseWorks Band “We All Bow Down”

*Passing of the Peace PraiseWorks Band


Moment For All Ages Karen Hruz

Old Testament Lesson Genesis 33: 1-11; 35: 22b-29 Judy Gambill

New Testament Lesson Revelation 7: 9-17 Judy Gambill

Children from Age 4 through Grade 4 are dismissed to meet in room #10 for Children’s Worship. Parents, please pick up your children immediately following the worship service in room #10.

Children ages birth to 3 are welcome to attend the nursery in room #15 to participate in a story and guided activities.

Sermon “Saints in Newly Washed Clothes” Pastor Monica


Offering “For All The Saints” PraiseWorks Band

Offertory Prayer (Unison) Pastor Shirley

Invitation Pastor Shirley

The Great Thanksgiving All are welcome. Our communion bread is gluten free and nut free so that all may receive together.

Our cup is grape juice, so that all may partake.

The Lord’s Prayer Pastor Monica

Communion Song “The Table” PraiseWorks Band

Prayer After Receiving (Unison) Pastor Shirley

*Closing Song “The Sound of the Saints” PraiseWorks Band

*Benediction Pastor Monica


*= Please stand as you are able Bold Print = Say in unison

8:30 Contemporary Worship Service


The Reverend Monica B. Guepet, Lead Pastor 300 North Guernsey Road

West Grove, PA 19390



Page 2: 8:30 Contemporary Worship Service - West Grove United …westgroveumc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Worshi… ·  · 2017-11-07Joann Coates Pastor Jim Mundell Philip Colvin (Culbertson)




Welcome and Ministry Opportunities Pastor Monica Please fill out the Friendship Register on the clipboard located on a chair in your row.

First-time guest or member, let us know you were here!

*Call to Worship (Responsive) Janet Phillips

One: We come as people of hope, Many: like Abraham and Sarah. One: We come as people with doubts,

Many: like Isaac and Rebekah. One: We come as people with questions, Many: like Jacob, Rachel and Leah. One: We come as people of courage, Many: like Joseph. One: We come as people with parts to play in the story of faith, Many: saints and sinners together.

*Processional Hymn “For All The Saints” UMH 711, v. 1,2,4,5

*Opening Prayer (Unison) Janet Phillips

God with Us, we praise you for those we love and those we tolerate. We thank you for all of the saints who we have known and heard stories of. May their

lives lived be for us glimpses of your glory and examples of your grace, prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying. Let us live so others will see your ways

in us. In the name of the Gracious God, we pray, Amen.

*Passing of the peace Janet Phillips One: The peace of Christ be with you. Many: And also with you.


Moment for All Ages Karen Hruz

Old Testament Lesson Genesis 33: 1-11; 35: 22b-29 Janet Phillips

New Testament Lesson Revelation 7: 9-17 Janet Phillips

Response to the Lessons Janet Phillips One: This is the word of God for the people of God. Many: Thanks be to God! Amen.

11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship

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Meditations For Your Week Sunday, November 5th —Saturday, November 11th

Sunday: “After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands.” Revelation 7:9. God’s way never is just for a few. God’s way is for the multitude. Pray that God will open your eyes to the fullness of God’s way.

Monday: “singing, ‘Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God for ever and ever! Amen.’” Revelation

7: 12. Praise unites us. Where can you share praises?

Tuesday: “Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, ‘Who are these, robed in white, and where have they come from?’” Revelation 7: 13. We are sometimes surprised by all those God loves. Pray that God will open your hearts to love as God does.

Wednesday: “I said to him, ‘Sir, you are the one that knows.’ Then he said to me, ‘These are they who have come out of the great ordeal; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Revelation 7: 14. We, who have been through great ordeals, can depend on God to make us white. Praise God!

Thursday: “For this reason they are before the throne of God, and worship him day and night within his temple, and the one who is seated on the throne will shelter

them.” Revelation 7:15. Where do you need God’s shelter?

Friday: “They will hunger no more, and thirst no more; the sun will not strike them, nor any scorching heat.” Revelation 7:16. Give thanks to God who will use us to bring no more hunger and no more thirst. Open your heart to where you are being nudged to feed others.

Saturday: “for the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of the water of life, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” Revelation 7:17. Offer your grief to God. May your tears be wiped away and may you know the water of life.

Page 3: 8:30 Contemporary Worship Service - West Grove United …westgroveumc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Worshi… ·  · 2017-11-07Joann Coates Pastor Jim Mundell Philip Colvin (Culbertson)



Tom Adams

Cory Beattie (Shaub)

Fran Bryan

George Byrne (Yarbrough)

Joann Coates

Philip Colvin (Culbertson)

Dee Crawford

Nina Dickinson (B. Ranieri)

Tom Fagan

Ed Farrell (Babcock)

Laura Featherston

Bill Fili, Jr. (Bratton)

Joann Frost

Jim Hunt (Kr. Boyd)

Muff & Don Hurst

Peg Kent

William Kirwin

Wanda Kreutzfeldt

Susan Lacy (Mullen)

Rosemary MacCoun

Dave McClain

Lynn Morgan (McClain)

Peggy Mowrer

Tim Mullen

Pastor Jim Mundell

Lola Nadolny (Hruz)

Nancy Pearo (Heist)

Willy Raiford (Babcock)

Rick Renzulli (McGinley)

Roann Schneider

Mary Small (Kapp-Benner)

Rick Spencer (K. Smith)

Stephen Spitko (Howard)

Jeannie Sullivan

Maureen Stickel (Fackler)

Eric Stover (Kreutzfeldt)

Zach Trexler (Lytle)

Gisela Winkler (Mullen)

Ron and Marliss Wilson

Daniel Engberg—Iraq (Hruz)

Tom Fagan - USA (Whelan)

Brian Kubo - Qatar (Mullen)

LTC Eric Maxwell,

Chesapeake, VA

(The Rambergers)

Jimmy Strawhecker - NJ

(Lynne Strawhecker)

Chris Weidman - Japan (Miller)

Ed Tolmie


Would you like to add someone to the Prayer Chain? Weekdays, please contact Donna Fackler at the church office: [email protected] or 610-869-9334. After office hours and on weekends, please contact Sara Ann Ramberger at [email protected] or 610-869-3863. All prayer requests will remain in the bulletin for four Sundays. If you would like to have the prayer concern extended, please update your request with Donna. Thank you.

Community Prayer Focus: Church Finances Mission Prayer Focus in: Sunday Breakfast Mission

Page 10

This Sunday, November 5th Next Sunday, November 12th

Ushers—8:30 Gene and Alison Aucott The Bushnells Greeters—8:30 The Catoias The Hills Ushers—11:00 George Anderson/OPEN OPEN Greeters—11:00 OPEN OPEN Acolyte 8:30/11 Cecelia Figueroa/Ian Ditzel Mac Catoia/Alisabeth Guepet Nursery 8:30/9:45/11 Bruno/Catoia/Castaldi Rubincan/Mullen/Leaman C. Worship—8:30/11 OPEN/OPEN Covington/OPEN Lay Reader—8:30 Judy Gambill Mark Simonds Liturgist—11:00 Janet Phillips Dave Talley Moment All Ages Karen Hruz Julie Hughes Prayer Room 8:30/11Pam Howard/Susan Paisley Cindy Haley/Pastor Shirley Hospitality 8:30/11 Rain Catoia/The Stuhrkes Stuhrkes/Stuhrkes Counters Anderson/Shaub Stuhrkes Sound Booth Keith Schneider & various Keith Schneider & various


Anthem “Heaven’s Choir” Chancel Choir

Children from Age 4 through Grade 4 are dismissed to meet in room #10 for Children’s Worship. Parents, please pick up your children immediately following the worship service in room #10.

Children ages birth to 3 are welcome to attend the nursery in room #15 to participate in a story and guided activities.

Sermon “Saints in Newly Washed Clothes” Pastor Monica


*Hymn of Response “Rejoice in God’s Saints” UMH 708, v.1-3


*Offertory Response “Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow” UMH No. 95

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. AMEN.

*Offertory Prayer (Unison) Pastor Monica As saints and sinners, we offer our tithes and gifts to you, Great God of Heaven who walks with us and redeems us. Set apart our lives to show the gleam of your glory here on earth. Consecrate and bless these offerings as yours hands feed and clothe, comfort and visit, advise and encourage. Forgive us, when we have not seen your people and when we have not cared for your children. Let us, too, live as saints in newly washed clothes. In the name of our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, we pray, Amen.

*Invitation Pastor Monica

The Great Thanksgiving All are welcome. Our communion bread is gluten free and nut free so that all may receive together.

Our cup is grape juice, so that all may partake.

The Lord’s Prayer Pastor Monica

Communion Song “Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast” UMH 616 v. 1,3,5

Prayer After Receiving (Unison) Pastor Monica Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us. Grant that in the strength of your Spirit we may give ourselves for others, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

*Hymn of Sending Forth “I Sing a Song of the Saints of God” UMH 712

*Benediction Pastor Monica

*Choral Benediction “Go, Now in Peace” Chancel Choir


* = Please stand as you are able Bold Print = Say in unison Page 3

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Old Testament Lesson: Genesis 33: 1-11; 35: 22b-29

Page 4

Now Jacob looked up and saw Esau coming, and four hundred men with him. So he divided the children among Leah and Rachel and the two maids. He put the maids with their children in front, then Leah with her children, and Rachel and Joseph last of all. He himself went on ahead of them, bowing himself to the ground seven times, until he came near his brother.

But Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept. When Esau looked up and saw the women and children, he said, ‘Who are these with you?’ Jacob said, ‘The children whom God has graciously given your servant.’ Then the maids drew near, they and their children, and bowed down; Leah likewise and her children drew near and bowed down; and finally Joseph and Rachel drew near, and they bowed down.

Esau said, ‘What do you mean by all this company that I met?’ Jacob answered, ‘To find favour with my lord.’ But Esau said, ‘I have enough, my brother; keep what you have for yourself.’ Jacob said, ‘No, please; if I find favour with you, then accept my present from my hand; for truly to see your face is

like seeing the face of God—since you have received me with such favour. Please accept my gift that is brought to you, because God has dealt graciously with me, and because I have everything I want.’ So he urged him, and he took it.

While Israel lived in that land, Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father’s concubine; and Israel heard of it.

Now the sons of Jacob were twelve. The sons of Leah: Reuben (Jacob’s firstborn), Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. The sons of Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin. The sons of Bilhah, Rachel’s maid: Dan and Naphtali. The sons of Zilpah, Leah’s maid: Gad and Asher. These were the sons of Jacob who were born to him in Paddan-aram.

Jacob came to his father Isaac at Mamre, or Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron), where Abraham and Isaac had resided as aliens. Now the days of Isaac were one hundred and eighty years. And Isaac breathed his last; he died and was gathered to his people, old and full of days; and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.

New Testament Lesson: Revelation 7: 9-17

After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands. They cried out in a loud voice, saying, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!’

And all the angels stood around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshipped God, singing, ‘Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honour and power and might be to our God for ever and ever! Amen.’

Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, ‘Who are these, robed in white, and where have they come from?’ I said to him, ‘Sir, you are the one that knows.’ Then he said to me, ‘These are they who have come out of the great ordeal; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. For this reason they are before the throne of God, and worship him day and night within his temple, and the one who is seated on the throne will shelter them. They will hunger no more, and thirst no more; the sun will not strike them, nor any scorching heat; for the Lamb at the centre of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of the water of life, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’


THIS WEEK: November 5 through November 12, 2017

~~ Hours for the Church Office: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. ~~

Sunday: TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST All Saints Sunday Communion Sunday

Emergency Aid Sunday 8:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship with the PraiseWorks Band 9:45 a.m. Sunday School and Faith Learning Academy 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship w/Chancel Choir 2:00 p.m. Twin Pines Worship w/Memory Bells

Monday: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CMO (#9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16) 9:15 a.m.-9:45 a.m. CMO Chapel Time (Sanc.) 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Knit Wits (#1) 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. SOS Ladies (#5) 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Memory Bells Rehearsal (Sanc) 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Girl Scout Training (#8 &10)

Tuesday: No School-CMO 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Bi-Monthly Staff Mtg. (#1) 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Family Literacy Program (#1) 4:45 p.m.-6:15 p.m. Girl Scout Jr. #447 (#8 & 10) 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Girl Scout Jr. #498 (#12) 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Girl Scout Jr. #41377 (#8 & 10) 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Trustees Mtg. (#1)

Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CMO (#9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16) 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Luther House Bible Study (Bldg. 1) 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Girl Scout Daisy #4282 (#12) 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Visitation Ministry Mtg. (#1) 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. CMO Advisory Mtg. (#2)

Thursday: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CMO (#9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16) 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Music Practice (#6) 5:15 p.m.-6:45 p.m. Girl Scout Daisy #4251 (#12) 6:45 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal (#6)

7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop #12 (#8, 9,10,11,12,13) 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. PraiseWorks Band Rehearsal (Sanc.)

Friday: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CMO (#9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16) 12:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. RAP (Kitch., Sanc., Lobby) 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Youth Dodgeball (Sanc., #8 &10)

Saturday: 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. J.U.L.I.E.T. (Sunrise Café, Kennett Square) 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Daily Reflections Group (#8 & 10)

Sunday: TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 8:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship with the PraiseWorks Band 9:45 a.m. Sunday School and Faith Learning Academy 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship w/Chancel Choir 4:00 p.m. Chili Cook-Off (sponsored by Youth Group)

Page 10

God’s Faithfulness ~ Your Stewardship Report October 29, 2017

General Offering: $7,050.70 Building Maintenance Fund: $420.00

Combined Worship Attendance: Emergency Groceries YTD: 134 bags Anniversary Giving YTD: $7,330.95

Prayer Bead Garden Donations: $0.00 Total amount received: $7,889.00

Goal-$13,000 It is your tithes, offerings, and gifts

that impact and change lives for Christ!

Page 9

All Saints

The communion of saints urges us towards perfection and completion. As we remember

mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers, grandparents and friends, let us

give thanks to God for the ways they urge towards perfection.

Page 5: 8:30 Contemporary Worship Service - West Grove United …westgroveumc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Worshi… ·  · 2017-11-07Joann Coates Pastor Jim Mundell Philip Colvin (Culbertson)


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Wednesdays in Advent

Parties, gifts, and family tensions dominate the season. So maybe it's time we explore

what Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany are really about.

Join us on Wednesdays in Advent from 6-8 p.m.,

as we use Messy Church to experience creative and fun-filled Christian

community. Bring a potluck to contribute to the meal!

Wednesday December 6th - Prepare the Manger Wednesday, December 13th – Worship at the

Manger Wednesday, December 20th – Celebrate the Manger

This season, refocus and prepare for Christmas with Messy Church!

Mel Leaman and Friends in Concert

Sunday, November 19th

6:30-8:00 p.m.

Since his retirement from the patorate and then as a professor of Religion at Lincoln University, Mel Leaman has taken to song writing. You can catch his debut concert at the West Grove United Methodist Church on November 19. The repertoire will include an eclectic collection of songs about love and faith as well as those that speak to personal and social issues confronting society. His son, Toby (of Dr. Dog fame), brother-in-law, and nine friends from our church, will

provide instrumentation and vocal harmonies. Mel was a former member of THE GARAGE youth center Advisory Board. He is asking for a $5-10 donation with the stipulation that 100% of those gifts will go to support The Garage. A CD of his first album “Time Runs Through It” will be available for purchase. (A Special Feature: All of Mel’s songs will be on a Power Point, so you won’t

miss a single word!)


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All Saints Sunday November 5th

One of the oldest traditions of the church is the remembrance of those who have died during the last year on All Saints’ Day. This beloved tradition has been important in this congregation for many years. We remember beloved members of the church, special loved ones of our families, and those for whom we have performed funeral and memorial services. Our remembrance includes pictures, the tolling of the bell, and the lighting of the candles. You may be remembering a loved one this year. We would like to give thanks to God for their life in our All Saints Day service on November 5th during both services. It is our privilege to remember those who moved onto the church triumphant, even as we hold the tenderness of loss.

David Lee Wilson

C. Wayne Achuff

James Pollard

Mary Lou (Reddington) Smith

Ron Ritter

Karen L. Sloan

Thomas Joseph Lillard

Ida May Houston

Tammy Ann Paisley

William “Bill” Veasey Stoppel

Jerry D. Frost

Karen Jean Schneider

Charles Wesley Haley

Ellen Coats Palmer

Kim E. Osborne Thompson

Ervin Elias Fackler

Edward C. O’Brien

Julia Walton Smedley

Leona Ellen Bogus

Barry Gene Troupe II

Henry Julius Magee

Agnes T. Eller

Reverend Coryn E. Peña

William L. Mowery

Doreen Olivia Disk

Kristina Lynn Futty Roberts

Mary Ann Lynch

Scott Hart

Ruth H. Wells

Lorraine “Lorrie” A. Steele

Colleen Murphy Clark

Norma Jean Crowder Haley

Nancy Bosom

Mark Evans

All Saints Sunday 2017

Page 6: 8:30 Contemporary Worship Service - West Grove United …westgroveumc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Worshi… ·  · 2017-11-07Joann Coates Pastor Jim Mundell Philip Colvin (Culbertson)


OPEN ~ GROW ~ SERVE At West Grove UMC, we love God by opening our hearts to Jesus, growing

our faith and serving our community and world in His name.

Welcome to this gathering of God’s people worshipping and praising God! May we continue to be moved by the Spirit to live as the body of Christ. If you have come as a guest, we hope that you’ll leave as a friend and pray you’ll be nourished in faith as you hear God’s message for you today. We encourage you to join us again. Please honor us by signing the Friendship pad. Our Welcome Center, located in the lobby, is a place where guests and new attendees can seek information about our church. ~~~~~~~~~

Church Office: 610-869-9334—Our Website: www.westgroveumc.org

Please remember to mute your cell phone when you enter the sanctuary for worship.

EMERGENCY AID FUND: Our emergency aid fun serves those in our congregation and community in need. We support families and individuals with one time help for housing, utility, gas, and other needs as appropriate. The basket as you approach the Communion table is a second mile offering for us to serve in these ways.

TWIN PINES: SUNDAY NOVEMBER 5: It is our privilege and honor to once again host worship at Twin Pines Nursing Home today, Sunday, November 5th at 2 p.m., All Saints Sunday. The Memory Bells, always a popular choir at Twin Pines, will be playing for the residents, and our Mission Possible kids will be attending and assisting with worship. It is a wonderful time to connect with neighbors. Please consider joining us for this wonderful outreach worship service.

ADVENT BEAD CLASS: The prayer ministry team invites you to create your own set of advent beads, which tells the story of Jesus during the advent season. Join the ADVENT BEAD CLASS on November 5 at 9:45 in room #3, to assemble the beads. On November 12, we will learn how to use these unique beads during advent, and hear the history of the beads. Sign up is in the lobby. Deadline line is October 22. Contact person is Susan Paisley.

RISE AGAINST HUNGER: Rise Against Hunger Food Packing Event at West Grove UMC on Sat. Nov. 18 from 10:00-Noon. The area UM churches will gather at our church to package 15,000 meals (each meal feeds a family). The meals will be distributed worldwide by Rise Against Hunger to help alleviate hunger. We also need volunteers who can help on Nov. 18th. Folks are needed to help set-up, package meals, and tear-down. The volunteer sign-up sheet is in the church lobby. Persons of all ages and ability are welcome to join us. Please consider supporting this ministry with your time and/or resources. If you have any questions, please contact Joan Leaman ([email protected] or 484-643-2181)

EMERGENCY FOOD PANTRY: Our food supply is getting a little low. Just this week alone, we have given away 14 bags of groceries. If you would like to donate to the pantry, the following are items that are in high demand, as they are not covered by food stamps: Laundry soap, body soap/wash, toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels, house cleaning products, shampoo and conditioner. Also needed are some staple items: tea bags, juice boxes, coffee, juice, canned fruit, applesauce cups, jelly, cereals, snacks for kids, canned meats and stews, baked beans, ramen noodle soup packages, ketchup, and mayo. Of course, any donation is appreciated. When we have an abundance, it never goes to waste. We share our abundance with our neighbors in need at The Bridge. Thanks.

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Our Assisted Listening system is available to all who could benefit from additional amplification or assistance. Please see our soundboard operators for questions or to use a unit.


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Get your favorite recipe

ready for Sunday,

November 12! Sign up now for your chance to

win the coveted Gold, Silver and Bronze "Spoon" awards for the best Chili! Pastor Kevin and Youth will be battling it out with their recipes and want to see as many of you in the competition as well!

Not into making chili? No problem! We have lots of recipes for side dishes as well. Guacamole, salsa, cornbread, slaws, just to name a few!

Don't want to cook at all? We've got you covered! We will need some hot dogs and buns for those not eating chili, some tortilla chips for dipping, and well, just about anything!

Oh, and don't forget about the Brownie competition too!! All the information, recipes, and sign-ups are available in the lobby. Check it out!!

As an extra bonus, we will have football on the big screen so that missing the game is not an option!

If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact: Pastor Kevin at [email protected] or call

him at 215-900-1240.



12 P.M.-3 P.M.

RAP will be meeting at noon on Friday,

November 10th. Bring your lunch--desserts and drinks will be provided. Friends are welcome. Steve Burn, Site Manager of the Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority (SECCRA), will give a Power Point Presentation at the church. It will include a "tour" of their 300 acre landfill in London Grove Township and also discuss

our responsibilities for proper trash disposal and recycling. SECCRA ensures that our waste is not a hazard to our environment. Plan to be with us for lunch, fellowship, and a very interesting and informative program!

The Four Lights of Advent

The Prayer Ministry Team invites you to Sunday gatherings this Advent season to prepare for the birth of Jesus. We welcome you

all to four Sunday mornings for reflection, prayer, and music. The theme is The Four Lights of Advent (The Light Breaks Through, Reveals, Spreads, and Sings) led by: Carol McGinley, MA Spiritual Director.

First class is Sunday, November 26 at 9:45 am in Room #3. Contact person is

Pastor Shirley at [email protected] or


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OPEN ~ GROW ~ SERVE At West Grove UMC, we love God by opening our hearts to Jesus, growing

our faith and serving our community and world in His name.

Welcome to this gathering of God’s people worshipping and praising God! May we continue to be moved by the Spirit to live as the body of Christ. If you have come as a guest, we hope that you’ll leave as a friend and pray you’ll be nourished in faith as you hear God’s message for you today. We encourage you to join us again. Please honor us by signing the Friendship pad. Our Welcome Center, located in the lobby, is a place where guests and new attendees can seek information about our church. ~~~~~~~~~

Church Office: 610-869-9334—Our Website: www.westgroveumc.org

Please remember to mute your cell phone when you enter the sanctuary for worship.

EMERGENCY AID FUND: Our emergency aid fun serves those in our congregation and community in need. We support families and individuals with one time help for housing, utility, gas, and other needs as appropriate. The basket as you approach the Communion table is a second mile offering for us to serve in these ways.

TWIN PINES: SUNDAY NOVEMBER 5: It is our privilege and honor to once again host worship at Twin Pines Nursing Home today, Sunday, November 5th at 2 p.m., All Saints Sunday. The Memory Bells, always a popular choir at Twin Pines, will be playing for the residents, and our Mission Possible kids will be attending and assisting with worship. It is a wonderful time to connect with neighbors. Please consider joining us for this wonderful outreach worship service.

ADVENT BEAD CLASS: The prayer ministry team invites you to create your own set of advent beads, which tells the story of Jesus during the advent season. Join the ADVENT BEAD CLASS on November 5 at 9:45 in room #3, to assemble the beads. On November 12, we will learn how to use these unique beads during advent, and hear the history of the beads. Sign up is in the lobby. Deadline line is October 22. Contact person is Susan Paisley.

RISE AGAINST HUNGER: Rise Against Hunger Food Packing Event at West Grove UMC on Sat. Nov. 18 from 10:00-Noon. The area UM churches will gather at our church to package 15,000 meals (each meal feeds a family). The meals will be distributed worldwide by Rise Against Hunger to help alleviate hunger. We also need volunteers who can help on Nov. 18th. Folks are needed to help set-up, package meals, and tear-down. The volunteer sign-up sheet is in the church lobby. Persons of all ages and ability are welcome to join us. Please consider supporting this ministry with your time and/or resources. If you have any questions, please contact Joan Leaman ([email protected] or 484-643-2181)

EMERGENCY FOOD PANTRY: Our food supply is getting a little low. Just this week alone, we have given away 14 bags of groceries. If you would like to donate to the pantry, the following are items that are in high demand, as they are not covered by food stamps: Laundry soap, body soap/wash, toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels, house cleaning products, shampoo and conditioner. Also needed are some staple items: tea bags, juice boxes, coffee, juice, canned fruit, applesauce cups, jelly, cereals, snacks for kids, canned meats and stews, baked beans, ramen noodle soup packages, ketchup, and mayo. Of course, any donation is appreciated. When we have an abundance, it never goes to waste. We share our abundance with our neighbors in need at The Bridge. Thanks.

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Our Assisted Listening system is available to all who could benefit from additional amplification or assistance. Please see our soundboard operators for questions or to use a unit.


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Get your favorite recipe

ready for Sunday,

November 12! Sign up now for your chance to

win the coveted Gold, Silver and Bronze "Spoon" awards for the best Chili! Pastor Kevin and Youth will be battling it out with their recipes and want to see as many of you in the competition as well!

Not into making chili? No problem! We have lots of recipes for side dishes as well. Guacamole, salsa, cornbread, slaws, just to name a few!

Don't want to cook at all? We've got you covered! We will need some hot dogs and buns for those not eating chili, some tortilla chips for dipping, and well, just about anything!

Oh, and don't forget about the Brownie competition too!! All the information, recipes, and sign-ups are available in the lobby. Check it out!!

As an extra bonus, we will have football on the big screen so that missing the game is not an option!

If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact: Pastor Kevin at [email protected] or call

him at 215-900-1240.



12 P.M.-3 P.M.

RAP will be meeting at noon on Friday,

November 10th. Bring your lunch--desserts and drinks will be provided. Friends are welcome. Steve Burn, Site Manager of the Southeastern Chester County Refuse Authority (SECCRA), will give a Power Point Presentation at the church. It will include a "tour" of their 300 acre landfill in London Grove Township and also discuss

our responsibilities for proper trash disposal and recycling. SECCRA ensures that our waste is not a hazard to our environment. Plan to be with us for lunch, fellowship, and a very interesting and informative program!

The Four Lights of Advent

The Prayer Ministry Team invites you to Sunday gatherings this Advent season to prepare for the birth of Jesus. We welcome you

all to four Sunday mornings for reflection, prayer, and music. The theme is The Four Lights of Advent (The Light Breaks Through, Reveals, Spreads, and Sings) led by: Carol McGinley, MA Spiritual Director.

First class is Sunday, November 26 at 9:45 am in Room #3. Contact person is

Pastor Shirley at [email protected] or


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Wednesdays in Advent

Parties, gifts, and family tensions dominate the season. So maybe it's time we explore

what Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany are really about.

Join us on Wednesdays in Advent from 6-8 p.m.,

as we use Messy Church to experience creative and fun-filled Christian

community. Bring a potluck to contribute to the meal!

Wednesday December 6th - Prepare the Manger Wednesday, December 13th – Worship at the

Manger Wednesday, December 20th – Celebrate the Manger

This season, refocus and prepare for Christmas with Messy Church!

Mel Leaman and Friends in Concert

Sunday, November 19th

6:30-8:00 p.m.

Since his retirement from the patorate and then as a professor of Religion at Lincoln University, Mel Leaman has taken to song writing. You can catch his debut concert at the West Grove United Methodist Church on November 19. The repertoire will include an eclectic collection of songs about love and faith as well as those that speak to personal and social issues confronting society. His son, Toby (of Dr. Dog fame), brother-in-law, and nine friends from our church, will

provide instrumentation and vocal harmonies. Mel was a former member of THE GARAGE youth center Advisory Board. He is asking for a $5-10 donation with the stipulation that 100% of those gifts will go to support The Garage. A CD of his first album “Time Runs Through It” will be available for purchase. (A Special Feature: All of Mel’s songs will be on a Power Point, so you won’t

miss a single word!)


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All Saints Sunday November 5th

One of the oldest traditions of the church is the remembrance of those who have died during the last year on All Saints’ Day. This beloved tradition has been important in this congregation for many years. We remember beloved members of the church, special loved ones of our families, and those for whom we have performed funeral and memorial services. Our remembrance includes pictures, the tolling of the bell, and the lighting of the candles. You may be remembering a loved one this year. We would like to give thanks to God for their life in our All Saints Day service on November 5th during both services. It is our privilege to remember those who moved onto the church triumphant, even as we hold the tenderness of loss.

David Lee Wilson

C. Wayne Achuff

James Pollard

Mary Lou (Reddington) Smith

Ron Ritter

Karen L. Sloan

Thomas Joseph Lillard

Ida May Houston

Tammy Ann Paisley

William “Bill” Veasey Stoppel

Jerry D. Frost

Karen Jean Schneider

Charles Wesley Haley

Ellen Coats Palmer

Kim E. Osborne Thompson

Ervin Elias Fackler

Edward C. O’Brien

Julia Walton Smedley

Leona Ellen Bogus

Barry Gene Troupe II

Henry Julius Magee

Agnes T. Eller

Reverend Coryn E. Peña

William L. Mowery

Doreen Olivia Disk

Kristina Lynn Futty Roberts

Mary Ann Lynch

Scott Hart

Ruth H. Wells

Lorraine “Lorrie” A. Steele

Colleen Murphy Clark

Norma Jean Crowder Haley

Nancy Bosom

Mark Evans

All Saints Sunday 2017

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Old Testament Lesson: Genesis 33: 1-11; 35: 22b-29

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Now Jacob looked up and saw Esau coming, and four hundred men with him. So he divided the children among Leah and Rachel and the two maids. He put the maids with their children in front, then Leah with her children, and Rachel and Joseph last of all. He himself went on ahead of them, bowing himself to the ground seven times, until he came near his brother.

But Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept. When Esau looked up and saw the women and children, he said, ‘Who are these with you?’ Jacob said, ‘The children whom God has graciously given your servant.’ Then the maids drew near, they and their children, and bowed down; Leah likewise and her children drew near and bowed down; and finally Joseph and Rachel drew near, and they bowed down.

Esau said, ‘What do you mean by all this company that I met?’ Jacob answered, ‘To find favour with my lord.’ But Esau said, ‘I have enough, my brother; keep what you have for yourself.’ Jacob said, ‘No, please; if I find favour with you, then accept my present from my hand; for truly to see your face is

like seeing the face of God—since you have received me with such favour. Please accept my gift that is brought to you, because God has dealt graciously with me, and because I have everything I want.’ So he urged him, and he took it.

While Israel lived in that land, Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father’s concubine; and Israel heard of it.

Now the sons of Jacob were twelve. The sons of Leah: Reuben (Jacob’s firstborn), Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. The sons of Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin. The sons of Bilhah, Rachel’s maid: Dan and Naphtali. The sons of Zilpah, Leah’s maid: Gad and Asher. These were the sons of Jacob who were born to him in Paddan-aram.

Jacob came to his father Isaac at Mamre, or Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron), where Abraham and Isaac had resided as aliens. Now the days of Isaac were one hundred and eighty years. And Isaac breathed his last; he died and was gathered to his people, old and full of days; and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.

New Testament Lesson: Revelation 7: 9-17

After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands. They cried out in a loud voice, saying, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!’

And all the angels stood around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshipped God, singing, ‘Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honour and power and might be to our God for ever and ever! Amen.’

Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, ‘Who are these, robed in white, and where have they come from?’ I said to him, ‘Sir, you are the one that knows.’ Then he said to me, ‘These are they who have come out of the great ordeal; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. For this reason they are before the throne of God, and worship him day and night within his temple, and the one who is seated on the throne will shelter them. They will hunger no more, and thirst no more; the sun will not strike them, nor any scorching heat; for the Lamb at the centre of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of the water of life, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’


THIS WEEK: November 5 through November 12, 2017

~~ Hours for the Church Office: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. ~~

Sunday: TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST All Saints Sunday Communion Sunday

Emergency Aid Sunday 8:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship with the PraiseWorks Band 9:45 a.m. Sunday School and Faith Learning Academy 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship w/Chancel Choir 2:00 p.m. Twin Pines Worship w/Memory Bells

Monday: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CMO (#9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16) 9:15 a.m.-9:45 a.m. CMO Chapel Time (Sanc.) 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Knit Wits (#1) 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. SOS Ladies (#5) 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Memory Bells Rehearsal (Sanc) 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Girl Scout Training (#8 &10)

Tuesday: No School-CMO 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Bi-Monthly Staff Mtg. (#1) 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Family Literacy Program (#1) 4:45 p.m.-6:15 p.m. Girl Scout Jr. #447 (#8 & 10) 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Girl Scout Jr. #498 (#12) 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Girl Scout Jr. #41377 (#8 & 10) 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Trustees Mtg. (#1)

Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CMO (#9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16) 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Luther House Bible Study (Bldg. 1) 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Girl Scout Daisy #4282 (#12) 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Visitation Ministry Mtg. (#1) 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. CMO Advisory Mtg. (#2)

Thursday: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CMO (#9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16) 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Music Practice (#6) 5:15 p.m.-6:45 p.m. Girl Scout Daisy #4251 (#12) 6:45 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal (#6)

7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop #12 (#8, 9,10,11,12,13) 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. PraiseWorks Band Rehearsal (Sanc.)

Friday: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CMO (#9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16) 12:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. RAP (Kitch., Sanc., Lobby) 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Youth Dodgeball (Sanc., #8 &10)

Saturday: 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. J.U.L.I.E.T. (Sunrise Café, Kennett Square) 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Daily Reflections Group (#8 & 10)

Sunday: TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 8:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship with the PraiseWorks Band 9:45 a.m. Sunday School and Faith Learning Academy 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship w/Chancel Choir 4:00 p.m. Chili Cook-Off (sponsored by Youth Group)

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God’s Faithfulness ~ Your Stewardship Report October 29, 2017

General Offering: $7,050.70 Building Maintenance Fund: $420.00

Combined Worship Attendance: Emergency Groceries YTD: 134 bags Anniversary Giving YTD: $7,330.95

Prayer Bead Garden Donations: $0.00 Total amount received: $7,889.00

Goal-$13,000 It is your tithes, offerings, and gifts

that impact and change lives for Christ!

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All Saints

The communion of saints urges us towards perfection and completion. As we remember

mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers, grandparents and friends, let us

give thanks to God for the ways they urge towards perfection.

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Tom Adams

Cory Beattie (Shaub)

Fran Bryan

George Byrne (Yarbrough)

Joann Coates

Philip Colvin (Culbertson)

Dee Crawford

Nina Dickinson (B. Ranieri)

Tom Fagan

Ed Farrell (Babcock)

Laura Featherston

Bill Fili, Jr. (Bratton)

Joann Frost

Jim Hunt (Kr. Boyd)

Muff & Don Hurst

Peg Kent

William Kirwin

Wanda Kreutzfeldt

Susan Lacy (Mullen)

Rosemary MacCoun

Dave McClain

Lynn Morgan (McClain)

Peggy Mowrer

Tim Mullen

Pastor Jim Mundell

Lola Nadolny (Hruz)

Nancy Pearo (Heist)

Willy Raiford (Babcock)

Rick Renzulli (McGinley)

Roann Schneider

Mary Small (Kapp-Benner)

Rick Spencer (K. Smith)

Stephen Spitko (Howard)

Jeannie Sullivan

Maureen Stickel (Fackler)

Eric Stover (Kreutzfeldt)

Zach Trexler (Lytle)

Gisela Winkler (Mullen)

Ron and Marliss Wilson

Daniel Engberg—Iraq (Hruz)

Tom Fagan - USA (Whelan)

Brian Kubo - Qatar (Mullen)

LTC Eric Maxwell,

Chesapeake, VA

(The Rambergers)

Jimmy Strawhecker - NJ

(Lynne Strawhecker)

Chris Weidman - Japan (Miller)

Ed Tolmie


Would you like to add someone to the Prayer Chain? Weekdays, please contact Donna Fackler at the church office: [email protected] or 610-869-9334. After office hours and on weekends, please contact Sara Ann Ramberger at [email protected] or 610-869-3863. All prayer requests will remain in the bulletin for four Sundays. If you would like to have the prayer concern extended, please update your request with Donna. Thank you.

Community Prayer Focus: Church Finances Mission Prayer Focus in: Sunday Breakfast Mission

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This Sunday, November 5th Next Sunday, November 12th

Ushers—8:30 Gene and Alison Aucott The Bushnells Greeters—8:30 The Catoias The Hills Ushers—11:00 George Anderson/OPEN OPEN Greeters—11:00 OPEN OPEN Acolyte 8:30/11 Cecelia Figueroa/Ian Ditzel Mac Catoia/Alisabeth Guepet Nursery 8:30/9:45/11 Bruno/Catoia/Castaldi Rubincan/Mullen/Leaman C. Worship—8:30/11 OPEN/OPEN Covington/OPEN Lay Reader—8:30 Judy Gambill Mark Simonds Liturgist—11:00 Janet Phillips Dave Talley Moment All Ages Karen Hruz Julie Hughes Prayer Room 8:30/11Pam Howard/Susan Paisley Cindy Haley/Pastor Shirley Hospitality 8:30/11 Rain Catoia/The Stuhrkes Stuhrkes/Stuhrkes Counters Anderson/Shaub Stuhrkes Sound Booth Keith Schneider & various Keith Schneider & various


Anthem “Heaven’s Choir” Chancel Choir

Children from Age 4 through Grade 4 are dismissed to meet in room #10 for Children’s Worship. Parents, please pick up your children immediately following the worship service in room #10.

Children ages birth to 3 are welcome to attend the nursery in room #15 to participate in a story and guided activities.

Sermon “Saints in Newly Washed Clothes” Pastor Monica


*Hymn of Response “Rejoice in God’s Saints” UMH 708, v.1-3


*Offertory Response “Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow” UMH No. 95

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. AMEN.

*Offertory Prayer (Unison) Pastor Monica As saints and sinners, we offer our tithes and gifts to you, Great God of Heaven who walks with us and redeems us. Set apart our lives to show the gleam of your glory here on earth. Consecrate and bless these offerings as yours hands feed and clothe, comfort and visit, advise and encourage. Forgive us, when we have not seen your people and when we have not cared for your children. Let us, too, live as saints in newly washed clothes. In the name of our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, we pray, Amen.

*Invitation Pastor Monica

The Great Thanksgiving All are welcome. Our communion bread is gluten free and nut free so that all may receive together.

Our cup is grape juice, so that all may partake.

The Lord’s Prayer Pastor Monica

Communion Song “Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast” UMH 616 v. 1,3,5

Prayer After Receiving (Unison) Pastor Monica Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us. Grant that in the strength of your Spirit we may give ourselves for others, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

*Hymn of Sending Forth “I Sing a Song of the Saints of God” UMH 712

*Benediction Pastor Monica

*Choral Benediction “Go, Now in Peace” Chancel Choir


* = Please stand as you are able Bold Print = Say in unison Page 3

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Welcome and Ministry Opportunities Pastor Monica Please fill out the Friendship Register on the clipboard located on a chair in your row.

First-time guest or member, let us know you were here!

*Call to Worship (Responsive) Janet Phillips

One: We come as people of hope, Many: like Abraham and Sarah. One: We come as people with doubts,

Many: like Isaac and Rebekah. One: We come as people with questions, Many: like Jacob, Rachel and Leah. One: We come as people of courage, Many: like Joseph. One: We come as people with parts to play in the story of faith, Many: saints and sinners together.

*Processional Hymn “For All The Saints” UMH 711, v. 1,2,4,5

*Opening Prayer (Unison) Janet Phillips

God with Us, we praise you for those we love and those we tolerate. We thank you for all of the saints who we have known and heard stories of. May their

lives lived be for us glimpses of your glory and examples of your grace, prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying. Let us live so others will see your ways

in us. In the name of the Gracious God, we pray, Amen.

*Passing of the peace Janet Phillips One: The peace of Christ be with you. Many: And also with you.


Moment for All Ages Karen Hruz

Old Testament Lesson Genesis 33: 1-11; 35: 22b-29 Janet Phillips

New Testament Lesson Revelation 7: 9-17 Janet Phillips

Response to the Lessons Janet Phillips One: This is the word of God for the people of God. Many: Thanks be to God! Amen.

11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship

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Meditations For Your Week Sunday, November 5th —Saturday, November 11th

Sunday: “After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands.” Revelation 7:9. God’s way never is just for a few. God’s way is for the multitude. Pray that God will open your eyes to the fullness of God’s way.

Monday: “singing, ‘Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God for ever and ever! Amen.’” Revelation

7: 12. Praise unites us. Where can you share praises?

Tuesday: “Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, ‘Who are these, robed in white, and where have they come from?’” Revelation 7: 13. We are sometimes surprised by all those God loves. Pray that God will open your hearts to love as God does.

Wednesday: “I said to him, ‘Sir, you are the one that knows.’ Then he said to me, ‘These are they who have come out of the great ordeal; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Revelation 7: 14. We, who have been through great ordeals, can depend on God to make us white. Praise God!

Thursday: “For this reason they are before the throne of God, and worship him day and night within his temple, and the one who is seated on the throne will shelter

them.” Revelation 7:15. Where do you need God’s shelter?

Friday: “They will hunger no more, and thirst no more; the sun will not strike them, nor any scorching heat.” Revelation 7:16. Give thanks to God who will use us to bring no more hunger and no more thirst. Open your heart to where you are being nudged to feed others.

Saturday: “for the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of the water of life, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” Revelation 7:17. Offer your grief to God. May your tears be wiped away and may you know the water of life.

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*Opening Song “I Will Rise Up” PraiseWorks Band

Welcome and Ministry Opportunities

Please fill out the Friendship Register on the clipboard located on a chair in your row. First-time visitor or member, let us know you were here.

*Celebration Set “I Need You Every Hour” PraiseWorks Band “We All Bow Down”

*Passing of the Peace PraiseWorks Band


Moment For All Ages Karen Hruz

Old Testament Lesson Genesis 33: 1-11; 35: 22b-29 Judy Gambill

New Testament Lesson Revelation 7: 9-17 Judy Gambill

Children from Age 4 through Grade 4 are dismissed to meet in room #10 for Children’s Worship. Parents, please pick up your children immediately following the worship service in room #10.

Children ages birth to 3 are welcome to attend the nursery in room #15 to participate in a story and guided activities.

Sermon “Saints in Newly Washed Clothes” Pastor Monica


Offering “For All The Saints” PraiseWorks Band

Offertory Prayer (Unison) Pastor Shirley

Invitation Pastor Shirley

The Great Thanksgiving All are welcome. Our communion bread is gluten free and nut free so that all may receive together.

Our cup is grape juice, so that all may partake.

The Lord’s Prayer Pastor Monica

Communion Song “The Table” PraiseWorks Band

Prayer After Receiving (Unison) Pastor Shirley

*Closing Song “The Sound of the Saints” PraiseWorks Band

*Benediction Pastor Monica


*= Please stand as you are able Bold Print = Say in unison

8:30 Contemporary Worship Service


The Reverend Monica B. Guepet, Lead Pastor 300 North Guernsey Road

West Grove, PA 19390