813 CC Student User Community Presentation

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  • 7/31/2019 813 CC Student User Community Presentation


    ReferenceforCommunity College Students

  • 7/31/2019 813 CC Student User Community Presentation



    The community college has an open admissions

    policy, [it is] designed to serve as many in the

    community as physically possible.

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    Traditional college age students

    Non-traditional students

    Students with learning disabilities International/Immigrant/ESL students

    Technical/Vocational students

    Working students (often full time) Parents and caregivers

  • 7/31/2019 813 CC Student User Community Presentation



    These groups will overlap. FREQUENTLY.

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    I need to make

    a bibliography in

    MLA format.

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    Im looking for information on welding

    safety and supplies.

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    I need help

    finding academicsources for a

    paper on climate


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    Whats Blackboard?

  • 7/31/2019 813 CC Student User Community Presentation


    Rogue Community College

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    Joint use Libraries

    Joint use libraries have been forming across the nation, for many good reasons.

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    Sharing space is fun (sort of)

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  • 7/31/2019 813 CC Student User Community Presentation


    Community college students may be juggling family, work and

    school. Drugs and other abuse issues could be effecting theircognitive abilities. In such cases simple questions should beanswered with great care and repetition. Students who arestressed may need help first and instruction second.

    (Paraphrased from an interview with Anna Grzeskiewicz)

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    Patience, good listening skills, and the ability to encouragestudents are helpful attributes to have at the reference desk atthe community college. These qualities go a long way inassuaging the fears and boosting the morale of students whoare struggling in the new demanding territory of collegelearning.

    - Carolyn Oates

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    Librarians like Anna have set

    hours so if she is teaching a class

    that means the reference desk is

    not being staffed at that time. Italso means that she has very little

    time to prepare for classes or

    answer emailed questions if the

    desk is busy.

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  • 7/31/2019 813 CC Student User Community Presentation


    Electronic resources are wasted when students and faculty do not have a

    reference librarian to teach information literacy.

    Before the relatively recent joint-use library was built in Medford, RCChad neither a librarian nor an adequate print reference collection.

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    Databases are shared between three


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    RCC had virtually no print reference books until the library moved

    into its new location...though few new ones are being purchased

    now, existing ones are still relatively current.

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    The future...

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    Believe it or not, reference books may soon beobsolete

    Moving reference to circulation

    Some contemporary students here at RCC donot want books, because they are afraid thatthey will have to read a whole book. I tellthem to use the index to find relevantinformation (...) Sometimes its a hard sell in

    the Google Age. ~ Carolyn Oates

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    We do not offer chat or text message reference service.Surprisingly, we get very few reference phone calls. Almost

    all reference is personal contact at the desk. ~ Carolyn Oates

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    Community colleges like RCC do not have the

    staff to constantly maintain their web presence.

    "LibGuides" give librarians direct access to

    students online.

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    Universal Reference Issuesat Community College Libraries

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    Major issues with reference services for CC

    students: Whats Unique?


    Very wide range of abilities, literacy and commitment levels

    Incorrect sense of own abilities (over-confident or under-confident)

    Demographics can change quickly

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    Tactics to use in addressing

    patron issues

    Ref librarians can help overcome patrons tech anxiety and stresswith: Warmth



    Repetition Positive

    Jargon free speech

    Reference encounters must be characterized by flexibility and avariety of methods.

    Every reference encounter is an instructional one. Varied hours and methods of obtaining reference help (telephone,

    e-mail, on-line)

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  • 7/31/2019 813 CC Student User Community Presentation


    An open ended

    survey asked,Which part of yourjob causes you themost frustration?

    62% of respondentsincludedtechnology-relatedfrustration in their


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    Doing reference work with out-of-date

    technology can be like running a marathon

    today, clomping along in wooden clogs. Osif and Harwood

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    Community colleges can also

    find themselves dealing withcutting edge technology.

    This has its own problems.

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  • 7/31/2019 813 CC Student User Community Presentation


    January 20, 2011: US Department of Labor announces the Trade Adjustment

    Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant Program,

    providing $2 Billion over the next four years to community colleges to develop

    open education learning resources to be shared with other community colleges

    across the country.

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  • 7/31/2019 813 CC Student User Community Presentation


    Community college resources are required to

    meet SCORM (Sharable Content Object

    Reference Model) requirements for their

    content to be eligible for TAACCCT.

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    Who will help manage $2 Billion worth of educational resources

    in unfamiliar formats?

    Community college reference librarians!

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    ReferencesAllen, N. (2011, January 31). The $2 billion opportunity for affordable textbooks and how colleges can make the most of

    it. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nicole-allen/in-the-public-interest-th_b_814794.html

    Baker, R. K. (1997). Faculty perceptions towards student library use in a large urban community college. The Journal ofAcademic Librarianship, 23(3), 177-182.

    Christian, Gayle R., Blumenthal, Caroline & Patterson, M. (2001) The information explosion and the adult learner:implications for reference librarians. The Reference Librarian, 33(69), 19-30. DOI: 10.1300/J120v33n69_03

    DeKoenigsberg, G. (2011, January 26). Obama bets big on open ed -- with one little catch. Opensource.com. Retrievedfrom http://opensource.com/education/11/1/obama-bets-big-oer-one-little-catch

    Ezzo, A. & Perez, J. (2001). The information explosion: continuing implications for reference services to adult learners inacademia. The Reference Librarian, 33(69), 5-17. DOI: 10.1300/J120v33n69_02

    Feldman, D., & Sciammarella, S. (2000). Both sides of the looking glass: librarian and teaching faculty perceptions oflibrarianship at six community colleges. College & Research Libraries, 61(6), 491-498.

    Hansen, J. (2009). Shift Happens. Library Journal, 134(12), 126.

    Herring, S. D., Burkhardt, R. R., & Wolfe, J. L. (2009). Reaching remote students: Athens State University's electronicallyembedded librarian program. College & Research Libraries News, 70(11), 630-633.

    Jackson, Y. C., & Bell, H. (2008). Learning side by side. American Libraries, 39(4).

    Miller, M.T. et, al. (2004). Dealing with challenges and stressors faced by community college students: the old collegetry. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 29(1), 63-74

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    ReferencesPoole, C. E., & Denny, E. (2001). Technological change in the workplace: a statewide survey of community college library

    and learning resources personnel. College & Research Libraries, 62(6), 503-515.

    Powers, A. (2010). Librarians anxiety? how community college librarians feel about their reference desk service.Community & Junior College Libraries. 16(1), 54-70.

    Provasnik, S., & Planty, M. (2008). Community colleges: special supplement to the 2008 Condition of Education.Retrieved from http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2008033

    Simmonds, P. L. (2001). Providing quality library service to the adult learner: views of students, faculty, and

    administrators. The Reference Librarian, 33(69),395-406. DOI: 10.1300/J120v33n69_34

    Small, R. V., Zakaria, N., & El-Figuigui, H., (2004). Motivational aspects of information literacy skills instruction incommunity college libraries. College & Research Libraries, 65(2), 96-121.

    Thompson, M.S. & Schott, L. (2007). Marketing to community college users. The Serials Librarian, 53(3), 57-76. DOI:10.1300/J123v53n03_05

    Tolle, A. L. (2001). Reference and the community college: renaissance librarians at Pikes Peak Community College.

    Colorado Libraries, 27(2), 28-30.

    Trupo, M., Garcia, L. (2011, January 20). US labor department encourages applications for trade adjustment assistancecommunity college and career training grant program. United States Department of Labor. Retrieved fromhttp://www.dol.gov/opa/media/press/eta/eta20101436.htm

    Wahl, J. (2007). Front Range Community College: increasing student database use through library instruction. ColoradoLibraries, 33(3), 13-16.
