THE PENSaCOLTi JOURNAL THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1018. ' 7n Phone 1500 The J" oral's Want Ad':;rOpportpiaities Phone 38 From. 7 a. m. to . From .7 p. m. to 7p.m. RENT YOUR SPARE ROOMS THROUGH THESE COLUMNS IT-WIL- L' HELP ,YOUR GOVERNMENT POSITIONS WANTED FOR RENT WANTEE I TO-REN- Wanted to ernt .. . . -- .v.' WANTED At Red r Bluff or Magnolia i Bluff about Oct. 10, a 4 or 5 room house HELP WANTED---MAL- E WANTED--T- w middle age colored men for porters. Apply Merchants Hotel. - - . 4509 Greeks Heavy Inves- tors in 'W.S. Stamps (Continued from Page One.) i.: , LOST AND FOUND : LOST At High School at vaudeville show Saturday night, Indian clubs, slippers, wire, etc., belonging to Hal Hart, were put in the back seat of wrong Ford. Finder please return to Army-Nav- y Club and receive reward. 4510 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US IF YOU WANT RESULTS WE HAVE number of inquiries for Hi'iMES ranging In price from jiirtifK) to $2,000.00, and to be ,'m for ia Monthly or Quarter- - installments. LOST One bunch of keys, return to J. T. Mackey, at Empire Laundry, and re- ceive reward. 4483 LOST A brooch bf amethysts and apart. Reward forjsturn to Miss Agnes Han- sen, 111 go. Reus, or Phone 1648. 4444 IF THE PERSON who took by mistake a brown grip marked E. B. C, on corner 10th Ave. and Moreno St., will return to police station, no questions wiU be asked. 4473 WANTED WANTED To borrow $900 at 8 per cent from a private individual on extra good improved real estate security. Address In- vestment, care of J6urnal. 4503 WANTED Teacher for both vocal and - instrumental music. Address J. G. care Journal. ...... 4502 EDUCATIONAL MISS LILLA McKINLAT will open her private school for the winter on Mon- day, Sept. 16th, at 622 North Seventh Ave. Pupils will also be taught at night. Terms reasonable. 4442 Taxi service SAN CARLOS TAXI Exchange and Baggage Transfer Co. Phone 200, day or night, for prompt, courteous service. jGood cars and competent drivers. VULCANIZING DeVOY TIRE SHOP, 24 West .Garden St. Bicycle tires vul- canized. Gates' half soles put on REPAIRING BICYCLES, GUNS, REGISTERS, 8AFES. COMBINATIONS CHANGED. JOE QUINA WITH WILSON-BIGG- S CO. PHONE 380 M. FREED MAN BIQ BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Ladies' Ready-to-Wea-r, Ladies' and Cents' Furnishing Goods UT EAST WRIGHT STREET TAKE A LOOK AT DWELLING AT t 1st memory of Mr. FranK U. Mayes, nd In ; recognition of the spirit of helpfulness that was his. The Journal will Insert under this classification ree advertisements for those in need ef employment. WANTED Active man over lraft age wants position as manager or iiead clerk in general merchandise store. Employed sa manager at present. Address "JU. C. M.," car JournaL HARRIED MAN, no children, wants posi- tion as manager on large plantation. H. E. Phlllians. Gen. Del., Bessemer Ala. YOUNG LADY desires position as assist- ant bookkeeper, clerical or. timekeeper. Have had over three years experience. Phone 1326. WANTED By two boys, work in office or restaurant, both have good educa- tion and are willing to work. Apply 323 E. Garden. , -7t STENOGRAPHER desires work- ;- either regular or - otherwise. Can compose. Apply 8 V4 W. Bomana, rooms 4 and 5. -7t YOUNG LADY desires a position at once in typewriting and shorthand. Mar- garita Johnson, Milton, Fla. WANTED By lady of experience posi- tion as companion and practical nurse to semi-invali- d. References exchanged, terms reasonable. Address Miss A. L. Jonesville. S. C. Box 12. WANTED Position as clerk in commis- sary or general merchandise store, in class 4. References furnished. J. A. McClellan, Altha, Fla. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT could handle a small set of books in spare time. Neat- ness, accuracy and moderate terms. Ap- ply E. A-- , care Journal. ' 9-- WANTED Position in stenographic or general office work. Phone, call or write "Stenographer," care of The Starr Piano Co. WANTED Position in shoe or dry goods store by man above draft age. Can give best reference; any clerical job. Address O. K., care Journal. FOR SALE foT?aT3aTuzzi one pound postpaid, 35 cts., 3 pounds, $1.00; Bermuda onion sets, postpaid, 1 pound 45 cts., peek $1.75; cabbage plants $2.4 per 1,000. Write for quantity and prices. O. J. Walker, Pinemount, Fla. 4516 FOR SALE Rogers silverware 1S47 make. Ope dozen teaspoons, 1- -2 dozen dessert, 1-- 2 dozen forks, three knives. Apply 323 K. Romano St 4500 FRATERNAL SOCIETIES a Regular communication of Persa-col- a Lodge, No. 42, F. & A. M., T" will be heid Thursday, Sept. 12, tr 1918, at 7:30 p. m. at K. of P. Hall, 11114 E. Intendencia. . Visiting brothers fraternally invited. L-- L FA BIS IN SKI. E. E. WHITE. . W. M. Secretary. w. o. w. Live Oak Camp, No. 1, Woodmen of the World meets first and third Tuesday nights for regular meetings. Woodmen Hall. 116 and 117V4 West Garden street. CLYDE LITTLE. W. H. WHITE, C. C Clerk. PENSACOLA LODGE. NO. 4. I. O. O. F. Pensafola IOdge. No. 4, I. O. O. F.. meets every Thursday at 8:00 p. m. in Rafford Hall, corner Baylen and Belmont streets. Visitors oordiallv invited. J. W. DAVIDSON. N. G. C. L, WtLKINS. Secretary. JUNIOR ORDCK UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS ' Pennacola Council. No, 85. Junior Order United American Mechanics .meets- - sec- ond and fourth Monday. S p. m at K. of P. hm 111 E. Intendencia St.. over Wcliuirh Rtwre. Visiting brothers cor- dially invited. F. E. TUGWELL. ' F. P. DILLARD. Con. Recording Secretary. NOTICE Aero T.ode. 75 X hfnlsts. will meet every Wednesday until further notice, at W. O. W. h Garden street. It. GUTHSOITMTDT. RnMine Fee trr. AHSCLJLANEOUS J. L. BLEDSOE, Uphosterer, Parlor and Bdroom Suites made like new, all kinds of furniture repaired, shades made over and hung, rugs and carpets made over cleaned and scoured. Orders at Harri- son Bros. Phone 606. 4441 STRING INSTRUMENTS" repaired by J. II. Blakesly, 20 East Garden St., Tele- phone 79L 864 DR. HA MILTON THE SAW DENTIST. Saw Teeth Properly Treated, also Grinding Knives, Shears. Etc. Hand Saws. 25e. 223 E. intendencia St., Pon-sacol- a. Via. 2305 WANTED WANTED Small farm, by experienced , northern man to DUt into iruit, win put one acre in peach trees, one acre in tame blackberries, one &offi in straw- berries. Will lease for term of one year or buy. Address J. W. Morton, Route A. Pensacola. 4431 WANTED Stock to pasture, good water. shade, clover and Bermuda grass- - four miles out. Address J. W. Morton, Route A, Pensacola. 492 REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Buildings, Furniture( etc. First class work. Clem- ent E. Taylor, Carpenter. Joiner and Dec- orator. Phone 1398. 4420 ATTENTION. CAR OWNERS! Put ' a Gates' half sole over your old tire and get from 6,000 to 20,000 more mileage out of your old tire. 3,500 miles guarantee without a puncture. DeVoy, 24 West Garden street. 4220 WANTED Sewing machines to repair. Why buy a machine when your old one can be made a good as ever. Ring 791, I will call. Work guaranteed . 18 East Garden street. J. IL Blakesley. 4081 WANTED Tour job printing and orders for engraving of all kinds, calling cards, wedding invitations, etc. MAYES PRINT- ING CO. 24 West Government. 516 HIDES, WOOL, Sheep Skins, Goat Skins, Scrap Iron, Rags, Bones, Cotton, Rope, Metals and all kinds of junk. Highest prices paid by the PENSACOLA HIDE AND METAL CO., 127 E. Zarra- gossa St., Phone 299. - WANTED Assistant bookkeeper, experi- enced in lumber -- office. Must be ex- empt from draft or in deferred classifica- tion. - Address Lumber. JournaL 4508 WANTED Toung man or lady for office work; satisfactory salary. Address Box 1097. 4484 WANTED A man for outside salesman and collector, a!o man for Indoor work. Apply Reynold"? Musi House. 4474 WANTED Good short order cook, colored preferred. Apply Immediately to Fried- man's Cafe, Cor. Palafox and Zarragossa ; - 4485 WANTED Barbers, 65 per cent guarantee $20. J. A. Hicks, 22 N, Palafox. WANTED At once, young man stenographer. Apply South-- 1 era Cotton Oil Co. WANTED At once, boy be- tween 14 and 16 years of age. Apply Southern Cotton Oil Co. MOTORMEN and Conductors. Experience unnecessary, must be over 31 years of age. 30c to 34c per hour. Permanent. No labor trouble. Free lodging first month. Mobile Light and Rail- road Co., Mobile, Ala. W ANT E D An , experienced clothing and gents furnishing goods salesman. Apply at once to Watson, Parker & Reese Co. WANTED First class man to drive laundry wagon. Good pay for a man who wants to make money and . willing . to hustle. Salary and commission. Empire Laundry Co. ' IHgLPWjrU WANTED Colored woman for general housework. Apply 80 E. Gadsden. Mrs. Livingstone. 4505 GOVERNMENT CIVIL SERVICE EX- AMINATIONS everywhere October 6 th, 12,000 women clerks tbe appointed at Washington. Salary $1,200. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring govern- ment positions write for free particulars, J. C. Leonard, former Civil Service Ex- aminer, 286 Kenols Building, Washington. 4513 WANTED A competent house woman for - general house work to live on premises. Good wages. Apply 1211 E. Gadsden. 4512 WANTED Two young ladies for dis- pensing soda water, not over 17 years old. Apply to Balkcom Drug Co. 4511 CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Pensacola, in Septemper. Govern- ment Clerk, Teacher, Inspectress, Type- writer, Bookkeeper,' "Research Clerk. Presference given women. Salary 51200, $2,000. Experience unnecessary. Wo- men desiring government positions write for free particulars, Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Exam- iner), 814 Columbian building, Wash- ington. " - 4432 WANTED Practical nurse for sicli. White woman. . Apply John White Store. WANTED Girl to help with children. All time or part time. Mrs. Matthews, 62 West Lee street. 4288 WANTED White and colored help at Empire Laundry. WANTED A- -l salad and pantry woman: must have hotel or club experience. Ap- ply IV R. Patch,. Steward, San Carlos Hotel . WANTED Dish washers and waitresses. Apply Mooney's restaurant, Warrington, Florida. PIANO TUNING Save money by having your piano tuned, regulated and clean- ed regularly each year. . We guarantee to please you. Estimates free. ' ' THE PIANO SHOP Z. A. Thomas, Manager. 18-2- 0 E. . Garden St. Phone 791 ARTESIAN WELLS ! ARTESIAN V'ELSViU'putr in well 4 to 20 inches diameter, any apeth, and guarantee water wmeforfull inform Men. Gray Artesian Well Co.. P. O. BO , 1077 or f none zwj. ait t LEGAL NOTICE - NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the under- signed, guardian of the estate of Thelma Boyett. Lillian R-- Boyett, Wm. Coker Boyett. and Merle C. Boyett, minors, will on the 10th day of October. A. D., 1918, apply to the Honorable Henry Bellinger. County Judge of Escambia Cotmcy, Flor- ida, at his office In the 7ourC Hojse An- nex, for authority to sell the interests of the said minors in and.' to the following described real estate, to-w- it: Lots Four and r ive ui jxai& ..jw o cmi kiuu-u- i- vision of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Fiv .' Town- - ship Five North Range Thirty Wet. ac-- I cording to the survey of W. C- - Beck, the i plat of s?c survey oemg recorded m i Book i 43 at page 524 of the i uk ili..T-T-wo furnished rooms on n,OTttK Si:L APPly 71 N. Baylen St. or Phone 1209. . 4504 FOR RENT One large furnished room. adjoining bath. wit. i Apply 317 it. Barcelona or Phone 963. 4515 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms - waier. Apply no in . atsy- - len St. 45oi FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, Sf1 coavenienees, located at 14 N. DeViUier St. Apply at residence. 4495 FOR RENT One comfortable furnished room with couple for one or two gentle- men. Apply 305 W. Chase St. 4493 FOR KENT Two furnished connecting rooms for light housekeeping, after Sept. 15, can Be seen at 111$ E. Strong St. 4496 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle-me- n. Close to business section, has hot and cold water, and electric lights. Phone 707, 210 W. Garden St. 4497 FOR RENT Two connecting rooms for gentlemen, use of bath and phone. C.M P. O. Box 1609. 4448 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, all modern conveniences, very reasonable. Gentlemen only. One block from Palafox St.. 28 W. Romana St. 4472 FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, bath electric lights,, also use of sitting room, close to shipyard. Apply M. F. G., care of JournaL 4471 FOR RENT Three furnished rooms up- stairs, and two rooms down stairs for light housekeeping or sleeping, with run- ning water in rooms upstars. At 625 E. Gregory StJ 4445 FOR RENT Two large furnished rooms for light housekeeping, to couple with- out children. Two doors from car line. 609 N. 8th Ave. .... 4419 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with mod- ern conveniences, use of phone. Apply 227 E. Gregory. 4415 FOR RENT Rooms. Phone 275 or appJjf r'OR RENT Two unfurnished ... roome, suitable for light housekeeping, near East Hill car line. $10.00 month. Call at 617 East Blount street and see them. 4358 FOR RENT One furnished front room. Apply 318 East Gregory street or phone 1486. 4392 FOR RENT One furnished front room, suitable for one or- two gentlemen. Apply 227 E. Intendencia St. 4406 FOR RENT Large two-stor- y store and residence, northeast corner Baylen and Zarragossa streets, will remodel to suit re- sponsible tenant. Apply Fisher Rental Agency, Phone 2051. FOR REN T Palafox street stores for rent 327-32- 9 (Moog's) from October 1, 1918. Phone 22, Knowles Bros. Agency FOR RENT Desirable room on North Hill to gentleman only. Phone- - and bath. Call 12 E. Gadsden or Phone 322. FOR RENT Store 22 S. Palafox St. from Sept. 1. Apply Fish- er Rental Agency, Phone 2051. FOR RENT Store, 108 South Palafox street. Will remodel to suit responsible tenant. Apply Fisher Rental Agency.- - Phone 2051. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms toy week or month. Shower bath and all modern conveniences at O'Leary'a rooms, JIHH S. Palafox. Phone 680. . 3131 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY New or second hand letter filing caDlnets, bookcases and other office supplies. Have for sale or exchange one 12o0-l- b. iron safe, one plat- form floor scale, capacity 650 lbs.; two counter show cases and other torj fixtures. P. O. Box 1077. Phone 46. 4498 WANTED Second hand - Iron safe. 26 East Garden. WANTED TO BUY A good second hand piano; must be cheap, player preferred. Apply Piano, care Journal. WANTED FAT PINE .WOOD LIGHTWOOD Consisting of fat dead limbs, knots and tree trunks. STUMPWOOD Consisting of fat stumps and roots. Due to increased freight and other rate advances affecting the cost of production we have in- creased the price we pay for the above classes of fat wood, effec- tive Julv 1st. . " If you are interested, write us and we will quote you price F. O. B. your station and make all necessary arrangements for j During the lull in the crop season Farmers should take ad-- ! vantage of the high price paid for fat wood and clear the stumps fWim elds. ? NEWPORT TURPENTINE & ROSIN CO., Inc. i Bay Minette, Ala. NEWPORT TURPENTINE , & ROSIN CO. OF FLA. Fensacoia, x ia. i to . j rent, or . i will f buy if . terms . . . are n right, w .. . Mich. -- ':.' 4513 REFINED COUPLE want to secure room and board in private family of not mora than four or five, about Oct, 1st. Board- ing houses need not answer. Address J. M., care Journal. 4507 WANTED Modern house of six or seven rooms or will exchange for one within walking distance of business district. Ad- dress L. M.r care ef Journal. 448 a WANTED Light housekeeping rooms about the 14th, . lady and daughter, about 3-- 4 mile from Postofflce. State terms. R, care Journal. 4421 WANTED For Oct. first, small cottage or apartments unfurnished for man and wife. Address, giving reasonable price. Box 1427, City. . 4480 WANTED By a couple, with S refined children, with white maid, rooms and board. Permanent, if reaeoaable. Ad- dress, H. A. K., Journal . 4479 TRANSFER STORAGE BIN G H AM T R AN S IF E R COMPANY. Phone 334. Haul- ing, packing, storing. - The Banking Sayings & Trust Company THE UPTOWN DANK . General Banking Only Trust Company ia Wast WE BUY AND SELL BONDS TAR WOOD We are in the market for large quantities of TAR WOOD. We have furnished a steady market for this for 17 years. In some cases we can furnish motor trucks for hauling to rail- road at lower cost than when hauled with teams. , Good profit in shipping. Terms : Spot cash as soon as shipments are unloaded. Prices are "War Time" prices. Very high. Write for detailed instructions for preparing, prices, etc. Pensacola Tar & Turpentine Company GULLPOINT, FLA. THE TWO-STOR- Y, 1005 N. DAVIS , ji-- a jj Agent Phone 367 Sr is being waged t that at Fort Bar- rancas, where every man. is being givea an. opportunity to subscribe ' by workers which the company is fur- nishing'. It is expected that thesub-scription- s taken there will add ma- terially to those of the city. There are many Peusacolians who are taking the limit ot their.stamp al- lotment $1,000. City Chairman Her-ve- y announced last nig-h- t that many did not seem to understand that this limit was not for a family, but only for an Individual. Any man who wishes may take out $1,000 in W. S. S, for eac4i member et his family. In such cases as. men who act as agents or trustees for anyone, a full quota of $1,000 can b taken out for euch par- ties, in addition to an allotment sub- scription already taken out for the buyer, . ', Although this is Registration Day, H is not expected that this will hamper the sale of stamps. - On the contrary It Is belived that the many wbo will come into the city to register will srtve campaign workers .an opportunity to reach men who might - not have been Seen otherwise. Every effort will be made to interfere with the registration as little as possible, apd at the same time "reach the maximum number of men. Thousands to Sign Up For Army Service Continued from Page One.) through the mail in the past few days, both to the city and county officials, as well as to the exemption Aboard, from men who will be absent from Pensacola today on unavoidable busi- ness and who do not wish to be classed a3 slackers. All these men have been registered and cards will be mailed to the addreses given by the local-boar- d. Questionnaires are to be sent out as soon as possible after registration by the board, in order that Escambia county may be prepared to send its first quota under the new law. . Employes Granted Time. , At the railroad shops arrangements have been made to have registrars there so that only a minimum of time may be lost by the men employed there in essential labor. It is not expected that any time will have to be checked off for this duty because of the pres- ence of the registrars at the shops. Civilians employed avt the. Pensacola Naval Air Station are to be allowed two hours to register today. This an- nouncement was made Wednesday When the question came up for de- cision at the Air Station. Similar arrangements have been made at the Warrington plant of the Pensacola Shipbuilding company and at Fort Pickens, where civilian em- ployes may register as may any other men who are in the vicinity today and wish to take advantage of the regis- trars there. Every factory, manufacturer and employer of labor of registration ages, had made arrangements, so far as the exemption board could ascertain, to give men ample time to g;o to their voting places or the nearest registra- - (Continued on Page Eight.) Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.: This is not only one of the best and most efficient medicines for - coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough,- - but is also pleasant to take, which is im- portant when a medicine must be given to young children. Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy has been In use for many years and has met with much favor wherever Its good quali- ties have become known. Many mothers have given it their unquali- fied endorsement. Wm. Scruby, Chll-lUroth- e, Mo, writes; "I have raised three children, have always used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and found it to be the best for coughs, cold and c:oup. It is pleasant to take. Both adults and children like it. My wife and I have always felt safe from croup with it In the house. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy contains no opium or other narcotic. Adv. 7rve'a Tasteless ehill Tenle transmitted to the blood by the Ma-destro- ys the malarial germs which are larial Mosquito." Price 00c. Adv. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution issued out ot the Circuit Court of Escambia County, Flor- ida, wherein Sol Cabn and Max L. Kahn. as Sol Cahn and Co.. were piainthTs ' and "Richard - Swayne. was de- fendant. I have levied upon and will ex- pose for sale at public outcry to the high- est and best bidder for cash on v Monday, the 7th day of October, 1918, during the legal hours of sale before the County Court House Door in Pensacola. Escambia County. Florida, an undivided one-fift- h interest in the following described real estate, being, lying and situate In Block One Hundred and Forty-fou- r (144) of the dred and Forty-fo- ur (144) thence runninar west along the north line of said Block One Hundred and Twenty-flv- e (125) feet, thence running south parallel to the east line of said block Thirty (20) feet, thence running east parallel to the north line of said block One Hundred and Twenty-fiv- e 125) feet, thence running North along the East Line of said Block Thirty (30) feet to point of beginning. Deed at cost of purchaser. J. C. VAN PELT. Sheriff Escambia County, Florida. 1632 29augoaw4w , - - , DANCING t ANCiNC' lAUUHl, at 2ih Wm Greg - ory street. For information, phone 27 Children's clae-- Tuesday and Friday Jtrpo" ' . ' ' nn-- r A T mvni.HDIlllliuftn ; ttUIAU A iriVTIUll MAYES PRINTING CO. - FINE JOB PRINTING - - OFFICE SUPPLIES 171 W. Government St. Phone 182 WE WRITE AH Ilnd3 of Insurance and a representative will be glad tO call upfn you at any time and' :;ve vr,u rates. Our Rental Department is equipped to handle all matters pertaining to your property, and we respectfully solicit a trial, lieiieving we can give you good returns. OFFICIAL CITY MAPS The Watson Agency, Inc "The Rental Agents." : Palafox Street. Pbope 54. FOR SALE i I I'Kincof Rvwine TVfarfflnA with ectric motor, can be seen at 1102 N. rdtffOJC St. 4467 rOR KALE CHEAP Excelsior, single, n;otorcycle, good tires, etc., or will jade for cow, Belgian hares or anything sn use. Write or call after 6 pm. at iii X. 12th Ave. 446ti FOR SALE Household furniture, includ- es range, boiler, instantaneous heater, jiiebiard, tables, etc. Apply 316 W. ttronjf. Phone 1142. 4487 FOR SALE Dining Table and 6 kitchen chairs, one chiffonier and one sideboard. Apply 123 W. Chase St. 4450 FOR SALE Second hand gas cooking stove. See John Brendle at Star Laund- ry. 4447 :0R SALE Small Vlctrola with 60 reco- rds. Price $16. Apply 805 N- - Alcaniz it. 4446 FOP. PALE Cable piano; will sell cheap. App:- - 114 East Gregory. 4407 ?JR .S.iLE Cheap for cash. Ten' acre truck farm on hard road in Myrtle a nr.iv nr addrena Joe Bauman. '.-.t;- Bayou, R. P. 15. No. 2. City. 4408 'U SALE Small Testaurant. Cheap. A; : ;y .: South Palafox St. 4413 i'i; :.K F.ulck truck in good eondi- - ! ::."... Can be seen at 200 11 'C r: tt: .ps a M. 4414 FOR SALE- - Entire household firaiture. Can be seen at X. Reus or phone 16G1. V.t. Sam Kahn. mj: Residence J09 Tf. th Ave. .:r. ic L Radford, LAN. Machine ;v r photi 14. 4560 UBI.RTT PAIIIT FEED MARKS MORR MILK . i::nsacola FEED COMPANT. 2.y from the Biff Plant Farms EEDS AND PLANTS FOR TRUCK GROWERS. THE TRY BEST AT THE LOWEST CE. Mate your orders early for Utage Plants, ready for Octo- - Pianting, send for our price we can save you money, CODEN NURSERIES, Coden, Ala. OMATO and cabbage plants by express, $2.00 per 1,000; post-50- c per 100. White and wax Bermuda onion quart, 45 cents postpaid; t postpaid, peck, $1.65; bushel, ' pounds to the bushel. J- - Walker, Pinemount, Fla, Sale Second hand eemng mi-a- ll makes. 5.00 up. Gunat- - tfl3 Heynalda Music House, Phone 15 123S UT.T2 Columbia hand press with type eaiiirjment. W1U toe sold " Vldrese "Printing," care Journal. 4398 .1 SALE OH EXCHANGE- -3 miles mur'nouse. higblv improved. suitable for truck, chicken or J nrvn- - Wrttw R. P. Reese. Fensa-- - Box 1437. 1467 ;. sA!,f. OR TRADE Two passenger .. ! roadster, first class condition. lK- - Gregory St. 4058 alt: Frrn track farm on north- - rK of Little Bayou, good house harn. convenient to shipyard. .i.rs sea rrea ismiin, oux City. 4045 A well built 7 -- room house; porch: al; modern: 4- -r all under fence; near shlp-'..iyii- re hard road: convenient !d: at a very reasonable price; f .'! rc. owner going in army. - fatten, Warrington. 4431 Tn rnod Jer y cows, may t 1124 Kast laRnt nr Phone 4519 rv, FPHeneed city salesman. "i Crocktry Dry Goods Co. U.n Mahogany, .j father up-- " l'".0011- - Excellent condition. uaasden. 4506 Terms and Price to Suit You. W It will pay you to take a look at 1005 North Davis street, two-stor- y dwelling, close to car line and pavement. This property can be bought for $2,250.00 and we can take Liberty Bonds for part of cash payment ; balance very easy terms. " Pensacola Finance Company "We Always Have Houses For Sale" PHONE 367 ELBERT A. CLUBBS, Sales Agent E LL I.W G FAS T East King Tract in Pensacola. Escambia 'st Florida, to-w- it: Beginning opUl corner of said Block Ono UYm! AUGUST SALES WERE THE LARGEST IN THE HISTORY OF THE MAXENT. THERE'S A REASON ! If you will take a wTalk or drive, through our property, you will see it. Prices,y$300 to $500 for a lot 50 feet front by 125 feet deep. 25yto ?50 cash, balance in notes payable every three months. MAXENT CORPORATION Deed Records of Escambia County, Florida, said real estate being situate in Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Sec. Five Tp. 5 N, R So West Sn the Town of Century, Lsoambia County. Florida. , - , W. A. BOTETT. Guardiaa. X04j septoa'V'lw A. M. COHEN, Sales WANTED TO TRADE New 5 pas.enrer auto for second hand, to get cash dif- ference. Address IL H. H-- , care Journal. 4449 3 hab7 carrUge and 1 man's k bargain: In nrst laaa condi- - t South Fla. E!anca Street 4514

7n Phone The J oral's Want Ad':;rOpportpiaities Phone · 2017. 12. 12. · 4473 WANTED WANTED To borrow $900 at 8 per cent from a private individual on extra good improved real estate

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Page 1: 7n Phone The J oral's Want Ad':;rOpportpiaities Phone · 2017. 12. 12. · 4473 WANTED WANTED To borrow $900 at 8 per cent from a private individual on extra good improved real estate


Phone 1500 The J" oral's Want Ad':;rOpportpiaities Phone 38From. 7 a. m. to




Wanted to ernt .. . . -- .v.'WANTED At Red r Bluff or Magnoliai Bluff about Oct. 10, a 4 or 5 room house


WANTED--T-w middle age colored menfor porters. Apply Merchants Hotel.

- - . 4509

Greeks Heavy Inves-tors in'W.S. Stamps

(Continued from Page One.) i.: ,


LOST At High School at vaudeville showSaturday night, Indian clubs, slippers,

wire, etc., belonging to Hal Hart, were putin the back seat of wrong Ford. Finderplease return to Army-Nav- y Club andreceive reward. 4510




WE HAVEnumber of inquiries for

Hi'iMES ranging In price fromjiirtifK) to $2,000.00, and to be

,'m for ia Monthly or Quarter--installments.

LOST One bunch of keys, return to J. T.Mackey, at Empire Laundry, and re-

ceive reward. 4483

LOST A brooch bf amethysts and apart.Reward forjsturn to Miss Agnes Han-sen, 111 go. Reus, or Phone 1648. 4444

IF THE PERSON who took by mistake abrown grip marked E. B. C, on corner

10th Ave. and Moreno St., will return topolice station, no questions wiU be asked.


WANTEDWANTED To borrow $900 at 8 per cent

from a private individual on extra goodimproved real estate security. Address In-

vestment, care of J6urnal. 4503

WANTED Teacher for both vocal and- instrumental music. Address J. G. careJournal. ...... 4502


MISS LILLA McKINLAT will open herprivate school for the winter on Mon-

day, Sept. 16th, at 622 North Seventh Ave.Pupils will also be taught at night. Termsreasonable. 4442

Taxi serviceSAN CARLOS TAXI Exchange

and Baggage Transfer Co.Phone 200, day or night, forprompt, courteous service. jGoodcars and competent drivers.


DeVOY TIRE SHOP, 24 West.Garden St. Bicycle tires vul-

canized. Gates' half soles put on






Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Ladies'Ready-to-Wea-r, Ladies' and

Cents' Furnishing Goods




1st memory of Mr. FranK U. Mayes,nd In ; recognition of the spirit ofhelpfulness that was his. The Journalwill Insert under this classificationree advertisements for those in needef employment.

WANTED Active man over lraft agewants position as manager or iiead clerk

in general merchandise store. Employedsa manager at present. Address "JU. C.M.," car JournaL

HARRIED MAN, no children, wants posi-tion as manager on large plantation.

H. E. Phlllians. Gen. Del., Bessemer Ala.

YOUNG LADY desires position as assist-ant bookkeeper, clerical or. timekeeper.

Have had over three years experience.Phone 1326.

WANTED By two boys, work in officeor restaurant, both have good educa-

tion and are willing to work. Apply 323E. Garden. , -7t

STENOGRAPHER desires work- ;- eitherregular or - otherwise. Can compose.

Apply 8 V4 W. Bomana, rooms 4 and 5.-7t

YOUNG LADY desires a position at oncein typewriting and shorthand. Mar-

garita Johnson, Milton, Fla.

WANTED By lady of experience posi-tion as companion and practical nurse

to semi-invali- d. References exchanged,terms reasonable. Address Miss A. L.Jonesville. S. C. Box 12.

WANTED Position as clerk in commis-sary or general merchandise store, in

class 4. References furnished. J. A.McClellan, Altha, Fla.

EXPERT ACCOUNTANT could handle asmall set of books in spare time. Neat-

ness, accuracy and moderate terms. Ap-

ply E. A-- , care Journal. ' 9--

WANTED Position in stenographic orgeneral office work. Phone, call or write

"Stenographer," care of The Starr PianoCo.

WANTED Position in shoe or dry goodsstore by man above draft age. Can give

best reference; any clerical job. AddressO. K., care Journal.

FOR SALEfoT?aT3aTuzzi

one pound postpaid, 35 cts., 3 pounds,$1.00; Bermuda onion sets, postpaid, 1

pound 45 cts., peek $1.75; cabbage plants$2.4 per 1,000. Write for quantity andprices. O. J. Walker, Pinemount, Fla.


FOR SALE Rogers silverware 1S47 make.Ope dozen teaspoons, 1- -2 dozen dessert,

1-- 2 dozen forks, three knives. Apply 323K. Romano St 4500


a Regular communication of Persa-col- a

Lodge, No. 42, F. & A. M.,T" will be heid Thursday, Sept. 12,tr 1918, at 7:30 p. m. at K. of P. Hall,11114 E. Intendencia. . Visiting brothersfraternally invited.


Secretary.w. o. w.

Live Oak Camp, No. 1, Woodmen of theWorld meets first and third Tuesdaynights for regular meetings. WoodmenHall. 116 and 117V4 West Garden street.



PENSACOLA LODGE. NO. 4. I. O. O. F.Pensafola IOdge. No. 4, I. O. O. F..

meets every Thursday at 8:00 p. m. inRafford Hall, corner Baylen and Belmontstreets. Visitors oordiallv invited.


MECHANICS 'Pennacola Council. No, 85. Junior Order

United American Mechanics .meets-- sec-ond and fourth Monday. S p. m atK. of P. hm 111 E. Intendencia St.. overWcliuirh Rtwre. Visiting brothers cor-dially invited.

F. E. TUGWELL. 'F. P. DILLARD. Con.Recording Secretary.

NOTICE Aero T.ode. 75 X hfnlsts.will meet every Wednesday untilfurther notice, at W. O. W. h Gardenstreet.

It. GUTHSOITMTDT.RnMine Fee trr.

AHSCLJLANEOUSJ. L. BLEDSOE, Uphosterer, Parlor and

Bdroom Suites made like new, all kindsof furniture repaired, shades made overand hung, rugs and carpets made overcleaned and scoured. Orders at Harri-son Bros. Phone 606. 4441

STRING INSTRUMENTS" repaired by J.II. Blakesly, 20 East Garden St., Tele-


Saw Teeth Properly Treated, alsoGrinding Knives, Shears. Etc. HandSaws. 25e. 223 E. intendencia St., Pon-sacol- a.

Via. 2305

WANTEDWANTED Small farm, by experienced, northern man to DUt into iruit, win putone acre in peach trees, one acre intame blackberries, one &offi in straw-berries. Will lease for term of one yearor buy. Address J. W. Morton, Route A.Pensacola. 4431

WANTED Stock to pasture, good water.shade, clover and Bermuda grass-- four

miles out. Address J. W. Morton, RouteA, Pensacola. 492

REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Buildings,Furniture( etc. First class work. Clem-

ent E. Taylor, Carpenter. Joiner and Dec-orator. Phone 1398. 4420

ATTENTION. CAR OWNERS! Put ' aGates' half sole over your old tire and

get from 6,000 to 20,000 more mileage outof your old tire. 3,500 miles guaranteewithout a puncture. DeVoy, 24 WestGarden street. 4220

WANTED Sewing machines to repair.Why buy a machine when your old one

can be made a good as ever. Ring 791,I will call. Work guaranteed . 18 EastGarden street. J. IL Blakesley. 4081

WANTED Tour job printing and ordersfor engraving of all kinds, calling cards,

wedding invitations, etc. MAYES PRINT-ING CO. 24 West Government. 516

HIDES, WOOL, Sheep Skins,Goat Skins, Scrap Iron, Rags,

Bones, Cotton, Rope, Metals andall kinds of junk. Highest pricespaid by the PENSACOLA HIDEAND METAL CO., 127 E. Zarra-

gossa St., Phone 299. -

WANTED Assistant bookkeeper, experi-enced in lumber --office. Must be ex-

empt from draft or in deferred classifica-tion. - Address Lumber. JournaL 4508

WANTED Toung man or lady for officework; satisfactory salary. Address Box

1097. 4484

WANTED A man for outside salesmanand collector, a!o man for Indoor work.

Apply Reynold"? Musi House. 4474

WANTED Good short order cook, coloredpreferred. Apply Immediately to Fried-

man's Cafe, Cor. Palafox and Zarragossa;

- 4485

WANTED Barbers, 65 per centguarantee $20. J. A. Hicks, 22

N, Palafox.

WANTED At once, young manstenographer. Apply South-- 1

era Cotton Oil Co.

WANTED At once, boy be-

tween 14 and 16 years of age.Apply Southern Cotton Oil Co.

MOTORMEN and Conductors.Experience unnecessary, must

be over 31 years of age. 30c to34c per hour. Permanent. Nolabor trouble. Free lodging firstmonth. Mobile Light and Rail-

road Co., Mobile, Ala.

W A N T E D An , experiencedclothing and gents furnishing

goods salesman. Apply at onceto Watson, Parker & Reese Co.

WANTED First class man todrive laundry wagon. Good

pay for a man who wants tomake money and . willing . tohustle. Salary and commission.Empire Laundry Co. '

IHgLPWjrUWANTED Colored woman for generalhousework. Apply 80 E. Gadsden. Mrs.

Livingstone. 4505


12,000 women clerks tbe appointed atWashington. Salary $1,200. Experienceunnecessary. Women desiring govern-ment positions write for free particulars,J. C. Leonard, former Civil Service Ex-aminer, 286 Kenols Building, Washington.


WANTED A competent house woman for- general house work to live on premises.Good wages. Apply 1211 E. Gadsden. 4512

WANTED Two young ladies for dis-pensing soda water, not over 17 yearsold. Apply to Balkcom Drug Co. 4511

CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONSPensacola, in Septemper. Govern-

ment Clerk, Teacher, Inspectress, Type-writer, Bookkeeper,' "Research Clerk.Presference given women. Salary 51200,$2,000. Experience unnecessary. Wo-men desiring government positionswrite for free particulars, RaymondTerry (former Civil Service Exam-iner), 814 Columbian building, Wash-ington.

"- 4432

WANTED Practical nurse for sicli.White woman. . Apply John White


WANTED Girl to help with children. Alltime or part time. Mrs. Matthews, 62

West Lee street. 4288

WANTED White and colored help atEmpire Laundry.

WANTED A- -l salad and pantry woman:must have hotel or club experience. Ap-

ply IV R. Patch,. Steward, San CarlosHotel .

WANTED Dish washers andwaitresses. Apply Mooney's

restaurant, Warrington, Florida.


Save money by having yourpiano tuned, regulated and clean-ed regularly each year. .

We guarantee to please you.Estimates free. ' '

THE PIANO SHOPZ. A. Thomas, Manager.

18-2- 0 E. . Garden St.Phone 791


ARTESIAN V'ELSViU'putr in well4 to 20 inches diameter, any apeth, and

guarantee water wmeforfull informMen. Gray Artesian Well Co.. P. O. BO ,1077 or fnone zwj. ait t


- NOTICENotice Is hereby given that the under-

signed, guardian of the estate of ThelmaBoyett. Lillian R-- Boyett, Wm. CokerBoyett. and Merle C. Boyett, minors, willon the 10th day of October. A. D., 1918,apply to the Honorable Henry Bellinger.County Judge of Escambia Cotmcy, Flor-ida, at his office In the 7ourC Hojse An-

nex, for authority to sell the interests ofthe said minors in and.' to the followingdescribed real estate, to-w- it: Lots Fourand r ive ui jxai& ..jw o cmi kiuu-u- i-

vision of the Southwest quarter of theSoutheast quarter of Section Fiv .' Town- -ship Five North Range Thirty Wet. ac-- Icording to the survey of W. C-- Beck, the i

plat of s?c survey oemg recorded m iBook i 43 at page 524 of the i

uk ili..T-T-wo furnished rooms onn,OTttK Si:L APPly 71 N. Baylen St. orPhone 1209. . 4504

FOR RENT One large furnished room.adjoining bath. wit.i Apply 317 it. Barcelona or Phone 963. 4515

FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms- waier. Apply no in . atsy--len St. 45oi

FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms,Sf1 coavenienees, located at 14 N.

DeViUier St. Apply at residence. 4495

FOR RENT One comfortable furnishedroom with couple for one or two gentle-men. Apply 305 W. Chase St. 4493

FOR KENT Two furnished connectingrooms for light housekeeping, afterSept. 15, can Be seen at 111$ E. StrongSt. 4496

FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle-me- n.

Close to business section, hashot and cold water, and electric lights.Phone 707, 210 W. Garden St. 4497

FOR RENT Two connecting rooms forgentlemen, use of bath and phone. C.M

P. O. Box 1609. 4448

FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, allmodern conveniences, very reasonable.

Gentlemen only. One block from PalafoxSt.. 28 W. Romana St. 4472

FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms,bath electric lights,, also use of sittingroom, close to shipyard. Apply M. F. G.,care of JournaL 4471

FOR RENT Three furnished rooms up-stairs, and two rooms down stairs for

light housekeeping or sleeping, with run-ning water in rooms upstars. At 625 E.Gregory StJ 4445

FOR RENT Two large furnished roomsfor light housekeeping, to couple with-

out children. Two doors from car line.609 N. 8th Ave. .... 4419

FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with mod-ern conveniences, use of phone. Apply

227 E. Gregory. 4415

FOR RENT Rooms. Phone 275 or appJjf

r'OR RENT Two unfurnished ... roome,suitable for light housekeeping, near

East Hill car line. $10.00 month. Call at617 East Blount street and see them. 4358

FOR RENT One furnished front room.Apply 318 East Gregory street or phone

1486. 4392

FOR RENT One furnished front room,suitable for one or- two gentlemen.

Apply 227 E. Intendencia St. 4406

FOR RENT Large two-stor- y

store and residence, northeastcorner Baylen and Zarragossastreets, will remodel to suit re-

sponsible tenant. Apply FisherRental Agency, Phone 2051.

FOR REN T Palafox streetstores for rent 327-32- 9

(Moog's) from October 1, 1918.Phone 22, Knowles Bros. AgencyFOR RENT Desirable room on North

Hill to gentleman only. Phone- - andbath. Call 12 E. Gadsden or Phone 322.

FOR RENT Store 22 S. PalafoxSt. from Sept. 1. Apply Fish-

er Rental Agency, Phone 2051.

FOR RENT Store, 108 SouthPalafox street. Will remodel to

suit responsible tenant. ApplyFisher Rental Agency.-- Phone2051.

FOR RENT Sleeping rooms toy week ormonth. Shower bath and all modern

conveniences at O'Leary'a rooms, JIHHS. Palafox. Phone 680. . 3131


WANTED TO BUY New or second handletter filing caDlnets, bookcases and

other office supplies. Have for sale orexchange one 12o0-l- b. iron safe, one plat-form floor scale, capacity 650 lbs.; two

counter show cases and other torjfixtures. P. O. Box 1077. Phone 46. 4498WANTED Second hand - Iron safe. 26

East Garden.

WANTED TO BUY A goodsecond hand piano; must be

cheap, player preferred. ApplyPiano, care Journal.


LIGHTWOOD Consisting offat dead limbs, knots and treetrunks.STUMPWOOD Consisting offat stumps and roots.

Due to increased freight andother rate advances affecting thecost of production we have in-

creased the price we pay for theabove classes of fat wood, effec-

tive Julv 1st. . "

If you are interested, writeus and we will quote you priceF. O. B. your station and makeall necessary arrangements for j

During the lull in the cropseason Farmers should take ad-- !vantage of the high price paidfor fat wood and clear thestumps fWim elds. ?



ROSIN CO. OF FLA.Fensacoia, x ia. i

to. jrent, or. i

will fbuy if . terms. . . arenright,w . . .

Mich. -- ':.' 4513

REFINED COUPLE want to secure roomand board in private family of not mora

than four or five, about Oct, 1st. Board-ing houses need not answer. Address J.M., care Journal. 4507

WANTED Modern house of six or sevenrooms or will exchange for one within

walking distance of business district. Ad-dress L. M.r care ef Journal. 448 a

WANTED Light housekeeping roomsabout the 14th, . lady and daughter,

about 3-- 4 mile from Postofflce. Stateterms. R, care Journal. 4421

WANTED For Oct. first, small cottageor apartments unfurnished for man andwife. Address, giving reasonable price.Box 1427, City. . 4480

WANTED By a couple, with S refinedchildren, with white maid, rooms and

board. Permanent, if reaeoaable. Ad-dress, H. A. K., Journal . 4479


BIN G H A M T R AN SIF E RCOMPANY. Phone 334. Haul-

ing, packing, storing.

-The Banking Sayings &

Trust CompanyTHE UPTOWN DANK .

General BankingOnly Trust Company ia Wast


TAR WOODWe are in the market for largequantities of TAR WOOD. Wehave furnished a steady marketfor this for 17 years.In some cases we can furnishmotor trucks for hauling to rail-road at lower cost than whenhauled with teams. ,

Good profit in shipping. Terms :

Spot cash as soon as shipmentsare unloaded.

Prices are "War Time" prices.Very high.

Write for detailed instructionsfor preparing, prices, etc.

Pensacola Tar & TurpentineCompany



1005 N. DAVIS ,

ji--a jj

Agent Phone 367Sr

is being waged t that at Fort Bar-rancas, where every man. is beinggivea an. opportunity to subscribe ' byworkers which the company is fur-nishing'. It is expected that thesub-scription- s

taken there will add ma-

terially to those of the city.There are many Peusacolians who

are taking the limit ot their.stamp al-

lotment $1,000. City Chairman Her-ve- y

announced last nig-h-t that manydid not seem to understand that thislimit was not for a family, but onlyfor an Individual. Any man whowishes may take out $1,000 in W. S. S,for eac4i member et his family. Insuch cases as. men who act as agentsor trustees for anyone, a full quota of$1,000 can b taken out for euch par-ties, in addition to an allotment sub-

scription already taken out for thebuyer, . ',

Although this is Registration Day, His not expected that this will hamperthe sale of stamps. - On the contraryIt Is belived that the many wbo willcome into the city to register will srtvecampaign workers .an opportunity toreach men who might - not have beenSeen otherwise. Every effort will bemade to interfere with the registrationas little as possible, apd at the sametime "reach the maximum number ofmen.

Thousands to Sign UpFor Army Service

Continued from Page One.)

through the mail in the past few days,both to the city and county officials,as well as to the exemption Aboard,from men who will be absent fromPensacola today on unavoidable busi-ness and who do not wish to be classeda3 slackers. All these men have beenregistered and cards will be mailed tothe addreses given by the local-boar- d.

Questionnaires are to be sent out assoon as possible after registration bythe board, in order that Escambiacounty may be prepared to send itsfirst quota under the new law.

. Employes Granted Time. ,At the railroad shops arrangements

have been made to have registrarsthere so that only a minimum of timemay be lost by the men employed therein essential labor. It is not expectedthat any time will have to be checkedoff for this duty because of the pres-ence of the registrars at the shops.

Civilians employed avt the. PensacolaNaval Air Station are to be allowedtwo hours to register today. This an-nouncement was made WednesdayWhen the question came up for de-cision at the Air Station.

Similar arrangements have beenmade at the Warrington plant of thePensacola Shipbuilding company andat Fort Pickens, where civilian em-

ployes may register as may any othermen who are in the vicinity today andwish to take advantage of the regis-trars there.

Every factory, manufacturer andemployer of labor of registration ages,had made arrangements, so far as theexemption board could ascertain, togive men ample time to g;o to theirvoting places or the nearest registra--

(Continued on Page Eight.)Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.:

This is not only one of the best andmost efficient medicines for - coughs,colds, croup and whooping cough,-- butis also pleasant to take, which is im-

portant when a medicine must begiven to young children. Chamber-lain's Cough Remedy has been In usefor many years and has met withmuch favor wherever Its good quali-ties have become known. Manymothers have given it their unquali-fied endorsement. Wm. Scruby, Chll-lUroth- e,

Mo, writes; "I have raisedthree children, have always usedChamberlain's Cough Remedy and foundit to be the best for coughs, cold andc:oup. It is pleasant to take. Bothadults and children like it. My wifeand I have always felt safe from croupwith it In the house. Chamberlain'sCough Remedy contains no opium orother narcotic. Adv.

7rve'a Tasteless ehill Tenletransmitted to the blood by the Ma-destro- ys

the malarial germs which arelarial Mosquito." Price 00c. Adv.


Notice is hereby given that under andby virtue of an execution issued out ot theCircuit Court of Escambia County, Flor-ida, wherein Sol Cabn and Max L. Kahn.as Sol Cahn and Co.. werepiainthTs ' and "Richard - Swayne. was de-fendant. I have levied upon and will ex-pose for sale at public outcry to the high-est and best bidder for cash on v

Monday,the 7th day of October, 1918, during thelegal hours of sale before the CountyCourt House Door in Pensacola. EscambiaCounty. Florida, an undivided one-fift- hinterest in the following described realestate, being, lying and situate In BlockOne Hundred and Forty-fou- r (144) of the

dred and Forty-fo- ur (144) thence runninarwest along the north line of said BlockOne Hundred and Twenty-flv- e (125) feet,thence running south parallel to the eastline of said block Thirty (20) feet, thencerunning east parallel to the north line ofsaid block One Hundred and Twenty-fiv- e

125) feet, thence running North alongthe East Line of said Block Thirty (30)feet to point of beginning.

Deed at cost of purchaser.J. C. VAN PELT.Sheriff Escambia County, Florida.

1632 29augoaw4w , - - ,

DANCINGtANCiNC' lAUUHl, at 2ih Wm Greg

- ory street. For information, phone 27Children's clae-- Tuesday and FridayJtrpo"

' .' ' nn-- r A T mvni.HDIlllliuftn ;



171 W. Government St. Phone 182

WE WRITEAH Ilnd3 of Insurance and a

representative will be glad tOcall upfn you at any time and':;ve vr,u rates.

Our Rental Departmentis equipped to handle all matterspertaining to your property, andwe respectfully solicit a trial,lieiieving we can give you goodreturns.


The Watson Agency, Inc"The Rental Agents."

: Palafox Street. Pbope 54.

FOR SALEi I I'Kincof Rvwine TVfarfflnA with

ectric motor, can be seen at 1102 N.rdtffOJC St. 4467

rOR KALE CHEAP Excelsior, single,n;otorcycle, good tires, etc., or will

jade for cow, Belgian hares or anythingsn use. Write or call after 6 pm. at

iii X. 12th Ave. 446ti

FOR SALE Household furniture, includ-es range, boiler, instantaneous heater,

jiiebiard, tables, etc. Apply 316 W.ttronjf. Phone 1142. 4487

FOR SALE Dining Table and 6 kitchenchairs, one chiffonier and one sideboard.

Apply 123 W. Chase St. 4450

FOR SALE Second hand gas cookingstove. See John Brendle at Star Laund-

ry. 4447

:0R SALE Small Vlctrola with 60 reco-

rds. Price $16. Apply 805 N-- Alcanizit. 4446

FOP. PALE Cable piano; will sell cheap.App:- - 114 East Gregory. 4407

?JR .S.iLE Cheap for cash. Ten' acretruck farm on hard road in Myrtle

a nr.iv nr addrena Joe Bauman.'.-.t;- Bayou, R. P. 15. No. 2. City. 4408

'U SALE Small Testaurant. Cheap.A; : ;y .: South Palafox St. 4413

i'i; :.K F.ulck truck in good eondi- -! ::."... Can be seen at 200 11

'C r: tt: .ps a M. 4414

FOR SALE-- Entire householdfiraiture. Can be seen at

X. Reus or phone 16G1.V.t. Sam Kahn.

mj: Residence J09 Tf. th Ave..:r. ic L Radford, LAN. Machine

;v r photi 14. 4560


i::nsacola FEED COMPANT.


CE.Mate your orders early for

Utage Plants, ready for Octo- -

Pianting, send for our pricewe can save you money,CODEN NURSERIES,

Coden, Ala.

OMATO and cabbage plants byexpress, $2.00 per 1,000; post-50- c

per 100. White andwax Bermuda onion

quart, 45 cents postpaid;t postpaid, peck, $1.65; bushel,

' pounds to the bushel.J-

- Walker, Pinemount, Fla,Sale Second hand eemng mi-a- ll

makes. 5.00 up. Gunat- -tfl3 Heynalda Music House, Phone15 123S

UT.T2 Columbia hand press withtype eaiiirjment. W1U toe sold" Vldrese "Printing," care Journal.


.1 SALE OH EXCHANGE- -3 milesmur'nouse. higblv improved.

suitable for truck, chicken orJ nrvn- - Wrttw R. P. Reese. Fensa-- -

Box 1437. 1467

;. sA!,f. OR TRADE Two passenger.. ! roadster, first class condition.lK- - Gregory St. 4058

alt: Frrn track farm on north- -rK of Little Bayou, good house

harn. convenient to shipyard..i.rs sea rrea ismiin, oux

City. 4045

A well built 7 -- room house;porch: al; modern: 4- -r

all under fence; near shlp-'..iyii- re

hard road: convenient!d: at a very reasonable price;f .'! rc. owner going in army.- fatten, Warrington. 4431

Tn rnod Jer y cows, mayt 1124 Kast laRnt nr Phone4519

rv, FPHeneed city salesman."i Crocktry Dry Goods Co.U.n Mahogany, .j father up-- "

l'".0011- - Excellent condition.uaasden. 4506

Terms and Price to Suit You. W

It will pay you to take a look at 1005 North Davisstreet, two-stor- y dwelling, close to car line and pavement.This property can be bought for $2,250.00 and we can takeLiberty Bonds for part of cash payment ; balance very easyterms. "

Pensacola Finance Company"We Always Have Houses For Sale"



East King Tract in Pensacola. Escambia'stFlorida, to-w- it: Beginning

opUl corner of said Block Ono UYm!




If you will take a wTalk or drive, throughour property, you will see it.

Prices,y$300 to $500 for a lot 50 feet frontby 125 feet deep. 25yto ?50 cash, balance innotes payable every three months.

MAXENT CORPORATIONDeedRecords of Escambia County, Florida, saidreal estate being situate in Southwestquarter of the Southeast quarter of Sec.Five Tp. 5 N, R So West Sn the Town ofCentury, Lsoambia County. Florida. , -

, W. A. BOTETT. Guardiaa.X04j septoa'V'lw

A. M. COHEN, SalesWANTED TO TRADE New 5 pas.enrerauto for second hand, to get cash dif-

ference. Address IL H. H-- , care Journal.4449

3 hab7 carrUge and 1 man'sk bargain: In nrst laaa condi- -t South Fla. E!anca Street