The best of axel g

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The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

All Rights Reserved 2010 axelg.com

The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

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The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

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Let me tell you a personal story then, I'll share my best advice with you.

The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

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The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

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Too Unhappy To Appreciate Anything

The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

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The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

All Rights Reserved 2010 axelg.com

The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

All Rights Reserved 2010 axelg.com

The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

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The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

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The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

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The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

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The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

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The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

All Rights Reserved 2010 axelg.com

The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

All Rights Reserved 2010 axelg.com

The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

All Rights Reserved 2010 axelg.com

The best of axel g

This ebook is a compilation of 10 quality articles from axel g. Feel free to share it with your friends... 100% Success Jet­Like Motivation How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others Learning To Apologize Fear Of Being A Failure The Benefits Of Guided Meditation Overcoming Laziness Weight Loss And Healthy Habits Neediness In Relationships Suicidal Depression

100% Success

Let me tell you a personal story then I'll share my best advice with you. My interest in flying took off round the age of twelve. The sheer sound of an aircraft drew my attention like nothing else. I started to fly gliders at fifteen and got licensed the following year. My dream was to become a commercial helicopter pilot and to work all around the world ­ I was so driven, nothing could stop me... The flight training was going to be quite expensive, so what I needed more than anything else was money. With a delivery job during the day and office cleaning in the evenings, I managed to put aside a substantial amount of money and borrowed the rest from my folks.

Helicopter Flight Training

I was nineteen when I boarded the plane that was going to take me to New York. Once at the helicopter flight academy, I focused on the flight training and studied really hard. Right after passing my final check­ride, the flight academy offered me a job as a flight instructor.

The Offshore Job

14 Months down the runway, I had more than a thousand hours of total flight time and tried to get an offshore job in the pacific, on an island called Guam. In those days, before the dawn of the world wide web, the fastest way of applying for a job was to fax the application and follow up with a call. They never offered me a position though, saying there were no vacancies. Anyhow, the thought of the job lingered in my head. I wanted it so badly, I decided to leave the helicopter academy and go to Guam to do whatever I could to land the job. I told the owner of the flight academy, where I by now had become a senior flight instructor, I had been offered an offshore job on Guam and that I would leave New York in a month's time. I wasn't in a position to tell anyone the way it really was, knowing that most of them would have told me it was insane to leave a good job, without any guarantees. Once on Guam, I checked into a hotel and took a taxi straight to the offshore helicopter company. I offered to help out with maintenance and test flights until they had an opening for me and only seven weeks passed till I was contracted to work on a South Korean ship. I'll never forget the excitement that rushed through me the first time I landed on Sea Hawk Two. I was 21 and the adventure had just begun!

The Keys To Success

Do what you love the most in life, let your passion show you the way. This is one of the master keys to success. It's much easier to find motivation to work hard for something you really love than to struggle with projects that don't inspire you. So, don't waste your time doing things you don't love. It takes talent to make it all the way. Now, take a moment to list your strengths and go from there. Again, don't waste your time doing things you're not good at. To become successful you must have confidence in your abilities. Confidence propels you forward and helps you overcome doubt and fear. So, don't waste your time worrying about all the things that possibly could go wrong along the way. Stop looking to the sides, focus straight ahead. Here is some true inspiration for you... Best of luck!

Jet­Like Motivation

Are you the kind of person who either do nothing or totally get absorbed in what you're doing? And once you've set your mind to it, the goal becomes the most important thing in your life? That's me, anyway. It makes no difference whether it's learning to meditate, eating healthy, getting physical exercise or running a website ­ I focus on my goal like a little kid who's playing, and completely forget about the rest of the world. Where does that kind of motivation come from or is it more of a personality trait? Let's find out...


Here's my take. I reckon anyone gets motivated whenever an activity is fun and exciting. So, how do you know when a moment of inspiration is about to arise? Generally we don't, but with experience you'll be able to sense the natural high as it sets in. And whenever these moments of inspiration surface ­ give it your best shot and put it to work for you. Sometimes an idea feels really exciting and inspires the world out of me. Other times a good vibration triggers it. Find out what works for you... Cultivate and cherish the moments that make for effortless creation.


So, are you disciplined like a soldier and ready to fight until your mission has been completed? We have to accept that mental energy fluctuates on a moment­to­moment basis. There are days when motivation is running low, then discipline comes to our rescue. With a lot of stamina to your name, it's possible to endure the longest of droughts. Even though everything looks dark, determination can push you through it. The opposite would be someone who gives up as soon as there's drizzle in the air or a popular show on tv.

Inspired Motivation

By combining the joy of inspiration with the power of a jet engine ­ you have a superior combination of creativity and thrust. Whenever you feel there's inspiration in the air, take the opportunity to get a lot of work done in a short time. Propelled by vibrant motivation you have a pleasant session ahead of you... Enjoy the natural high!

How To Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

It's really difficult to appreciate what you have. For example, those of you who were born in wealthy countries are offered a modern education, quality health care and a pension the day you retire. I encourage you to stop for a moment to appreciate what others have done for you. May it be your country, your mom or a friend. Others' efforts should never be taken for granted.

The Benefits Of Appreciation

It's really pleasant to be round considerate, helpful and kind people. I find that it makes for a warm and caring environment. How does it make you feel? There is a lot of difference between valuing kindness and taking it for granted. Moreover, by showing appreciation you contribute to a loving and caring environment. Kindness breeds kindness...

Appreciate The Efforts Of Others

Don't take anything in life for granted. Be aware of what you have and value it. Always appreciate the efforts of others. May it be good intentions, kindness or honesty. And never take something as rare as honesty for granted, it should be valued and cherished. It can be more difficult to appreciate daily help than occasional acts of kindness, since we tend to get used to routines. So, make the effort to acknowledge all the valuable assistance you receive.

How To Express Appreciation

You can express appreciation either by returning the favor, sending a thank you card, making a phone call or by saying how much the kind efforts mean to you. It's not what you do, it's the good intentions and energy you put into it. By doing so, you contribute to a caring environment and the receiver will truly appreciate your efforts. It feels good to show appreciation. It's a form of giving. Be really honest with yourself when you recognize what others have done for you. Don't just think, "I appreciate her help." Express your gratitude! Learn to value the goodness that comes your way and show appreciation...

Too Miserable To Appreciate Anything

People go through phases. Some individuals are just too low to appreciate anything in life. But once the person has had enough of suffering, it's easier to get motivated to tackle the problems. It's only natural to take it personally when someone is rude or unappreciative, especially after having been helpful to them. Even though it's difficult to be kind and appreciative when one is feeling down, we like to do what is good and right. So, be open to small signs of appreciation, which makes it a lot easier to deal with the situation. Best of luck!

Learning To Apologize

Let me share my best advice with you. I don't know about you, but I've made many mistakes in my life. If only I could, I would undo all of them. What if it were possible to change what we've done wrong, what would top your list? Take a moment to think about it... Why do we hurt others' feelings and lie to those who are close to us, what's the cause of that kind of behavior? Instead of thinking first, we tend to do it the wrong way around and without even considering the consequences. Another factor that many­a­time trigger meaningless actions are emotions such as anger and sexual desire.

Guilt And Shame

There are many reasons for wanting to change the past and guilt is one of them. It's a natural result of wrongdoings and no matter whether you lie to a close friend or say something that hurts your husband's feelings, guilt is as unpleasant to live with as disappointment and depression. Shame is another reason for wanting to change the past. Perhaps you got arrested for snorting cocaine at a friend's party and whenever you get back to work ­ you wish the whole thing were just a bad dream.

Learning From Mistakes

We can learn a lot about life from our good and bad experience. In that respect, we never stop learning about ourselves, others and life itself. I would like to emphasize an important point before we dig any deeper into human nature, the fact that we have to make serious effort to learn from our mistakes. Let's keep this acquired wisdom fresh in mind and put it to work as often as possible ­ this way, we can avoid hiccups in the future. Now, it's ok to make mistakes, that's part of life. But let's not carry the heavy burden of guilt and shame round with us. Whatever it is that you've done wrong, free yourself from the chains...


There are many ways of apologizing. As a rule of thumb, a casual apology is fine for minor wrongdoings, while it takes a more sincere apology to match a major one. You're the sole judge when it comes to deciding how to apologize. Now, if you're unsure of which approach to take, aim high and go down the path of goodwill ­ it's better to be too sincere than too casual.

The Casual Apology

Let's keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and not forget that we've actually done something wrong. So, no matter how­minor­an­issue it may be let's make it sound like an apology. In my opinion, this kind of apology could be done in the form of a note, sms, email, letter, phone call or by meeting face to face. As a golden rule, a phone call is more personal than the first options while meeting in person is the best way about it. What you say or write is important, but even more so is how you say it. Admit your guilt and don't give any excuses. Deep inside, we all know what's right and wrong ­ so let's be honest and sensitive in our approach.

Sincere Apologies

No one has ever said and meant that it's easy to ask for forgiveness. It isn't and perhaps this is the price we pay to shake the whole thing off our shoulders. Feeling nervous and unsure about ourselves in the process, make us feel really alive. A well­written email, letter or phone call can do the job as long as you're really honest and sensitive about what you write. If you really mean it, say you'll try your very best to avoid making the same mistake over again and ask if you could change in any way to make things better. As far as sincere apologies go, they should preferably be done face to face while a phone call is your second best choice.

Honesty And Sensitivity

It takes two to tango, the one who's made the mistake lives with guilt about what she's done wrong, while the other person feels angry and hurt about what's happened. It's as unpleasant to feel guilty about what you've done wrong as it is to feel like you've been knocked around. The person who's been ill­treated expects you to show some respect. So, by apologizing and talking it over in an honest and sensitive way, we can accept what's happened for what it is and move on ­ this way everyone involved feels relieved.

The Power Of Truth

The truth is a powerful tool and whenever we're honest about what we say and do ­ the truth works for us. Perhaps you don't expect a friend to forgive you after all the things you've done wrong, but as you go round and apologize with good intent ­ she may appreciate you earnest efforts and forgive you. So, put an end to guilt and shame. It's noble to admit mistakes and to say you're sorry. Living your life this way, makes for happiness and wellbeing... Best of luck!

Fear Of Being A Failure

We grow up with expectations and dreams, fears and shame. That's all part of the package we call cultural conditioning. Are you afraid of being a failure? Everyone cannot succeed in life, some of us have to fail. That's the law of nature. In this article I'll share some of my personal fears and insights with you...

Expectations And Success

Success is an ideal in our culture. Your family and society expect it from you, which leads to fear of not being able to live up to their expectations. What expectations of success do you have on yourself? How important is it for you to succeed in life? Who are you trying to please? You know your stuff, but perhaps you haven't succeeded yet. You don't have a Ph.D from Harvard, but you think you're smart enough to make it. Isn't it frustrating? Why do you hunger so badly for success? Do you want people to respect you and look up to you? Is that what you yearn for?

Being A Failure

Everyone wants to be special, that's human nature. But what would it be like to wear simple clothes, eat simple food, have a simple job, live in a simple room and not be special in any way? Could that possibly be liberating? Of course. Freedom from expectations is most liberating. All the pressures and expectations your family, friends, society and yourself place on your shoulders, make for endless anxiety and stress. If you do fail in the end, you'll be well aware of it. There won't be a need to remind you about the failure, since you'll live with it 24/7. As you already know, the fear of failing is deeply rooted in the human psyche. But what is it really that you fear? Not being able to live up to others' expectations. You don't want to be looked down upon, ignored and be called a nobody. We do almost anything to belong, we want to be accepted, we want others to like us ­ it's that simple. But who is the success for? It's for yourself and them. You want to live up to the expectations and build a good reputation for yourself. If your endeavors fail, don't blame yourself. Besides, you can experience lasting happiness without success altogether.

Leading A Meaningful Life

Here are some helpful questions you can ask yourself: ­ Are you content with life? ­ Are you healthy? ­ Are you fulfilling your life's purpose? ­ Do you have a meaningful job? ­ Does success guarantee happiness? ­ What is the meaning of life? ­ What do you live for? ­ Who are you trying to please? ­ What are you trying to prove to yourself? Some of you may say, "I want to prove to myself that I can make it in life." Go ahead and give it your best shot... Be aware of your intentions though; what you do in life, how you do it and why you do it.

Grasping For Success

We all want to be successful in the eyes of the world. That's our nature. But what comes after the fame and success? I can assure you that it feels pretty ordinary, at best. But others are successful, special and famous so you also want a piece of the cake. And what do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? You wouldn't tell them you're a nobody, of course not. You want them to think as highly of you as possible. On the other hand, you could always inflate your position and achievements... But why play these mind games? Don't let social status go to your head.

Dreaming Of Success

What is your ultimate dream in life? To have a lot of money, cars, planes, yachts, young lovers, interesting friends, luxury villas, loads of servants and a private island? How about being really famous? But isn't your life good as it is? No, because of the lingering fear of being a failure. What would others think of you if you died before having achieved fame and success? Deep inside you cry for attention like a little baby: I want to be special! See me, respect me! Recognize my achievements! That's all ego. Let go of all of that and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Learn to value what is true and real in life and don't give too much attention to appearances and opinions. Life is not what it appears to be, life is what it is... Best of luck!

The Benefits Of Guided Meditation

Are you one of those people who have considered changing your life around time and time again but never got round to it? Here's your chance to slow down a little and enjoy the soothing effects of meditation. With its power to dissolve physical and mental tension we all know that meditation is good for us ­ but where do you start? The good news is that you don't have to venture off into the deep jungles of India or Thailand to learn powerful meditation techniques, you don't even have to join a meditation center ­ just load your mp3 player with a quality meditation and there you are...

Getting Started With Guided Meditation

Download a quality meditation to your mp3 player. Then, find a quiet place to meditate. Close the door to your room and switch off the phone. By cutting out distractions it's much easier to relax and concentrate which in turn deepens the meditation. This is why so many meditators part with civilization when going on meditation retreats. Make yourself really comfortable, either sit in an armchair or lie down. The more comfortable you are the easier it is to relax. Put on your favorite headphones, press play and close your eyes. Meditating with the eyes closed is another way of cutting out distractions. A guided meditation is a series of easy­to­follow instructions that bring you to a state of vibrant stillness. Just relax and follow the instructions. During the meditation your heartbeat will slow down, your body will relax and your mind become centered and calm. After the session you'll feel refreshed. The more you practice the deeper the meditation takes you. Now, once you find a guided meditation that you like, stick to it. This way you'll benefit the most from your practice. I recommend that you meditate at least 2­3 times a week, however, if you're really serious about reaping the fruits of meditation ­ opt for a session a day.

Finding The Time To Meditate

Meditation is fun and easy to learn. All you really need is a 10­minute coffee break, so fitting it into a busy schedule is very feasible. The thing that matters here is quality, not quantity. Give yourself a soothing start of the day by listening to a guided meditation first thing in the morning or dramatically improve the quality of sleep by meditating just before going to bed at night.

Positive Effects Of Meditation

So, what should you expect from your meditation practice? Those of you who are into sports already know that physical exercise is a wonderful release. A means of doing away with surplus energy and tension, resulting in physical and mental ease. Likewise, health professionals speak very highly of meditation and its overall health benefits. It's widely recognized that deep relaxation assists in lowering the blood pressure and vitalizes the mind, calling forth physical and mental wellbeing. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, guided meditation may be just the tool you've been looking for. When the mind is really active it's hard to relax, let alone falling asleep. Thinking about work or personal problems are common causes of insomnia. Physical and mental stress bring us out of balance. So, how do you fall asleep after a busy day at the office? One approach is to keep the stress below a critical level throughout the day, by not allowing it to turn into a wildfire. Preventive measures are more effective than attempting to suppress stress that's already burning. Here, the short meditation on the commuter train or during the coffee break works wonders.

Effective Learning

Guided meditation is also a powerful tool when it comes to effective learning. So, what is it that makes us sluggish and inefficient? Let's take a look at the key factors: ­ Stale air ­ Tiredness ­ Dehydration ­ Hours of sitting ­ Infrequent meals ­ Poor concentration See to these issues by improving the air circulation, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, taking frequent breaks and eating regularly. A few minutes of stretching or a refreshing walk works too. Promoting biochemical balance supports overall wellbeing and increases your endurance as well. Then, let the guided meditation boost your concentration. While meditating the concentration builds up a momentum not unlike a spinning gyro that can keep you studying for a few hours. Whenever you start to feel mentally tired ­ take a short break or a power nap. The key here is to experiment. So, try meditating prior to studying, during breaks and before going to bed at night to see what works best for you. Here is a book everyone who is interested in meditation should read... Good luck with your meditation practice

Overcoming Laziness

It's normal to be lazy at times. After a long week at the office it's only healthy to unwind over the weekend. Sleeping in and taking it easy for a day or two are great ways of recharging the batteries. But let's take a look at real laziness which is characterized by getting stuck in a state of inactivity. Instead of doing what we're supposed to we get stuck in sticky things like surfing the web, playing computer games and watching movies. Whenever there's a lack of motivation it's only natural to fall into a mode of inactivity. Unemployment is an all too common cause of just that. After a few hours of aimless surfing, I personally get really bored and feel mentally low.

Kick The Habit

But how do you get out, if you got mud up to your waist? You have to make some serious effort! Let's take a look at a handful of powerful tools that can help you along the way... A balanced lifestyle is great support, so find an approach that suits you. Staying up all night and sleeping all day is bound to make you sluggish. You're better off going to bed round midnight, hitting the sack later than that is asking for trouble. Then, set the alarm and opt to wake up after 6­9 hours of sleep ­ too much rest only makes you drowsy. Once you get the basics right, you're in an excellent position to change your situation around: ­ If you're unemployed ­ look for a job. ­ If you spend a lot of time on your own ­ socialize more. ­ If you eat mostly unhealthy foods ­ change to a healthier diet. ­ If you're not doing any exercise ­ exercise 2­3 times a week. ­ If you spend most of your time inside ­ get some fresh air. These are all great energizers!

Avoid Sticky Activities

If you have a tendency to get stuck on the web, work offline. Again, avoiding sticky activities will keep your motivation buzzing. See, how just a touch of structure makes for freedom. Motivation naturally gives rise to satisfaction, so give it a chance and let me know how you're coming along... Best of luck!

Weight Loss And Healthy Habits

In this post we'll take a look at a healthy approach to life and weight loss. In today's fast­paced world, most people are more interested in quick fixes than changing their unhealthy habits, which is a real shame. By taking on some healthy habits it's easy to maintain a natural body weight. Yet, it takes a measure of discipline to change old habits, but it gets easier with practice.

Weight Loss

Being overweight has really negative effects on both the body and mind. For one, it puts extra stress on the heart, legs and back. And it's more difficult to feel good about yourself when you're overweight, which leads to negative thinking. All the following weight loss pointers work for me: Exercise every day. I suggest you walk slowly for 45­60 minutes. That type of exercise burns a lot of body fat. Why not bring a friend along? That's a great way to get motivated. If you want to do more exercise, you can stretch gently before and after the walk. Drink a large glass of water before every meal. That's a natural way to prevent overeating, which is really unhealthy. Give up deep­fried foods completely. It's just too fattening. A much healthier alternative is to fry the food in a small amount of vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Don't eat unhealthy snacks like chocolate bars and potato chips. A fresh fruit or small fruit salad make great snacks. Give up sugar altogether. Sugar is so unhealthy and only adds a lot of calories to your diet. Beer, wine, soda and spirits can be consumed in small amounts, occasionally. Remember that they're also high in calories. The good news is that you can eat as much vegetables as you like. It's healthier to eat them raw than cooked, since the healthy enzymes can't withstand high temperatures. Steaming is a great alternative, if you don't like raw vegetables. Finally, look for delicious recipes online to make your food as enjoyable as possible.

Healthy Habits

Lasting weight loss is not about changing your habits for a couple of weeks. Rather, it's about taking on healthy habits for life... Best of luck!

Neediness In Relationships

What does it mean to be needy and how do you overcome it? In this post we'll take a look at how neediness affects relationships. As you already know, feeling needy is a state of craving affection. Have you ever longed for a relationship while feeling lonely or depressed? Most of us seem to believe that loving attention from the right partner, heals emotional wounds and make us whole again...

Needy Behavior

It's draining to have a needy lover that clutches on to you like a child, and gets moody whenever she doesn't get enough attention. A needy person is emotionally unstable and clings to her feelings and thoughts. When her needs are not met, she overreacts or withdraws. Common causes of neediness include anxiety, depression or fear of loosing your partner. Some lovers enjoy looking their partners in the eyes, for extended periods of time. In an attempt to satisfy their craving for affection. The caring attention acts like a drug ­ a relief from the emotional pain.

Overcoming Neediness

It's exhausting when someone always craves your affection. So, do your best to offer your partner freedom and space. It's vital to be apart at times, regardless whether it's for three months or just an hour here and there. "Stand together, yet not too near together" Kahlil Gibran Moreover, it's important that both of you have friends. Spending time apart, is as refreshing as a violent thunderstorm. But a needy person who always craves attention, would say, "To me, that's not real love. I want to be with my lover all the time!" Now, here's my very best advice to you. Heal your mental and emotional wounds before getting involved in any relationship. Someone who can't cope with himself, isn't fit for a relationship ­ it would only make things worse. Talk therapy is an effective way to resolve mental and emotional issues. Finally, if you feel needy and crave affection from your lover, talk to him. That will make things a lot easier. Best of luck!

Suicidal Depression

Let me tell you a personal story and then I'll share my very best advice with you. The emotional pain had been there for years and I just couldn't take another day of it. Every morning, I would wake up feeling deeply depressed and this emotional torture would be with me all day long. Drinking alcohol didn't soothe the pain anymore. The unpleasant emotions would shine through and make it even worse and I wasn't up to taking drugs, that just wasn't me. The only escapes I had left were sex and sleep.

Committing Suicide

I was 22 and sat on the floor in a hotel room at a seaside resort, in Thailand. I was sharpening a kitchen knife that I had bought in Bangkok earlier that day. Tonight, I was going to do it, swim out from the beach and cut my throat ­ nothing could stop me, nothing. My body felt vibrantly alive and my mind was buzzing, as if it were operating on a higher frequency. It was so liberating to finally have made the decision. I scratched the knife against my finger nail and thought to myself, "That will do the job."


I had learned meditation about six months earlier and something told me to meditate for awhile before putting my plan into action. I sat up on the bed and meditated for about 10­15 minutes. My mind became very calm and the motivation to go ahead with the plan ­ was all gone! At the same time, I thought that my family back home deserved better. Why should they have to collect my body at the airport in a black­plastic bag? My emotions were still but the fact that the strong desire to end my life was completely gone ­ frustrated me. These thoughts followed, "I don't have to do it now. If I change my mind, I can do it another day."

Emotional Pain

Why do we commit suicide? What are we escaping from? Where is the logic in ending one's life? The reality of intense­emotional suffering must be experienced. It's not possible to know what it's like to be suicidal without having been it, however, if you could experience it even for just a few moments ­ you would probably touch upon emotional pain like you have never known it before. These extremely unpleasant emotions wear you down over time and trigger suicide.

Talk Therapy

I was depressed for more than 15 years and the suicidal depression lasted for about three. So, how did I overcome my depression? I was in 5 or 6 sessions of talk therapy towards the end of my suicidal years. The therapist really listened while I talked about my situation. It was such a relief to ventilate my feelings and thoughts. The talk therapy eased the emotional pain in a short period of time. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone! Then, I spent years meditating on my unpleasant emotions. Step by step, I was able to accept the negative emotions without holding on to them and finally the depression subsided. I had been depressed for eight years, by the time I started in therapy and this was the first time I had done anything about it. There was a lot of shame in it for me and I had this idea that people would look down on me if I started in therapy. Don't reason like I did, it won't do you any good. You deserve therapy and it will make you feel much better.

Don't Give Up!

It really troubles me to hear about anyone who has committed suicide because I know that there's a way out of the hopelessness and pain. Whatever you do, don't ever give up! If you've lost a friend or someone close to you, all I can offer you is my understanding ­ there is really nothing more to say... My wish, is that this article will reach out to people in need of hope and support. That very wish is what inspired me to share my story.

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