7 BoM Laws of Entrance

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  • 8/8/2019 7 BoM Laws of Entrance


    Concerning the Laws of Entrance

    to the 6/7 Books of Moses

    by David Solowitz

    Preliminary remarks:

    Ten Heavens are open to everyone who does the Grand Work of Moses, the Holy Spirit of

    Christ Jesus, and who carries the True Message of Prophet Mohammed of God, Peace Upon

    All. These Heavens open themselves to the students of the magi who keep to these teachings

    in spirit and Truth: who read them carefully, and perform the rites in reverence and humility.

    Power is the blessing and trap that we face as Fire Priests. It can burn those who do not use theproper pit to contain it. That pit, I will tell you, is none other than Hell itself! What do I mean?

    I mean that Hell is the storage of God's Fire until the proper time!

    The spirits of Hell are spirits of imbalance, and thus they curse when they mean to bless. Their

    road is paved with good intentions, but its trumpeter is the Angel of Pride and its folly.

    You must renounce this Devil for Good. Fortunatley and to the Praise of Our Lord and Savior,

    it is an entirely easy thing to do.

    Turn away from sin permanently by accepting the True Christ: The Spirit of Unconditional

    Love - The Blessing that saved the world long ago.

    Christ became "a high priest", and now we approach that mantle. We will take it up, and evil

    will thus be unable to stand before us.

    But before we can do so, we must renounce sin forever, and merge with God our Father.

    As Christ said, "I and the Father are One. You will do Greater Things than Me."

    Let us now join with Christ and God, and all the prophet/saints, in the Holy Communion, in

    memory of the Blessing that is Saving our planet even as we speak

    Glory to our Father, Mother, the Holy Spirit, and the Sabbath Bride who now comes to wed her

    Beloved One!

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    I wanted to reactivate and comment some more on Laws of Entrance in the 6/7 Books of Moses

    because I've been referencing this topic a lot lately and I thought perhaps I should explain in

    further depth what I am trying to get across to all of you. I feel a great urgency to share all this

    information because there is a great potential for abuse with Mosaic and Solomonic magic

    both, regardless of your religious, political, or spiritual background. I believe I am receiving

    information through the communion of my Holy Guardian Angel, who is my personalconnection to God and my true nature.

    I did the Abramelin operation a few years back but since then I have grown and learned a lot

    and can now divine and perceive with much more clarity on certain occasions. It feels

    sometimes that I am doing prophecy. I want to use the grace and the good gifts I've been given

    to assist all of you, because you are good friends in magic and I know that deep down, you are

    ALL sincere seekers that want to master the Fiery Arts of Wand and Sword and achieve your

    dreams visibly and real. You couldn't have come to this work without a calling for it and the

    capability to understand it. Some of you may have fought and trained for this ability, over

    many lifetimes and many years in the spirit and in Truth as you have understood it.

    I know I may come off sometimes sounding like a nut job preacher, but a big part of any

    training as a fire priest (sacred mage/ magu/magus/magician), is the humility brought about

    through a thorough study and acquaintance with religious scriptures. You are going to have to

    make these studies too on your own if you want to get the most out of these books and

    writings, because they channel things from the Israeli-Christian tradition that are very

    powerful and old. Its not absolutely required (God is the only One that Is), but its very

    beneficial because you become very familiar and close to these traditions and you can

    understand them from the inside as a sincere seeker living in their vein. Perhaps they are notthe most ancient or authoritative scriptures in the world; God knows they've been messed with

    severely many times over the centuries and millenia. But they ARE very effective at being a

    spiritual rorschach test.

    If you look into the Bible with sincerity and a clean heart and spirit, all the mysteries open up

    before you through the power of God's true and real love. You have to understand the First

    FIVE books of Moses to really get the whole gist of the Sixth and Seventh Ones. But Pride is a

    VERY REAL danger here. Believe me: I found out the HARD WAY.

    People who believe they already know and understand God's will completely when going into

    this grammar will be led astray and miss the whole point of all of this wonder, joy, power, and

    beauty. They will miss what both Moses, Jesus, and the Movements they started were really all

    about: The deep and abiding connection to Wondrous Reality, and the exercise of that

    Wonder to aid and heal our world and our fellow human beings. "Those amongst you who

    would be greatest should be as if last, and serve." (paraphrase from the Good News).

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    I know I am running and maybe even rambling on here, but I sincerely ask you to bear with

    me. We both (my angel and I) have so much we want to share with you, because we've actually

    been fond of you guys for years. I learned a lot about magic with the help of boards like this

    and people like you who really want to make it work effectively! I'm very grateful I know all of

    ou, my brothers and sisters; mothers and fathers.

    I have been at these rituals for YEARS, and I screwed up ROYALLY on several occasions.

    Markus and Santos can both attest to that if you ask them. But it goes back to Pride. I thought I

    knew what I was doing when I didn't, and I was too scared to approach The True God Beyond

    Words and Images. Pride is an attempt to try to have absolute control over one's life and world.

    It interferes with all your attempts at successful magic, so PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD

    don't let it get the best of you. Watch yourself: Always! Enflame yourself with the Prayer of

    Quiet so the devil can't get ya good, lawyer he is.

    This is VITAL for working with the Laws of Entrance and obtaining true Conversation with

    Truth and God.

    Let me illustrate using the text.

    1. Before you can enter the temple of consecrated light, you must purify your

    soul and body during thirteen days.

    Thirteen is a sacred number, even though its been considered unlucky. Its the signs of the

    Zodiac +1, and that One is the True Teacher. The Apostles of Christ experienced that One

    through their teacher, the man Jesus who incarnated the Holy Spirit of God our Father. Twelvedays are spent purifying yourself of every disease and trouble the twelve signs and their star

    spirits oversee, and initiating yourself thereby into the Twelve Tribes of Israel and their

    mysteries. With the Thirteenth Day, you receive the benediction that allows you to rise above

    and through the influence of the signs, so that in time, you are not longer a victim of the fates.

    You let God, in all His/Her Trustworth, assume the Throne of your own mind and spirit that is

    granted to EVERYONE AT BIRTH.

    This is a mystical process of cleansing by which a person can behold all the Heavens as well as

    True Earth if they are pious. Traditionally you bathe every day in living, purified water that

    flows freely and represents the Water of Life flowing from the Four Rivers out of the Pardees

    ("Paradise", Orchard from the Hebrew: the tended Garden of Eden that we seek to return to in

    soul and spirit).

    Its OK to make mistakes while you are doing this. Everyone is human and we're fallible,

    especially when we start out on these mysterious and magic pursuits. Just put your trust in God

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    and your angel to lead you down that straight and narrow path that bypasses all the stupidity,

    sin, perversion, distraction, disease, and illusion of the fallen world in its degraded state.

    If you have not already been baptized with Water, make sure you get it done at this point. You

    can be baptized by anyone who has been baptized themselves. Its doesn't matter where the

    water comes from as long as its as clean as you can get and it is poured over your head by a

    brother or sister in the Great Body of the Church of Christ. Read about how the apostle Philipdid it in the Book of Acts and I think you will really understand and intuit what I am babbling

    on about here in so many words!

    2. As a brother and disciple of the New covenant -- as a Christian -- you

    must receive the Holy Sacrament for the Glorification of the Three Kings:

    [Who were known as] Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar.

    These Three Kings are our Archetypes and models as Magi in the Christ Spirit. They witnessed

    the Birth of Deep Hope in our world over several lives, and brought gifts to Christ'sincarnation that symbolized and embodied the nature of Enligtenment, Freedom, and Truth.

    Each of the magi was a different individual, but each served our True Being with all his Heart,

    Mind, Body, and Soul. That was the Commandment (Mitzvah) that God issued to Israel

    through Moses the Prophet, who remains our teacher in these endeavour.

    This gifts exist within each and every human being, but they must be brought forth to the

    Light to be effective. This mass honors the 3 Kings of Spirit, Fire Priests of God, and grants the

    same kind of blessings upon aspirants that they enjoyed. It is very powerful and a very solumn

    religious occasion. Its wonderful to do it on their Feast Day / Saints Day by the traditional

    reckoning, but you are not required to do this, as every day is sacred in God's eyes.

    The Christian mysteries will slowly unveil themselves to you once you join with the Holy

    Spirit of Christ through this sacredness. This ceremony should be conducted at the discretion

    of your own link to God: Your OWN Holy Guardian Messenger. Prayer, done continually

    through the first step and this second, will light your way and attune your mind and spirit to

    what is necessary to perform these works very effeciently and throughly. Its also good, during

    this ceremony you are performing with living inspiration, to use the bracers/bracelets you find

    in the "Magic of Alexander" (The "Left Side" and "Right Side"). They will protect you andour blood from contamination when you have to work with troublesome and difficult energy

    and/or daemons. This is something I have just been learning about recently myself: the power

    of consecrated symbols to convey God's spirit to our minds, bodies, and hearts.

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    3. Three holy masses must be read as often as you make use of this Book in

    your priestly service, with your intention fixed upon the three glorifiedkings.

    This is a mass in the traditional sense of a service of communion with the Spirit Church ofChrist, which is also called the Invisible College until it manifests to all, and every tongue

    confesses that Christ is a Lord of Spirit and Truth. You can perform communion as long as you

    are a priest, and if you have initiated yourself authentically with the help of God than you are

    none other! You have to understand that Israel is more than a land and an ethnic nation. It is

    literally God's firstborn Son in the world. It is the not just the nation of Jewish or Melchizadek

    priests, but of ALL PRIESTS.

    If you have been performing these operations faithfully and gracefully, you have become,

    ourself, a Priest of God, ministering to the entire church of the Earth by your actions. This

    calls for added responsibility, but it is also a great blessing! You are becoming a Priest of theOrders of both Melchizedek, Moses, and Aharon. This is a really solemn but happy occasion.


    Administer communion for yourself or your friends in this pursuit, and you can also allow

    them to do the same for you. Celebrate this in your heart and sing! Enjoy yourself. These mass

    ceremonies help to stabilize the energy of the Holy Spirit within your entire being, so that you

    can't go wrong when you go to use the more advanced procedures of Mosaic magic.

    4. You must provide yourself with a ram's horn, wherewith to call to-getherthe angels and spirits. This horn must be included in your intentions of the

    holy mass.

    The Ram's horn is the symbol of Aries and of the age of the Ram, during which Moses led the

    Israelim out of Egypt. In the story of Abraham and Isaac (Yitzhak), Abraham substitutes a ram

    stuck in the bush for his son's life. It was a belief in old Israel that first born children were God's

    property and that he loaned them out to families as a kind of generosity on his part. Sacrifices

    were made to "exchange" the life of the firstborn from God's hands to the family's, offering the

    ram in return to take the brunt of the sacrifice.

    The angel Gabriel has a horn that he blows to call all creatures to Judgment. This horn is one

    and the same. You will yourself use it to call angels and spirits of every denomination to your

    side and presence in order to answer questions and fulfill favors in God's service.

    Jews still blow this Shofar during the High Holy days, mainly in Autumn. They announce the

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    coming of the New year (Rosh HaShana) and the Day of Repentance (Yom Kippur) among

    others. It takes a special kind of skill to blow a ram's horn, and that skill comes from God.

    Good luck! ;)

    5. You must wear a breastplate of parchment, one span high and wide,

    inscribed upon it the names of the twelve apostles with the five-fold name ofShem HaMforash, in the same order that it is placed on the last leaf.

    The breastplate of parchment symbolizes that you are learning these arts second hand from the

    priests who originally used them, via this Book of Life and Death you hold in your hands. The

    Twelve Apostles look over the Twelve Tribes of God and Israel, of whom you are a member.

    They protect against the demons of the zodiac. The Five fold Name of God Extended is your

    pentagram in this ritual, symbolizes your authority to work with the spirits cleanly and


    6. You must draw a circle around you upon white paper, or upon sky-blue silk. Its circumference shall be thirteen feet, and, at the distance

    of each foot, one of the following names must be written, viz:

    Mose, Meshiah, Aron, Yahuva, Adonai, Jesus, Christos, Caspar,

    Melchior, Balthasar. Al. Al. Al.

    The Circle is the symbol of God that you stand within, and from its Source you draw your

    power. The background needs to be white or blue to represent the purity of Heaven. A 13 footcircumference reiterates the symbolism of the 1st step, and the 13 names the power you

    received from your initiation into this system through God. These powers are now graphically

    represented and reinforced to your vision and the vision of the spirits and angels when you

    call them.

    7. Between each name you must place the holy symbol of Horet,

    namely: or

    The daggers are symbols of the power of the mind to slice through to the truth quickly and

    efficiently. They are applications of the Cross that empower your work.

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    8. The breastplate must be included in the intention of the holy mass.

    You must feel the consecration and power of God flowing through you and your body before

    ou proceed any further in this work. You cannot command the unclean spirits if you are

    ourself unclean. This is the time to place your Faith in the Holy truth and your trust in GodAbsolute.

    9. Through consecration with holy triple king's-water and with three

    burning wax tapers, you must finally pronounce a benediction over

    this book, the horn, the breastplate, and the circle, after reading a

    well-selected mysterious ritual.

    I have written a version of this in another thread that you are free to use if it fits well. Feel free

    to go with your own inspiration from the Lord Our Father and the Lady Our Mother. "The letter

    kills, but the spirit gives life."

    10. You may enter alone, or begin this great work with two

    companions, by day or by night, but always from the first to the

    thirteenth of the month, and during the thirteenth day, and through

    the whole night of the new moon, and also during full moon, when the

    three planets, Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter ( ), are visible in the heavens

    on the day of exorcism, either singly or together.

    In Unity or Trinity, you may pursue the holy mysteries. As three magi, you represent the

    tradition of the archemagi on Earth, and will find yourselves assuming the identities and lives

    that the giftbearers of Christ held.

    You must observe the moon in your work to be conscious of the reflections of God in your

    own heart, imagination, and spirit. The soul is God's mirror and the moon is the light of heaven

    that dominates during the night.

    Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are the outer planets of the mysteries, and they lead you into

    greatness through their lessons and teachings.

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    11. You must always stand with your face toward Zion, or toward the

    rising of the sun.

    Mount Tzion in Jerusalem is the Temple Mount upon which God is established on Earth.

    Facing east, you can be illuminated by the Son's rays. Facing Jerusalem, you can beilluminated through the discoveries and traditions of others.

    12. He who refuses a copy of this book, or who suppresses it or steals

    it, will be seized with eternal trembling, like Cain, and the angels of

    God will depart from him.

    The Book is a great gift and blessing from God, though it does also contain great power to hurt

    and destroy. It is an entrustment from our fathers to us that we must not abuse. It is an amazing

    honor to be able to receive and read it in the first place, and it was given out of a spirit of

    Unconditional Love and Harmony. We must not attempt to profit off it excessively or to place

    artificial limitations upon its power or distribution. As Jesus' parable taught, a prisoner once

    freed does not have the right to demand the condemnation of others.