7 AWESOME HIGH CALORIEHigh+Calorie+Survival+Food… · 1 DEHYDRATED FOODS Calories = 111 - 371 (per 100g) Shelf Life = 15+ Years Wild rice is a staple crop for most of the world

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Calories = 111 - 371(per 100g)

Shelf Life = 15+ Years

Wild rice is a staple crop for most of the world. The reasons for this are many, including the lightweight, small size, and nutritional value. Rice packs 111 calories per 100g.

Pasta is another staple that is easy to store (371 calories), along with instant Couscous (112 calories) and instant mashed potato (204 calories).

If kept in an airtight container in a cool dry place, wild rice can be stored almost indefinitely. Make sure to check it once in a while to ensure no bugs have infested it, though.


Calories = 284(per 100g)

Shelf Life = 6-12 Months

Dried fruit is wonderfully tasty, and there are a few ways to make it. The nice thing about dried fruit is that it will taste good as it is, and you won’t need to rehydrate it the way you would with dried meats.

You can dehydrate the fruit in your oven or on the dehydrator if you have one.

Simply cut the fruit into smaller pieces (except for small fruits like blueberries) and give them a coating of lemon juice. This will sweeten up the end product, as well as preventing browning during the process.

Dry for 6-10 hours at around 90 degrees. You can test their readiness by snapping a piece in half, if it breaks…it’s ready.


Calories = 389(per 100g)

Shelf Life = Indefinitely

Oats are another food, that when handled properly can be stored almost indefinitely. If vacuum sealed or frozen dry, then you can a supply of oatmeal that will last years.

But don’t limit yourself to oatmeal! There are a variety of things to be made from this nutritional grain. Grind up the oats to make flour, and you can enjoy bread, muffins, and pancakes that are packed with healthy calories.

The flour can be made ahead of time and treated just like the whole oats, and it will be good for years.

Use some of your oats, nuts, and peanut butter, along with a little honey, to make light, healthy, and protein rich granola bars.


Calories = 410(per 100g)

Shelf Life = 1-2 Years

A highly portable and storable food that has been used for centuries by nomadic people who moved around frequently and didn’t know when or when their next meal was going to come from.

Jerky offers a high calorie to gram ratio and provides over 70g of protein per 100g of meat…that’s some great survival food right there.

Store bought Jerky will last 1-2 years due to the treatment and environment it has been produced in. The homemade stuff will usually last around 2-3 months but much longer of kept inside of the freezer.

There are alternatives to Beef Jerky such as - Turkey, Bison, Buffalo, Deer, Elk, even Alligator and Emu!


Calories = 588(per 100g)

Shelf Life = 6-12 Months

Much like the mixed nuts, peanut packs a wallop in the nutritional department. The nice thing about pre-made peanut butter is it’s shelf life.

After a jar is opened, the butter is good for six or seven months, but may not taste as good. But that’s only after the jar is opened. But you may be able to store the unopened jar for close to a year as well, giving you one of the longest storage times.

There are also various other forms of nut butter you can make at home,or buy from the store such as - Almond Butter, Cashew Butter, Hazelnut Butter, Macadamia Nut Butter, Walnut Butter, Pumpkin Seed Butter and Soy Nut Butter.


Nuts of all shapes and sizes are not only tasty, but also easy to dry and store. Moreover, they happen to be packed with nutrients, vitamins, healthy fats and protein, along with having plenty of calories.

Think beyond peanuts when you start buying nuts. Almonds, cashews, walnuts, and sunflower seeds are all common enough to find, and having a mix will keep you from getting bored with food.

You’ll want to buy a year’s supply at a time, since most nuts, no matter how they’re stored, will start to go bad at right about the year mark. Roasted or in the shell is the best way for them to be put away, and they can be freeze-dried, frozen, or vacuum sealed for the best long-term storage.


Calories = 607(per 100g)

Shelf Life = 1 Year


Calories = 862(per 100g)

Shelf Life = Indefinite

Coconut Oil has the highest calorie count of all 7 of our foods. Combine that with an indefinite shelf life (for extra virgin Coconut Oil) and you have the ultimate survival food for long term storage.

Granted eating the oil by the spoonful it not going to fill anyone with joy, however when used as a cooking oil (it can withstand high heats) it packs those precious extra calories into whatever meal you are cooking.

It is also great when added to drinks or as a coffee creamer. It’s the fat content that makes this survival food great, and at 862 calories per 100g, a few jars will go a long way in a survival situation.



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