"""""" "' """""" M'mm ml ' iVZjOZ .1111.11. m... tin.,. ! .ii. - ..,nn - -- .. j. ni . r ..J . 6y r f i in in t All ' LI I if (i in i :g nir W WW i I 1 71 r . W WVV' - IF Established July 8, 185G. VOL. XXIII., NO. 4206. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1S96. PRICE 5 CENTS SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. GREAT CANAL PROJECT. M. W. Mc'CHESNEY & SONS WHOLESALE GROCEKS AND DEALERS I' A. S. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, UONOLULXJ, 1U U Office: On Xaakxajanu street, lately o"onr' i y Mr. Tlmi Ufc- - -- . treasurer; report of Sunday school superintendent, by A. B. Wood; report of Sunday school treasurer, by W. J. Forbes and report of librarian by W. F. Thrum. Mr. Frank Damon reported on the prosperous condition of work among the Chinese. There was no time for the read- ing of other reports. They were deferred until next week. The reports read showed the church in a most prosperous condition. Company D Booming Along. . Company D is marching right along in the matter of attendance. A steady increase has been noticed for the last three or four meetings, and last night over forty members (were present. This, however, is not all of the story. H. C. Myers was elected to membership and there were five other applications for consideration at the next meet- ing. The new regulation caps wexe given out to the men. Colonel McLean was present and gave the company instruction in the use of the Driggs-Schroed- er gun. . PRESIDENT DOLE. A HORR BLE 11VV1L1J 1f1 11 11 Henry Fern, a Railway Brakeman, Lost His Life. TRIED TO UNCOUPLE MOVING CARS Both. Leers and Back Broken Picked Up Unconscious and Died Soon After Bright and Promlslnjr Yonnar Man and a Valuable Employee. Henry Fern, a young half-whi- te 18 years of age, a brakeman in the employ of the 6. R. & L. Co. was killed shortly after 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon while between two freight cars and preparing to remove the coupling pin. A switch engine was at work in the yard and had a train of five box cars attached to it. The en- gine was backing the cars slowly toward the depot and going at a rate not much faster than a man can walk. Some of the cars had; already passed over the first switch near the railroad shops when young Fern ran toward the center of the train to remove the coupling pin. In some unaccountable man- ner he wTas thrown down and the hind truck of one of the cars pass- ed over both the young man's legs just above the knees. He was dragged along for about ten feet and his back broken in the dorsal region. Just as the truck passed over f his legs Fern gave a terrible cry. The engine was stopped as soon as possible but too late to save the life of the young man. Dr; Herbert was telephoned for immediately and arrived upon the scene of the accident before the man was removed from the track. He was still alive, but uncon- scious. After removal to the bag- gage room he was examined. The cuts in the' legs were about two inches deep and the muscles and tendons pushed very much out of their normal position. He linger- ed along for a few moments and then died. The body was removed to the home of his brother, Kapalama, back of the street car stables. It was tnougnt yesterday tnat tne body would be sent to Hawaii, where the father and mother are residing at present, but the plan was given up. He will oe buried;: from the home of his brother at p. m. today. H. H. Williams wij have charge of the funeral. Henry Fern had been an em ployee of the O. R. & L. for only two months, but while in the ser- vice he rose higher and higher in the estimation of his superiors. He was a steady young man, ready at all times to do his duty, and obedient to the orders given him. Aside from being one of the best men on the road, he was always gentlemanly. He will be sadly missed bv all those with whom he was associated. CENTRAL UNION CHURCH. Reports of Committees for Nine Months Affairs are Prosperous. At a meeting of Central Union Church last night, Rev. D. P. Bir- - nie, pastor, made a general report of the nine months of his pastor- ate, showing everything in a pros- perous condition. Others were as follows: Report on statistics, oy . . ilall, clerk; report of treasurer of the board of trustees, b J. B. Ather ton; report of benevolent work, by T. Richard Robinson, church EDMUND i. DUX-- E, Attorney at Law 31 S FORT STREET. Telephone 91. WILLIAM C. PARKE, Attorney at Law AND Agent to Take Acknowledgments Office at Kaahumanu st., Honolulu H.I. LYLE A. DICKEY, Attorney at Law 11 KAAHUMANU STREET. Telephone 345. GILBERT F. LITTLE, Attorney at Law, IITL.O, HAWAII. DR. C. Clifford RYDER, FORMERLY OF THE:- - CALIFORNIA STATE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Office: No. 73 Beretania street, opposite the Hawaiian Hotel. teleimioxt: 2 i t DR. I. MORI, Office Fort street near Beretania. Hours 7 to 8 :30 a. m. and 4 to 8:30 p. m. Batur day and Sunday, 1 to 5 p. m. Telephone Residence Arlington Hotel. DR. E. C. SURMANN Has removed to Garden Lane. Telephone 181. DR. TUCKER Has removed his office to Corner of Beretania and Fort Streets Office hours: 9 tojlla. m.f 4 to 5 p.m and 7 to 8 p.m. Stf Telephone: Office 923, resi dence 427 DR. C. B. COOPER Has removed his offices and residence to Cartwright premses, Comer of Alakea and Beretania Sts. rTelephone 154. 4186-l- m M.E.GROSSMAN,D.D.S. DENTIST 98 Hotel Street Honolulu. Office H ours : f a, m. to 4 p. m. Miss Elenore Ingersoll TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN. Residence with Mrs. E. E. Wall, Bere- tania and Miller streets. Address, P. O. Box 403. 4189-l- m H. HACKFELD & CO., Genera Commission Agents Corner Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. Consolidated LIMITED, Esplanade, corner Alien and Fort streets. HOLLISTER & CO., Agents. TO 31 U S1CIA3STS. All kinds of SECOND-HAN- D FURNITURE sold cheap for cash at the I X L, corner Nunanu and King streets. If you want to sell out your Fur- niture in its entirety, or for bar- gains, call at the I. X. L., corner of Nuuanu and King streets. COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL, War- ing building. Piano, Voice and Harmony. Thirty years' active experience enables Professor Cook to economize the time of the pupil. A. J. Derby, D. D. S. Dental Rooms 100 Alakea St, between Beretania and Hotel. Treatment of dead teeth and roots a specialty. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 615. THE' SINGER received 54 first awards for sewing ma- chines and embroidery work at the World's Fair, Chicago, 111., being the largest number- - of awards obtained by any exhibitor and more than double the num- ber given to all other sewing ma- chines. For sale, lease and rent. Repairing done B. BERGERSEN, 113 Bethel . City Carriage Company have re- moved to the corner of Fort and Merchant streets Telephone No. 113. First-clas- s carriages at all hours. JOHN S. ANDRADE. G. R. Harrison, Practical Piano and Organ Maker and Tuner, can furnish best factory references. Orders left at the Hawaiian News Co. will receive prompt attention. All work guaranteed to be the same as done in factory. Sans Souci Seaside Resort. The pleasantest, quietest, shadiest and most perfectly appointed seaside resort. on the Islands. It is only four miles from the heart of the citv and within easy reach of tne tranicars, wnicn run every twenty minutes or oftener. Elegantly furnished aetacnea cottages or rooms are obtained on easy terms. The table is superior to that of any of the city hotels and all tne modern conveniences are provided. Picnics and bathing parties can obtain extra accommodations by telephoning in advance. The bathing facilities of Sans Souci are superior to those of any place on the neacn. 4157-t- r BRUCE WARING & CO. -:- - DEALERS IN Est, ii mis. HOUSES AND LOTS ANb LANDS FOR SALE. Parties wishing to dispose of their pro perties are invited to call on us. 503 FORI STREET NEAR KING STREET 10 I Mil t K. OGURA. & CO. GIVE NOTICE THAT they withdraw their plan .to introduce con- tract laborers free of charge, which was issued in December, as it has been found impracticable and that they will revert for the present to their original plan where the planters pay the passage money from Japan to Honolulu. K. OGURA & CO. Honolulu, January 16, 1396. 4201-l- w HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., Hardware Gutlery Glassware 307 Fort Street Honolulu. KAHULUI HOTEL, . KAHULUI. MAUI. Sam Sing : : : Proprietor. Special Attention to the Traveling Public. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. MRS H. HERBERT LABOR : BUREAU Leather and :- - -- : Shoe Findings. AGENTS Honolulu .Soap Works Company and Honolulu Tannerv. H. MAY & CO., lo eso e on Retai Groce 1$ 03 FORT STREET. Telephone 22. P: O. Box 470. S. KIMURA, -- WHOLESALE DEALER IN- - Japanese Wines, Liquors AND PROVISIONS. Saki a specialty. ALLEN STREET. TELEPHONE 704. LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lewers & Dickson, Importers and Dealers In Lumber And All Kinds of Building Material. NO. 82 FORT STREET. HONOLULU. American Livery and Boarding SioDles. Cor. Merchant and Richard sts. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES f Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at all hours. TELEPHONE 490. GONSALVES & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS A D WINE MERCHANTS, 25 Queen Street. Honlulu. H. I. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. ASSETS : : : $10,000,000. H. W. Schmidt & Sons, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, Boilers, Sugar Mills, Coolers, Brass asd 1 Lead Castings, And Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ships' blacksmithing. Job work executed on the shortest notice. LEWIS & CO., esoie and Groce 111 FORT STREET. Telephone 240. P. O. Box 29 H. JAOUEN, Practical :- -: Gunmaker, Will do any kind of repairing to Firearms, also Browning and Blueing and Restocking equal to factory work. Satisfaction guar anteed. Union street, with C. Sterling. Painter. BEAVER SALOON, Fort street, opposite Wilder & Co.'s, H.J. NOLTE, Proprietor. First-clas- s Lunches Served With Tea Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p.m. Jmokers' Requisities a specialty. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Cor. King and Nuuanu streets. Just Received bt the Australia a Fresh Invoice of Enterprise Beer and Oysters : FOR COCKTAILS : Telephone 805. "HALF AND HALF" IS A GREAT APPETIZER Makes the weak stout and purifies the blood. Sold at the Empire Saloon. Two for 25 cents. X. FERNANDEZ, Notary Public and Typewriter, 11 KAAHUMANU STREET. P O. Box 336. Telephone 34 ' GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII II . M. Whitney, Publisher. Only Complete Guide Published. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. PRICE 75c. For Sale by Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Senator Perkins' Amendment to Amended Bill in Senate. HUNTINGTON AND THE SCHEME. Provisions for Survey One Million Shares Stock to Ho IhsimkI Tho United States IMay Buy If Desired. Good Salaries for tho Directors. The Venezuelan question, which brought the Monroe doctrine eo prom inently before the world, has aroused a new interest in the Nicaragua canal, and, in fact, given the canal a new and interesting character, says the San Francisco . Chronicle. At the same time . the bill introduced by Senator Perkins, calling for construc- tion of the great waterway and pro- viding for financial questions Involved in the scheme, has added still more to direct attention to the canal. Captain William L. Merry, the Nic- aragua Consul, ha stated that many Senators and Congressmen have au- - SENATOR PERKINS OF CALIFORNIA.. nounced they would push Senator Perkins' bill and make a vigorous fisrht for the adoption of the measure. "There has sprung up a strong feeling," said Captain Merry, "that the canal should be built without de- lay. The Monroe doctrine has brought it to the front. About all that keeps back debate on Senator Perkins' bill is the report of the Nicaragua Canal Comralswloo, submitted ' to President Cleveland last November. But that in looked for every day now, and, Just as soon as it is laid before Congress, then the IMkins bill will betaken up. I am informed that the commis sion recommends the appropriation of $350,000 and eighteen months7 time for a survey. The route has been sur vey etl eleven times already-- , and Pro- fessor Davidson tells me that the sur- vey could be finished in seven or eight months. It looks as if C. P. Hunting- ton was in it. sparring for delay, and that Huntington is fighting the canal with all his force and skill." It is understood that the Chamber of Commerce of this city will, at its meeting on tne I4tn innt., adopt a petition urging Cougrens to prorant action on tb Nicaragua canal ques- tion, and setting forth that the aban- donment of the project to a foreign power would oe an absolute violation of the Monroe doctrine. Senator Perkins' bill In an amend- ment to the bill introduced by Sena tor Barbam and entitled, "A bill to amend an act entitled 'An act to in corporate the Maritime Canal Com pany of Nicaragua.'" It -- beeiua as follows : "Beit enacted by the Benate and House of Representatives of the United states of America in Concrrej assembled that the capital stock of the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua shall consist of 1.000.000 shares of $150 acb, and no more. ". 2. Thar tbe word Th- - Ni caragua canal,' whenever used iu this Act or the Act to which this is au anendmeur, shall be held to Include all r- - and ivprfrinal property and iranchir, railroads, piers, ohauueln, dams, lockx, embankments and other works necessary .for or incidental to th construction, equipment, main- tenance nnd operation of the "aid anic canal, or that may be made by the Maritime Canal Company of Nievagiia or under its authority by virtu of the said Act, and the con-concesio- ua granted or to be granted by Nicaragua and Costa Rica. " Sec. 3. That if the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua shall, within nine months from the pas-ac- e of this Act, liow to the ati"ifMCtioii of the Secretary of the Tr-aur- y that all the etck of the Maritime Cwal Company of Nicaragua heretofore ubfcribed for or indued, except that heretofore ia-au- ed to the States of Nicaragua aad Co.-t-a Rica, has been called-in- , re- - Favors New Roads Other Im- provements Suggested for Hawaii. The Hilo Tribune of the ISth inst. has the following relative to President Dole's visit to Hawaii: u President Dole granted a short interview on Friday to the Trib- une, in which he stated that his trip so far on Hawaii had been very pleasant and gratifying. It was. made for the purpose of com- ing among the people, seeing and iearning of their wants, and getting more in touch with the masses. It was peculiarly gratifying to him to see the manner with which he was received by the people all along the route, and especially the Ha waiians. ' At several places they insisted on a speech from him on politics. Public receptions were given to them at Kailua, Hookena and Naalehu, which were very pleasant to him. He was gratified to note the advance in improve- ments in North and South Kona, especially in the coffee districts, and was forcibly struck with their imperative need for new roads, and he should certainly advise the building of roads there at as early a period as possible, and to con- tinue them as the necessities re- quired. His visit to Hilo was pleasant. He had not expected any demonstrations, but of course was gratified by and appreciated the attention shown. He had spent the forenoon looking over Hilo, and more especially into its streets. He said it was the intention of the Government to recommend a bill for passage, establishing, extend- ing and widening, where needed, all the streets in Hilo. That this would be pushed forward as fast as possible, f He stated, further, that it was his intention to go from Hilo through the plantations to Kohala, and examine into the question of water for the sugar plantations, and also investigate the question of fencing in the for- ests, so that he might be able to advise action in the next legisla- ture." College Musicale. There will he a music recital at Oahu College Friday evening next, to which the public is extended a cordial invitation to attend. The program will consist of a sketch of Rubenstein's life, character and musical compositions, illustrated by the following selections from his works: 1 Songs (a) "Yearnings"; (b) "The Dr-ar- a ' 2. Piauo tiolo "VaUe Caprice." 3. Songs a) "Goideu, Roll Beneath Me": (b "The Aera." 4. P aim Solos aV'Meloviy"; (by'P.H- - mance. it 5. Sougs (a) "The Ringlet"; (b) "A Riddle." Prof. A. B. Ingalis will officiate as accompanist. Hizhest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report THE MISSES RICE. LATE OF MEL-bour-ne, have located on King street, Wai-ki- ki of J. B. Atherton, and will take pupils for tuition in Pianoforte and Singing. Les-so- ns $1 per honr. Telephone SSft. 4049 MISS D. LAMB, Lawyers' Clerk ; AND Notary Public, Office: With J. A. Magoon. 30S .Merchant Strett. ' TELEPHONE 139.

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LI I if (i in i :g nirW WW i I 1 71 r .W WVV' - IF

Established July 8, 185G.





A. S. HUMPHREYS,Attorney at Law,


Office: On Xaakxajanu street, latelyo"onr' i y Mr. Tlmi Ufc- -

-- .

treasurer; report of Sunday schoolsuperintendent, by A. B. Wood;report of Sunday school treasurer,by W. J. Forbes and report oflibrarian by W. F. Thrum.

Mr. Frank Damon reported onthe prosperous condition of workamong the Chinese.

There was no time for the read-ing of other reports. They weredeferred until next week. Thereports read showed the church ina most prosperous condition.

Company D Booming Along.. Company D is marching right

along in the matter of attendance.A steady increase has been noticedfor the last three or four meetings,and last night over forty members(were present. This, however, isnot all of the story. H. C. Myerswas elected to membership andthere were five other applicationsfor consideration at the next meet-ing. The new regulation capswexe given out to the men. ColonelMcLean was present and gave thecompany instruction in the use ofthe Driggs-Schroed- er gun. .




11 11

Henry Fern, a Railway Brakeman,

Lost His Life.


Both. Leers and Back Broken PickedUp Unconscious and Died SoonAfter Bright and Promlslnjr YonnarMan and a Valuable Employee.

Henry Fern, a young half-whi- te

18 years of age, a brakeman in theemploy of the 6. R. & L. Co. waskilled shortly after 2:30 o'clockyesterday afternoon while betweentwo freight cars and preparing toremove the coupling pin.

A switch engine was at work inthe yard and had a train of fivebox cars attached to it. The en-

gine was backing the cars slowlytoward the depot and going at arate not much faster than a mancan walk. Some of the cars had;already passed over the first switchnear the railroad shops whenyoung Fern ran toward the centerof the train to remove the couplingpin. In some unaccountable man-ner he wTas thrown down and thehind truck of one of the cars pass-ed over both the young man's legsjust above the knees. He wasdragged along for about ten feetand his back broken in the dorsalregion.

Just as the truck passed overfhis legs Fern gave a terrible cry.The engine was stopped as soon aspossible but too late to save thelife of the young man.

Dr; Herbert was telephoned forimmediately and arrived upon thescene of the accident before theman was removed from the track.

He was still alive, but uncon-scious. After removal to the bag-gage room he was examined. Thecuts in the' legs were about twoinches deep and the muscles andtendons pushed very much out oftheir normal position. He linger-ed along for a few moments andthen died.

The body was removed to thehome of his brother, Kapalama,back of the street car stables. Itwas tnougnt yesterday tnat tnebody would be sent to Hawaii,where the father and mother areresiding at present, but the planwas given up. He will oe buried;:from the home of his brother atp. m. today. H. H. Williams wijhave charge of the funeral.

Henry Fern had been an employee of the O. R. & L. for onlytwo months, but while in the ser-vice he rose higher and higher inthe estimation of his superiors.He was a steady young man, readyat all times to do his duty, andobedient to the orders given him.Aside from being one of the bestmen on the road, he was alwaysgentlemanly. He will be sadlymissed bv all those with whom hewas associated.


Reports of Committees for NineMonths Affairs are Prosperous.At a meeting of Central Union

Church last night, Rev. D. P. Bir- -

nie, pastor, made a general reportof the nine months of his pastor-ate, showing everything in a pros-perous condition.

Others were as follows: Reporton statistics, oy . . ilall,clerk; report of treasurer of theboard of trustees, b J. B. Atherton; report of benevolent work, byT. Richard Robinson, church


Attorney at Law31 S FORT STREET.

Telephone 91.

WILLIAM C. PARKE,Attorney at Law


Agent to Take AcknowledgmentsOffice at Kaahumanu st., Honolulu H.I.


Attorney at Law11 KAAHUMANU STREET.

Telephone 345.


Attorney at Law,IITL.O, HAWAII.



Office: No. 73 Beretania street,opposite the Hawaiian Hotel.

teleimioxt: 2 i t

DR. I. MORI,Office Fort street near Beretania. Hours

7 to 8 :30 a. m. and 4 to 8:30 p. m. Baturday and Sunday, 1 to 5 p. m. Telephone

Residence Arlington Hotel.

DR. E. C. SURMANNHas removed to Garden Lane.

Telephone 181.

DR. TUCKERHas removed his office to

Corner of Beretania and Fort StreetsOffice hours: 9 tojlla. m.f 4 to 5 p.m

and 7 to 8 p.m.Stf Telephone: Office 923, resi

dence 427

DR. C. B. COOPERHas removed his offices and residence to

Cartwright premses,

Comer of Alakea and Beretania Sts.rTelephone 154. 4186-l- m


DENTIST98 Hotel Street Honolulu.

Office H ours : f a, m. to 4 p. m.

Miss Elenore IngersollTEACHER OF THE VIOLIN.

Residence with Mrs. E. E. Wall, Bere-tania and Miller streets. Address, P. O.Box 403. 4189-l- m


Genera Commission Agents

Corner Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu.


LIMITED,Esplanade, corner Alien and Fort streets.

HOLLISTER & CO., Agents.


All kinds of SECOND-HAN- D

FURNITURE sold cheap for cashat the I X L, corner Nunanu andKing streets.

If you want to sell out your Fur-niture in its entirety, or for bar-gains, call at the I. X. L., cornerof Nuuanu and King streets.

COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL, War-ing building. Piano, Voice andHarmony. Thirty years' activeexperience enables Professor Cookto economize the time of the pupil.

A. J. Derby, D. D. S. DentalRooms 100 Alakea St, betweenBeretania and Hotel. Treatmentof dead teeth and roots a specialty.Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.Tel. 615.

THE' SINGER received54 first awards for sewing ma-chines and embroidery work atthe World's Fair, Chicago, 111.,

being the largest number- - ofawards obtained by any exhibitorand more than double the num-ber given to all other sewing ma-chines. For sale, lease and rent.Repairing doneB. BERGERSEN, 113 Bethel .

City Carriage Company have re-moved to the corner of Fort andMerchant streets Telephone No.113. First-clas- s carriages at allhours. JOHN S. ANDRADE.

G. R. Harrison, Practical Pianoand Organ Maker and Tuner, canfurnish best factory references.Orders left at the Hawaiian NewsCo. will receive prompt attention.All work guaranteed to be thesame as done in factory.

Sans SouciSeaside Resort.

The pleasantest, quietest, shadiest andmost perfectly appointed seaside resort. onthe Islands. It is only four miles from theheart of the citv and within easy reach oftne tranicars, wnicn run every twentyminutes or oftener. Elegantly furnishedaetacnea cottages or rooms are obtained oneasy terms. The table is superior to thatof any of the city hotels and all tne modernconveniences are provided.

Picnics and bathing parties can obtainextra accommodations by telephoning inadvance.

The bathing facilities of Sans Souci aresuperior to those of any place on theneacn. 4157-t- r


Est, ii mis.



Parties wishing to dispose of their properties are invited to call on us.


10 I Milt

K. OGURA. & CO. GIVE NOTICE THATthey withdraw their plan .to introduce con-tract laborers free of charge, which wasissued in December, as it has been foundimpracticable and that they will revert forthe present to their original plan where theplanters pay the passage money fromJapan to Honolulu.

K. OGURA & CO.Honolulu, January 16, 1396.

4201-l- w


Hardware Gutlery Glassware

307 Fort Street Honolulu.


Sam Sing : : : Proprietor.

Special Attention to the Traveling Public.MEALS AT ALL HOURS.



Leather and :- --- : Shoe Findings.


Honolulu .Soap Works Company andHonolulu Tannerv.

H. MAY & CO.,

lo eso e on Retai Groce 1$


Telephone 22. P: O. Box 470.


Japanese Wines, LiquorsAND PROVISIONS.

Saki a specialty.ALLEN STREET. TELEPHONE 704.

LEWERS & COOKE,Successors to Lewers & Dickson,

Importers and Dealers In LumberAnd All Kinds of Building Material.


American Livery and Boarding SioDles.

Cor. Merchant and Richard sts.


Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at allhours. TELEPHONE 490.




25 Queen Street. Honlulu. H. I.



ASSETS : : : $10,000,000.

H. W. Schmidt & Sons,

Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


Boilers, Sugar Mills, Coolers, Brass asd1 Lead Castings,And Machinery of every description madeto order. Particular attention paid toships' blacksmithing. Job work executedon the shortest notice.


esoie and Groce

111 FORT STREET.Telephone 240. P. O. Box 29

H. JAOUEN,Practical :- -: Gunmaker,Will do any kind of repairing to Firearms,also Browning and Blueing and Restockingequal to factory work. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Union street, with C. Sterling. Painter.

BEAVER SALOON,Fort street, opposite Wilder & Co.'s,

H.J. NOLTE, Proprietor.First-clas- s Lunches Served With Tea

Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk.Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p.m.

Jmokers' Requisities a specialty.

MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE.Cor. King and Nuuanu streets.

Just Received bt the Australia a FreshInvoice of

Enterprise Beer and Oysters: FOR COCKTAILS :

Telephone 805.


Makes the weak stout and purifies theblood.

Sold at the Empire Saloon.Two for 25 cents.


Notary Public and Typewriter,11 KAAHUMANU STREET.

P O. Box 336. Telephone 34


HAWAIIII . M. Whitney, Publisher.

Only Complete Guide Published.


PRICE 75c.For Sale by Hawaiian News Co.,

Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Senator Perkins' Amendment toAmended Bill in Senate.


Provisions for Survey One MillionShares Stock to Ho IhsimkI ThoUnited States IMay Buy If Desired.Good Salaries for tho Directors.

The Venezuelan question, whichbrought the Monroe doctrine eo prominently before the world, has arouseda new interest in the Nicaragua canal,and, in fact, given the canal a newand interesting character, says theSan Francisco . Chronicle. At thesame time . the bill introduced bySenator Perkins, calling for construc-tion of the great waterway and pro-

viding for financial questions Involvedin the scheme, has added still more todirect attention to the canal.

Captain William L. Merry, the Nic-aragua Consul, ha stated that manySenators and Congressmen have au- -


nounced they would push SenatorPerkins' bill and make a vigorousfisrht for the adoption of the measure.

"There has sprung up a strongfeeling," said Captain Merry, "thatthe canal should be built without de-

lay. The Monroe doctrine has broughtit to the front. About all that keepsback debate on Senator Perkins' billis the report of the Nicaragua CanalComralswloo, submitted ' to PresidentCleveland last November. But thatin looked for every day now, and, Justas soon as it is laid before Congress,then the IMkins bill will betakenup. I am informed that the commission recommends the appropriation of$350,000 and eighteen months7 time fora survey. The route has been survey etl eleven times already-- , and Pro-fessor Davidson tells me that the sur-vey could be finished in seven or eightmonths. It looks as if C. P. Hunting-ton was in it. sparring for delay, andthat Huntington is fighting the canalwith all his force and skill."

It is understood that the Chamber ofCommerce of this city will, at itsmeeting on tne I4tn innt., adopt apetition urging Cougrens to prorantaction on tb Nicaragua canal ques-tion, and setting forth that the aban-donment of the project to a foreignpower would oe an absolute violationof the Monroe doctrine.

Senator Perkins' bill In an amend-ment to the bill introduced by Senator Barbam and entitled, "A bill toamend an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua.'" It -- beeiua asfollows :

"Beit enacted by the Benate andHouse of Representatives of theUnited states of America in Concrrejassembled that the capital stock ofthe Maritime Canal Company ofNicaragua shall consist of 1.000.000shares of $150 acb, and no more.". 2. Thar tbe word Th- - Nicaragua canal,' whenever used iu thisAct or the Act to which this is auanendmeur, shall be held to Includeall r- - and ivprfrinal property andiranchir, railroads, piers, ohauueln,dams, lockx, embankments and otherworks necessary .for or incidental toth construction, equipment, main-tenance nnd operation of the "aid anic

canal, or that may be madeby the Maritime Canal Company ofNievagiia or under its authority byvirtu of the said Act, and the con-concesio- ua

granted or to be grantedby Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

" Sec. 3. That if the Maritime CanalCompany of Nicaragua shall, withinnine months from the pas-ac- e of thisAct, liow to the ati"ifMCtioii of theSecretary of the Tr-aur- y that all theetck of the Maritime Cwal Companyof Nicaragua heretofore ubfcribed foror indued, except that heretofore ia-au- ed

to the States of Nicaragua aadCo.-t-a Rica, has been called-in- , re--

Favors New Roads Other Im-provements Suggested for Hawaii.

The Hilo Tribune of the ISthinst. has the following relative toPresident Dole's visit to Hawaii:

u President Dole granted a shortinterview on Friday to the Trib-une, in which he stated that histrip so far on Hawaii had beenvery pleasant and gratifying. Itwas. made for the purpose of com-ing among the people, seeing andiearning of their wants, and gettingmore in touch with the masses. Itwas peculiarly gratifying to him tosee the manner with which he wasreceived by the people all alongthe route, and especially the Hawaiians. ' At several places theyinsisted on a speech from him onpolitics. Public receptions weregiven to them at Kailua, Hookenaand Naalehu, which were verypleasant to him. He was gratifiedto note the advance in improve-ments in North and South Kona,especially in the coffee districts,and was forcibly struck with theirimperative need for new roads, andhe should certainly advise thebuilding of roads there at as earlya period as possible, and to con-tinue them as the necessities re-

quired. His visit to Hilo waspleasant. He had not expectedany demonstrations, but of coursewas gratified by and appreciatedthe attention shown. He had spentthe forenoon looking over Hilo, andmore especially into its streets. Hesaid it was the intention of theGovernment to recommend a billfor passage, establishing, extend-ing and widening, where needed,all the streets in Hilo. That thiswould be pushed forward as fast aspossible, f He stated, further, thatit was his intention to go fromHilo through the plantations toKohala, and examine into thequestion of water for the sugarplantations, and also investigatethe question of fencing in the for-

ests, so that he might be able toadvise action in the next legisla-ture."

College Musicale.There will he a music recital at

Oahu College Friday evening next,to which the public is extended acordial invitation to attend. Theprogram will consist of a sketch ofRubenstein's life, character andmusical compositions, illustratedby the following selections from hisworks:1 Songs (a) "Yearnings"; (b) "The

Dr-ar- a '

2. Piauo tiolo "VaUe Caprice."3. Songs a) "Goideu, Roll Beneath

Me": (b "The Aera."4. P aim Solos aV'Meloviy"; (by'P.H- -

mance. it5. Sougs (a) "The Ringlet"; (b) "A

Riddle."Prof. A. B. Ingalis will officiate

as accompanist.

Hizhest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't ReportTHE MISSES RICE. LATE OF MEL-bour-ne,

have located on King street, Wai-ki- ki

of J. B. Atherton, and will take pupilsfor tuition in Pianoforte and Singing. Les-so- ns

$1 per honr. Telephone SSft. 4049

MISS D. LAMB,Lawyers' Clerk


Notary Public,Office: With J. A. Magoon.

30S .Merchant Strett.'TELEPHONE 139.


Official Directory, Republic of Hawaii.tion in which any stockholder or IndurloeIllBOARD OF EDUCATION.Office, Court House, King street.

President, W. D. Alexander.Secretary, J. F. Scott-Inscect- or

of Schools, H. S. Townsend.


Ponce Station Building, Merchant St.Go. de la Vergne, Magistrate.William Cuelho, Clerk.

turned to and canceled by the treas-urer of the company, eo that noneshall remain outstanding; and thatall bond issued by said company andobligations to deliver bonds, havebeen redeemed and canceled ; and allliabilities of the said company havebeen satibfied ; and all contracts andagreements heretofore mad, includ-ing all contracts with the NicaraguaCanal Construction Company, have

director of the canal company 13 amember or stockholder, or in whichhe is in any wise" interested. Theboard of directors must rile a quarterly report of work done and expensesincurred with the Secretary of theTreasury, and on hi3 examination andapproval of these statements he shall i

issue bonds, as provided in section 19 i

of this act.Reaardincr the issuance of bonds or j

mortgages by the company, section 12 :

manes mis explicit, Hiuieuieui .- mac iur sam ;uauuuio vnuai

ComnaDV shall not issue bonus ormortgages, and ehall not indorse orguarantee the paper, contract orobligation of any person, persons orcorporation whatsoever: and no contract shall be entered into or purchasemade by said company, except forpurchases provided for in this act."

Section 13 provides that all sumsexpended iu the purchase of materialand supplies for the canal shall be confined to the United States, except forsuch material as may be grtfwn or pro- -

duced in Nicaragua or Costa Kica:and no Asiatic labor shall be used oremployed in the work.

1 According to section 14 no dividendsI snail be declared by the company,except from net earnings of the canal,out of which one-ha- lf ehall be paid totne unitea states until tne uniceaStates bonds appropriated under thisact snail have been repaid witn interest. Thereafter the net proceedsshall be divided among stockholdersof the company.

Congress reserves the power toalter, amend or repeal the act at alltimes: and should the canal companyfail to comply with the requirementsor section 3 the act shall become nunand void.

In Your BloodIs the cause of that tired, languidfeeling which afflicts you this season.The blood is impure and has becomethin and poor. That is why you haveno strength, no appetite, cannotsleep. Purify your blood with Hood's3" Ml. Ul.U tit 1 I

otuaapuriim, wuiuu win give yun txuappetite tone your stomach, and invigorate your nerves.

Hood's Pills are easy to take,easy in action and sure in effect. 25c.Hobron Drug Co., wholesale agents.

Your StockWill do better on



Is the very best at theVERY LOWEST PRICES.

D MlNuuanu and Queen Streets.



THOMAS beg to inform the public thatthey have formed a copartnership underthe name and style of the


Collection AgencyWITH OFFICES AT

No. 326 Merchant Street(Old Bulletin Office), for the purpose of

conducting a

Qeneral Collecting BUSineSS

It will be their constant endeavor totransact all business entrusted to them withthe greatest dispatch and upon the strictestbusine-- s principles.



We've been pushing our business on-ward and upward every- - day tince westarted in business.

We sell 'good and fine jewelry at abso-lutely the lowest prices consistent withquality.

Buying tra?hy, cheJp goods is worsethan burning money we don't keep it.


Arlington Block, Hotel street.

I L 1 IE




BOafC! Of DireCtOfSTHROUGH V. O. BOX 249.

V. O. Teixeira,SECRETARY.



Sanford B. Dole, president of the Re-

public of Hawaii.Henry E Cooper, Minister of Foreign

Affairs.James A. King, Minister of the Interior.Samuel M. Damon, Minister of Finance."William O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l.

COUNCIL OF STATE.Charles M. Cooke,J. P. Mendonca.Cecil Brown,P. C. Jones,M. P. Robinson,John Ena,George W. Smith,John Nott,T. B. Murray,W. C. Wilder,J. A. Kennedy,C. Bolte,D. L. Naone,A. G. M. Robertson.


Hon. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice.Hon. W. F. Frear. First Associate

Justice.Hon, W. A. Whiting, Second Associate

Justice.Henry Smith, Chief Clerk.Geo. Lucas, Deputy "Clerk.james Thompson, Second Deputy Clerk.J. Walter Jones, Stenographer.


First Circuit: A. W. Carter, Oahu.First Circuit: A. Perry, Oahu.Second Circuit J. W. Kama.Third and Fourth Circuit: S. L. Austin.Fifth Circuit: J. Hardy.

Offices and Court-roo-m in CourtHouse, King street Sitting in HonoluluFirst Monday in February, May,A,a n,i NTnvpmfcer.


Office in Executive Building, King St.Henry E. Cooper, Minister .Foreign

Affairs.Geo. C. Potter, Secretary.A. St. M. Mackintosh, Clerk.Miss Kate Kelley, Stenographer.B. L. Marx. Stenographer Executive

Council.James W. Girvin. Secretary Chinese


Office in Executive Building, King St.J. A. King, Minister of the Interior.Chief Clerk, John A. Hassinger.Assistant Clerks: James H. Boyd, H. C.

Meyers, Stephen Mahaulu, GeorgeC. Ross, Edward S. Boyd.


Surveyor General, "W. D. Alexander.Supt. Public Works, W. E. Rowell.Supt. Water Works, Andrew BrownrInspector Electric Lights, John CassidyRegistrar of Conveyances, T. G. Thrum.Road Supervisor Honolulu, W. H.

Cummings.Insane Asylum, Dr. Geo. H. Herbert.


Andrew Brown, Charles Crozier and J.H. Fisher.

James H. Hunt, Chief Engineer, H.F.D.Willliam R. Sims, Secretary.BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE AND

FORESTRY.President: The Minister of Interior.

Wm. G. Irwin, Allan Herbert, JohnEna. Joseph Marsden Commis-sioner and Secretary. .


Brown.Agent of Public Lands, J. F. Brown.DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE.

Office in Executive Building, King St.Minister of Finance, S. M. Damon.Auditor-Genera- l, H. Laws.Registrar of Accounts, W. G. Ashley.Clerk to Finance Office, E. R. StackableCollector-Gener- al of Customs, James B.

Castle.Tax Assessor Oahu, Jonathan Shaw.Postmaster General, J M. Oat.

CUSTOMS BUREAU.Office Custom House, Esplanade, Fort

Street.Collector General, James B. Castle.Deputy Collector, Frank B. McStocker.Hafbor Master, Capt. A. Fuller.Port Surveyor, M. N. Sanders.Storekeeper, Jas. J. Kelley.Official Guager, Geo. C Stratemeyer.DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY-GENERA- L.

Office in Executive Building,, King St.Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith.Clerk, J. M. Kea.Marshal, A. M. Brown.

M. Dow, Clerk to Marshal.Deputy Marshal, H. R. Hitchcock.Jailor Oahu Prison, J. A. Low.Prison Physician, C. B. Cooper, M. D.

BOARD OF IMMIGRATION.Office, Court House, King street.

President, J. A. King.Members of Board of Immigration: J.

B. Atherton, Joseph Marsden, D. B.Smith, James G. Spencer, J. Carden

Secretary, Wray Taylor.BOARD OF HEALTH.

Office in Judiciary Building.President, W. O. Smith.Secretary, Charles Wilcox.Members: D. Keliipio, J. T. Water-hous- e,

Jr., N. B. Emerson, M. D.,F. R. Day, M. D., C. B. Wood, M. D.,and T. F. Lansing. j

Port Physician, Dr.. Francis Day.Dispensary, Dr H. W. Howard.Leper Settlement, Dr. R. K. Oliver.

A Cold Water Paint Especially

Designed for Inside Work on

Facto nes and Public


It Is a dry powder which can be rrepared for use by simply stirring in COLDWATER, and can be applied by any oneand M ill always produce good work.

It is VERY WHITE, extremely reflec

tive and haidens on a wall like stone andwill take anv tint.

It will last for y&rs and is unaffectedbv srases.

One coat covers better than two coats ofoil paint or whitewash.

It can be used on any surface and forall classes of work, even for the finestdecorating.


This Is for Outside Work,

Such as Fences, Outbuildings and Labore- -' Quarters. It is a thick paste to bediluted with cold water; stands rain aridexposure, as well as oH paint, and costsDJt a fraction as much.

Adapted for Dwellings, Offices and Publicuweuings, or any oiner piace wnereKALSOM1NE is used. It will not rub,discolor or scale off.

LUCOL.A new Paint Oil. It comes raw and

boiled; is superior to Hnseed, and coversth one.third less lead ai,dpigment to the


P. and B. Compounds and Papers.


Afeots for tfce tHmHa IiUflJt.

mm ROTT,


Housekeeping Goods,AND


Agate Ware, Rubber Hose,





S. OZAKI, est

311 Kln Street, Corner of SmlthJStreet


We received a fine consienment of


Porcelain and Lacquer Ware,Silk Goods In endleHH variety


Hoiflleiciis, Kimonos. Neddies,

Ladles' and Gents' Silk Shirt,Japanese Toys and Xoveltles,

Bed Rock Prices !

COMPANY.Special importation for the

holidays ex Australia:mi

Parian Marble,

These two pieces of: sta-

tuary which are on exhibition'

in our window are thegenuine Parian' Alarfjle, andshauldr--)'- e confounded

tff Known" astheParia "W e which is madeas anTinYrrrrtion of the trueand genuine article.

Silk Lamp Shades.All special designs and the

newest of new colors.

B. and H. LampsThe Consignment Of B. and

U T omnc oil hova lofnrfpatent attachment and consistof hanging, bracket,study andpiano patterns. Were shippedto us direct from the factory,so yOU may be aSSUred Of

getting a new design.

Pictures.A. good start can be made

in home decoration by investing in a picturenow andthen. The Berlin PhotographicCompany iS Well known forthe popular subjects that theyuse. Our stock comprisesExtra Gravures, ImperialGravures, Imperial Photogravures, Royal Photogravures, Folio Photogravures,Folio Gravures, Artotypes,Life Artos, Strip Etchings,Photographs, etc., etc.


Is only "case deep." It is mucheasier to make a handsome case thanit is to put music into" it. A tolerablemechanic can do the one the otherrequires, the best thought of a musicalartist. The

roeer PianosA!I have handsome, tasteful, durablecases, but in their factory constant,careful. stuJious attention is ;riven tothe production of a perfect and lasting!tone. I he beauty and honestv of aKroeger begins with the varnish onthe case and roes str.'ticrltt throueh tothe iron plate that holds the strings.We'd like to show you the inside of aKroezer.


Old Instruments Taken In Part Payment.

Tuning and Repairing a Specialty.

J. W. BERGSTR0M,Office, Thrum's Book Store.


BANKERS,Honolulu, II. I.,

Issue (5ight and Time BiHs of Exchcmg,also Coiuaiejciai and Tovekrs' LetWs 0

Credit on the pri&cipftl parts of the work!.Purchase appml Bi4k.


' Receive deposits on open account andsNovv interest on term deposits.

Attend promptly to coJLctions.

A GeDEraJ Banking Easiness Transact!

YANASE & CO.Co mmission Merchants


Jaoanese Mmi mchandise

Provisions a Specialty.

P. O. BOX 116. Mutual Tel. 917.


been canceled ; and before any bondsare delivered or any money appropri- -

ated bv this Act is paid : ana alter mesurrender and return to uie treasurernf tim nf nil stock that mavhave been issued ; and after the sur--render and cancellation of all bonds,bond ecrip and obligations to issuebonds. tliA satisfaction of all debts andliabilities of said company, and the

canr-liatir- n and extinguishment ofall contracts and agreements of saidcompany with individuals or corpora- -

tions, except the concessions fromNicaragua and Costa Rica, but includ- -

ing its contracts or agreements withthe Nicaragua Canal ConstructionComiany for the construction of saidcanal, as is Drovided for in this Act ;

and after the acceptance of the pro--visions of this Act by a resolution ofthe stockholders of said company at ameeting dulv called and held for thispurpose, a distribution and dispositionof the capital stock of the said Maritime Canal Company of Nicaraguaehall be made by the officers of thecompany as follows, to wit :

"First Nine hundred and nineteenthousand, five hundred shares of thecapital stock of said company at thepar value thereof shall be issued to theUnited Slates in absolute ownership,in consideration for its aid in con-struction of said canal, as provided inthis Act, and the said stock, so to.beissued, shall be full paid and non-assessable, and shall be deposited inthe treasury of the United States.

"Second That 60,000 shares of thesaid capital stock, at the par valuethereof, shall be issued to the Govern-ment of the republic of Nicaragua,and 10,500 shares of the said stock, atthe par value thereof,.shall be issuedto the Government of Costa Rica, ac-

cording to the terms of their respect-ive concessions theretofore made.

"That to enable the Maritime CanalCompany to take up, cancel and ex-tinguish all issues of its stock heretofore made, except those made to the(mrnmpntu nf KiVarapua and Costa I

Kica, and all outstanding obligationsfor stock, bonds or bona script Hereto-fore entered into by said company, thestock of said company, with the ap-proval of the Secretary of the Treas-ury, shall be issued to such person orpersons as may be designated by thestockholders of paid company, not toexceed in the aggregate 10,000 sharesof the capital stock, thereof, whichstock shall be non-assessa- ble. Theamount of th stock so to be issuedehall be finally determined by theSecretary of the Treasury, on princi-ples of justice and equity, but shallnot exceed 10,000 shares."

Section 4 provides that upon theissuance and delivery of the stock theplaces of directors, except such as rep-resent Nicaragua and Costa Kica,shall become vacant; that there shalleleven directors, one each appointedby . Nicaragua, Costa Kica and thestockholders, and eight by the Presi-dent of the United States, who shallbe American citizens. No UnitedStales directors shall own or controlany stock or pecuniary interest in thecompany or be in any way interestedin contracts of the .company; Notmore than four directors can be ap-pointed from one political party.

Section 5 provides that at their firstmeeting the American directors shalldiide themselves by lots into threeclasses, to hold office for two, four andsix years respectively, and until theirsuccessors are appointed and quali-fied. Six directors shall constitute aquorum.

Section 6 provides that their compensation shall be SoOuO a year, ex-cept the president, whose salary shallbe $6000; and that all their actualtraveling expenses are to be paid. Thedirectors shall fix the salaries andcompensation of all their employees,agents and managers, including en-

gineers not detailed lor duty by theSecretary of War.

Every American director shall visitthe canal and make a personal inves-tigation of the works at leant once ayear and report yearly to the Presi-dent of the United States in detail onthe progress of the work; togetherwith their recommendations. A copyof this report shall be laid beforeCongress in the President's message.

In section 7 the United States re--serves the right..to purchase he stock,other than that issued to Nicaraguaand Costa Rica, but in no event .

above par.Sect ton 8 provides for the appropri-

ation by Congress of money not to ex-ceed $4,500,000 for the liquidation ofexpenditures made by the companysince June 3, 1SS9, in and about theconstruction of the canal or incidentthereto, including railroad and tele-graph lines built by the company.These expenditures must be approvedby the Secretary of the Treasury.

To secure the means to constructthe cauai section 9 authorizes theSecretary of the Treasury to issuebonds ot the United States in denomination of not less than $50, nor morethan $1000, to an amount not exceed-ing $150,000,000, or so much thereof asmay be necessary, to be payable July1, 1926, but redeemable at the pleasureof the United States, with interest at3 per centum.

The Secretary of the Treasury isalso authorized to pay the princi-pal or interest on the bonds as it be-

comes due should it. not be paid bythe company, and the sum for thatpurpose is provided for. The com-pany shall repay to. the United Statesthe money appropriated by this actand pay the principal and interest onthe bonds ss the same become dueinto the United States treasury.None of these bonds shall be deliv-frp-d

to the canal company until thecompany have performed all theconditions and things required to bedone oy It. me uouus suau uc uacuby the company only for the purposeprOVlueU lOT 1U lUia auu jjvvbe sold for le$ than par value.

Section 10 deals with the methodsof construction, and sets forth thatthree engineers one from the army,one from the navy and another fromcivil life shall have charge of thework in all its departments. No con-

tract for construction shall be let toany company, association or corpora- -

Ill ML, s

H. A. A. C. HEET

ll KIT 251,

KAPIOLANI :- - PARK.Races to commence at 2 p.m. sharp.

PROGRAMME:1 1 mile novice bicycle.2 100 yards run, handicap.3 i mile boys' bicycle, handicap.4 mile bicycle, open, handicap.5 Running high jump, handicap.6 class bicycle.7 220 yards run, handicap.S i mile run, handicap.9 1 mile bicycle, open, handicap.10 120 yards hurdle, handicap.11 Running broad jump, handicap.12 1 mile novelty bicycle.13 140 yards run, handicap.14 1 mile run, handicap.15 3 mile lap race,bicycle,handicap.16 J mile match horse race, 1st heat.17 Putting shot, handicap.18 i mile match horse race, 2d heat.19 Ring tournament.20 J mile scrub horse race.

General admission 50 cents.Grand stand free.Carriages, inside of course, 25 cents

extra.4204-t- d


GRAND -:- - BALL,AT- -

Remond Grove,-- ox-

February 3d, 1896.Oahu Railway fc Land Company's

trains leave at 7 p. m. sharp,returning at midnight.

Single Tickets $1.5oCOMMXATIOX TICKETS,

lady; and gent $3.00The above prices include railroad tare,

dancing and refreshments.

J. W. Chapman, the popular catererwill have charge of the lunch room.

4204-2- W

Dont GamblYour money by buying clothes-o- f

inexperienced tailors. .

We take into considerationyour build as well as style,best suited for you.

We want your patronage.

Mi mmJ

Hotel btreet, Arlington Biock.

SellingAt Cost.

To close qut the stock drawnwork, silk spreads, Pajamas,Curtains, etc., will be sold afcost or less. Shirt Waists at50 cents each. Helmets at 25cents. Special fine line ofmatting.


POI1 poTiE. Van Doom & Co., Fort Street

Next Lucaa' Planing Mill, will havefresh every day


KAUHI POI FACTORY,Which will be sold to families in large or

small quantities. No Coktaix-er- sFurbished.

Store open evenings.

W. L. WILCOX,Proprietor Kalihi Foi Factory.

FOR : SALE4-Hor-se Power Gas Eiie


15 Apply to theHAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.,




Rates Going Rail for Prisoners. '

There are two Chinamen andone in particular who are better AGAIN A COMPLETE SUCCESS

And delighted aud amazed a


known about the police stationthan even a great many of the em-

ployees. These two gentlemen areYin On and Ah Kwai, the formerbeing the one best known to thejailor.

At any hour of the day or nightthese Chinese gentlemen may belooked for in the receiving station.Thev never sav much but stand


TONIGHT ! I ef 2J 'At i -- 1 Wrk ftYtotwITONIGHT


SURPRISE PROGRAM if w "kirnADMISSION: OH!Chairs 75c. Gallery 2ac.

r If


AFTERNOONAt 3 p. m. Doors open at 2:30 p. m.


-:- - This is Good

So pleased I can


jateahow- t.-- " 'y a- - knows. Grover . levelana is not only presuienc 01 tne v.

b'.r c. :", Ir-ii.-ch- if f the army and navy. Th- - ucooiiipanying cut showsPiidiit - I n:.l would appear it Le took. the tield as commander-m-chi- et of

. xSntam.the

Uir'red :at- - .miuv in a war with Great


10 Cents Co.lHlollisterWill admit all children over the seat--inir nA(nni mndation of the Pavilionami tho PROGRAM Dresented will beequal in every respect to that present- -

CORNER FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS.eu m tne evening. uo itLandlord's Sale Under Distraint of

C3 ELECTED ' - i1 ""'i 5r IVJ JCZ7 TT$- - :')) AD THE CANS ARE


J &"r-.- ' CC'iTAINMC3 1tH-- ; ..rriMnNWi i1113iS -- - OYSTtaSTKAN llm o1 iiJWinT SPECIALLY ROR BPCAIiDt) . jfJ



, Smoking Stands. Cheap.

about with their hands in theirXockets looking for trade. Andtheir trade is to rescue unfortunatecountrymen from the iron bars ofa station house cell by putting upthe requisite amount of bail.

After the arrival of a Chineseprisoner a very short time elapsesbefore one of the "bailers" appearson the scene and tries to makehimself agreeable by smiling,which action very often producesthe opposite effect.

How they become cognizant ofthe fact that a Chinaman hasbeen taken prisoner is a mystery,for very often the unlucky one ishardly given time to put on his hatlet alone hold converse with any ofhis friends.

When Yin On or Ah Kwai hasascertained the amount necessaryto bail out an unfortunate he holdsparley with him and usuallyreaches a satisfactory conclusion.

Following are some of theirterms: One dollar for putting up$12, such as in the case of a gam-bler; $1.50 for putting up $25,such as in the case of assault andbattery; $3 for putting up $50, and$7 for putting up $500.

When questioned as to how bus-

iness is getting along they put onlong faces and say that they are insevere straits all the time, but it isa noteworthy fact that they makeno attempt to enter any other lineof business and always carry rollsof "long green" in their pocketssuch as would delight the eye of abunco-steere- r. They smoke thebest of cigars and wear fineclothes. They have a keen eye tobusiness and do their best to havethe cases of Chinamen dischargedin the Police Court, in order thattheir fees may be larger.

They also have a few tricks whichthey employ when necessary. If itis profitable for them to know any-thing they know all about it, but ifnot thev are singularly dense. Iftold by"a police officer to communi-cate something to a Chinese prison-er it is very probable the wordswill be" twisted out of shape- - Thismay be on account of imperfectionof knowledge of English and Ha-

waiian, but observation gives an-

other construction.The two Chinamen have been, in

the business of professional bail-goe- rs

for about two years, and asthere is no law against it they willprobably continue.

Business Changes.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATtbe undersigned, A. F. Judd, has distrain-ed and levied npon certain goods andchatties, ihe property of J . M. DAVIDSON,EiSC., for rent due from him to the under-signed for those premises situate in Mer-chant street near Fort street in Honolulu,heretofore occupied by said J. M. David-son, as law offices.

And notice is further given that saidgoods and chatties will be sold at PublicAuction af the auction rooms of Jas. F.Morgan, on Queen street, Honolulu, H. 1..on TUESDAY. February 4, 19Q. at 12o'clock noon, to satisfy the rent due andin arrearas aforesaid on the above describ-ed premises and costs aud expenses.. A. F. JUDD.By.his Attorney

J. Alfred Maroon.Dated Honolulu, Jan. J.S. l93.


75 Cents a Month.PUBLILHERS OF THE

The goods and chatties to be sold are asfollows :

9 office chairs, table, office desk, 2 doormats, revolving book case, 89 lawhnnVs. as follows : II IE-

MATIHCSSES 1KB II AWAFOUR' 01KTF.FT, SPRING WIRE has advanced in price since my importation of five 51 tons

per "Martha Bockhahn." Makers of Wire Beds all over,the world...have.cdvanced

i iprices

at least 25 per cent.," I HAVE NOT SO FAR. But prices are getting stui nigner.After January 3gt, 1 shall raise my priees to correspond with the advance.

WOVEN WIRE BAILEY,Wire Mattress and Iron Bed Maker Queen Street.


Benjamin on Sales, Bennet's Notes.Abbott on Shipping, Story and Perkins'

Notes. 'Angell on Laws of Carriers.2 vols Bishop on Marriage and Divorce,

6th Ed.Weeks on Mineral Lands.Kerr on Fraud and Mistake, Am. Notes,

by Bump.2 vols Williard on Torts.2 vols Parsons on Contracts.Wharton, Precedents of Qudict and Pleas.Haw. Civil Code, 1858-5- 9.

Haw Penal Code, 1869.Cohn, Growth of Law.Sheppard's General Precedents.Ballantine's Experience of a Barristers'

Life.2 vols Addison on Contracts, Abbotts

Notes.3 vols American Decisions, 1760-183- 7 1837

54--3 vols Greenleaf on Evidence, 14th Ed. (1st

vol missing.)2 vols Wharton on Evidence, 3d Ed.Sidgewicke's Leading Cases on --Measure

of Damages.2 vols Story's Equity Jurisprudence, 11th

Ed.Pomerov, Remedies and Remedial Rights.

JAPANESE BAZAARTHE ONLYNext Door to Castle & Cooke'sNo. 411 King Street, Morning Daily

Eight PageWell Illustrate! DAI LY


Gives a complete report of everything of interest Gets no subsidy Has no

beneficiaries Has many friends and the largest patronage.Japanese Dry and Fancy Goods,Gents' Furnishings, Cotton Shirts, Cotton Crepes, Pajamas. Caps and Straw Hats,30 cents each, Fancy Articles, etc., Cheap for cash.

D. W. Corbett, secretary of theIT LEADS I IT WILL LEAD IIT HAS LEAD IY. M. C. A., has succeeded L.. u.

Abies as manager of the People's--o-


Story s equity i'leaaing, xieuueiu s xu.Drake on Attachments, 6th Ed.3 vols Stephen-Mi- st of Criminal Law in

Eneland.2 vols Daniel on Negotiable Instruments,

3d edition.7 vols Bacon's New Abridgement of the

Law.Maciachlare, Treatise on Law of Merchant

Shipping.Potter's Dwarris on Statutes and Consti-

tutions.Curtis, Rights and Dutie3 of Merchant

Seamen.Whartons' Cnm. Pleading and Practice.2 vols Phillips on Insurance.Spear on Law of Extradition.

tellemeTh Daily kmEIGHT-PAG- E 0;THE ONLY. ILLUSTRATED ucilli-- V cciviy ,

2 vols Thompson on negligence.2 vols Smith's Leading Cases, Hare and

The Only Standard Publication for legal transactions and notices. Is the bestnews and advertising medium throughout the Islands.

Wallace s rtotes.4 vols Deering's Annotated Codes and

Statutes of California.Freeman on Void Judiciary Sales.10 vols The Law Times Reports, vols 50-5-9.

2 vols Chittv's Equity Digest.Chittv on Pleadings. 16 Am. Ed.4 vols" Parlsers Criminal Reports.Stephen on Pleading, Heard.Vols II-- VI Hare's Report.Reports of Sir Henrv" Yelverton, published

in 1735. A.D. 4202-t- d

75 Cents a Month.

Delivered by Carrier.A GREAT SUCCESS




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAToh th nnnal nieetinsr of the Hawaiian

THE ONLY Newspaper in the Hawaiian Language for an advertising mediumwhich reaches the intelligent Native population. The Standard publication for courtand legal notices in the Hawaiian Language.Have You Tried It ?

JUST THE THING FOR BREAKFAST !Agricultural Company held this day, thetirmed were elected to act as

Ice Works. Mr. Abies. will attendto his several private enterprizes.Regarding a new secretary for theY. M. C. A., Mr. Corbett said lastnight that one would probablycome from the East who would lookafter the interests of the Y. M. C.

A. proper, and that someone elsea graduate of one of the Easterncolleges, probably would havecharge of the gymnasium. Thislatter change will not take placeuntil the autumn, as the regularsummer, vacation will begin in afew months.

In resigning from the manage-

ment of the Ice Company, Mt.Abies can feel that his stewardshipwas satisfactory to the men whose

interests he represented.

Fitzgerald Discharged.

The famous McLain-Fitzgeral- d

oeneral mix-u- p case came up for

trial in the District Court shortlyThe skyafter 11 a. m. yesterday.

looked stormy but the clouds wereand the com-

binationlined with brightness

was brokemfound to be ab-

sentJ McLain was

when the case was called.

Other witnesses were examined inthe hbpe that the complainantwould- - materialize, but he failed to

Davis movedAttorneyforappear.

a continuance of one week hehaving received information thathis client was ill. ,

An officer armed with a sub-

poena was sent in search of Mc-

Lain but he was not at home. Themotion of the prosecution was de-

nied. L. A. Thurston, attorneyfor the defense moved for a dis-

charge on the ground that thereGranted.was no case.

Advertiser 75 cents aThe Dailymonth, delivered by carrier.

officers of the company for the ensuingyear, via: TII YEAR OF PUBLICATION14Cha. M.Cooke v ...PresidenttfamL C. Allen ice-Preside- nt nunGeorge H. Robertson Treasurert Uir Auditor Plierslie illi.K. F. Bishop SecretaryP. C. Jons )

H. Waterhout DirectorsT. May )

E. Jr. BISHOP,Secretary.

Datd Honolulu, Jan. 16. 1S3.4201-l- m

THE ONLY periodical devoted solely to the interest of agriculture. THE ONLY

reliable statistical monthly in the Pacific. Advertisers desiring to reach planters and

their interests, the PLANTERS' MONTHLY will prove the most diract medium.





jCT"For sale by all leading Grocers. Hawaiian Gazette Company,FRANK B. PETERSON & CO.


At Gazette Office.


: BRUCE GARTWRIGHT Delivery Wagonsaccomplished in' peace and freefrom the possible taint that mightattach to any Monroe Doctrine vic-

tory accomplished by war. Presi REAL ESTATE,BROKERAGE,


dent Cleveland is not wanting incourage. He kgaows that there isno longer any chance that Con-

gress will come to him on currencyreform. He may refuse to go to iton revenue reform. Should he send

Timely JopiWALLACE R. FAFRINCTON, - - EDITOR. VVe have built some of the best wagons in the city forEspecial facilities for handling Es-

tates, Trusts, Guardianships and PriJANUARY 23, 1890.THURSDAY, grocers, Dutcners, Hardware dealers, etc., ana vvt uain

vate Business. Moneys carefully in-

vested, Loans negotiated, Rents, Divi-dends and Interests collected. Prop- -

a special message to the Houseand Senate favoring the admis-sion of Hawaii, the Legislature andExecutive would be once more at

January 22, 1896.

The steady increase in erty sold or leased for a smaii commis BUILD ONE FOR YOU at a moderate price.sion.one. sugar values has caused fieneral Manaer for the Hawaiian

The Hilo Tribune is calling forharmony, evidently failing to real-ize hat example continues on ahigher plane than precept. Callsfor harmony come from all aides

Tl 1 1 1 , Ml I CI- - -11 is oy sucn an application 01 plantation Owners and everv-- Islands for the following insurance We guarantee our work for a year.

the Monroe Doctrine as given above hftHv companies:intprPQtPH in thp nrn--now and again, even the oppositiontalks of harmony, but it is alwayscome one else that is supposed todo the harmonizing.

that numerous friends of Hawaii . r Equitable Life Assurance Society ofbelieve the problem of political ductlon Of that Staple Com- - the United States, assets $185,044,- -

EvenHlodity much Satisfaction. 310 06.union will be accomplished.... . , r Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd.,theljnited States is waking up to I hlS IS as It ShOUld be, tor 0f London, assets $16,517,786 00.the fact that it cannot forever pur- - without SUgar what WOUld Imperial Insurance Company, Limited,sue a dilly-dallyin- g course, andthekornmo fho rmintnr nf of London, assets $9,362,020 00.General Miles has narrowly

1 1 j Lion Fire Insurance Company, Limitlime lor complete desertion or Ill c i to.,course there are other andescaped being called to account by ed, of London, assets $4,125,000 00.the Secretary, of War for his criti prompt and positive acceptance

must come in the near future. Varied industries,, but noneLTne Board of Underwriters of NewYork. "cism of the coast defences of the so important and profitable

United States. General Miles has The National Board of Marine Under-writers of New York. NO. 70 QUEEN STREET.talked- - very freely since the first as sugar. !

In order to make sugar thewhispers of trouble over the Vene

The" Emperor . of Japan,, in aspeech made at the opening of Par-liament on the last Saturday ofDecember, places special stressupon the necessity of increasing

FOR LEASE.mills must be kept going,zuela affair were heard. It is saidthat his late speech in Philadelphiahas lessened his chances of being

and to do this will require JUST ARRIVEDNO. 5. THAT DESIRABLE LOT ONhe West side of Jndd street, on the Waiki-- ki

side of the residence of C. Bolte, Esq.oil. This is the time that allthe defenses of the country. Strik- -tn liVnrpnant-trpnpr- al '. Tnis affords one of tne nnest buUdine sitespromoted ;w..rtWOB olorlvVo mi C in th 1C hnHc nrp run- - in the eitv. A lone-- lease on modern!, , . - I 'fc, V&lMd LA. LJ - IA,Aa VCV . Ill 11 IV IJIUJJ V- -? - W . 4 1A I r - . o

m fiTT' if n n rf tho v i i I form i tf a nocira hie ton ant An Entirely NewStock ofm Steadily, and It IS' butUnited States have had the trouble f.J nmg FOR SALE.. . , . points out that there are r. Kof tu ffQnTiAn P I

experienced dv tncpresent aamm-- i pufu uuulllUM W1 no. 2. for sale or lease va--- ODStacies to oe overcome, manv i i . i n , i 1 - mi Dry Goods,mm men snouia oe canea to L: "r.1rpfrrrrR tr V rarriprl nnt, fnVilistration in keeping down the pa-

triotic spirits of the leaders in the dence of L. Dee. Price 12200.A A .v. x i the best s of Iiibricants.uispaicnes state max, mere nas Deen o NO 6. LAND AT KUMUELI, KAMA--

a coalition between the Govern- - It haS been demonstrated Mo, Molokai. Price $275, One-ha- lf expensearmy and navy. COMPRISING

mentand the Liberals in conse- - beyond question that Colo-- no. 8. l acre of fine taro LAND,MUNROE DOCTRINE AND HAWAII.quence of the practical adoption of rado Oil is of Superior qual- - right goes with the land. Last yea'r's taro rfibbOnS. VSlIinSfS.the Liberal platform. Freedom of A U 'SA J PilS?0-- price130,)- - 0ne--

The Chicago Times-Hera- ld, in a ch wtn extension of thet A t A 11 .11 i.: iII x Trv niTTT m wi.i I : i r 1 l aua,jeaaeroi recent uate, cans atleuuuu hi h b agree(l to bv V CUH CIIICIIL5 U1 JJidUUUiUU Palama , 50x15 feet, on Aala lane. Price

to the disaereement of the political ... . , . mjirhinprv nf 5)11 linQ Nn .?nth,a"In"? le.els- -

Gloves, Hosiery,Dress Goods, Flannelettes,Waterproof Coats, Serges,

" - Ll-l- UUYCIUiilCUt, cXXXU III titOC IUCB6 . - v J U. 1U. 2 LUIS, JiAUU VVITJI J

doctors irv the application of the measures are defeated in Parlja. 0n introduced here has given Lv$S o1vsfowarnd$7P5oiMonroe Doctrine to the Latin , ,

fluuikau acaimuuciiiaucw mc bucn saiisiacuon asgeneral 7;Americans, and further suggests L,, , NO. 11. lot wiia t COlLntry- - If supported by the peo- - the Co Orado. It is the best Punchbowl street, belc

mat uiere is one . quarter iuc i ntrrpp to rpyn . , atr front, will ultiniatelv become fineglobe Where there is no question as oftt UberaU The earn- - q'ty. lubricant manu- - - 0If TWGGdS, EtC, EtC.lr, i r ,i .i.l 1to the necessity of. the exercise of ri Tacturca tor tne reasons tnat no. 13. 323 acres grazing, cop--

xxa6 ii, ui liiiBauuiDauucuc- - fee and feed landsthis standard principle of American BEST QUALITIES. AT LOWEST PRICES.velopment of the Japanese Govern- - it nas DOQy ana Sirengm, tne Kona, Hawaii.politics. The section referred to is ment along popular lines, together tWO great eSSentialS that gO vafley, mauka of -- Uanai a KamaZ

with the introduction of nartv fmirorH rro1irrr on l Vof I Queen Emma's old residence ; area 3 77-1- 00" that pin . point of the Pacific," as

f- -v luvyaiu iiicrvni6 cii wii mau acres. Planted to strawberries and taroone of our Boston newspaper cor government. win f.-jfi- n .11 rpnnirpmpnK Price ?50- -

respondents once called it, the Ha ... . . 1 NO. 16. HOUSE AND PREMISES ONThp CnrrcAr Vrc r&rcTCLr the west-corne- r of Hotel and Kekaulikewaiian Islands. The Times-Hera- ld There will be a SDecial sale of Dr. 1V'V'1VV streets. Area 1425 souare feet. House haseizes up the situation as approach- - jaeger's Sanitary Wool Underwear at the endorsement 01 numer- - recently been repaired and shingled. A

Pnces will I niic pnnrinpprc nn fha Hiffr-- and acknowledgments at expense of pur- -ing a critical point 'where --prompt Tracey's, to reduce stock Queen Street.chaser. Price $1200.ent plantations of the islands.! no. is. desirable residencef :.u A iti:: tr

action 'U demanded. "A struggle he $3 per suit for regular sizes, and$3.o0 per suit for extra lrge sizes,

will, arise at no distant day between Ladies' suits, all sizes, white andthe Whites and the Yellows for natural, at S3 per suit. Do not let

, .r,. 1 , this opportunity pass to get theseThe DeSt evidence Of ltS stables, outbuildings all complete. Water

popuiaruv ana superior quan perfect, ence ?35oo.

to win. They are the fittest ; they as the .ale will only last till stock is Uy IS the fact that it IS USed comodTousfamily resident with fpatiSusOne of the Advantages

Which the tourist and others who are desirous of taking pictures of thascenery of the Hawaiian Islands have, is the nearness and easy accessl- -

rmuceu. I I situate oDnosite the residence ofwill survive. But they will be all over the islands, and has fadS j. A., ilaeoon, on Keeaumokustreet. A chance for a splendid

RULE FOR THE CONDUCT given the best of satisfaction SSfiHiparticulars inquire of the undersigned.in every case. An engineer

puny to tne most romanuc ana pictuiesque points.


Of Controversies Before the Commis

overborne if left to themselves.They must have the moral andmaterial aid that can be derivedfrom only an organized westernconstitutional government. Theywill seek this aid successfully from

sioner of Private "Ways and Waterknows a good thing as wellas any one else, and whenonce Colorado oil is used,none other will - be given

Rights for the District of Honolulu,Oahn.

Besides the above 1 have other de5irab!tproperty for sale and lease. For informa-tion call at the office,

Cartwright Block, Merchant St. Is that we keep constantly on hand a full stock of photographic' supplies.For the holidays, we are offering you a camera called theGreat Britain if it be finally denied

From and after the 23d of January, 1891), I

no hearine shall be had of anv case before I nOUSerOOITl.them by the United States.'" It is

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT $8- - no.then asked what the United States We have another brand of 2 BULLET $8.oo(LOADED.)will do in event of another power

oil Coronado, which is notstepping in either by request or forso high priced, but is guarland-grabbin- g purposes only. How

could the United States continueTHE HAWAIIAN SAFE DEPOSIT

And Investment CompanySTOCKS HAVE BEGUN TO MOVE!

anteed a good lubricant torMeasures 4 x4 3"45 34 inches; makes a picture 3 x3 12 inches, and weighs

loaded for 12 pictures, only 21 ounces. One button does it. The shutter is simplicityitself. To make a snap shot, slide the button to the left as far as it will zo Thissets the shutter. Press the button down. This makes the exposure.- - There are noplugs or lens caps to lose, no extra levers, no complicated mechanismone buttondoes it all.

to warn others, if it should finally all kinds of machinery. This

the Commissioner unless the Respondentsfile with the Commissioner on or before thereturn day an answer in writing. Unlessotherwise nereed t" by both parti, --notaking of evident e shall be had on there-tur- n

dav. and on the thi'd day thereafter,the Commissioner will it t hear th- - tes-timony. If the third dny after the returnda shoul fall on -- i:n it . the "oi..ai'-ione- r

will sit for such purpose on the fol-lowing Monday.

All- - hearings wil be held in one of therooms of the Judiciary Building unless forthe convenience f aged or feeble witnesses,the hearing shall be ordered to be held atsome convenient place.

. EMMA M. NAKUINA,Commissioner.

Honolulu, January 22, 1S95.420f-- 3t

The favorable weather during the pastsummer gives promise of a large crop forrefuse to take action ?. Our Amer can be furnished in gr-ade-s

1896, and with an estimated shortage of theican contemporary ioihs hands wona s production or One Million Tons offor mill and engine use, andfor valve and cvlinder, atwith many, others in the idea. that ?ugar, higher prices are looked for. $5.5o AJLSO

THE Pocket Kodak $5.5oPersons alive to the situation are begin-ning to purchase now. During the presentmonth we have made more sales of First-Cla-ss

Stocks than for the past twelve

the Hawaiian problems are., xapidly becoming acute.- - - satisfactory prices.

months.'The whites 'consist of 'Amer We can furnish any grade fs about as big as a well filled purse and weighs on y 5 ounces. Uses roll films 12or 18 exposures. Both can be loaded at daylight. Perfect in workmanship. Rich anddainty in finish.We are now buj'ing and selling the folicans numbering less than 2000; or priced engine oil desired,

Mutual Telephone Company.British subjects estimated at 1500, but advise you to buy onlylowing:

Hawaiian Sugar Company Stock,Ewa Plantation Company Stock,Haiku Sugar Company Stock,Honoma Sugar Company Stock,and German subjects- - estimated at the best quality for in oil H0LLISTER DRUG COMPANY.1200. There are also small groups Hawaiian Agricultural Company Stock,Paia Plantation Company Stock,AT THE A nxual meeting of the as jn other things it alwavsheld this day the followingof Portusuese. Norwegians and above Company Mutual .telephone btock,Hawaiian Electric Company Stock.officers were duly elected. pays to buy tne Dest.French. There must be a combin

V Also Hawaiian Government Bonds, and AN INDUCEMENT FORPlantation first Mortgage Bonds.ation of the whites sooner or laterto prevent the government falling

All oils sold by us areguaranteed and when you

We have some very secure boxes in theW.G.Irwin PresidentCecil Brown Vice-Preside- nt

Godfrey Brown TreasurerJ . b Brown Secretary safe Deposit Vaults to let by the month or

by the year at very reasonable rates.J. M. Dowsett ...Auditor

Who also constitute the Board of Dibuy from our house, youcan be assured of gettingfull value for your money.

rectors. J. r . BKUW.N,Secretary.

Honolulu. January 22, 1896. 4203-l- w

For Ertkiars apply to


And Investment Company,408 Fort Street, Honolulu.

Out of Door LifeIs a Close, Stuffy Roomed House.

G. W. LINCOLNCan build you a house that will be as airy and comfortable as all out doorsConsult me before building.

G. W. LINCOLN,Contractor and Builder of Anything.


Si Cllllf StOCk Unurnf0 HieIn Lot? to suit purchasers at a Willi

into the control of the Asiatic ele-

ment. This element exceeds 30,000in numbers. -- The Japanese nearlyhalf of it, are the aspiring class. Ifcivil war should break out theywould be inevitably aided by theirown country, with an ' outcome ofintervention by Great Britain andforcible acquisition of the countryby a title we would not have, theaudacity to dispute after refusingto listen to the appeals of the

' Americans when they, with no dis-

senting voice among the Britishand Germans, besought annexationto the United States.

"Here is a chance for a rationalapplication of the Monroe Doctrine."NVe cannot suffer any Asiatic mon-

archy to colonize what is alreadyin truth and fact an. American col-

ony. President Cleveland has here


For particu'ars, apply at the office cf MERITHAWAIIAN SAFE DEPOSIT

COMPANY, L'D.,Opposite Spreckels Bank,



issued out of the First Circuit Court, onthe th day of November. A. D. 1895.against Kalaiiola, plaintifl, in favor of Ke-kukahi-

defendant, for the sum of$64 50. I have levied upon and shall exposefor sale at the Station House, in the Dis-trict of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, at 12o ciockof WEDNESDAY, the loth day ofFebruary, A.D: 1896, to the highest bidder,ail the right, title, and interest of the saidKalauola. plaintiff, in and to the fol-lowing property, unless said judgment,inttrest. cost3 and my expenses be pre-viously paid.

List of property for sale:All that piece of property or real estate

situated in Konuaula, Maui, known as theJand of Papaanui, and described in RoyalPatent No. 6276 (Kuleana Helu 2505). toOpule, containing an area of 40-lu- 0 ot anacre, more or less.

H. R. HITCHCOCK,Deputy Marshal, Republic of Hawaii.

Honolulu, Oahu, January S, A. D. 1S96.4203-4-t



Is what makes the ready sale of CLOISONEWARE as well as the Lacquer and BronzeWare. Special invitation is extended to lovers ofthe beautiful in these goods to inspect my stock.New Goods received ex Rhosina that will commandyour attention.

k. fiTruya,- Next to Ordway & Porter's.

I 1 y.an open, incontestable and patri-otic opportunity. Here will . be a (MAKAWELl.) Apply to

4205-t- f JAS. F. MORGAN. Hotel Street,victory for the Monroe Doctrine!



Ship Chandlers fill fill! 1 BIB."ANDNo more middle-men'- s profits

when you buy of us.

We buy no more goods fromwholesalers. Everytihng comesdirect from he factory.


The Only Known Specific that will. InvariablyardwareMerchants



LOOK AT THIS ! Prevent "Mai de Mer."

Reception to President Dole At-

tempted Suicide.Friday evening, January 17th, a

reception was given to PresidentDole in Spreckels' Hall, which hadbeen most tastefully decorated withflag, bunting, foliage, plants, fernsand flowers. At 8:10 PresidentDole took his position in the hall,attended and asssisted by Judgeand Mrs. Austin Judge and Mrs.Hapai, Mesdarnes Towneend, Sever-

ance, Jules Richardson and Wilder,and Messrs. Waterhouse, Iaukeaand Broome, when, for a time, theladies and gentlemen of Hawaiiwere presented and paid their res-

pects to the President. After theformalities of the reception wereover, dancing was engaged in andrefreshments were served. The re-

ception was largely attended andthe evening was pleasantly spentand enjoyed by all.

It was thoroughly cosmopolitanand essentially republican in itssimplicity and freedom from dis

Bedroom Sets GUARANTEED PERFECTLY HARMLESS. Are Purely Vegetable,Are Sugar Coated,FOE

Receive Merchandise constantly from theUnited States and Europe. We

have just received Are Mild but Effective.$30.00 Benson, Smith & Co.,CONSISTING OF Good for the Stomach,Borrowssnoes leeHorse7 PIECES, finished as fine as $50

Good for the Liver,to $100 sets. Large Beveled Mir AGENTS FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.Good for the Bowels.rors; with tables having draws

lfcx28 and bottom ehelf; drawBlacksmiths' Tool?,

Waukegau Barbed Wire,Wire Netting, all kinds;

Plain Galvanized Fence Wire,Carpenters' Tools of all kinds,

THERE ARE NO OTHER PILLSwort ha3 center slide and worksperfectly, for $25 and upwards.

SO COOP ASofefita B

L8I6S1 Stylese:AVER'S PILLS.another snap Success Water Filters

play and pomp. Hilo Iribune.

New Collection Agency.Messrs. Thomas and King, who

Highest Awards at the World'sCroat Expositions.THE BEST KIND;

Road Scrapers, Feed Cutters, Agents for Honolulu :Bedroom Sets !have opened a general collectionbusiness in the old Bulletin office Hollisy:b Dbuo Company, Limit id.

Benson. Smith & Co.Hobron Vuvq Company.An office which is supplied with the new styles ofWe are going to clean out our entire old

Hall's Aluminum Cane Knives,

LAWN MOWERS,Hoes and Handles,

Picks and Mattocks,

on Merchant street, have had con-

siderable experience in the collect-ing line. Both are energetic, wide stock consisting of 7 piece sets We want

room. Goods are comtnr. direct from the type as they are introduced selected with judgment "Xfactory;awake young men and no doubtwill receive a share of publicpatronage. Their terms are reasonableand satisfaction guaranteed

invests n new appliances and machinery for the rapidIll's Pte 1 Breakers

production of work, and employing only the best of workChiffoniersin all business entrusted to theircare. Mr. Kinc was for the past These are selling fast and you shouldrear connected with the office of men, must necessarily produce better and finer work, and$13.75

send your orders in soon.

FOLDING CLOTHES get better prices, than one where, only a few founts pfthe Makee Sugar Company at Ke-ali- a

and personally known to manyHonolulu people. Mr. Thomas isa lawyer, and has practiced inIllinois and Missouri. He has hadseveral years' experience in general

DRYING RACKS,Do yon want any-thing" better thanthat? type are made to do duty from one year's end to the othecThese Racks fold up like an umbrella.

Every household should have one.Every printer knows that it is impossible to do thoroughlycollections in St. Louis and Chicago.


Ox Yofces and Bows,Mixed Paints, Turpentine.

Tar, Pitch, Asphaltum,good work cheaply, while common work can be turnedWe challenge anyone to sell the same

goods for the same money. This means (POWELL'money to you. Plaster of Paris, out at almost less thao the cost of paper for a good one,Call and see for yourself. IALSAM of ANISEEDKakaako Salt without consideration of the value of the time of a first--


Those in this country and theyare to be counted by thousandswho have been disposed to sing

Before this broken bank I standAnd cast a wistful eye

To far Australia's bankrupt land,Where my possessions lie,

Will probably receive some conso-

lation from facts and figures in theAustralasian Review of Reviews,

1 1 T il . " i I 1

ALL TH WORLD OVTCR, THE RECOfJ.evrrnxt nrurnr It. ImntuM atJfl"Whitinsr, Rosin.

Headquarters for the Columbia, Ram class workman. We have suited you jn the past, try us brouAout the world ladloiUi lu laMtimbl !.HOPP & CO CHEMISTS BELL. IT.2Q QQQbier and Stearns Bicycles the best made.OpThose who have not already given Itnow.

. trial should do o at one.IN PALACE AND COTTAGB AIJKfl.PoU'i "ill X H, I'D.,

just to nana, in ine interval ue-- I r Atwixt 1851-9- 3 the gold-mine- s of Furniture Dealers,A netra lift have added at least! IL. U.

II I n. om ana unainiwa vv v "of AntteedItaiargeeftle throughout the whole cUUUed world reelmim. it Brett war ta.


wealth, and this stream of precious BKB TKADB MARK AS ABOVE ON KAOH WRAPPED.

See the worde "ThoroM Powell. BUokfrlr Ko4,AWAIIAN GAZETTE COmetal maintains its volume. "In TT fdVTHP f1SS5 the output of gold in the Col- - Mp fjK Ktil 1 I w.fnift Imitations. ZitablUhed 18Z4.

ATf.nomna vinxfRRS WHEN ORDESw



onies was i,it-,uu- u uuuv-ca- ,

it was 2,195,000 ounces, an increaseat the rate of 3,000,000 sterlingper annum. And all Australasianproducts are on this multiplyingscale." Burst-ban- k creditors, there-fore, may hope that "some day,"ete. Westminster Gazette.

Has it occurred to youIOR ASTHMA, iSitijsxA, c.Ilb 811Ml Fthat a picture is one of the We are Glad to see nTi) by CHEMISTS and STOREKEEPERSbest things to make a Xmas s THBOIGHOUT ine ausiiiiiliaii, amn

present of ?


BotUee X. IW. mad 2. ft

Agents for Honolulu,WITH CELLARCriterion Barber Shop.Everyone enjoys looking

at a beautiful thing andwhat thing of beauty canconvey more to the mind

noLLisTEU Diiua company; Ej.e

IN THE IBIBFrank Pacheco has purchased

the tonsorial business of SamChamplain, located on Fort street

than a picture rLet at least- - one of your

sifts this year be a picture, DR. I GOLUS BROWKFSYON HOLT BLOCK, ITno matter how little theyand known as the Criterion shav-

ing parlors. The place will be re-

fitted and made comfortable andin. trt l:itp in everv respect. Mr.

King Street.Pacheco has been in the islands for


cost, they will cover moreground than anything elseyou can buy.

Remember we are sellingpictures and frames' at SanFrancisco prices.- -

You will be astonished atthe low prices prevailing at

POLDB,What a good, thing they've got in the advertisingThese premises adjoin the new store soon tobe'occnpied by W.W. Dimond. For parti-culars, apply to the ZZp ASTHMA.

columns of .... . QRONCMITIS.

over a year and made many irienas.He has been until recently in theemploy of D. W. Roach. Thereare two chairs in the shop, bothpresided over by competent men,

Lenz's Murderers' Escape.

Manager Hawaiian Gazettefr. J. CmIHh BfawtM'i ChlorodviM

COMPANY, LIMITED, VkfChancolIor SIR W. PAGE WOODstated publicly In court that Dr. J. COLLISTHE16Von Holt Block. BROS.' 1 IIALTON (111.), Jan. 1. A letterBROWNb was unoouDKMiy in iixvcnTOR of CHLORODYNE, that tht whotastory of the defendant Freeman was dUberately untrue, and he regretted to nay Hreceived last night from W . L.

HOTEL STREET.NOTICE had been sworn 10. i M9 i imea, juty13, 1864.C. ADVERTSachtleben by his father brings

tidings that two more of the Kurdsarrested and on trial for the mur-- f

"K1 a Lenz. the PittsburgDr. J. Collla Browne's Chlorodynis a liquid medicine which assuages PAINof EVERY KIND, affords a calm, refresh'ing sleep WITHOUT HEADACHE, aniINVIGORATES the nervous system wheexhausted. Is the Qreat Specific for

00imon h.ivft escaned, and thatin the present unsettled state of

Cholera, Dyaentry, DIarrhcea.affairs at hirzeroum ana tnruugn-i- a

nursuit would be use We are helping lots of advertisers to realize betterThe General Board of Health. Lendoa.

report that K ACTS as a CHARA4, eoedose gontralhy sufSeieat.business who have proved for themselves that the



quests that all bills up

less. It seems that, in so far as itsobject of avenging the death of

Lenz was concerned, Sachtleben s

mission has proven an utter failure.


Life and Fire

Insurance Ag'ts.Dr. GViboa, Army Medical Staff, Cal

cutta, stales: "Two eeses completely

to the 31st of Decem-ber, 1895, not already

cured me of dlamyea."Dr. J. Collls Browne's Cilorodye

is the TWLIE PrtJJATlVE inNeuralgia, Qout, Cancer,


IN THE BEGINNINGOf the new year, when the winter sea-

son of close confinement is only halfgpne, many find that their health be-

gins to break down, that tho least ex-

posure threatens Isickness. It is then,as well as at all other times, and with

in erood health, that the

Toomaafae, Keumatigm.Dr. J. tkxJf ftrrrvnufa Chlorodvne

presented, be present-ed immediately.

" "Advertiser

Is Indispensable

If they desire to cover the largest field in Hawaii.


. New England Mutual

II inn cowfollowing facts should be remembered, T I T QT A A0 R D

Of Boston.

HspttHj gpte, eiafM. --1 aUacks ofEptTepisfv Jpasms, QoTis

, PflfcstQffibogi, Hysteria.Importer Cuitloa. Tho Immense

Siife Hfrs RspsSjr ba gVen rise to many

N. B. Every Brtflo csf Genuine Chloro-dyn- e

becs on ue Qawernmexrt Stamp thename, ttf the Lrrrentor, Dr J. ColllsBrowi4, BWd ?n bottle ts, id.. 2s. oi.and 43. 6d., by a!) chemists.

j. mr.33 Great Russel street. Londoo. W. C.

Finn- - fire Iras CipifDON'T FAIL TO BUY OUR

Of Hartford.11 OATS

nameiy ; xu.a. aav -

leads everything In the way of medi-

cines; that it accomplishes the great-

est cures in the world, and requires thelargest building In the world devotedexclusively to the preparation of theproprietary medicine. Does not thisconclusively prove, If you are sick, thatHood's Sarsaparilla is the medicine foryou to take?Hobron Dbuo Co., wholesale agents.

1.J. T. LUND,

Just received ex Miowera.138'aud 130 Fort St., opp. Club Stables,



Telephone 422. 51 Fort Street. AT GAZETTE OFFICE.The Daily. Advertiser 75 cents a

month. Delivered by carrier. Bicycles repaired, rented or for sale.



Kilt W. H. RICE,Stock Raiser and Dealer




Thread Hose


per Dozen.

Mens Black SocksAltE STILX.


f. ehlers & co.For TwentyYears

We have been tailoring at moderateprices.

Twenty years of experience toprofit by.


style, fit, and workmanship, havestood the test as the liberal patronagewe have received assures us of thatfact.

We have just received our fallstock of woolens, which we areoffering at prices that will aston-ish you.


Probable Changes in Garbage Col- -


John F. Colbnrn Irefer MannakcaStreet Diseases In l'ork Tree '

Planting on Molokai.

The regular weekly.

session of

the Board of Health was nelcl yes-

terday afternoon. There beingpresent, President Smith, Dr. Emerson, Dr. Day, T. F. Lansing, D.Keliinio. J. T. Waterhouse. Dr.Wood, Dr. W. T. Monsarrat, C. B.Reynolds, Dr. Myers, Dr. Waysonand Dr. Howard.

In response to a' question put bythe president, Dr. Monsarrat saidthat there was no more than. theusual amount of sickness amongthe hogs. In the recent wetweather some had died from lungdisease. Quite a number had diedat Palama and other outskirts ofthe city.

The president suggested that Dr.Monsarrat attend to cases wheredamage to meat or cruelty to animals was suspected.

The president thought that abetter system of garbage removalshould be instituted; at presentthere were many defects. Betterwork could be done if the wholethine: were put under the activecontrol of the Board of Health.The expense would be no greaterthan at the present time.

In regard to tree planting onMolokai. the president said thatMr. Marsden had . suggested theerection of a shed or building forthe protection of the young plants.No progress can -- be made untilprotection is assured. The president said that lumber had alreadygone to Molokai for the building.

It was suggested by Dr. Emerson that a list of burials outsidethe regular burying ground be fur-nished the Board. The presidentspoke of Dr. Wayson as a personwho could collect such informationwhile out on his rounds.

The fish report from January15th to SOth showed 30,925. fishreceived at the fishmarket. Onlytwo stalls were used at that time.

A letter from J. F. Colburn ask-ed for permission to sell fish onMaunakea street.

The idea did not meet the favor' of the Board. It would lead to theestablishment of markets all overthe city.

Dr. Emerson thought that peo-ple should be allowed to sell fish atdifferent places in the city, such ason Maunakea street. .

T. F. Lansing said that the es-

tablishment of one market, such asasked for on Manuakea street,would lead to establishment ofothers in the vicinity.

Action upon Mr. Colburn's re-

quest was deferred.A letter from Mr. Myers of the.

Molokai leper settlement endorsedthe suggestion of paying premiumsto successful tree planters.

The Board then went into execu-tive session for -- a consideration ofreports and matters relating to theLeper Receiving Station at Kalihi.

A Night in the Circus.-Al- l

the old favorites with Wirth'scircus were accorded a hearty wel-

come at the .tent last night. Theaudience was a first-nighte- r, and itwas evident that the troupe is ap-

preciated here.Little Muriel Wirth did her

horseback act in her usual excel-lent manner, and. the other tots,Elsie and Katie, were quite up intheir performance. Lahl Sing andMies Lyndhurst, the star riders,were rather better than ever. Singdid a couple of new feats, in hisjockey turn that were marvelousand made the nervous contingent,in the audience wonder what wouldcome next. There was a pleasingchanere in the urogram last nightand there will be others tonight.The trip to Donnybrook Fair, inwhich two clowns rode wheels, wasvery amusing. Tonight there willbe a pig hunt, the catcher to get thepig as a prize. There will not be agreat many more performances ofthis wonderful troupe, and peoplewho enjoy good riding and aerobatic feats should attend.

Not a few who read what MrRobert Rowls, of Hollands, Va., hasto sav below, will remember theirown experience under- - like circum-stance?: "Last winter I had la grippewhich left me in a low state of health.I tried numerou remedies, none ofwhich did uie auy good, until I wasinduced to try a bottle of Chamber-lain's Cough Remedy. The first bot-

tle of it so far relieved me that I wasenabled to uneu-- l to my work, audthe icond bottle effected a cure."For Bale at 25 and 50 per bottle by alldruggists and dealers. Benson,Smith & Co. agents for H. I.

The Daily Advertiser 75 cents amonth.' Delivered by carrier.


HORSES 1 (MEFrom the Thoroughtrei

Standard-tre- d Stallion Nutwood, tyNutwooi Jr.

; Norman Stallion Captain Grawl.Native-Bre- d Stallion Boswell.

Also a Choice Lot of

(bulls, cows and calyesFrom the Celebrated Bulls

I Sussex, Hereford, Ayrshire & Durham,j a Lot ofI Fine Saddle and Carriage Horses


2 Pure-Bre- fl Moid Bulls For Sole.

Tourists and Excursion Parties desiringSingle, Double or Four-in-Han- d Teams orjSaddle Horses can be accommodated at W.tH. Rice's Livery Stables.

AM communications to be addressed toVV. H. RICE, Lihue, Kauai,

BUSINESS COLLEGE,24 Post Street, - Sun Francisco.


This college instructs in Shorthand, Type-writing, Bookkeeping, Telegraphy, Pen'rnnnship,Drawing, ail the English branchesand evervthing pertaining to business for?full six months. We have 16 teachers andgive individual instruction to all our pupils.,

A Dejartment of Electrical EngineeringHas been established under a thorough! yiqualified instructor. The course is thor-oughly practical. Send V: circular.

C. S. HALEY, Secretary.

Hig-B- n Rre tew ft.., - ...

The undersigned having been appointedtger.ts of the above company are preparedto insure risks against fire on Stone andBrick Buildings and or Morchandfse stored ttterem im tk most favorabkterms. For particulars apply at the oflkM F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., A

Central lMuMe Com mi y for Sea, River MiLa4 Traataort of Dresde.

Having established ao ageacy at HowHlulu and the Hawaiian Wands the undentimed General Agents are authorized ,mtake risks against the dangers of the seaat the most Feasanabk rates and on tWmost favorable terms.

F. A. SCHAEFER 8c CO.,Agents forfthe Hawaiian hixnds.

German lloyfl Marine insurance Co J


form General insurance mm'


The a"bove Insurance Companies haveestablished a General Agency here, and the.undersigned, General Agents, are author-ized to take risks against the dangers ofthe seas at the most reasonable rates andin the most favorable terms. !

F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., Gnl. Agts.

frons Allontic Fire liisnrance

OF HAMBURG.Capital of the company and re- -

serve, reichsmarks 6,000,00cCapital their reinsurance com

panies - 101,650,000

Total refchsnarks - - 107,650,000

'loflii Gem Fife Insurance CompyOF HAMBURG.

Capital of the company and re-serve, reichsmarks - 8,830,000

Capital HicTi reinsurance com- -

panies ; 35,000,000Total reichsmarks 43,830,0a

The undersigned. General Atrents of thbabove two companies for th HawaiL--slands. are prepared to insure Rui!dintr.

Furniture, Merchandise and Produce, Ma--ninery, etc., also buear and Rice Mills.

and Vessels in the harbor, acainst loss or.damage by fire on the most favorable terms.


CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYThe Famous Tourist Rout of the World.

In Connection with the Canadian AustralianSteamship Line T ckt$ Are Issue!

To All Points in the United States and' Canada, via Victoria and


Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephenand Fraser Canon.

Empress Line of Steamers from YancouYer

Tickets to AH Points Jo Japan, China, India,and Around the Wortd.

For tickets and general information apply to

THEO.H.DAYIES&CO..Ld.,Agents Canadian-Australia- n S.S. Line

Canadian Pacific Railway.

Daily Advertiser 75 cent amonth. Delivered by oarrier.



AXI) -:- -


nil.Partial list per Amy Turner

of Goods just receivedfrom New York.

wheel Barrows,Road Scrapers,

Ox Bows,Hoe Handles,

Barbed Wire,Asbestos Cement

MATTOCKS,, Feed Cutters,

Lawn Mowers,Forges,Blacksmiths' Bellows,Machinists' Drill, Vises,

Charcoal Irons,Refrigerators,




re and General


The odd cents is what counts. I

can save you from 25 to 35 per cant,on vour clothes and guarantee a fit andperfect satisfaction in every respect.

I make friends of my customers,and customers of my friends. Do notbe deceived by a grand display. FInagoods well-mad- e is half the battla.

Once tried you will come agalt.Latest designs constantly received. .

I must have room for my new stock.If you are need of clothes, now is yourtime to see me.

W. W. Ahana,riERCHANT -- : TAILOR,

323 Nuuanu Street.


loirs" id mmTrains will leave on Saturdays at 9:15

A. M. and 1:45 P. JV.,' arriving in Hono-lulu at 3:11 P. M. and 5:26 P.

Train will leave on Sundays at 9:15 A.M.arriving in Honolulu at 5:26 P. A.

Round Trip Tickets:FIRST CLASS : $ 1.75.SECOND CLASS $ 1.25.

F. C. SMITH,General Passenger and Ticket Agent.

HUSTACE & CO.,Dealtrs 1b

Wood and Coal,also White Am biack Sand,

wmb w wm tea at Xb rtry lowMt BriMtrales.

T.4a?fc6t No. 414.


COTTON CREPESAt Reduced Prices,


Monday, January 20And Lasts for Two "Weeks, Only.


The Birth stonefor January is theGarnet.

II 10 1 fiffi 1


This is for You !

M to nine itie Horses ?

warn to me Three ot inem 01 once?


It will interest you to see my

Latest ImportationIN THE


n 61A2TD- -


A wonderful production, one step higherthan a split seconds and works with perfectease and accuracy.

HorsemenWill appreciate this marvelof time-keepin- g mechanism.

Come in today and let meshow you these perfectwatches.

Not too high don't beafraid of that.


A Perfect SplitSeconds Watch


$ 20.00,Guaranteed by us in every possible way


I i BBWr


It Is Invariably100 MATCHES1 A A irilTC

Anino Matches Wasted.I


Sandllx,ress'Pianos and Furniture moved by men of

10 to 15 years' experience. "Baggagemarked in our care delivered at once.

Rubbish carted for 50c. and upward permonth by the only private concern in town.

Office 2?o. 87 King street, near Fort.

F. H. FOSTER,Manager



Laces, Insertions




Alakea and Richards Streets,


and Ribbons.


near Queen. Eonoteiu, H. L




packt from Cattfornta,

Fruits and Fish.Satisfaction




Prompt artentice to ail orders.


Importers and

Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

New and Fresh Goods received by veryand European Markets.

Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables,Goods delivered to aay part of the city.Island trade soite&sd.

P. O. BOX 145.

r- a


Prices From $23 to S3 5. H. H. WILLIAMS 01 11! It? CI?LOCAL BREVITIES.

Circus tonight.

that it would not be. The Adver-tiser is glad to know that whatthe Bluegate was and the Grand isare entirely different propositions."

A very thin and tired lookinghorse was caught by a policemanwhile runninsr down Fort street





Of Honolulu.-:- - MANAGER OF TIIE -- :



We keep on hand a large assortment ofGoods in our several department?. NewGoods every month.

TELEPHONES: Office. 846; Residenceand night call. 849.

.1 1 M l 01 SHI

245 Is Our Telephone.

LARSEN'S EXPRESS imt.We move Furniture by the job or, $2 to

$$ by the load, according to quality or d!itance, and we guarantee all work dont byus.. Intending passengers on island or foelgn steamers will find us prompt and opto all details in handling, marking andchecking baggage,

All work superintended by', compatfitmen.

WILLIAM LARSEN,Proprietor Larscn's Express.

HhSpeotsPioto Tin nHonolulu, H. I., July 20, 1895.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:This is to certify that C. Akima has

made several suits of clothes for me andthe workmanship has been of the best. Itake pleasure in recommending him andhis work to any and all.

Respectfully Yours,James B. Oberteuffer,

'Seattle. Wash.. U.S.' A.

Telephone 663. P. O. Box 496.C. R. COIilLINS.

Manufacturer and Importer of

SADDLERY AND HARNESS,Both Single and Double.

Has the largest assortment in his line intown and sells them at lowest prices.Everything in the line of Stable Outfittingin stock.Carriage Tops and Trimmings a

Specialty.Once you call and buy,you will be satisfied.

337 King Street, Near Nuuanu.

GOO Kin,411 Nuuanu Street, - - - Honolulu.


I have just received from America nndEurope, a fresh consignment of

Goods Suitable T?SE HolidaysChoice selection of Christmas Novelties.Don't fail to examine my stock before

buving elsewhere.

STORE TO LET,King street, near Fort. Apply to


FOR SALE.Fine black horse, perfectly sound. Apply to


TO LET.Fine stable accommodations, one tothree stalls. Apply to

ED. A. WILLIAMS.4141-t- f


Alakea street. Masonic Temple.

Manufacturer ot


Tables, Stands, Hat Racks,Screens, Flower Stands Chairs, Sofas -

Book Cases and Bedroom Sets


A ri A M who does not travel, who neverrides in a carriace, street car,

omnibus or upon a bicycle, who neverwalks the streets, who cannotslip upon the pavements, whodoes not po near horc. whocan never have 'sprains, dislo-cations, broken bones, cuts orbruises, whom tire will notburn, and water will notdrown, whom even a dog willnot bite, nor lightning strike,who cannot fall from any-thing ?

SUCH A MASdoes not need Accident In-surance.

OTHERSshould appl:- - to

C. D. CHASE GeneralHawaiian




OF NEW YOUK,400 Fort Street. Telephone 184.


rn.All kinds of signs made on short notice.

Fresco Work,Bank Lettering,

Office andWire Web Siros.


IKMi.i:llfi is' am

TELEPHONE 80.4193-l- m


ANNIS MONTAGUE(Mrs. Clias. Turner)

Takes pleasure in announcing that she isprepared to receive pupus at ner residence.

correct end Naiuroi Production 01 me voice

Based on natural and artistic principlesand applying the Italian method to Eng-lish singing, regulating and developing thevoice equally throughout its entire range.

jQnn mTPn nvtne monui. uuaiicuv.or by a series of eight, twelve or twenty-fou-ressons. Apply personally vrj Ktvl j

Beretania street, tormeny resiaence oiUnas. Atnerton. iwxm

isYOURSILVERWAREStrUng Silver or only marktd m. Evryhouswife has ktard of the Gorkami,Silversmiths. When they stamp anyarticle sterling silvtr yon can rst assuredthat it is sterling silver.

We invite the public (tourists especially;o make a thorough examination of our

stock and prices In . Sterling Silverware,Souvenir Spoons, Plated Ware, Watcheand Diamonds. Native Jewelry maau- -

actured in unique designs and to order.

Jacobson & Pfeiffer,FORT STREET.

TVenner A Co. Old Stand.


Jeweler and Watchmaker,515 FORT STREET.


Hawaiian and Gold Wire Jewelry to order.Make handsome Presents.

Souvenir Spoons t Very Low Prices,

p. O. Box 365.

IK J. inWATCH MAKER.Watches sold for tne very lowest of cash

prices or on easy payments.

Watches -- : RepairedON SHORT NOTICE.

Workmanship guaranteed and prices

very reas&nable.

Corner Fort andMerchant Streets.

01 P

I have bongbt the sole interest sole

F. E. LYNN AND PATTERSONIn the'busmess known the

niernolio H-- LOCA.TBD OH- -

Oueen Street, Honolulu.

All orders for material to be furnishedmust be signed by me or my aitorney-- m

fnrt. Percv Lishman.All accounts contracted by Lynn and

Patterson are assumed by them.

c. r. McVeigh.

Musicale at Oahu College Fridayevening.

Marshal Brown is confined to, hishouse with an attack of fever.

J. J. Egan calls attention to hisereat clearance sale in this issue.

A change of program of the H.A. A. C. field day appears in thisissue.

Emma M. Nakuina, water com-

missioner, has a notice in thisissue.

A one-roo- m furnished cottage,also a nicely furnished front room,is advertised for rent.


A young married couple withoutchildren require one unfurnishedroom in private family.

A list of newly elected officersand directors of the Mutual Tele-phone Co. appears today.

In the H. A. A. C. half mile andrepeat horse race Billy C will be j

matched against Confederate.A horse belonging to a King-stre- et

store keeper was overcome bysleep yesterday and lay down for anap.

The box plan for "Meredith'sOld Coat" will open at 9 a. m. to-

day at the Hobron Drug Companystore.

Admission prices to the circushave been reduced. There will bean entire change of program to-

night..Ho Pat Yet, the Kapalama rice

planter, who was out of his headfor quite a while, is well again.He was in the city yesterday.

G. L. Samson, proprietor of theband concert program, requestsadvertisers to pay advertising billsto him only, as he is sole proprietorand has no agents.

The regular weekly rehearsal ofthe Y. M. C. A. orchestra will takeplace this evening at 7:30 o'clocksharp in the large hall. Everymember is requested to be present.

There will be an adjourned an-

nual meeting of the stockholders ofthe Hawaiian Sugar Company atthe office of V. G. Irwin & Co.,Ltd., on Friday,' January 31st, at10 a. m.

The members of the QueenslandCabinet in the city visited BernicePauahi Bishop Museum Tuesday!afternoon. They expressed them-selves as very highly pleased withthe place.

It will be decided on Saturdaywhether a match race can be ar-

ranged between "290" and Judah.George Patterson has had severaloffers for Judah but none havebeen accepted.

The Chinese-Englis- h DebatingSociety will devote their time tobusiness tomorrow night. At themeeting of next, week the discus-sion will be on the subject: "Shouldthe Constitution of China be Re-

formed?"The Hawaiian Carriage Manu-

facturing Co. advertise that theyhave pleased owners of variouslines of business for whom theyhave built wagons and believe theycan please others. Read advertise-ment in this issue.

The scrub horse race on H. A. A.

C. field day promises to be an,.v, mnro th.in ordinary inter- -

est. It is said there will be morethan twenty entries, some of thehorses being 'the proud posorsof thorough-bre- d blood.

A. G. M. Hawes, H. B. M. Com-

missioner, entertained Hon. H. M.

Nelson, premier of New Zealand;Hon. J. J. Bvmes, attorney-genera- l,

and Hon. R. Philp, minister of

mines, together with members of

the Cabinet, at dinner last night.

The captain of the C. F. CrockerBwore out a warrant yesterday after-

noon for the arrest of W. A. Muel-

ler, one of his seamen. The ink onthe warrant was hardly dry beforeCaptain Hilbus, who takes care ofthe water front, secured the man.

Since the recent publication ofinter-clu- t tournament results inP. T. C Dr. Nichols has enteredsecond class bv defeating D. How-

ard Hitchcock. Charles Hydechallenged D. Howard Hitchcockand was defeated. The name of

G. P. Wilder was omitted fromthe list of fourth class players.

Commissioner Marsden was en-

caged yesterday, in examiningplants received "from the Orient.He has now in the Governmentrepository seeds of the BambusaVulgaris, obtained from the RoyalBotanical Gardens in Hongkong.In return for this donation he willsend seeds of various trees grownhere.

The public will be pleased tolearn from the proprietor of thelate Bluegate, now Grand, hotelthat his place is to be conducted asa first-clas- s lodging house. Therewas no intimation m this paper

New Process Gasoline Stoves.

Gasoline $3.25 per case delivered.

Castle & Cooke, Ltd.,Sole Agents, - - Hawaiian Islands


Bicycles for RentTerms Reasonable.



We are cleaning: up stock

and will give you some Bar-grai- ns

that Honolulu lias never

before had.


MADE, bui our entire stockwill be cleaned up.

ms Goods

Silks, Wash Goods,


Ladies' Furnishing Goods,

Gents' Furnishing Goods,

Household Goods,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


A Valuable Hand Book for Office orHouse is the

HAWAIIAN ANNUAL.Nothing compares with it in varied infor-

mation prepared with special reference tomeeting interested enquires relative tothese islands, thus'making it the hiost de-

sirable publication to mail to friendsabroad.

The issue for 1890 -- :

NOW READY,Exceeds in number of pages and illustra-tions any previous issue, and will prove be-

hind none in interest.Prices as usual 75 cents per copy, or 85

cents, mailed postage paid to any address.

TI10S. G. THRUM,Publisher, Stationer, Etc.

418S-2- W

yesterday morning attached to a j

carriage that matched the animal. :

It was led to the police stationand the owner arrived a little later, j

How the horse stirred up enough !

energy for a run was a point won- -j

dered at by more than one person;who witnessed the occurrence. j

Comnanv 1. Division 1, of theCitizens' Guard, will meet at Bere-tania-stre- et

school house at 7:30p. m. this evening.

Rumored Change.

that U. S. Minister Willis willsoon resign his post here and re-

turn to his law practice in Ken-

tucky. It is understood thai thisaction on the part of Minister

llhs is due to the fact ot his con-- jtinued ill health.

AefH VeatHer Bulletin.

Diamond- - Head. )

Jaxuaky 22. 1896. f

Weather cloudy ; wind light north.


In this line we certainlyhead the list. We carry theLargest Assortment and

The Very Latest Style.

Our styles and trimmingsare always up-to-d-

ate, wenever tolerate back numbers.

Leghorn Hats in all grades;also pretty fancy Straws.Children Trimmed Hats, a

most complete assortment,with prices way down.

Muslin Hats and Bonnetsfor children. We have thecorrect styles. A large as-

sortment to select from andthe right prices.

N. S. Sachs,$2o Fort street, Honolulu.

EAGLE HOUSE,Family Hotel,

NUUANU AVENUEMr. McLeax, - - Proprietor.

Per day $1.25; per week $7.50. Special

monthly rates. Finest location in the city.


91 Nuuanu Street.5000-me- n daily to drink the-50- 00

FAMOUS SEATTLE BEER,Ice Cold on Draught.

EDWARD & HARRY,Postoffice Box 475 Honolulu

lira tChoice line of Organdies, .$3 to $12 com-

plete; choice line of French Organdies, $12complete.

We Ml ail tuuiuiuc unci jchoice of cloth suitings made to order for$15, flu ana i complete.

Linen Duck Suits to order $15.Linen Duck Skirts to order $S.Cotton Duck Skirts to order $5.

If you wich to take advantage of thisopportunity to oowui a sun ui uulu,organdie or duck cheap, good workman-ship, fit and faultless style guaranteed,place your orders early as this offer willnoitivelv not be extended beyond the3LICV;iiJCVA .

41S6-l- m.


Roll Wrapping, Flat Wrapping.Drug ..Rolls, Straw Rolls,

Roll Paper CuttersAll sizes, no springs to break, last forever.

Toilet Paper, all kind";Tissue Rolls, Package Ti?sue.

Selling this cheap this week. Look atsamples and Price Card at front door.

covtitatiox ale of our"SPECIAL ffli" ENVELOPES-


Take advantage of it and save money.

Blank Books.The largest variety and the lowest prices.

Sart money! Save money! Save moneyWe are money ?iver for you.


Republic Building, King Street.

Has gained the con-

fidence of all con-


Prices below any

other No. I Standard

Flour in the mar-




Theo. HDaVifesi

& Co.:Sole Agents


Wm. G. Irwin. President and ManagerClaus Spreckelsi Vice-Preside- nt

W. M. Giffard. ... Secretary and TreasurerTheo. C. Porter Auditor




Oceanic Steamship CompanyOf San Francisco, Cal.


First-Clas- s Market In Every Respect.

Besides carrying a full line of meats we

make a specialty of



Westbrook & Gares,Proprietors.


Tiles for Floors and for Dec-orating Purposes.

MATTING OF ALL KINDSManila Cigars .. ..

Wing Wo Chan & Co.210212 Nuuanu street.


lias Received by the Steamship Cityor I'eKintc

A Fresh Shipment of .

silver I MTIRE.CROCK.ERYWflRE. wm mi

Vases, Lacquer Ware,Silk Handkerchief? and Shawl s.Silk Screen?,Fine Mattings and Rattan Chairs,

Manila Cigars and Teas.

FOR LEASEA L .RGE DWELLING HOUSE IN Acharming location, one mile fromthe postoffice, containing 8 rooms,bath room,tc, partly furnished. Outbuild-ings consisting of servants' house, (stable,carriage house,etc., etc. The grounds com-prise 2 large paddocks, and a garden, con-taining fruit trees and choice planta.Applvto D. LA Mb,At office ot J. Alfred Magoon, Honolulu.


Absolutely the finest Cycle made. Sold on easy payment system.

Wall, Nichols Company,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.






THEto foreign countries or converted

EflH-fef- l


--- --i jjm.: 'i JK



Pdcilic commercial Advertiser

Issued Every Morning, ExceptSunday by 'the

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY,Von Holt Block, King street.

Subscription RatesThe Daily Pacific Commercial Adver-

tiser, Eight Pages.Per month... 75Per 3 months if paid in advance. . 2 00Per year in advance ' S 00

Per year, postpaid to the UnitedStates of America, Canada orMexico 11 00

Per 1 year, postpaid other foreign 14 00

Hawaiian Gazette, Semi-Weekl- y, EightPages, Tuesdays and Fridays.

Per year, 104 numbers $5 00

Per year, foreign countries 6 00


Advertisements unaccompanied byspecific instructions inseted till or-

dered out.Advertisements discontinued before

expiration of specified period will becharged as if continued for a full term.

Liberal allowance on yearly and halfyearly contracts.

All persons desiring their advertise-ments discontinued must send a writ-ten order to that effect.

Where cuts are inserted they mustbe ALL METAL, not mounted on wood,otherwise we 'assume no risk of theirpreservation.

C. G. BALLENTYNE,Business Mana&er.


January, 1896.

7 Why It Won.A Record of Achievement Unparalleled.

For forty years in the forefront of excellent food


Dr. Price's Baking. Powderhas, in fair competition, decisively surpassed all competitors

On definite achievement not on mere assertion its claims

to pre-eminen- ce are based. By reason of its superiorstrength, purity and wholesomeness, it is incomparably thebest leavening agent now in use. United States Govern-

ment experts, on careful analysis, have so pronounced it.Scientific authorities, after exhaustive examination, have so

proclaimed it. The highest awards at the Chicago World's

Fair and the California Midwinter Exposition have so

established it.Its increased consumption - surpassing that of any

competitor illustrates the widespread public recognitionof its commanding merits. The generally growing favor inwhich it is. held shows how unavailing are the efforts of

envious rivals to detract from its justly advancing fame.

The renown of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, in

these closing years of the nineteenth century, is not only

continental but world-wid- e. Its unequalled qualities areknown and appreciated in every part of the civilized globe.


TIDES, SUN AND MOON. 8a. v. rn. 'IB Th. Pt. 8a. ook' ham.

Z r 1 g1i:r.1 J. 2. 1 :L - j "'jluT12 U 14 13 16 17 18 irnt ga'r- J5 Jan 22.

L JL i1. ' il o fun MoonJ8 27 2S 30 31 . Jan 30'

a o o aa $ c a

Day- -5-- B 55 BH 3 (5

ao OS

rj&js ? jf ia.m. p.m. p.m. a.m.

Mon -.--- 0 6.35 8.20' l.?b 0.19 6.40 5.4310.49Tata 21 7. 2 9 30 2. 7 1.28 6.40 6.43 11.40

p.m . a.m. j . '

Wed.. 22 10.40 7.30; 2.471 8.15 6.40 5.44'!ftmr 2.11.42 8.24 3.35! 5.2 6.40 6.46 0.33Frld 24'a.m 9.411 4.29. 7. 8 6.40 S.45 1.266t... 2t 0.34,11.2, 0.25 8. 8 6.39; 6.46 2.24San 26 1.20 12.39 6.SW 8.48 6.39 6.46 3.22

I I I 1

First quarter of the moon on the 22d, at 4 h.12 m. p. m.

The tides and moon phase are given in Stand-ard Time. The times of sun and moon rising andetting being given for all ports In the group

are in Local Time, to which the respective cor-

rections to Standard Timea applicable to eaohdifferent port should be made.

The Standard Tioe whiatle.sounds at 12 b. 0 m.0 i. (midnight) Greenwich Time, which is 1 h.30 m. p.m. of Hawaiian Standard Time.


Uy the Government Survey. PublishedEvery Monday.

ba&om . KM H

into coal barges. The number ofbarks and barkentines flying theUnited States flag is 323, while 62is the number of brigs and brigan-tine- s.

The number of schooners is,of coi rse, much higher, and manyof the three-maste- rs and four-maste- rs

of today are much largerthan the average ship of thirtyyears ago.

Their First Ice."One of the fnniest sights I ever

saw was a South Sea islander withhis first chunk of ice," remarkedthe captain of a trading schooner."I was lying at anchor at one ofthe Navigator islands once, whensome natives came aboard. It wasan awfully hot day, and I had justbeen getting some ice up from be-

low. The natives looked at it curi-ously, and so I handed one achunk. The moment it touchedhis hand he dropped it like a hotshot and looked at his palms tosee if they were burned.

"After a deal of jabbering, theyall sat around it and watched itmelt. They could not understandit at all, and when there was noth-ing left but a wet spot on the deckthey sat around it and discuseedthe phenomenon.

"I put a piece of ice in mymouth and then gave them some.They shifted it from hand to handlike a hot coal, put the tips oftheir tongue on it gingerly andfinally swallowed the chunk. Itwas a source of great wonder tothem." S. F. Post.

C. G. Meeting--.

COMPANY NO. i; DIVISION NO. 1of the Citizens Guard of Hawaii, will meetat the Beretania school-hous- e at 7:30o'clock p. m. THIS DAY (Thursday),January 23d. All members are especiallyinvited to attend.

Per order of the Captain.4206-- lt B. F. DILLINGHAM.

Adjourned Annual Meeting.

THE A.DJOUNED ANNUAL MEETINGof the stockholders of the Hawaiian SugarCompany will be held at the office ofMessrs. V. G. Irwin & Compnny, Limited,on FRIDAY, January 31st, 189. at 10 a.m.

W. L. HOPPER,42C6-5- t Secretary.

Notice to Advertisers.

ALL MONEY DUE FROM ADVERtisemeuts in the Band Concerts programsmust be paid to G. L. Sampson personally.I have no authorized agents.


4206-2- t Sole owner.


A COTTAGE OF ONE ROOM. FDRnished or unfurnished. Also nicely fur--nisnea iront room near corner JNuuannand School streets. Address P. OBox 462. 4200-t- f

WANTED.AT ONCE BY A YOUNG MARRIEDcouple an unfurnished room in privatefamily. Rent not to exceed $10 per month."J. A.," Box 312, City 4206-l- t

NOTICETHE UNDERSIGNED EXPECTING TOlpflVP Honolulu tvi" t h l n l orh t nrboL--c ra--quests all persons indebted to him to makeimmediate settlement without furthernotice. A. R. ROWAT, D. V. S.

Jan. 21, 1896. 4204-- 1 w


NEITHER THE CAPTAIN NOR THEHgents of the Robert Sea les will be resy onsible for any debts contracted by the crew

WILDER & CO., LTD.,Agents of the Robert Searles.

4204-l- w

TO LET.A FURNISHED COTTAGE WITH TWOrooms, suitable tor one or two gentlemenRent reasonable. Is about five minuteswalk from post office. Address P. O. Box

4201-l- w

WANTED.JNE SECOND-HAN- D DELIVERYWagon to carry about 2OC0 pounds. AddressP. O. Box 84. 4143-t- f

Room and Board.A COUPLE OF GENTLEMEN CAN BEaccommodated with rooms and board at apleasant residence within ten minutes walkof the Postoffice. Inquire at this office.


DRAFT LOST.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THATdraft No. 223, drawn by the Reciprocityougar Company, upon C Brewer & Com-pany, Ltd., on July 5, 1895, in favor oftiookano (w), for the sum of $20 has beenl"vt Paynit-- hav n. be-- n topin-t- .

are warned againt negotiating thesame. C Brewer fc Companv, Ltd.


Honolulu, January 13 l.'co. 41J)'-3.- ii

Notice of Sale.GOO HOY WUN CHIN KEE HAS SOLDhis Dry Goods Store and Coffee Shop atHookena, Knna. Hawaii, to Yue On Kee,ale to take effect January 20, 1896. Ail

debts due before date above named to bepaid to Goo Hoy Wuti Chin Kee, who willnot be responsible for debts contractedafter the above date.

4200-- 1 w YUE ON KEE.



AppIv to J. C. PALMER, at office of




Steamship Line.

Steamers of the above lire, running inconnection with the CANADIAN PACIFICRAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver,B. C, and Sydney, N. S. V., and callingat Victoria, B. Ct Honolulu and Suva(Fiji),

Are Due at HonoluluOn or about the dates below stated, vii:

Hn far VirlnrinSydney1, 1U1 ntiwnu



,B. C;

S. S. "MIOWERA". . .February 18. S. " WARRIMOO". .March 3


Suva Sydney

S. S. 44 W RRlMOO" January 24, '96S. S 14 M IOW ERA February 24S. S. "WARRIMOO" March 24

Through tickets issued from Honoluluto Canada, United States and Europe.

For Freight and Passage and all generalinformation apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.,GENERAL AGENTS.



Mil eft.For San Francisco:The. New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-

land on or about

FEBRUARY 6th,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from San Francisco onor about

FEBRUARY 13th,And will have prompt dispatch with Mailsand Passengers for the above ports.

The Undcrsieael . Are How Preparedto Iwue

Through Tickets to All PointsIN THE UNITED STATES.

For further particulars regarding Freightor Passage apply to

111181,1,General Agents.




S. S. AUSTRALIAJan. 27, '96 Feb. 1, '96Feb. 21, '96 Feb. 26, '96

THROUGH LINEFrom S. F. for From Syday for

Sydney. .S.-F- .

Arrive Honolulu. Lav rbmoltftta.

Alameda Jn le.Maririosa Jan 9. 96Mariposa Feb 13 '961 Monowai Feb 6, '96



The Bark"Ioiani"Will go on the berth in New York on

or about January 1st, and sail forthis port on or about

FEBRUARY 1st, 1895.If sufficient inducement offers.

For particulars, call orjaddressCHiS. BREWER & CO.,

27 Kilbr street, Boston, orC. Bbkweb & Co., L d.,

Agents, Honolulu.

x a O

S a S

T3 .

77 02 75 1 N 276 00 60 1-- 0 8 1

75 .00 79 0--1 8W 178 .00 81 0-- 8 bw 177 .24 95 10 sw 178 .lfi 79 6 sw 281 01 78 3 sw 4

A Model Plant is not complete without Electric Power, thus dispensingwith small engines.

Why not generate your power fromone CENTRAL Station? One generator can furnish power to your Pumps,Centrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Railways and Hoists; also furnish lightand power for a radius of from 15 to 20miles.

Electric power being used saves thelabor of hauling coal in your field, alsowater, and does away with high-price- d

engineers, and only have one engine tolook after in your mill.

Where water power is available Itcosts nothing to generate ElectricPower.

THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANY is now ready to furnish ElectricPlants and Generators of all descriptions at short notice, and also 'has onhand a large stock of Wire, Chandeliers and all Electrical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt at-

tention, and estimates furnished forLighting and Power Plants; also attention is given to House and MarineWiring. ,


Sugar! Sugar! Sugar!If Sugar is what you want use

FERTI LIZER.The Hawaiian Fertilizing Company has

lust received per Helen Brewer

50 Tons Soft Phosphate Florida,150 Tons Double Superphosphate,300 Tons Natural Plant Food,25 Tons Common Z up rphosphate

Also per "Martha Davis" and othervessels,

Nitrate of Soda,Sulphate of Ammonia,

Sulphate of Potash,Muriate of Potash & Kainit

High-Gra- de ManuresTo any analysis always on hand or

made to order.

A. F. COOKE, Agent.


Queen Street, Honolulu. H. I.

AGENTS FORH"wniian Asricult'i-- :! C-vr- OnomeaSugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company,Wailuku Su.ir Compr-ny- , Wuihee SugarCompany, M:kee 5u;ir Company, H.ile-a- !'

:!a fpr :u. 0,"r "!: v. fT;; (: It IVvi.ch.Planters' Line b.ni :j P.Uiets,

3has. Brewer &" Co.'s Line of BostonJackets.

Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Under-


List of Officers:P. C. Jones, president; Go. H. Robert

son, Manager; E. F. Bishop, Treasurer and? arv: C )1. W. F. Alien, Auditor: C.

' V . H. Waterhouse. A. VV. Carter,


HE ilifillW. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.


All orders from the other islands In theCarriage Building, Trimming and PaintingLine will meet with prompt attention.

P. O. Box 331.

128 and 130 FORT STREET.


to ring up if you want any Plumbing orTin work done promptly and properly.

I am prepared to do - all kinds of work Idmy line at the Lowest Possible Kates.

Jobbing a Speciality.

JAS. NOTT, JR.,Tinsmith and Plumber.

TRAINSc K3 in 02

w ej

D ISa ac C T3 c .

a! iS3c3 "3 "5

Q P zn QA.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

Leave Honolulu.. 6:40 9:15 1:45 5:10Leave Pearl City.. 7:40 9:58 2:28 5:53Leave Ewa "Mill.. 8:10 10:19 2:49 6:14Arrive Walanae 10:54 3:24 6:49

ce c 03

x m 3 SgeS

cfl -



A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.Leave Waianae. .6:44 1:32 3:47Leave Ewa Mill.. 7:19 9:10 2:07 4:22Leave Pearl City.. 7:50 9:4S 2:38 4:53Arrive Honolulu.. 8:23 10:30 3:11 5:26

On Sundays train will leave Waianaeat 3:47 p. m. instead of 1:32 p. m. arrivingIn Honolulu at 5:26 p. m.

Freight trains will carry Passengeraccommodations.

G. P. DENISON. F. C. SMITH.Superintendent. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt.


Steamships will leave for and arrivefrom San Francisco on the followingdates, till the close of 1896:

Arrive at Honolulu Leave Honolulu forfrom San F'cisco San Francisco or

or Vancouver. Vancouver.

1896. 1S96.

On or About. On or About

Warrimoo.. ..Jan 24 Australia Feb 1

Australia Jan 27 Miowera Feb 1

Coptic Feb 4 Monowai Feb 6

Mariposa Feb 13 Australia Feb 26

Australia Feb 21 China Feb 28

imnwera Feb 24 Warrimoo.. ..March 3

Peking March 3 Alameda March 5

Monowal...Marcn az Australia... .March 21

Australia.. March 16 Miowera April 1

Warrimoo..March 24 Mariposa April 2

Belgic .March 2S Gaelic, April 10

Alameda April 9 Australia April 15

Australia . . . . April 13 Monowai April 30

Rio de JaneiroApr 23 Warrimoo May 2

Miowera April 24 China May 6

Australia May 4 Australia May 9

Mariposa May 7 Alameda May 28

Doric May 19 Miowera June 1

Warrimoo May 24 Coptic. June 2

Australia May 29 Australia. ouue o

Mftnowai June 4 Mariposa June 25

Peru.... June 13 Peking June 23

Australia.... June 22 Australia June 29

Miowera June 24 Warrimoo July 2All mo A o Till V 2 Australia July 20

Gaelic July 9Monowal July 23

Australia July 17 Belgic Jl 24

Warrimoo.... July 24! --Miowera A"5Mariposa July 30) Australia...... loChina Aug 6;R ode Janeiro. Aug 19

Australia Aug lOjAiameu. --v

Miowera Aug 24 Warrimoo Sept 1

Monowai Aug 27 Australia Sept 9

Coptic Sept 2 Doric Sept 15

Australia tsepi Mariposa Sept 17

Alameda Sept 241-Jo- 'f

Spot 24 Oct 3r,C--; cont 9s(Peru Oct 12Aurtlla.....Sept 2S Monowai Oct UMariposa Oct 22! Australia. Oct 28

Belgic Oct 24! arnmoo Oct 31

Miowera Oct 24 f ,5Australia Oct 26jAJameda. Nov

vrw ifi Nov ZL

Monowai Nov 19 China Dec 2

Riode JaneiroNov 19 Miowera Dec 2Dec 10Warrimoo ....Nov 24 Mariposa

Australia Dec 11 Australia.. '....Dec 16

Doric Dec 16 Coptic Dec 28

Alameda Dec 17Miowera Dec 24

CH0NG KEE RESTAURANTcor. Merchant and Nuuana st.

Meals Flrst-Clas- s.

Chicken Served Twice a week.Meals 15 eta. down stairs, 2-- 5 rts. up

Btairs. iisy-in- x

Weather Bureau Report.Jan. 22, 9 p. m. Temperature, 75dew point, 72 ; barometer, 29.99.

Diamond Head, Jan. 22, 10 p. m.Weather, clear ; wind, light N.W.The Eleu towed the schooner

Kauiheaouli out to sea yesterday.The steamer Kaala discharged

her sugar upon the Pacific Mailwharf yesterday.

The steamer J. A. Cumminscame in from Oahu ports late yes-terday afternoon.

The steamer James Makee ar- -

rivea late last nignt witn a cargoof sugar from Kapaa.

The bark Matilda, Swensonmaster, sailed in ballast for theSound yesterday afternoon.

The barkentine Willie R. Humehauled over to the railway wharfto take on sugar yesterday.

Bluejackets from the U. S. S.Bennington had target practice atKakaako butts yesterday morning.

The bark R. P. Rithet begandischarging her cargo of generalmerchandise at Brewer's wharf yes-terday.

The steamship companies form-ing the transatlantic pool have re-solved to prolong the existing ratesfor. four months. The GeneralTransatlantic Company has joinedthe pool.

The construction of an immensedrydock has been commenced inthe Japanese naval port of Kure.It is to be 464 feet long, 69 feetwide and 42 feet deep, and willtake vessels of 15,000 tons.

The bark Santiago, Johnsonmaster, arrived and anchored offport yesterday morning, on herway from Hilo to San Francisco,with 26,190 bags of sugar Shestopped here to be registered underthe Hawaiian flag.

Shipping Statistics.The Maritime Journal figures the

number of sailing vessels, schoonersexcepted, flying the stars andstripes, and makes .out that theUnited States has 154 full-rigge- d

ships, the largest of which is theRoanoke, 3400 tons register, ofBath, Me., and the smallest is thewhaler Horatio, of Xew "Bedford,with a regular tonnage of 332. Onehundred of and twenty-si- x of theseships are from the Atlantic coast,all north of Mason and Dixon'sline, while the rest (28) hail fromthe Pacific coast. On January 1,1893, the United States owned 205full-rigge- d ships, since which timetwo new ones "have, been added,while 53 have been either lost, sold


ban il2 30 03 29.91: 6Won 13 30 10.29. v 57Tue. 30. OWO.OO 58

.Wed 29.97!29.8 60Thu 29. 93! 29. 87 67Fri. 29 97129.87 64Sat. 29 94 29 85! 73

Barometer corrected for temperature and ele-vation, but not for latitude.



U 8 8 Bennington, Figman, Hilo.MKBCiiANTMKli.

(This list does not Include coaeiere.;Bark Rosalie, Nissen, Newcastle.Schr Robert Lewers, Goodman, Hilo.Am bktne Willie R Hume, lirigman, Newc.J3r bk Mdergrove, Robertson. Liverpool.Bk Alden Besse, Potter, San Francisco.Nor bk Seringa, Newcastle.Bark Albert, Griffiths, San Francisco.Schr Henrietta. Anderson, Victoria.Schr Esther Buhne, Anderson, Eureka.Bktn C F Crocker. Piltz, Newcastle.Schr Transit, Jorgensen, San Francisco.Am ship Reaper, Young, Portland, Or.Nor bkSjokogen, Gram. Newcastle.Bark Ceylon, Calhoun, Departure Bay.Schr Robert Searles, Piltz, Newcastle.Bark Andrew Welch, Drew, San Francisco.Haw bark U P Rithet, Morrison, San hran.Bark Santiago, Johnson, Hilo.

vbiiim KxrioiRP.Vessels. Where from. One

Oerbk J C Pfluger.. Bremen DueBk Foxglove Port Stanley DueBkBein Port Stanley DueBk Paul Isenberg... Liverpool Dn- -C A 8 S Warrimoo. .Vancouver Jan z-- i

OSS Australia t F Jan 27Bk HoUiswood New York Feb 10

ARRIVALS.Wednesday. Jan. 22.

Bark Santiago, Johnson, from Hilo.Stmr J A Cummins, Neilson, from Oahu

ports.Stmr James Makee, Peterson, from


DKPAKTURES.Wednesday, Jan. 22.

Bark Matilda, Swensen. for the Sound,otmr Kaaln, Thompson, for circuit of


IMPORTS.From San Francisco, per bk R P Rithet.

Jan 21 Cargo of general merchandise, con-signed to H V Schmidt & Son. C rtrewer fc

Co, Castle & Cooe, Board of Public Works,OSS Company, King Brothers, AllenRobinson, Lewers & Cooke. Hawaiian Fer-tilizer Company, W G Irwin A Co, UnionFeed Company, A F Cooke, J 1 8 N Com-pany.

Per James Makee 2003 bags su ear and80 bags rice. "

The steamer Kaala sailed againfor Oahu ports yesterday. Sheloaded rice - at Punaluu in theafternoon. J. Alfred Magoon. 4196-l- w
