Walmart #1688 Agenda Item 14 Page 1 Applicant Walmart Stores, Inc. 1688 Property Owner Walmart Real Estate, Etc. Public Hearing August 10, 2016 City Council Election District Beach Request Conditional Use Permit (Bulk Storage) Staff Planner Carolyn A.K. Smith Location 657 Phoenix Drive GPIN 1496387496 Site Size 15 acres AICUZ 70-75 dB DNL; APZ 2 Existing Land Use and Zoning District Retail Store / B-2 Community Business Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning Districts North Vacant, office / I-1 Light Industrial South Sabre Street Office / I-1 Light Industrial East Phoenix Drive Mixed Retail / B-2 Community Business West Office / B-2 Community Business Agenda Item 14

657 Phoenix Drive GPIN - VBgov.com · 2016-08-10 · Walmart #1688 Agenda Item 14 Page 1 . Applicant Walmart Stores, Inc. 1688 Property Owner Walmart Real Estate, Etc.. Public Hearing

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Page 1: 657 Phoenix Drive GPIN - VBgov.com · 2016-08-10 · Walmart #1688 Agenda Item 14 Page 1 . Applicant Walmart Stores, Inc. 1688 Property Owner Walmart Real Estate, Etc.. Public Hearing

Walmart #1688 Agenda Item 14

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Applicant Walmart Stores, Inc. 1688 Property Owner Walmart Real Estate, Etc. Public Hearing August 10, 2016

City Council Election District Beach

Request Conditional Use Permit (Bulk Storage) Staff Planner Carolyn A.K. Smith Location 657 Phoenix Drive GPIN 1496387496 Site Size 15 acres AICUZ 70-75 dB DNL; APZ 2 Existing Land Use and Zoning District Retail Store / B-2 Community Business Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning Districts North Vacant, office / I-1 Light Industrial South Sabre Street Office / I-1 Light Industrial East Phoenix Drive Mixed Retail / B-2 Community Business West Office / B-2 Community Business

Agenda Item 14

Page 2: 657 Phoenix Drive GPIN - VBgov.com · 2016-08-10 · Walmart #1688 Agenda Item 14 Page 1 . Applicant Walmart Stores, Inc. 1688 Property Owner Walmart Real Estate, Etc.. Public Hearing

Walmart #1688 Agenda Item 14

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• On July 5, 2016, the applicant, Walmart, received approval for a Conditional Use Permit on this property for Bulk

Storage for the seasonal display of lawn and garden items in the parking lot. In preparation for the fall and winter holiday seasons, Walmart is now requesting to place up to 13 storage containers on the northwest corner of the site. The placement of storage containers is classified as “bulk storage,” and a Conditional Use Permit is required.

• The containers, up to 40 feet in length, will be used for the seasonal storage of materials, particularly during the months of September through December.

• A deviation to the required Category VI screening (solid fence and plants) is requested. The existing, mature vegetation along the northern property line as well as the building itself will screen the containers from view.

Zoning History # Request 1 MOD (Proffers) Approved 02/24/2009

CUP (Bulk Storage) Approved 07/05/2016 2 CRZ (I-1 to Conditional B-2) Approved 08/24/2004 3 CUP (Hotel) Approved 10/12/1987 4 CUP (Indoor Commercial Recreational Facility)

Approved 06/23/2009 5 MOD (Conditions) Approved 06/12/2007

CUP (Self-Storage) Approved 07/03/2001 6 CUP (Wind Energy System) Approved 06/26/2012

STC Approved 10/27/1998 7 SVR Approved 08/11/1998

Application Types CUP – Conditional Use Permit REZ – Rezoning CRZ – Conditional Rezoning

MOD – Modification of Conditions or Proffers NON – Nonconforming Use STC – Street Closure

FVR – Floodplain Variance ALT – Alternative Compliance SVR – Subdivision Variance

The Comprehensive Plan identifies this site as being located within the Suburban Area. The general planning principles for the Suburban Area focus on creating and maintaining great neighborhoods through stability and sustainability; protecting and enhancing open spaces and places of cultural and historical significance; and creating and maintaining a transportation system that provides connectivity and mobility. Achieving these goals requires that all land use activities either maintain or enhance the existing neighborhood through compatibility with surroundings, quality and attractiveness of site and buildings, improved mobility, environmental responsibility, livability, and effective buffering with respect to type, size, intensity and relationship to the surrounding uses. (Sec. 1.3, pp. 3 – 10)

Background and Summary of Proposal

Comprehensive Plan Recommendations

1 2


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The site is located within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. There do not appear to be any significant natural resources or cultural features associated with the site as it is almost entirely impervious.

Street Name Present Volume Present Capacity Generated Traffic

Sabre Street No Data Available 13,100 ADT 1 (LOS 4 “C”) 20,700 ADT 1 (LOS 4 “D”) Existing Land Use 2 – 28,040 ADT

Proposed Land Use 3 – 28,040 ADT Phoenix Drive No Data Available

6,200 ADT 1 (LOS 4 “C”) 9,900 ADT 1 (LOS 4 “D”)

1 Average Daily Trips 2 as defined by 15 acres of B-2 zoning

3 no change anticipated 4 LOS = Level of Service

Master Transportation Plan (MTP) and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Sabre Drive is a four-lane collector roadway. Phoenix Drive is a two-lane collector roadway. There are no CIP roadway projects planned for either of these rights-of-way.

Water & Sewer The site is already connected to both City water and sewer.

The location of the proposed storage containers on the northwest corner of the site has been selected to best screen the bulk storage area from view. It should be noted that Section 228 of the City Zoning Ordinance requires a Bulk Storage Yard to be entirely screened with Category VI landscaping, which includes a solid fence, not less than six feet in height, with plants along the exterior of the fence. A deviation to this requirement is requested and Staff believes it can be addressed through the provisions of Section 221 (i) of the Zoning Ordinance, which allows City Council to grant deviations from required landscaping if “for good cause shown upon a finding that there will be no significant detrimental effects on surrounding properties.” Staff concludes that a deviation in this requirement will not adversely impact the adjacent properties, particularly given that existing, dense plant material is located along the northern property line and that the existing large building on the site will also screen the bulk storage area from the rights-of-way. This proposal is compatible with the provisions of the Land Use Compatibility Table in Article 18, AICUZ, of the Zoning Ordinance for a site located within the 70-75 dB DNL noise zone and the APZ 2. The location of the storage containers shall be such that no easements are blocked and that adequate access is maintained around the building for vehicular and fire apparatus. Based on the considerations above, Staff recommends approval of this request with the conditions below.

Natural and Cultural Resources Impacts

Traffic Impacts

Public Utility Impacts

Evaluation and Recommendation

Page 4: 657 Phoenix Drive GPIN - VBgov.com · 2016-08-10 · Walmart #1688 Agenda Item 14 Page 1 . Applicant Walmart Stores, Inc. 1688 Property Owner Walmart Real Estate, Etc.. Public Hearing

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1. The location of the bulk storage area for the storage containers shall be limited to the area depicted on the

proposed site layout, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file in the Department of Planning and Community Development, subject to all applicable building and fire codes.

2. The storage containers shall not be stacked.

3. The storage containers shall not be placed within any easements.

4. Unless otherwise authorized by the Building Official’s Office and the Fire Marshall, the location of the storage containers shall be so as to maintain a 20-foot wide accessway for vehicular traffic flow and emergency access to the building and HVAC equipment.

5. No hazardous materials shall be stored within the storage containers.

6. Prior to use of the site for the storage, the applicant shall submit a plan to the Planning Department and the Fire Prevention Bureau showing the location of the storage containers for review and approval.

7. The number of storage containers on the site shall not exceed 10 and said containers shall only be permitted on the site September 15th through January 15th.

8. This Conditional Use Permit for Bulk Storage for up to 20 storage containers shall expire two years from the date of City Council’s approval.

9. The existing plant material along the northern and western property lines remain and that it be property maintained so as to provide a continuous screen to the Bulk Storage Yard.

Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances and Standards. Any site plan submitted with this application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. All applicable permits required by the City Code, including those administered by the Department of Planning / Development Services Center and Department of Planning / Permits and Inspections Division, and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, are required before any uses allowed by this Use Permit are valid. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site.

Recommended Conditions

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Proposed Site Layout

Proposed Bulk Storage Area

Existing Parking Lot

Existing Walmart

Sabre Street






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Site Photos

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Disclosure Statement

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Disclosure Statement

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Disclosure Statement

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Disclosure Statement

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Disclosure Statement

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Disclosure Statement

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Disclosure Statement

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Disclosure Statement

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Disclosure Statement

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Disclosure Statement