600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23, 2016 ( Tai Lopez: “OMG: Zero complaints, and we’ve had tons of earnings reports..”) Get In The Room With Incredibly Successful, Caring Player-Coaches From the desk of Mike Long: #GoBIG 2016! The core idea is inevitable success. We take a 2-pronged approach #1 is you getting in the room, surrounded, by unbelievably successful (on the magnitude of 6-figures/mo) and caring player - coaches, with a knack for coaching. #2 is finally having a clear way to make and measure progress. Here’s an OMG LIVE 2015 snapshot. Kotton asked who made their trip with OMG profits: #GoBIG2016 1 Ronell, $0 to $70,000/mo When I met Ronell, he was in a tough place. He had been treading water so long, but he had a dream. But nothing he tried worked. He got in OMG and, decided to Go BIG (Click here to meet Ronell today) Michael, 19, sells affiliate site for $195,000 profit. Michael Landau-Spiers took a huge gamble straight out of the gate. School wasn’t his thing, and so when his friends were going off to university, Michael went all-in on OMG. (Click here to see the results.) Mary, $10,000/mo SEO, $10,000/mo Amazon + $50,000… Mary Semmer joined OMG and hit the ground running. She made her first $10,000 inside 60-days with SEO clients. But OMG is a BIG program. So then she jumped on Amazon. Click here for her stats. Add $50,000 rank’n’rent. OMG WHITEPAPER #WinWinWin2016 | Bob Proctor’s Top Lifetime Recommendation | 500+ Earnings Reports

600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23 ... · OMG around Greg’s SEO skill. When I joined in OMG in 2012, it was just Greg, Mike & David. • Fletch: Sold

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Page 1: 600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23 ... · OMG around Greg’s SEO skill. When I joined in OMG in 2012, it was just Greg, Mike & David. • Fletch: Sold

600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23, 2016

(Tai Lopez: “OMG: Zero complaints, and we’ve had tons of earnings reports..”)

Get In The Room With Incredibly Successful, Caring Player-Coaches From the desk of Mike Long: #GoBIG 2016!

The core idea is inevitable success. We take a 2-pronged approach #1 is you getting in the room, surrounded, by unbelievably successful (on the magnitude of 6-figures/mo) and caring player-coaches, with a knack for coaching. #2 is finally having a clear way to make and measure progress. Here’s an OMG LIVE 2015 snapshot. Kotton asked who made their trip with OMG profits:

#GoBIG2016 �1

Ronell, $0 to $70,000/mo

When I met Ronell, he was in a tough place. He had been treading water so long, but he had a dream. But nothing he tried worked. He got in OMG and, decided to Go BIG (Click here to meet Ronell today)

Michael, 19, sells affiliate site for $195,000 profit.

Michael Landau-Spiers took a huge gamble straight out of the gate. School wasn’t his thing, and so when his friends were going off to university, Michael went all-in on OMG. (Click here to see the results.)

Mary, $10,000/mo SEO, $10,000/mo Amazon + $50,000…

Mary Semmer joined OMG and hit the ground running. She made her first $10,000 inside 60-days with SEO clients. But OMG is a BIG program. So then she jumped on Amazon. Click here for her stats. Add $50,000 rank’n’rent.

OMG WHITEPAPER #WinWinWin2016 | Bob Proctor’s Top Lifetime Recommendation | 500+ Earnings Reports

Page 2: 600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23 ... · OMG around Greg’s SEO skill. When I joined in OMG in 2012, it was just Greg, Mike & David. • Fletch: Sold

600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23, 2016

January 15, 2014, almost exactly 2 years ago today, Kotton joined OMG. He hadn’t worked in over a year. He had walked away from a career building sales funnels for fortune 500 companies, who cared about profits and nothing else. His savings had dried up, and OMG was his last shot. This is 11 incredible months later:

Here’s the incredible backstory behind OMG’s amazing triumph: Greg Morrison was waking up at 3AM to go to a day job. He found out he was going to be a dad. His heart broke on the spot, because he lived 3-doors down from a crack house. He grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and he wanted better for his son. He got an introductory guide on harnessing the search engines from me and David Mills. Greg turned that guide into a blueprint for harnessing lightning. He made $2-million in the next year. And during that time he posted over 1000 times in a private group that David and I set up. I’m talking answers, encouragement and even step-by-step, over the shoulder training videos. Incredible.

Same Time me and David had a successfully tested infomercial that I made and wound up owning for that same introductory guide. With infomercials the idea is to sell a book up front and coaching to your customers. Coaching companies came out of the woodwork. They promised me and David the sun moon and stars. David asked 2 questions. (You may want to write this down.) #1 How much are your coaches making with what they are teaching? #2 How much are your students making? The answer was zero.

The law of attraction, stated another way is like attracts like. Success attracts success. Caring attracts caring. We picked Greg.

#GoBIG2016 �2

Bob Speaks out on OMG player coaches:

• Greg Morrison: Was dealing blackjack starting at 4 AM when he found out he was going to be a dad. Greg got an introductory SEO course from Mike Long & David Mills and immediately started making $100,000/day. Nobody made that kind of money is SEO before Greg. Mike & David built OMG around Greg’s SEO skill. When I joined in OMG in 2012, it was just Greg, Mike & David.

• Fletch: Sold his truck to join OMG in 2013. Now makes $6-figures/mo with SEO clients.

• Kotton Grammer: started with us in 2014, now makes $500,000/mo with SEO clients.

• Joe Marfoglio: Joined in 2012. Now makes $6-figs/mo.

New to OMG 2016 (though they coached tons in 2015, gratis):

• Liz Herrera: $500,000/mo on Amazon. Incredible caring.

• Stephen Floyd: From clients to ecommerce, incredible brains for software: $6-figs/mo.

Page 3: 600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23 ... · OMG around Greg’s SEO skill. When I joined in OMG in 2012, it was just Greg, Mike & David. • Fletch: Sold

600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23, 2016

Greg taught over the shoulder, step by step. He made sites and web properties and harnessed search engine lightning. He showed every decision he made and explained why, in your membership area. And then he showed up every week, week after week, month after month, to answer every question in coaching sessions. I created a community surrounding it, to share in the triumph. #WinWinWin

Where I grew up it was 1/2 trailer park, 1/2 low income housing. I realized early on that money wasn’t everything, but it was big. I used to dumpster dive for aluminum cans when I was 7-years old to recycle for money because I was ashamed to ask my mom for anything. Money was so tight that I saw the strain on her daily.

I vowed two things. #1 I would change my stars. #2 I would help others too. I made it out, with David Mills. The way we had success was harnessing the search engines. The way it happened was, after wasting every penny on courses, “coachings” and live events I realized I needed to be in the room with people having actual success. I used the skills that made me popular in school, and found people making some money. I got into their homes and saw what they did. I asked questions. And we had a circle of friends that was like a community celebrating our triumphs. I made my first million in the next 12-months. I’m forever grateful to those people who I masterminded with. Greg touched me because of the way he changed his stars for his son. Greg’s the cornerstone.

David designed OMG. Greg and I agreed that David would make every final decision. And David is ruthless. He so strongly believes in the law of attraction, that like attracts like, that he wouldn’t do all the things that other marketers insisted we do, to be in the “cool kids club.” We don’t offer refunds, because commitment attracts commitment. David refused to put Greg in the room with even one person threatening to walk if Greg didn’t “dance” the way they wanted. David refused to put one of our members in the room with even one person who had one foot in and one foot out. The gurus rolled their eyes.

We charged more than other programs that, from a great distance, might have seemed in some ways similar. But we really knew we were charging far less than the $25,000 that the kind of mastermind coaching community program they were getting from Greg, a $6=figure/mo affiliate, could command.

I remember our first “big” earnings report. It was Lonnie. Craziest story. He made 6-figures harnessing OMG lightning to sell basketball coaching. Then there was Martin. He was unemployed going on 2-years. A few days ago Martin sent me a list of the cars he bought with his OMG affiliate money. He just got one more, a Nissan GTR he’s had his eye on for years. Yesterday I got a new car report from James Pemberton and I gotta tell you, I think car reports are my favorite. Today Kotton told me he’s buying a Porsche.

Now I’ve got a pretty major plot twist for you. Because David asked several of our most successful, most caring members to join Greg, shoulder to shoulder, and become player coaches. Fletch, Kotton and Joe joined us as coaches. Success was everywhere. But Hurricane Liz changed absolutely everything…

#GoBIG2016 �3

Page 4: 600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23 ... · OMG around Greg’s SEO skill. When I joined in OMG in 2012, it was just Greg, Mike & David. • Fletch: Sold

600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23, 2016

Here’s the rundown:

February 3rd Kotton and I went to Vegas. I gave a speech at an event for one of our affiliates. When I came off the stage Liz Herrera approached me. She had been quietly in OMG from day 1. But our methods of money-getting weren’t the best fit for her talents.

Liz was a former pro poker player. One of the top 10 earners in all of poker for 10 years straight.

Until the rug got pulled out from under poker players by the government. All of her money was taken overnight. She needed an instant career change. Now, at the time, our money-getting methods in OMG were affiliate marketing, like Greg, where you promote other people’s products by getting people from Google and You Tube to their offers, and you collect a commission on each sale; and clients, like Kotton, where you harness search engine lightning for dentists, personal trainers, lawyers, roofers, you name it.

Liz wanted her own products. She started by selling books out of her garage on Amazon. Then she started buying products from stores like Walmart and Big Lots, using the Profit Bandit app to see what she could sell for a profit. She built her bankroll, and started selling her own products from manufacturers in America, Mexico and then China. But Liz believed in paying for coaching. She learned it from her poker days. Other players were too prideful to get help. She pocketed millions from them. Liz got help with Amazon wherever she could find it. She built a small incredible mastermind. They all make 6-figures per month. But they wanted a home. When Liz approached me in Vegas she had her mind made up.

Here’s the earnings report she gave me. $500,000/mo. Incredible. She convinced me and David to perform an experiment, inside OMG. OMG’ers were the guinea pigs. They made million and millions and millions during her 9-month experiment where Liz and her mastermind brought in this INCREDIBLE knowledge and caring inside OMG, and crossed pollinated with our already awesome mastermind and lightning harnessing methods with Google and YouTube.

But I have to tell you about Vivian. Because two nights ago, Liz and I met with Vivian. She’s a former police officer. But she was injured. It was bad. There were days this last year when the doctors didn’t know if she would even ever walk again. Vivian pulled me aside. She said those were dark days for her. Her career was gone in a flash, just like what happened to Liz. She had no idea of what the future held.

Viviane told me that the coaching webinars that Liz did all year long were what kept her going. I can’t help but cry writing this. I don’t know exactly what it is about what she said that touched me so much. But one factor is that even though Vivian was starting from scratch, when she joined, she made more money last month than most doctor’s make with her OMG Amazon. #BOOM

#GoBIG2016 �4

Page 5: 600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23 ... · OMG around Greg’s SEO skill. When I joined in OMG in 2012, it was just Greg, Mike & David. • Fletch: Sold

600+ $5-fig/mo & 6-fig/mo earnings reports Saturday April 23, 2016

Leverage: Build or Beg (80-Billion/Yr Niche) Here’s the rundown:

OMG is synonymous with unbelievable member success. Because OMG’ers are feasting on the biggest market that individuals have ever gotten to feast on - an $80,000,000,000 Niche Market of businesses desperate for the help that almost nobody but OMG’ers can provide with CONFIDENCE. That’s BUILDING LEVERAGE.

Here’s what had to come into play for OMG to be here, for you, so you can Go BIG right now in 2016:

✦ David Mills is a genius, who has rolled out millions in online programs in market after market. Every one of his projects that he initiated had unbelievable snowballing member success. OMG is his greatest achievement to date. David is beloved by OMG’ers for the way he meets you right when you join, in your members area orientation section, and then he oversees everything that happens in OMG for you.

✦ I’m one of the most dangerous and respected affiliate marketers there has ever been. Lots of zeros on my paychecks. But I do this OMG thing, at this point for you. I always remember what it was like growing up in that 1/2 trailer park, and the promise I made. I changed my stars. Let’s change yours.

✦ Kotton turned all of caring and a background in helping others have money-getting success from working hard behind the scenes as a consultant…a job he burnt out on because he never had something worthy of putting his full heart like OMG, which he proved to myself not so much with his own $600,000/mo income, but through the smiles in the eyes of OMG’ers now making $10,000/mo to $100,000/mo or more.

✦ Fletch is such an unbelievable friend and mentor. Not to be a broken record, but he sold his truck to join. He introduced me to the guy who he sold it to. Fletch now makes $100,000/mo. Incredible.

✦ “Street Smart” Joe Marfoglio is the Dr Phil of OMG. Tell him your problems on his hot seat webinar and he’ll tell you what to do. His background where he built himself up in business and then in SEO.

✦ Stephen Floyd was an army ranger, killed it in suit and tie business, and then started a full time seo agency. He now has incredible success with Ecommerce too. And insider connections like crazy.

✦ Liz Herrera had her back to the wall, and needed an instant career change. Her whole family relied on her. Liz went big, going all over the world and paying out every cent she could come up with to build an Amazon game plan. She’s now done as much ad $1,000,000 in a single month. she’s incredibly caring.

I say each of these people’s time is worth at least $25,000 for extended coaching. OMG is easily a $100,00o program.

But wait! There’s more! Because OMG closes Pacific midnight Sunday for 2016. We re-open Jan 1 2017! Click here, join OMG 2016.

#GoBIG2016 �5