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  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    Managerial Economics: EconomicTools for Todays Decision Makers 5/eBy Paul Keat and Philip Young


  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young


    Economics and Managerial Decision


    The Economics of a Business

    Review of Economic Terms

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Learning Objectives

    Define managerial economics

    Relationship to microeconomics and related fields

    Cite important types of decisions regardingallocation of scarce resources

    Provide examples of how changes affectcompanys ability to earn an acceptable return

    Cite and compare the three basic economicquestions from the standpoint of a country and acompany

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Economics and Managerial

    Decision Making

    Economicsis the study of the

    behavior of human beings in

    producing, distributing and consuming

    material goods and services in a world

    of scarce resources. (McConnell,


  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Economics and Managerial

    Decision Making

    Managementis the discipline of

    organizing and allocating a firms

    scarce resources to achieve its desired

    objectives. Involves the ability to

    organize and administer various tasks

    in pursuit of certain objectives.

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Economics and Managerial

    Decision Making

    Managerial economicsis the use of

    economic analysis to make business

    decisions involving the best use

    (allocation) of an organizations scarce


  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Economics and Managerial

    Decision Making

    Relationship to other business disciplines

    Marketing: Demand, Price Elasticity

    Finance: Capital Budgeting, Break-Even Analysis,Opportunity Cost, Economic Value Added

    Management Science: Linear Programming,Regression Analysis, Forecasting

    Strategy: Types of Competition, Structure-Conduct-

    Performance Analysis Managerial Accounting: Relevant Cost, Break-Even

    Analysis, Incremental Cost Analysis, Opportunity Cost

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Economics and Managerial

    Decision Making

    Questions that managers must answer: What are the economic conditions in a

    particular market? Market Structure?

    Supply and Demand Conditions?


    Government Regulations?

    International Dimensions? Future Conditions?

    Macroeconomic Factors?

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Economics and Managerial

    Decision Making

    Questions that managers must answer:

    Should our firm be in this business?

    If so, what price and output levels

    achieve our goals?

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Economics and Managerial

    Decision Making

    Questions that managers must answer:

    How can we maintain a competitive advantage

    over our competitors? Cost-leader?

    Product Differentiation?

    Market Niche?

    Outsourcing, alliances, mergers, acquisitions?

    International Dimensions?

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Economics and Managerial

    Decision Making

    Questions that managers must answer:

    What are the risks involved?

    Riskis the chance or possibility that

    actual future outcomes will differ from

    those expected today.

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Economics and Managerial

    Decision Making

    Types of risk

    Changes in demand and supply conditions

    Technological changes and the effect ofcompetition

    Changes in interest rates and inflation rates

    Exchange rates for companies engaged ininternational trade

    Political risk for companies with foreignoperations

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    The Economics of a Business

    Economics of a business refers to the keyfactors that affect the ability of a firm to

    earn an acceptable rate of return on itsowners investment.

    The most important of these factors are




  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    The Economics of a Business

    Four Stage Model of Change

    Stage I

    The good old days

    Market Dominance

    High Profit Margins

    Cost Plus Pricing Changes in Technology, Competition,

    Customers forced into Stage II

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    The Economics of a Business

    Four Stage Model of Change

    Stage II

    Cost management

    Cost Cutting



    Reengineering to deal with changes

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    The Economics of a Business

    Four Stage Model of Change

    Stage III

    Revenue Management

    Cost cutting has limited benefit

    Focus on top-line growth

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    The Economics of a Business

    Four Stage Model of Change

    Stage IV

    Revenue Plus

    Grow revenues profitably

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Review of Economic Terms

    Microeconomicsis the study of individualconsumers and producers in specific

    markets. Supply and demand

    Pricing of output

    Production processes

    Cost structure

    Distribution of income and output

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Review of Economic Terms

    Macroeconomicsis the study of the

    aggregate economy.

    National Income Analysis (GDP)



    Fiscal and Monetary policy

    Trade and Financial relationships among


  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Review of Economic Terms

    Scarcityis the condition in which

    resources are not available to satisfy all

    the needs and wants of a specified

    group of people.

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Review of Economic Terms

    Resources are factors of production or







  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Review of Economic Terms

    Opportunity costis the amount or

    subjective value that must be sacrificed

    in choosing one activity over the next

    best alternative.

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Review of Economic Terms

    Because of scarcity, an allocation decisionmust be made. The allocation decision is

    comprised of three separate choices: Whatand how many goods and services should

    be produced?

    Howshould these goods and services be

    produced? For whomshould these goods and services be


  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Review of Economic Terms

    Economic Decisions for the Firm

    What: The product decisionbegin or

    stop providing goods and/or services. How: The hiring, staffing, procurement,

    and capital budgeting decisions.

    For whom: The market segmentationdecisiontargeting the customers mostlikely to purchase.

  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Review of Economic Terms

    Three processesto answer what, how,and for whom

    Market Process: use of supply, demand,and material incentives

    Command Process: use of government

    or central authority, usually indirect Traditional Process: use of customs and


  • 5/27/2018 5edCh01


    2006 Prentice Hall Business Publishing Managerial Economics, 5/e Keat/Young

    Review of Economic Terms

    Entrepreneurshipis the willingness

    to take certain risks in the pursuit of
