56 British Homing World, July 27th, 2012 The Club’s last old bird race of the season took place from Bergerac, when members entered well over 500 birds. The birds were liberated on Sunday, 15th July at 0645hrs into a west-north-west wind at the liberation site. This meant a steady race was expected and the anticipation of day birds for this 450-plus-miles race would turn to reality as 25 first-day-bird verifications were recorded with some members getting more than one pigeon home on the day. This provisional result is subject to change depending on the second and third birds timed. 1st Open 1st North East Section was David Coward-Talbott of Chelmsford and he needs no introduction, being one of the premier fanciers in the Essex area for many years. He was particularly delighted in winning the Classic from Bergerac as he has achieved it with one of his favourite pigeons, a 3y red cock called King. This game cock had a 240-mile race and a 300-mile race with the BICC on his build-up to the Bergerac and was sent sitting 10-day-old eggs. He was being prepared for the NFC Tarbes race, but peaked to soon and was sent to Bergerac. King has won several other prizes from France, the best being with the BICC in 2011. He is fantastically well bred, with his sire being a son of Den Dax winner of 1st open French NFC from Dax and his dam being Red Helen, daughter of Full Try winner of 1st Ace Pigeon long-distance KDBD 2004. Champions breeding champions! David clocked two pigeons on the day from Bergerac and the second was very close up behind King. A full loft report on David Coward-Talbott and his Bergerac Classic winner will appear in a couple of weeks. Congratulation to David on a brilliant performance! 2nd Open and 1st South-West Section was recorded by Charlie & John Cudmore of Hanworth in Middlesex and they follows on from their great success of 2011 when they won 3rd Open, 2nd SW Section L&SECC Bergerac. Well done to Charlie and John – a brilliant performance! The Cudmores’ first bird on ETS this time was a 4y Thas/Deweerdt blue chequer hen, sent sitting 10-day-old eggs. Charlie has been in pigeons all his life and has been racing nearly 70 years, and says there is no pigeon racing to beat Channel racing. The Cudmores have been 2nd and 3rd Open Combine many times through the years and it gave Charlie a great thrill finally to win 1st Open UBI Combine in the 2007 season. The Cudmores are very much in to Rugby Union, with John having been a second-row forward for many years and is now a coach for Ealing Rugby Club, who plays in the National League. His brother, Mike, is full time in the sport and is Director of Rugby at Ealing. Well done to Charlie and John on their wonderful Bergerac performances! 3rd Open 1st South-East Section: Alan Jackson of Tilbury who has won 1st South East Section three times in his last five races in the L&SECC. Other great performance put up by one of the workers in our Classic club! Alan is the I/C of our Tilbury marking station and I’m highly delighted to see him achieve his success, as he is a great worker. Well done, mate! Alan’s dad, Fred, was a great north road racer and was very successful from Thurso and Lerwick. Fred celebrated his 80th birthday on the Bergerac Sunday and spent the day sitting at the loft with Alan waiting for his Classic pigeons. Fred told me Alan was born in a pigeon loft! The first bird home from Bergerac was Alan’s good yearling Vandenabeele/Wilton blue cock that recorded 23rd Open, 1st SE Section LONDON & SOUTH- EAST CLASSIC CLUB BERGERAC CLASSIC 'WE GO WHERE GLORY WAITS' David Coward-Talbott. John Cudmore.

56 LONDON & SOUTH- BERGERAC CLA 'WE GOS … · pairs on the roundabout system. ... Bergerac success and mentioned how helpful his brother Tony is helping with the pigeon management

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56 British Homing World, July 27th, 2012

The Club’s last old bird race of the season took place from Bergerac,when members entered well over 500 birds. The birds were liberated onSunday, 15th July at 0645hrs into a west-north-west wind at the liberationsite. This meant a steady race was expected and the anticipation of daybirds for this 450-plus-miles race would turn to reality as 25 first-day-birdverifications were recorded with some members getting more than onepigeon home on the day. This provisional result is subject to changedepending on the second and third birds timed.1st Open 1st North East Section was David Coward-Talbott of

Chelmsford and he needs no introduction, being one of the premierfanciers in the Essex area for many years. He was particularly delightedin winning the Classic from Bergerac as he has achieved it with one ofhis favourite pigeons, a 3y red cock called King. This game cock had a240-mile race and a 300-mile race with the BICC on his build-up to theBergerac and was sent sitting 10-day-old eggs. He was being preparedfor the NFC Tarbes race, but peaked to soon and was sent to Bergerac.King has won several other prizes from France, the best being with theBICC in 2011. He is fantastically well bred, with his sire being a son ofDen Dax winner of 1st open French NFC from Dax and his dam beingRed Helen, daughter of Full Try winner of 1st Ace Pigeon long-distanceKDBD 2004. Champions breeding champions! David clocked twopigeons on the day from Bergerac and the second was very close upbehind King. A full loft report on David Coward-Talbott and his BergeracClassic winner will appear in a couple of weeks. Congratulation to Davidon a brilliant performance!

2nd Open and 1st South-West Section was recorded by Charlie &John Cudmore of Hanworth in Middlesex and they follows on from theirgreat success of 2011 when they won 3rd Open, 2nd SW SectionL&SECC Bergerac. Well done to Charlie and John – a brilliantperformance! The Cudmores’ first bird on ETS this time was a 4yThas/Deweerdt blue chequer hen, sent sitting 10-day-old eggs. Charliehas been in pigeons all his life and has been racing nearly 70 years, andsays there is no pigeon racing to beat Channel racing. The Cudmoreshave been 2nd and 3rd Open Combine many times through the yearsand it gave Charlie a great thrill finally to win 1st Open UBI Combine inthe 2007 season. The Cudmores are very much in to Rugby Union, withJohn having been a second-row forward for many years and is now acoach for Ealing Rugby Club, who plays in the National League. Hisbrother, Mike, is full time in the sport and is Director of Rugby at Ealing.Well done to Charlie and John on their wonderful Bergeracperformances!3rd Open 1st South-East Section: Alan Jackson of Tilbury who

has won 1st South East Section three times in his last five races in theL&SECC. Other great performance put up by one of the workers in ourClassic club! Alan is the I/C of our Tilbury marking station and I’m highlydelighted to see him achieve his success, as he is a great worker. Welldone, mate! Alan’s dad, Fred, was a great north road racer and was verysuccessful from Thurso and Lerwick. Fred celebrated his 80th birthdayon the Bergerac Sunday and spent the day sitting at the loft with Alanwaiting for his Classic pigeons. Fred told me Alan was born in a pigeonloft! The first bird home from Bergerac was Alan’s good yearlingVandenabeele/Wilton blue cock that recorded 23rd Open, 1st SE Section



David Coward-Talbott. John Cudmore.

British Homing World, July 27th, 2012 57

L&SECC Carentan as a young bird in 2011. Fred has named this greatpigeon, Freddie Kai and he is a widower, being re-paired, and was sentto Bergerac sitting seven-day-old eggs. On his build-up to his Classic winhe had training from Bedhampton and Alençon and Tours with theL&SECC. The nestmate to Freddie Kai won 1st SE Section L&SECC Vireas a young bird in 2011. What great line of winners! Alan’s 30ft x 10ft lofthas three sections and although it is a big structure he races only 12pairs on the roundabout system. He pairs up the racers in mid-Februaryand after they have reared a round of youngsters they are trained whilesitting the second round of eggs, before going on to the system. Theshort Federation inland races are used for training through the racingseason and most of these are from Bedhampton, which is nearPortsmouth, on the south coast. He keeps eight pairs of stock birds,which are mated up in January and these are mostly GabyVandenabeele and Robbie Wilton pigeons. His 24 young birds are put onthe dark system, trained from Bedhampton and race all the programme.4th Open 2nd North-East Section was won by Alex Mackenzie of

Chelmsford in Essex and he was racing a 3y blue chequer cock, racedon the widowhood system and his breeding is Meuleman/Kellens/Busschaert, originating from the late S. Elvin and Albert Babington. Thisgame pigeon was previously 29th Open in the BICC race from Falaise.On his build-up to the Bergerac Classic this cock had two Channel racesfrom Fougères and Tours. Alex told me how delighted he was with hisBergerac success and mentioned how helpful his brother Tony is helpingwith the pigeon management. He would be at a loss without hisassistance. Well done, mate!9th Open 1st North-West Section was Terry Haley of Watford and

he only sent the one pigeon and recorded the only bird on the day ofliberation in the North-West Section. Another great performance by theWatford Wizard! Terry has enjoyed a great 2012 season and won theL&SECC Brooker Gold Cup from the Tours Classic held at the end ofMay. His Gold Cup winner was his yearling natural blue pied hen, GoldStrike and she recorded 4th Section, 25th Open, and was the only birdon the Tours Classic result flying over 300 miles. A great performance!This game hen flew most of the young bird programme in 2011 andrecorded 20th section E, 63rd open NFC Fougères. The Haley loft inHertfordshire races both South and North Road, and Terry tells me hisyearlings have raced really well on the north this season, winning a list ofpositions including 1st Newark, 1st Wetherby and 1st Newark. His goodmealy hen, Miss Anticipation, has won 2nd Section BBC Carentan, andKerry’s Gift, bred by Terrys friend, Kerry Mellonby of Bridlington, recorded3rd Section E NFC Cholet. Terry’s Bergerac Classic pigeon was an 8ylight blue chequer hen raced on the natural system and sent sitting five-day-old eggs. This hen is bred from Terry’s old Champion Misty Ladyfamily crossed with a pigeon bred by Alan Parker form Clitheroe inLancashire. This hen has won ten NFC positions, with her best being45th Open from Tarbes in 2009. A great 2012 season for Terry Haley

President’s Comment. What a brilliant race Bergerac turned out tobe! Outstanding returns with 25 first-bid verifications on the day andsome of those members recording more than one pigeon.Congratulations to Roger Thomas of Portsmouth on winning the CSCFCand also to Janet Wilcox of Bath who clocked two birds on the day ofliberation. A wonderful performance in a west-north-west wind! That’sanother highly successful transport amalgamation with the CentralSouthern Classic Flying Club over for this year! With current trends indropping birdage this arrangement has proved to be even moreimportant to our two Classic clubs in the 2012 season. This year hasseen us take the 487 SMT Combine birds to Bergerac and so created a‘win-win’ financial situation for both the Classic and the Combine. I knowI keep writing it, but I feel very strongly, that this is the way forward foreveryone. Financially the Tarbes/ Bergerac amalgamation is essential to

Alan Jackson. Terry Haley.

Alex & Tony Mackenzie.

both the L&SECC and CSCFC organisations, and both have enjoyedgreat racing in the 2012 season. Thanks to every one at the CSCFC fortheir co-operation and long may it continue! The L&SECC internetwebsite address is www.lsecc.com. Keith Mott (www.keithmott.com)

Weather report. Early on overcast skies at Bergerac generated somepatchy rain which delayed liberation. A welcome clearance coming fromthe west arrived allowed the sun to break through the clouds to give aliberation sky. The flight path through France from Bergerac was one ofmainly broken clouds and sunshine. Some isolated showers were pickedup on the radar but none of any significance. The winds en route overFrance were generally from the west-north-west averaging 12mph. Thiswind direction veered to a direct westerly over the Channel reachingForce 4 (13 – 18 mph). The Channel was clear and visibility good. OnMonday morning early on the weather conditions over northern Franceand the Channel remained clear before rain soon arrived from the west.The wind had changed direction over night to a fresh south-westerlywhich assisted second-day birds into England. To conclude, the northerlyelement in the wind over France was sustained all day, which obviouslymade the race a testing one. Well done to all the day birds recorded inboth LSECC, CSCFC clubs and the SMT Combine – Steve ApplebyConvoyer’s Report Bergerac Race. My assistant for the last old bird

race from Bergerac was my good mate, Ian Mead, and I must say he hasworked out of his skin for the three Classic races he has covered with methis season. The life of a pigeon convoyer is a very hard one and Ian hasdone a brilliant job as my assistant, in spite of his recent back problems.On the Tuesday marking day we left my home in Chertsey, and had agood clear run around the M25. We arrived at the Tilbury marking stationto find all their work finished and waiting for our arrival. We picked uppigeons at Tilbury, Maidstone and Leatherhead, arriving at Horsham at1315hrs for the final pick up. All the birds were watered at the markingstations. We set off for Southampton to load our birds on the CSCFCtransporter at 1345hrs and arrived at the CSCFC marking station in mid-afternoon. The place was buzzing, and the atmosphere was brilliant! TheCSCFC was convoying several organisations to Bergerac and the placewas very busy with fanciers ether marking or transferring pigeons to theClassics aluminium race crates. Ian and I unloaded the 520 L&SECCbirds and 500 SMT Combine birds, and the crew at the Southamptonmarking station did a brilliant job of re-basketing them, which was veryhard work. I must say a well done to Martin Norman and his band ofworkers, who transferred all our birds into the CSCFC baskets – RubeJohnson (L&SECC convoyer).

Compiled by Keith Mott (L&SECC President)

London and South East Classic Provisional Result of the

Bergerac ClassicFlown on the 13/07/2012

Liberation Time 06:45:00 Wind: West North West

The following list has been compiled from telephone Verification Timesand does not take into account any clock variations or members secondor subsequent timings.

Total 96 Members sent 515*SW* 57 Members sent 286*SE* 15 Members sent 97*NW* 8 Members sent 26*NE* 16 Members sent 106

Open Member Flying Name Town Velocity1 NE3184 D. COWARD-TALBOTT Chelmsford, 1182.8252 SW0109 CUDMORE & SONS Hanworth 1171.5863 SE1354 A. JACKSON Tilbury, 1144.8644 NE3201 A.MacKenzie Chelmsford 1129.2815 sw0035 D. DEVESON Newhaven 1096.9306 NE3215 Martin & Watts Basildon 1091.4577 SW0495 Mr & Mrs HUMPHREYS New Addington 1072.6648 SE1009 M.Gogle Chatham 1069.7889 NW2228 T. HALEY Abbots Langley 1061.92310 SW0003 G.Rose Guildford 1061.31311 SW0395 V Emberson Banstead 1047.40412 SE1429 A Marney Fairseat 1026.85513 NE3194 P.J.Kelly Harlow 1024.87714 SW0709 C Puddicombe Dorking 1024.28215 SW0644 J. DeVILLE Camberley, 1022.19016 NE3146 M. BULLED Harlow 1021.48417 SW0527 D & D McFADDEN Cranleigh 1020.66618 SE1414 Mr T Williams Orpington 1007.59519 NE3168 F. AGER Grays, 1000.60920 SW0726 S Emans Sutton 998.32521 SW0607 D. WINTER Littlehampton 996.79922 SW0720 S Howard & Son Guildford 995.53223 NE3199 Melvyn Cox & son Grays 984.53224 SE1168 K. MCGOWAN Chatham, 970.65425 SW0022 MR & MRS W. BRADFORD Sutton 960.34226 SW0602 TIDBURY & GARRETT Feltham 939.53427 SW0616 NEIL WILLIAMS Ferring 841.361

28 NE3172 Mr & Mrs J. HAYWARD Hornchurch, 831.44029 SW0581 G.Dye & V. ROMASCAN Worcester Park, 815.5930 NE3075 MR & MRS S WAKERLEY Basildon 786.19831 SW0304 D. WHITE West Ewell 773.37232 NE3047 C&G&P. BREEN Grays 695.75633 NE3019 D. WILTON & SON Chadwell S/Mary 693.40234 SW0269 BROAD & DOICK Worthing 682.95835 SW0178 J. PARKER Reigate 674.30636 SW0363 A. MARK South Croydon 666.32937 SW0100 Mr & Mrs Durrant & Sons Godalming 666.05838 SE1131 C. DRAPER Maidstone 608.02639 SW0073 Slight & Taylor Kingston on Thames607.62640 SW0203 P. BAKER Newhaven 592.90741 SW0403 P. STUBBS Redhill 592.84842 SE1375 J. CLARKE & DAUGHTER Selling 592.47243 SW0287 G. OLIVER & SON Feltham 587.64744 NE3070 GOSLING & JARVIS Mountnessing 587.48545 SW0558 P. GRETTON Brighton 587.32046 SE1052 C. ALLWRIGHT & SON Ashford 582.39747 SW0007 K & B MOTT Esher, 555.30348 SW0664 TYRONE BUGGY Kingston upon thames 551.42549 SE1381 WISE & TILLEY Rochester 543.20450 NW2148 G. MORRIS & SON East Acton 540.23851 SW0099 B. BUCKLAND Dorking 498.800


1 SW0109 CUDMORE & SONS 1171.5862 sw0035 D. DEVESON 1096.9303 SW0495 Mr & Mrs HUMPHREYS 1072.6644 SW0003 G.Rose 1061.3135 SW0395 V Emberson 1047.4046 SW0709 C Puddicombe 1024.2827 SW0644 J. DeVILLE 1022.1908 SW0527 D & D McFADDEN 1020.6669 SW0726 S Emans 998.32510 SW0607 D. WINTER 996.79911 SW0720 S Howard & Son 995.53212 SW0022 MR & MRS W. BRADFORD 960.34213 SW0602 TIDBURY & GARRETT 939.53414 SW0616 NEIL WILLIAMS 841.36115 SW0581 G.Dye & V. ROMASCAN 815.59516 SW0304 D. WHITE 773.37217 SW0269 BROAD & DOICK 682.95818 SW0178 J. PARKER 674.30619 SW0363 A. MARK 666.32920 SW0100 MR & MRS DURRANT & SONS 666.05821 SW0073 Slight & Taylor 607.62622 SW0203 P. BAKER 592.90723 SW0403 P. STUBBS 592.84824 SW0287 G. OLIVER & SON 587.64725 SW0558 P. GRETTON 587.32026 SW0007 K & B MOTT 555.30327 SW0664 TYRONE BUGGY 551.42528 SW0099 B. BUCKLAND 498.800


1 SE1354 A. JACKSON 1144.8642 SE1009 M.Gogle 1069.7883 SE1429 A Marney 1026.8554 SE1414 Mr T Williams 1007.5955 SE1168 K. MCGOWAN 970.6546 SE1131 C. DRAPER 608.0267 SE1375 J. CLARKE & DAUGHTER 592.4728 SE1052 C. ALLWRIGHT & SON 582.3979 SE1381 WISE & TILLEY 543.204


1 NW2228 T. HALEY 1061.9232 NW2148 G. MORRIS & SON 540.238


1 NE3184 D. COWARD-TALBOTT 1182.8252 NE3201 A.MacKenzie 1129.2813 NE3215 Martin & Watts 1091.4574 NE3194 P.J.Kelly 1024.8775 NE3146 M. BULLED 1021.4846 NE3168 F. AGER 1000.6097 NE3199 Melvyn Cox & son 984.5328 NE3172 Mr & Mrs J. HAYWARD 831.4409 NE3075 MR & MRS S WAKERLEY 786.19810 NE3047 C&G&P. BREEN 695.75611 NE3019 D. WILTON & SON 693.40212 NE3070 GOSLING & JARVIS 587.485

58 British Homing World, July 27th, 2012