AMERICAN SCHOOL OF TANGIER U.S. HISTORY 2015-16 M.Alami Welcome to U.S. History! This course is designed to take you on a journey through American history beginning first with the exploration and conquest of America and ending with the present day. This course will use a variety of resources including: primary sources, the web, electronic reserves, films, and maps. The main emphasis of this course is for you to walk away a more confident U.S. historian with a skill set that gives you the ability to analyze and formulate a strong written and verbal argument. Skills to be Mastered: Recognize and understand key ideas, terms, dates, places, and people in world history (cultural literacy) Gather and collate historical information from many different sources Conduct extensive research on chosen topics, culminating in written papers and classroom presentations Interpret information gathered from films and field trips to enhance understanding and appreciation of the period being studied Learn how to take detailed class notes Texts: Wilson, The Americans, Houghton Mifflin - 2009 Grades : Grades will be based upon exams, tests, quizzes, writing

5. US History Syllabus & Standards 2015-16

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Welcome to U.S. History! This course is designed to take you on a journey through American history beginning first with the exploration and conquest of America and ending with the present day. This course will use a variety of resources including: primary sources, the web, electronic reserves, films, and maps. The main emphasis of this course is for you to walk away a more confident U.S. historian with a skill set that gives you the ability to analyze and formulate a strong written and verbal argument.

Skills to be Mastered:

Recognize and understand key ideas, terms, dates, places, and people in world history (cultural literacy) Gather and collate historical information from many different sources Conduct extensive research on chosen topics, culminating in written papers and classroom presentations Interpret information gathered from films and field trips to enhance understanding and appreciation of the period being studied Learn how to take detailed class notes


Wilson, The Americans, Houghton Mifflin - 2009

Grades: Grades will be based upon exams, tests, quizzes, writing assignments, research projects, debates, participation, and other activities. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.

Your grade will be calculated as follows in the first semester: Tests 30% Writing Assignments 25% Projects/Debates 15% Homework 10% Quizzes 10% Effort, Attendance, and Class Participation 10%

Notebooks and homework assignments:You will keep a notebook containing class notes, outlines of your reading assignments, and analyses and summaries of primary and secondary sources. Entries should be dated and neatly written or typed. Homework (in the form of reading, outlining the assigned pages, and analyzing or summarizing documents) is assigned regularly. You will have 2-3 such assignments per week. Notebooks will be collected on test days. Notebook grades are based on neatness, organization, comprehensiveness of note-taking and satisfactory completion of assignments.Academic honesty:Plagiarism and cheating are considered major violations of school rules. Students are expected to present work that is their own, and to cite references and sources when appropriate. Presenting another's work may result in dismissal. Incidents of plagiarism and cheating will be referred to the Assistant Head of the School. Students will also receive a 0 for the assignment/quiz/test in question. Students may not work together on homework outlines or document analyses. On papers, when in doubt: CITE YOUR SOURCE. Of course, students may study for tests and quizzes together.

Week 1 - 4Unit 1American Beginning to 1783

Chapter 1Wilson, Pages 2 to 32

Peopling the AmericasExplain how ancient peoples arrived in America and settled there.Describe the diverse cultures that developed in North and South America.North American Societies Around 1492Explain how the environment of North America provided for diverse societies.Identify some of the common aspects of Native American cultures in North America.

West African Societies Around 1492Explain how the arrival of Europeans in West Africa altered well-established trading patterns.Summarize the accomplishments of the kingdoms of Songhai, Benin, and Congo.Describe life in West Africa and the role slavery played in these societies.

European Societies Around 1492Describe life in medieval Europe.Identify the forces that weakened the power of the Roman Catholic Church.Summarize the changes that helped expand the European world view.Explain how trade, travel, and technology combined to lead Europeans to sea.

Chapter 2Wilson, Pages 34 to 60

Spain's Empire in the AmericasDescribe how the Spanish conquered Native American peoples.Summarize Spanish exploration of the Americas.Summarize Native American resistance to Spanish rule.

An English Settlement at JamestownIdentify the obstacles facing the first English settlers in North America.Understand the factors that helped Jamestown to flourish.Contrast English and Spanish patterns of conquest.Describe the economic and social inequities that triggered Bacon's Rebellion.

Puritan New EnglandIdentify the motives that led the Puritans to New England.Summarize the principles of government established by the dissenters who fled to Rhode Island.Explain the conflicts between the English colonists and the Pequot and Wampanoag.

Settlement of the Middle ColoniesDescribe daily life in New Netherland.Explain the reasons for the social and religious diversity of colonial Pennsylvania.

Week 5 - 8

Chapter 3Wilson, Pages 34 to 60

England and Its ColoniesExplain the economic relationship between England and its American colonies.Describe how tensions arose between England and the colonies.Summarize how salutary neglect of the colonies after 1688 planted the seeds of self-government.

The Agricultural SouthTrace the development of a plantation economy in the American South.Explain the way of life in the Southern colonies.Describe the slave trade and the role of slavery in the plantation economy.Describe life for colonial slaves.

The Commercial NorthTrace the development of a varied and thriving economy in the North.Explain the diverse society of the North and the tensions that led to witchcraft trials in Salem.Summarize the influence of the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening.

The French and Indian WarTrace the development of the French-British colonial rivalry.Summarize the French and Indian War.Explain the war's effects on the relationship between Britain and its colonies.

Chapter 4Wilson, Pages 94 to 118

The Stirrings of RebellionSummarize colonial resistance to British taxation.Trace the mounting tension in Massachusetts.Summarize the battles of Lexington and Concord.

Ideas Help Start a Revolution

Examine efforts made to avoid bloodshed as the colonies hovered between war and peace.Summarize the philosophical and political ideas of the Declaration of Independence.Contrast the attitudes of Loyalists and Patriots.

Struggling Toward SaratogaTrace the progress of the war through the turning point at Saratoga and winter at Valley Forge.Examine the colonial economy and civilian life during the Revolution.

Winning the WarDescribe the war contributions of European allies.Trace the Revolution in the Southern colonies.Summarize the British surrender at Yorktown.Recognize the symbolic value of the Revolution.

AERO Standards and Performance:Standard 2 (connections and conflicts), standard 3 (geography), standard 4 (culture) and standard 6 (government). Students will understand causes and effects of interaction among societies as well as between societies and their physical environment. Students will look at the cultural and intellectual developments and interactions in those same societies. Finally, students will understand why societies create and adopt systems of governance, how they address human needs, rights, responsibilities and citizenship. Essential Questions:What is the humans influence on the environment? Why do societies trade? Why do they wage war? Why do people live together and form societies? Evaluate how groups and institutions work to meet individual needs and address necessary social changes?

Week 9 - 12

Unit 2A New Nation1781-1788

Chapter 5Wilson, Pages 130 to 176

Experimenting with ConfederationExplain the differing ideas of republicanism.Identify three basic issues debated in drafting the Articles of Confederation.Describe the political and economic problems faced by the Confederation.Drafting the ConstitutionIdentify events that led nationalist leaders to call for a convention to strengthen the government.Summarize the key conflicts at the Constitutional Convention and explain how they were resolved.Describe the form of government established by the Constitution.Ratifying the ConstitutionContrast Federalist and Antifederalist arguments over ratification of the Constitution.Explain how and why the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution.

Chapter 6Wilson, Pages 180 to 206

Washington Heads the New GovernmentExplain how the United States confronted the difficult task of forming a new government.Show how the political ideas of Hamilton and Jefferson differed.Describe how political differences evolved into a two-party system.Foreign Affairs Trouble the NationSummarize the nation's developing foreign policy with France, Great Britain, and Spain.Explain how the United States dealt with Native Americans and with British interests west of the Appalachians.Identify some of the deep divisions between Federalists and Republicans.Jefferson Alters the Nation's CourseIdentify some of the significant changes brought about during the early years of Jefferson's presidency.Provide examples of the declining power of the Federalists.Summarize the importance of the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark expedition.The War of 1812Explain the events that led to the War of 1812.Summarize the course of the war.Chapter 7Wilson, Pages 210 to 230Regional Economies Create DifferencesDescribe the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the United States.Explain how two different economic systems developed in the North and South.Summarize the American System, a plan devised to unite the country.Nationalism at Center StageDiscuss how the federal government asserted its jurisdiction over state governments.Explain how foreign affairs were guided by national self-interest.Summarize the issues that divided the country as the United States expanded its borders.The Age of JacksonDescribe the tension between Adams and Jackson; describe the expansion of suffrage.Explain Jackson's spoils system and his appeal to the common citizen.Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act of 1830.Jackson, States' Rights, and the National BankExplain how the protective tariff laws raised the issue of states' rights.Summarize how Jackson destroyed the Bank of the United States.Identify some of Jackson's economic policies and their impact on his successor.

Chapter 8Wilson, Pages 238 to 266

Religion Sparks ReformDescribe the new religious movements that swept the United States after 1790.Explain the new philosophy that offered an alternative to traditional religion.Characterize the nature of utopian communities.Describe the reforms demanded in schools, mental hospitals, and prisons.

Slavery and AbolitionIdentify some of the key abolitionists. Describe the experience of slaves in rural and urban areas.Summarize the slavery debate in the South.

Women and ReformExplain why women's opportunities were limited in the mid-1800s.Identify the reform movements in which women participated.Describe the progress of the expanding women's rights movement.

The Changing WorkplaceDemonstrate how new manufacturing techniques shifted the production of goods from home to factory.Describe the conditions female employees endured in factories.Summarize the attempts of factory workers to organize unions.

AERO Standards and Performance:Standard 5 (society and identity) and standard 6 (government). Students will understand social systems and structures, as well as why societies create and adopt systems of governance. Essential Questions:How does society organize itself? How are governments established, maintained, and changed? What happen in the absence of government?

Week 13 - 16

Unit 3Growth and Disunion1825-1877

Chapter 9Wilson, Pages 272 to 293

The Market RevolutionDescribe how industrialization and capitalism impacted the U.S. economy.Identify the inventions that enhanced people's lives and helped fuel the country's economic growth.Explain how improved transportation and communication systems helped to link America's regions and make them interdependent.

Manifest DestinySummarize the reasons American settlers headed west during the mid-1800s.Describe the impact of westward expansion on Native Americans.Identify the westward trails and some of the people who used them.

Expansion in TexasExplain why Mexico encouraged settlement in Texas.Describe how Texas gained its independence.

The War with MexicoSummarize the conflicting attitudes on waging war with Mexico.Describe key battles that helped the United States win the war with Mexico.Identify U.S. territories gained from Mexico.Explain the impact of the discovery of gold in California on the development of the West.

END OF TERM I(end of week 14)

Chapter 10Wilson, Pages 302 - 332

The Divisive Politics of SlaveryDescribe the growing differences between the North and South in their economies and ways of life.Explain why the Wilmot Proviso failed to pass and why the issue of California statehood became so important.Analyze how the efforts of Clay, Webster, and Douglas produced the Compromise of 1850 and a temporary halt to talk of secession.

Protest, Resistance, and ViolenceDescribe the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Law and how abolitionists and the Underground Railroad succeeded in defying this law.Explain how Douglas's desire for a northern transcontinental railroad route helped.Describe the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850.Describe the violence that occurred in Kansas in the fight over establishing slavery in the territory.

The Birth of the Republican PartyIdentify the political parties that emerged as the North and the South forged new political alliances.Explain the reasons that led voters to align with a particular party and why Buchanan won the election of 1856.

Slavery and SecessionExplain the impact of the Dred Scott decision and the Lecompton Constitution on the political crisis over slavery.Explain why Douglas believed that popular sovereignty was the key to eliminating slavery and why Lincoln believed Free-Soil legislation was required for voters to remove slavery.Describe the events at Harpers Ferry and their effect on the North and South.Describe the events that led to Lincoln's election and the establishment of the Confederate States of America.

Chapter 11Wilson, Pages 336 - 366

The Civil War BeginsExplain how the Civil War started.Explain Northern and Confederate shortsightedness about the duration of the war.Identify the Northern generals and their initial campaigns in the West.Describe new weapons and other changes in warfare.Explain Northern and Southern military strategies to capture their opponent's capital.

The Politics of WarExplain why Britain remained neutral.Explain Lincoln's motives for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation and the document's effects.Identify the political dilemmas facing the North and South.

Life During WartimeExplain African Americans' role in the struggle to end slavery.Explain the decline of the Southern economy and the expansion of the Northern economy.Describe the terrible conditions that Union and Confederate soldiers endured.

The North Takes ChargeDescribe the battle at Gettysburg and its outcome.Describe Grant's siege of Vicksburg.Summarize the key points of the Gettysburg Address.Summarize the final events of the war leading to the surrender at Appomattox.

The Legacy of the WarSummarize the key economic, political, technological, and social effects of the Civil War.Explain how the Civil War dramatically changed the lives of individuals, especially African Americans.

Chapter 12Wilson, Pages 374 - 400

The Politics of ReconstructionSummarize President Lincoln's Reconstruction policies.Identify the programs of Johnson's Reconstruction policy.Explain Congressional Reconstruction policies.

Reconstructing SocietySummarize the economic problems in the South.Identify differences among members of the Republican Party in the South.Describe efforts of former slaves to improve their lives.Analyze changes in the Southern economy.

The Collapse of ReconstructionSummarize violent actions by opponents of Reconstruction.Identify political and economic reasons for the shift of power from the Southern Republicans to the Southern Democrats.Identify reasons for the collapse of Congressional Reconstruction.Explain the achievements and failures of Reconstruction.

AERO Standards and Performance:Standard 1 (time, continuity, and change), standard 2 (connections and conflicts), and standard 5 (society and identity). Students will understand patterns of change and continuity, relationships between people and events through time, and various interpretations of these relationships. Students will understand social systems and structures and how these influence individuals. Students will understand causes and effects of interaction among societies, including war and diplomacy. Essential Questions:Which types of forces or events bring about genuine historical change, that is, which genuinely disrupt patterns of continuity? What roles do individuals play in historical change? What are the effects of conflict on national unity? How does society organize itself?

Week 17 - 20

Unit 4Migration and Industrialization1877-1900

Chapter 13Wilson, Pages 406 - 430

Cultures Clash on the PrairieContrast the cultures of Native Americans and white settlers and explain why white settlers moved west.Identify restrictions imposed by the government on Native Americans and describe the consequences.Identify the government's policy of assimilation as well as continuing conflicts between Native Americans and settlers.Trace the development of the cattle industry.Describe both the myth and the reality of the American cowboy and explain the end of the open range.

Settling on the Great PlainsExplain the rapid settlement of the Great Plains due to homesteading.Describe how early settlers survived on the plains and transformed them into profitable farm land.

Farmers and the Populist MovementIdentify the problems farmers faced and their cooperative efforts to solve them.Explain the rise and fall of the Populist Party.

Chapter 14Wilson, Pages 434 - 447

The Expansion of IndustryExplain how the abundance of natural resources, new recovery and refining methods, and new uses for them led to intensive industrialization.Identify inventions that changed the way people lived and worked.

The Age of the RailroadsIdentify the role of the railroads in unifying the country.List positive and negative effects of railroads on the nation's economy.Summarize reasons for, and outcomes of, the demand for railroad reform.

Big Business and LaborIdentify management and business strategies that contributed to the success of business tycoons such as Andrew Carnegie.Explain Social Darwinism and its effects on society.Summarize the emergence and growth of unions.Explain the violent reactions of industry and government to union strikes.

Chapter 15Wilson, Pages 458 473

The New ImmigrantsIdentify immigrants' countries of origin. Describe the journey immigrants endured and their experiences at United States immigration stations.Examine the causes and effects of the nativists' anti-immigrant sentiments.

The Challenges of UrbanizationDescribe the movement of immigrants to cities and the opportunities they found there.Explain how cities dealt with housing, transportation, sanitation, and safety issues.Describe some of the organizations and people who offered help to urban immigrants.

Politics in the Gilded AgeExplain the role of political machines and political bosses.Describe how some politicians' greed and fraud cost taxpayers millions of dollars.Describe the measures taken by presidents Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur to reform the spoils system.Explain the positions taken by presidents Cleveland, Harrison, and McKinley on the tariff issue.

Chapter 16Wilson, Pages 480 504

Science and Urban LifeDescribe the impact of technological advances on turn-of-the-20th-century urban planning.Summarize turn of the century communication innovations.

Education and CultureAnalyze the expansion of public education at the turn of the 20th century.Describe the growth of higher education.

Segregation and DiscriminationTrace the historical underpinnings of legalized segregation and the African-American struggle against racism in the United States.Summarize turn-of-the-20th-century race relations in the North and the South.Identify discrimination against minorities in the American West.

The Dawn of Mass CultureGive examples of turn-of-the-20th-century leisure activities and popular sports.Analyze the spread of mass culture in the United States at the turn of the 20th century.Describe turn-of-the-20th-century innovations in marketing and advertising.

AERO Standards and Performance:Standard 1(time, continuity, and change), standard 7 (production, distribution, and consumption), and standard 8 (science, technology, and society). Students will understand patterns of change and continuity, relationships between people and events through time, and various interpretations of these relationships. Students will understand fundamental economic principles and ways in which economies are shaped. Students will understand how societies have influenced and been influenced by scientific developments and technological developments. Essential Questions:Which types of forces or events bring about genuine historical change, that is, which genuinely disrupt patterns of continuity? To what extend do the laws of supply and demand shape economic activity? Can an economy be both highly productive and genuinely fair in the distribution of goods and services? Do scientific developments and technological developments create new social, ethical, moral, religious, and legal issues or do they amplify existing social, ethical, moral, religious, and legal issues?

Week 21 -24Unit 5Modern America Emerges1890-1920Chapter 17Wilson, Pages 510 - 538

The Origins of ProgressivismExplain the four goals of progressivism.Summarize progressive efforts to clean up government.Identify progressive efforts to reform state government, protect workers, and reform elections.

Women in Public LifeDescribe the growing presence of women in the workforce at the turn of the 20th century.Identify leaders of the woman suffrage movement.Explain how woman suffrage was achieved.

Teddy Roosevelt's Square DealDescribe the events of Theodore Roosevelt's presidency.Explain how Roosevelt used the power of the presidency to regulate business.Identify laws passed to protect public health and the environment.Summarize Roosevelt's stand on civil rights.

Progressivism Under TaftSummarize the events of the Taft presidency.Explain the division in the Republican Party.Describe the election of 1912.

Wilson's New FreedomDescribe Woodrow Wilson's background and the progressive reforms of his presidency.List the steps leading to woman suffrage.Explain the limits of Wilson's progressivism.

Chapter 18Wilson, Pages 546 572

Imperialism and AmericaExplain the economic and cultural factors that fueled the growth of American imperialism.Describe how the United States acquired Alaska.Summarize how the United States took over the Hawaiian Islands.

The Spanish-American WarContrast American opinions regarding the Cuban revolt against Spain.Identify events that escalated the conflict between the United States and Spain.Trace the course of the Spanish-American War and its results.

Acquiring New LandsDescribe U.S. involvement in Puerto Rico and in Cuba.Identify causes and effects of the Philippine-American War.Explain the purpose of the Open Door Policy in China.Summarize the views regarding U.S. imperialism.

America as a World PowerExplain how Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy promoted American power around the world.Describe how Woodrow Wilson's missionary diplomacy ensured U.S. dominance in Latin America.

Chapter 19Wilson, Pages 576 610

World War I BeginsIdentify the long-term causes and the immediate circumstances that led to World War I.Describe the first two years of the war.Summarize U.S. public opinion about the war.Explain why the United States entered the war.

American Power Tips the BalanceDescribe how the United States mobilized for war.Summarize U.S. battlefield successes.Identify the new weapons and the medical problems faced in World War I.Describe U.S. offensives and the end of the war.

The War at HomeExplain how business and government cooperated during the war.Show how the government promoted the war.Describe the attacks on civil liberties that occurred.Summarize the social changes that affected African Americans and women.

Wilson Fights for PeaceSummarize Wilson's Fourteen Points.Describe the Treaty of Versailles and international and domestic reaction to it.Explain some of the consequences of the war.

AERO Standards and Performance:Standard 2 (connections and conflicts and standard 6 (government). Students will look at the cultural and intellectual developments and interactions including war and diplomacy. Students will understand why societies create and adopt systems of governance, how they address human needs, rights, responsibilities and citizenship.

Essential Questions:Why do they wage war? Analyze how trade has contributed to cooperation and conflict? Why do people live together and form societies? Evaluate how groups and institutions work to meet individual needs and address necessary social changes?

Week 25 - 28

Unit 6The 1920s and the Great Depression1919-1940

Chapter 20Wilson, Pages 616 - 634

Americans Struggle with Postwar IssuesSummarize the reaction in the United States to the perceived threat of communism.Analyze the causes and effects of the quota system in the United States.Describe some of the postwar conflicts between labor and management.

The Harding PresidencyContrast Harding's policy of "normalcy" with progressive era reforms.Identify scandals that plagued the Harding administration.

The Business of AmericaSummarize the impact of the automobile and other consumer goods on American life.Explain how prosperity affected different groups of Americans.Explain in what ways the country's prosperity was superficial.

Chapter 21Wilson, Pages 638 - 664

Changing Ways of LifeExplain how urbanization created a new way of life that often clashed with the values of traditional rural society.Describe the controversy over the role of science and religion in American education and society in the 1920s.

The Twenties WomanExplain how the image of the flapper embodied the changing values and attitudes of young women in the 1920s.Identify the causes and results of the changing roles of women in the 1920s.

Education and Popular CultureDescribe the popular culture of the 1920s.Explain why the youth-dominated decade came to be called the Roaring Twenties.

The Harlem RenaissanceIdentify the causes and results of the migration of African Americans to Northern cities in the early 1900s.Describe the prolific African-American artistic activity that became known as the Harlem Renaissance.

Chapter 22Wilson, Pages 668 - 684

The Nation's Sick EconomySummarize the critical problems threatening the American economy in the late 1920s.Describe the causes of the stock market crash and Great Depression.Explain how the Great Depression affected the economy in the United States and throughout the world.

Hardship and Suffering During the DepressionDescribe how people struggled to survive during the Depression.Explain how the Depression affected men, women, and children.

Hoover Struggles with the DepressionExplain Hoover's initial response to the Depression.Summarize the actions Hoover took to help the economy and the hardship suffered by Americans.Describe the Bonus Army and Hoover's actions toward it.

Chapter 23Wilson, Pages 692 - 726

A New Deal Fights the DepressionSummarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance.Describe New Deal work programs.Identify critics of FDR's New Deal.

The Second New Deal Takes HoldDescribe the purpose of the Second New Deal.Summarize New Deal programs for farmers.Identify the Second New Deal programs aimed at assisting young people and professionals.

The New Deal Affects Many GroupsAnalyze the effects of the New Deal programs on women.Describe Roosevelt's attitude toward African Americans.Identify the groups that formed the New Deal coalition.Describe the supporter of FDR's New Deal.

Culture in the 1930sDescribe the entertainment provided by motion pictures and radio.Identify some of the artists and writers of the New Deal era.

The Impact of the New DealSummarize opinions about the effectiveness of the New Deal.Describe the legacies of the New Deal.

AERO Standards and Performance:Standard 1(time, continuity, and change) and standard 7 (production, distribution, and consumption). Students will understand patterns of change and continuity, relationships between people and events through time, and various interpretations of these relationships. Students will understand fundamental economic principles and ways in which economies are shaped. Essential Questions:Which types of forces or events bring about genuine historical change, that is, which genuinely disrupt patterns of continuity? To what extend do the laws of supply and demand shape economic activity? Can an economy be both highly productive and genuinely fair in the distribution of goods and services?

Week 29 - 32Unit 7WWII and the its Aftermath1931-1960

Chapter 24Wilson, Pages 732 - 759

Dictators Threaten World PeaceIdentify the types of governments that took power in Russia, Italy, Germany, and Japan after World War I.Describe the details of America's turn to isolationism in the 1930s.

War in EuropeExplain Hitler's motives for expansion and how Britain and France responded.Describe the blitzkrieg tactics that Germany used against Poland.Summarize the first battles of World War II.

The HolocaustExplain the reasons behind the Nazis' persecution of the Jews and the problems facing Jewish refugees.Describe the Nazis' "final solution" to the Jewish problem and the horrors of the Holocaust.Identify and describe the profound and lasting effects of the Holocaust on survivors.

America Moves Toward WarDescribe the U.S. response to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939.Explain how Roosevelt assisted the Allies without declaring war.Summarize the events that brought the United States into armed conflict with Germany.Describe the American response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

END OF TERM II(end of week 29)

Chapter 25Wilson, Pages 766 - 802

Mobilizing for DefenseExplain how the United States expanded its armed forces in World War II.Describe the wartime mobilization of industry, labor, scientists, and the media.Trace the efforts of the U.S. government to control the economy and deal with alleged subversion.

The War for Europe and North AfricaSummarize the Allies' plan for winning the war.Identify events in the war in Europe.Describe the liberation of Europe.

The War in the PacificIdentify key turning points in the war in the Pacific.Describe the Allied offensive against the Japanese.Explain both the development of the atomic bomb and debates about its use.Describe the challenges faced by the Allies in building a just and lasting peace.

The Home FrontDescribe the economic and social changes that reshaped American life during World War II.Summarize both the opportunities and the discrimination African Americans and other minorities experienced during the war.

Chapter 26Wilson, Pages 806 - 834

Origins of the Cold WarExplain the breakdown in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II.Summarize the steps taken to contain Soviet influence.Describe how the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan deepened Cold War tensions.Explain how conflicts over Germany increased fear of Soviet aggression.

The Cold War Heats UpExplain how Communists came to power in China and how the United States reacted.Summarize the events of the Korean War.Explain the conflict between President Truman and General MacArthur.

The Cold War at HomeDescribe government efforts to investigate the loyalty of U.S. citizens.Explain the spy cases of Alger Hiss and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.Describe the efforts of Senator Joseph McCarthy to investigate alleged Communist influence in the United States.

Two Nations Live on the EdgeExplain the policy of brinkmanship.Describe American and Soviet actions that caused the Cold War to spread around the world.Summarize the impact of Sputnik and the U-2 incident on the United States.

Chapter 27Wilson, Pages 838 - 866

Postwar AmericaIdentify economic and social problems Americans faced after World War II.Explain how the desire for stability led to political conservatism.Describe causes and effects of social unrest in the postwar period.Contrast domestic policy under presidents Truman and Eisenhower.

The American Dream in the FiftiesExplain how changes in business affected workers.Describe the suburban lifestyle of the 1950s.Identify causes and effects of the boom in the automobile industry.Explain the increase in consumerism in the 1950s.

Popular CultureExplain how television programs in the 1950s reflected middle class values.Explain how the beat movement and rock 'n' roll music clashed with middle class values.Describe ways that African-American entertainers integrated the media in the 1950s.

The Other AmericaExplain how the white migration to the suburbs created an urban crisis.Describe the efforts of minorities to gain equal rights and fight poverty.

AERO Standards and Performance:Standard 2 (connections and conflicts and standard 6 (government). Students will look at the cultural and intellectual developments and interactions including war and diplomacy. Students will understand why societies create and adopt systems of governance, how they address human needs, rights, responsibilities and citizenship.

Essential Questions:Why do they wage war? Analyze how trade has contributed to cooperation and conflict? Why do people live together and form societies? Evaluate how groups and institutions work to meet individual needs and address necessary social changes?

Week 33 - 36Unit 8Living with Great Turmoil1954-1975

Chapter 28Wilson, Pages 874 - 900

Kennedy and the Cold WarIdentify the factors that contributed to Kennedy's election in 1960.Describe the new military policy of the Kennedy administration.Summarize the crises that developed over Cuba.Explain the Cold War symbolism of Berlin in the early 1960s.

The New FrontierSummarize the New Frontier domestic and foreign agendas.Describe the tragic chain of events surrounding Kennedy's assassination.

The Great SocietyDescribe the political path that led Johnson to the White House.Explain Johnson's efforts to enact a domestic agenda.Summarize the goals of Johnson's Great Society.Identify the reforms of the Warren Court.Evaluate the impact of Great Society programs.

Chapter 29Wilson, Pages 904 - 930

Taking on SegregationExplain how legalized segregation deprived African Americans of their rights as citizens.Summarize civil rights legal activity and the response to the Plessy and Brown cases.Trace Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s civil rights activities, beginning with the Montgomery Bus Boycott.Describe the expansion of the civil rights movement.

The Triumphs of a CrusadeIdentify the goal of the freedom riders.Explain how civil rights activism forced President Kennedy to act against segregation.State the motives of the 1963 March on Washington.Describe the tactics tried by civil rights organizations to secure passage of the Voting Rights Act.

Challenges and Changes in the MovementCompare segregation in the North with segregation in the South.Identify the leaders who shaped the Black Power movement.Describe the reaction to the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.Summarize the accomplishments of the civil rights movement.

Chapter 30Pages 934 - 970

Moving Toward ConflictSummarize Vietnam's history as a French colony and its struggle for independence.Examine how the United States became involved in the Vietnam conflict.Describe the expansion of U.S. military involvement under President Johnson.

U.S. Involvement and EscalationExplain the reasons for the escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.Describe the military tactics and weapons used by U.S. forces and the Vietcong.Explain the impact of the war on American society.

A Nation DividedExplain the draft policies that led to the Vietnam War becoming a working-class war.Trace the roots of opposition to the war.Describe the antiwar movement and the growing divisions in U.S. public opinion about the war.

1968: A Tumultuous yearDescribe the Tet offensive and its effect on the American public.Explain the domestic turbulence of 1968.Describe the 1968 presidential election.

The End of the War and its LegacyDescribe Nixon's policy of Vietnamization.Explain the public's reaction to the Vietnam War during Nixon's presidency.Describe the end of U.S. involvement and the final outcome in Vietnam.Examine the war's painful legacy in the United States and Southeast Asia.

Chapter 31Wilson, Pages 972 - 992

Latinos and Native Americans Seek EqualityDescribe the growth and diversity of the Latino population in the United States during the 1960s.Summarize the efforts of Latinos to secure civil rights and respect for their cultural heritage.Explain the efforts of Native Americans to secure reforms in government policies.

Women Fight for EqualityIdentify factors that led to the rise of the women's movement in the 1960s.Describe some of the early gains and losses of the women's movement.Summarize the legacy of the women's movement in employment, education, and politics.

Culture and CountercultureDescribe the flowering and decline of the counterculture in the 1960s.Summarize the impact of the counterculture on art, fashion, music, and attitudes.Explain the conservative response to the counterculture.

AERO Standards and Performance:Standard 4 (culture) and standard 6 (government). Students will understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies. Students will understand why societies create and adopt systems of governance and how they address human needs, rights, responsibilities and citizenship.

Essential Questions:Analyze sources and characteristics of cultural, religious, and social reform movement? What constrains national governments when shaping domestic policy and directing foreign policy?

Week 37 - 40

Unit 9Passage to a New Century1968-Present

Chapter 32Wilson, Pages 998 - 1029

The Nixon AdministrationSummarize Nixon's plans to lead the nation on a more conservative course.Analyze Nixon's efforts to win the support of Southern Democrats.Describe the steps Nixon took to battle stagflation.Examine the importance of Nixon's visits to China and the Soviet Union.

Watergate: Nixon's DownfallAnalyze how Nixon and his advisors sought to increase the power of the presidency.Summarize the details of the Watergate burglary.Describe how the Watergate scandal was uncovered.Explain why the House Judiciary Committee voted to impeach Nixon and analyze the impact of Watergate on American politics.

The Ford and Carter YearsSummarize Gerald Ford's efforts to confront economic problems and handle foreign policy.Analyze the significance of Jimmy Carter's election in 1976.Identify Jimmy Carter's approach to solving economic problems.Describe Carter's foreign policy.Analyze Carter's achievements and failures in foreign policy matters.

Environmental ActivismSummarize the origins of the environmental movement.Identify key environmental issues of the 1970s.Explain the goals of the continuing environmental movement.

Chapter 33Wilson, Pages 1034 - 1059

A Conservative Movement EmergesIdentify the reasons for the resurgence of conservative values, and list the major goals of the New Right.Analyze the emergence of Reagan and Bush as conservative leaders.

Conservative Policies Under Reagan and BushSummarize Reagan's economic programs.Describe the changes that occurred in the makeup and decisions of the Supreme Court.Identify results of deregulation of the savings and loan industry and of cutting the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency.Analyze the presidential elections of 1984 and 1988.

Social Concerns in the 1980sIdentify national concerns about education, drug use, health issues, and urban problems.Summarize political, economic, and social gains achieved by women.Describe how conservative policies affected minority groups.

Foreign Policy After the Cold WarIdentify changes in the Communist world that ended the Cold War.Summarize U.S. actions taken to influence Central American and Caribbean affairs.Describe the events leading up to the Iran-Contra scandal.Analyze U.S. involvement in the Persian Gulf War.

Chapter 34Wilson, Pages 1064 - 1094

The 1990s and the New MillenniumSummarize the issues of the 1992 presidential campaign.Describe Clinton's stand on domestic issues.Analyze Clinton's approach to foreign policy.Explain the political events surrounding Clinton's impeachment trial.Analyze the events of the 2000 election.Describe the first months of the Bush administration.

The New Global EconomyDescribe changes in the American workplace.Explain increased competition for domestic and international markets.

Technology and Modern LifeDescribe the explosive growth of communications technology and subsequent industry regulations.Identify the specific application of technological advances.

The Changing Face of AmericaIdentify causes of urban flight.Analyze the impact of the aging of America.Describe changing migration patterns and immigration policies.Explain challenges and opportunities Americans may face in the 21st century.

AERO Standards and Performance:Standard 1 (time, continuity, and change) and standard 7 (production, distribution, and consumption). Students will understand patterns of change and continuity, relationships between people and events through time, and various interpretations of these relationships. Students will understand fundamental economic principles and ways in which economies are shaped by geographic and human factors.

Essential Questions:Why do civilizations and societies reveal long-term enduring patterns in culture, social structure, and governance? Why all humans economic needs not met or satisfied?

