5 GHT NOW THINGS YOU CAN DO RI TO EASE YOUR ......THINGS YOU CAN DO RI5 GHT NOW TO EASE YOUR NECK PAIN With that said let [s go to the first thing you should do. Apply some heat Get

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Page 1: 5 GHT NOW THINGS YOU CAN DO RI TO EASE YOUR ......THINGS YOU CAN DO RI5 GHT NOW TO EASE YOUR NECK PAIN With that said let [s go to the first thing you should do. Apply some heat Get


Page 2: 5 GHT NOW THINGS YOU CAN DO RI TO EASE YOUR ......THINGS YOU CAN DO RI5 GHT NOW TO EASE YOUR NECK PAIN With that said let [s go to the first thing you should do. Apply some heat Get

How I am approaching this tips eBook..

If you were my brother and called me, the physiotherapist, and asked me “Jason,

I have a really bad neck pain. What can I do right now that will make me feel

better?” This is what I would tell you to do.

But before we start, a little background on me...

I am Jason Roets, Owner and Chief Physiotherapist at Jason Roets Physiotherapy.

The focus of our practice is helping our clients achieve their goals within the

physiotherapy setting. We invest heavily into each and every one of our clients to

set them up for success and ensure that they accomplish what they want out of

working with us. We work with anyone. From people with severe chronic pain to

a person who wants to run a 5km park run and doesn’t know how to get from

where they are now to running the park run and everything in between.

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The first thing I want to give to you is information. I want you to know a little bit

about the three main types of neck pain that people suffer from. If you think you

might have any of these rather get a medical professional to confirm that you do and

have them decide the treatment.

A muscle spasm

I’m sure you and everyone you know have had this

before. Basically, what it boils down to and feels like is

tension in a muscle. This feeling can vary from a slight

stiffness that’s barely noticeable to being so severe in

intensity that you feel completely disabled by the pain

and think there is nothing you can do.

You and I know what this feels like. You just might not

know that it can get this bad.


This is Latin for a pinched or compressed nerve. It can happen anywhere along the

spine. The nerve can be compressed anywhere along its path from the spinal cord, at

the vertebrae or along the path of the nerve but this one will be in the neck.

This always comes with some sort or neurological fallout. In simple terms you lose

either sensation or muscle strength or both, in your arms and hands. Sometimes it is

accompanied by a burning pain but not always.


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Acute cervical locking

This is a rough one to get. It can happen spontaneously. You can wake up with this

and have no idea where it comes from. It is caused by a severe spasm in the Scalene

muscle group. It feels like your neck is completely locked. You can either not move

your neck at all or turn it in one direction only.

If you think you have this then you need a physiotherapist right away. Don’t wait on

this one.

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If you are in severe pain and it is preventing you from performing the

most basic tasks or with numbness and severe weakness, go and see a

Doctor or a Physiotherapist immediately.

Do not read further in the hopes that these tips will help.

Get medical care RIGHT NOW!!!

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With that said let’s go to the first thing you should do.

Apply some heat

Get yourself a hot water bottle and a comfortable chair, get into a comfortable position and put the hot water bottle on your neck, where it hurts. The heat should be warm and lovely, not painful or so hot it burns you. If you feel it’s too hot wrap the bottle in a few towels, as it cools remove layers. Refill with hot water and keep applying.

But really, what I think you should do, which is what I would do, is run yourself a bath. Put your favourite aroma (I love Rosemary) in the water and let the heat and water soak in and wash all your pain away.

Simple advice yes, but if your mom and grandmother still suggest it, you know it’s good.


My next thing to do is some stretches

This works even better after you have applied some heat.

The two that I am going to suggest are simple.

• Turn your head to one side, tuck in your chin and aim to “smell your armpit”. Gently use the same side hand to pull your head further into your arm pit. Hold for 30 seconds a side, do both sides.

• Put your hands behind your back, grab one wrist and pull it out to the side. Tilt your head to the side with your elbow sticking out. Again, hold for 30 seconds on both sides. If you want to increase the stretch tilt your head more.

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Calm down and destress

I am sure you have heard this from so many people that stress causes or makes my neck pain worse. It’s true. Your emotional state plays a significant role in your perception of the severity and intensity of the pain you experiencing.

You think to yourself, ‘I am so stressed I do not know what to do or where to start.’

Let me help you by giving you two things you can do right now.

• Call a friend, spouse, parent or trusted person and talk to them.

Start the conversation like this. “Joanne, my friend. My neck hurts a lot and I think it is because of the stress I am going through. I need someone I can vent my stress to and get it off my chest. I don’t need you to help me solve it right now. I just need you to listen and give me the chance to talk it out. Can you help?”

That’s all you need to do. Tell the person what’s up, and that you just need them to listen because maybe you are not ready to solve it.

Try that and see if that doesn’t change your whole life for the better.

Go and see a physiotherapist

Yes, that’s right! Physiotherapists can help you with your neck pain. They can help determine what is causing it. What is the best treatment to get fast and effective relief and rehabilitate you to prevent further occurrences of your neck pain. The right kind of Physiotherapist can be your one stop shop to resolve all your problems from determining what it is, how to fix it and what to do to make sure it doesn’t come back. That way you can get your life and independence back, free from pain-killers.

I know… it is exactly the solution you were looking for.

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Movement and exercise

This one I love. It is such a great solution to so many problems including your neck pain.

Do anything that uses your arms. Go to a yoga class, attend that Muay Thai class you have been putting off. Go to your Brazilian jujitsu training and spar with your training partners. The only goal is to do something that exercises your neck and arms.

If you worried that any of these might be too much for you try a single yoga pose. I call warrior 1.

It looks like this.

Place your one leg in front of the other, turn your back foot 45 degrees away from your body. Turn your pelvis so that it faces forward. Lift up your arms and point your hands towards the roof. Make sure your chin isn’t tucked in or pointing forward. Hold that position for 30 seconds then change legs.

The goal here is not to get into the deepest lunge possible. If your legs are struggling to hold this, take a smaller step

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Here is a testimonial from a happy patient

“Jason went through the process with me before hand explaining everything in

detail. Received excellent treatment and felt Immediate relief afterwards even for

injuries I didn't seek treatment for.”

...G Keys

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If none of these methods have worked then Physiotherapy is usually the best solu-

tion for people just like you.

Simply get in touch using the contact details below. I will gladly take the time to

speak to you and answer any questions you have.

Contact us or send a WhatsApp to 072 782 8877


email [email protected]


Check out our website at www.jasonroetsphysiotherapy.co.za for more information