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  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


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  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


    E$am %evie&

    E$am "ame #71 8 15 0une %#11


    1. Gandy gamma bodies are seen in

    a) Sickle cell anaemia  b) Thalassaemia

    c) Hereditary spherocytosis

    d) Vit. B12 deficiency

    Review:Pathology-Red Blood cell and Bleeding Disorders-

    2. Diagnostic criteria for primary abdominal pregnancy:

    a) pigelberg criteria

     b) R!bin"s criteria

    c) Studiford criteria d) #rigly criteria

    Review:$B%-&ctopic Pregnancy-

    3. !e most appropriate treatment of p!obia

    a) "e!avioural t!erapy 

     b) Psychoanalytic therapy

    c) Pharmacological therapy

    d) &'T


    #. Specific indicator of !iamine deficiency is

    a) (o !rinary thiamine le*els

     b) $bnormal %actic acid & 'yruvic acid ratio 

    c) Thiamine sat!ration test

    d) +one of the abo*e


    (. umor )arker for *epatocellular carcinoma is+

    a) ,P

     b) 'arbohydrate antigen

    c) ,lpha f!cosidase

    d) $ll of t!e above 

    Review:!rgery-(i*er-,P ele*ated in -/0 of patients. High le*els are seen in large

    and rapidly groing t!mors. ,lso in HBs ag positi*e.

    ,. $n increase in ventilation occurs in all situations e-cepta) all in plasma bicarbonat

  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


     b) Sleep 

    c) all in pH of '

    d) Rise in blood adrenaline le*el


    . !e most common ovarian neoplasm is

    a) !cino!s t!mo!rs

     b) Brenner t!mors

    c) 'apillary serous cystadenoma 

    d) esonephroid t!mors


    /. 0n cycling cells t!e main difference between rapidly dividing and slowly dividing

    cells is in t!e duration of w!ic! p!ase of t!e cell cycle+

    a) %

     b) %1

    c) G2 


    Review:%eneral Pathology-Healing and Repair-The main difference beteen rapidly and

    sloly di*iding cells in in the d!ration of the %1 3%ap 1) phase. 4n cycling cells5 this

     phase occ!rs immediately after mitosis has been completed. D!ring %15 the cell is

    de*oted to speciali6ed acti*ities5 hich *ary from on cell type to another.

    . Refractive inde- of cornea is about

    a) 1.7

     b) 1.33 

    c) 1.78

    d) 1.92

    Review:Physiology-pl. enses-

    1. )edical treatment for *ydatid cst includes

    a) $lbenda4ole 

     b) etronida6ole

    c) !ra6olidone

    d) Tinida6ole


    11. $ football player w!ile playing twists !is knees over t!e ankle. *e still continues to

    play. $fter 2 days !e noticed painful swelling of t!e knee 5oint. !e diagnosis is

    a) )edial meniscus tear 

     b) ,nterior cr!ciate ligament tear c) edical collateral ligament in

  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


    d) Posterior cr!ciate ligament in

    Review:$rthopaedics-ract!res and Dislocations-'lincial feat!res of menisc!s in

    >:s!ally yo!ng patient >Tisting in

    -$ccasionally ?nee is loc?ed -,lmost in*ariably selling occ!rs some ho!r later or

     perhaps the folloing day

    12. 6n a normal diet t!e daily e-cretion of urea is about

    a) . mg

     b) . mg

    c) 2(. mg 

    d) 1. mg


    13. )arfan7s syndrome is c!aracterised by8a) Tort!o!s aorta

     b) Veno!s thrombosis

    c) itral incompetence

    d) $ortic root dialation 

    Review:Paediatrics-cardio *asc!lar ystem-

    1#. 9ollowing are components of pitympanum ;

  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


    Review:edicine-+!rti5 eta disorder-

    1. ransplant used between genetically related individuals is known as

    a) ,!tograft

     b) ,llograft

    c) 0sograft 

    d) Eenograft


    1/. Scabies an infection of t!e skin caused by Sarcopetes scabie is an e-ample of:

    a) #ater borne disease

     b) =ater was!ed disease 

    c) #ater based disease

    d) #ater related disease


    1. "ilaterally contracted scarred kidney is seen in

    a) +ephrosclerosis

     b) 'hronic glomer!lonephritis

    c) &nd stage renal disease



    2. $ll are elevators of laryn- e-cept

    a) Thyrohyoid

     b) Digastric 

    c) tylohyoid

    d) ternohyoid


    21. "est way to treat street wound

    a) immediate s!t!ring


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    d) "ronc!ial obstruction 


    23. '> reaction detects

    a) 4g%

     b) 4g,

    c) 0g 

    d) 4g


    2#. 'ulse pressure in severe aortic regurgitation is e?ual to

    a) 7-9 mm hg

     b) #(@, mm !g 

    c) F-8 mm hg

    d) 8-/ mm hg


    2(. $ll are seen in $RDS e-cept:

    a) P!lmonary edema

     b) Decreased tidal volume 

    c) Hypercapnia

    d) Decreased compliance

    Review:Respiratory-P!lmonology-,RD 3,c!te Respiratory distress syndrome) 4t is an

    ac!te form of l!ng in

    membrane. -Diff!se al*eolar damage. -,cc!m!lation of proteinaceo!s p!lmonary edema

    3non-cardiogenic p!lmonary edema) ,RD res!lts in Type 4 Respiratory fail!re and is

    characteri6ed by normal or lo Pa'$2 3Hypocapnia) and not Hypercapnia


  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18



    2/. )etac!romatic granules are stained by

    a) 'onder7s stain 

     b) +egati*e stain

    c) %ram"s stain

    d) (eishmann stain

    Review:%en. icrobiology-orph C Physiolo of Bacteria-

    2. =!ic! Glycogen storage Disorder !as an onset in infancy wit! storage in bot!

    muscle and liver and leading to !ypotonia and

  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


    d) ,ll of the abo*e


    3#. !e dose of *uma anti@tetanus globulin for prop!yla-is against etanus is

    a) 2( nits 

     b) !nits

    c) 8 !nits

    d) 1 !nits


    3(. 6p!t!almic artery is a branc! of EE part of internal

  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


     b) G 

    c) 'T scan

    d) angiogram


    #. !e most definitive met!od for laboratory diagnosis of poliomyelitis is

    a) Vir!s isolation from blood

     b) Vir!s isolation from '

    c) Vir!s isolation from faeces or !rine

    d) Serological diagnosis 


    #1. $ll of t!e following are true about t!e incontinentia pigmenti e-cept

    a) 1 ocular involvement wit! typical unilateral presentation 

     b) E-lin?ed dominant

    c) ?in lesions present

    d) ,*asc!larity of peripheral retina


    #2. 'enicillin resistant gonorr!oea is treated wit!

    a) &rythromycin

     b) Spectinomycin 

    c) 'hloromycin

    d) treptomycin


    #3. $ (( year old man wit! a !istory of isc!aemic !eart disease is presents to t!e

    mergency Department wit! palpitations. -amination of !is pulse reveals a rate of 

    13 bpm w!ic! is irregularly. *e !as !ad one previous episode of a trial fibrillation

    3 mont!

    a) 'aro-ysmal atrial fibrillation 

     b) ,trial fl!tter 

    c) Permanent atrial fibrillation

    d) Persistent atrial fibrillation


    ##. "rawny swelling of submandibular region wit! inflammatory edema of mout! is

    c!aracteristic of 

    a) Vincent"s angina

     b) %udwig angina 

    c) Pleomorphic adenoma of parotid

    d) Bacterial parotitis

  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


    Review: p--

    #(. Severe 'ayronie7s disease is treated by

    a) +esbit s!rgery

     b) -cision wit! vein graft 

    c) 4ntralesional interferon

    d) 4ntralesional steroid


    #,. 6ne of t!e following is not true about vasa previa:

    a) "lood of maternal origin 

     b) ay be a ca!se of antepart!m hemorrhage

    c) Blood of fetal origin

    d) inger"s test positi*e

    Review:$B%-,ntepart!m Hemorrhage-

    #. !e secretomotor fiber to t!e parotid gland pases t!roug!

    a) $tic ganglion

     b) Sp!enopalatine ganglion 

    c) %enic!late ganglion

    d) (esser ganglion


    #/. $ll are true regarding S0RS e-cept

    a) 4ncl!des oth infecti*e and noninfecti*e

     b) Temperat!re G 7F0'

    c) 0diopat!ic 

    d) +one



  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


     b) %ie 

    c) Presentation

    d) Position

    Review:$B%-alposition5 alpresentation 'ord Prolapse-

    (1. $ntit!elmint!ic w!ic! acts by flaccidly paraly4ing worms is

    a) Pipera6ine

     b) Bepheni!m

    c) Pyrantel

    d) +one


    (2. S?uamous metaplasia occurs typically in

    a) bronc!i of c!ronic smokers 

     b) s?in eposed to s!nlight

    c) a callc!s

    d) Barrett esophag!s

    Review:%eneral Pathology-'ell Pathology-(ong-term smo?ing irritates the normal

    col!mnar bronchial epitheli!m5 hich !ndergoes s!amo!s metaplasia 3i.e.5 it transforms

    into stratified s!amo!s epitheli!m). ?in cannot !ndergon s!amo!s metaplasia5

     beca!se it is already lined by stratified s!amo!s epitheli!m. The term call!s refers to

    thic?ening of the s?in 3e.g.5 as o!ld be ca!sed by ill-fitting shoes)I it is an eample of

    hyperplasia rather than metaplasia. Barrett"s esophag!s represents a form of gland!larmetaplasia in hich the normal s in hich the normal s!amo!s epitheli!m of the

    esophag!s changes into gastric or intestinal epitheli!m of the esophag!s changes into

    gastric or intestinal epitheli!m. 4n chronic gastritis the normal gastric m!cosa changes

    into intestinal epitheli!m b!t is not con*erted into s!amo!s epitheli!m.

    (3. =!ey:casein ratio in !uman milk is+

    a) J=F

     b) /:2 

    c) 2=J

    d) 8=7


    (#. *ori4ontal ligature mark in t!e neck is seen in

    a) Throtting

     b) Hanging

    c) Strangulation 

    d) 'ho?ing


  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


    ((. !e Aitamin re?uired for carbo-ylation reaction is

    a) Vit B2

     b) Vit BF

    c) "iotin 

    d) Vit B12


    (,. $dverse effects of !iopentone includes

    a) Hypotension

     b) Respiratory depression

    c) ,llergic reactions

    d) $ll of t!e above 

    Review:,nesthesia-4ntra*enso!s ,na ,gents-

    (. 'resence of calcifiction in an intracranial lession is best made out by


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    d) +one of the abo*e


    ,1. )ost common organ affected in polyarteritis nodosa+

    a) (!ngs

     b) >idneys 

    c) Pancreas

    d) pleen


    ,2. $s a result of a fall on t!e s!oulder or outstretc!ed !and t!e bone most commonly

    fractured is

    a) H!mer!s

     b) Radi!s

    c) :lna

    d) ,3. !e rose spots commonly appear in one of t!e following duration after typ!oid


    a) irst ee? 

     b) econd ee?c) Third ee? 

    d) o!rth ee? 

    Review:P-'omm!nicable disease-

    ,#. 4ank cell is a:

    a) (ymphocyte

     b) onocyte

    c) +e!trophil

    d) >eratinocyte 


    ,(. Fitrogen atoms of urea are derived from

    a) 'reatine and aspartate

     b) $spartate and glutamate 

    c) ,spartate and +H7

    d) +H7 and creatine


  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


    ,,. $lp!a 9eto@protein are raised in:

    a) &ndodermal sin!s t!mor 

     b) (i*er t!mor 

    c) &mbryonal cell t!mor 

    d) $ll of t!e above 


    ,. !e nodular pattern often seenin t!e lungs following renal transplantation is

    t!oug!t to be due to

    a) !ng!s

     b) 4nfarcts

    c) 'ytomegalo*ir!s

    d) $utoimmune reaction 

    Review:Radiology Diagnosis-Diagnosis-

    ,/. !e most important indication for surgical repair of a "icornuate terus is

    a) 4nfertility

     b) Dysmenorrhoea

    c) )enorr!agia 

    d) Habit!al abortion


    ,. n4ymatic necrosis affecting t!e pancreas is called


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    1. abdominal pain early onset of vomiting palpable mass and bleeding per rectum

    most strongly suggest

    a) ,ppendicitis

     b) 0ntussusception  

    c) :lcerati*e colitis

    d) Vol*!l!s of midg!t


    2. Aolkmann7s isc!aemic contracture is due to

    a) ,rterial in

     b) Veno!s in

    c) +er*e in

    d) 0ncrease of compartment pressure in t!e limb  

    Review:$rthopaedics-ract!res and Dislocations-

    3. 0ncubation period of mumps is

    a) 2-J days

     b) days 

    c) 1 days

    d) 1J days


    #. )etacarpop!alangeal 5oints are fle-ed in t!e paralysis of 

    a) edian ner*e

     b) Radial nerve 

    c) :lnar ner*e

    d) ,illary ner*e


    (. 0solation is re?uired in infections of 

    a) Dip!t!eria 

     b) Polio

    c) Hepatitis-,

    d) T!berc!losis



  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


    Review:$bs-Dyplasias and 'arcinoma of 'er*i--Radiation therapy or combination

    ith chemotherapy -4n patients ith genital fist!lae5 eenteration operations may be

    !nderta?en as a palliati*e proced!re.

    . "ilateral parotid enlargement occurs in all e-cepta)

  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


    Review:Biochemistry-',RB$H;DR,T& &T,B$(4-

    /2. !e by product of urea cycle is

    a) ,spartate

     b) 'itr!lline

    c) 6rnit!ine 

    d) !marate


    /3. )alignant !ypert!ermia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome s!are eac! of

    following c!aracteristics ;

  • 8/17/2019 41-June-18


    a) !amo!s cell carcinoma

     b) "asal cell carcinoma 

    c) alignant carcinoma

    d) ,denocarcinoma


    /. Deficiency of essential fatty acids produces all of t!e following clinical features


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    2. 0n maternal and c!ild welfare program t!e sampling is done by w!ic! met!od+

    a) systematic

     b) tratified

    c) %ro!p

    d) 'l!ster-7


    3. %epra cells found in lepromatous leprosy are

    a) +e!trophils

     b) (ymphocytes

    c) )acrop!ages 

    d) Plasma cells

    Review:icro-Bacteriology-The globi 3gro!p of bacilli) appear in Vircho"s lepra

    histiocytes 3macrophages) 4n lepromato!s leprosy in dermis there is proliferation of

    macrophages ith foamy change55 partic!larly aro!nd blood *essels5 ner*es and dermal

    appendages. These foamy macrophages are called (epra cells or Vircho cells.

    #. =!ic! of t!e following is not true regarding s!oulder dystocia+

    a) $bout of s!oulder dystocia occurs in microsomic babies 

     b) ,ssociated ith P4H

    c) Brachial ple!s in

    d) ,dditional obstetric manoe!*res to release the sho!lders are !s!ally re!ired

    Review:$B%-Prolonged (abo!r5 $bstr!cted (abo!r5 Dystocia-

    (. $ pt was treated wit! amitryptiline for depression developed urinary

    retentionconstipation abd blurring of visionmost likely cause is

    a) $ntic!olingeric side effects 

     b) &pressed symptoms of depression

    c) !peradded prostati*e enlargement

    d) ,ny of the abo*e


    ,. *odgkin7s disease associated wit! best prognosis is:

    a) %ymp!ocytic predominance 

     b) (ymphocyte depletion

    c) ied cell!larity

    d) ,ll ha*e similar prognosis

    Review:edicine-Hematological alignancies-

    . Soft e-udates are seen in case of 

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    a) Retinitis pigmentosa

     b) 'oat"s disease

    c) ,naemia

    d) 'entral retinal artery occl!sion


    /. D!obi7s itc! is

    a) Tinea corporis

     b) inea cruris 

    c) Tinea barbae

    d) Tinea capitis


    . "iotin is a coen4yme in t!e following reactons e-cept

    a) propionyl 'o, to ethyl maloynl

     b) )et!yl malonyl