JEET IAS_9927518355. ADD.DURGA CITY CENTER BEHIND IDNI BANK<HALDWANI> LT (literature exam paper) DATE 3.MAY.2014 MM-50 1-How old was queen Victoria when she ascended the throne? a)15 years b)17 years c)18 years d)21 years 2-Who is considered the most representative poet of the Victorian age? a)Robert browning b)lord Tennyson c)matthew Arnold d_ H.W. Longfellow 3-“Love your enemy ,bless your haters Said the greatest of the great” Who said this ? a)Browning b)Tennyson c)Milton d) Carlyle 4-“the old order changeth ,yielding place to new, And God fulfils himself in many ways “This is an extract from Tennyson’s; a)The cup b)morte d’ Arthur c)Harold d) enoch arden 5-“for men may come and men may go,But I go on forever” This extract occurs in TeNnyson’s a)The brook b)Tears, idle tears c) Ulysses d) Crossing the bar 6-“……this grey spirit yearning is desire TO strive,to seek,to find ,and not to yield,” Which of Tennyson’s poem contains these lines? a)Idylls of the kings b) Ulysses c) The lady of Shalott d) Dora 7-Which of the following is a work of Tennyson? a)Rugby Chapel b)pippa passes c) Becket d) the Seraphim 8-Who said about Shakespeare “other abide our question . Thou art free. We ask and ask Thou smilest and art still. Out –topping knowledge….”? a)Robert browning b)matthew arnold c)A.H. Clough d) Alfred Tennyson 9-What does’del sarto’ in Andrea del Sarto mean? a)Son of a tailor b) son of a duke c) wife of a duke d) beloved of a duke 10-Who is the author of Merope,A Tragedy? a)Matthew Arnold b) Robert


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LT (literature exam paper) DATE 3.MAY.2014 MM-50 1-How old was queen Victoria when she ascended the throne? a)15 years b)17 years c)18 years d)21 years2-Who is considered the most representative poet of the Victorian age? a)Robert browning b)lord Tennyson c)matthew Arnold d_ H.W. Longfellow3-Love your enemy ,bless your haters Said the greatest of the great Who said this ? a)Browning b)Tennyson c)Milton d) Carlyle4-the old order changeth ,yielding place to new, And God fulfils himself in many ways This is an extract from Tennysons; a)The cup b)morte d Arthur c)Harold d) enoch arden5-for men may come and men may go,But I go on forever This extract occurs in TeNnysons a)The brook b)Tears, idle tears c) Ulysses d) Crossing the bar6-this grey spirit yearning is desire TO strive,to seek,to find ,and not to yield, Which of Tennysons poem contains these lines? a)Idylls of the kings b) Ulysses c) The lady of Shalott d) Dora7-Which of the following is a work of Tennyson? a)Rugby Chapel b)pippa passes c) Becket d) the Seraphim8-Who said about Shakespeare other abide our question . Thou art free. We ask and ask Thou smilest and art still. Out topping knowledge.?a)Robert browning b)matthew arnold c)A.H. Clough d) Alfred Tennyson9-What doesdel sarto in Andrea del Sarto mean? a)Son of a tailor b) son of a duke c) wife of a duke d) beloved of a duke10-Who is the author of Merope,A Tragedy? a)Matthew Arnold b) Robert Browning c) Elizabeth Barret Browning D) Lord Tennyson11-Name the elegy by Arnold on the death of Arthur Clough; a)Rughy chapet b) The scholar Gypsy c) The memorial Verses d) THyrsis12-Becky Sharp and Sedley are the characters from Thackereys: a)Denis Duval b) Henry esmond c) Vanity Fair d) Catherine13-Dickens A Tale of Two Cities shows considerable influence of Carlyles: A)Sarter Resartus b) Felix holt c) Life of john Sterling d) The French Revolution14-What is the sub-title of Dickens oliver Twist? a)The Posthumous Papers b) The Parish Boys progress c) our mutual Friendd) Little dorrit15-Besty Trotwood is character in Dickens: a)David Copperfield b) bleak House c) Hard times d) The Old curiosity Shop16-who was the chief protagonist of the Pre-Raphaelite Movement? A]John Ruskin b) D-G-Rossetti c) Christina Rossetti d) Thomas Carlyle17-The Blessed Damozel is a work of art by: a ]Swinburne B)Morris c)Rossetti d)Christina18-The Germ is a journal of: a]Romantic school b)Renaissance c) Chaucerians d) Pre-Raphaelite School19-Walter Pater belonged to: a]Pre-Raphaelite School b)Metaphysical School c) Romantic school d) Classical school20-Arthur Clough was a close friend of: a)Matthew arnold b) Robert Browning c) Alfred Tennyson d) John Ruskin 21-Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Barret Browning is a/an; a]Novel b) romantic poem c) elegy d) epic22-The Cry of the Children was written by Elizabeth Barret Browning as a collection of: a]Poems b) stories c) skits d) none of the above23-Omar Khayyam was a poet from: a]Turkey b) Greece c)Persia d) india24-Omar Khayyam was a poet who belonged to: a)11th century b) 8 th century c) 14 th century d) 12 th century25-Take the cash and let the credit go is a doctrine of: a]Plato b) Aristotle c) Sophocles d) omar khyyam26-one of the following is not a work of criticism by A-c- Swinburne . which one? A]A study of Milton b) A study of william blake c)A note on charlotte bronte D) A study of victor hugo 27-Sartor Resartus of carlyle is a disguised spiritual: a)autobiography b) biography c) lecture d) essay28-Heroes and Hero -worship by Carlyle is a famous series of: a)essays b0poems c) sonnets d) lectures29-Who wrote An Essay on Milton in 1825?a)Thomas Carlyle b) A-c- Swinburne c_ Thomas B-Macaulay d) A.H. clough30-which of the following age is called the age of doubt? a)The age of Chaucer b) The Romantic age c)The Victorian age d) The restoration age31-Who is known as the poet of liberty? a)C-A-Rossetti b) A-c_ Swinburne c)C-A-Rossetti d) Mathew armold32-Identify the indian book which Mathew Armold read the most? A]Ramayana b) Bhagvad Gita c) Mahabharata d)rig veda33-which of the following is the first work of Robert Browning? A]The ring and the book b) dramatis Personae c) men and women nd) Pauline34-Tennysons .maud and other poems that was published in 1855 is also called a]Epic b) monodrama c) mock epic d) drama 35-which of the following works shows Elizabeth Browning Barrets love for Robert Browning? A]Sonnets from the portugese b) last poems c) the cry for the children d) Aurora leigh36-one of the following poems of Tennyson is a prize winning poem ? identify it. A]Timbuctoo b)in memoriam c) maud d) the princess37- Charles Dickens oliver Twist appeared in parts in a]Bentley s miscellany b)the morning chromicle c) true sun d) the monthly magazine38- Mathew rnold is very fond of: a]Neo-classical themes b) romantic themes c) classical themes d)modern themes39-dover beach by Mathew Arnold describe the: a]Old conditions b) modern conditions c) economical conditions d) political conditions40-one of the following poems of Tennyson deals with seaman . which one: a]The lady of Shallot b) Ulysses c) Timbuctoo d) Enoch arden 41- William Makepeace Thackeray was the editor of: a]The monthly Magazine b) True sun c)The London magazine d) Cornhill Magazine42-Brownings sordello deals with the relationship between : a]Art and society b) art and life c) society and man d) society and life43-Tennysons Ulylsses appeared an: a)poems(1842) b) poems by two Brother(1827) c) poems (1832) d) poems chiely lyrical (1830)44-in which of the following categories can we put browenings stratford? a)lyric b) dramatic monologue c) ode d) play45-Charlotte Brontes first novel was: a)jane eyre b) the professor c) Shirley d) villrtte46-who among the following is not a Bronie sister? A]Charlotte bronte b) anne bronte b) anne bronte c) Emily bronte d) mary bronte47-the Blessed Damozel. A poem by D-g- Rossetti a pre-raphaelite is about the a]Frustration b) union of flesh and spirit c) poverty d) animosity48-Thomas Hardys creation of a character ,Sue Bridehead ,an Adultress,figures in: a) return of the Native b) A pair of blue Eyes c) Return of the Native d) Jude the Obscure49-The Pre-Raphaelites aimed at: a]Pictorial realism with symbolic overtones b]Union of the flesh and the spirit c]Showing interest in the medievalism d]All of the above 50-many of Brownings narrators in his dramatic monologuesare artists: a)may be b) yes c) no d) none of the above
