42 THE TORRANCE HERALD JANUARY 30, 1964 REACH MORE HOMES BY FAR! - ONLY THE HERALD COVERS TORRANCE WITH AUDITED CIRCULAT'ON! Public Notice Public Notice TH-S1M TM-*i»e ORDINANCE NO. 14M .... AN ORPINANVE OF THE CtTT NOTICE OF INTENDED COVNCIL OK THK CITY OF TOR- MORTOAOE BANCE AMfcNIllNi; SUCTIONS » NOTICE IS HBKK.BY GIVEN AND 10 OF. AND A DPI Nil SEC- Ttint PAF INPfdTHIES INC . a Til N 16 R To. APPENDIX 1 D-laware corporation. Mortgagor. LAND VSE ORPINANV'K'. TOiwi.ose addir*.. i. isu We»i Semii- PROHIBIT T1IK CARKY1NO ON i reds. Bmlletard. In the City of Tor- OF BrsIXESS IN RlMUniNiiS ranee. County of Los Angeles. State ANP ssTIUYTVRf* LiVATEP IN of Callfurnli. intcn,!j t,> mortgage to ECNES 0-1 ANP C-2 WHICH ARK AETNA LIFT! INSURANCE COM- IXVITIED OR VSF.P FOR RBSI- PANV. a Connecticut corporation. US!.' I'KRMIT A>H~A Bl'tSINWlS i Farml'ngtna Ae'enur. Hartford " TH-1144 NOTICE TO CREDITOR* BEKN ISSVF.D;C.-> ut. in* fjllowlnit dKirrttwl The CUT Council o( the City of other p»r«(.n«l property located In ECTION 1. ' I Urn" m imificturlne; r.-i*lneas know! That Section I A IC-1 Retail com- 1 at P*F INDV8TRIE8. IVC .il'tnct- J iible- of Appendix 1 of "The Code of the City el Tarrancc. IKt Is hereby amend- ed br the addition *( runparngraph 4 to read In it.« rntlirtv follows. Slat "4 Notwithstanding the sbore »r.-«- proTislon* of this section t A. no hulHinc or structure which Is oc- cui'ird or used for any u»e per- mitted In ion»a R-l. R-l or R-J »neif~tw utfd In whole or In part for carrying on any bujinoM. *.« the Mmf In define) In section 16 I of thin cod*. unlee* a OM ptrmlt he* br»n arsntnl then-tor In so- eordance with the pn.rlslon* of wtlon 10 at this Append-, 1." ECTION 2. That section 10 A (C-J O«n«r«l trmmerclal dinrict Permissible uses) ef Appendix 1 of "The Code Th* CI'T of Ton-Mice. I»4" li h»reby nenrted bv t'-..' addition of »ubpar»- «r*ph 5 to nod In In entirety u lollcws: pulvrds BouipTunl. In th« Citv f T,.rmnrf. Count v of Loj Anc-°*x, if California. toireUicr with .ill nrt. *Il»c!iniont«. partu i-quip- it, appliances, appurtenance*, re- replacement* for Aid personal property. The of the Mme mall b- ronximmat-d 01 the 7th d»v of February, 1%4. at th offir" of Xorcan Guaranty Tni.« Company of New Tork. M Llbert Street. City of Ne* Tork. Stela of IftATED: January 91. 19M. P*F INTJO8TRIES. INC (Seal) a Delaware corporation By G. L. REVEUL Vice President By JAMBS MABR9 A.«iH»nt Serf-tary STATK OF CALIFORNIA ) > I > - the undefined, a Notao Public la Nrlwlthptandlrgc the atx K ulnlon." of thl« n.-ctlon 10 A. lldlnir or »tructurt which U i eune.1 or u»d for any u»e PT- milted In tonen R-l. R-J. or H-3, ....._., _., ah til be iHK-d In whole or In part, ( > m<- to be the Vice Prr.'idcnt. and for carryinit on any bu-neu. Jamc-i Mabej. known to m- to he th« th« aam« m define.! In je.-tlon 1« 11 A««l-t«M Secretury of th« corpora- at thU cod*. unl«*a a use permit t,on that executed the within Initru- bM bMa «rant»d tlxrefor in ac- rnent known to m* to b* the person* who CT'cuted th« within No Superior Court of I!. ifornia. for the Co AnKelea In th* Matter of C.vll E Spnnntr. Ivo Notice hereby Kly lainu the Bitat* of d-nt to l.t flnln of th» clerk of th^ afo at thr office nf Clifford J. IVIrr* J.'Tl Torrance Bird In the City Torrsnce. In the aforesaid Conn which latter office In thr place bu-incss of the undenlgnet! In Touchers mu»l be filed or presen a* afurraaid within ux nionthi . the tlr«t publication of this notlc Dated Jan 90. 1M4 LtTT SPH1NOF.R Administratrix of the K.-t»> of »aid .l<-o«lrn Cllff*rd J. P«i*raon Attorntv it-Law Feb. C. 1.1. 1M4 TH.Z12S :iTios NOTICE TO CREDITOR* No SW r-2\96 Sttpwlor Conn of the Stile of fW- Iformla. for the County d Loi An- elM. In thj Matter of the B.«tat» of JOAQVtN VBOA, aka JVOQOIN VKOA Decea.«*,i Notice i. h. reby itlTeo to creditor* harinj cUinx »e.iln.t the said d<x>e- dant to Mr .ni.l rlalnu la UM office of the el«rk of the afortwald court or it thorn to the unden«l«ne<l of thla Appendix 1." R I* hereby added to Appendix 1 (Land Vie Ordl f -rb« Code of The City of T _ . ranee 1964 ' to read la IU eatiretr rector* on behalf of the corporation therein named and acknowledged t > me thst such 'orporatlon executed the within ! for «ny ne> R-l. _ follow. R Buiinesxe In Residence*. Notwith.«tsndliur any other pro- rislona of this cod* no per. .n shall carrv on anv builnea* a-« the mm* 1* .1.fined in section 16 1 of this eo4r in any building or struc' whi.-h Is occupied or uaed for pur noes permitted In R-l er R-3. without f;r*t hae obtained therefor a UM permit a* provided In »«-tlon JO of thl* At>- p*n-li* 1. pr'Ti-led, howe»*r. thit anv such unlawful UM of Itnd -j- Istmc on February ». 1PM. shtll be granted an egcepUoa u a non- c nformliuf nee la eonformanc* w.th the proeletea* er section IT of thl* Appendix 1 for a period not to .'ireed ten rears from and after rrbruirv JO. 1N4. or Ih* date of Annexation lo the City of Torrance of th> property on which *uch building or structure I* located, whichever I* UM later." MOTION 4. Any pronsloa «f th* Tocraac* City Cod*, or appendices thereto, Incon- sistent herewith to the extent of uch Incoaalatenci** and mo further, hereby repealed. WITNWS my heuid and official *"*L Mildred D Mltchetl. Notarr Public In and for ,«ul County and State >lv ConuniMloei Cxplroe July «1. 1K6. (SeaJ) DIMCTNIOU eV OIL OUERCIO Anorniv* at Law (12 aouth Flower (treet Lo* Angele*. California KH17 T-January 3*. 19«4. at th* office of Le*»<n * Foky. ISO* Cra»'na Areiue. In the City »t Tor- ranee. In the aforeaald County, which Mtter office Is the place rt bueiDea* of the und<r<iine<l in all matter* pertainlnK >Atd estate. Such claims with the neccs««rv yourhers must be filed or present"! *s aforesaid within *lx months affr th* first publica- tion of this notice Dated Jan 10 1*M. ARTHUR VKJA Admlni*tr«tor of th* Entat* of aaid decedent LoHlei A Foiev Atterney* at-L<w 1*O» Craveni Av*nue> Terrtnt*. California T-Jan 1«. 33. X Feb C 1»M NOTICI TO CREDITOR* No SW I'.. -33 » Superior Court of the Stale of California, for the County of Los TH.JtSt ORDINANCE NO. 1«8* All ORDINANCE OF THE .... . COUJfCIL OF THF. I'lTT OF TOR- "' th- TITS. 01 RANCK AMKNPINO ORDINANCE i «" Pres-nt Ih-m to the NO. 1JW TO ADD THE POSITION | at the office of I.< la the Mat(»r "f th* B,«'i> of CHARLOTTB 11. ZIMKRA. I>-v<**ed Notice Is hereby clren to cre.il ton haTln*T claims acainst the *ald <1-e«- CTTT <ent to file MH claims In the offlc* •re ECTION I, Anv pers~.. ,-.. ,_. wlolattiut any'of~the~proyii »i tl n then .1 br i fin- of _ ...... . Hl'NDREP DOLLARS (1400001 kr Imprisonment lor a period of not tore than six m >nth«. or by both uch no* and ImpiisoomaBL SECTION i. Thla Ordinance shall lake effect th.rtv dav. alter the del. nf in Mtui.iioa an.l prior U the eimrall >n A K->ifV. Ibrt* VJ 'd ' Cravens ~Avenu« "in -he Ci'v of Tor- IVVII'MEXT OPERATOR. WITH, nncf. in th* aforesaid Counir which ITS RALART RANGE TO THE 1 l » !! ' r " fflr * ' °'» » ? "' "' "" I POSITION CLASSIFICATION I >' "" imder*lirned In all matter- fer- fU& . I'lnir.g to said estate. Such rliims !>t b* Ithln n~clflcatl m December 11. INS. 'or Dupll- eating Equipm-nt operator WHEREAS, the City C?i .. -,- prored this cia.-s specification oa D*- SZ35S»& 'fl.tt.tAA^VB-^e-. _ -pemod Tttu- he pvalsfcuto >r« than FTVB . _ , llshed at leaat twee in th* Torranc* Harald. a eetti- weekly newspaper of feneral aim- Utlon. poblbhed and circulated IB fee Citv of Torranc*. Introduced anil «p'*oy*d thl* 14th 4*y t>f January. 1IN>4. Adopted and pautd UUs I let day a* Januarr. IH4. /* Albert Isen Mayor of the Ciur of Torrance to til* poeltlon clauincallan plan._ fOW THKREPORE TUP Cttt Oi>VMrtL OK THE CITT Or TOR- HANCE DOES ORDAIN AS IX>_- IX)WS: ECTION 1. That th* following pnetttosj with aa \nr thrrtinr hereby aitdfl ta t'..- position clarification _pje« nUb- Inhnl br Ordinance No. Utt SBCRETAUIAI. AND GENERAL CLERICAL CLASSES. RANOsJ NO.: Senior Duplicating Operator W .... I. Vt,l'.NON W cVIU Cltr Clwk ( the Cliy of Torranct. CaUfornla. iu hereby certify that tie loruumf riluuace waa Introduced ejul ao- the n>ye<l at a r.-cular me*tm« of th Citv Council uc.il un U>< Uiu uay u January. IMi. and adopted an »ry. 1«M. by la* faUuwini ruil call **_ _ COUNCTLatEN Rowley. Beuleatl. Ural*. MUlcr. Sclarrulla. Vuu and Isen. .. ... . ....... ^ M . ILMEN. Nuae. */ Vernua W. Coll City aerk of ih* City of Terrace*. TM.JIM 4».^l NOTICC or t Husnrt t>Lt 01(0 OF THUIT IT 10004 Luan « et-IUU Nolle* u hereby given thai All- ANtioN BANK AND TUt'tfT CUM- a California Corporation, as or succeseur tnutr*. ,.r »ub- (rustee pursuant i.. Hi- d««d trust exeeulea by J. HEUNAHU IK)K ANU VlHUINIA L. CUUK. ibaad snu wil< ana r-eoriled Marc.i IMi in b.»k VMM pace JM ef none* MANtu. FANV. 1ICTION f. This ordinance shall take effect Mrtv d>ys after Ihe date of It* adop- ion and prior lo th* expiration of Ofleea.daM from the, p*AMge there of hall be mibllehed Imut one* the Torranc* Herald, a sunl-we. n'Wipaper of g-neral cir.-ulal). iblKhe'l nnj circulated In th* City Torrsnc •. Introduced and appror*d this 14th dav of Jajmarv. 1M4 Adupted end naseed this list day W January. IMi V Albert Ism Maror of Ihe City al Torraace iece «r r pre»*nt".1 .1 six mnnth« after th of this notice Dated Ji . voucber* first pnbllcMIo *4. 1M4. jtvrt-s M Biecut T . f the will of said decedcM. ATTHT: / V<-rnon W. CoH CltV C|L . _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) C'llTNTT OF L08 ANOELES ) It CITY OF TORRAN.T! ) I. VERNON W COIU City Clerk of lh« City of Torrance. California. j h-reby certify that the foregulng rilnanc* was Intmduted an I ' .»«.! Cll» Ci Attorneys.«t-L«w ttot Crsven* Avenue Torrsne*. California. FA I 6*47 T Jan. 3J. Feb (. 1.1 M. 1K4 ____ TH-2141 NOTICI OF FILING ASSESSMENT AND OF MEARINO South Terrsnc* Asiettmem Dutrict No. * NOTICE U HKLKMT OIVKN that th- Sup«rlnt-nd'r-,: ; Streets of the Civ of To.-r.ia. --. California, ha* n-.ad« aa aa«"*sn»nt under the 1m- p-nvement Act of IS1I. Division T of the Street* and Illrhway* Cod*, and rvaelution of Intentioa. Reeolutloa No. U-23«. adopted by Ih* City Ciuncil of said city on the Suth day of October. IMI, to cover costs and expenses. Including lacldenlal ei- pensei.^f eerlaln etrtet w..rk whi.-h Is dreertbVThi aaMiesntullon of in- trntlon Bald flupcrintendent of n-mni.-.t with the Cltv .'u'rk f aaid city and aaid untune:.: \, >n file ir. the offlc- ..f inid Cm .'! ik in Ihe Cllv 1UII .n said city. i:-(-r,-nc* I* hereby mad* to said resolution of Intention for a description "( m nr.et w..rk. U- aeet K" h .n'« l.i U is. Ui'r cirllculars. NOTICE IS FUR that, pursuant to aaid _.. ,_.... Art ..f l»ll. ih* Cliy Clerk at laid city l.erebv dies the tflh day .4 F-i.ni*ry 10*1. at the hour of 1-00 o'clock P M « the day and hour end th- i'mncll Chamber* of said Otr C..UM. ,1 in said Cliy Hall a* Ih* wh-n and wh«r* any and all r* was Introdttted and ap- i l-'eons Intere.ted In said w..rk or al a regular meeting of the I "> Hl <> as<e*sRunt or In th- pr..- »..,, v..u«U h*M oa the f4th day ST*4 "1* 1 *«' be heard bv sail City of January. 1W4 and adopted aS] '? ?»*'': Jbe »' ld »"L* J*'r r Ptssed at a regular mestlng of *aid der and th* pr- - etdtnga t>i*rer>r by the fullowlruj retl "AT_S CpUNCIUMEN: Beaalmr. R'nnl.sd. t>ral*. aH'.ler. SclarrotU. Vlcn and IMH ABSENT. COt'NClI.iiKN None. eV Vernoji W. C dl T January M. 1M4. Cliy derk of the Cltr of Terrene*. Calif oral* ifflcial U County Hn 01 ar r of i.unlv. Califwiiia. and ,.... ... _. Nolle- of I,, null and r..,, t to Sell llicrrun.tcr rr...r.KJ Aug 1M4 la .bu»k M1030 TM-S NOTICI FOB BIOS ON SCHOOL SUPPLIES. EQUIPMENT AND REPAIRS Notice U litrrby gitrn thai UM b. >rd of Kdurail.m of |h« T'Tranc* in the otrie* of the Unified School Ulstnct » Torranc* f Lo> Aa- Cos Angales g.ies County will rec«l»e bidn for ........... .. 7urnl, n| I>g e.ruin Mhool euppllee. and _,_ Olltctal Kwutda. will***¥. .-a »rbiu-| Torranc*. S/v XT. 1»M at 11:00 _ .. al lh* sjJJk uutfc treat entrance " jrunn^_^ .j « - re Bottle, ly Hills. a of Cal- .. . . __..._... i . the high- eal bidder f r cislt (pa)ai.i« al thr }lll>* uf sale in lawful l.l.'i^y uf II, trd Slat««i all right, title, and ir.sl. cuiiti-vrd to «nd now held II under Mid deed In the property i«l- in said C.uiuy and »Ulc as follow* il.-rly H ..f Lot ». _.-, . -I... l Waller!* a> per map i.,..r.lr.i in book 17. pag- ti of U It in Ih* qlliie ofiiio t.uittv r'.'.rd^r of Mid county Said »aln will uu mad*, but »it li- eu t ...tenant ..r warranly, wiprcM ..r Inii'lmd. regarding tills. po*s<»4i>.ii or nrunibraiurs lo satlefy ll.o In- drltlrdltv** 4.-''\4ri eludii.K the l«o i Irusl. . and uf the trusts created b .7 ft "ff IS Plan del Asm in* loeatxl at tlte *e/d. In ih* cltv of cuunly uf !, ifornla. »' Th* ula Mid Deed. ipen*** uf ln created by undfr. wiili ided iliercin. and tliii paid principal of ll>« ii<>l« arvUird >.ii.l .teed, lo-wit I-1U.4UOUU »Mh lw-it lli.r.01, l, u,n April It. !MJ pt^vidnl In .-Hi n >lr Dalrd Jdlllll't U 1W4. AIIMAN80N HANK AND TKl'aT IViMI'ANV tor fur uld « and all mhrr did wurk. or Act ners. th* conlrac- or their assigns, uai Inurested in aid asaessBWBI. i by any act or de- . . _ .. termination "I lh* uperlnlendent of Strs.tj tr the City Knflneer In re- lation thereto, or who claim thai Mid work ha< not been ix-rf< to lh- iitr >et r|..r II as »u.h Tt T-Jaa M. Ftb (. By Wavnc II Math***. .-d officer n. 1M4. TM.flM CBHTIFICATE OF eUtlNIU. FICTITIOUS NAMt Th* und'-Miaiic'l <l»<-< . .-rllfy ih* Is conducing a l>u»-»--- al 4o-'l Moiesby Dilve. Torr.n . ( <>i|.>!ina. «ader lh« fictitiutu lii'i. imiu> ut M B. HUltVK'K.S end thai v.id firm Is ^.moused of th« f'lllowlni perwm. W|IUM name in full and plac* uf residence Is tt fullow. Audrey li Wrifht 4U1 _i.r»l.v Di lv« Turrani-c Oslituruie. Dated 1/10/S4 Audrey M Wrixl't State of Callfuinl*. Los Anic-les Offlc* oa or IM4. at i public EacK bid SI UUO or over must be I by a certified or <aih- irrs riiock for not tm than 1% of thai If only certain itemi of a bid are accepted th* bidder may there- upon *ub*tltul> a certified or caih amount of Ihe aornird itei.it on hh bid: and provldinn l.inher tlmt firm' doing, buslneas ri-Kul«rly with tin B-Jird of Edurati..n may at th* dli crxioa of IB* Huxnees Olfl.-e and in lieu of Ihe abote inrnil. i. d rhe,-k file with Ihe Torrnnre I'mflrd B.-h.<r Uiitrtrl an snnual or continuing surely company'« bond la th* *um not leas than IMOOOO to Iniur* com. pllinre with the term, of their slfned bids surmllled from Urn* U time during the lit- of Ih* bond. This ebov* mentioned check er bid- ders bond shall be given aa a gu«r- antee that th« bidder will comply with the term* of hi* slimed hid: and If ih* *ucc*asful bidder fslli thus to comply will, ths termi .f th* signed bid. after arre|>tane« thvreuf by the Board, hie check er bond will b* forfeited. Preference shall be give*, sup- S les. materials or equipment pro- iced, manufactured or grown la Slat* of California. a go--! » . cUiif tint »ni iH.rtl.-n of <ald » ik for »"> reixun »« omlll-d or lilrgidfy Included IB said contract er h<%smg or making any objecll. ti.M .-..rrectnews of said asurssnt- ti,- .it.f u. attached thereto >.r nnyl I »..-I 8uiH.int.h.|.-rii ofj . ..r ,,.| c,tv Kngii,-. t .hall, t li- -lay hsreinbefora fued ml hearing, appeil lo aaid City U bv briefly staling la writing r. -it -N f anneal a* provided la h,.l ,. ••„ nt Ad Of till, V- ,. . W. Coll ; 'v « ..r* ..| lh- Clly Of inuary 3*. '&>.' 1W4 ______ TM 2MO iit f. _ _ TO. N-. _ - Un T.I.-I.I>. h.brusry In. IM4. al II c.i A M . TITLE INSURANCE AMI) TKUMT COMPANY, a* duly ap- pointed Trmte- under and pursuant t.i h ..I ..f Tni.l ilateU March 1. I «.J .i-cutrd i.y JOSKPII WALTKU VKItHAMME ..nd MAHIAN MVEH- IIAMMK lui.i.and and wile, and re- , ,r-|. i Ma.,11 II. IMS In b<M,k r J-M'. liJ. of Official K«"rd* m the oflVic- ..I Hi* Counly KecorJ- er of !..> Angeles Counly. California. WILL SKLL AT 1't'llLIC AUC- TION TO Mi.iiinsT Hiriorn FOR Ihe L'nlu.l .Stale.i of thr l,-» Angeles rthous*. al M)l W.-.t First callfo L O O K In frit TORRANCE H E R A L D CLASSIFIED COLUMNS WHERE PEOPLE A D V E R T C N Brnunal wrlKht Jan ary 10. 1M4. befurr mr blir In and for «a!tl 8 »p|.«*rwl Au.iivv own to me lo b'- Hi.' l Ksplr** «. 1M4. luoful Sir"-!.' Angele* rign' ml" and Intel ai.d i.uw held by It of Trust In Ih- pr..| the City of T..ri,ui . iv and But.- d. -.ni l.-.i tl ol T: i >is. as p«r map . all v.yed l> ler aai.l De«t .ty siluttrd in in said Coun i as. ami Ihe C. . -. _ _-. , inVl . .< k 4M. Pace It T. of M..o. in the office of ill .Ucor.ler. >M- mud* but warranty nth- , uf a bid. and to waiv* any Info ity In Hi* bidt receive*. Firm* or Individual* d*»irln§ to submit bids from time lo time on lu-hiu.l iiinpllrs and equipment, initll h>l th>-m~ilv.<e with said BunnrM ntflcr of Ihe Torrajftc* Unified School °UtrlCt e , Waldrlp Aaalatanl SupsrtntMo^nt nuilnri* T..rrom-* Unified School Dalrd Torranc*. California. May BTA'TK or CAUFORNIA > i Dn COUNTY or i.oa ANGELES ) Bub^ribrd and sworn brfor* me. Ir.-m- J Hmill. a Notary fuullc. this 3UI da/ >.( May I9«:i Irene J Smith Nutury Public In and tor said County and State My coiiiiiilutua *xplr*e I Mar. Zl, JM4. I T-January 1«. U. lift nty, etprti Utle. (*>a* '..n ur . mutol.iaiices. to pay the hi in, t|.nl -un of the Bole seeurrd l.v s»i.l D.-fl of Trust. UPS .V«t». wi'h iiilrretl fn .._ II :»J. as in sai'I note pr.ivi.l. I «.l- >. ,i,.«. If any. uudrr thr tri ..> uf 'i'.l Deed of Tru»t. f^a. rlmigt- si ' r\i>-i!»es of D.o Trualt-e «n,| of I li.i-U cr"-itM by idiil Deed of Tl u The hfn.'fKi.iiv under ul.l f).- >r Truit bv rrasoa of t brt*rt. default In Ih* obllcatlons »ecu> lher<by. hrretofon- eie. utrd end d Deni of I,... Id of elrctlon 10 . UU«e II.. annei to 1»H uld pi»|wi'tv i ft >ii.l . l.llKtti.'iix. mid Hi. .niter, on Ortohei U ISW3. the uiul. i^i'Mie.1 ,',u-...l <HI l no.i.,- of brea.-h »! ' of r!e<-li..n to l.» n-.-orded in li ».k M i:\nx p*»e 416 of uld Official D«{s*J«n.i»"v 17. W4 rule Innrane* end Tiust Company an said Trunteo. Bv JOHN H. UYBM A««Utant 8rcr*unr T Jan U. IU and r«b. I. ItSf. S E F A 8 4 0 0 0 The Torrance Herald Complete Coverage NOW REACHES 160,000 READERS TORRANCt LOMITA WALTERIA HARBOR CITY RIVIERA NORTH TORRANCE EL NIDO CARSON AREA DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING OKADLOn CI-OSINrt TIMB - for accept- ance of Claanifled Ada is ! rl- div «n>1 Tuesday at i p m A<!» rrrrlrrd later wlllbthrld ever In th* followlnn uou*. Not reiponuM* for mor* than on* Incorrect Inaertlon. Er- rors will b* eorrecUJ by re- pub) (cation. CANL'ELIJkTIO!* DRADLTNsl Clo tin t p.m. CALL AT OFFICE, 1619 Gramercy, Torranct of Phon« Your Ad to FAirfax 8-4000 OASSIKICAIION INDEX ANNOUNCEMENTS Card of Thank*'.'IT.'"!"! I Cemetiry Lotl""""" Mortuaries. ~ Florists ...... Lost A Found Notice* ........ Legsi Notice* . Pereonau ..... Transportation SERVICES Profeeelonal ............... n Or***mskin« .............. it Income Tax ............... M MMical ................... 22 Health Aid* .............. 14 Bejutr A.di A Sheae .....' M Horn* Servic** (Mi*c*IUneou*> ......... Horn* Service* (Upholstery Cleaning) .. SO Mem* Services (TV. Radio. Etc.) ...... tt Building A Supplies ....... 14 Oecorat.ng. Pilntme., Mssonry. Wall*,"'"""" Pstlo*. Etc. ........ .... IS Oardenlrg. Lsndicspma 40 bcsvsllna, Qrsdlng A FIN. 41 Nurierlt. A Suppl.es ...... 41 Moving. Hauhna A Slorase 44 INSTRUCTION Music. Dinting, It*. ...... SO School* ....... .*...... SI Aut* Driving .............. ft M.MCllsneou* ............; S4 EMPLOYMENT ChlM Car* ................ M Mom* for Aged, tlaineid .. S* Situation* Wanted—Wemes) SO Situations Wanted—Men tt Sltustlon* Wanted: Men/Womtn ............ tt •m0loym*nt Oft*r*d— •mploymenl' Offered.' Mea" Sf B>iployment O'ltred. Men and/or Worneo ..... tt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Busmsss for Sal* or Lea** 70 lnv*stm*nt Required ...... Ji •looming House snd Hotel Ltaie. .. ......... M Assoc.sU* Wanted ........ 7S FINANCIAL G«l Your Milk Right at the Farm You Knew Ift Frwsh I Homogenized M^* half Paileuriied Vit. D DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS JOHN H. TOFFLEMIRE & ASSOCIATES LOCATED McEWEN REALTY (CORNER CABRILLO AND SPPULVEDA IN TORRANCE) TUESDAY THRU FRIDAY EVENINGS 5:30 TIL 9:30 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY —9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. CLOSED MONDAY HOME CALLS ARRANGED DA 6-7176 FA 8-7835 FA 1-4141. CALL ANYTIME MILK NON FAT BUTTERMILK ICE CREAM 59< SAVE ON MILK NEW 10-QUART HOME MILK DISPENSER No *>xtra tpace required * Kid* '<" " * S'ay* '"*>> . _. .... . . . longtr Window in box Indicates when level neon gal'on empty Convenient Modern Space tavtr ha " low cost Ice cold milk gallon a | wayt on top No boHlet ORANGE JUICE _________ FUDGSICLES —————————— 50-50 BARS .........______ FR. PUNCH, ORANGE DRINK BLACK CHERRY DRINK ....... EGGS - GRADE AA MEDIUM - 43c PER DOZ. half gallon ha " gallon 1 DOZEN 45c 1 DOZEN 49c ',i-GAL. 24e H-GAL. 19e 3,., 5 ! 20 to woih or return. doz. 49c DOZEN LARGE 35...'I 40 20Vac Per Quart in ID-Quart Horn* Dispenser $2.05 FULL PRICE Available At Our Drive-in Store EMPLOYMENT Offered, Women 64, PERSONALS [ _Servie«§_ _ _ DECORATING ~3« Painting, Paperhangtng Service* HOME SERVICES Miscellaneous fU.il ElUt* •Honey Win TniM Deedc REAL ESTATE Incem* Property. Loins ...... ed .......... Mortaiee* Industrial Sal* Hit. HANDYMAN. "No lob too mall" New and repair All work guaranteed. PlasKrlnC, Carnentrv Cabinets Redwood fanclng. Plumbing A Electrical repairs. Call S30-1U1 WILL CLEAN out your tarac* for discarded Hem*. •••sort Property f Desert snd Mountain Properly .............. 104 Lotl for Sal* ............ 10* Acreage—r-arm*. Msnch** 110 Out of Town Property ... 112 Real (slat* Cichana** ... 114 R*si (slat* wanted ..... 11« Buildings to e* Moved ... 11S CENTALS Apartment*— Fumlihed WO Apartments—Uniurmihed 112 Houses r-urnnhed ...... 114 Housei Unfu'n.ihwl ...... 124 Mountains—Beach— Lakss and Osaert ...... YIS •leemi. rurniihed ....... 110 •lest Homes ......'.'.'.'.*..'. 114 Hoteli. Mulels .......... 134 Trj l t r, for Rent ........ lit Trailer Park snd SpSOSI . 140 StO'Ci. Oftic** ....... 142 Bui.n*>. A industrial For Rent or L**S* ..... 144 Acreage. Farm* Ranch** for L*aa* ..... 146 Oarage* For Reeit/WanWd 144 Miscellintou* ........... 14t Want*d t* R*M ......... 110 FOR SALE .............1M « Aepliineea ..1*4 't,..* .......1M I.-tr.merit* .....1*0 naod* .........1»t sjppll** .......144 it-Ster*/otflee ..Ht Tool* HOME SERVICES Uphelitery, Cleaning 30 CARPET and upholstery clean- InsT. Heasnnahle rntei Call "Al" 376-Stll rAINTINu - Interior. Exterior "floor fininhing." Plttfburch Paint product uiM C. W. OrandstAff. ill? V/. JJOth. rA8-tWl. PAINTING. Interior. «t*rlor. PLASTERING 37A PATCH PLASTERING "SftSHP* MASONRY Wolli, Patio*, Etc. 31 BUILDING and Suppllet 34 Antiaue* urnltu'* Mi*c*r Mtw>.' Sport.nn Hoat« A Ms-"'"' . tilt ...... Alrplsnee for tale ......V Pen. Poultry, Llvecteek . 11 •wse* .. ....... t MERCHANDISE WANTED ADD-A-ROOM ft Kitchens fr Baths A Family Rooms -tt Dent <r Master Bedrooms 6 For tin p««t 17 years under J rshlp. ws hitve b»n Inmroi- M homes In thli ari-a Thous- ands of ullsfled cu»tom*re III attrst to our IntiaTlt* end atabllltr. FOR FREE ESTIMATE Call Bob Host Today FR 6-8484 MARSHALL BUILDERS CAliPRNTHk and GENERAL ItKI AIKS AM. KINDS 1TIU:IC KSTI-ATE8 TK J :018 Employment SITUATIONS WANTED Women 60 _Work cu DO IHOMNC m mv h perloncnl and r-llidl W. ArlMl/i. Tiirrnnce. _ _ _I)A 03i» __ _ inONTNO WANTED, la my home. tl.OO an hour or II.M a doeen. CalllPA t-SUI. LOOK INTO THESE JOBS Enjoy the many benefit* which Pacific Telephone offers pleasant people to work with, opportu- nity to advance, as well as a good starting salary and frequent increase*. Openings Now TELEPHONE OPERATORS APPLT TORRANCI 2154 Torrance Blvd. HAWTHORN- 575 N. Hawthorne Blvd. Pacific Telephone PART OF NATION-WIDB WORKINO MOTHER In Car- son arm n.-.-d. r.luble wom- an In care for rhll.lrei horn*. Miut hat" rrf Call after ( TE S-1N1 . JBWF.MtY r.IKL, (M.tur'.li for full time ompMymeM. riMLKY'S JEWBUER8 Paloe V-r.|« H»nln.ula 377-Mil TAX consultant. I SO* Commission I am. to D P m. _t p.m. to » .pm. EMPLOYMENT Offered, Men xtM-rleneed FA t-414 DA <-T17t FOR CLASSIFIED CALL FA 8-4000 IMPtOYMINT Offered, Men 2 MEN WANTED For local franchise. No pre- rlou> »p*rl*nc* or capltaj reaulred INTERVIEWING AT 2189 PACIFIC AVE., LONG BEACH 437-0937 TAX consultants Eiptrlmced P r * f r retired ercounUnt* 50% Commission. _TA l;iU I am. lo t p m. DA t-717w I p.m. lo t p.m. ___ BLACK TOP CONCRETE listing. Cl-an-ui> KA 8-7MO rot'NIiATloNB. I'.nlos. side- walk* and all kinds of con- crete work. Fren estimate C_C»p«._£oncrcl* DA WIW SPRINKLER" SYSTEMS w Lawn Sprinklers fNSTALl.KD - UB*1 AIRED McCoy Sprinkler* Pt 9-9537____ GARDENING landscaping 40 will f\\ MOHBT CALL JACK AND HOWARD K.. r better gardening **n- Ics DA (-SSM for free Ball- mat* Th* Lowest Rat** la Town BatlsfaciluB Guaranteed. BUILDING and Suppliei 34 end Want**- .m ....171 AUTOMOTIVE Tretier* for Sal*. Trade Truck* 4 Cimaera ....... US I DISPLAY CLASSIFIED FOR SALE I960 FORD Sunliner Deluxe Convertible Excellent condition. Good tirei. Very reasonable. Call Mr. Jorwt, FA 8-4000. CEMETERY LOTS TORRANCE COUPLE ! lovely l,,u far tale. <!M lulu. Oc«aii Vlow >«ettou "THE BEST" VALUE $640 EACH THE TWO FOR $650 FA 8-6505 1OST and POUND Good Buys . ........... ie'.al) pur 1UU tq ft. »»«—•• ............ We *a till Pin* Bhrlvlni liw !ln ft lit Sheathli.R .....* /,< Un ft. U BmulMl Ply . U 7U >h*el Kil.er Glaa* Pnnem r 10' \t 19c su ft HERWOOD'S Building Supplies 24500 SO. NORMANDIE DA 6-5146 HARBOR CITY RALPH YOL'NOUAN Building I'.nunlur, It....in add it i,.119 alterations and repair*. No jub too large or too email Call Ut-Ul« from T a.m. till t p.m. .....J BBHVICa Lawn and Yard Maintenance Landscaping A Clean-up work Nurl IUna."as FA l-UOt WAINTK.NA.Si'B Uird^nsr Alio Idoiui Averag* lot IT muiilu. FrM *allmau>. 1>A *-:oSI YARDS * LOTS Cleaned Haul- mil of all kind- Iteasonabl* rat** Fre* c«ilin«i«s. LAWN MAINTEANCB Yarda I'l, .in Up KA 8-1307 OARY8 OAHDKNIS'llSERVlC* Movu.if. txlKiiiK. K.-rllluing. Cullliaiii.K *> i'I.-amIP m 6-U35S Kit H-1711 LABORATORY TECHNICIANS I TWO POSITIONS OPEN) PHYSICAL TEST LABORATORY To operate mechanical and electrical test equipment Be able to organize and write test plans, results, am other pertinent data. Actual testing experience strong ly desirable, e ORDNANCE LABORATORY Experienced or for on-job training In development o squibs, mix and control or pyrotechnic component in R & D group. FREE TOP LIFE, INSURANCE & MEDICAL BENEFITS CONTACT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT, Monday through Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. for Interview. PHONE DA 6-8110, EXT. 242 An Equal Opportunity Employer HI-SHEAR CORPORATION 2600 West 247th Street, Torrance (North Side of Torrance Municipal Airport) MOVING, HAULINO and Storage OAnAQEtt and L'iT8 cleaned Trash rini.^^d. tr.^a trimmed Fr«e sitln.su-s C.ll jsck _ DA 6-76tl' MOVE-U IT ix-r hour. You may help Time «urts at your door. __ OS 5-1M7 MUSIC, DANCINO, We. 50 BOYS THE TORRANCE HERALD IS NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR ROUTE OPENINGS THURSDAY AND SUNDAY MORNING DELIVERY. VXLARY PLUS COMMISSION. AGE 11 OR OVER PHONE FA 8-4000 Circulation Uept. Financial REAL ESTATE LOANS 12 Financial •EAL ISTAU LOANS 12 PROKE88IONAI. A tTERTIFIED I'lano Teacher Hume lewuiu also. TB 1-liH Instruction SCHOOLS Instruction SI! SCHOOLS SI I/OUT Fawn color, rnalu Boi I years old. Torraiu'r FA a-a7Si KK 6-<N7T SHAW REAL ESTATE SCHOOL Complete preparation for state examination. Day or evening classes. Term* if desired, license guar- anteed or money refunded. DA 6-3461 1305 PACIFIC COAST HWY., HARBOR CITY LOW COST 1ST AND 2ND REAl ESTATE LOANS AS LOW AS 5 3 A% INTEREST AND AS LONG AS 30 YEARS ON 1ST LOANS UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR 2NDS FREE APPRAISALS ON ALL LOANS Home Loan Investment Co. NE 9-4821 OS 9-1051 124-HR. ANSWER SERVICE I

3,.,H-GAL. 5 !19e20 · bM bMa «rant»d tlxrefor in ac- rnent known to m* to b* the person* who CT'cuted th« within No Superior Court of I!. ifornia. for the Co AnKelea In th* Matter

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Page 1: 3,.,H-GAL. 5 !19e20 · bM bMa «rant»d tlxrefor in ac- rnent known to m* to b* the person* who CT'cuted th« within No Superior Court of I!. ifornia. for the Co AnKelea In th* Matter




AN ORPINANVE OF THE CtTT NOTICE OF INTENDEDCOVNCIL OK THK CITY OF TOR- MORTOAOEBANCE AMfcNIllNi; SUCTIONS » NOTICE IS HBKK.BY GIVENAND 10 OF. AND A DPI Nil SEC- Ttint PAF INPfdTHIES INC . aTil N 16 R To. APPENDIX 1 D-laware corporation. Mortgagor. LAND VSE ORPINANV'K'. TOiwi.ose addir*.. i. isu We»i Semii-PROHIBIT T1IK CARKY1NO ON i reds. Bmlletard. In the City of Tor- OF BrsIXESS IN RlMUniNiiS ranee. County of Los Angeles. State ANP ssTIUYTVRf* LiVATEP IN of Callfurnli. intcn,!j t,> mortgage to ECNES 0-1 ANP C-2 WHICH ARK AETNA LIFT! INSURANCE COM- IXVITIED OR VSF.P FOR RBSI- PANV. a Connecticut corporation.

US!.' I'KRMIT A>H~A Bl'tSINWlS i Farml'ngtna Ae'enur. Hartford "



BEKN ISSVF.D;C.-> ut. in* fjllowlnit dKirrttwl

The CUT Council o( the City of other p»r«(.n«l property located In

ECTION 1. ' I Urn" m imificturlne; r.-i*lneas know! That Section I A IC-1 Retail com- 1 at P*F INDV8TRIE8. IVC

.il'tnct- J iible- ofAppendix 1 of "The Code of the City el Tarrancc. IKt Is hereby amend- ed br the addition *( runparngraph 4 to read In it.« rntlirtv a» follows. Slat

"4 Notwithstanding the sbore »r.-«- proTislon* of this section t A. no hulHinc or structure which Is oc- cui'ird or used for any u»e per­ mitted In ion»a R-l. R-l or R-J»neif~tw utfd In whole or In part for carrying on any bujinoM. *.« the Mmf In define) In section 16 I of thin cod*. unlee* a OM ptrmlt he* br»n arsntnl then-tor In so- eordance with the pn.rlslon* of wtlon 10 at this Append-, 1."

ECTION 2.That section 10 A (C-J O«n«r«l

trmmerclal dinrict Permissible uses) ef Appendix 1 of "The Code o« Th* CI'T of Ton-Mice. I»4" li h»reby nenrted bv t'-..' addition of »ubpar»- «r*ph 5 to nod In In entirety u lollcws:

pulvrds BouipTunl. In th« Citv f T,.rmnrf. Count v of Loj Anc-°*x,

if California. toireUicr with .ill nrt. *Il»c!iniont«. partu i-quip-

it, appliances, appurtenance*, re-

replacement* for Aid personal property. The of the Mme mall b- ronximmat-d 01 the 7th d»v of February, 1%4. at th offir" of Xorcan Guaranty Tni.« Company of New Tork. M Llbert Street. City of Ne* Tork. Stela of

IftATED: January 91. 19M.P*F INTJO8TRIES. INC

(Seal) a Delaware corporation By G. L. REVEUL Vice President By JAMBS MABR9 A.«iH»nt Serf-tary


> - the undefined, a Notao Public la

Nrlwlthptandlrgc the atx

Kulnlon." of thl« n.-ctlon 10 A. lldlnir or »tructurt which U i

eune.1 or u»d for any u»e PT- milted In tonen R-l. R-J. or H-3, ....._., _., ah til be iHK-d In whole or In part, ( > m <- to be the Vice Prr.'idcnt. and for carryinit on any bu-neu. a» Jamc-i Mabej. known to m- to he th« th« aam« m define.! In je.-tlon 1« 11 A««l-t«M Secretury of th« corpora- at thU cod*. unl«*a a use permit t,on that executed the within Initru- bM bMa «rant»d tlxrefor in ac- rnent known to m* to b* the person*

who CT'cuted th« within

NoSuperior Court of I!.

ifornia. for the Co AnKelea

In th* Matter of C.vll E Spnnntr. Ivo

Notice l» hereby Kly lainu

the Bitat* of

d-nt to l.t flnlnof th» clerk of th^ afo

at thr office nf Clifford J. IVIrr* J.'Tl Torrance Bird In the City Torrsnce. In the aforesaid Conn which latter office In thr place bu-incss of the undenlgnet! In

Touchers mu»l be filed or presen a* afurraaid within ux nionthi .• the tlr«t publication of this notlc

Dated Jan 90. 1M4LtTT SPH1NOF.R Administratrix of the K.-t»> of »aid .l<-o«lrn

Cllff*rd J. P«i*raon Attorntv it-Law

Feb. C. 1.1. 1M4TH.Z12S


No SW r-2\96Sttpwlor Conn of the Stile of fW-

Iformla. for the County d Loi An- elM.

In thj Matter of the B.«tat» of JOAQVtN VBOA, aka JVOQOIN VKOA Decea.«*,i

Notice i. h. reby itlTeo to creditor* harinj cUinx »e.iln.t the said d<x>e- dant to Mr .ni.l rlalnu la UM office of the el«rk of the afortwald court or

it thorn to the unden«l«ne<l

of thla Appendix 1."

R I* hereby addedto Appendix 1 (Land Vie Ordl f -rb« Code of The City of T _ .ranee 1964 ' to read la IU eatiretr rector*

on behalf of the corporation therein named and acknowledged t > me thst such 'orporatlon executed the within

! for «ny ne> R-l.

_ follow. R Buiinesxe In Residence*. Notwith.«tsndliur any other pro-

rislona of this cod* no per. .n shall carrv on anv builnea* a-« the mm* 1* .1.fined in section 16 1 of this eo4r in any building or struc' whi.-h Is occupied or uaed for pur noes permitted In R-l er R-3. without f;r*t hae obtained therefor a UM permit a* provided In »«-tlon JO of thl* At>- p*n-li* 1. pr'Ti-led, howe»*r. thit anv such unlawful UM of Itnd -j- Istmc on February ». 1PM. shtll be granted an egcepUoa u a non- c nformliuf nee la eonformanc* w.th the proeletea* er section IT of thl* Appendix 1 for a period not to .'ireed ten rears from and after rrbruirv JO. 1N4. or Ih* date of Annexation lo the City of Torrance of th> property on which *uch building or structure I* located, whichever I* UM later."

MOTION 4.Any pronsloa «f th* Tocraac* City

Cod*, or appendices thereto, Incon­ sistent herewith to the extent of uch Incoaalatenci** and mo further,

hereby repealed.

WITNWS my heuid and official

*"*L Mildred D Mltchetl.Notarr Public In and for ,«ul County and State >lv ConuniMloei Cxplroe July «1. 1K6.

(SeaJ)DIMCTNIOU eV OIL OUERCIOAnorniv* at Law(12 aouth Flower (treetLo* Angele*. California KH17T-January 3*. 19«4.

at th* office of Le*»<n * Foky. ISO* Cra»'na Areiue. In the City »t Tor- ranee. In the aforeaald County, which Mtter office Is the place rt bueiDea* of the und<r<iine<l in all matter* pertainlnK t» >Atd estate. Such claims with the neccs««rv yourhers must be filed or present"! *s aforesaid within *lx months affr th* first publica­ tion of this notice

Dated Jan 10 1*M.ARTHUR VKJA Admlni*tr«tor of th* Entat* of aaid decedent

LoHlei A Foiev Atterney* at-L<w 1*O» Craveni Av*nue> Terrtnt*. California T-Jan 1«. 33. X Feb C 1»M


Superior Court of the Stale ofCalifornia, for the County of Los


All ORDINANCE OF THE .... .COUJfCIL OF THF. I'lTT OF TOR- "' th- TITS. 01RANCK AMKNPINO ORDINANCE i «" Pres-nt Ih-m to theNO. 1JW TO ADD THE POSITION | at the office of I.<

la the Mat(»r "f th* B,«'i> of CHARLOTTB 11. ZIMKRA. I>-v<**ed

Notice Is hereby clren to cre.il ton haTln*T claims acainst the *ald <1-e«-

CTTT <ent to file MH claims In the offlc*


Anv pers~.. ,-..„ ,_. wlolattiut any'of~the~proyii

»i tl n then .1br i fin- of _ ...... .Hl'NDREP DOLLARS (1400001 kr Imprisonment lor a period of not tore than six m >nth«. or by both uch no* and ImpiisoomaBL SECTION i.

Thla Ordinance shall lake effect th.rtv dav. alter the del. nf in Mtui.iioa an.l prior U the eimrall >n

A K->ifV. Ibrt*VJ 'd ' Cravens ~Avenu« "in -he Ci'v of Tor-

IVVII'MEXT OPERATOR. WITH, nncf. in th* aforesaid Counir which ITS RALART RANGE TO THE 1 l » !! ' r " fflr * ' °'» » ? "' "' "" I POSITION CLASSIFICATION I >' "" imder*lirned In all matter- fer- fU& . I'lnir.g to said estate. Such rliims

!>t b*Ithln

n~clflcatl m

December 11. INS.

'or Dupll-eating Equipm-nt operator

WHEREAS, the City C?i .. -,- prored this cia.-s specification oa D*-

SZ35S»& 'fl.tt.tAA^VB-^e-. _ -pemod Tttu-

he pvalsfcuto >r« than FTVB

. _ , llshed at leaat twee in th* Torranc* Harald. a eetti- weekly newspaper of feneral aim- Utlon. poblbhed and circulated IB fee Citv of Torranc*.

Introduced anil «p'*oy*d thl* 14th 4*y t>f January. 1IN>4.

Adopted and pautd UUs I let day a* Januarr. IH4.

/* Albert Isen Mayor of the Ciur of Torrance

to til* poeltlon clauincallan plan._ fOW THKREPORE TUP Cttt


That th* following pnetttosj with aa \nr thrrtinr t« hereby aitdfl ta t'..- position clarification _pje« nUb- Inhnl br Ordinance No. Utt SBCRETAUIAI. AND GENERAL CLERICAL CLASSES. RANOsJ NO.:

Senior DuplicatingOperator W

.... I. Vt,l'.NON W cVIU Cltr Clwk

( the Cliy of Torranct. CaUfornla. iu hereby certify that tie loruumf riluuace waa Introduced ejul ao-

the n>ye<l at a r.-cular me*tm« of th Citv Council uc.il un U>< Uiu uay u January. IMi. and adopted an

»ry. 1«M. by la* faUuwini ruil call

**_ _ COUNCTLatEN Rowley. Beuleatl. Ural*. MUlcr. Sclarrulla.Vuu and Isen... ... . ....... ^ M

. ILMEN. Nuae. */ Vernua W. Coll

City aerk of ih* City of Terrace*.


NOTICC or t Husnrt t>Lt01(0 OF THUIT IT 10004

Luan « et-IUUNolle* u hereby given thai All- ANtioN BANK AND TUt'tfT CUM-

a California Corporation, as or succeseur tnutr*. ,.r »ub- (rustee pursuant i.. Hi- d««d

trust exeeulea by J. HEUNAHU IK)K ANU VlHUINIA L. CUUK.

ibaad snu wil< ana r-eoriled Marc.i IMi in b.»k VMM pace JM ef


1ICTION f.This ordinance shall take effect

Mrtv d>ys after Ihe date of It* adop-ion and prior lo th* expiration of

Ofleea.daM from the, p*AMge thereof hall be mibllehed e« Imut one*

the Torranc* Herald, a sunl-we.n'Wipaper of g-neral cir.-ulal).

iblKhe'l nnj circulated In th* CityTorrsnc •.

Introduced and appror*d this 14th dav of Jajmarv. 1M4

Adupted end naseed this list day W January. IMi

V Albert Ism Maror of Ihe City al Torraace

iece «r r pre»*nt".1 .1

six mnnth« after th of this notice

Dated Ji


first pnbllcMIo

*4. 1M4.jtvrt-s MBiecut T . f the will of said decedcM.

ATTHT: / V<-rnon W. CoH


I. VERNON W COIU City Clerk of lh« City of Torrance. California.

j h-reby certify that the foregulngrilnanc* was Intmduted an I' .»«.!

Cll» Ci

Attorneys.«t-L«wttot Crsven* AvenueTorrsne*. California.FA I 6*47T Jan. 3J. Feb (. 1.1 M. 1K4 ____


AND OF MEARINO South Terrsnc* Asiettmem Dutrict


th- Sup«rlnt-nd'r-,: ; Streets of the Civ of To.-r.ia. --. California, ha* n-.ad« aa aa«"*sn»nt under the 1m- p-nvement Act of IS1I. Division T of the Street* and Illrhway* Cod*, and rvaelution of Intentioa. Reeolutloa No. U-23«. adopted by Ih* City Ciuncil of said city on the Suth day of October. IMI, to cover costs and expenses. Including lacldenlal ei- pensei.^f eerlaln etrtet w..rk whi.-h Is dreertbVThi aaMiesntullon of in- trntlon Bald flupcrintendent of

n-mni.-.t with the Cltv .'u'rk f aaid city and aaid untune:.: \, >n file ir. the offlc- ..f inid Cm .'! ik in Ihe Cllv 1UII .n said city. i:-(-r,-nc* I* hereby mad* to said resolution of Intention for a description "( m nr.et w..rk. U- aeet K" h .n'« l.i U is. Ui'r cirllculars.

NOTICE IS FUR that, pursuant to aaid _.. ,_.... Art ..f l»ll. ih* Cliy Clerk at laid city l.erebv dies the tflh day .4 F-i.ni*ry 10*1. at the hour of 1-00 o'clock P M « the day and hour end th- i'mncll Chamber* of said Otr C..UM. ,1 in said Cliy Hall a* Ih*

wh-n and wh«r* any and allr* was Introdttted and ap- i l-'eons Intere.ted In said w..rk or al a regular meeting of the I "> Hl<> as<e*sRunt or In th- pr..-

»..,, v..u«U h*M oa the f4th day ST*4 "1*1 *«' be heard bv sail City of January. 1W4 and adopted aS] '? ?»*'': Jbe »' ld »"L* J*'r"«r Ptssed at a regular mestlng of *aid der and th* pr- - etdtnga t>i*rer>r

by the fullowlruj retl

"AT_S CpUNCIUMEN: Beaalmr.R'nnl.sd. t>ral*. aH'.ler. SclarrotU. Vlcn and IMH

ABSENT. COt'NClI.iiKN None. eV Vernoji W. C dl

T January M. 1M4.

Cliy derk ofthe Cltr of Terrene*.Calif oral*

ifflcial U County Hn 01 ar r of

i.unlv. Califwiiia. and ,.... ... _. Nolle- of I,, null and r..,, t to Sell llicrrun.tcr rr...r.KJ Aug 1M4 la .bu»k M1030



Notice U litrrby gitrn thai UM b. >rd of Kdurail.m of |h« T'Tranc*

in the otrie* of the Unified School Ulstnct» Torranc* f Lo> Aa-

Cos Angales g.ies County will rec«l»e bidn for ........... .. 7urnl,n| I>g e.ruin Mhool euppllee.

and _,_Olltctal Kwutda. will***¥. .-a »rbiu-| Torranc*. S/v XT. 1»M at 11:00 _ .. al lh* sjJJk uutfc treat entrance "

jrunn^_^ .j « - re Bottle, ly Hills.a of Cal-

.. . . __..._... i . the high- eal bidder f r cislt (pa)ai.i« al thr}lll>* uf sale in lawful l.l.'i^y uf II,

trd Slat««i all right, title, and ir.sl. cuiiti-vrd to «nd now held II under Mid deed In the property i«l- in said C.uiuy and »Ulc

as follow*il.-rly H ..f Lot ».

_.-, . -I... l Waller!* a> per map i.,..r.lr.i in book 17. pag- ti of U It in Ih* qlliie ofiiio t.uittv r'.'.rd^r of Mid county

Said »aln will uu mad*, but »it li­ eu t ...tenant ..r warranly, wiprcM ..r Inii'lmd. regarding tills. po*s<»4i>.ii or nrunibraiurs lo satlefy ll.o In-drltlrdltv** 4.-''\4rieludii.K the l«o iIrusl. . and uf the trusts created b

.7 ft "ff ISPlan del Asm

in* loeatxl at tlte *e/d. In ih* cltv of cuunly uf !, ifornla. »'



Mid Deed. ipen*** uf ln

created by undfr. wiili

ided iliercin. and tliii paid principal of ll>« ii<>l« arvUird

>.ii.l .teed, lo-wit I-1U.4UOUU »Mh lw-it lli.r.01, l, u ,n April It. !MJ

pt^vidnl In .-Hi n >lrDalrd Jdlllll't U 1W4.


tor fur uld « and all mhrr did wurk. or

Actners. th* conlrac- or their assigns,

uai Inurested in aid asaessBWBI.

i by any act or de-. . _ .. termination "I lh* uperlnlendent of Strs.tj tr the City Knflneer In re­ lation thereto, or who claim thai Mid work ha< not been ix-rf<

to lh- iitr >et r|..r II

as »u.h Tt

T-Jaa M. Ftb (.

By Wavnc II Math***. .-d officer n. 1M4.


FICTITIOUS NAMtTh* und'-Miaiic'l <l»<-< . .-rllfy ih*

Is conducing a l>u»-»--- al 4o-'lMoiesby Dilve. Torr.n . ( <>i|.>!ina.«ader lh« fictitiutu lii'i. imiu> ut

M B. HUltVK'K.Send thai v.id firm Is ^.moused of th« f'lllowlni perwm. W|IUM name in full and plac* uf residence Is ttfullow.

Audrey li Wrifht4U1 _i.r»l.v Di lv«Turrani-c Oslituruie.

Dated 1/10/S4Audrey M Wrixl't

State of Callfuinl*. Los Anic-les

Offlc* oa orIM4. at i public

EacK bidSI UUO or over must be

I by a certified or <aih- irrs riiock for not tm than 1% of

thai If only certain itemi of a bid are accepted th* bidder may there- upon *ub*tltul> a certified or caih

amount of Ihe aornird itei.it on hh bid: and provldinn l.inher tlmt firm' doing, buslneas ri-Kul«rly with tin B-Jird of Edurati..n may at th* dli crxioa of IB* Huxnees Olfl.-e and in lieu of Ihe abote inrnil. i. d rhe,-k file with Ihe Torrnnre I'mflrd B.-h.<r Uiitrtrl an snnual or continuing surely company'« bond la th* *um not leas than IMOOOO to Iniur* com. pllinre with the term, of their slfned bids surmllled from Urn* U time during the lit- of Ih* bond.

This ebov* mentioned check er bid­ ders bond shall be given aa a gu«r- antee that th« bidder will comply with the term* of hi* slimed hid: and If ih* *ucc*asful bidder fslli thus to comply will, ths termi .f th* signed bid. after arre|>tane« thvreuf by the Board, hie check er bond will b* forfeited.

Preference shall be give*, <« sup-

Sles. materials or equipment pro- iced, manufactured or grown la Slat* of California.

a go--!» . cUiif tint »ni iH.rtl.-n of <ald» ik for »"> reixun »« omlll-d orlilrgidfy Included IB said contract erh<%smg or making any objecll.ti.M .-..rrectnews of said asurssnt-ti,- .it.f u. attached thereto >.r nnyl

I »..-I 8uiH.int.h.|.-rii ofj . ..r ,,.| c,tv Kngii,-. t .hall, t li- -lay hsreinbefora fued

ml hearing, appeil lo aaid City U bv briefly staling la writing r. -it -N f anneal a* provided lah,.l ,. ••„ nt Ad Of till,

V- ,. . W. Coll ; 'v « ..r* ..| lh- Clly Of

inuary 3*. '&>.' 1W4 ______

TM 2MOiit

f. _ _TO. N-. _ -

Un T.I.-I.I>. h.brusry In. IM4. al II c.i A M . TITLE INSURANCE AMI) TKUMT COMPANY, a* duly ap­ pointed Trmte- under and pursuant t.i h ..I ..f Tni.l ilateU March 1.

I «.J .i-cutrd i.y JOSKPII WALTKU VKItHAMME ..nd MAHIAN MVEH- IIAMMK lui.i.and and wile, and re- , ,r-|. i Ma.,11 II. IMS In b<M,k r J-M'. n« liJ. of Official K«"rd* m the oflVic- ..I Hi* Counly KecorJ- er of !..> Angeles Counly. California.

WILL SKLL AT 1't'llLIC AUC­ TION TO Mi.iiinsT Hiriorn FOR

Ihe L'nlu.l .Stale.i of thr l,-» Angeles

rthous*. al M)l W.-.t First callfo

LO O KIn frit














Jan ary 10. 1M4. befurr mr blir In and for «a!tl 8

»p|.«*rwl Au.iivv own to me lo b'- Hi.' l


«. 1M4.



rign' ml" and Intel ai.d i.uw held by It of Trust In Ih- pr..| the City of T..ri,ui . iv and But.- d. -.ni

l.-.i tl ol T: i >is. as p«r map

. all v.yed l>

ler aai.l De«t .ty siluttrd in in said Coun i as.

ami Ihe C.

. -. _ _-. ,inVl . .< k 4M. Pace It T. of M..o. in the office of

ill.Ucor.ler. >M- mud* but


,uf a bid. and to waiv* any Info ity In Hi* bidt receive*.

Firm* or Individual* d*»irln§ to submit bids from time lo time on lu-hiu.l iiinpllrs and equipment, initll h>l th>-m~ilv.<e with said BunnrM ntflcr of Ihe Torrajftc* Unified School°UtrlCt e , Waldrlp

Aaalatanl SupsrtntMo^nt nuilnri*T..rrom-* Unified School

Dalrd Torranc*. California. May


Bub^ribrd and sworn brfor* me. Ir.-m- J Hmill. a Notary fuullc. this 3UI da/ >.( May I9«:i

Irene J Smith Nutury Public In and tor said County and State My coiiiiiilutua *xplr*e

I Mar. Zl, JM4. I T-January 1«. U. lift

nty, etprtiUtle. (*>a*

'..n ur . mutol.iaiices. to pay the hi in, t|.nl -un of the Bole seeurrd l.v s»i.l D.-fl of Trust. UPS .V«t». wi'h iiilrretl fn .._ II :»J. as in sai'I note pr.ivi.l. I «.l- >. ,i,.«. If any. uudrr thr tri ..> uf 'i'.l Deed of Tru»t. f^a. rlmigt- si ' r\i>-i!»es of D.o Trualt-e «n,| of I li.i-U cr"-itM by idiil Deed of Tl u

The hfn.'fKi.iiv under ul.l f).- >r Truit bv rrasoa of t brt*rt. default In Ih* obllcatlons »ecu> lher<by. hrretofon- eie. utrd end d

Deniof I,...

Id of elrctlon 10 . UU«e II..annei to 1»H uld pi»|wi'tv i ft >ii.l . l.llKtti.'iix. mid Hi. .niter, on Ortohei U ISW3. the uiul. i^i'Mie.1 ,',u-...l <HI l no.i.,- of brea.-h »! ' of r!e<-li..n to l.» n-.-orded in li ».k M i:\nx p*»e 416 of uld Official

D«{s*J«n.i»"v 17. W4rule Innrane* end Tiust Company an said Trunteo. Bv JOHN H. UYBM A««Utant 8rcr*unr

T Jan U. IU and r«b. I. ItSf.





CompleteCoverageNOW REACHES

160,000 READERS







ance of Claanifled Ada is ! rl- div «n>1 Tuesday at i p m A<!» rrrrlrrd later wlllbthrld ever In th* followlnn uou*. Not reiponuM* for mor* than on* Incorrect Inaertlon. Er­ rors will b* eorrecUJ by re- pub) (cation.CANL'ELIJkTIO!* DRADLTNslClo tin

t p.m.

CALL AT OFFICE, 1619 Gramercy, Torranct of Phon« Your Ad toFAirfax 8-4000


Card of Thank*'.'IT.'"!"! ICemetiry Lotl""""" Mortuaries. ~ Florists ......Lost A Found Notice* ........Legsi Notice* . Pereonau .....Transportation

SERVICESProfeeelonal ............... nOr***mskin« .............. itIncome Tax ............... MMMical ................... 22Health Aid* .............. 14Bejutr A.di A Sheae .....' MHorn* Servic**

(Mi*c*IUneou*> ......... •Horn* Service*

(Upholstery Cleaning) .. SO Mem* Services

(TV. Radio. Etc.) ...... ttBuilding A Supplies ....... 14Oecorat.ng. Pilntme.,Mssonry. Wall*,"'""""

Pstlo*. Etc. ........ .... ISOardenlrg. Lsndicspma 40 bcsvsllna, Qrsdlng A FIN. 41 Nurierlt. A Suppl.es ...... 41Moving. Hauhna A Slorase 44

INSTRUCTIONMusic. Dinting, It*. ...... SOSchool* ....... .*...... SIAut* Driving .............. ftM.MCllsneou* ............; S4

EMPLOYMENTChlM Car* ................ MMom* for Aged, tlaineid .. S* Situation* Wanted—Wemes) SO Situations Wanted—Men tt Sltustlon* Wanted:

Men/Womtn ............ tt•m0loym*nt Oft*r*d—•mploymenl' Offered.' Mea" Sf B>iployment O'ltred.

Men and/or Worneo ..... ttBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES

Busmsss for Sal* or Lea** 70 lnv*stm*nt Required ...... Ji•looming House snd

Hotel Ltaie. .. ......... MAssoc.sU* Wanted ........ 7S


G«l Your Milk Right at the Farm — You Knew Ift Frwsh I

Homogenized M^* half Paileuriied Vit. D







DA 6-7176 — FA 8-7835 FA 1-4141. CALL ANYTIME




No *>xtra tpace required* Kid* '<" " * S'ay* '"*>> . _. .... . . .longtr • Window in boxIndicates when level neon

gal'on empty • Convenient •Modern • Space tavtr •

ha " low cost • Ice cold milk • gallon a |wayt on top • No boHlet

ORANGE JUICE _________ FUDGSICLES —————————— 50-50 BARS .........______FR. PUNCH, ORANGE DRINK BLACK CHERRY DRINK .......


half gallon


1 DOZEN 45c 1 DOZEN 49c

',i-GAL. 24e H-GAL. 19e

3,., 5!20

to woih or return.

doz. 49c DOZEN LARGE35...'I 40

20Vac Per Quart inID-Quart Horn*



Available At Our Drive-in Store

EMPLOYMENT Offered, Women 64,

PERSONALS [ _Servie«§_ _ _DECORATING ~3«

Painting, Paperhangtng



fU.il ElUt* •Honey Win TniM Deedc

REAL ESTATE Incem* Property.

Loins ......ed ..........



Hit. HANDYMAN. "No lob too mall" New and repair All work guaranteed. PlasKrlnC, Carnentrv Cabinets Redwood fanclng. Plumbing A Electrical repairs. Call S30-1U1

WILL CLEAN out your tarac* for discarded Hem*.

•••sort Property f Desert snd Mountain

Properly .............. 104Lotl for Sal* ............ 10*Acreage—r-arm*. Msnch** 110 Out of Town Property ... 112 Real (slat* Cichana** ... 114 R*si (slat* wanted ..... 11«Buildings to e* Moved ... 11S

CENTALSApartment*— Fumlihed WO Apartments—Uniurmihed 112 Houses r-urnnhed ...... 114Housei Unfu'n.ihwl ...... 124Mountains—Beach—

Lakss and Osaert ...... YIS•leemi. rurniihed ....... 110•lest Homes ......'.'.'.'.*..'. 114Hoteli. Mulels .......... 134Trj l t r, for Rent ........ litTrailer Park snd SpSOSI . 140 StO'Ci. Oftic** ....... 142Bui.n*>. A industrial

For Rent or L**S* ..... 144 Acreage. Farm*

Ranch** for L*aa* ..... 146Oarage* For Reeit/WanWd 144 Miscellintou* ........... 14tWant*d t* R*M ......... 110

FOR SALE.............1M

« Aepliineea ..1*4 't,..* .......1MI.-tr.merit* .....1*0naod* .........1»tsjppll** .......144

it-Ster*/otflee ..Ht Tool*

HOME SERVICESUphelitery, Cleaning 30

CARPET and upholstery clean- InsT. Heasnnahle rntei

Call "Al" 376-Stll

rAINTINu - Interior. Exterior "floor fininhing." Plttfburch Paint product uiM C. W. OrandstAff. ill? V/. JJOth. rA8-tWl.

PAINTING. Interior. «t*rlor.



Wolli, Patio*, Etc. 31

BUILDING and Suppllet 34

Antiaue* urnltu'* Mi*c*r .« Mtw>.' Sport.nn Hoat« AMs-"'"'

. tilt ......

Alrplsnee for tale ......VPen. Poultry, Llvecteek . 11 •wse* .. ....... t


ADD-A-ROOMft Kitchens fr Baths A Family Rooms -tt Dent <r Master Bedrooms 6 For tin p««t 17 years under

Jrshlp. ws hitve b»n Inmroi- M homes In thli ari-a Thous­

ands of ullsfled cu»tom*re III attrst to our IntiaTlt* end atabllltr.






Women 60

_Work cuDO IHOMNC m mv h

perloncnl and r-llidlW. ArlMl/i. Tiirrnnce.

_ _ _I)A 03i» __ _ inONTNO WANTED, la my

home. tl.OO an hour or II.Ma doeen. CalllPA t-SUI.



Enjoy the many benefit* which Pacific Telephone offers pleasant people to work with, opportu­ nity to advance, as well as a good starting salary and frequent increase*.

Openings Now


TORRANCI2154 Torrance Blvd.

HAWTHORN- 575 N. Hawthorne Blvd.

Pacific TelephonePART OF NATION-WIDB

WORKINO MOTHER In Car­ son arm n.-.-d. r.luble wom­ an In care for rhll.lrei horn*. Miut hat" rrf Call after ( TE S-1N1


(M.tur'.lifor full time ompMymeM.

riMLKY'S JEWBUER8Paloe V-r.|« H»nln.ula

377-MilTAX consultant. I

SO* Commission I am. to D P m.

_t p.m. to » .pm.


xtM-rleneed FA t-414 DA <-T17t


IMPtOYMINT Offered, Men

2 MEN WANTEDFor local franchise. No pre- rlou> »p*rl*nc* or capltaj reaulred


LONG BEACH437-0937

TAX consultants Eiptrlmced P r * f r retired ercounUnt* 50% Commission. _TA l;iU I am. lo t p m. DA t-717w I p.m. lo t p.m. ___

BLACK TOP CONCRETElisting. Cl-an-ui> KA 8-7MO

rot'NIiATloNB. I'.nlos. side- walk* and all kinds of con­ crete work. Fren estimate C_C»p«._£oncrcl* DA WIW



McCoy Sprinkler* Pt 9-9537____

GARDENINGlandscaping 40

will f\\ MOHBT

CALL JACK AND HOWARD K.. r better gardening **n- Ics DA (-SSM for free Ball- mat* Th* Lowest Rat** la Town BatlsfaciluB Guaranteed.

BUILDING and Suppliei 34

endWant**- .m


Tretier* for Sal*. Trade Truck* 4 Cimaera ....... US I




Sunliner Deluxe Convertible Excellent condition. Good tirei. Very reasonable. Call Mr. Jorwt, FA 8-4000.


TORRANCE COUPLE! lovely l,,u far tale. <!M lulu. Oc«aii Vlow >«ettou


THE TWO FOR $650FA 8-6505


Good Buys

. ........... ie'.al) pur 1UU tq ft.»»«—•• ............ We *atill Pin* Bhrlvlni liw !ln ft lit Sheathli.R .....*•/,<• Un ft.U BmulMl Ply . U 7U >h*el

Kil.er Glaa* Pnnem r 10' \t 19c su ft

HERWOOD'SBuilding Supplies

24500 SO. NORMANDIEDA 6-5146


RALPH YOL'NOUAN Building I'.nunlur, It....in add it i,.119 alterations and repair*. No jub too large or too email Call Ut-Ul« from T a.m. till t p.m.

.....J BBHVICa Lawn and Yard Maintenance Landscaping A Clean-up work Nurl IUna."as FA l-UOt

WAINTK.NA.Si'B Uird^nsr Alio Idoiui Averag* lot IT muiilu. FrM *allmau>. 1>A *-:oSI

YARDS * LOTS Cleaned Haul- mil of all kind- Iteasonabl* rat** Fre* c«ilin«i«s.



Movu.if. txlKiiiK. K.-rllluing. Cullliaiii.K *> i'I.-amIP m 6-U35S Kit H-1711


PHYSICAL TEST LABORATORY To operate mechanical and electrical test equipment Be able to organize and write test plans, results, am other pertinent data. Actual testing experience strong ly desirable,

e ORDNANCE LABORATORYExperienced or for on-job training In development o squibs, mix and control or pyrotechnic component in R & D group.


Monday through Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. for Interview.

PHONE DA 6-8110, EXT. 242 An Equal Opportunity Employer

HI-SHEAR CORPORATION2600 West 247th Street, Torrance

(North Side of Torrance Municipal Airport)


OAnAQEtt and L'iT8 cleaned Trash rini.^^d. tr.^a trimmed Fr«e sitln.su-s C.ll jsck

_ DA 6-76tl'MOVE-U IT ix-r hour. You may

help Time «urts at your door. __ OS 5-1M7





Circulation Uept.Financial



Hume lewuiu also. TB 1-liH


InstructionSI! SCHOOLS SI

I/OUT Fawn color, rnalu Boi I years old. Torraiu'r

FA a-a7Si KK 6-<N7T


Complete preparation for state examination. Day or evening classes. Term* if desired, license guar­ anteed or money refunded.

DA 6-3461






Home LoanInvestment Co.

NE 9-4821 OS 9-1051124-HR. ANSWER SERVICE I