3.2 : The Urinary System in Human The Urinary System Renal arteries bring blood to kidneys Renal veins carry blood away from kidneys Kidneys filter the blood & remove waste products that dissolve in water as urine Ureter flows urine to urinary bladder as storage Urine is released via urethra (short tube) Opening of urethra is controlled by sphincter muscles Prepared by Ms Sue Soh Ya Lee

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

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Page 1: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human The Urinary System

•  Renal arteries bring blood to kidneys

•  Renal veins carry blood away from kidneys

•  Kidneys filter the blood & remove waste products that dissolve in water as urine

•  Ureter flows urine to urinary bladder as storage

•  Urine is released via urethra (short tube)

•  Opening of urethra is controlled by sphincter muscles

Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 2: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human The Kidneys

•  Human has 2 bean-shaped kidneys

•  Situated each side of the backbone & held in place by fatty tissues

•  Reddish brown & is protected by capsule (tough transparent membrane)

•  Each kidney has a renal artery & renal vein

Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 3: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human The Kidneys

•  Ureter (long tube) leads out from each kidney – connected to bladder

•  Enlarged part of ureter inside the kidney is pelvis

•  Two regions on kidney: –  Cortex (outer

dark red region) –  Medulla (inner

pale-red region) Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 4: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human The Kidneys

•  Cortex has numerous tiny red spots consisting of blood capillaries called glomeruli

•  Medulla consists of 12–16 conical shaped tissues called the pyramids

•  Pyramids consist of fine tubules where urine is formed.

Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 5: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human Functions of Kidneys

Formation of urine •  Filter excess water,

mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products e.g. urea, uric acid & ammonia

•  Unwanted substances form urine which excreted through the urinary system

Reabsorption of useful substances •  Reabsorb glucose &

amino acids into the blood stream

•  This helps the body to maintain the substances dissolve in blood plasma

Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 6: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human Functions of Kidneys

Regulation of water in the blood •  Maintain the volume

of water in the blood (maintaining water balance)

•  If loses too much water, dehydration happens

•  If too much water, blood becomes more dilute than normal

Regulation of glucose in the blood •  Regulate the amount

of glucose in the blood

•  Diabetic people may have a very high glucose level in blood after meal –  Kidneys do not

reabsorb the glucose but let it pass out from the body in urine

Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 7: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human Looking After Our Kidneys

Our kidneys can be damaged by : •  Hypertension (high

blood pressure •  Diabetes mellitus

(high level of glucose in blood)

•  Excessive use of alcohol

•  Long term use of medicines (aspirin, antibiotics, panadol)

•  Old age Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 8: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human Looking After Our Kidneys

Kidney damage or diseases can be detected through signs such as: •  Uncontrollable high

blood pressure •  Blood in the urine •  Albumen in the urine •  Reduced volume of

urine •  Fatigue, tiredness &

poor appetite Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 9: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human Looking After Our Kidneys

To ensure good kidneys, we should : •  Test for urine for

albumen (dipsticks may be used)

•  Test for urine for glucose (dipsticks may be used)

•  Carry out kidney scan (see doctor)

•  Go on low-salt & low-sugar diet

•  Exercise regularly •  Live a relaxed life &

control stress Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 10: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human Living with Kidney Failure

•  Kidney damage leads to kidney failure – causes harmful substances to accumulate & poison the body

•  A person can still lead a normal life if one of the kidneys do not function

•  If both kidneys fail (85% – 90% of kidney failure), dialysis for 3 times a week is a must

•  Dialysis enables them to continue with daily life

Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 11: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human Living with Kidney Failure

In dialysis, a machine is used to filter the patients blood : •  Blood from artery in one

arm is passed through a tubing in the dialysis machine

•  Dialysis fluid surrounds the tubing

•  Small particles (waste products) diffuse into the fluid

•  Large particles (blood cells, glucose & amino acids) cannot diffuse through

•  Filtered blood is returned to a vein in the patients’ arm Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 12: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human Looking After Our Kidneys

Page 13: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human

radial vein

Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

Page 14: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee  

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human Looking After Our Kidneys

Page 15: 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human · 3.2 : The Urinary System in Human! Functions of Kidneys! Formation of urine! • Filter excess water, mineral salts & nitrogenous waste products

3.2 : The Urinary System in Human Living with Kidney Failure

•  A patient with kidney failure may have a kidney transplant – an operation in which damaged kidney is replaced with a healthy kidney from a donor

•  Transplanted kidney must be compatible with the patients’ or else, it will be rejected by the patients’ body

Prepared  by  Ms  Sue  Soh  Ya  Lee