Agenda Item #: 3 S- PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 Department: Fire-Rescue Advisory Board: Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments 1. Executive Brief Motion and Title: Staff recommends motion to approve: One (1) reappointment to Seat No. 2 and one (1) appofntment for Seat No. 8 to the Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments Committee beginning October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2020. Reappoint: Nominee David Woodside Appoint: Nominee George Heisel Category Municipal Fire Rep Citizen Seat No. 2 8 Nominated By Commissioner Valeche Commissioner Abrams Vice Mayor McKinlay Commissioner Valeche Summary: The Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments is maintained in accordance with the Palm Beach County Local Amendments to the Florida Fire Prevention Code (Ordinance 2014-002). On January 26, 2017 a memo was distributed to the Commissioners requesting nominations to this eight (8) - member board (At-Large). This board is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and members serve no more than three (3) consecutive three (3) year terms. No other nominations were received. The Board consists of 8 members, with 6 seats currently filled and a diversity count of Caucasian: 5 (80%), African-American: 1 (20%). The current gender ratio (male:female) is 6:0. Nominee, Mr. Heisel is a Caucasian male. Countywide (PK) Background and Justification: The Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments requires the appointment by the County Commission of individuals working in specific, related fields that are knowledgeable to make decisions on Fire Code appeals, and to make recommendations for changes to the Fire Code to the Board of County Commissioners and Fire-Rescue. The Citizen Seat, 8, was previously held by Kerry Koen who resigned. There is still a vacant position for the General Contractor, Seat 1, and nominations are being pursued. Attachments: 1. Board/Committees Application Form(s) 2. Bio/Resume for Nominees - David Woodside, George Heisel 3. 2017 Member List- Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments 4. Ordinance No. 2014-002, Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments 5. Memo dated January, 26, 2017 to Commissioners requesting nominations 6. Meeting date schedule, 2017 Recommended By: ---~~J-~-!!11- 11 .... p.-c....,,.· _j/_}i_(:J--=--~--=-(--~ ...... £2 ..... L _____ &-t-. J_c9-_(p~p_·~_P/_ 1 ,_...,_ 1 _;" _ ~pir~t Director 'Date J '1 Approved By: Date

3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may

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Page 1: 3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may

Agenda Item #: 3 S-~ PALM BEACH COUNTY



Meeting Date: July 11, 2017

Department: Fire-Rescue

Advisory Board: Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments

1. Executive Brief

Motion and Title: Staff recommends motion to approve: One (1) reappointment to Seat No. 2 and one (1) appofntment for Seat No. 8 to the Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments Committee beginning October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2020.

Reappoint: Nominee David Woodside

Appoint: Nominee George Heisel

Category Municipal Fire Rep


Seat No. 2


Nominated By Commissioner Valeche Commissioner Abrams Vice Mayor McKinlay

Commissioner Valeche

Summary: The Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments is maintained in accordance with the Palm Beach County Local Amendments to the Florida Fire Prevention Code (Ordinance 2014-002). On January 26, 2017 a memo was distributed to the Commissioners requesting nominations to this eight (8) - member board (At-Large). This board is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and members serve no more than three (3) consecutive three (3) year terms. No other nominations were received. The Board consists of 8 members, with 6 seats currently filled and a diversity count of Caucasian: 5 (80%), African-American: 1 (20%). The current gender ratio (male:female) is 6:0. Nominee, Mr. Heisel is a Caucasian male. Countywide (PK)

Background and Justification: The Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments requires the appointment by the County Commission of individuals working in specific, related fields that are knowledgeable to make decisions on Fire Code appeals, and to make recommendations for changes to the Fire Code to the Board of County Commissioners and Fire-Rescue. The Citizen Seat, 8, was previously held by Kerry Koen who resigned. There is still a vacant position for the General Contractor, Seat 1, and nominations are being pursued.

Attachments: 1. Board/Committees Application Form(s) 2. Bio/Resume for Nominees - David Woodside, George Heisel 3. 2017 Member List- Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments 4. Ordinance No. 2014-002, Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments 5. Memo dated January, 26, 2017 to Commissioners requesting nominations 6. Meeting date schedule, 2017

Recommended By: ---~~J-~-!!11-11 .... ~ p.-c....,,.· _j/_}i_(:J--=--~--=-(--~ ...... £2 ..... L _____ &-t-. J_c9-_(p~p_·~_P/_1

,_...,_1_;" _ ~pir~t Director 'Date J

~ '1 Approved By: Date

Page 2: 3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may


A. Other Department Review:

Department Director



Updated 1/13/17

Page 3: 3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may


The ,nformation provided on this fonn will be used in considering your nomination. Please COMPLETE SECTION JI IN FULL.

Answer "none" or "not applicable n where appropriate. Please attach a biography or resume to this form.

Section I {Department): (Please Print)

Board Name: _F_ir_e_C_o_d_e_o_f_A_._p.._peal_s_an_d_A_.d.._ius_tm_e_nts ___________ Advisory [ ] Not Advisory [ X]

[ X] At Large Appointment or ] District Appointment /District#: __ _

Tenn of Appointment: Years. -----3 From: 10/01/2017 To:

Seat Requirement: Citizen Seat#: ----------------------- 4

[ ]*Reappointment or [X] New Appointment

or [ . ] to complete the term of ____________ Due to: [ ] resignation [ ] other

Completion of term to expire on:

*When a person is being considered for reappointment, the number of previous disclosed voting conflicts during the previous term shall be considered by the Board of County Commissioners: __ _


Name: Heisel George Last

Occupation/ Affiliation:

First Middle

Business Name:

Business Address:

City & State

Residence Address:

City & State

Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Email Address:

ll'...-1,.-.. u 11 ../"LL.. r(~I,) .,.., J L.{ t T v4 N ..,__

Owner [ ] Employee [ ] Officer [

_________________ Zip Code:

3802 Captains Way

_J_u...,p_it_er .... ,_F_L _____________ Zip Code: _33_4_7_7____,,....--------

( h'L-/ .;7 ) fe f' 'I ..,,..-· Business Phone: ( ~{5-~'1/ & tYJ :E-x/. 0

(561) 37:5-6845 1--~~ - Y l O v Fax:

[email protected]

Mailing Address Preference: [ ] Business [ --f1{esidence

.,,,..,,,.-· Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes___ No_..,,.,,,.. __ _ If Yes, state the court, nature of offense, disposition of case and date: ____________________ _

Minority Identification Code: [ ] Native-American

Page 1 of2

~ale [ ] Hispanic-American

[ ] Female [ ] Asian-American [ ] African-American ~~ian

Page 4: 3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may

Section U Continued:

CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSIDPS: Pursuant to Article XIII~ Sec. 2-443 of the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics, advisory board members are prohibited from entering into any contract or other transaction for goods or services with Palm Beach County. Exceptions to this prohibition include awards made under sealed competitive bids, certain emergency and sole source purchases, and transactions that do not exceed $500 per year in aggregate. These exemptions are described in the Code. This prohibition does not apply when the advisory board member's board provides no regulation, oversight, management, or policy-setting recommendations regarding the subject contract or transaction and the contract or transaction is disclosed at a public meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. To determine compliance with this provision, it is necessary that you, as a board member applicant, identify an contractual relationships between Palm Beach County government and you as an individual, directly or indirectly, or your employer or business. This infonnation should be provided in the space below. If there are no contracts or transactions to report, please verify that none exist. Staff will review this infonnation and determine if you are eligible to serve or if you may be eligible for an exception or waiver pursuant to the code.

Contract/Transaction No.

Example: {R#X.X-XX/PO XX)


Parks & Recreation

Description of Services

General Maintenance 10/01/00-09/30/2100

'I- [(;Jr,. j -..,{ ~ J o,-i /A V c,,"1-- L-; ,/"f 1¥.}. ;•1.~ J / l-4 ( /l.~1..vv-;.-L_ /c.,_.,;_ ,f\/.-lr.j i.N'l,JJL s-:;--y ____ , ~

i) ----------(Attach Additional Sheet(s), if necessary)


NOT APPLICABLE/ D ( Governmental Entity)

ETHICS TRAINING: All board members are required to read and complete training on Article XIII, the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics, and read the State Guide to the Sunshine Amendment=- Article XIII, and the training requirement can be found on the web at: http:/hv1,·,Y.palmbeadu::mmtvethics.corn/training.Mm. Ethics training is on-going, and pursuant to PPM CW-P-79 is required before appointment, and upon reappointment.

By signing below I acknowledge that I have read, unde.rsbm.d, and agree to abide by Article XIII, the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics, and I have received the required Ethics training (in the manner checked below): ,...-., I .,,-,-· l I -, ;

•,(___ By watching the training program on the 4.b(DVD or VHS on ~ / ) 20_1_]_ By attending a live presentation given on-------- 20 __

By signing below I acknowledge that I have rend, 1.mderstand and agree to abide by the Guide to the Sunshine

~end~ent & Stale o~ F~ridn ~de of Ethics:

* Applicant's Signature: (' _/ v-.-(/ Printed Name: ~ -~ir- ). Jf 1£ ,' -' '-'- L Date: 1 / // 7 l ,.

Any questions and/or concerns regarding Atticle XIII, the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics, please visit the Commission on Ethics website WW\v.palmbeachcountyethics.com or contact us via email at ethics((i}palmbcachcountycthics.com or (561) 355-1915.

Return this FORl\11 to: {Insert Liaison Name Here}, {Insert Department/Division Here}

{Insert Address Here) /'

,/ Section ill {C?mmissioner, if appli~,ablc): /

Appomtment to be made at., CC Meeting on:,

Commissioner's SignatureX / 1 -k;l 1. , 'A·~) 7

Date: \_... \ --,f--f--'&:="'---1---ff---t~------------

Pursuant to Florida· s Public Records Law, this document may be reviewed and photocopied by members of the public. Revised 02/01/2016

Page 2 of2

Page 5: 3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may

P AJLM 183JEACJI-TI (C(0)1UN1fY Iffi(Q)AJROO) (Q)JF (C(Q) 1lJN1rY ([)O)MMIJI§§](Q)NJEJR?.§ IIBO AJRm)§/(CO R1IlViIJr1f111EJE§ APPLE CA '1f1I (Q) N

The iriformation provided on this form will be v.sed in considering your nomination. Please COMIJfDILJE'J'JE SJEC'JI'JION JJJI IN FUllJL. Answer "none" or "not applicable" where appropriate. IPU12me @!N(!JJ,cf-o, @ bfog'fi'{JJ,jjiffay @ll l?i&w.lmi ff@ dffai& f@li'ITi(e.

Board Name: _F:rr_· e_C_od._e_o_f_A~p.,,_p_ea_ls_a_n_d_A_d=~u_s_tm_e_n_ts ___________ Adlvii~•miry [ ]

· [ X] At Large Appointment [ ] District Appointment /District #: ---Term of Appointment: 3 Years. From: 10/01/2016 To:

Seat Requirement: Municipal Fire Representative Seat#: 2 ---~--~---------------- ----------[X ]>::Reappointment [ ] New Appointment

o.r [ ] . to complete the teirm of ____________ Due to: [ ] resignation [ ] other Completion of term to expire on:

~~wllnenn 21 JlM!Jr§i(])JID. ii§ lb><einng conn§ftdlen-<edl fon- ir<eall]P)JP)@iinn.11:m.ewt, 11:lln<e nnIDim.lb>1en- @if JPlll"(!.Wiimm~ dl.fad«»§eidl v@ioilillg tonnlflliid§ dll!llirftnng 11:llne JIDlr<eviioIDI§ tell"m. §lht~Ilil !hie Cl[J)llll§ii.den-tedl lby time lffimnJr<!li oi:lf Cl[J)UHnnfy C@mmmii§§Il/Wlllleirn: -. ®--

Stedfoinn Jill (A@@llftcam1t): (Please Print) AJPJPJLJIC.AN'JI', UNlllESS EXJEMJP'J'JED~ Ml!JS'l' JEJE Al COUNF'ff JfllESJ[J[)JEN'J'

Name: /,'.) d ::.s:: 1 ·~ <'.,! i~1~~ ;'I )) Last /i .✓ First ,.,,,

Occupation/ .Affiliation: t(j?3 c .A- /l ,!J--~~·e:1 cf•) /~•'> t¾2 ./:,,,;

_.,):~·· r-;£}t Cu:. i,!; _..,.

Owner [ ] Employee ['·-f· .. , l I'

if.(G~f:C~t (+' _,..:.:..,

( \a.· i;J; ti ti~ c:t; $~(

City & State

City & State

Home Phone:

_________________ Zip Code:

__,____._ _________ _ Cell Phone: ( )

Email Address:

Mailing Address Preference: [ ] Business [ J Residence

Business Phone:



Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes___ No ,./

( )

( )


Officer [ ]


mr Ye§, state the court, nature of offense, disposition of case and date: ____________________ _

MiBnoil"ftfy Jra:llewfflffica1l:fonn Coid!e: [ ] Native-American

Page]. of2

[ 'j,.,/Male

[ ] Hispanic-American [ ] Female [ ] Asian-American [,,,}1\.:frican-American [ ] Caucasian

Page 6: 3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may

9 •

C(Q)NTAAC'Jf'lIJAJL, UJLA1I'1f(Q)N§JBIJIIP'§: Pursuant to Article XIU, Sec. 2-443 of the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics, advisory board members 21Jl"e prohibited from entering into any contract or other transaction for goodls or services with Palm Beach County. Exceptions to this prohibition include awards made ooder sealed competitive bids, certain emergency andl sole source purchases, and transactions that do not exceed $500 per year in aggregate. These exemptions are described in the Code. This prohibition does not apply when the advisory board member's board provides no regulation, oversight, mru:m.gement, or policy-setting recommendations regard.mg the subject contract or transaction and the contract or transaction is disclosed at a public meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. 'F@ idl<e1l:errmm..nllilf 1.1:@mmJP)IliH<I!~ wft1l:lln 11:llnn§ JP)ll"@Wn§foll11, i1l: ii§ llil©tte§§~ll"Y 11:llnaml: y0>nn51 :msi ~ lhmllrrfill Il1lll<ell1llllb>eli aJP)]l:DllfitemiJID.11:9 liallenn11:lify sillll te®Illlill"fill\\!11:unfillll n-tellmri1:foll1l§llnli]!}§ lbie1hitrtetelill JP>21Ilmm 1ffi©2l~lln C®un!Ill11:y g@W®.D".I!IllIDilteID!11: :mmudl Y«llllll .W.§ fillllll iill1lalliiw.u«:llmnll, fill.nli"(edily mr iH11dliill"e«!lt]y

9 ow yoll.llrr em]Plfoyell" mr lbiun§iirrn.c.es1s1. This information should be provided in the space below. If there are no contracts or transactions to report, please verify that none exist. Staff will review this information and determine if you are eligible to serve or if you may be eligible for an exception or waiver pursuant to the code.


(A11:1l:21i:elln Aallallii1l:ftomnll §lln~etl:(§)9 iihtete©§§:mry) (())JR

NOT APPLICABLE/ D (Governmental Entity)

JE'Jf'ffl(C§ 'lI'JRA.ffiJIN<G: All board members are required to read and complete training on Article xrn, the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics, and read the State Guide to the Sunshine Amendment.:. Artli.de X:n:Il11, 2tBilfill 11:llne 11:Ii"tillnllillinng Jr©[]!lllllill"eJIIID~Il111l: ca 11:P~ :lf@mnfill Olm 11:llne wielh :m1l:: ':~"-~'.;",~-:-·::~·,-,\'':::-,;.c7_.~c:-:,:.:·e,,:-,c::, .. -::; .. :;:,~::,,.:·:•::_ lE11:llnlite§ tl:Jr:mlillllfumg Il§ OIID-gO>.nll1lg, allil«n jpllllllr§llllH1t 11:o PPM <CW-P-79 Il§ Jr©«]lllllilll"te«n lb>efoll"te at]P>JP!Oftll111tnnnenn1t~ filml.l nnp@nn ne:mjp>p0>ft1ID.11:mtell111t.

Jffiy !:lliigll1lnllilg befow Il ~i:ellm®wile«ng(e 11:llnfill1l: JI llnawe irtefill«n9 llllID1dle1rnfrH({]l9 annol ruigJJ"ee fo afa,ihdhe by Am~Ile xm, tllne P~Dmm JEeaclln C@llllllllfy Coall<e olT lE1tHnJi.~§9 Hdl :rr lhrnnn Ir<et<eiiwedl frlln<e Ir©((JlllllliJre«n IE11:llnft~§ 11:ll"ruifumftnng (iill11 11:fm<e mammell' '1!1lnted~efill lb><eil@w):

/ r-=--.1 ;;, r,

By watching the training program on the Web, DVD or VHS on / 7-·" }. t 20 /l

By attending a live presentation given on ______ _, 20 __

Jffiy §ngnnftrrn.g biell«:Dw :0: &11cllmt0>wlleolge 1l:Iln.&111t lf Iln.anwe Jr<e2t«n9 llllll1l«ll©Jr§1tH«Il ailJl(d! aigliee fro ~bfi«lhe lhiy 1l:llnie Gl!llft[]ke t«JJ 11:llne §llllll1l§lhtinne All1lllell1lllllmme!Ill1l: & §1l:filt1l:~.! ~,~oii"~dl·;n f~ail© iDif JEtllnnc§:

* AJP>JP>Il;c,nnut' • Sigimaltln~io;7lt,o;"f:;:,\-k~,,,.-, =' · - Printed Name:

•-··• .....

_\?A;t./c}> /1 I.

/~~.i.f1/·\;(,f e'J {f~Date:

Any questions and/or concerns regarding Article XID, the Palm Beach County Code of JEiliics, please visit the Commission on Ethics website ",t••t·1~(.·;::~.L-r.::;-.:,.,E'.';J:i.Ccr;,~r:,:~y5{;)i:::s.-e;.-:.=.·~ or contact us via email at [:;·i:.if';:::(;}::_t;_::::.}~ c:;:i~:Y·c,:. ~'::·,-~/':'/:::~.:i::·.(:Gff: or (561) 355-1915.

Pagel of2

Rte1l:llllll"Il111l:lhtft§ IB'(Q)~ to: {llim§<eirft JLfi:!llft§H Nmll1l<e E<eir<e}9 {[nnsert IDeJPlaDH1mmte!Ill1l:/ID)nwft§folID JHhere}

{]IIID§telli Afillfillll"<e§§ 1Bitell"te)

. Revised 02/01/2016

Page 7: 3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may


The information provided on this form will be used in considering your nomination. Please ODMlf»lllE'Jl'JE SJE<C'i!'l!ffJN ][JI JIN JFl[JJLJL. Answer "none" or "not applicable" where appropriate. JPUe@&e @IN@d11,@ bi@g'fi'mJJil!oy mt ve&o11:tiD'ili '11@ affoi&j@D'll.i'lh

Board Name: _F_w_e _C_od_e_o_f_A__...p-"-p_ea_Is_a_:n_d_A_· d=-gu_s_tm_e_n_ts ___________ A«livn§on-y [ .] N@t A«livMlory [ X]

[ X] At Large Appointment ] District Appointment /District#: ---Tenn of Appointment: 3 Years. From: 10/01/2016 To:

Seat Requirement: Municipal Fire Representative Seat#: 2 __ __.,______________________ ----------[X Y"Reappointment [ ] New Appointment

or [ ] to complete the term of ------------ Due to: [ ] resignation [ ] other Completion oftenn to expire on:

.,,~WJlnelill ~ JP)tell"S(!J)llll ii§ lb>tenllllg d:;(!J)llll§fioleJre!Ill foir ll"lefillJP>JP>(lllfum1!:mme11D.1t, 1tlln<e lllllllllllllllhi®ll" of Jpnrevfo1U1s olfa\\!Ilo§e«ll volli!ID.g t@llll1filftd§ «llllllll"ftllltg 11:llne JPlll"®Vfollll§ 11:<ell"Hllll slln~Illl lb,e (C(!J)Illl§Il«li©ll"ledl! lb>y ltllne lIB@aiur«ll o,jf (C(!J)ll!lmtfy Collllllmmil§§B.II])JID.(eir§: -.-ij __

§tedfolffi IDI (A1cyeyllftcannlt): (Please Print) AJPJPlll!CAN1', UNJLESS IEXIEMJP''JI'lEllJJ:; MlIJS'JI' JlJJE A ClN[JN'JI''ff J!llE31Ji)JEN'JI'

Name: lJ (} ;;,y .' it'< to! i?t~?i &' 1 )) Last

Occupation/ Affiliation:

,.- ·; ,.,_,<"',., Furst ~_,,,,. /,/ . ..::e~·c:' c) ·:l~~·~;, c~:f:

,.-/ Middle

City & State

City & State

Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Email Address:

.. )~~-"~£'.,r CU~ /:!;

Owner [ ] Employee ['·"'J'.::} -~··A... / ,l'

{;,. t!JtZ df{&~S}Cl:JL (}

<:.;~•'); ,.-·r , ,

..____l __ ;,~_~:,t_--l!I)~•i --"-(~_~~--!~t_·,.'');_~~_&___.-:;/1_:~,_r --''-' _c;;.,,__:, .. l_:'; ------ Z~p Code:

________________ Zip Code:

) Business ]Phone: ( )

( ) Fax: ( )

Mailing Address Preference: [ ] Business [ ] Residence /

Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes___ No \. ,/

Officer [ ]



HY <es, state the court, nature of offense, disposition of case and date: ---------------------

Mfilillmrftfy K«llelillll:mc~111fo11D. Coole: [ ] Native-American

Page Jl of2

[ 'f/Male [ ] Hispanic-American

[ ] Female [ ] Asian-American [=lAfiican-American [ ] Caucasian

Page 8: 3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may

(C<())~'JrlR?u.4.<C'JI'U.&IL B1LA1f]I(())N§JBIW§~ PUJJrsuant to Ar'dde Xm, Sec. 2-443 of the JP'ahn Beach County Code of Ethics, advisory boahll members are prohibited from entering into any contract or other tramsactfon fo:r goods or services with Palm Beach Coun1y.

_ Exceptions to dns prohibition include awards made under sealed competitive bids, certam emergency andl sole source purchases, and transactions that do not exceed $500 per year in aggregate. These exemptions are described in the Code. This prohibition does not apply when the advisory board member's board provides no regmation, oversight, management, or policy-setting recommendations regard.mg the subject contract or transaction. and the contract or tram.saciion is dlisdosed at a public meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. 1r@ ml<e1t{eJl"IIl!Ilftnne ~<lllllllll[DilftH~® wliitlln 1tllufi§ Jll)Ir<lllwns;fimn, ii1t ii§ 1Ill(e~®§§2lll"Y il:lhlanli: J([])llll9 misi ~ lblmnliail mm<elilllllbitell." 21RJ)n»Ilficcl:l1Imil:~ Jiai!emr<cftJfy 21Ilil <.emmfl:Il":aidnmil n-1.eil:lll1Cfollil§Jlnnjp>s1 lbi®ltW®(eJIB J?21Ill!Hl! 1Bke2.1~lln C([])llillillfty g([])W®Jl"llllIDID.®JIDit :lllllllai! ymn ~s; minn nlillai!nwiai!un21Il, a:llin~dily ([])Ji n!Illdl..ii:rre~fcily~ ({])Jl" younJr em]Plfoy©Jr O>ll" lbillll§Illlll.~§§. This information should be provided in the space below. If there are no contracts or transactions to :report, please verify that none exist. StaffwiH review this information and determine if you. are eligible to serve or if you may be eligible for an exception or waiver pursuant to the code.

NONE r-71 L:'._J

{.AMand1 Aai!llllft1tnomnil §lhlrete1t(§)9 iiif nn~~te§§:lll!IJ') «))JR

NOT APJPUCABLE/ D ( Governmental Entity)

JE'JfIDCC§ 1l1RLAJINJING: All board members are :required to read IDJ1.d complete trainmg on Article xm, the Palm Beach County Code of Ethlcs, and read the State Guide to the Sunshine Ame111dment Artnde XIDrn, mmai! 11:llne ltrrafinnDnng irteg@Dll"©IDIIl©IIllil: c~nn !hie fomnai! mn tllne W©lbi ~il:: .:-.::;: __ :;,:;:;:_;;..:::-~a,,•:-;;,;.:•,.'jC;:·::.:::c,:--:::;:,.,7,,_'.·,'.;:·;:,.····~- lE'C:Ilnnll.:!§ 11:Jr2!Ill!D.illlilg Il§ Ollll-gonllllg, ~Jlll([Jl ]Pl11IlJr§lIDH11: U:@ PJJ.l>M <CW-JJ.l>-79) Il§ ireiqprnnwed lhitefol!"e ~JPlJPl®Illill11:IIl!Ilenn1t, anJm(!I lIDJ!llmD. ireruiJPlJPl®RIIlll1:IDIIltellllt.

JIBy §Dglllliilillg lbiefow JI a1tllmowilie(d!ge 1l:lti211l: :n: lln~we Jr(ea«ll, 11Illiilai!<ernl1:a11Jlil([)!, u«ll. 21gJree 11:o all.foftlllle lhiy Artit(l!Ilte XJm, tlhle Pa!!Ilimll lBe:lllclbi Co@IIllity Onlidl© ([])lf ]E11:llnitc§, ~IIlla:ll JI fuiame rr<ecenweidl 11:llnie ire~1!Il.iirtetdl 1Ell:hlc§ 11:!l"filtfumiIIDg {m 11:llne IDIIlHIIllteir ll!llneclktea:ll lbiefow):


By watching the training program on the Web, DVD or VHS on ~?- .. . J~ ~ By attending a live presentation given on ______ _, 20 __

JIBy §ftgnnftlillg bellow li fil!tlkmtowBeolge 11:llnmit :n: lhl~we ire21tdl, 11Illlll4lleJrs;fanna:ll ann«ll ~gll"<ete 11:o ~IMruhe ll:JJy 11:Ilne G1!Il.iidle fo 11:lhle §mmillnfume AIDIIlteD.D.rul.mmenn1l: & §il:2111:e o:lf JFfoii-iaftin C~ldle o:lf Etllnk§:

* Appli""111t'• §igm,mlbmir~~jf~Jl,,,,, ,=,·· - Printed Name: ,y·

Any questions and/o:r concerns regarding Article xm, the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics, please visit the Commission on Ethics website ·•r,;,r;~~~:'.: :::--Dl;;f,E_::::';i'i.CG·:.:;:(yt,·~:je;s,u:::.:~ or contact us via email at~tZ·:.ir::2@1=~,.::: .. ·}~2,;s,.~J-,:;::, ::•:-,~/:/::~·'.'i:?.CGE~ or (561) 355-1915.

Jffi.e1t11Illl"D.D. 11:lhtii§ JF(()RM to: {]IIIll§®Irll U:mfi§@J!Il N:mmme l8Ieire}, {lf11Il§ten1 IDejp)anB.iIDIIl©IIlltIDnwfafolill l8Ieire}

{].11Il§<ert A«ll«l!Jrte§§ JffieJre)

§edn~IIll m (C([])HllllillrB.~§IlOJID©Jr, fiif ~lf)JO)Ilftcmlbiile): Appointment to be made at BCC Meeting on:

Commi•sioner's Signature: S. · A\J!]Pv,'\.S ~.) Date: 3 -\\Q - \-::\--Pursuant to Florida's Public Records Law, this document may be reviewed and photocopied by members of the public. . Revised 02/01/2016

Pagel ofl

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IF ALM JIBJEAccmr (C(l])"[JN"'JI'Y Iffi([}) AJRID) (Q) JF CCC0>1IJN1I'Y <CO WillViill§§JI [» NJE~§ JIBO A-1<?.ID§/(CO Th/iIMJI1r1f EE§ APPLJr <Ciflfll ON

The information provided on this form will be used in considering your nomination. Please COMJ!DJLJE'Jl'IE SJEC'Jl'JON JI][ JN F1IJJLll. Answer "none" or "not applicable" where appropriate. JPY/.e@me @TM@dv_ @ bff@gli'mpffuy m1 li'te$Oami '/1@ 11Pais /@!i'm

Board Nrune: _F_ir_e _C_od_e_o_f_A__,,_p..._p_ea_ls_a_:n_d_A_d=-~us_tm_e_n_ts ___________ Adllwn§ory [ ] l\fot Adlwn§on-y [ X]

[ X] At Large Appointment [ ] District Appointment /District #: ---Tenn of Appointment: Years. -----3 From: 10/01/2016 To:

Seat Requirement: Municipal Fire Representative Seat#: 2

[X ]".<Reappointment [ ] New Appointment

or [ ] to complete the term of ------------ Due to: [ ] resignation [ ] other Completion oftenn to expire on:

,~WJlnteJID ~ JP>e!l"§®Hll fi§ lbitenHD.g conn§fi«i!eiredll foir !l"eallp)Pl@fiIID11:mtellD.1l:, il:lhlte lffillllmlb>iell" of JP>ll"®Vfo1I11s «i!n§cilosedl voil:fillllg te®llll:lfllfielt§ «iiullll"ftllllg 11:Hne pll"evfto1I11§ 11:eirm §Jln~Ilil lh>e e@llD.§fidle1nerul lbiy 11:Ilne JIBo:aurdll of C@unJIDfy Commmft§§ll®llllteii-§: __ ®--

§edfollll]] (A]l])JP)Ilftemrm11:): (Please Print) AJPJPJLJCAN'Jl', lIJNJLESS IEXIEMIP'Jl'JEDj> Ml!JS'Jl' JJJJE Al CO'f[JNJ!'"Jf lKIES@JEN'Jl'

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Owner [ ]

,7 @e /~ lt4 :,~i· t::J

Employee ["·•·f, ./.-i


i{1~J:Cll5t (~ ;/··

d::. ,~ tl ;S ,:~· _:


Officer [ ]

\~:, t::e i t-,ly

City & State

City & State

Home Phone:

________________ Zip Code:

) Business Phone: ( ) Cell Phone: --'('----'-) ________ Fax: ( )

Email Address:

Mailing Address Preference: [ ] Business [ J Residence I ,·

Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes___ No ~- ,.,/



:n:Jf Yes, state the court, nature of offense, disposition of case and date: ____________________ _

MnJID@ll"ftfy JI«i!ellD.11:mcail:fiornn Coaile: [ ] Native-American

Page]. of2

f i,,/ Male [ ] Hispanic-American

[ ] Female [ ] Asian-American [ .•• }African-American [ ] Caucasian

Page 10: 3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may

9 ' . -<:::

C«J)N'IrAA~'IrllJAL JR?JEILA 1[']f(!J)N§JHI.IIP§: PUJrsuamt to Article XHI, Sec. 2443 of tlhe Palm Beach Crn.mty Code of Ethics, advisory boardl members are prohibited from entering into any contract or othe:r transaction for goods or services with Palm Beach Count.y. Exceptions to tlris prohibition include awards made under sealed competitive bids, certain emergency and sole source purchases, and transactions that do not exceed $500 per year m aggregate. These exemptions are descrfbed in the Code. This prohibition does not apply when the advisory board member's board provfol.es no regruation, oversight, management, or policy-setting recommendations regard.mg the subject contract or transaction and the contract or transaction. is disclosed at a public meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. ']['(!J) dke11:tewmmnllile t@mmJP)Ilft:mrmte~ wfi11:Hn 11:llnn§ JP)ll"({llWD§fonn, ft11: Il§ 1Illtete§§2lll"Y 11:lln~nl: Y®l!Il9 ~§ fill JtD(il)WJ.Jl"dl lillll®rrnnlh>tew a]p)Jr:Dllfite~llll1t9 ndltelllltfi1fy 21Illl (C([J)JIDlJ:li"~dlUlroiil TI"(ell:ffi11:fonn§llnn]pJ§ lbite~ree.IIB JP>~Ilmm Jffi©mtelln <Cmm11:y gow®Y1lllrrnn®l!Il1t ~nntdl ymn .fil§ :IDilll nnn«J1Mldlnn21Il, «Jlii1nedily ®ll" nlllldktedily9 ({llil" yonnrr ~m]piil®yeli" ®ll" lbilID§Illlll©§§. This information should be provided m the space below. If fuere are no contracts or transactions to :report, please verify that none exist StaffwiU review thls information and determine if you are eligible to serve or if you may be eligible for an exception or waiver pursuant to the code.

NONE r7i L-J

(A11:11:an(e]m Adlalliitioimmil §Ilneell:(§)9 ilnnte~te§si~ry) (Q)JR

NOT APJPUCABLE/ D ( Governmental Entity)

li®/®ll./®®-®9/3®/lll ®®

JE'JrfflC§ '1r'Jffi.ATIN.ITNG: All board members are required to read m11d complete training on Article XID, the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics, and read the State Guide to the Sunshine Amendment.!. .Aniii~Il© xm9 ~I!ll<dl 11:llne 11:ll"a!!IlllllDllllg Jl"©«]lllllilll"©lillll©Jlllll: teaJITI lbie f<l))IIJllllldl ([J)Il] 11:llnte welb :ar8:: -,.~.::-_:_.':.'h,:·';.:;!. .. ;'.'.:..-~:~:-::~:,;'.,;_;:i::.--~: . .:',:::;.::;:::';.'•_::-.::.:•-·=,.c,·,.:.' •. --::; . .:~'.:.'::;.::.:··:~. JE11:Jlnn(e§ 11:nnllllnnng ~ H-goftnng, H«Il jpllIDJr§IlilH11: t({ll lP'JFM <CW-Jll>-79 Il§ w<eqJlllliill"te«il lbdoll"® 21JP)]piiWfum1l:mmellll1l:9 ~mm! DD]piiWDll ll"®fillJPlJPlOftnntmrn<ennt.

JIBy lil:figminnng lhiteil([J)W JI ~~Ilmowiledlgte 11:lmfill11: :rr llnanve ll"®~Hdl, 11Illiil«Ilten·§fl:~1Iildl9 fillliilml fillg1nee 11:o :l!llbft«Ile lh>y Artittll<e XJI][!, time Jll>milm JIBe~clht <Conmfy C<l))dlte oft' lE11:Ilnftt§9 filtnncl! JI lht~rwe ll"tetteiiwedl 11:Iln<e R"l~qJIDinn-e«il JE11:Ilnft~§ 11:11"21fumnllBg {nnn tlln<e rrnnmmnnnter ~Ilne~lk.edl lliicefow):

By watchmg the training program on the Web, DVD or VHS on :,?--- .)~ f By attending a live p.resentation given on ______ _, 20 __

/;/ 20 ,;·[:;

JIBy lilignnfllillg lbiiefow I[ 2cl!mo~lleefgce 11:Ilnfillt JI lmfilln ire21dl, 1IDnn«Ilteir§11:arndl H<dl ~g1nee 11:@ anlhili<dlie lbiy tlhie Gll.HniDle fo 11:lhiie §m11§111llillllie Alilllltemdlmme1lll11: & §fate @if .IFfoirndJ-a. Cq)a1Ite of JEtlinii~§:

* App!io:,mt'• SigMlrnJ'"">;X~k~~~sL" .. ~~ Printed Name:

Any questions and/o.r concerns :regarding Article xm, the Palm Beach Coooty Code of Ethlcs, please visit the Commission on Ethics website :,_?")/'/.r, ~:,2 ~:'.-c/:;;r-,E.-::-;bg:::,·:..::-r~ye;"~:-_ics, c.-:--=-~~ or contact us via email at fi':..r.,..;:::@p-.:::-:}~ :=-;s_.~;Lc::. ,:r.-:~ ·>.15·<:~ >::·, corL or ( 561) 3 55-1915.

~©11:llllll"Illl !J:lin.Il§ ]F(Q)RM: to: {JIJm§®Jrfc Lii21iis@l!Il NaIJmrne Jl3IeJre}9 {JfllB§teJr! IDepann1Illlll©1lllWiivMdllllB JHl:teJr<e}

{]nn§<ell'i£ Adldlll"te§§ J8kme)

§edn@nn ID (<C<l))mrnmrnnssnm1uell", ii1f 211j)lJPlilkmMe): Appointment to be made at BCC Meeting on:

Commissioner's Signature: fYlcl1:Ssc (lll il._J]~ . l

Date: __ 3-+-{ l-=--3,--( l_}_· __ _ Pursuant to Florida's Public Records Law, this document may be reviewed and photocopied by members of the public. Revised 02/01/2016

Pagel of2

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David Woodside

2641 W 28th Street Riviera Beach, FL 33404 561 797-4613


To provide a snapshot of the candidate to receive appointment to the Palm Beach County Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments. To continue to serve and grow, impacting life safety for our citizens positively.

ADMINISTRATION: Serve as the Fire Marshal for the City of Boca Raton since 2006. Supervise eight (8) Fire Inspectors and a Permit Specialist that serve in roles for Plans Examination, Public Education, Fire Investigation and Fire Inspections. Guided the Fire Prevention Division through the economic difficulty without losing any members. Modernized a portion of the division for greater efficiency.

Currently serving as President of the Fire Marshals Association of Palm Beach County since December 2009. Served as the S.E. Regional Director of the Florida Fire Marshals and Inspectors (FFMIA) from December 2010 to December 2013. Serving as Second Vice-President ofFFMIA since 2013. Serve as a member of Palm Beach County Fire Code Advisory board since 2005. Serve as the fire code representative for the Florida Fire Chiefs Association legislative committee since 2012. Successfully completed the EFO program in 2012. Also, I am currently serving as the FFMIA legislative representative to the State Fire Marshal's office and have done so since 2012.

COMMUNICATION: Developed positions papers for the FFCA and FFMIA that were distributed throughout the membership of both organizations. Modified the local amendments to the fire code with successful adoption on three different occasions. Currently supervise nine employees of Boca Raton Fire Rescue's Fire and Life Safety Division, coordinating daily, weekly, and monthly activities. Participate in the budget process, forecasting needs, evaluating data to determine trends, and reassigning resources to meet changing needs of the community.

Develop policies and procedures in relation to various areas of responsibility including the Fire and Life Safety Division, SCBA and SWAT medic program. Notably, co­developed and wrote the Operations Plan for a new football stadium at Florida Atlantic University and the Presidential Debate (2012) at Lynn University. Conducted Regional Instructor training for BLS instructors. Gave lectures within the community on diverse topics, from EMS, drowning, fire prevention and accident prevention.. Wrote and conducted training classes within the city departments for different OSHA compliant issues. Participated in the local AHA speaker's bureau.

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PLANNING: Planned fire rescue staffing and response for Presidential visits and the 2011 Presidential debate held in Boca Raton. Coordinated with the various local and federal agencies participating in presidential debate life safety management. Served as Chairman of the FMAPBC conference committee for the last two years. Coordinated the SCBA maintenance program for Boca Fire Rescue. Participated in the Strategic Planning Process for Fire Rescue. Coordinated the BLS program at Palm Beach Community College.

WORK HISTORY: Deputy Fire Chief, Boca Raton Fire Rescue 2016 to present

Assistant Fire Chief, Boca Raton Fire Rescue, 2006 to 2016.

Firefighter - Captain, Boca Raton Fire Rescue, 1989 to 2006.

EMT Instructor, South Tech Education Center, 1991 to 1999.

Adjunct Faculty, Palm Beach Community College, 1993.

Firefighter/Paramedic, Riviera Beach Fire Department, 1984 to 1989.

EDUCATION: B.S., Management, Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 2000

A.S., Fire Science, Broward Community College, Ft Lauderdale, FL 1994

Paramedic, Palm Beach Community College, Lake Worth, FL 1987

INVOLVEMENT: President, Fire Marshals Association of Palm Beach County, 2009 - present

Palm Beach County Fire Code Advisory Board, 2008 - present

Regional Director, Florida Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association, 2010 - 2013

2ND Vice President of FFMIA, 2013

PERSONAL: Actively participate in several community and church activities.

FFMIA, Fire Marshal of the Year 2012

Woodside, FM Resume


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GEORGE T. HEISEL, SR. 3802 Captain's Way Jupiter, FL 33477


[email protected] 561-575-6845

To apply my many years of corporate experience in a public service position. My areas of expertise are conflict resolution, "high quality/on time service delivery, public relations and open/honest/straight forward communications. As an assertive, high energy, enthusiastic leader I am willing to contribute time and resources to this position.

BUSINESS EXPERIENCE: National Ambulance and Homecare Services- Rochester, New York. Owner, operator of this multidivisional private company of 600 employees who delivered emergency, non-emergency and home health care services to a community of 780,000 residents. I was responsible for setting up the first two-way radio communications system between ambulance and hospitals in the area, as well as being a leader in establishing the color code system for emergency conditions in each of the Rochester hospitals. The company sold in 1994 to Rural Metro Corporation, a publicly traded national medical transportation company where I served as advisor until retirement in 1998.

PAST AND PRESENT AFFILIATED COMMUNITY ORGINIZATIONS: • Admiral's Cove Master Property Owners Association, President

• United Neighborhood Centers of Greater Rochester Foundation, Board of Directors

• N.Y.S. Region VI Human Rights Advisory Council

• McQuaid Jesuit High School, Board of Trustees

• Wesley-on-East Nursing Home, Board of Directors • Baden Street Settlement House, Treasurer, Board of Directors

• St. Bernard's Institute, Board of Trustees

• United Neighbor Centers of Greater Rochester, Member, Board of Directors • United Way PEA Board • Monroe County Legal Aid Society, Board of Directors • Genesee Valley Heart Association, Board of Directors

• Small Business Council of Rochester Board of Directors

PAST AND PRESENT PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE ORGINIZATIONS: • National Medical Transportation Association, Inc.

• Monroe County 911 Operating Practices Board, Vice Chair

• Nominating and Privatization Committees of Board of Directors, American Ambulance Association

• Rochester, NY, Police Interaction Committee • Crime Stoppers, Board of Directors • Lewis Street Center, Board of Advisors • Monroe Livingston Emergency Medical Services Council

• N.Y.S. Emergency Medical Services Council • Ambulance and Medical Services Assoc. of America, Board of Directors

• STEP {Society for Total Emergency Planning), Board Member

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• Hospital Emergency Planning Committee of the Rochester Hospital Council • National Fire Protection Association • Distinguished Community Service Award presented by the Command Officers of the Rochester Police

Department Rosewood Club on 12/11/89 • Carl Hallauer Award of Rochester Police Rosewood Club 12/13/93 • 1983 Rochester Police Locust Club Man of the Year Award • Founding Member of the National Association of EMTS

• International Rescue and First Aid Association • Professional Ambulance Association of N.Y.S., President • NYS - Certified EMT-1967-1997 • Rochester Police Department Swat Team/ Tactical Medic - 30 years • Certified IS100.b, IS700.b, IS800.b

• Rochester Police Foundation:.... 2011-2014, Board Member


• Rochester Institute of Technology • Monroe Community College

• McQuaid Jesuit High School


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Honesty - /11/egrity - Character

(~ ---------1 ~ 1 l •;- { r ,- L

Legal Name:--y--e...✓ v--'- :k:L 11 i= J ' L (Please print clearly)

Employee Identification Number: __________ _

Agency/Mun·,c·1pal·1ty·. !'1< 1-·-:;1...- ,- .. ' .~ C-u~ ..,_. (hP,"-<¢ i \ J ~ Deptr~~~g) ri vl</\1~ J :',-,,, J. ·- , 1o c:LTc.t .t :' r--t<.~

By signing this acknowledgement, I am attesting that I have done the following:

[ ] Read the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics Ordinance (Ctrl+Click to follow link)


Have completed additional training by viewing one of the following:

[ ] The Code of Ethics Training Program on the Intranet/Internet. (Ctrl+Click to follow link}

't-4_ The Code of Ethics Training Program on YouTube. (Ctrl+Click to follow link)

[ ] The Code of Ethics Training Program on DVD.

[ ] A live presentation given on ______ 20_.

I understand that I am responsible for understanding and abiding by the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics as I conduct my assigned duties during my term of employment. I also understand that the information in this policy is subject to change. Policy changes will be communicated to me by my supervisor or through official notices.

C J /;</; 7 (Date)~ ~ ,,

Advisory Board Members: Submit signed forms to Appropriate Advisory Board Representative


Rev. 01/2017

300 North Dixie Highway, Suite 450, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 PHONE: 561.355-1915 FAX: 561.355-1904

Hotline: 877.766.5920 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.palmbeachcountyethics.com

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Ordinance No. 92-18, Section 105.1, Fire Code Ordinance; amended by Ordinance No. 94-12; amended by Ordinance No. 2001-101 and Administrative Order 03-03

on January 1, 2004; amended by Ordinance No. 2004-073; adopted December 29, 2004; amended by Ordinance No. 2011-038, adopted December 28, 2011;

amended by Ordinance 2014-002, adopted February 4, 2014.



The Board is comprised of eight members who are qualified by training and experience to vary the application and provisions of the Code, and act on related matters,

and to perform such other duties as established. The composition of the Board is as follows: one registered engineer, practicing in the mechanical field; one Florida or

Palm Beach County certified general contractor; one certified fire alarm contractor; one fire sprinkler contractor; one citizen of Palm Beach County, not eligible under

other membership categories; one registered architect; one Palm Beach County municipal building official; and one Palm Beach County municipal fire service

representative. Where a member is required to be registered or certified, same shall be issued by the State of Florida unless otherwise specified. The members shall

serve no more than three consecutive three year terms. Members terms shall begin on October 1st and end on September 30th. All members must reside within Palm

Beach County at the time of the appointment and while serving on the Board and shall be qualified electors of Palm Beach County. A quorum for said Board shall be

five (5) members. *NOTE: When sitting solely in its advisory capacity, the Board shall be known as the Fire Code Advisory Board and shall be composed of the same

members as the Board of Appeals & Adjustments.



Meetings are scheduled on a monthly basis, or as needed for resolution of pending appeals. Upon receipt of the notice of appeal, a hearing shall be held at the next

regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, with notice to the appellant, the AHJ, and the members of the Board, at least five (5) working days prior to said hearing.

Special meetings may also be called by the Board provided that five (5) working days notice is given to both parties.


1) The Board shall review the Fire Code and make recommendations, in the form of specific amendments, to the Board of County Commissioners for corrections,

additions, substitutions or deletions to said Code for the purposes of clarification, applicability, public safety, and changes in technology, so as to maintain this Code as

an effective and responsive document; 2) To entertain appeals or decisions made jointly by the local AHJ and the local building official, in acccordance with Section

553.73(8), Florida Statutes; 3) To resolve conflicts between the building code and the fire code, in accordance with Section 553.73(8), Florida Statutes.

* indicates a member having an action pending

SpecificsBoardComp _Members. rpt Page 1 of 4 3/9/2017

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Fire Rescue


Larry Willhite

* indicates a member having an action pending



405 Pike Rd Bureau of Safety

West Palm Beach FL 33411 Phone# 561-616-7031

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Appointed By : At-Large/Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners

Vacant Member General Contractor


2 * David Woodside Member AA M 561-982-4000 Municipal Fire Representative

City of Boca Raton/Fire Rescue Services

6500 Congress Ave Ste 200 Boca Raton FL 33487


3 Jacek R. Tomasik Member CA M 561-753-2505 Building Official

Village of Wellington

12300 Forest Hill Blvd Wellington FL 33414


4 Steve R. Soderlund Member CA M 954-260-3452 Architect

Soderlund Architecture and Design, P.A.

19369 Colorado Cir Boca Raton FL 33434


* indicates a member having an action pending

SpecificsBoardComp_Members.rpt Page 3 of 4














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Appointed By : At-Large/Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners

5 John W. Whitehead Member CA M 561-863-8161 Fire Sprinkler Contractor 10/05/2010 10/01/2015 09/30/2018

J.W. Fire Sprinkler, Inc.

5730 Columbia Cir

West Palm Beach FL 33407


6 Roy S Pollack Member CA M 561-779-7199 Fire Alarm Contractor 05/18/2005 10/21/2014 09/30/2017

Comcast Xfinity Home

3212 Florence St

Wellington FL 33414


7 Daniel E. Thompson Member CA M 561-274-0200 Mechanical Engineer 06/07/2011 10/21/2014 09/30/2017

Thompson & Youngross X446

Engineering Consultants,

112 SE 1 0th St

Delray Beach FL 33483


8 * Kerry B. Koen Member CA M 561-368-5411 Resident of Palm Beach County 10/20/2009 05/21/2013 09/30/2016

1140 SW 15th St

Boca Raton FL 33486 6723


* indicates a member having an action pending

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2 .., .)

4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13


















31 32

"l .... .) . .)

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

ORDINANCE NO. 2014- 002


WHEREAS, it is vital that government exercise its power and perform its dutie~ in

compliance with law, policy, and established procedures, apply sound. management practices,

and be held accountable for the use of public funds; and

WHEREAS, the Fire Code Board ofAppeals and Adjustments has been established by

Palm Beach County Ordinance No·. 98-29, as amended, to carry out certain duties and

responsibilities on behalf of the Board; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has adopted Resolution 2013-0193,

imposing specific requirements on members of County advisory boards; and

WHEREAS., as a County advisory board, the Fire- Code Board of Appeals and

Adjustments is subject to the provisions of Resolution No. 2013-0193; and

WHEREAS, Palm Beach County Code Section 12-57, codifying Ordinance No. 98-29, ·

as amended, must be amended to comply with the requirements of Resolution No. 2013-0193 and Board direction.




1 . l O Board of Appeals and Adjustments.

1.1 O .1 General. Whenever it is claimed that thG provisions of this Code do not apply or have been misapplied, or when it is claimed that the tme intent and meaning of this Code or any of the regulations there under have been misconstrued or misapplied, or when it is claimed that a decision is unreasonable or arbitrary as it applies to alternatives, the owner or his duly authorized agent may appeal the decision of the AHJ to the Board.of Appeals and Adjustments. Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed with the AHJ within thirty (30) days after the decision is rendered by the AHJ. Appeals shall be on forms provided by the AHJ.

1.10.2 Board of Appeals and Adjustments Created. There.is hereby created a Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments, herein after referred. to. as the "Board", consisting of eight (8) members who are qualified by training and exp~rience to vary the application of the


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10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

prov1s10ns of this code, and act on related matters, and to perform such other duties as established herein. The Board shall be appointed by the Board -of County Commissioners. All members must reside within Palm Beach County at the. time. of appointment and while serving on the Board and shall be qualified electors of Palm Beach County. The Board shall adopt rules and reg1,.1lations for conducting its business. A quormn for said Board shall be 5 members of the Board. The AI-IJ shall designate a representative to act as Secretary to the Board. Public Notice of all Board meetings shall be provided. All Board meetings shall be open to the public and shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Florida "Government in the Sunshine" and "Public Records" laws .. Minutes shall be taken at each meeting. The- Board shall be subject to the tmiform policies and procedures. established by the Board of County Commissioners as currently set forth in Resolution No. 2013-0193, as may be further amended by·action of the Board of County Commissioners. All Board meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. Board members shall be governed by the applicable provisions of the state Ethics Code and the applicable provisions of the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics.

1.10.3 Recommendations to Board of County Commissioners. The Board shall review this Code and make recommendations, in the form of specific amendments, to the Board of County Commissioners for corrections, additions, substitutions or deletions to said Code for the purposes of clarification, applicability, public safety, and changes in technology, so as to maintain this Code as an effective and responsive document.

1..10.4 Composition. The composition of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments shall be as follows:

a. One (1) registered engineer, practicing in the mechanical field. b. One (I) Florida or Palm Beach County certified ge1ieral contractor. c. One (1) certified fire alarm contractor. d. One (1) certified fire sprinkler contractor. e. One (I) citizen of Palm Beach County, not eligible under other

membership categories. f. One ( 1) registered archite.ct. g. One (I) Palm Beach Co.tmty municipal buildirtg . .official. h. One (I) Palm Beach County municipal fire service representative.

Where a member is required to be registered or certified, same shall be issued by the State of Florida unless otherwise specified.

38 1; 10.5 Vote Calculation. Each member shall have a full vote. 39 40 1.10.6 Term. The members shall serve no more than three (3) consecutive three (3)·.year 41 terms. There shall be no limit on the number. of terms an individual may serve. Any vacancy 42 occurring during a term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term and shall not count 43 towards the member,.s term limits. The members terms shall begin on October 1st and end on 44 September 30th

• Current members' terms shall expire on September 30th of the year in which 45 their term expires. 46 4 7 1.10. 7 Removal/Absences. AU members shall be subject to the rules, adopted by the 48 Board of County Commissioners, governing Board participation and attendance. 49 50 1.10.8 Fire Code Advisory Board. When sitting salely in its advisory capacity,. the 51 Board shall be known as· the Fire Code Advisory Board and shall be composed of the· same 52 members as the Board of Appea1s and Adjustments. Persons appointed to the Board of Appec;tls 53 and Adjustments shall be deemed to be likewise appointed to the Fire Code Advisory Board. 54 55 56 Section 2. REPEAL OF LAWS IN CONFLICT:

57 All local laws and ordinances in conflict· with any provisions of this Ordinance are .

58 hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.


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1 Section 3.' SEVERABILITY:

2 If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is for any

3 reason held by a Court of competent jurisdiction. to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void,

4 such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance.



7 The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Palm Beach

8 County Code. The sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish

9 such, and the word ordinance may be changed to section, article, or other appropriate word.


11 Section 5. CAPTIONS:

12 The captions, section headings, and section·designations used in this Ordinai1ce are for

13 convenience only and shall have no effect on the interpretation of the provisions of this

14 Ordinance.


16 Section 6. EFFECTIVE DATE:

17 The provisions of this Ordinance shall become . effective upon filing with the

18 Department of State.

19 APPROVED and ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach

20 County, Florida, on this the 4th day of_F_e_b_r_u_ar""""'y'-------' 20__!!t_.

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37


3 8 EFFECTIVE DATE: Filed with the Department of State on the ~ day of

39 --=F:..::E=B=RU=-=A=R=Y'-----' 20,li.__.



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Fire Rescue

Chief Jeffrey P. Collins

405 Pike Road

West Palm Beach, FL 33411

(561) 616-7000


Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners

Paulette Burdick, Mayor

Melissa McKinlay, Vice Mayor

Hal R. Valeche

Dave Kerner

Steven L. Abrams

Mary Lou Berger

Mack Bernard

County Administrator

Verdenia C. Baker

"An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer ..

~ printed on· sustainable 'CJQ' and recycled paper



Hal R Valeche

Board of County Com~ \

Jeffrey P. Collins, Admi~ Fire-Rescue Department

Date: January 26, 2017

Subject: Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments

The Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments is an advisory board appointed by the County Commission to review the Fire Code, hear appeals, and make recommendations to the Commission on fire and life safety issues. This Board, established in 1984, is required by the County Fire Code, Palm Beach County Ordinance 2014-042.

Each position on the Board is representative of a segment of the fire protection community. The following member's term expired on September 30, 2016.

Name David Woodside

Industry Municipal Fire Rep

Term 3 years

Mr. Woodside has agreed to remain on the Board if reappointed. He has completed training on the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics and has signed and acknowledged his training and understanding of the Guide to the Sunshine Amendment.

If you would like to nominate the above listed applicant please sign the attached Board/Committee Application Form. If you would like to make a nomination for appointment or reappointment please forward the information to the office of Larry Willhite, Division Chief, Bureau of Safety Services. Please submit your nominations by March 10, 2017.

Thank you for your interest and assistance in this appointment process. If you should have any questions please contact Larry Willhite at 616-7030 or my office at 616-7001.

Attachment: Board/Committee Application Forms Member Resume Attendance Record

cc: Larry Willhite, Division Chief Nancy Bolton, Assistant County Administrator

Page 24: 3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may

Fire Rescue

Chief Jeffrey P. Collins

405 Pike Road

West Palm Beach, FL 33411

(561) 616-7000


• Palm Beach County

Board of County Commissioners

Paulette Burdick, Mayor

Melissa McKinlay, Vice Mayor

Hal R. Valeche

Dave Kerner

Steven L. Abrams

Mary Lou Berger

Mack Bernard

County Administrator

Verdenia C. Baker

"An Equal Opport1111ity

AJ{it'mative Action Employer"

~ printed on sustainable '6{:Y and recycled paper

To: Mayor Paulette Burdick and Members of the Board of County





Nancy Bolton, Assistant County Administrator

County Administration


Jeffrey P. Collins, Administrat~ Fire-Rescue Department

January 26, 2017

Subject: Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments

The Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments is an advisory board appointed by

the County Commission to review the Fire Code, hear appeals, and make

recommendations to the Commission on fire and life safety issues. This Board,

established in 1984, is required by the County Fire Code, Palm Beach County

Ordinance 2014-042.

Each position on the Board is representative from a segment of the fire protection

community and served a three year term. Meeting are scheduled on a monthly basis

but are held as needed. Our Citizen Representative position been filled by Kerry B.

Koen since 2009. Although his term expired on September 30, 2016, he has requested

notto be reappointed for a new term.

Fire Rescue is requesting a nomination from Commissioner's to fill this vacant at large

Citizen position. Please forward your nomination to the office of Division Chief Larry

Willhite, Palm Beach County Fire Marshal. Please submit your nominations by

February 27, 2017.

Thank you for your assistance in this appointment process. If there are any questions

reference this process, please contact Chief Jeffrey P. Collins at 616-7001.

Attachment: Board Appointment Information Form

cc: Larry Willhite, Fire Marshal

Page 25: 3 S- BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, 2017 · 2017. 7. 11. · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD APPOINTMENT SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 11, ... this document may

January 18

February 15

March 15

April 19 May17

June 21 July 19

August 16

September 20

October 18 November 15

December 20


Bureau of Safety Service 405 Pike Road

West Palm Beach1 Fl 33411 {561} 616-7030



(Third Wednesday of the Month)


Date Room

Everglades Conference Room

Everglades Conference Room

Everglades Conference Room

Everglades Conference Room

Everglades Conference Room

Everglades Conference Room

Everglades Conference Room

Everglades Conference Room

Everglades Conference Room

Everglades Conference Room

Everglades Conference Room

Everglades Conference Room

• Meetings will be held, as needed, at Fire Rescue Headquarters, 2nd Floor

Everglades Room indicated above and will begin at 9:00 a.m.

• Please contact Nicole Davis at 561-616-7030 if you are unable to attend.