http:// www.balancedphysicaltherapy- pilates.com 3 Biggest Benefits of Pilates that will Get you FIT!!!

3 biggest benefits of pilates that will get you fit

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Undoubtedly you've heard about PIlates as a training and exercise program to help you get fit. But maybe you're just not sure if Pilates classes are right for you. Here are 3 benefit of Pilates that after learning, you can decide if Pilates exercises are right for you. Whether you take Pilates mat classes or Pilates reformer classes, you'll see these 3 benefits and discover how your body will change from this type of training.

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3 Biggest Benefits of Pilates that will Get you FIT!!!

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Pilates has been around for quite some time now thanks to its creator, Joseph Pilates.

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Despite that fact and its proven effectiveness, people are still trying to determine what

exactly it does.

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And, they are trying figure out if taking part in Pilates classes is the right decision for them in order to help them achieve their fitness goals.

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I wanted to give my experience from attending a local Phoenix Pilates studio.

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In doing so this is what I’ve learned from incorporating Pilates as part of my regular

exercise program.

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And the results that I've seen from Pilates exercises are the same ones that I believe

everyone will experience in general.

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• Toned - Okay, to be honest...toned really isn't a scientific word. But that doesn't matter

does it?

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I mean after all, we all have a similar idea of what toned means…right?

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We all have our trouble areas that we want to firm up and lose the jiggle.

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That is definitely something Pilates does!

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Pilates training requires you to make your muscles work thereby burning calories and

ultimately getting rid of fat that causes the jiggle.

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Good bye lunch lady arms! YEAH!!!

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And the being toned simply means being healthier. The more muscle and less fat you have the easier

it is on your body…your heart especially.

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• Strong - By using and working your muscles, they get stronger.

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You get stronger!

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And it's not a case where you have to get loaded down with heavy weights to make it

happen either.

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It's simply of matter of using the right amount of weight to add resistance to a Pilates move.

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By performing the exercise using the proper mechanics and techniques, you cause your muscle to work...quite

possibly in a way they never have before!

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Being strong is advantageous to bone health and simply being able to perform the activities

of every day living.

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This gets more important the older we get.

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• Flexibility - Pilates workouts help you become flexible.

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Now that doesn't mean you can do the splits after one class just as you did when you were a

kid. ;0)

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What it does mean though is that after a short period of time, you begin to see that you are much more limber and have a greater range of motion.

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This benefit is very important because it helps you to avoid getting hurt.

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Injuries like muscle strains and pulls happen frequently because of a lack of flexibility.

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Note: My experience is based on the Phoenix Pilates classes I do my training in. They are held at Balanced Physical Therapy and Pilates. At Balanced the Pilates instructors are very knowledgeable, highly skilled, and certified Pilates instructors.

Here’s the bonus…They are also licensed physical therapists as well. :0)

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So if your goals are to get toned, fit, and strong...like mine were, I have to say that taking part in Pilates classes is one

of the fastest and easiest paths to take to achieve them.