The South Calling - Ko Te Tonga kei te Karaka 28 August 2019 Update Please click here for a printable version of this newsletter. Please forward articles for inclusion in the next edition to [email protected] by 9am Monday 3 September 2019. Thank you. The Abbey On the 23-25 of August 2019 the National Youth Leadership training (The Abbey) took place in Christchurch. The weekend was attended by Anglican youth leaders from across the province and by Bishop Justin Duckworth, Bishop Peter Carrell, Pihopa Richard Wallace and Archbishop Phillip Richardson. It was a great weekend filled with workshops on: leading with a limp, leadership for beginners, making a place for queer young people in the church and burning bright without burning out, just to name a few. There was also plenty of prayer and worship with a focus on the daily devotions from the New Zealand Prayer book. I also need to mention the annual North Island vs South Island football match which was sadly won once again by the North Island. Thank you to those that prayed for the Abbey over the weekend and I hope to see more youth leaders from Diocese of Dunedin at it next year. Reflections on Being Anglican The Final in a series of thoughts on what we do (and say and why we do and say what we do) as Anglican Christians. Today we finish with Liturgical Endings. For any further information or feedback, contact Michael at: [email protected] The following articles have been attached below: Beginnings - Eucharist Eucharist - Preparation Eucharist - Easter Rites Eucharist - Saying Sorry Eucharist - The Gloria Eucharist - The Proclamations Eucharist - The Sermon Eucharist - After The Sermon Continuing - Intercession Eucharist - The Peace Eucharist - Giving Thanks Eucharist - Take, Break, Bless, Distribute Eucharist - Come... Receive Liturgical Endings INTRODUCTION Michael Godfrey writes:

28 August 2019 Update

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The South Calling - Ko Te Tonga kei teKaraka28 August 2019 Update

Please click here for a printable version of this newsletter.

Please forward articles for inclusion in the next edition to [email protected] by9am Monday 3 September 2019. Thank you.

The AbbeyOn the 23-25 of August 2019 the National YouthLeadership training (The Abbey) took place inChristchurch.

The weekend was attended by Anglican youth leaders fromacross the province and by Bishop Justin Duckworth, BishopPeter Carrell, Pihopa Richard Wallace and Archbishop PhillipRichardson.

It was a great weekend filled with workshops on: leading with a limp, leadership for beginners,making a place for queer young people in the church and burning bright without burning out, just toname a few. There was also plenty of prayer and worship with a focus on the daily devotions fromthe New Zealand Prayer book. I also need to mention the annual North Island vs South Islandfootball match which was sadly won once again by the North Island.

Thank you to those that prayed for the Abbey over the weekend and I hope to see more youthleaders from Diocese of Dunedin at it next year.

Reflections on Being AnglicanThe Final in a series of thoughts on what we do (and sayand why we do and say what we do) as AnglicanChristians. Today we finish with Liturgical Endings.

For any further information or feedback, contactMichael at: [email protected]

The following articles have been attached below:

Beginnings - EucharistEucharist - PreparationEucharist - Easter RitesEucharist - Saying SorryEucharist - The GloriaEucharist - The ProclamationsEucharist - The SermonEucharist - After The SermonContinuing - IntercessionEucharist - The PeaceEucharist - Giving ThanksEucharist - Take, Break, Bless, DistributeEucharist - Come... ReceiveLiturgical Endings


Michael Godfrey writes:

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As I move around the national church and this diocese I am privileged to worship in a vast range ofcontexts. The taonga of liturgy (not only in Aotearoa New Zealand) never ceases to wow me. That isnot to say that it is always presented well, but I am wowed that it is presented at all, and that it issaturated with the wisdom of God’s Spirit who has dwelt among the people of God since soon aftershe first moved on the “face of the deep.”

I have participated in liturgical gatherings of thousands (occasionally), and when two or three aregathered. In this country alone I have worshiped liturgically from Kaitaia to Oban. I haven’t presidedat or prepared liturgy for thousands at any one time, but I have done so in more contexts than I canname. Every one is different, and should be, even on the same day, in the same place. God's Spirit isdynamic!

Liturgy happens, but not always in churches, of course. But, to return to the old fashioned protocolof using a capitalized initial for the People rather than the building, where liturgy is the Churchalways is.

And always, always the potential is there for this wonderful vehicle of the gospel to sing to theheavens from the human soul, and from the heavens to the human soul.

But its potential as a window on and doorway to heaven is greatly enhanced when we reflect onwhat it all means, why it’s there, and how we can best convey its ancient wisdom.

So for the next many weeks I will produce here my thoughts on this great gift of God.

This collection of observations of the liturgy was originally printed in the weekly newsletter of ChristChurch Anglican Parish in Whangarei during 2007, when I was vicar there. Later they werereproduced on the website of the Diocese of Auckland, in the pew sheets of Waiapu Cathedral, andlater still those of the Parish of the Wakatipu (whose members are excused from this journey!).

But wherever we celebrate the saving acts of God the resource of liturgy is the same, despite localand personal variations: ours is the liturgy of the wider church, not any one parish or faithcommunity.

Nothing amongst the thoughts that will follow is—nor should be—startlingly original; the liturgy is anancient drama that has taken shape over nearly two thousand years. Or more, as we shall see. Still:my musings may contain some thoughts that are new for some, or some old thoughts expressed invaguely new ways.

They are based on a single premise: the Eucharistic liturgy is the very best form of sacreddrama by which to approach God, encounter God, receive God, offer ourselves to God. Theliturgy is extremely flexible, but the overall shape is sacred. I am yet to see an experimental or so-called ‘relevant’ form of liturgy that surpasses the traditional forms as a vehicle of divine encounter.

That is not to say every liturgy has to be a clone of its predecessor. God forbid! The liturgy is divinedrama, always in-breathed with the changing, dynamic power of God’s Spirit. It must always adaptitself to the needs of its location and its participants. But its shape bears the signature of God, andwe erase that at great peril.

So watch this space...."

Diocesan DiaryRead on for events throughout the Diocese, includingfurther education and ministry training. Let us knowanything that your Parish, community service or otherorganisation is doing and we will place it here. Makesure you visit this page regularly and keep all that isgoing on in your prayers.

Up-coming Events

SOUTHLAND ARCHDEACONRY MEETING: ANGLICAN SCHOOLS IN NZ AOTEAROA ANDTHE PACIFIC. Tuesday 3 September at Holy Trinity Invercargill. Anne van Gend theExecutive Officer for Anglican schools across Aotearoa, NZ and the Pacific, will be telling us

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about the work of the Anglican Schools Office across our 3 Tikanga Church. The Office existsto support, resource and build fellowship across our schools in Aotearoa, NZ and the Pacific.We have about 17 schools under the Anglican umbrella.

PRAYER BREAKFAST 8 - 9am Saturday 7 September @ Holy Trinity Invercargill. This canbe an opportunity to pray for Synod.

PRE-SYNOD ARCHDEACONRY MEETING 9am, Saturday 7 September Holy TrinityInvercargill. By this date everyone should have their Synod papers in hard copy. Please bringthem with you. Note that this gathering is straight after the prayer breakfast above.

VISIT FROM ANGLICAN MISSIONS OPERATIONS & PROJECTS MANAGER , Michael Hartfield,from Anglican Missions will be in the Southland Archdeaconry on Monday & Tuesday 9 &10 September and in the diocese from Monday 9 September - Wednesday 18 September.Meetings within the Southland Archdeaconry are below. He will be attending Synod and hiswider Diocesan itinerary is attached. Please take the opportunity to attend one of thesegatherings to hear about an important part of our ministry.

MICHAEL HARTFIELD AT ALL SAINTS INVERCARGILL 2pm Monday 9 September to talkabout Anglican Missions. See above.

MICHAEL HARTFIELD AT SOUTHLAND ARCHDEACONRY FELLOWSHIP DINNER to talkabout Anglican Missions. 6pm Monday 9 September, 156 Waiau Cresc, Invercargill. Notethe change from the previously advertised venue.

MICHAEL HARTFIELD AT HOLY TRINITY GORE, Morning tea, 10am Tuesday 10 Septemberto talk about Anglican Missions.

DUNEDIN - Michael Hartfield at St John’s, 373 Highgate Roslyn,- 7.30 pm, 10thSeptember, St John’s Evening AAW Fellowship cordially invites men and women of theDiocese to join with us to hear about the work of missions, here and overseas.

Refugee integration and integrating refugee: land, loss, languages and the arts.

This is a lecture series by Professor Alison Phipps (University of Glasgow) taking place in a variety ofplaces in Dunedin from 30 July to 28 November. This series is highly recommended.

See attached Hum-de Carl Lecture flyer for more information.

St Peter's Caversham Afternoon Concert Series - St Kilda Brass Band with conductorShane Foster. Saturday 7 September 2 pm, corner of Hillside Rd and Baker Street Dunedin- see attached poster. SYNOD Friday 13 - Sunday 15 September. Keep up to date with latest information aboutSynod here

Caversham Lecture Series, Dunedin @ St Peter's Anglican Church - See attached posters:5 Nov, Richard Kyte "NZ Dairying: Blessing or Curse; 12 Nov, Bill Harris "Aftermath: thepolitical landscape left by the winding down of the wars in Syria and Iraq"; 19 Nov, Fr James Harding ""Escape from Egypt: meeting with God"; 26 Nov , Rod Hamel "Church Romanesquearchitecture".

Equipping for Ministry and Shared Worship Opportunities

Personal Retreats/Quiet Days (offered as a ministry of the Southern Coastal Deanery)

4th Fridays of each month (next September 27th) 10am to 4pm

All are welcome to make use of these days of quiet in community which begin and end withbrief times of coming together and are otherwise spent in silence pursuing our ownprogrammes.

Some reflective material is available.

Venue: St Margaret’s Anglican Church, 4 Seaview Terrace Brighton.

Bring those materials you require and your own lunch. Hot drinks provided.

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Participants are invited to make an offering of a Koha to defray expenses.

For further information or to register please phone Maureen Harley 03 456 0573; 0211071 401

(The next guided retreat day will be on Saturday November 30th.)

A New Opportunity!

Religious Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Workshop, Saturday 31 August, 10am –3pm, at St Andrew’s Hall, Cromwell.

Contact Noeline Watson ([email protected]) to register your interest.

Rev. Canon Douglas Pratt, one of the workshop’s facilitators, will be guest preacher atSt Columba’s Wanaka on Sunday 1 September, 9.30am.

His topic: 'Bearing true witness today: Christians and Muslims together.' All welcome. Seeattached flyer for details.

FLEXILEARN: The next Flexi Learn Course is taking place on the first 3 Mondays in Augustand the first three Mondays in September, and is called "Journey Towards Being Anglican inAotearoa NZ and Polynesia. Have a look at the St John's College Website for moreinformation and flyer attached belowFaith Thinking Seminars - Continuing Education Short Courses offered by the TheologyProgramme in conjunction with Continuing Education at the University of Otago. See theattached flyer for details. Faith Thinking Seminars Coming Up: FAITH THINKING: Going Deeper into the Acts of the Apostles, Dr Deborah Bower,Director, SoulScape, Friday 6 September, 7:00pm – 9:00pm and Saturday 7 September,9:00am-12.30pm, Elim Church, 67 Harrow Street, Dunedin.

Each Course costs $20. Please register online at www.otago.ac.nz/continuingeducation.

CURSILLO 3 DAYS: Late afternoon Friday 4 October to mid afternoon Monday 7 Octoberat St Peter's College, Gore. This is an Anglican Spiritual development program done in aparticularly Anglican way and has influenced the spiritual growth of many Anglicansthroughout NZ. Nearly 400 Anglicans in Dunedin diocese have taken part since the year2000. See attachments for Cursillo 2019. Your application form requires a sponsor whoshould be a person who has previously attended Cursillo. If you have difficulty finding asponsor, or a ministry leader to sign your application, or further questions please be in touchwith Margaret and Craig McLananchan 03 453 0131, [email protected] or AnneGover 03 208 5235, [email protected] See also https://www.calledsouth.org.nz/organisations/

Cursillo Dates 2019 - 9th November Cursillo Ultreya - GoreNIGHT CHURCH IN SOUTHLAND REMINDER - Now that Daylight Saving has finished, thereis an Anglican run service every Sunday night at 7pm in Invercargill. Taize service at HolyTrinity 2nd and 4th Sunday beginning Sunday 14 April and continuing approximately untildaylight saving starts. All Saints Gladstone contemporary service 1st and 3rd Sundaythroughout the year.

For Southland News to pass on, contact Keith Gover: [email protected] or 027 222 4055For all other news, contact the Diocesan Office

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Clergy moves.Bishop Steven announces the following recent Clergymoves:

The Reverend Trish Ducker has retired as Priest in Charge atWinton and will receive a PTO.

The Reverend James McGrath has retired from his ministryroles in Southland.

The Reverend Dr Max Whitaker has resigned as PriestAssistant of the Dunedin North Parish.

I wish to thank Trish, James and Max for their service to theChurch and wish them every blessing in their ongoing walk withGod.


Prayers for the Diocese…St Hilda'sChapel, 2 Cobden Street, Dunedinon Thursday 5 September, 2pm -3pm.A warm invitation to join with Bishop Steven at StHilda's Chapel for Prayers for the Diocese. Please notethat if you are attending, you need to sign in at the

school main reception when you arrive (and sign out when you leave). Further health andsafety requirements are below....

Health and Safety - As well as signing in and out at St Hilda's main reception, please notethat toilets for men and women are in Whitby Hall (next to the Chapel); and exits in the Chapel areclearly marked. In case of a fire alarm the gathering point is opposite Olveston.


At all times, pray by the power of the Spirit. Pray all kinds of prayers. Be watchful, so that youcan pray. Always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. (Ephesians 6. 18)

You may have read in the Diocesan Newsletter that once a month I go to different churchesand spend up to 2 hours praying for the Diocese. Some of you have joined me for some of thetime, and one or two have asked me what it is all about…

I believe in the reality and power of prayer. I am not especially drawn to uniformity of practice, andindeed a variety of styles can often be wonderfully refreshing, and my goal is that we pray as wecan, not to worry about what we cannot do. For these monthly times of Prayer for the Diocese it hasdeveloped into a generally unstructured time of prayer. Usually we are silent, and for myself I try tostart with about 15 minutes of being quiet and open before God – not bringing specific requests orconcerns, but waiting on Him.

My own practice is then to use a notebook (I prefer an electronic version) and I name every Parish,Ministry Unit, Chaplaincy and Anglican “presence” before God: the leaders, personnel, the situationas I know it, items for thanksgiving as well as problems for solving. I try to balance offering a list withgiving time for God to inform my prayers.

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I will pray for the non-church part of the Diocese, with specific intentions though it is much moregeneral in nature.

I pray for our country – for our leaders and for prosperity.

And (unashamedly) I pray for a Christian revival. I rejoice and celebrate in the almost innatespirituality that is in many of the people and much of the geography of New Zealand, but we areChristian – followers of Jesus Christ, and I believe he has something for all people that can’t be foundapart from him.

I hope to continue to follow this habit, and am open to different ways of prayer – please do let meknow what would be helpful for you. And please feel welcome to join: there is no requirement tostay all the time, or for a minimum – come and go as you are able. If you don’t feel able to pray –come enjoy a time of quiet, and if you are not able to attend – set aside a few moments whereveryou are and remember before God our Diocese and all who live and worship here.

The next Prayers for the Diocese is at St Hilda's Chapel, 2 Cobden Street, Dunedin onThursday 5 September, 2pm - 3pm.


Diocesan 150th Anniversary -Service of Celebration andThanksgivingA warm invitation to all to join us on Sunday 15thSeptember at 10 am at St Paul's Cathedral for thisservice of celebration and thanksgiving for the 150thanniversary of the Diocese. Further details aboutarrangements are below.

Bishop Kelvin Wright is the preacher and there will also be children and young people's activities during the service. Following the service, refreshments will beserved in the Cathedral Crypt.

Clergy are invited to robe, white stoles please.

Parishes and other Diocesan organisations are invited to bring their banners and process.

Would all those processing please be ready in the Dean's foyer at 9.30am.

I hope that you will be able to join us on this special occasion.


Synod 13-15 September 2019Essential InformationCatering forms for Synod reps were due yesterday - Tuesday27 August. If we haven't heard from you by Friday 30 Augustwe will presume you are bringing your own lunch andsnacks to enjoy. The Synod book is now availableelectronically and is attached below. Hard copies wereposted to all Synod reps last week. Pre-SynodArchdeaconry meetings are organised - details also

below. More information will be posted here as it becomes available. Please bookmark thispage and check for any updates.

Read on for updated information for all Clergy and Lay representatives for Synod 2019. Synodis taking place at St John's Church, Roslyn, Dunedin, from Friday 13 September to Sunday 15September.

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The Synod Book was physically posted last week and is available on-line also (see attachmentsbelow). This has enabled access and reading more than 21 days before Synod. Tip: if you go to theIndex of the Synod book and Ctrl + click on information you want to go to, this will take you therewithout having to scroll through all the pages.

Pre-Synod Archdeaconry meetings for all Lay and Clergy reps are being held:

Central Otago - Tuesday 3 September at St Andrew’s in Cromwell. We will begin withEucharist at 10am and conclude by 2pm. Dunedin - Tuesday 3 September at the Diocesan office 7pm. Attendance by Zoom ispossible. Please let us know at the Diocesan office if you wish to do this.Oamaru - Sunday 8th September at 3pm - at St Luke's OamaruSouthland - after Prayer Breakfast (approximatley 9 am) on Saturday 7 September @ HolyTrinity, North Invercargill

Synod will convene on Friday 13th September at 7.00 pm with the Synod Eucharist at St John'sAnglican Church in Roslyn. It will reconvene Saturday 14th at 8.30am at St John's Roslyn and willconclude no later than 3.00 pm on Sunday 15th September. There is a service at the Cathedral onSunday 15th at 10 am followed by morning tea as part of the weekend to celebrate 150 years ofthe Diocese of Dunedin being in existence.

Lay representatives to Diocesan Synod are elected on a two year cycle. Elections were held atParish AGMs last year in 2018. So if you were a Synod representative at Synod last year, your termcontinues to Synod 2019 also.

A reminder that the Guide to Synod is useful to have a look at.

Also, check out the 2018 Year Book which contains a record of the proceedings from Synod 2018.

Synod 2018 was the first session of the sixtieth Synod - in part 2 one of the tasks is to elect Dioceseof Dunedin representatives for the Tikanga Pakeha Conference and General Synod which isdue to meet in Nelson from 9-15 May 2020. Nomination forms are attached below. Thoseeligible to stand are (Canon 1 Title B):

1) Clergy -

Every ordained minister who is licensed to any ministry, or to any ecclesiastical office in any diocesein New Zealand shall be qualified to be elected as a clerical representative, whether residing in thediocese or not.

2) Lay -

Every member of the laity, having been baptised and being registered in any local ministry andmission unit or recognized worshipping community in any diocese, shall be qualified to be elected asa lay representative in any diocese.

Two memos are attached below as well as information on catering (a Word version you can fill inthe boxes and a .pdf version you can print due by 27 August - if we haven't heard from you byFriday 30 August we will presume you are bringing your own lunch and snacks to enjoy) aswell as some accommodation options.

Have a look below at the memo to parishes about AGMs. Other information is also attached(statistical returns, Vestry declarations and so on).

There are also updated versions of the Standing Resolutions of Synod in our Dropbox area. Pleasenote that Statute 1: To regulate the composition and procedures of the Diocesan Synod and toestablish a diocesan council has also been updated.

If you have any questions please contact the Diocesan Office: [email protected] orphone 03 - 488-0821

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Diocesan Council and Trusts BoardMeeting 13 August 2019The Diocesan Council and Trusts Board meet on thesecond Tuesday of each month. Read on for some briefnotes from the latest meetings.

Diocesan Trusts Board

The following were appointed to vacancies:

Parata Anglican Care Charitable Trust - the followingTrustee was appointed: :Judith Stewart Archives Committee - Stuart Strachan's appointment to thiscommittee (replacing Margaret Tripp) was confirmed. The Social Transformation Committee is still looking foran extra member - see this article for more information.

The recent Effective Governance workshop was a worthwhile event and we are looking atways we could continue having these kinds of conversations.

Diocesan Council

Cathedral Dean: negotiations are ongoing around this post, we hope to make anannouncement soon.

Clergy movements: there are a number of clergy movements taking place, these will beannounced separately via South Calling.

All Saints Gladstone (Invercargill) are beginning a process of looking at future ministryfrom when Rev'd Richard Johnson retires.

A Young Adults Group is being explored by John Graveston (CYF Educator) for the Dunedinarea, article to follow in South Calling.

Selwyn Consultation Panel Update - The Panel met again on 25 July and a further updatewas sent out via South Calling. This month the panel did more work towards the 2November Synod Rep Hui at St Luke’s Mosgiel and met with three people who had requestedto speak.

Diocesan Registrar's report - Andrew noted involvement in a Public Housing Forum andsubsequent meetings, replacement of computers in the Diocesan office, signing up forthree Zoom accounts, the website now functioning and launch of Video 150 as part ofanniversary celebrations. We have also renamed Diocesan News as ‘The South Calling - KoTe Tonga kei te Karaka’. A vote of thanks was given to Andrew and the team for the newwebsite .

Living Wage - this was discussed in relation to previous motions made at Synod - see thisarticle in South Calling.

Annual Accounts and 2020 Budgets for Synod - these were presented to Diocesan Councilby Ginny Kitchingman and the Council agreed to forward them to Synod for consideration.

A faculty application for St Peter's Caversham (placement of a statue of Our Lady ofWalsingham) was approved and Dunedin North Parish were given permission to proceedwith fundraising for restoration of All Saints Church.

Property - Property commissions are currently in place for Dunstan (Clyde), Milton (ParishCemetery), and we are in the process of organising one for Otago Peninsula Parish(consolidation of facilities onto one site)

Diocesan 150th - see articles in South Calling around planning for celebrations in thisanniversary year including the 150th celebration service at the Cathedral. We now havethe Video 150 project on our website.

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A reminder of who is on the Council:

The Rt Rev’d Steven Benford, Rev’d Canon Michael Wallace, Rev’d Dr. Andrea McDougall, Rev'dElizabeth (Liz) Cheyne, Mrs Anne Gover, Ms Lisa Burton, Mr Fred McElrea, Mrs Trish Franklin, MsLynda Turner-Heaton.

In Attendance each meeting:

Mr Andrew Metcalfe (Diocesan Registrar – minutes), Rev'd Dr Michael Godfrey (Diocesan MinistryEducator), John Graveston (Diocesan Child, Youth, Family Educator)

Other Information

The Diocesan Council is the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Dunedin Synod as regulated byStatute 1: (To regulate the composition and procedures of the Diocesan Synod and toestablish a diocesan council). The Trusts Board considers applications for vacancies on variousBoards, Trusts and other Committees for Diocese of Dunedin organisations.

For any correspondence to the Diocesan Council or Trusts Board, contact Andrew Metcalfe:[email protected], Telephone (03) 488 0821. Any matters for these committees need tobe received 7 days before scheduled meetings so that members have time to read all the materialrequired.

Meeting Schedule for 2019:

Tuesday 10th September

Tuesday 8th October

Tuesday 12th November

Tuesday 10th December

Bishop Steven's Diary 28 August - 3September 2019If you wish to invite Bishop Steven to an event or makean appointment to see him, it is very helpful if this canbe done through his EA Nicola [email protected] or 03 488 0826. Thankyou.

Wednesday 28 - Thursday 29 August

Various meetings

Friday 30 August - Sunday 1 September

Nelson - Episcopal Ordination of Reverend Steve Maina

Monday 2 September

Day off

Tuesday 3 September

Various meetings

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In the MediaIn this space we highlight any recent media articlesabout our parishes, organisations and from the widerchurch that may be of interest. Please let us know if yousee or hear anything from the media in your communityworth sharing.

Some pictures from the final service at St Aidan's on OtagoPeninsula (article to follow)

Views gathered on future of church building - an article in the ODT on 27 August around StMichael's church in Clyde.

Faith in science - Bird-lover and Oxford academic Dr Andy Gosler says faith and science do notneed to do battle. An article worth a read as this scientist and Anglican Priest visits Dunedin.

Anglican Anglo Catholic Hui 2019 - following on from the inaugural Hui in Dunedin last year, thisreport comes from Julanne Clark-Morris in Anglican Toanga

In the National & International Media

(with thanks to the Diocese of Christchurch)

50 years of ‘Sesame Street’: What the show’s history can teach us about evangelisationAnglo-Catholics boost evangelismWoman chosen to lead Religions for Peace as others urge greater female visibilityHow I found God on TwitterUnpacking the Euthanasia debateFormer enemies unite to spread peace-keeping message worldwide

Anglicans return Kīngitanga flagACPB rebrands as Financial CareDisability advocates call for inclusive action by UN for refugeesDo you know what is behind Ihumātou?Emergency power that took over 700 Christchurch buildings is still in forceNominations sought for women advocates to attend UN event in 2020

See also http://www.anglicantaonga.org.nz/

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150 Years Historical Display forSynodThis year as part of our 150 years celebration we will behaving a special celebration Service on Sunday 15September at St Paul's Cathedral. We are inviting Synodreps to bring items of historical interest from your ownparishes or organisations to be part of an historicaldisplay in the Cathedral Crypt.

The centrepiece of our 150th Diocesan anniversarycelebrations will be a special service at St Paul's Cathedral on the Sunday morning of Synod - 15September 2019. It has been timed this way as most parishes etc will have clergy and lay reps atSynod in Dunedin that weekend, and many Parishes are planing to forgo their usual services toattend. We have also arranged with St Paul's for us to have the use of the downstairs Cryptdownstairs for historical displays by ministry units, over that weekend.

Please note the following arrangements for this:

1. Your display should be brought in to the crypt and set up on the Friday afternoon, 13 Sept,before Synod starts, to arrive between 3 and 5pm. One of the Diocesan Council committee on thesecelebrations will be on hand to supervise this process, including the allocation of space. The easiestentrance to the crypt on foot is to approach the Cathedral on the Harrop Street side (town hall side)of the building; the crypt entrance is through the doors closest to the Moray Place end of theCathedral (under the chancel). The Cathedral has limited display boards to use, but we trust youwill have yours already made up or able to be put on a table.

2. The easiest entrance to the crypt on foot is to approach the Cathedral on the Harrop Streetside (town hall side) of the building; the crypt entrance is through the doors closest to the MorayPlace end of the Cathedral (under the chancel). The Cathedral carpark is leased to Wilson's duringthe week (so only the Friday delivery is affected); four parks are reserved for Cathedral use: theseare the two parks immediately on your right as you enter from Stuart Street, and the two parksbeside the chancel. These parks can be used if available for delivering your display. If visitors parkelsewhere in the carpark on the Friday, however, they risk receiving a ticket

3. Each display should have on the back the name of the Ministry unit it is from, with contactdetails (name, address and phone number)

4. Displays should be collected from the Crypt on Sunday afternoon, after the service and themorning tea/coffee to follow, between 12.15 and 2.00 pm.

5. Remember that the Hocken Library (for Otago) and the Invercargill Library (for Southland) hold a lot of archived records, including photographs, and it could be worthwhile checking there aswell as amongst your records held locally for material for your display.

6. Those wishing to view the displays should note the hours the Cathedral is open, namely 10am- 4pm (summer hours). The Crypt will also be open before the Synod 150th Service on Sunday the15th from 8.30 am.

7. It would be sensible for Clergy and Wardens to arrange now for someone in your ministryunit to take charge of this display project, which would obviously also be of use locally eitherbefore or after Synod. The name and contact details of that person could then go on the back of thedisplay as per item 2 above.

Remember also that period costume may be worn at the St Paul's service, and this may be from anyselected period(s) relevant to your Ministry unit - e.g. the start of your parish etc, or the opening ofyour Church building, or some other significant event.

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Diocesan PrayersIf you know of anyone who would like their name to beincluded in this space, please [email protected]

Please keep the following people and their families in yourprayers:

Pauline Johnson

Margaret McLanachan

Christina Silkstone

Frances White and family

Liz Duggan

Claire Christie

Kathy Vidal

Val Davidson

A prayer for our Diocese

O Lord, who has not stopped forming ussince the hour of our beginning;

Who has come among us to save us from ourselvesand to teach us to love;

Who dwells beside us and within usand below us and above us,

Give us the grace to think again.May we know the joy of true discipleship;

May our relationships with youand with each otherbe real and deep;

May we have the courage to give our best for the least.In the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Video 150 Now Live - Our People,Our PlacesWe are pleased to announce that our collection ofvideos celebrating the life of our Diocese is nowavailable on our website.

This has been a collaboration between Parishes, LocalChurches and Diocesan Organisations who have supplied avariety of interesting images and the odd video clip. To

simplify copyright issues we have mainly used music from the Iona Community Wild Goose ResourceGroup, all the details are in the video descriptor on YouTube.

Diocesan Registrar Andrew Metcalfe says

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It has been a fascinating journey to see and put together a picture of life in ourDiocese. There is a real diversity - from humble chapels to stunning stained glass,from small groups of faithful people to the challenge and excitement of "hands on"involvement in mission.

We hope you enjoy these and tell your friends as we continue to respond to God's call in Otago andSouthland: Faith Communities reading the Bible, praying, living out the life of Jesus Christ.

150 Video Collection Web page

Vacancies -28 August 2019A regular update of Diocesan vacancies and thosefurther afield.

Diocese of Nelson

Youth & Young Adults Enabler (full time)

The Diocese of Nelson is seeking a full time youth and young adults enabler to work alongside thebishop to encourage youth and young adults to grow in their faith and discipleship within anAnglican context. The successful candidate will be skilled at mentoring and equipping for leadership,work to build strong relationships and networks across the diocese, and work collaboratively withthe leadership in our parishes.

Link to job description: https://www.nelsonanglican.nz/vacancy/nelson-diocese-youth-enabler-full-time

Expressions of interest can be made by contacting the Bishop’s office or by sending your CV andcovering letter to [email protected] (Phone 03 548 3124)


World Vision New Zealand - please see the website for details of currentvacancies https://www.worldvision.org.nz/about/careers/

Living WageOver a number of Synods there has been discussionabout the principle of a Living wage within the Dioceseof Dunedin.

At the 2013 Synod a motion was passed around the livingwage principle with Diocesan Institutions. The Social JusticeWorking group reported back to Synod 2014 and said that itsaw its role as being to encourage Diocesan entities toconsider paying living wages to employees, but since thenthis has not been raised at Synod in any other form and

there has been no guidance for other employees with parishes and local churches.

At the Diocesan Council meeting on 13 August 2019 the following motion was passed: Motion 5.5.1:That the Diocesan Council affirm its encouragement for all Diocesan Institutions, including Parishes,Regional Deaneries and Local Churches, to move towards paying a living wage for all employees.

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(Motion 8, Synod 2013).

The Council also asked that this be publicised via South Calling.

We will continue to look at ways that this could be more firmly embedded in what we do, potentiallyvia a future motion to Synod. The above is not a directive to do this (we realise that there may beother constraints at work in individual situations), but Diocesan Council is keen encourage this andto make sure this is on Vestry and Local Committee agendas (especially if they are reviewing currentemployment contracts or looking to fill any vacant posts).

Diocesan Anglican Women's LeaderRepresentativeThe Anglican Women's Study Centre is a project ofGeneral Synod to serve and advance the interests andneeds of women in the church, particularly those intheological training.

Every Diocese and Hui Amorangi is encouraged to have aLink person, who is chosen for her leadership ability to

identify, gather, resource, facilitate and encourage women in their educational preparation forministry, either lay or ordained.

Until recently Jo Fielding has been the Link for Dunedin Diocese and we now need another person totake her place.

The AGM for the council and Diocesan Link people usually takes place over two days in earlyAugust. Travel and accommodation costs are covered by the Council.

If you are interested in this or know of anyone else you would recommend, please contact theDiocesan Registrar Andrew Metcalfe: [email protected] .

If you email, please let us know:

Why you are interestedWhat you think you can bring to the roleA brief resume of your background and experience, including what faith community you arecurrently a part of.

Resources and books availablePlease read on for a note from Frances White......

I have been going through Stephen's books and resourcesselecting those which will be useful at Owaka Presbyterianchurch where I now worship. There are however many I haveno use for. Some may be dated but there may be some thatpeople could use. They are available at his study at ourhome at 19 Carlyle Rd, Mosgiel. If people are interested theycan contact me at [email protected] or 0273577705 to

arrange a time to have a look through them. Also - the study will be open every Friday until the endof September from 2pm until 8pm if anyone wishes to drop by.

Every blessing

Frances White

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Anglican Missions is celebrating 100yearsTwo of the ways we are celebrating are: Sharing MissionStories and Inviting all parishes to participate in ourmissions noticeboard competition.

Missions Noticeboard Competition :

to help celebrate our 100 years, we are inviting parishes toparticipate in creating an exciting missions orientated noticeboard.

To enter send a photo of your noticeboard to your Diocese Missions person and/or to AnglicanMissions at [email protected]. We will have a prize for the best overall noticeboard. Entriesclose at the end of September. See https://angmissions.org.nz/100-years/mission-noticeboard-competition! for further details.

Send us your stories:

also to celebrate our 100 years, we are publishing mission stories throughout this year on ourwebsite and Facebook. We would love to hear from you if you have an overseas mission story toshare – either your own or on behalf of someone else. Please email your story and some photos ifpossible to us. We are happy to edit as appropriate. Do check out https://angmissions.org.nz/100-years/no-title to see what has already been published.”

Many thanks.

Kind regards

Linda DearCommunications Administrator| Anglican Missions

www.angmissions.org.nz | www.facebook.com/AnglicanMissionsT: +64 4 473-5172 F: +64 4 499-5553

PO Box 12012, Thorndon, Wellington 6144, New Zealand

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