25 CRM & Sales Productivity 'Must Haves' For Growing Your Business & Keeping Your Customers Happy

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Considering how productivity impacts all levels of a company, it’s worth having people and tools that can make all elements of the sales world operate smoothly. Base is designed to significantly boost your team’s sales productivity and give you the core sales tools you need to grow your business. We'll explore 25 features that are included in Base that will bolster your productivity. From how you manage your rolodex to where you can work to how you assess your performance, learn how Base can make you a lean, mean, productive sales machine.In this 32-page ebook we'll discuss:'Must have' strategic sales management features How to effectively manage your customer relationshipsThe tools you need to prospect, organize and qualify leadsWhy mobility changes the way you sellWhat features are important in a sales & CRM platform to bolster productivity Start improving your sales productivity today - download your free ebook now.For more information, visit http://www.getbase.com

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  • Introduction

    Chapter 1 - Sales Management

    1. Accurate And Visual Sales Tracking

    2. The Ability To Set & Measure Goals and Quotas

    3. The Ability To Assign Teams and Regions

    Chapter 2 - Customer Management

    4. Unified Customer Experience

    5. Contact Cards That Give You A Complete Picture

    6. Accounts Tied To Contacts

    7. Appointments (Coming Soon!)

    8. Ability To Customize, Filter and Tag Info (Without Needing Third-Party Dev)

    Chapter 3 - Lead Management

    9. Lead Tracking

    10. Easy Lead Conversion

    11. Lead Capture Form That Links To Your CRM

    12. Snag Full Profiles Directly From Facebook and LinkedIn

    Base is your secret weapon for making sales reps 10x more productive and

    sales managers 10x smarter - learn why.

    Presented by Base

    Table of Contents

  • Chapter 4 - Mobility

    13. Native Mobile Apps

    14. Oine Access

    15. Geolocation - Locate Your Contacts, Leads & Deals On A Map

    16. Mobile Reporting

    Chapter 5 - Reports & Analytics

    17. Insights Dashboard

    18. Visual Reporting

    19. Sales Forecasting

    20. Call Analytics

    Chapter 6 - Voice & Calling

    21. Make and Receive Calls Right In Your CRM

    22. Call Recording

    23. Automatic Call Logging

    Chapter 7 - Email Automation

    24. Complete Integration

    25. Google App & Outlook

    Chapter 8 - Conclusion

    Presented by Base

  • Base is your secret weapon because people actually want to use it.

    Productivity is name of the game for sales experts in any field. To perform at the highest levels youre capable of, you need to make the most of your time. Its also not just about the individual. A sales rep who is productive means better service for clients, and happier customers mean more deals. Plus, being more productive keeps the entire sales team moving forward, making progress toward quarterly and annual goals.

    Considering how productivity impacts all levels of a company, its worth having people and tools that can make all elements of the sales world operate smoothly.

    Base is one of those important tools. Its designed to significantly boost your teams sales productivity and give you the core sales tools you need to grow your business.

    In this ebook, well explore 25 features that are included in Base that will bolster your productivity. From how you manage your rolodex to where you can work to how you assess your performance, heres how Base can make you a lean, mean, productive sales machine.

    Presented by Base

    Sales Productivity: The Key to Better Business

  • For a busy sales executive, one of the biggest ways to impact your productivity

    is to approach to sales management strategically. Whether youre in charge of

    agents hitting the pavement or a manager overseeing operations in the office,

    Bases approach to sales management includes features that save time and

    maintain focus. Take a look at the essential sales management experiences in

    Base that will make your reps 10x more productive and you 10x smarter. Base

    sales management software gives you the core sales tools and information you

    needtogrow yourbusiness such as:

    1. Accurate And Visual Sales Tracking

    Sales tracking is how you follow the development of deals through their

    lifecycle. Every deal you close should move through a well-defined and

    predictable sales process. This should be the backbone of your sales team. We

    wrote in greater detail, a 6 Step Plan To Manage Your Sales Pipeline.

    With Base, you have a written and visual representation of how your clients are

    moving through the sales funnel. See exactly where each opportunity stands in


    Presented by Base


    Sales Management

  • the simple drag-and-drop interface, which can be customized to fit your

    companys specific steps. For reps, tracking helps you stay on target because

    youll always know exactly where you stand with your assigned deals. This is

    great information for managers, too, since you can coach your team effectively

    and make sure the rightopportunities receive attention at the right time. With

    Bases easy drag-and-drop interface, you can move deals to the next stage

    seamlessly so your sales pipeline is always accurate.

    Sales tracking with Base gives you a detailed picture of exactly where you and

    your team stand. When you know the status of each opportunity and which

    opportunities your team members are pursuing you can coach them effectively

    and help them focus on the rightopportunities.

    2. The Ability To Set & Measure Goals and Quotas

    Sales pros need to stay focused on the final result. Achieving the desired

    outcome with any given customer means setting goals and quotas to serve as

    benchmarks for your progress. Goals keep you and everyone on your team on


    Presented by Base


  • Base helps you communicate goals and quotas with your team and allows you to

    track everybodysprogress. Its a valuable tool for aligning the sales team around a

    shared objective. To use the feature, select Goals from the navigation bar in Base.

    Assigning goals and quotas of dierent amounts to dierent players is easy in

    Bases straightforward, intuitive interface. After the goals are set, youll see a quick

    view of where you stand whenever youre at the Dashboard screen.

    Measuring performance demands setting specific, measurable, attainable and time

    based sales revenue goals. The Sales Revenue Goals report allows you to set

    revenue based sales goals for your team and track the progress. Forecasted

    revenue will show up in a lighter shade of green or red and the on-track flag paces

    you to meet your goals.

    Presented by Base


  • 3. The Ability To Assign Teams and Regions

    A great sales team needs to be organized. Just as dierent units and divisions

    in the military have certain strengths or specialties, your sales sta is

    composed of teams. Base allows you to segment contacts and deals while

    giving access to all of the information your people need on the


    This is a huge boon for managers. With Bases visual permissions setup tool,

    you can easily organize your teams privileges so everyone has access to the

    right info without extraneous clutter. Assign visibility to individuals, peers,

    superiors, divisions, or whatever classification works best for your company.

    The organizational chart in Base also gives managers a birds eye view of the

    flow of information for easy changes and updates.

    Building this type of organizational structure into your CRM and sales

    productivity tool ensures that everybody has the information they need for

    their jobs. Sales management should be a team-wide idea. When everyone on

    the team is using the same system, youll all be in sync. No questions about

    whos on point for a project, no distractions in the tools.

    Presented by Base


  • After youve got control of how to track your sales processes, turn your

    productive focus outside your company. A great CRM and sales productivity

    tool should make things simple for customer management; after all, its built

    right into the tools name. Base can make sure that your customers always feel

    like your top priority.

    4. Unified Customer Experience

    Think about what makes your top customer unique. What are her quirks?

    When is her birthday? Whats her top priority for her business? What is her

    companys mission? Knowing all those details about her and her work is part

    of why your relationship succeeds.

    To apply that level of insight and understanding to one client is well within

    your grasp. But to obtain it across a full suite of dozens or hundreds of distinct

    people and deals, youll need a little help.


    Presented by Base


    Customer Management

  • Base has your back. You can store every note, every document, every file re-

    lated to each one of your clients. Store it all and be able to retrieve exactly the

    intel you need in just a few taps. Think of it as an extra memory bank for track-

    ing and managing those essential insights to facilitate a seamless customer


    5. Contact Cards That Give You A Complete Picture

    When you open a contact card in Base, you can see the call history, notes and

    contact details for the individual you are working with, as well as all of the

    related contacts at that persons company. You can also easily review all of the

    activity tied to thataccount, from calls to notes to emails.

    Presented by Base


  • By gathering all the pertinent business and personal information in one

    contact card, your reps can know everything in minutes. Whether youre just

    brushing up on the details before an important call or the deal is being

    passed on to a new person, maintaining these contact records is crucial to

    the health and longevity of customer relationships.

    6. Accounts Tied To Contacts

    Its important to have contacts and accounts tied together so you can

    leverage the power of the relationships your organization has already

    established. Connecting individual contact history to accounts gives your

    reps insider information on everything from which oers a company picked

    up in the past to which individual contact is most likely to be friendly to

    business in thefuture.

    7. Appointments (Coming Soon!)

    Presented by Base


  • 8. Ability To Customize, Filter and Tag Info (Without Needing A

    Third-Party Developer)

    Having a huge storehouse of information wont do you much good if you cant

    retrieve the information you need at the moment you need it. Tailor Base to

    your needs with custom fields, tags and filters. Label entries by company, by rep

    handling the deal, by date they first signed a contract, by state, by city, or by

    any other classification you could need.

    With Base, you have complete control over the data required in your Contact

    and Deal cards, allowing you and your team to input, find and sort the

    information most relevant to the way youdo business. Struggling against your

    tools is a good way to lose time and deals. Use a CRM that works the way you

    and your colleagues work. You should be able to make changes to the fields in

    your CRM tool without investing time and money into third party developers and


    Presented by Base


  • Its easy to get excited about customers youve already established and built

    rapport with. But equally as important is filling your CRM with new people who

    could one day join those ranks of well-established clients. Leads are part of

    the customer cycle, and your sales team should have the resources to

    properly manage those acquaintances. Base understands what sales teams

    need to organize, contact, and qualify leads. Heres what youll have in your


    9. Lead Tracking

    A savvy business has leads coming in at all times from all sorts of sources.

    Maybe you purchased a list, or maybe you collected business cards at a

    conference. In any case, youll need to be able to quickly import, tag and

    assign leads so your reps can start qualification.


    Presented by Base


    Lead Management

  • With Bases customizable tags, you can label where each lead came from

    during importing. This information ensures that the best reps get assigned to

    the follow-up and they can tailor their pitches. On a broader scale, tagging

    leads at this point helps your team identify good sources of successful

    contacts and get a leg up on future qualifying.

    Not all leads will convert immediately, so tags can also be a help in deciding

    whether or not to move forward with a connection. Use the customizable tags

    to fit your model for closing business.

    10. Easy Lead Conversion

    Once a lead is qualified, your reps shouldnt get bogged down in paperwork.

    Theyll want to keep the momentum going on the deal. Bases conversion

    process is simple, with no extra data entry. All the information from the lead is

    transferred directly to a contact card in our automated conversions.

    Also, if some leads need a second go-around to finally convert, Base oers a

    top-down view of all those people. Review lead activity in the Leads section of

    the CRM to see who has been contacted, who has replied or who should

    bearchived. Conversion and management for leads is a breeze with Base.

    Presented by Base


  • 11. Lead Capture Form That Links To Your CRM

    With a lead capture form, your company website or other web properties can

    deliver many high-quality connections who want to learn more about your

    business. The contact information you glean from these forms belongs to people

    excited enough about your product to take the first step and reach out to you!

    We take this valuable tool a step further by allowing you to create and embed lead

    capture forms that link to Base. There is no complex setup here. Just copy one

    Presented by Base


  • snippet of code, add it to your website or Facebook page, and those qualified leads

    will be funneled directly into your Base account, ready for followup.

    12. Snag Full Profiles Directly From Facebook and LinkedIn

    Social networks connect you with new and old acquaintances, and in the sales

    world, they can be a source of prospecting new leads. In our ebook, How To Build

    Your Sales Pipeline Faster With Social Media, we cover this topic in much greater

    detail. Thanks to the Base Lead and Contact Clipper, you can easily transfer

    information from the social world to the sales world. When youre logged in on

    LinkedIn or Facebook and you come across someone who you would like to add to

    your CRM, use the Clipper to immediately add the information you can see. No copy

    and paste, no tedious data entry.

    Dealing with leads can feel like taking shots in the dark. Cut down on the uncertainty

    with a strong program of lead management. Base will streamline the qualification

    process so that you can get down to making the sale. Thats a win for everybody.

    Learn the secrets to selling more on LinkedIn.

    Presented by Base


  • Smartphones and tablets are the tool of choice for many sales professionals

    thanks to their easy portability and ever-growing computing power. More sales

    teams are shifting from the traditional world of desktops to include a range of

    mobile devices and operating systems. Support this change with full-blown

    native mobile CRM apps that put all the necessary features and functions on

    their tablets andphones.

    13. Native Mobile Apps

    The key to a great CRM experience on your phone or tablet is the application.

    By oering free native apps, Base brings the full CRM experience to your

    phone or tablet. The native apps are designed for maximum function and easy

    navigation on your devices screen and they sync all of your data instantly.

    With apps for iOS, Android, and Windows phone, your entire team can be ten

    times more productive when on the go, no matter what operating system they



    Presented by Base



  • To further the seamless mobile experience, Base automatically syncs all of

    your data across devices. It is the ideal CRM for anyone who relies on a

    mobile device in their salesprocess.

    14. Offline Access

    Part of working in our hyper-connected world is being able to get by when

    connection is lost. Everyone knows the stress of being in the middle of a

    project when the network crashes or the signal goes haywire. Base takes that

    worry away with oine access. Even when you cant be online, Base still lets

    you see all of your leads, contacts, sales, tasks and stored emails. And

    whenever you reconnect to the Internet, all of your activity will automatically

    be synced and updated across all devices. Never miss a beat.

    Presented by Base


  • 15. Geolocation - Locate Your Contacts, Leads & Deals On A Map

    Powerful mobile tools mean more than just a CRM on your phone. Bases truly

    mobile CRM amps your productivity even when youre on the road. Geolocation

    helps you make smart decisions about your client visits. You can visualize all of

    your leads, contacts and deals in a map area, so you can see who you should

    visit and where you should spend your time. And with one-touch driving

    directions, Geolocation makes it easy to reach your customers. When youre

    going on the road, you should spend time prepping for your meeting, not looking

    for it. Learn how you can use Geolocation to build stronger bonds with your

    clients and prospects.

    Presented by Base


  • 16. Mobile Reporting

    You dont stop thinking about your sales goals when you leave your desk, so

    your CRM should be able to keep you on point wherever you go. Mobile reports

    from Base CRM on your smartphone or tablet give you the same powerful,

    actionable reports you experience on theweb.

    Monitor total sales, forecasted sales, sales by account, sales by owner, your

    sales funnel report and more directly from the Base native mobile apps. This

    means that even when youre away from the oce, you can respond to business

    disruptions, track progress and take actionimmediately.

    Presented by Base


  • As sales leaders, we need to understand how to obtain and analyze data in

    order to make good decisions for our businesses. Otherwise, were operating

    in the dark.

    To help make reps 10x more productive and executives 10x smarter, we

    designed Base with meaningful out-of-the-box reports that drive actionable


    Reports are more than just a looming threat for your weekly meetings. They

    help everyone on the team to know what is working well and what isnt. They

    assess the health of the pipeline and the bottom line. And yes, they can do

    wonders for productivity.

    Well show you how easy it is to get the insights you need with the beautifully

    designed, useful reports in Base.

    17. Insights Dashboard

    The home screen in Base is your insights dashboard. Every time you log in,

    youll be greeted by all the most important stats and facts. See your progress


    Presented by Base


    Reports and Analytics

  • toward sales goals, a solid overview of account activity, and notes on your

    upcoming assignments. Think of it as the CRM gatekeeper, the first look at

    what you have on the horizon.

    18. Visual Reporting

    One of the risks of data-heavy reports is getting lost in a sea of numbers. To

    be eective, reports should clearly communicate important facts and trends in

    your sales teams performance. There is a treasure trove of data housed in

    your CRM, the trick is having a tool that can unlock it.

    Presented by Base


  • Base accomplishes this by making reports visual. With zero setup required, the

    CRM will automatically pull from all of your data to give you crucial insights into

    your business. The visual presentations of activities can help your leaders to

    optimize processes, coach teams and calculate revenue. And, as with so many

    features in Base, you can filter reports by date, user, team and tags for a close-up

    look. Whether you need a birds eye view or you need to put one rep under a

    microscope, Bases visual reports have the perfect combination of knowledge

    and detail.

    Presented by Base


  • 19. Sales Forecasting

    One of the best insights Base reports can give your leaders is in sales forecasting.

    This report uses the numbers in your pipeline to calculate how much revenue you can

    expect down the line. Forecasting helps you take control of your business by helping

    you weather the ups and downs of your industry.

    It works by determining the likelihood of winning the deal and each sales stage. By

    crunching those odds with the predetermined close dates, Base presents beautiful,

    easy-to-read reports that will become required reading for your managers and


    Predicting the future might seem like the work of fortune-tellers and psychics. But

    when your leaders have that power, they can make better decisions, keeping

    everybody at the company in a better position for success.

    Presented by Base


  • 20. Call Analytics

    Another Base report that will make a huge dierence in your sales teams

    operation is the Call Analytics data. Considering how much time your reps

    need to spend on the phone, having a chance to dig deep on the process and

    success rates will show them which tactics are producing results. From

    learning the best times for calls to being able to predict outcomes, Call

    Analytics reports are a must.

    How can you get all of this great insight into your teams calls? By taking

    advantage of Base Voice.

    Presented by Base


  • Base Voice unites your contemporary CRM with the most traditional sales tool,

    the telephone. Conversations with clients, whether its a cold call to a new

    prospect or a follow-up with a longstanding customer, are still at the heart of

    good sales work. Combining an old-school phone with your nimble, powerful

    CRM means more productivity and knowledge for your reps.

    21. Make and Receive Calls Right In Your CRM

    Thanks to Base Voice, you can make and receive calls from within your CRM.

    Each rep gets a dedicated phone line so theyre always available for customer


    In addition to making a rep more easily available to clients, Base Voice has a

    full suite of other features to make phone time more convenient. During the

    conversation, reps can access a digital notepad, read from prepared call

    scripts, or review related deals. Plus, every incoming call is connected to the


    Presented by Base


    Voice and Calling

  • appropriate contact card, keeping the information you need where you know

    you can find it.

    22. Call Recording

    Base Voice also makes phone communication a powerful learning tool. The

    Call Recording feature lets reps keep an audio file of any conversation they

    make or receive, on any Base platform theyre using.

    During a deals lifetime, this is a great resource for double-checking the details

    discussed with a client. The recordings are always available in case you need

    a reminder of any pertinent information or want to confirm what was said in a

    certain discussion. In addition, listening through old calls can be a learning

    experience, especially for newer reps. If they can replay conversations, theyre

    more likely to see what went well and what went wrong. This will strengthen

    your team as a whole and keep everybody performing at their best.

    23. Automatic Call Logging

    Even if you dont want to use the Call Recording feature, Base Voice still tracks

    the conversations as they happen. Any call made or received using Base

    Presented by Base


  • Voice is entered as an activity on the contact, lead or deal card it is associated

    with. Calls are time- and date-stamped from any Base platform where the calls

    are made.

    Base is all about automation. Call Logging doesnt take any eort on the reps

    part. Nothing will be forgotten or entered incorrectly, and your team can keep

    its focus on making the sale.

    Presented by Base


  • Todays sales reps spend as much time in their inboxes as they do on the

    phone. Email can be a huge drain on your time if you dont manage it carefully.

    Heres how Base can help you to make the most of this communication tool.

    24. Complete Integration

    Closing a deal takes a huge number of emails. Base can keep track of them

    for you. If you connect your email account to Base, any time you send or re-

    ceive a message from a contact in your CRM, a copy will be attached to that

    persons card. Thanks to Bases complete integration, copies will automatically

    be added whether youre working in Bases inbox or in a dierent email client.

    Integrating email with your CRM is just one more step to creating a truly cen-

    tralized source of your work information. The setup process is simple, and

    Base will remember your account information and take care of everything

    from there. This level of automation allows you to focus on work, resting as-


    Presented by Base


    Email Automation

  • sured that all of your customer info is stored and available to you in one


    Organized and easy access to your email history will ensure you have the infor-

    mation you need to close thedeal.

    25. Google App & Outlook

    Googles email service has attracted fans thanks to its flexibility and ease of use.

    With Bases Google email gadget, you can make both your email and your CRM

    even more powerful. Add new contacts directly into Base or create notes, tasks

    and deals from within your Gmailaccount.

    You can also sync your email with Outlook. Base CRM for Outlook lets you man-

    age customers and track conversations in Base without ever leaving Outlook.

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  • The widget copies your Outlook contact activity right into your Base account.

    When you install the Base plugin for Outlook, you can sync your existing con-

    tact groups with Base. Any time you update a contact in Outlook, the contact

    will be updated in Base. Likewise, any updates to contacts in Base will be re-

    flected in Outlook. After youve synced your Base CRM contacts with Outlook,

    you can open a contact and see all relateddeals.

    Presented by Base


  • For over 25 years, CRM systems have faced criticism over lack of user-


    Just look at Avons failed implementation of SAP, where they wrote o $125

    million dollars because their end users said, "sorry, not going to use it". While

    this was a recently publicized example of lack of user adoption, it happens all

    the time. Any salesperson will tell you that CRMs just slows them down.

    Thats a big problem, stemming from the fact that CRM systems cater to

    managers, not sales reps. Instead of focusing on the end-user, the sales rep

    who just wants to crush their quota, CRM systems expect them to enter data

    so that managers can generate reports and track how their sales team is


    Its also why we see so many sales reps reject their CRM systems, leaving

    managers high and dry with incomplete data and faulty reports.

    Well Base is changing that. Our tool is designed to increase your teams sales


    See for yourself. Try out all 25 sales productivity boosters featured in this

    ebook by completing your no-risk 14-day free trial.


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