•WSJS B^?HWgWWPgWWWHWP 1 0 T H E FdRT WORTH TELEGRAM TUESDAY, MaROH 29, 1904 $2.50 $1.00 $2.50 Three Bargains Shown i n 0\ir SoxitK Window The above illustrates three pieees just added to our stock. AVe are introducing them to our trade at prices which we expect will make them move. Easy Payments With Liberal Terms 1619-16214623 MAIN STREET FORECAST The forecast for Texas east of the ouo hundredth meridian, issued at New Orleans, Is as f ollows: North—Tonight and Wednesday, probably showers.; warmer tonight, ex cept In extreme west portion, colder Wednesday In west portion. settled weather: warmer In tho west portion tonight. following statement of weather con ditions this morning: The north Pacific low has advanced eastward to Colorado whera It is cen tered this morning, end moving slowly eastward. This storm Is attended 1 feign winds, but no precipitation i any Importance had occurred up 8 o'clock. The storm's Influence e: tends east to the Mississippi and soutl -ward Into Texas, resulting in a sharp rise In temperature. Increased cloudi ness and brisk southerly winds. The Area of high pressure with cold tem perature Is over the middle and north Atlantic stales. There was no precipitation in the wheat belt or cotton belt states during tho past 21 hours. Fort TVor th .. .. Jacksonville .. . Kansas City .. . Montgomery •• Nashville New Orleans .. . North FUtte . .. Oklahoma Palestine _. Rapid City Stl Paul llll.ll Salt Lake San Antonio Shreteport ... . the last twenty-four hours—minimum •nd maximum temperature, wind In miles per hour at 8 p. m. and rainfall In laches: Temperature Ttaln- Statlons— UIB. Max. Wind. fall. Abilene 38 72 24 Amarlllo 32 74 14 .00 Atlanta ........ 48 14 .00 Chicago 26 42 .00 Cincinna ti 2S 42 8 Denver 34 62 It. Detroit 20 34 10 El Pas o 42 S3 10 Throat Trouble GOLDS, COUGHS a nd ABSOLUTELY CURED M I L K S * WE GUAR ANT EE AN ABSOLUTE CURE. f Oneday's trial and yon> marvel at its action. No need to rack your system by coug hing or loss of sleep. A con gb is dangerous. Road these Testimonials: Mrfc V Emulifon Company. Terre Haute. Xnd he care of specteiu only relief I Ba*ee»er had. Yours respectfully, TUJJi HlPflW, 31?N. Ninth St.. I October 15. IMS. Terre Haute, lad. The Milks' Emulsion Co, Terre Haute. led. * PorelaMor ten years I have har t caUrrhot he throat: bare doctored almos t contlmiaUr. but w.tuoui anr permanent relief. A friend r-er- auad*d me t o try MUca- Emulsion, for which I amr*rygrateful. Hare taken one bo* and am now taklojf tbe second. I t ta wtth pleasure! •ay Hiihi' Emulsion h&s helped me more than wl bareeierDsed. ^onfr ri^-i! .:,). W Fur* Croeer.SM W Wash. St.. Indianapolis, lad* •srulncl I December 10 IttC I The only remedy of its kind ever put before the people with a positive guar antee. Pleasant to take and wonderful la its malts. I LKr E U L SO N C O . PrU . SO C*«u. Terra Haute, Is*. OUaaaHTCCO»I D tog fALC BY 1 H- T. PAKOBTJEN & CO . S L none. at. F «EC DELIVERY W E S T T E X A S A N D PANflANDLEWILL R B E C O T T O H Possibilities of Making Good Crops Have Induced Many Farmers to Pnt in a Large Acreage This Year. A representative of the Cotton IJelt railroad company who has Just reached Fort Worth off an extended trip through North and Northwest and Cen tral Texa*«. gl\es,a report of conditions that Is an>thing but encouraging, ex cept that part of it which has reference to oat and wheat cnndltions. He traveled as far into the Tan- handle country as Memphis and Ama- nilo The people in the Hereford and Canyon City country are making elab orate preparations to put in a large acreage of cotton this reason, having; been stimulated o\er the success of the experiments of last year. Up to last yenr I t was not thought t hit cot ton could be successfully grown In that cold country bat the t<-=ts nl- reidy made ha\e conelusnely demon strated that just as (rood cotton can be raised on the plains country nearly 400 miles northwest from Fort Worth as In the cotton sections of Central Texas, and as a consequence farmers propose to give the growin g of the white staple a thorough test this sea- An exceedingly large acreage of cot ton win be put In this season In the Abilene. Cisco. Halrd. Alniny and Stamford country. The pa t ecison there was marketed from Stamford 2*>- 000 bales of cotton, which Is considered a phenomenal success for the first trial In cotton growing In that part of the state. The Telegram's Informant says the people of that section expect to make large Increases over the out put this season, and to this end are bending their energies Cotton plant ing In this part of the state will not b* commenced until after KaMer, as It Is entirely t oo cold until after that date In that section of Texas. The gentleman states that wheat and oats are looking well as far north on the Denver road as Henrietta, but be yond that point conditions are not very favorable on account of the drouth which has prevailed for many months In Central and Eastern Texas It Is re ported that cotton Is up and looking filrly well . ~Corn never looked bet ter In Southeast Texas." said (he gen tleman, -and In many sections It is high enough t o plowed" He says wheat also looks well In East and Cen tral Te my pr. made to raising that cereoL Wheat between Fort Worth and Decatur. Whitethorn and Gainesville 1a doing well and never looked better for this lime of the season. It nothing in terferes with the crop there will be a very large yield. -The people in West Texas don't know anything but Fort Worth when rt comes to a pushing and busy city.™ said The Telegram's Informant. He added that the* people of that part of the Btate are very much Interested In the movement here to have a ;r>11lng mill entahiUhed In Fort Wor'n. Thev say that it one Is e*>taMi„r,ed In this city It will be of great, oenefit to them as Viey are now e«mpelled to send to 51 Louis for e,Ven repairs that they are compelled to have martp Th* people In that part of the Mite are very anxious to see wholesale en terprises established In Fort Worth, particularly wholesale dry goods and We fit the Head Are you a crank on your clothes ? That's your privilege. You've a right to be. That's what you pay for. That' s why you go to a tailor for your clothes Instead of a butcher. Tell US what you want. It may not conform to the etyle or to our ideas. That's your business and Its our business to give you what you want. Of course if you want to leave It to us, we'll do the bes t we ca n to give >ou what you ought to have. Suits $20 to $40 SKINNER & CO . (Incorporated) TAILORS 715 Mo.in Slreet Fort Worth. Teiu OUR EDEHE.REXFeRP boots and shoes. Most of the trade In theso lines of that section of West Texas would come to Fort Worth If there wero houses of this characte THE KIT/TIES UNIFORM MrlLlsc Cosfninee Worm by Member* The uniform of "Tho Kilties" b the famous Scottish-Canadian mu organization that will visit Fort Worth tomorrow, is the most gorgeou s ever seen In this country. They really have two complete uniforms, kno wn a s "dress" and "un-dress." The dress uni form is. of course, the finesL It con sists of a re«1 broadcloth "doublet" or Jacket, with brass butto ns and shoul der epaulets. Around the body and over the right shoulder In graceful folds Is draped the Gordon plaid. The "xporran- or purse, worn In fron the "kilt." the white belts, the short bo^e and whit© spats almost comj the uniform. The reat est novelty of the uniform, however, is the "* * The kilt ns Is generally known short plaited skirt, which takes the place of trousers, and Is worn around the body reaching to the knees Each Of the-^o kilts contains over twelv e yards of cloth. Theso with the silver elk heads and other ornaments •worn on the sporran, shoulders and other parts of the uniform, make It not only the most beautiful, but also the most expensive uniform worn by any or- gaization that has even toured Ameri ca They will be seen I n the parade on Main and Houston streets tomorrow at A MEI»IC\I. MELTIXO A meeting of the Tarrant County Medical Association was held la st night In the Fort Worth Medical col lege Dr I. L v Van Zandt was presid ing officer The meeting opened with a discus sion of the importance of pending a nood representation of delegates to the meeting of the State Medical An*ocia- tlon at Austin There were no pipers read beeau*e tho*e vh o were to read papers were not present at the meet ing war the cloce of the meetin g applications for membership were acted on and the following were elect- members - Dr. A C. Walke r, Dr. W. Chilton and Dr. J. I T McLean. The ct mectlnc will be held on the third Monday of ApnL THERE I S B U T O N E Brand of "Red Hot Chic ken Tam ales" Th»f. "WALKER'S" telj nc lor uifc l-l fc- luck SIK tau. Coy lie for Uric Mb. Fiaily Sue Can. Oil; a lit hf lv(e Ik. Itttl Sin Cut .Ask "Tour Orocar. D i d Yo-u 7 Many people called hero last »eck. 1 Many people went away sat isfied. Mauy got their money's Did You? Yours for up-to-date Sboee. LEE NEWBURY, IltLLAS, FftltT WORTH. "'.s Kim. (Jib dt lleveloa. Unle flower* next summer's garden Id likely Nothing Is more bewildering than the modern catalog ue of the fiorisL There are so many kinds Of florers described In It that there Is a veritable "embarrass- ment of riches " Among so many all pre- sumbaly good, and many described in such glowing terms that the amateur feels as If he could not afford not to include them his list, which shall be decide on* He looks o\er bis garden and makes a ental estimate of liow many llowers he has accommodations for. and finds that has not room for anywhere near the number he has marked as wanted on.the pages of his catalogue. The list must be revised and cut down to fit the garden. But—what shall be omitted? That's the puzzling question 1 will gi\ e a li>t of them for the Decent of the would-be Kar dener. sh ow knowl edge of flowers does not warrant him In making a selection without assistance: Asters, balsam, ralliopsis. ten-week stocjc, petunia, phlox drumaioiidl, snapdragon, pan^y, scoblosa. poppy, mangold, s weet pea. morning glory, nasturtium, duuilhus, zinnia, \erbcua. s»rel all>s»eum. Candy tuft, migononette. larkspur, cocmos. poe- tulaccat an d salpiglOKSiS - This list, as will be seen. Includes two dozen varieties—oulte enough for a large Prom them the amateur can select aa many as he thinks he ha s room for. feel ing sure that not one of thero will fall t o give the best of satisfaction. If he does hfct part In caring for them. "Hut." some one may say. "nay garden Is BO small that I can t find a place In It A BED OF ASTERS IN' BLOOM. which confronts him, and It must find solution. Now, there are certain flowers which can be classed as stand-bys. They hare great merit. In \annu** ways. They are profuse bloomers, they bloom with more more or less constancy throughout the sca.->on. they axe beautiful, and they do not ask to be coaxed or coddled. Gl\e t hem a good soil to grow in. keep the weeds from encroaching on them and water them If the ecason happens to be a dry one. and they a sk DO more in the way of care from sou. These floweis ne\ er disappoint, as the "novelties" advertised in many catalogue are quite likely to do They are reliable— alwavs to be depend ed on. These are the llowers I would reronjraend the amateur gardener to se lect from. j for half the number. I want the best of the lot—those which will give me the flowers, and last the longest—hut I morning glory, sweet pea, >erbena, stock, zinnia nod mignonette. In selecting the above as perhaps the best of the first list I am leaving out some almosL if not quite, as good: It will be understood. therefore. If anyone prefers to make his own selection from the first hat he can do so with the insurance that For the benefit of those whose garden is jn«t a lit tle Lit of ground, X name the following sit as being llkoy to give the greatest satisfaction: Phlox, petunia, as ter, calliopsi<t, sweet pea and verbena. N O R T H S ID E U N O R O S E N _ H E I G H T S The Drawing for Places on the City Election Ticket Held Last Night. Nash Furniture Company. Fort Worth, on Main street near Central avenue. Long before the time set larg- crowds began to congregnte around tli> principal oalooras and business houses, and bv S o'clock the stre ets were well crowded by Interested people, who were alive and ready to listen to any issues that misht be raised by the political aspirants. Ow ing to some mis understanding amo ng tha candidates, all were not present, and It decided to posip° ne , h e ,-eech mak ing until next Saturday night, at which time the school house will be used and all candidates given i»n opportunity t o ex press Ihomstlvcs About all that wis done wis the draw- g of places on the city election ticket. The drawing was conducted by City At- orney W. I\ Mcl-can Jr.. as^ te d by J '. Teer. The placet on the list from iiayor down wore arranged, the result ef he drawing resulting as follows: MAI OR. James D. Farmer, re-election. L. c Frit chard. ALOKUMEN. S. T>Shannon J. F. Cmnt. re-election. I* li Curfl- P. J. Conway. S F- Il*»pklns. Ben Godwin. J. J. I.v.lon, reelection. IV. A. Arthur, re-elect ion. CITY MARSHA!* J. W. Cappa. A. Futty. "Dick TlowelL re-election. CITY SECRETARY. C C. Ilornsby. crrr ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR. W I Sandsberrv. IL A. Mulhollind. re-election. T. E. Can*on_ NEW CULVERT FOR MAIN STREET The Northern Texas Traction Company has completed t he culvert which was placed near Twenty- fourth st reet, beneath the car tracks on Main street, where the overflow ot Marine branch sericu-ly dam aged the street and made traffic dangtr- kcross the washed out place. Tha Traction comi.ap> 15 L.r gclv responsible for the condition of this portfp of Main street, as the framlu^e granted to the company by the north side council for a double tnc k privlltfte specified the Im- ovement of the street between Twen tieth and Twenty-fifth street**. NORTH SIDE NOTES AND PLRS0NAL3 The noith side city ^onnoil will meet In special sc**lon tonlghL The main object of the meeting will be the consideration of lam Rosen's request for a light and power franc!-.!*- It is also expected that che matter of a new tax rat e will t w*discussed d if favoiably received b> th- aldermen present, bonie definite action will be tak*n t the matter of Inaugurating a new city. Or. Cl A. II.cLmao Is havi ns furnished piveent ofllue. A. 1> Patterson, soliciting agent of tbe Kat>. w,in onice^ at the atoc& >anls, ta leceivlng lh-4 congratulation* of bia lr. oauJ* upon ti.e *»rr. \ui ol u new daugUtvr «b Lxm ooiu« Lut cuuuay. As. --. iiii v-i ^ni u* i*sn\al ££ii.Cnt uitsi an attack of grippe. Thw r emai n-* vf the 1 8-month-old baby of Air. and Mr ** L> M. llele w. who died yesterday inornluK. was buri vd th is morning to NVlson'b cemetery. M> S3 Azlee Suggs lia*. accepted a posi tion aa sal«sLkdy with J. li. Collier it Co. a A BIBLE CLASS Clayton B. Coojwr or Now York city, who is sent out by the national committee of the Y, M. C A., addressed the student * a/id LuMiIt y of t he jrort Worth Unl\ersPjr Sunday night. Btr. Clayton is goimr through the country, \unting colleges and universities for the purpose of organuung l>lble <%..-.;. After hU a^drcss at the univ^r*ity Sun day night, a UiMe class of forty-five mem bers was formed The class will meet bio J. Iorns will be the instructor. There w&ie present at the meeting Mr, Burleson and jlr. Itodges, delegates from Trinity University at Waxahaohie. Mal-Fest May 16 and It. Is taken when you make your Refrigerator pur chase here. OUR "B LU E NORTHER *• As the name implies^ is an exceedingly chilly proposition while the prices we are making ar e R E D M O T Al l we ask "i s an honest comparison of ^alues an d the order is dors. NASH Hi^DWARB CO. SprmlFootwear iWhile high shoes will be in demand, the low cut or Ox ford will he the popular Shoe this season. Our showing includes all the latest approve d lasts and leathers. Washers' pftinarch S3.5Q Walk-Over Shoes S3.50-S4.00 TAm Shoes $5.00 . wsmnER - The Great Store For Men The Time To=== BUY We Have t h o Finest Line of ChaflnK Diahe* In t h e City— an d are selling them at a 25 per cent discount. All goods marked in plain figures. Ton cannot make a mistake if you buy from us. ."We handle the S. Sternau & Co. Chafing Dish—the best made. A large bottle of Koholia for alcohol lamps , given with every chafing dish. These prices for one week only. Call and see our line. R o y <& Ueff le r 6 0 2 IVIain Street SIRS. DUCKER TO SING She Will Be One of Fwe From Texas at the World's Fair Mrs. Maud Peters Ducker this morn ing- received a letter from Mrs Potte r of Gainesville, a. member of the ladles World's Pair commission of Texas , ex- tending" to her a warm Invitat ion to be on* of five Indies in Texas **ho have been aafced to fin* at tho World s Fair, In Hie Texa s building" auditorium. Mrs. Duoker will today reply to the In vitatio n end accept the name. She con- elders -that she has been highly compli mented hy being selected o s one of fl«,e Texas Iadi<»s who will sing at the fair. As Is well understood, a series or mu- steals are to be pl-.cn In the Texas build ing auditorium during the progress of the fair, and tho lad.es on the Texas commii- have uFed their be.it endeavors t o fee - cure only the best talent. eial from Dawson says: The Korae I*>ewa of January 20 reviews the activity of the mines as follows: Judging from the amount of work In progress this winter In the mines of Cape Nome mining district, the output of gold next spring will be the greatest In tbe history of the Seward peninsula - And what Is remarkabl e in this statement Is the fact that none of the "big: companies" Lj operating on an extensiv e scal e. WILL OF T.F.TVTP IS FILED •t o f St. Ixmls DreTrer Is Rreorded In Deatom DENTOX. Texas. March 29.—(Spe cial.)-—A copy of the last will r and testament of the great St. Louis bftwsT, William J. Lemp. was filed la * the county clerk's office here yesterd ay. The will Is very short and gives no Idea of the amount of property con veyed, which, however, »c know--to"" Include a vast num. TOMORROW MATIM2E 3 P. X. NIGHT MUX CITV n.w.i. Al'SPICES V. M. C. A. T H E KILTIES Canada' Crack Military Band mires W.»W OPEN AT • A. 1 MONDAY, AT Y. Jt C. .

2424 Fort Worth Star-Telegram 1904-03-29 10

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