WELCOME ALL PARISHIONERS! 24º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH 4222 SW Loop 410 Phone: 210.674.1200 San Antonio, Texas 78227 Fax: 210.674.1640 Rev. Hugo O. Maese, M.Sp.S. Rev. Gerardo Cisneros, M.Sp.S. Apolonio “Ed” Garcia Pastor Parochial Vicar Deacon

24º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO · perfectionist elite. In our own ways, each of us is the lost sheep, the prodigal son. There is no one who "has no need of repentance." The Church

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Page 1: 24º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO · perfectionist elite. In our own ways, each of us is the lost sheep, the prodigal son. There is no one who "has no need of repentance." The Church




4222 SW Loop 410 Phone: 210.674.1200 San Antonio, Texas 78227 Fax: 210.674.1640

Rev. Hugo O. Maese, M.Sp.S. Rev. Gerardo Cisneros, M.Sp.S. Apolonio “Ed” Garcia Pastor Parochial Vicar Deacon

Page 2: 24º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO · perfectionist elite. In our own ways, each of us is the lost sheep, the prodigal son. There is no one who "has no need of repentance." The Church


Dear Brothers and Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul,

It is with great joy that I introduce to you Fr. Gerardo Cisneros, MSpS, our new parochial vicar. Fr. Gerardo is originally from Charo, Michoacan, Mexico. He had served at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Oxnard, CA., was vocation director for the Christ the Priest Province, and formation director at Mt. Angel Seminary College in Oregon. Fr. Gerardo is excited for his new ministry as associate and I’m sure you will find in him a servant leader, priest, and faithful leader for our community. Together as

co-workers, the pastor and parochial vicar(s) carry out the functions of teaching, sanctifying and leading the people entrusted to their care. No matter what office a priest holds in the Church, the ultimate goal of all pastoral ministry is the salvation of souls. While serving pastorally in our community, he will also serve as formation director for Brs. Rudy and Jesus whom you have already met these past days. Please help me welcome Fr. Gerardo and assure him that San Antonio will treat him well with good company, delicious food, and warm weather… and well the tasty tacos and menudo served on Sundays at the par-ish hall!

We are less than a month away from celebrating our annual Fall Festival scheduled for October 5th from 12-10 pm. Our festival committee is planning the details from food booths, kids games, logistics, and promotion. We are still in need of volunteers for this day. Please consider volunteering with you time and talent to make our festival a success. Thank you.


Fr. Hugo, MSpS – Pastor

Estimados hermanos(s) de San Vicente de Paul, Con gran alegrí a les presento al P. Gerardo Cisneros, MSpS, nuestro nuevo vicario parroquial. El P. Gerardo es originario de Charo, Michoaca n, Me xico. Habí a servido en la Iglesia Cato lica Nuestra Sen ora de Guadalupe en Oxnard, CA., fue director de vocacio n para la Provincia del Cristo Sacerdote y director de formacio n en Mt. Angel Seminary College en Oregon. El P. Gerardo esta emocionado por su nuevo ministerio como vicario y estoy seguro de que encontrara n en e l un siervo fiel, sacerdote y lí der para nuestra comunidad. Juntos, como compan eros de trabajo, el pa rroco y los vicarios parroquiales llevan a cabo las funciones de ensen ar, santificar y dirigir a las personas encargadas de su cuidado. No importa que oficio tenga un sacerdote en la Iglesia, el objetivo final de todo ministerio pastoral es la salvacio n de las almas. Mientras sirve pastoralmente en nuestra comunidad, tambie n servira como director de formacio n de los Hnos. Rudy y Jesu s a quienes ya han conocido estos u ltimos dí as. Por favor ayu denme a darle la bienvenida al P. Gerardo y asegu rele que San Antonio lo tratara bien con buena compan í a, comida deliciosa y clima ca lido ... ¡juntamente con los sabrosos tacos y menudo que sirven los domingos en el salo n parroquial! Estamos a menos de un mes de celebrar nuestro Festival de Oton o anual programado para el 5 de octubre de 12 a 10 pm. Nuestro comite del festival esta planificando los detalles desde los puestos de comida, juegos infantiles, logí stica y promocio n. Todaví a necesitamos voluntarios para este dí a. Considere ser voluntario con su tiempo y talento para que nuestro festival sea un e xito. Gracias.

P. Hugo, MSpS – Pa rroco

Page 3: 24º DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO · perfectionist elite. In our own ways, each of us is the lost sheep, the prodigal son. There is no one who "has no need of repentance." The Church



First Reading: So the Lord relented in the punishment he had threatened to inflict on his people. (Ex 32:14)

Psalm: I will rise and go to my father. (Ps 51)

Second Reading: This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. (1 Tm 1:15a)

Gospel: "In just the same way, I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Lk 15:10) Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. The English translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


"Tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to

Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain?" In

this Sunday's Gospel, we learn the context for the

forthcoming parables about the lost and found. A great mixed

crowd surrounds Jesus. The religious elite are present, along

with all manner of local lowlifes. The Pharisees seem a bit

upset that this wasn't the lecture series they were hoping for.

Why would Jesus welcome sinners?

Jesus responds as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep... rejoice

because I have found the coin that I lost ? let us celebrate

with a feast, because this son of mine... was lost, and has been

found!" Each of the parables features a dramatic example. Of

99 sheep, one has gone astray. Of 10 coins, one has gone

missing. The welcomed son has previously been a covetous

scoundrel. Jesus' point to the Pharisees is clear. If the Gospel

really is "good news," if our faith really has the power to save,

why wouldn't we want everyone drawing near? Why

wouldn't we do everything in our power to eke out that

possibility for every single person, no matter where they

have wandered? After all, if this message is not of value to

everyone, why is it of value to anyone?

Our Christian faith is not a matter of rule adherence for the

perfectionist elite. In our own ways, each of us is the lost

sheep, the prodigal son. There is no one who "has no need of

repentance." The Church is a mixed crowd. And we are mixed

people. And the Gospel has good news for each of us today!

There is no one Jesus doesn't go after, no one he does not

catch sight of "while... still a long way off," no one to whom he

does not run to embrace and welcome home.



MEDITACIÓN EVANGÉLICO En este Evangelio, la audiencia de Jesu s cambia. El domingo pasado caminaba con el un gran gentí o; hoy los publicanos y los pecadores se acercaban para escucharle. Los Fariseos y los escribas, por el otro lado, lo observaban y lo criticaban entre sí . Todo su fin era ponerlo aprueba o tenderle una trampa. Jesu s, por su parte, les contesta con tres para bolas: La oveja perdida, la mujer que pierde una moneda de las diez que tiene y el hijo pro digo. Jesu s les dramatiza los mensajes con el amor y compasio n de Dios hasta lo ma ximo. Cuando Dios ofrece misericordia, la respuesta es el arrepentimiento del pecador. "Yo les digo que de igual modo habra ma s alegrí a en el cielo por un solo pecador que vuelve a Dios que por noventa y nueve justos que no tienen necesidad de convertirse." (Lucas 15:7).

Reflexionando en las para bolas de Jesu s, vino a mi mente la siguiente pregunta: ¿Co mo responde ahora la Iglesia a las personas que le siguen? La Constitucio n Pastoral Gaudium Et Spes, (La Iglesia en el Mundo Actual) da respuesta de la siguiente forma: 1. Los gozos y las esperanzas, las tristezas y las angustias de los hombres de nuestro tiempo, sobre todo de los pobres y de cuantos sufren, son a la vez gozos y esperanzas, tristezas y angustias de los discí pulos de Cristo. Nada hay verdaderamente humano que no encuentre eco en su corazo n. La comunidad cristiana esta integrada por hombres que, reunidos en Cristo, son guiados por el Espí ritu Santo en su peregrinar hacia el reino del Padre y han recibido la buena nueva de la salvacio n para comunicarla a todos. ¡La Misericordia de Dios sigue presente en su Iglesia! ©LPi

Las lecturas de la semana del 15 de Septiembre de 2019

Domingo: Ex 32, 7-11. 13-14/Sal 51 3-4. 12-13. 17. 19

[Lc 15, 18]/1 Tim 1, 12-17/Lc 15, 1-32 o 15, 1-10

Lunes: 1 Tim 2, 1-8/Sal 28, 2. 7. 8-9 [6]/Lc 7, 1-10

Martes: 1 Tim 3, 1-13/Sal 101, 1-2. 2-3. 5. 6 [2]/Lc 7, 11-17

Miércoles: 1 Tim 3, 14-16/Sal 111, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 [2]/

Lc 7, 31-35

Jueves: 1 Tim 4, 12-16/Sal 111, 7-8. 9. 10 [2]/Lc 7, 36-50

Viernes: 1 Tim 6, 2-12/Sal 49, 6-7. 8-10. 17-18. 19-20/

Lc 8, 1-3

Sábado: Ef 4, 1-7. 11-13/Sal 19, 2-3. 4-5 [5]/Mt 9, 9-13

Domingo siguiente: Am 8, 4-7/Sal 113, 1-2. 4-6. 7-8

[cfr. 1. 7]/1 Tim 2, 1-8/Lc 16, 1-13 o 16, 10-13 © LPI

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Nm 21:4b-9/Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-35, 36-37, 38 [cf. 7b]/Phil 2:6-11/

Jn 3:13-17

5PM †Vickie Armstrong by Family

†Joe Kyselica by Clara Taylor

†Katherine Czaja by Patsy Schiebel

SUNDAY/DOMINGO, SEPTEMBER 15 Ex 32:7-11, 13-14/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19 [Lk 15:18]/1 Tm 1:12-17/

Lk 15:1-32 or 15:1-10

8AM For all Parishioners

10AM †Carmen Lydia Vela Cano by Husband & Family

†Vickie Armstrong by Family

Rachel Hernandez (Birthday) by Family

Beatrice Silva (Healing) by Carmen Langley

12PM Sisters of our Lady of Sorrows

†Robert W. Maziek by Wife, Liz & Family

†Farmer Family by Family 2PM MONDAY/LUNES, SEPTEMBER 16

Col 1:24-2:3/Ps 62:6-7, 9 [8]/Lk 6:6-11

8AM †Suffering Souls


Col 2:6-15/Ps 145:1b-2, 8-9, 10-11 [9]/Lk 6:12-19

8AM Margie & Mary

WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES, SEPTEMBER 18 Col 3:1-11/Ps 145:2-3, 10-11, 12-13ab [9]/Lk 6:20-26

8AM †Lyton Paul Cormier (Anniversary) by Margaret Dupuis THURSDAY/JUEVES, SEPTEMBER 19

Col 3:12-17/Ps 150:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6 [6]/Lk 6:27-38

8AM †Thomas Brown by Brown Family


1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14/Ps 16:1b-2a and 5, 7-8, 11 [cf. 5]/Lk 6:39-42

8AM †Kathleen Brown by Brown Family SATURDAY/SABADO, SEPTEMBER 21

Nm 21:4b-9/Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-35, 36-37, 38 [cf. 7b]/Phil 2:6-11/

Jn 3:13-17

5PM †Ana Alvarez by Family

†Katherine Czaja by Mr. & Mrs. Vogels

SUNDAY/DOMINGO, SEPTEMBER 22 Ex 32:7-11, 13-14/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19 [Lk 15:18]/1 Tm 1:12-17/

Lk 15:1-32 or 15:1-10

8AM †Margaret Lynn by Brown Family

10AM For all Parishioners

12PM †Mario O. Ramos by Family

2PM †Rosalba Canelo de Pantoja by Timoteo Canelo

SATURDAY 9/14 9AM-1PM Catholic Charities Presentation-7 & 9 3:30PM-4:45PM Confessions-Church 5PM Vigil Mass

SUNDAY 9/15 8AM-2PM Fellowship Breakfast-Guadalupano Society 8AM-3:30PM RE Classes-Parish Center, Rms. 2-5 & 7 & 9 9:30AM-11AM RCIA-6 12:30PM-2:15PM RCIA-6 3:30PM Family Al-Non-4 5PM AA Meeting-4

MONDAY 9/16 8AM Mass-Church 8:30AM-12:00PM Adoration-Chapel

6:30PM-8PM Festival Committee-8 & 10

7PM Divina Misericordia-Capilla,

Boy Scouts7

7:30PM Apostolado de la Cruz-2 & 4


8AM Mass-Church 8:30AM-12:00PM Adoration-Chapel

6PM 12 noon Choir Practice

6:30PM New Formation-Hispanic Cmt.-4

7PM Young Adults-3, Little Rock Scripture Study “Women in the new Testament”-7,9, 10 & 2

WEDNESDAY 9/18 8AM Mass-Church 10AM Senior Line Dancing-3, Adult Bible Study-2 5PM-8PM Adoration-Chapel 6PM Choir Practice-Church 7PM Hispanic Community-2, RCIA-4, Spanish Choir-3

THURSDAY 9/19 8AM Mass-Church 6PM Legion of Mary -5 6:30PM Youth Ministry/Jovenes (English & Spanish), 7 & 9 7PM Adoration-Chapel, Overeaters Anonymous-2 FRIDAY 9/20 8AM Mass-Church 8:30AM-12PM Adoration-Chapel

SATURDAY 9/21 3:30PM-4:45PM Confessions-Church 5PM Vigil Mass

SUNDAY 9/22 8AM-2PM Fellowship Breakfast-Religious Education 8AM-3:30PM RE Classes-Parish Center, Rms. 2-5 & 7 & 9 9:30AM-11AM RCIA-6 12:30PM-2:15PM RCIA-6 3:30PM Family Al-Non-4





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Schedule at: https://booknow-lifetouch.appointment-plus.com/b1dmczx6/


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Mass Schedule

Mon.-Fri. 8AM (Church)

Sat. 5PM

Sun. 8AM, 10AM, 12PM & 2PM (Español)


Sat., 3:30 PM-4:45 PM (Church) & by appointment

Blessed Sacrament Adoration

Tues. 8:30 AM-12PM Chapel

Wed. 5PM- 8PM Chapel

Thurs. 7PM- 9PM Chapel

Fri. 8:30 AM-12PM Chapel

Office Hours:

Mon. - Thurs. 8:30 AM—12PM

1PM— 5:30 PM

Fri.-Sun. Closed

Parish Staff

Secretary: Grace Hernandez 210.674.1200

Rosemarie LaValle

Business Manager: Lucy O’Barr

RCIA, Adult Confirmation, Marriage Prep., Liturgy:

Fr. Gerardo Cisneros 210.674.4235

[email protected]

Religious Education, RCIA For Children;

Josie Dobroski, Coordinator 210.674.4291


Music Director: Gilbert Aldrete, Jr. 210.654.7340

Maintenance : Lucio Camacho

Custodian: Octavio “Tavo” Cisneros

Nutrition Center M-TH 8A-1P/F 8A-12N

Linda Woodring 210.670.1800

Friendship House TU & TH 9A-12N

Cecilia Aala 210.674.5861


MASS SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER 2019 Priest Schedule Subject to Change

15 Fr. Gerardo - at 8:00

Fr. Hugo –at 10:00

Fr. Gerardo– at 12:00

Fr. Hugo at Blue Skies at 1:15

Fr. Gerardo– at 2:00

16 Morning Mass – Fr. Gerardo

17 Morning Mass – Fr. Hugo

18 Morning Mass – Fr. Gerardo

19 Morning Mass – Fr. Hugo

20 Morning Mass – Fr. Gerardo

21 Quincen era at 1:00 PM—Fr. Hugo

Confessions – Fr. Hugo

Vigil Mass – Fr. Hugo

22 Fr. Hugo - at 8:00

Fr. Jose de la Rosa –at 10:00

Fr. Hugo– at 12:00

Deacon Ed at Blue Skies at 1:15

Fr. Jose de la Rosa at 2:00

Converging Roads Conference-Catholic Medicine in a Secular Society/White Mass for Healthcare Providers The St. John Paul II Foundation, in collaboration with the Archdiocese of San Antonio and the Catholic Physicians Guild of San Antonio, present the second annual Converging Roads health care ethics conference on Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm at the University of the Incarnate Word. The annual White Mass for healthcare providers, celebrated by Archbishop Garcia-Siller, M.Sp.S., will conduct the conference. The conference theme will focus on Catholic Medicine in a Secular Society, & continuing education credits for healthcare professionals will be offered. For more info., visit convergingroads.com

Registration for Religious Education classes deadline is September 29, 2019. We will not be accepting registrations for classes after this date.

Inscripción para las clases de educación religiosa se terminaran el 29 de septiembre de 2019. No aceptaremos inscripciones para clases después de esta fecha.