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  • 7/29/2019 23_Melecon_2000




    Domain knowledgemodule

    User interfacemodule

    Figure 1. Typical ITS Architecture

    Abstract Asynchronous distance education delivery systems

    do not require real-time student-human teacher interaction

    thus enabling students to use tutoring resources anytime and

    anywhere. Among various possibilities for implementing

    asynchronous distance education delivery computer supported

    ones are nowadays the most popular. Categories thereof are

    intelligent tutoring systems that are used for supporting and

    improving the process of learning and teaching in arbitrarydomain knowledge. In such education models the role of

    human teacher is replaced with a computer tutor basically

    consisting of a domain knowledge base as well as of both a

    student module with an appropriate student model and a

    teacher strategy guiding the learning and teaching process.

    The paper describes an authoring shell Distributed Tutor-

    Expert System (DTEx-Sys) developed for asynchronous

    distance education purposes, as a secondary knowledge source

    for teachers and their students in secondary and primary


    Index Terms asynchronous distance education, authoring

    shells, intelligent tutoring systems.


    The growing popularity and ease of access to the World

    Wide Web (WWW) stimulates present day interest in

    systems for self-learning in general and distance learning(DL) in particular. The Web provides itself as an

    outstanding delivery medium, thus acting as both a provider

    of content and of subject matter. On the other hand HTML

    technology allows and easy way to deliver all kinds of text,graphics, sound and video offer.

    It is claimed that the Web represents a well-chosen

    technology for implementing asynchronous distant

    education delivery systems. Such systems do not require

    real-time student/human teacher interaction hence enablingstudents to use tutoring resources anytime and anywhere.

    Moreover, students within asynchronous group learning

    environments do not need to manage their schedules.Learning networks based on asynchronous communication

    offer unique opportunities for active participation. Unlike

    the traditional classroom, students within on-line courses

    have access to the airtime they want or need, enabling everyone of them to have a voice. Asynchronicity provides each

    Marko Rosi and Slavomir Stankov are with the Faculty of Natural

    Sciences, Mathematics and Education, University of Split, HR-21000

    Split, Croatia (e-mail: marko.rosic{stankov}@pmfst.hr).

    Vlado Glavini is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and

    Computing, University of Zagreb, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:[email protected]).

    student the time to reflect, formulate ideas and compose

    responses thoughtfully, hence enabling the elevation of the

    quality of student interaction and participation.

    Among various possibilities for implementing

    asynchronous distance education delivery computersupported ones are nowadays the most popular. A category

    thereof are intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) that are used

    for supporting and improving the process of learning andteaching in arbitrary domain knowledge. In such educationmodels the role of human teacher is replaced with a

    computer tutor, basically consisting of a domain knowledge

    base as well as of both a student module with anappropriate student model and a teacher strategy guiding

    the learning and teaching process [1]. An ITS takes into

    consideration the knowledge about what to teach (subject

    matter domain knowledge), the way to teach (pedagogicalstrategy teacher), as well as the relevant information

    about the student being taught (student). As shown in

    Figure 1, there are four main interconnected modules of an

    intelligent tutoring system: (i) domain knowledge module

    with the domain knowledge base, (ii) teacher module forguiding the teaching and learning process, (iii) student

    module with information that is specific to each individualstudent, and a (iv)suitable user interface module enabling

    interaction among student, teacher and domain knowledge


    Teaching and learning are expressed by a four-phase

    functional cycle: (1) didactics, (2) perception, (3) diagnostic

    and evaluation and (4) help and remediation [3]. Thisprocess is a self-adaptable one and is performed according

    to the assumed pre-knowledge, capabilities and students'


    Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Asynchronous

    Distance EducationMarko Rosi, Slavomir Stankov, and Vlado Glavini,Member, IEEE

  • 7/29/2019 23_Melecon_2000


    The biggest problem in building an ITS is its high costsresulting from the inherently cyclic and time consuming

    design process. In order to overcome this problem another

    approach has been chosen, namely to create particular ITSs

    from flexible shells acting as program generators. Such

    authoring shells should show design usability andflexibility so as (i) to allow different representations of

    problem areas, and (ii) to enforce ease-of-use when

    developing an ITS for a particular problem area [4].

    The asynchronous nature of ITSs makes them a goodcandidate for use throughout the Web, since they facilitate

    instruction offer anywhere and to anyone and for an

    arbitrary domain.

    In this paper we present a Web-oriented authoring shell Distributed Tutor-Expert System (DTEx-Sys), which is

    developed for asynchronous distance education purposes.

    DTEx-Sys is designed as a 3-tier client-server architecture

    [5] where the intelligent tutoring functions are separatedfrom the user interface and the knowledge base(s). The

    system functionality comprehends knowledge base access

    for arbitrary domain knowledge, along with testing,

    diagnosing and evaluation of students work. TEx-Sysfeatures Web-based tutoring by means of standard browsers

    and an interactive hypermedia learning environment, and

    enables a particularly easy two-way communicationbetween students and teachers, as well as students and



    The Web has demonstrated itself as one of the most popular

    education supporting technologies on the Internet.Thousands of Web-based courses have been made available

    within the last five years already, unfortunately most of

    them using static hypertext pages [6]. In contrast, there arepresently only few technologies for implementing ITSs on

    the Web. Frequently used technologies are those enabling

    dynamic generation of Web document contents, hereincluding the following ones: Common Gateway Interface

    (CGI), Active Server Pages (ASP) and Java Server Pages

    (JSP). ASP and JSP are better solutions than CGI, because

    they are faster and support interoperability with

    components (Component Object Model or JavaBeanscomponents). Another group of technologies for developing

    distributed ITSs are those based on distributed objects suchas Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA),Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) and Java

    Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI). Additionally, for

    operating the clients side, Java applets and Active Xcomponents are also used.

    A. Web-Based Authoring Shells

    A number of Web-based authoring shells six of them

    are considered in the following, with the purpose of

    illustrating design decisions and implementationtechnologies.

    ELM-ART (ELM Adaptive Remote Tutor) is a Web basedITS to support the learning process of LISP programming.

    It is based on the on-site ELM-PE (ELM-Programming

    Environment) intelligent learning environment used to

    teach an introductory LISP course at the University of Trier

    [7]. The course materials in ELM-ART are presented as anon-line intelligent textbook with a hypermedia integrated

    problem solving environment. The system is implemented

    using Common Lisp Hypermedia Server functions.

    CALAT (Computer Aided Learning and Authoringenvironment for Tele-education) consists of an ITS shell on

    the Web server side and of a multimedia scene viewer on

    the client side. This system is built with the aim ofachieving a high degree of adaptation to individual learners

    by dynamically selecting the subject matter. Besides, it

    includes a courseware authoring system that can be readily

    used by courseware specialists even without system or

    programming skills [8,9]. CALAT uses CGI in combination

    with appropriate plug-ins.

    Lee and Wang [10] proposed an intelligent hypermedia

    learning system that can perform intelligent as well as

    individual instruction based on the combination of CORBAand the Web. It provides instructional units for diagnosing

    students response and allows dynamic instruction

    strategies developed according to a students progress.

    Another system with a Web oriented intelligent learning

    environment is VALIENT (Virtual Adaptive LearningIntegrated Environments using Net-based Technologies)

    [11]. Its authors aim to combine the strengths of the Web asa mechanism for delivering conventional instructional

    material with the learning opportunities available inintelligent learning environments. VALIENT uses JSPtechnologies and Java applets.

    The IDLE system (Intelligent Distance Learning

    Environment) supports the development of adaptive Web

    courseware in the areas of artificial intelligence (especially

    knowledge engineering) and cognitive sciences

    (psycholinguistics and neuro-psychology). Theimplemented prototype is a multi-agent portable system

    enforcing access restriction and using multimedia effects

    [12]. There are both a UNIX and a PC version, the UNIXone using CGI, while the PC one using JSP technology.

    The MANIC (Multimedia Asynchronous NetworkedIndividualized Courseware) [13] project is targeted towards

    facilitating individualized asynchronous distance learning

    based on new technologies like high-speed computernetworks and hypermedia instructional material (text,

    graphics, animations) presentation. Its authors concentrate

    the research especially on the effective use of Webhypermedia technology for delivering to students stored

    instructional courses, such as class notes/overheads and

    audio/video of classroom lectures. MANIC is implementedwith CGI, using Real Audio and Real Video Server.

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    Figure 4. Access to knowledge base

    Knowledge basesaccess module

    Consultation module

    Testing module Knowledgebases




    Figure3. Structure of DTEx-Sys shell


    Our DTEx-Sys is built by keeping in mind universality and

    application quality thus resulting in generality of use. A

    brief consideration of DTEx-Sys universality featuresshows (i) the support for availability to a wide group of

    users and (ii) the possibility of its use for arbitrary domainknowledge. A coarse-grained decomposition of DTEx-Sysuniversality results in the following elements:

    user time independence when accessing systemservices,

    user location independence when using systemservices,

    independence of client computer system platform, limited requirements upon client computer system, and

    uniform way of storing knowledge regardless of thesubject matter in question.

    Regarding application quality the following elements are


    the system is adaptable to individual users needs, learning is performed within a hypermedia


    the system supports a teacher consultation option,

    it offers a user supervision option, it a incorporates a user test feature,

    it provides tested users with recommendations forfuture work,

    the system is compatible with resources pertaining toother distance learning systems, and

    it is suitable for future refinement.

    The system has been designed according to the general

    principles of student knowledge and skills acquisition, aswell as of the methods and techniques of knowledge

    representation. Of course, DTEx-Sys builds upon the

    experiences of an earlier on-site version denoted TEx-Sys(Tutor-Expert System) [2], whose main objective has been

    the generation of hypermedia-rich learning environments

    for teaching and learning basic principles in control theory

    and their application in natural, technical and social


    All of DTEx-Sys functions are accessible through standardWeb browsers. Advantages of such an approach include the

    following ones: the Web is a generally accepted service for envisaged

    users of DTEx-Sys,

    Web browsers are free of charge software products, Web browsers enable client platform independence, Web browsers allow for an interactive hypermedia

    learning environment,

    the two-way student-teacher as well as student-studentcommunication can be made extremely easy using

    Internet resources, and

    there are many other educational resources located onthe Internet which can additionally be used by DTEx-


    DTEx-Sys is developed as 3-tier client-server architecture[5] where the intelligent tutoring functions are separated

    from the user interface and the knowledge base as shown in

    Figure 2. Semantic networks with frames are the formalism

    for knowledge representation in DTEx-Sys. Nodes

    represent domain knowledge objects, while links showrelations between objects. Additionally nodes from the

    knowledge base can have any of the following structural

    attributes: textual descriptions with hypertext, pictures,(sequence of) slides, animations (moving pictures and

    sound) and Internet links.

    DTEx-Sys users are supported in the process of learning

    and teaching with the following services: knowledge

    base(s) access, testing knowledge, reception of test results

    with recommendation for future work and consultation withinstructors. These services are of course provided by their

    respective system modules, as shown in Figure 3: (i)

    knowledge access module, (ii) testing module and (iii)consultation module. All the modules exhibit appropriate

    user interfaces. E.g. the user interface for accessing the

    knowledge bases shows domain knowledge objects along

    Figure 2. DTEx-Sys 3-tier architecture




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    Figure 5. Results of test and recommendations for

    future work (rating 4 roughly equivalent to B)

    with structure attributes assigned to the selected object, seeFigure 4. Testing is implemented using Web quizzes: after

    testing the student receives as feedback both the rating and

    recommendations for future work, see Figure 5. All of these

    activities are under control of the DTEx-Sys shell.

    DTEx-Sys is implemented with Microsoft technology,

    therefore including the Windows DNA (Distributed

    interNet Applications Architecture) model. The contents of

    Web documents that are distributed to clients is generated



    In this paper we discuss authoring shells presently being a

    very promising CAI tool class for insuring Web-basedasynchronous distant education. After shortly reviewing six

    such systems known from the literature, we describe thebasic architecture and outline the implementation of the

    authoring shell Distributed Tutor-Expert System (DTEx-

    Sys). DTEx-Sys has been in use at the Faculty of NaturalSciences, Mathematics and Education, University of Split,

    for some time already. E.g. it has been used for supporting

    both the course "Computer Aided Instruction" during thepast academic year for several study groups, and the

    realization of a number of diploma works for various

    domain knowledges. Beside that, in our teaching practicewe use DTEx-Sys for improving the learning and teaching

    process in regular and further education, where it serves asa secondary knowledge source for teachers and their

    students in secondary and primary schools.


    This work has been carried out within projects 036033

    Architectural Elements for Regional Information

    Infrastructures jointly funded by the Ministry of Science

    and Technology of the Republic of Croatia and the Istrian

    County, and 177010 Independence of Student Using New

    Information Technology funded by the Ministry of Science

    and Technology of the Republic of Croatia.


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