" CET THE ifNMH" LOW-DOWN IH TttM CROW'S NEST ON LOCAL HAPPEN faGS By th« NAVIGATOR PAGE 8 TODAY'S ISSUE THE LARGEST SURBURBAX NEWSPAPER INTHECOUNTY COMPLETELY COVERING WOODBRIDGE. SEWAREN, AVENEL, PORT READING, COLONIA ud ISELIH 219 SENIORS OGRADUATE N JUNE 19 Annual Gommepcement Ex- ercises. To Be Hfild ' "• In Legion Stadium AISS JACOBS/ SYMPOSIUM WOODBKIDGE, N. J,, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1940 Publlihtd Kvmrjr Prl.Uy Tale < p / u g m ' Plight Told As Red Cross Campaign to Realize Quota Of $2,400 — .Striking ah unexpected pate, Woodbridgd Chapter^ American ReU Cross has raised clone te $700 in the fito few. days of its /drlv* to rains -its ?2.,400 quota of the ?iO;OOQ ( o6o minimum fund.,, b,cin^ <ralstid, throughout the cpv'ntry for'war re-', lief.- According to, Mts, .Ajinci"Fitz. Randolph,;local; Rod* CroW .chair 1 -, man,' the. incomplete! rcturnsT fcom" chapter* throughout the - land re- veal!* .that •Amerlpn.JR responding generously to-oose tho-plight of tho stricken innqcpnti In the European •; N «jr Pita Made. ' JManV were too. tired to. oat. Wo- Mrs. Rrtndolph.' this week.re-' men faint at ,8i|ht. of food—top war. lar ol Kiefel to Give Ad- dress Of Welcome, Bet- ty Manton Valedictory UoOMiRIDGE—Two hundred ,,,! nineteen seniors are expected m ..'iviB their diplomas at the ,,„;,! Woodbrldge High School [in'mni-ncement exercises to be ,H Wednesday ©venlng, June 19, ' ,1-ir, o'clock in the Legion Sta- ll,,„, The class Is smaller In num- i| i; m the class of 1089 that had 1,, r From 'the pennies am| tilcklca gent in by, children to large gifts m.-Individuals and business 'con- cerns,'^here is every indication that the drive will "go over the top ceiVed the' following telegram from the national/headquarters: '•'Every cabje from oik'repre- sentatives in France; paintg a blac^-and more, appalling pic? tui'e of conditions among the trill-!' M<ms of refugees fUe|f|g from tho 'buttle, zones,- One <»bla gayuJ'r'Par- l.i,.fa*swamped Iby"terror-stricken, hungry,'exhausted menwomen and children/ Roads from tho'north are cluttered with cartel bicycle's, bul-> M .scarred, automobiles. Under the shadow of "'the 'Palace ; .of; Yo'rsatl- Jcs, vohiritary first'aid workers are baching feet ip.f old me>, wo', men, Bomp whom walked forty.ftf- Ly, sixty miles In past'three days Stockings had to be cut from lac' orated, swollen, 1 blistered foot tarved tjy eai There are pent of unidentified, frightened children under eight, yeart.of.age at every refugee .concentration Point, French peasants, and aristocrats ymtk si'de by side in best" Demo- cVatic. tradition.'," . / " • /'France IB looking-to BB for aid. its teeour.ces'ar'o Inadequate, to' handle, this problenref "mass terror and', .suffering. Let ys he "prompt in sending help, ypu 'can do your part by carrying your community pyer the' top without delay." , ".; Donori Ara* Lilted Local contributions, as. of Wed aesday night, are ad follows: Mrs.E.«, Cone, $100; Sowaren $06.73; Colonia, $55.00; collec (Continued on Page 6) ssaa-saK—s—s N. i aub Post \ Amad faj^ 1)^^ fufa In Month, Mrs. Mrmz loses Permit Escapes Coniictien On Finl Appearance, But Udgt Brown Fines Her $200, Rtwket iieenu On Second - AVENEUy-Less than a month after she was. found not guilty of a drunken driving charge by Aetttifir Recorder James S, Wight, Mre.-Ka'therlne Mra$z, 42, at 1006 AjVenel 'StVeet, Was Art^ated"'ftpln'on a similar "coihplatat-and' found;guilty by Recorder; Arthur BrpW. r " •,. • IVJra." itrasi/.was arrested the secqflfli tliwe iaat Friday night by oiflcof .Atithbn^ Peterson i ^sexii, _ .'.'UJi'w*- •,-,'•.,• if? " RANKIN IN PRAISE tiWNSHlPCOPS N. J. MAYOR HIT! WAR TALK Warm Community In Mt-' v morialDayTalkjEx^V, ciiei Broidcut t < \ use of rain, the exercise* will Id the next clear night'at ami! time and place. The .hridgc High School Band' til piny for the procession and ill iiceompany "the singing of tho ibs .««ng and the national anthem. Following a custom established' f,.\\- yenrs ago, there will be ,,iitsiili! speaker. Miss Carol Mrs. Catey Is Now Boss Of House And Pat Corey Doesn't Ilk It! 6UYem-0ld Bricklayer Pleads With foigeMTo Impose Such A Penalty Bat His Words An In Vain WOODBRIDGE—Mrs. Patrick Carey is nw officially the boss of the Carey household at 108 Second Street. That is, Judge Arthur Brown said she was for the^next year. . It all started when Pat, a 61-year-old bricklayer, was arrested on his wife's eompiaint by Officer Stephen Feier- tag, Pat was charged with being disorderly . . . at least |i,f,| will give the addrbsBb: . : ,n<l Miss Betty Manton will I lie farewell address. The msium speakers will be Miss >thy Jacobs and Robert Leh- Tlieir subect has not been •imccd as yety ,The four stu- fcnts, according to Mr. Ferry, lead It::- class in scholastic rating. ic annual Baccalaureate ser- iwill be held Sunday, June?6, tin' Woodhridge High School iliturium. The graduating class II wear cups and gowns and an idc-mic procession will proceed of tho Congregation*! pin eh, will preach tho sermon,' Wdodhridgo High School orr iia will play for the singing., Plan Senior OutinJ In 1 iuiiiual senior Outing, ac- line to an announcement nuidc week by Principal Arthur C. |viy. will take place Monday.June ;it' Luk<! Hopatcong. The sen- , iuiompanied by Boven tcach- . an- expected to leave the high ..•I at 8:1)0 o'clock inthemorn- aml will return at 11 o'clock |i.i:ii(. •« jC;;.-* Night was held last Friday : ami the annual senior bull •Muled to take place next iv night; June 7 in the gym- iii. Music will bo furnished Milk; Henish and bis orchestra, in -churgo is: Flora Puskas, Gertrude hi -A nod, John Trosko, Helen («(-•>Tik, Joseph BiciQ, Eugenia 'i'. IClizubeth Faiekas, Ray- I Gorky, Helen Xane, Ru- {Ctmlinucd on Page 6) ITRIOTKIOBRSE IPPEDJY LIONS' ries Of Lectures To Be jiven To Unmask '5th Cllumn' Activities l u l l E_"The- Araeri- l Way," a movement to acquaint I residents of Woodbridge Town- 1 with the benefits derived from f'li'in of government and to iHk "fifth column" activities "isms," will be sponsored by iLinns'. Club of Woodbrldge in Ivii-y neur future, according to |iiiiimuy plans made by the at a meeting held Tuesday at the Silver Palms. |croi'ding to the announcement, <>na will conduct a Wles of meetings at Which prom- It national figures will be the The meetings will be in Woodbridge and surround- »inmunities with the coopera- his wife, Annie, said hu was. After hearing the case, 'J.udgc Brown placed Pat on a year's pro- bation—in th.i> custody of his wlfu. Pat begged and tfleuded—he'd do anything—"but please don't lunkc my wife the boaa'.', But Judge Brown remained unyielding ami for a year what Mrs. Carey, says goes. John Jacobs, 27, of 30 Wylie Street, AvcnclJ will appear in po- lice court toniRht to answer a eompiaint of driving without u ti- cense. Rounds Sergiiiint Frank Mjller went to the service stution where Jacobs is employed in ans- wer-to,a call. When'he reached thereon* Joseph 8. Jacobs, of 263 8 N i f e i t 4 4 W««f75h ep him that John Jacobs hnd over charged him on a bill, Inquiry re- vealed that the Avenel man had no driver's license and hud driven the Now Yorker to Rahway. The matter will therefore be uiieii to- night in police court. TOWN MEN CHOSEN FOR PETff JURIES To Hear Cases For Remain der of Present Term Ending In September WWODBRIDGE — S e v o r a Township residents are on the twi panekof petit jurora drawn before Judge Adraln Lyon this week by the Middlesex County Jury Com- missioner to hear all trial wor in the county courts, for the bal- CARNIVAL HAND HVRT IN CRASHJI 2 CARS Mishap At Intersection In Hopelawn Sends Work er To Hospital HOPELAWN Anthony Jer ome, 35, of 130 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, an employee of the Knus Carnival now showing at Hopolawn, sustained a fracture of .the ri(?ht shoulder bone Mondny night, when it cjir in .which be was riding driven by u 1 fellow-om- ployee, Andy Weaver, 2T, of. Miami, Flu., crashed into another cur at the intersection of Florida Grove Road and JJew Brunswick Avenue. ' , Weaver told Officer Anthony Peterson that the driver., ol the other cur'stopped but that.in the excitement he forgot to usk him hia name and address. Jerome was taken to the Perth Amboy General Hospital by Wea- ver and was treated by Dr. Peck- man, He remained at the hospital. CORRECTION WOODBRIDGE—The name of Miss Jeanne Giroud, a freshman at Wpodbridge High School, was in- advertently left nut of the honor roll that was published recently, September, Tho first group will serve from June 10 to 29'inclusive and the second from July 1 to the 'end of the term, Local names drawn are as follows: 4 Firpt group: George F. Brew- ster, William J, Egan, Stephen Ellis, Jr., William Fullerton, Jos- eph M. Geigel, Hans Johanscn, John F. Killeen, Edward F. Parkor, Helen Rohdc, Henry G. Smithies, Rita E. Toper. Second group; Eleanor D, Boy- Ian, 1 Alton M. Cathcart, Lillian Coll, Eugene R; Finn, Helen Hill- yer, George Krumm, Anthony J. Lonnon, John D. Robinson, Steph- en Sable, Joseph M. Seaman, Peter J. Toth. 3 SERIOUSLY 1RT IN H E A M N CRASH Carteret Youth, Girl Suf- fer, Criticalfojurie*In* Fords Mishap WOODBRIDGE—Four persons were injured, three seriously, in a head-on automobile collision on Main Street, Fords, shortly before seven o'clock last night, i Tho injured, all of whom were taken to the Perth Amboy General Hospital in the Woodbrldge Emergency Squad ambulance, are: Miss Dorothy Lisak, 18, of 14S William Street, East Rahway sec- tion of Carteret, possible frac- ture of the skull, lacerations of the center of the forehead, nose, left hand and abrasions of the right knee. Remained at hospital. William Graeme, Jr., 18, of 92 Heald Street, Carteret, possible' fracture of the skull, lacerations of the right knee, right ear, right cheek and lacerations of the scalp. Remained at Hospital. Mrs. Mary Potrjcik, Bl, RFD, .Box 73 Ehglishtown, lacerations of the face, Released after treat- ment, John Petrjcik, 51, same address, «sjblefraeture,of,the skull,Jtrac-, ture bf the upper jaw, deep la- cerations of the chin and c] Remained at hospital. Vertion bf Police According to a report made by Officers John Manton and Anthony Peterson, they found both cars on the south side of the road, badly AVENEL CLUB WINS N. J, RECOGNITION Felice Donato Named As Braille Chairman And Book Wins Prize AVENEIr-Miss Felice Donato, of George Street, was recently re- appointed New Jersey Slate Brail- le Chairman of the Junior Wom- en's Clubs, according to an an- nouncement made at the final meeting of the season of the Ave- nel Junior Woman's Clyb Tuesday night at the home of Mrs, John Stutski, on School Street, Wood- .bridge. ' A donation of $5,00 was votqd to the Red Cross War Relief Em- ergency Fund and plans were mado for a picnic to be held on June 80 at Echo Lake, Announcement^ was made that the Avenel group won first prize for Junior Year Booka at the an- nual convention held recently in Atlantic City, • • on n complaint made by .Theresa CsnnloB who 'charged tlhat Mrs. Mrasz crashed Into,hor car,. ,• Examined by tit, Malcolm Dun- hatii;. Township physician,. Mrt." Mrhaz was pranbunced uiidei: the influence of liquor and unfit- to drive a motor vehicle, On the ad- vice of her attorney, B. W. Vogol, Mrs,, Mraw pleaded guilty and was fined $200 and costs. Her driv- er's license was revoked for two Mrasz, was arrested the years. Mrs." firBt time by Officer Henry ham early In May after Salvatore Vernachio, of Carteret, claimed that sho hits his canon Blair Road Port Reading. Vernachio said ho chased her car and finally stopped her 1 at the corner of Avenel Street and the super-highway, On the stand, Officer Dunham testi- fied that Mrs. Mrasz admitted to him she was driving the car at the time of tho accidont. Afte examination she was found to b under the 'Influence of liquor. Recanti On Story' However, on. the stand, Mrs, Mrasz told an altogether dlffcron! story. She related she had several drinks in a Port Reading Tajjorr that made her ill. She then sail (Continued on Page i TOWNlAlRMED IN TAVERN APPEAL PARTY IN SEWAREN HELPS Action In Granting License To Silver Palms Sustain- ed By ABC Mass To Be Sang Sundays In Colonia By Fr. Brennan ISEL1N—Rev. William J. Bren-' nan, of St. Cecelia's Church, this place, has announced that mass will be celebrated evory Sunday morning at the Colonia Public Li- brary at 9:30 A. M., starting next Sunday and continuing througlh- out the summtr months, , | WIGHT RE-NAMED WOODBRIDGE Assistant Prosecutor James S; Wight, of Linden Avenue, was reelected chairman of the Middlesex County Republican organization at a meet- ing of the committeemen and com- mitteewomen held Tuesday night in the Elks Club in New Bruns- wick. Mr, Wight is ahiO chairman of the Woodbridge. Township Re- publican organization. j |ty. othpr Lions' Clubs In the committee appointed to ar- fm 1 the program includes: !? n L. Hrusk», R^v. |ak .and La.wre.nco P. John ThmLocalGirlsToGetDegreesln Commencement At NJCTomonow damaged. Mrs, Petrjcik, who was the only one in the accident not unconscious, said her husband was traveling west on Main Street, about 30 feet west of Vine St., and that the other car, driven by Grae- me, approached from the opposite direction, She was unable to tell the police the cause of the acci- .dent. Both cars were evidently pushed to the side of the road by the force of the impact. The cars were badly damaged, the Graeme car folded up like an accordion- making it necessary to chop; through the door to get Miss Lisak and Graeme out. The Grae- me car was towed to the Speedway Garage and the Petrjcik auto was takefi to George's Service Station, At the hospital, the condition of the injured was described as, 'serious". They werei treated by Dra. Altbach and Josephson. Sewaren Club To Consider Changes In Constitution . SEWAREN—A meeting of the Sewaren Motor Boat Club will be held tonight at the clubhouse, here, at eight o'clock for the purpose of voting on the proposed revision of he constitution and by-laws. Members of the club are,asked to see the fleet captain immediate- ly for 1940 mooring space as in- reased membership has taxed the lub's mooring facilities and space is at a premium. Raritan Man Is Arrested On Dranken Driving Count WOODBRIDGE—John N. Yun- Mrs. Van Syckle Hostess In Her Home To Aid War Sufferers SEWAREN—The Red Cross benefit card party sponsored by the Sewaren History Club at the home of Mrs. Peter Van Syckle in Cliff Road, Fri'day evening was a delightful success. . There l were twelve/tables in piny and. prizes were awarded as fol- lows:' Door prize 4 ona t ec l by Ros- lyn Beauty Shop, Mrs. A. F. Ran- dolph; door prize donated by Kath, Willard R&nkin; lamp donated by Mrs, John A. Kozusko, Mrs, Sam- nel J, Henry; high scores, Mrs, Albert M. Hagcn, Mrs! Garret Brodhead of WQodbridge, Mrs, Helen Smith of Freehold, Mrs. Gertrude Sofield, Mrs. M. T. Har- ris, Mrs, A, F. Sofleld, Mrs, W. H. Watson, Mrs. John A. Delaneyof Per^h Amboy, Glenn Haupt, Mia Harper A. Sloan, Mrs. M. D. Mo Clain, ^Mrs. William Vincent, W Frank Burns, .Mrs, F. T, Howell, Miss Blanche Van Syekle, Mrs. George Stilwell, Mrs. F. J, Adams, Mrs. • Russell Solt and A. W. Scheldt of town, . Others present were Mrs, Olive Van Iderstine of Freehold, Mrs. A. T. Chriatensen, Mrs, E, G. Herr-i !>is were abo m^de to hold « |onial dinner in hpnor of the |d h | |nd p officials of Youth Samuel Gioe was named »n in charge of arrange- |and to select a suitable data- tominating committee, to re- Vck.at the next meeting, 1, wag named by President Bekfuky as, follow I**- [**. Campion, pjutitttftn-; Dr, NEW BRUNSWICK - Three Woodhridge Township girls will be among the 191 seniorswhow.il receive their baccalaureate de- gree* at the 19th annual com- mencement exercises of the New Jersey College for Women tomor- row in the Elizabeth Rodman Voorheea, Chapel. ; Woodbrldge proper will be rep- resented In the graduating class by Miss OHve Spencer, of 86 Grove Avenue, who will receivo the de- gree of bachelor of arts. Miss Spencer i» the daughter of Com- mWman and Mrs.'Frederick A. Spencer and is a. graduate" Woodbrldge High School, At New Jersey College*for Women she malorod in History, Ifl her junior Tar she was on the publicity com- mitieefortheJuhlotShowanda member of the Junior. Prom com- mittee, During her senior year, she was circulation manager of itudent publication, , . Two Iselin girls are also mem- bers of the graduating class. They aro Miss Valentine Schmidt, of Fiume Street, who will receive tho degree of bachelor of science And Miss Lilian WitovBlty, of Oak Tree Road, who will receive the degree of bachelor of arts, Both girls are graduates of Woodbridge High School. Miss Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Martin Schmidt, majored in mathematics. A» a sophomore she was a member of the Educa. tion Club. She waS » meniber of the Mathematics' Club and the Elizabeth Redman Voorhees Chap- el choir In her senior year. Miss" Witovsky, fho is the daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Morris Witovsky*, majored lit English, She was president of the Education Club during her senior yer. While at high school, here, fhe maintained a high scholastte strom of Metuchen, Mrs. Emil Kaus, Mrs. Howard F. Klein, Mrs. George Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Howell of Woodbridge, Mrs. Herbert Eyerkus, Mrs, Wil- liam Pfeiffer and Dr, Anthony J. Leitner, of Perth Amboy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J, La Farr, Mrs. Peter kor, 32, of 1033 Main Street, Rari- tan Township section of Fords, was arrested here by Inspector Manley of tjhe State Motor Vehicle Department on charges of di-unkqn driving and operating a motor ve- hicle without a license. Mr. Yunker is scheduled to ap- pear before Judge Arthur Brown n police court tomorrow morning. YoangWoman'sClabHolds Spring Dana In Bed Bank WOODBRIDGE — The annual Spring .dance of the Young Wo- man's Club of Woodbridge held Saturday night at the Molly Pitch- er Hotel in Red Bank, proved to ,be a very enoyable affair, More than fifty couplet atended. The elimination dance prise was won by Miss Mary Finn and Clair Bixel, Miss Frances Ryan was gen- eral chairman. Van Syckle, Mrs. A. A. Molitor, Mrs. Seymour Deber, Mrs, Willard Rankin, 'Mrs. George Mullen, Mrs, Di V. Rush, Mrs. William Ecker, Mrs. W. Frank Burns, Miss Dorjs Burns, Samuel J. Henry, Russell Sblt, F, J, Adams and Fred H. Zim- merman of. town. Mrs. A. W Scheldt was the chairman, .assisted by Mrs. McClain, Mrs, Rankin Mrs. Ecker,' Mrs. Solt and Mrs. Burns, IDGE —The Depart- pjlc Beverage Con- ietd th« 'Township; Committee In granting a transfer of a plenary retail liquor license to the Silver i?ajms, Inc., on St George Avenue. The New Jersey Licensed. Bev- erage Association, through its counsel, William C. Egan, appeal- ed the committee's right to grant the license claiming that the trans- fer "was granted in violation of the municipal ordinance and was obtained by aubterftge." Originally Mrs'. Julia Hahn ap- plied to the Township Committee for a- transfer of Mary Hajacki's license to herself. In her applica- tion, Mrs. Hahn gave her. address as Woodbridge. A short time later the transfer was dented, without hearing, after Chief of Police George & Keating reported that his investigation revealed that Mra. Hahn resided in Perth Amboy. A corporation was then formed of which 'Mrs. Hahn was a stocb holder and the license was grant- ed. At a Township Committee hearing, Mrs. Hahn testified that she lived in Woodbridge and then oved to Perth Amboy just for a hort time, fully intending to come iack to the Township, After the appeal,^. W. Garrett v cting commissioner of the Alco- olic Beverage Control, ruled that under all the circumstances', it^s oncluded that the transfer of It, ense to the, corporation was .noi ibtained by subterfuge and tha he Township Committee did no ibuse its discretion in granting he transfer to it." Township Attorney Leon E. Me Elroy represented the committe nd Chritaian J, Jorgensen ap •cared for the Silver Palms, eceived 100 Per Cent Co- operation He Says In Annual Review WOODBRIDGE - "You musl 'orget all personal feelings and remember that you are officers who take an oath to defend the very principles upon which this nation in founded." So declared Police Commissioner HorBwt Rankin at the annual po : lice inspection held yesterday morning In. front of *th« Memorial Municipal Building, "On this particular Mcmorinl Day," he said, .''thought might be given by you to conditions aB they exist today, Wo hope to God that these conditions will not exist here, but at tho same time it is probable that activities of the war may. be felt here,and it may have an effect on your personal thoughts. You and I havo taken an oath to up- hold the Constitution of the United States, It is your duty and my duty to forget personal thoughts regarding the other side and re- member that wo are Americans— hat you, as officers have sworn to preserve, protect and defend American principles." . Mayor Auguaf F. Qreiner told the officers that he and the people of the Township were well pleased with the police forco today. Ho said that above all the police of- ficer should remember that he is a servant of .the people and should N. J, LEQION BLASTS FIFTH COLUIW, Sayt U, S. 'Will Uy Idols of Treason, H i t r i And Bifotry*. \kj WOODBRIDGE—With flags ing and bands playing, W bridge Township, the "Typical. crican Community," honored war dead yesterday. The parade turned out largest in yean as if the i of the Township, feeling the MrJ- ousness of events abroad, withM to show the world that they tfv : lieved in the principles of Am«r> * Icanlsm. The program at the WhlW j Church' cemetery, broadcast pvW V Station WOR and the ,Mtttn'il[ e ; 4 Broadcasting System, was preatf'"'' cd without the usual bustle and I mult of a holiday—the whole ' gram being conducted in serious and earnest vein. In Introducing the progr*ft*,| t i Car'l.ton Warren, WOR annftwutAi,^ extend every courtesy. .Chief,of Police George E. Keat- ing, in presenting his men to Mayor Greiner and Commissioner Rankin,-.declared that ho was well satisfied with the work of. the men during'the past year and that he had received 100 percent cooper- ation. ,-'• . Low Areas Flooded! Storm During Night Halts Traffic WOODBRIDGE-^-Early morn- ing, traffic was. virtually halted here today as one of the' wors rain storms in years flooded main intersecting arteries. The low area at Green'Stree and Rahway Avenue found thi water rushing fo door,-levei depth at Lubman's Pharmacy and ad- joining business establishments, The six o'clock work-traffic was unable to navigate the inundate stretch, Like conditions existed at Lin den Avenue ,snd ,Dunham Plac Pearl and Brook Streets and Parl Avenue, Tisdale Place and Grpv Avenue, and other points. \ ' BLITZKREIG ON STEWS OPENED BY RECORDER Habitual Drunkards Target In Campaign Started By Local Court WOODBRIDGE^Declaring he was "fed-up" with the habitual drunkards brought before, him, Judge Arthur Brown thi,i week bc- ran to nftte out stiff sentences for hat offense, Charles Toth, 4, of Flood Stroet, was sent to the workhouse for 300 days. Toth was found lying in a drunken stupor at the corner bf Flood Street and the Superhigh- way and had to have hospital treat- ment. A sentence of sixty, days was im- posed upon Julius Zanitsky, of 2 Pleasant Avenuo Perth Amhoy,, also on a charge of being drunk. Zanitsky was arrested by Officers Anthony Peterson and Closindo Zuccaro, pointed out that WoodbtJd(f» Township, through its committed was the first municipality in the' country,to adopt a resolution on Morul,Re-Armament and that Sail Francisco followed in Wood' - bridge's footsteps. He quoted the . last paragraph of tha resolution. Roy E. Anderson, past comman- der of Woodbridge Post, Amorlcan Legion, and State Vice Command* er, served as chairman and intro- duced the speakers. Rev. Earl H." Devanny, pastor of the Firit Pm- bytcrian Church, pronouriced the Invocation and he was followed by Mayor August F. drainer, who gave the address of welcome. Mayor Greiner warned against the hysteria of "war mongers" but at the same time urged that wo pe prepared for any emergency. John Kuhlman, a e<fior at Woodbridge High < School »nd son of Charles Kuhlman, cortnander of Woodbridge Post, American Le^ gion recited the Gettysburg dress and Dorothy Jacobi) a n a _ v senior recited the poem, "In Flan« ders 1 Fields."; >\ 'The .Woodbridgo" High SchO9h ] Band, led by Roy Simm, drum vakr\, jpr, played several appropriate s«t« lections and led in the singing of the national anthem. HUtory I»Tr»c«d' Major William G, McKinley, 6t , Jersey City, Executive'Committed man of the State Department ol tho American Legion, was the speaker of tho, day, Major Me- Kinicy traced fhe history 1 of "pOW ( J er polities" in Europe from the" ''• days of Caesar to the present. "It has nlways'beefl a strug^J* for tho glory of the Emperor,' |*' said, "and in the, wake of the wan < hnve been havoc, ruin and dcathj 1 '. In discussing the presont aitu£ ! \ TO HONOR MRS. BOOS WOODBRIDGE—A testimonial dinner-dance for Mra. John W. Boos will be sponsored by the First Ward Women|s Republican' Club in the Colonia Country Club Tues- day Night; All reservations for the pajty must be made by Sunday. tion he said in part: t Iselin Church Sodality Conducts Anrnlal May Crowning Ceremonies "We shall set our primary bate : f| of defense deep in the heart* '§{ (Continued on Page 6) flf,, FIREMENJXEiT§ TO HOLD MEMORIAL Annual Tribute Will Be Paid To Deceased Members June 9 i ISELIN—Miss Ann Olah, presi- dent of the Children of Mary So- dality, crowned the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the annual May crowning services held -Sun- day evening Ihurch. in St, Cecelia's The procession was led by .the candidates who wore followed by the memhers .of the Sodality gowned in various pastel shades and flowers in their nair. They marched around the church once and'were Joined by the flower girls, maids of honor, crown bear- er, erowner and personal attead' ant. ;. ' •Miss Olah wore a whjte satin gown with •«, long, veil of tulle, She carried »,. bouquet of white carna- nations, iillies of the valley gnd snap dragons. Joan ftP] crown be$rer, was dressed in white, and, carried the crown on white satin^heart-shaped pillow.. Miss Pauline Lewis, the .person til attendant wove a pink net frock with » large picture hat, trimmed with pink ribbon. She carried a bouquet of variegated hues. Miss Ann Meile, treasurer, was dressed in a rose colored gown with a large whjte picture hat ^nd carried a bouquet of» mixed flow, ers. Miss Ethel Mohr, the secre- tary, was attired in blue taffeta with a matching picture hat'imd a bouquet of mixed spring flowers. GirU Ip White The flower girls, Marilyn HallL gan, Josephine Bonomolo, Ursuki Jermolowite, Doris Schnle,' Joan Dige^were dressed in white and wore white ribbons, in their hair. \ The following gj^p were sdmit- WOODBRIDGE—Fire ies and exempt firemen .all ov«f '^ the Township have been invited f participate in the annual flremect'| memorial services to be held T day afternoon, June 8, in the 1 ion Stadium, Alt units are asked to at the firehouse on School Stre no Inter than two o'clock. entire assembly will then to the stadium, headed, by Woodbridge High School Services will start promptly 2:30 o'clock. In case«f rain services will, be held in the torium of School No, 11, on Street. m o l g gjfilB admit ted into the sqdaljty, Patricia' O'- Neill, Betty Breen, June Cuilinaiie f Grace Meile, Cavmela Aquila, KathriiieSllis, Charlotte Romano, Eleanore Brown, Ida Bowen, Mar- th Mazur fend Ethel Meile. / ; ?ev. McGuire,, of Red Bank', preached an impressive . sermon, The services ended with benedic- tion. The speaker of the day will Freeholder Anthony. £j, Gadek^ Mayor August F. Greiner wJH'gifj(t the address of welcome and tb^, benediction wilt be pronoun by Rev. |S W. V, D. Strong. ' high'school band is scheduled^, play several siilections and to company the singing of the tional anthem, . . ,'.' The invocation will be noticed by Rev. Ladislau.8 and Assomblymw B. W. 1 will speak. ' '

219 SENIORS faj^ MAYOR HIT! fufa OGRADUATE Mrs. Mrmz … · " cet the ifnmh" low-down ih tttm crow's nest on local happen fags by th« navigator page 8 today's issue the largest surburbax

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Annual Gommepcement Ex-ercises. To Be Hfild '"•

In Legion Stadium



WOODBKIDGE, N. J,, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1940 Publlihtd Kvmrjr Prl.Uy

Tale < p / u g m ' Plight Told As Red CrossCampaign to Realize Quota Of $2,400

— .Striking ahunexpected pate, WoodbridgdChapter^ American ReU Cross hasraised clone te $700 in the fitofew. days of its /drlv* to rains -its?2.,400 quota of the ?iO;OOQ(o6ominimum fund.,, b,cin^ <ralstid,throughout the cpv'ntry for'war re-',lief.- According to, Mts, .Ajinci"Fitz.Randolph,;local; Rod* CroW .chair1-,man,' the. incomplete! rcturnsT fcom"chapter* throughout the - land re-veal!* .that •Amerlpn.JR respondinggenerously to-oose tho-plight of thostricken innqcpnti In the European

•; N«jr Pita Made. ' JManV were too. tired to. oat. Wo-Mrs. Rrtndolph.' this week.re-' men faint at ,8i|ht. of food—top


larol Kiefel t o Give Ad-dress Of Welcome, Bet-ty Manton ValedictoryUoOMiRIDGE—Two hundred

,,,! nineteen seniors are expected•m..'iviB their diplomas at the

,,„;,! Woodbrldge High School[in'mni-ncement exercises to be

,H Wednesday ©venlng, June 19,' ,1-ir, o'clock in the Legion Sta-

ll,,„, The class Is smaller In num-i|i;m the class of 1089 that had

1,, r

From 'the pennies am| tilcklcagent in by, children to large giftsm.-Individuals and business 'con-cerns,'^here is every indicationthat the drive will "go over thetop

ceiVed the' following telegram fromthe national/headquarters:

'•'Every cabje from oik'repre-sentatives in France; paintg ablac^-and more, appalling pic?tui'e of conditions among the trill-!'M<ms of refugees fUe|f|g from tho'buttle, zones,- One <»bla gayuJ'r'Par-l.i,.fa*swamped Iby"terror-stricken,hungry,'exhausted men women andchildren/ Roads from tho'north arecluttered with cartel bicycle's, bul->M .scarred, automobiles. Under theshadow of "'the 'Palace ;.of; Yo'rsatl-Jcs, vohiritary first'aid • workersare baching feet ip.f old me>, wo',men, Bomp whom walked forty.ftf-Ly, sixty miles In past'three daysStockings had to be cut from lac'orated, swollen,1 blistered foot

tarved tjy eai There are pent ofunidentified, frightened childrenunder eight, yeart.of.age at everyrefugee .concentration Point,French peasants, and aristocratsymtk si'de by side in best" Demo-cVatic. tradition.'," . / " •

/'France IB looking-to BB for aid.its teeour.ces'ar'o Inadequate, to'handle, this problenref "mass terrorand', .suffering. Let • ys he "promptin sending help, ypu 'can do yourpart by carrying your communitypyer the' top without delay." ,

".; Donori Ara* Lilted

Local contributions, as. of Wedaesday night, are ad follows: •

Mrs.E.«, Cone, $100; Sowaren$06.73; Colonia, $55.00; collec

(Continued on Page 6)ssaa-saK—s—s

N. i aub Post \Amad faj^ 1 ) ^ ^ fufa

In Month, Mrs. Mrmz loses PermitEscapes Coniictien On Finl Appearance, But Udgt

Brown Fines Her $200, Rtwket iieenu On Second- AVENEUy-Less than a month after she was. found not

guilty of a drunken driving charge by Aetttifir RecorderJames S, Wight, Mre.-Ka'therlne Mra$z, 42, at 1006 AjVenel'StVeet, Was Art^ated"'ftpln'on a similar "coihplatat-and'found;guilty by Recorder; Arthur BrpW. r " •,. •

IVJra." itrasi/.was arrested the secqflfli tliwe iaat Fridaynight by oiflcof .Atithbn^ Peterson i sexii, _ .'.'UJi'w*- •,-,'•.,• if?


N. J.


Warm Community In Mt-'v

morialDayTalkjEx^V,ciiei Broidcut t < \

use of rain, the exercise* willId the next clear night'atami! time and place. The.hridgc High School Band'

til piny for the procession andill iiceompany "the singing of thoibs .««ng and the national anthem.Following a custom established'f,.\\- yenrs ago, there will be,,iitsiili! speaker. Miss Carol

Mrs. Catey Is Now Boss Of HouseAnd Pat Corey Doesn't Ilk It!6UYem-0ld Bricklayer Pleads With foigeMTo

Impose Such A Penalty Bat His Words An In VainWOODBRIDGE—Mrs. Patrick Carey is nw officially

the boss of the Carey household at 108 Second Street. Thatis, Judge Arthur Brown said she was for the^next year.

. It all started when Pat, a 61-year-old bricklayer, wasarrested on his wife's eompiaint by Officer Stephen Feier-tag, Pat was charged with being disorderly . . . at least

|i,f,| will give the addrbsBb:. :,n<l Miss Betty Manton will

I lie farewell address. Themsium speakers will be Miss>thy Jacobs and Robert Leh-

Tlieir subect has not been•imccd as yety ,The four stu-

fcnts, according to Mr. Ferry, leadIt::- class in scholastic rating.

ic annual Baccalaureate ser-iwill be held Sunday, June?6,

tin' Woodhridge High Schooliliturium. The graduating classII wear cups and gowns and anidc-mic procession will proceed

of tho Congregation*!pin eh, will preach tho sermon,'

Wdodhridgo High School orriia will play for the singing.,

Plan Senior OutinJIn1 iuiiiual senior Outing, ac-line to an announcement nuidcweek by Principal Arthur C.

|viy. will take place Monday.June;it' Luk<! Hopatcong. The sen-, iuiompanied by Boven tcach-. an- expected to leave the high• ..•I at 8:1)0 o'clock inthemorn-aml will return at 11 o'clock

| i . i : i i ( . •«

jC;;.-* Night was held last Friday: ami the annual senior bull•Muled to take place nextiv night; June 7 in the gym-iii. Music will bo furnished

Milk; Henish and bis orchestra,in -churgo is: FloraPuskas, Gertrude

hi -A nod, John Trosko, Helen(«(-•>Tik, Joseph BiciQ, Eugenia

'i'. IClizubeth Faiekas, Ray-I Gorky, Helen Xane, Ru-{Ctmlinucd on Page 6)


ries Of Lectures To Bejiven To Unmask '5th

Cllumn' Activitiesl u l l

E_"The- Araeri-l Way," a movement to acquaintI residents of Woodbridge Town-

1 with the benefits derived fromf'li'in of government and toiHk "fifth column" activities"isms," will be sponsored by

iLinns'. Club of Woodbrldge inIvii-y neur future, according to|iiiiimuy plans made by the

at a meeting held Tuesdayat the Silver Palms.

|croi'ding to the announcement,<>na will conduct a W l e s of

meetings at Which prom-It national figures will be the

The meetings will bein Woodbridge and surround-»inmunities with the coopera-

his wife, Annie, said hu was.After hearing the case, 'J.udgc

Brown placed Pat on a year's pro-bation—in th.i> custody of his wlfu.Pat begged and tfleuded—he'd doanything—"but please don't lunkcmy wife the boaa'.', But JudgeBrown remained unyielding amifor a year what Mrs. Carey, saysgoes.

John Jacobs, 27, of 30 WylieStreet, AvcnclJ will appear in po-lice court toniRht to answer aeompiaint of driving without u ti-cense. Rounds Sergiiiint FrankMjller went to the service stutionwhere Jacobs is employed in ans-wer-to,a call. When'he reachedthereon* Joseph 8. Jacobs, of 263

8 N i f e i t 4 4W««f75h e phim that John Jacobs hnd overcharged him on a bill, Inquiry re-vealed that the Avenel man hadno driver's license and hud driventhe Now Yorker to Rahway. Thematter will therefore be uiieii to-night in police court.


der of Present TermEnding In September

WWODBRIDGE — S e v o r aTownship residents are on the twipanekof petit jurora drawn beforeJudge Adraln Lyon this week bythe Middlesex County Jury Com-missioner to hear all trial worin the county courts, for the bal-


Hopelawn Sends Worker To Hospital

HOPELAWN — Anthony Jerome, 35, of 130 Spruce Street,Philadelphia, an employee of theKnus Carnival now showing atHopolawn, sustained a fracture of.the ri(?ht shoulder bone Mondnynight, when it cjir in .which be wasriding driven by u1 fellow-om-ployee, Andy Weaver, 2T, of.Miami, Flu., crashed into anothercur at the intersection of FloridaGrove Road and JJew BrunswickAvenue. ' ,

Weaver told Officer AnthonyPeterson that the driver., ol theother cur'stopped but that.in theexcitement he forgot to usk himhia name and address.

Jerome was taken to the PerthAmboy General Hospital by Wea-ver and was treated by Dr. Peck-man, He remained at the hospital.


Miss Jeanne Giroud, a freshman atWpodbridge High School, was in-advertently left nut of the honorroll that was published recently,

September,Tho first group will serve from

June 10 to 29'inclusive and thesecond from July 1 to the 'end ofthe term, Local names drawn areas follows: 4

Firpt group: George F. Brew-ster, William J, Egan, StephenEllis, Jr., William Fullerton, Jos-eph M. Geigel, Hans Johanscn,John F. Killeen, Edward F. Parkor,Helen Rohdc, Henry G. Smithies,Rita E. Toper.

Second group; Eleanor D, Boy-Ian,1 Alton M. Cathcart, LillianColl, Eugene R; Finn, Helen Hill-yer, George Krumm, Anthony J.Lonnon, John D. Robinson, Steph-en Sable, Joseph M. Seaman, PeterJ. Toth.

3 SERIOUSLY 1 R TIN H E A M N CRASHCarteret Youth, Girl Suf-

fer, Critical fojurie* In*Fords Mishap

WOODBRIDGE—Four personswere injured, three seriously, in ahead-on automobile collision onMain Street, Fords, shortly beforeseven o'clock last night, i

Tho injured, all of whom weretaken to the Perth Amboy GeneralHospital in the WoodbrldgeEmergency Squad ambulance, are:

Miss Dorothy Lisak, 18, of 14SWilliam Street, East Rahway sec-tion of Carteret, possible frac-ture of the skull, lacerations ofthe center of the forehead, nose,left hand and abrasions of theright knee. Remained at hospital.

William Graeme, Jr., 18, of 92Heald Street, Carteret, possible'fracture of the skull, lacerationsof the right knee, right ear, rightcheek and lacerations of the scalp.Remained at Hospital.

Mrs. Mary Potrjcik, Bl, RFD,.Box 73 Ehglishtown, lacerationsof the face, Released after treat-ment,

John Petrjcik, 51, same address,«sjblefraeture,of,the skull,Jtrac-,

ture bf the upper jaw, deep la-cerations of the chin and c]Remained at hospital.

Vertion bf PoliceAccording to a report made by

Officers John Manton and AnthonyPeterson, they found both cars onthe south side of the road, badly


Braille Chairman AndBook Wins Prize

AVENEIr-Miss Felice Donato,of George Street, was recently re-appointed New Jersey Slate Brail-le Chairman of the Junior Wom-en's Clubs, according to an an-nouncement made at the finalmeeting of the season of the Ave-nel Junior Woman's Clyb Tuesdaynight at the home of Mrs, JohnStutski, on School Street, Wood-.bridge. • '

A donation of $5,00 was votqdto the Red Cross War Relief Em-ergency Fund and plans were madofor a picnic to be held on June 80at Echo Lake,

Announcement^ was made thatthe Avenel group won first prizefor Junior Year Booka at the an-nual convention held • recently inAtlantic City, • •

on n complaint made by .TheresaCsnnloB who 'charged tlhat Mrs.Mrasz crashed Into,hor car,. ,•

Examined by tit, Malcolm Dun-hatii;. Township physician,. Mrt."Mrhaz was pranbunced uiidei: theinfluence of liquor and unfit- todrive a motor vehicle, On the ad-vice of her attorney, B. W. Vogol,Mrs,, Mraw pleaded guilty andwas fined $200 and costs. Her driv-er's license was revoked for two

Mrasz, was arrested theyears.

Mrs."firBt time by Officer Henryham early In May after SalvatoreVernachio, of Carteret, claimedthat sho hits his canon Blair RoadPort Reading. Vernachio said hochased her car and finally stoppedher1 at the corner of AvenelStreet and the super-highway, Onthe stand, Officer Dunham testi-fied that Mrs. Mrasz admitted tohim she was driving the car atthe time of tho accidont. Afteexamination she was found to bunder the 'Influence of liquor.

Recanti On Story'However, on. the stand, Mrs,

Mrasz told an altogether dlffcron!story. She related she had severaldrinks in a Port Reading Tajjorrthat made her ill. She then sail

(Continued on Page i



Action In Granting LicenseTo Silver Palms Sustain-

ed By ABC

Mass To Be Sang SundaysIn Colonia By Fr. Brennan

• ISEL1N—Rev. William J. Bren-'nan, of St. Cecelia's Church, thisplace, has announced that masswill be celebrated evory Sundaymorning at the Colonia Public Li-brary at 9:30 A. M., starting nextSunday and continuing througlh-out the summtr months, , |


Prosecutor James S; Wight, ofLinden Avenue, was reelectedchairman of the Middlesex CountyRepublican organization at a meet-ing of the committeemen and com-mitteewomen held Tuesday nightin the Elks Club in New Bruns-wick. Mr, Wight is ahiO chairmanof the Woodbridge. Township Re-publican organization.


othpr Lions' Clubs In the

committee appointed to ar-fm1 the program includes:

!?n L. Hrusk», R^v.|ak .and La.wre.nco P.


ThmLocalGirlsToGetDegreeslnCommencement At NJCTomonow

damaged. Mrs, Petrjcik, who wasthe only one in the accident notunconscious, said her husband wastraveling west on Main Street,about 30 feet west of Vine St., andthat the other car, driven by Grae-me, approached from the oppositedirection, She was unable to tellthe police the cause of the acci-.dent. Both cars were evidentlypushed to the side of the road bythe force of the impact.

The cars were badly damaged,the Graeme car folded up like anaccordion- making it necessary tochop; through the door to get MissLisak and Graeme out. The Grae-me car was towed to the SpeedwayGarage and the Petrjcik auto wastakefi to George's Service Station,

At the hospital, the conditionof the injured was described as,'serious". They werei treated by

Dra. Altbach and Josephson.

Sewaren Club To ConsiderChanges In Constitution. SEWAREN—A meeting of theSewaren Motor Boat Club will beheld tonight at the clubhouse, here,at eight o'clock for the purpose ofvoting on the proposed revision ofhe constitution and by-laws.

Members of the club are,askedto see the fleet captain immediate-ly for 1940 mooring space as in-reased membership has taxed thelub's mooring facilities and space

is at a premium.

Raritan Man Is ArrestedOn Dranken Driving Count


Mrs. Van Syckle HostessIn Her Home To Aid

War SufferersSEWAREN—The Red Cross

benefit card party sponsored bythe Sewaren History Club at thehome of Mrs. Peter Van Syckle inCliff Road, Fri'day evening was adelightful success. .

There lwere twelve/tables in pinyand. prizes were awarded as fol-lows:' Door prize 4onatecl by Ros-lyn Beauty Shop, Mrs. A. F. Ran-dolph; door prize donated by Kath,Willard R&nkin; lamp donated byMrs, John A. Kozusko, Mrs, Sam-nel J, Henry; high scores, Mrs,Albert M. Hagcn, Mrs! GarretBrodhead of WQodbridge, Mrs,Helen Smith of Freehold, Mrs.Gertrude Sofield, Mrs. M. T. Har-ris, Mrs, A, F. Sofleld, Mrs, W. H.Watson, Mrs. John A. DelaneyofPer^h Amboy, Glenn Haupt, MiaHarper A. Sloan, Mrs. M. D. MoClain, ^Mrs. William Vincent, WFrank Burns, .Mrs, F. T, Howell,Miss Blanche Van Syekle, Mrs.George Stilwell, Mrs. F. J, Adams,Mrs. • Russell Solt and A. W.Scheldt of town,

. Others present were Mrs, OliveVan Iderstine of Freehold, Mrs. A.T. Chriatensen, Mrs, E, G. Herr-i

!>is were abo m^de to hold «|onial dinner in hpnor of the| d h||nd

pofficials of Youth

Samuel Gioe was named»n in charge of arrange-

|and to select a suitable data-tominating committee, to re-V c k . a t the next meeting,

1, wag named by PresidentBekfuky as, f o l l o w I**-

[**. Campion, pjutitttftn-; Dr,

NEW BRUNSWICK - ThreeWoodhridge Township girls will beamong the 191 seniorswhow.ilreceive their baccalaureate de-gree* at the 19th annual com-mencement exercises of the NewJersey College for Women tomor-row in the Elizabeth RodmanVoorheea, Chapel. ;

Woodbrldge proper will be rep-resented In the graduating class byMiss OHve Spencer, of 86 GroveAvenue, who will receivo the de-gree of bachelor of arts. MissSpencer i» the daughter of Com-m W m a n and Mrs.'Frederick A.

Spencer and is a. graduate"Woodbrldge High School, At NewJersey College*for Women shemalorod in History, Ifl her juniorTar she was on the publicity com-mitieefortheJuhlotShowandamember of the Junior. Prom com-mittee, During her senior year,she was circulation • manager of

itudent publication, , .Two Iselin girls are also • mem-

bers of the graduating class. Theyaro Miss Valentine Schmidt, ofFiume Street, who will receive thodegree of bachelor of science AndMiss Lilian WitovBlty, of Oak TreeRoad, who will receive the degreeof bachelor of arts, Both girls aregraduates of Woodbridge HighSchool.

Miss Schmidt, daughter of Mr.and Mrs, Martin Schmidt, majoredin mathematics. A» a sophomoreshe was a member of the Educa.tion Club. She waS » meniber ofthe Mathematics' Club and theElizabeth Redman Voorhees Chap-el choir In her senior year.

Miss" Witovsky, fho is thedaughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. MorrisWitovsky*, majored lit English, Shewas president of the EducationClub during her senior yer. Whileat high school, here, fhe maintaineda high scholastte

strom of Metuchen, Mrs. EmilKaus, Mrs. Howard F. Klein,Mrs. George Hoffman, Mr. andMrs, Harry Howell of Woodbridge,Mrs. Herbert Eyerkus, Mrs, Wil-liam Pfeiffer and Dr, Anthony J.Leitner, of Perth Amboy, Mr. andMrs. Frank J, La Farr, Mrs. Peter

kor, 32, of 1033 Main Street, Rari-tan Township section of Fords,was arrested here by InspectorManley of tjhe State Motor VehicleDepartment on charges of di-unkqndriving and operating a motor ve-hicle without a license.

Mr. Yunker is scheduled to ap-pear before Judge Arthur Brownn police court tomorrow morning.

YoangWoman'sClabHoldsSpring Dana In Bed Bank

WOODBRIDGE — The annualSpring .dance of the Young Wo-man's Club of Woodbridge heldSaturday night at the Molly Pitch-er Hotel in Red Bank, proved to,be a very enoyable affair,

More than fifty couplet atended.The elimination dance prise waswon by Miss Mary Finn and ClairBixel, Miss Frances Ryan was gen-eral chairman.

Van Syckle, Mrs. A. A. Molitor,Mrs. Seymour Deber, Mrs, WillardRankin, 'Mrs. George Mullen, Mrs,Di V. Rush, Mrs. William Ecker,Mrs. W. Frank Burns, Miss DorjsBurns, Samuel J. Henry, RussellSblt, F, J, Adams and Fred H. Zim-merman of. town. Mrs. A. WScheldt was the chairman, .assistedby Mrs. McClain, Mrs, RankinMrs. Ecker,' Mrs. Solt and Mrs.Burns,

IDGE —The Depart-pjlc Beverage Con-

ietd th« 'Township;Committee In granting a transferof a plenary retail liquor license tothe Silver i?ajms, Inc., on StGeorge Avenue.

The New Jersey Licensed. Bev-erage Association, through itscounsel, William C. Egan, appeal-ed the committee's right to grantthe license claiming that the trans-fer "was granted in violation ofthe municipal ordinance and wasobtained by aubterftge."

Originally Mrs'. Julia Hahn ap-plied to the Township Committeefor a- transfer of Mary Hajacki'slicense to herself. In her applica-tion, Mrs. Hahn gave her. addressas Woodbridge. A short time laterthe transfer was dented, withouthearing, after Chief of PoliceGeorge & Keating reported thathis investigation revealed that Mra.Hahn resided in Perth Amboy.

A corporation was then formedof which 'Mrs. Hahn was a stocbholder and the license was grant-ed. At a Township Committeehearing, Mrs. Hahn testified thatshe lived in Woodbridge and then

oved to Perth Amboy just for ahort time, fully intending to comeiack to the Township,

After the appeal,^. W. Garrettv

cting commissioner of the Alco-olic Beverage Control, ruled thatunder all the circumstances', it^soncluded that the transfer of It,ense to the, corporation was .noiibtained by subterfuge and thahe Township Committee did noibuse its discretion in grantinghe transfer to it."

Township Attorney Leon E. MeElroy represented the committe

nd Chritaian J, Jorgensen ap•cared for the Silver Palms,

eceived 100 Per Cent Co-operation He Says In

Annual ReviewWOODBRIDGE - "You musl

'orget all personal feelings andremember that you are officers whotake an oath to defend the veryprinciples upon which this nationin founded."

So declared Police CommissionerHorBwt Rankin at the annual po:

lice inspection held yesterdaymorning In. front of *th« MemorialMunicipal Building,

"On this particular McmorinlDay," he said, .''thought might begiven by you to conditions aB theyexist today, Wo hope to God thatthese conditions will not exist here,but at tho same time it is probablethat activities of the war may. befelt here,and it may have an effecton your personal thoughts. Youand I havo taken an oath to up-hold the Constitution of the UnitedStates, It is your duty and myduty to forget personal thoughtsregarding the other side and re-member that wo are Americans—hat you, as officers have sworn

to preserve, protect and defendAmerican principles." .

Mayor Auguaf F. Qreiner toldthe officers that he and the peopleof the Township were well pleasedwith the police forco today. Hosaid that above all the police of-ficer should remember that he isa servant of .the people and should


Sayt U, S. 'Will U yIdols of Treason, H i t r i

And Bifotry*. \ k jWOODBRIDGE—With flags

ing and bands playing, Wbridge Township, the "Typical.crican Community," honoredwar dead yesterday.

The parade turned outlargest in yean as if the iof the Township, feeling the MrJ-ousness of events abroad, withMto show the world that they tfv :lieved in the principles of Am«r> *Icanlsm. The program at the WhlW jChurch' cemetery, broadcast pvW VStation WOR and the ,Mtttn'il[e;4

Broadcasting System, was preatf'"''cd without the usual bustle and Imult of a holiday—the whole 'gram being conducted inserious and earnest vein.

In Introducing the progr*ft*,|tiCar'l.ton Warren, WOR annftwutAi,^

extend every courtesy.

.Chief,of Police George E. Keat-ing, in presenting his men toMayor Greiner and CommissionerRankin,-.declared that ho was wellsatisfied with the work of. the menduring'the past year and that hehad received 100 percent cooper-ation. ,-'• .

Low Areas Flooded! StormDuring Night Halts Traffic

WOODBRIDGE-^-Early morn-ing, traffic was. virtually haltedhere today as one of the' worsrain storms in years flooded mainintersecting arteries.

The low area at Green'Streeand Rahway Avenue found thiwater rushing fo door,-levei depthat Lubman's Pharmacy and ad-joining business establishments,The six o'clock work-traffic wasunable to navigate the inundatestretch,

Like conditions existed at Linden Avenue ,snd ,Dunham PlacPearl and Brook Streets and ParlAvenue, Tisdale Place and GrpvAvenue, and other points.

\ '


In Campaign StartedBy Local Court

WOODBRIDGE^Declaring hewas "fed-up" with the habitualdrunkards brought before, him,Judge Arthur Brown thi,i week bc-ran to nftte out stiff sentences forhat offense,

Charles Toth, 4, of Flood Stroet,was sent to the workhouse for 300days. Toth was found lying in adrunken stupor at the corner bfFlood Street and the Superhigh-way and had to have hospital treat-ment.

A sentence of sixty, days was im-posed upon Julius Zanitsky, of 2Pleasant Avenuo Perth Amhoy,,also on a charge of being drunk.Zanitsky was arrested by OfficersAnthony Peterson and ClosindoZuccaro,

pointed out that WoodbtJd(f»Township, through its committedwas the first municipality in the'country,to adopt a resolution onMorul,Re-Armament and that SailFrancisco followed in Wood' -bridge's footsteps. He quoted the .last paragraph of tha resolution.

Roy E. Anderson, past comman-der of Woodbridge Post, AmorlcanLegion, and State Vice Command*er, served as chairman and intro-duced the speakers. Rev. Earl H."Devanny, pastor of the Firit P m -bytcrian Church, pronouriced theInvocation and he was followed byMayor August F. drainer, whogave the address of welcome.Mayor Greiner warned against thehysteria of "war mongers" but atthe same time urged that wo peprepared for any emergency.

John Kuhlman, a e<fior atWoodbridge High < School »nd sonof Charles Kuhlman, cortnanderof Woodbridge Post, American Legion recited the Gettysburgdress and Dorothy Jacobi) a n a _ v

senior recited the poem, "In Flan«ders1 Fields."; >\

'The .Woodbridgo" High SchO9h]

Band, led by Roy Simm, drum vakr\,jpr, played several appropriate s«t«lections and led in the singing ofthe national anthem.

HUtory I»Tr»c«d'Major William G, McKinley, 6t ,

Jersey City, Executive'Committedman • of the State Department oltho American Legion, was thespeaker of tho, day, Major Me-Kinicy traced fhe history1 of "pOW (Jer polities" in Europe from the" ''•days of Caesar to the present. •

"It has nlways'beefl a strug^J*for tho glory of the Emperor,' | * 'said, "and in the, wake of the wan <hnve been havoc, ruin and dcathj1'.

In discussing the presont aitu£ ! \


dinner-dance for Mra. John W.Boos will be sponsored by the FirstWard Women|s Republican' Clubin the Colonia Country Club Tues-day Night; All reservations for thepajty must be made by Sunday.

tion he said in part: t

Iselin Church Sodality ConductsAnrnlal May Crowning Ceremonies

"We shall set our primary bate :f|of defense deep in the heart* '§{

(Continued on Page 6) flf,,


Paid To DeceasedMembers June 9 i

ISELIN—Miss Ann Olah, presi-dent of the Children of Mary So-dality, crowned the statue of theBlessed Virgin Mary at the annualMay crowning services held -Sun-day eveningIhurch.

in St, Cecelia's

The procession was led by .thecandidates who wore followed bythe memhers .of the Sodalitygowned in various pastel shadesand flowers in their nair. Theymarched around the church onceand'were Joined by the flowergirls, maids of honor, crown bear-er, erowner and personal attead'ant. ;. ' •

•Miss Olah wore a whjte satingown with •«, long, veil of tulle, Shecarried »,. bouquet of white carna-nations, iillies of the valley gndsnap dragons. Joan ftP]crown be$rer, was dressed inwhite, and, carried the crown onwhite satin^heart-shaped pillow..

Miss Pauline Lewis, the .persontil attendant wove a pink net frockwith » large picture hat, trimmed

with pink ribbon. She carried abouquet of variegated hues.

Miss Ann Meile, treasurer, wasdressed in a rose colored gownwith a large whjte picture hat ^ndcarried a bouquet of» mixed flow,ers. Miss Ethel Mohr, the secre-tary, was attired in blue taffetawith a matching picture hat'imd abouquet of mixed spring flowers.

GirU Ip White

The flower girls, Marilyn HallLgan, Josephine Bonomolo, UrsukiJermolowite, Doris Schnle,' JoanDige^were dressed in white andwore white ribbons, in their hair. \

The following gj^p were sdmit-

WOODBRIDGE—Fireies and exempt firemen .all ov«f 'the Township have been invited fparticipate in the annual flremect'|memorial services to be held Tday afternoon, June 8, in the 1ion Stadium,

Alt units are asked toat the firehouse on School Streno Inter than two o'clock.entire assembly will thento the stadium, headed, byWoodbridge High SchoolServices will start promptly2:30 o'clock. In case«f rainservices will, be held in thetorium of School No, 11, onStreet. m

o l g gjfilB admitted into the sqdaljty, Patricia' O'-Neill, Betty Breen, June Cuilinaiief

Grace Meile, Cavmela Aquila,KathriiieSllis, Charlotte Romano,Eleanore Brown, Ida Bowen, Mar-th Mazur fend Ethel Meile. / ;

?ev. McGuire,, of Red Bank',preached an impressive . sermon,The services ended with benedic-tion.

The speaker of the day willFreeholder Anthony. £j, GadekMayor August F. Greiner wJH'gifj(tthe address of welcome and tb^,benediction wilt be pronounby Rev.|SW. V, D. Strong. 'high'school band is scheduled ,play several siilections and tocompany the singing of thetional anthem, . .,'.' The invocation will benoticed by Rev. Ladislau.8and Assomblymw B. W. 1

will speak. ' '

Coioflia NewsTOCATTOKAL e n s '

jpwit Jhww flftf WiB I t

senior dam* «**' madi

Vocational SebooL tfef stair *it>V held, tie Ffidir ilii*t,'JJuiM? S ilr ISr .'WirW BudjtscTi.um. . ','

Connie. AtkjniiOB '• «nfl "'bin' <*-.J«w.wefc1-«i(r«f«B 'tester

Mj B t S M a

> ^ ipwsfc ,10K «,«— , _ . ,• Puy'ut'jii the ne*dlp*nri .riusuraie*

e: tt.jp «ei*ei eeriBS&r "jwnjiiotedJMt-Pv-'d Crpae • heaapaar to'-'ite

, *'(A# liy mi-robert P( the -PerthAipiwy cWpter. whfie cottvrtiiif;f » d s fbi» the Et-4 Cross 'War *>»

1 l id Im&rjiiej ftRtL /&» . Clara• E. L*np," toi*n1i«pf of' difeiric!

!:K. accepted 'the headgiear itJ of the *i»pt*r and t&vtt

eoort informative talk into tbt mtfumwiii taskthe Bed Crw* today.

Victor. Ar« ListedEcarat v i S t m at ft? neboo! in-

cluded: Mis* Ann* OJHara, dis-Viet Mpervisor of t i e State Boar^

• of .Children'* GuarffiaiiF.: *nd fourawfttbm of her iteff; Kin. BoBi-<it.r. of thf Hfchlwd Park Boardof Educations Cfifftfffl Parsfl, "di-

'wxrtw of Comity vocational;Is; Printipal G^Brieii, cf the.

City Vocational School;, Reynolds, of 3er-

. j City Public Sdmote ;Mrs. Ran-Iria, crapervnor of home -economiesin the Jersey City School They

'toured fte "bmldaie and wereseared fcudhecm is the mod«2ajujtnieut

Oftw visitor* *er* fte AaburyRaA League of ^Tp»«! Voters,

ri)«kded i f Hr». Msr; Conkliit,j)re6»dc»i, Mrs. WoTJ, euperriBor of

-stmunf at the Marlbm> StateS o ^ i t d and Mm O"Cininor, mem-ber trf ibt ioqrital

at tie Boy Scout CM* of fee Cff— •

tmv1«««, flf C5flJtniilia» A-wmi^ l a i *« iJase SAnir dinner f&Hfe « i Wednesday JK^wni ofJfear

Mnrt w « l i t . HHUBSI


«.d » M n i Mr; Kan*•ct taitiaRf party tfti«

ipf Mrs. Nelnoii

_ , « , , ^ d Mrs.1 Avtn9*


d atto* 12,


« . g i *atifl Aiofiiert, Bfflft «n«nf Water ftyeet, i « w * e * »poertf Sktordtr of *»- *** "**•Efiviif Qniiiii; «f Veri f i^ . «nft «

ml fh»

|RM fit EituSiSt, K


Y- an« ««• I shirts * « * donated to -the K.doi*,

, •—Mi.-aWa" Mi*;. Ctapte 'Swt^-,Jrn and' Mr.' mi Mns. Charlet •

trlda' MarEa^et «j» C««l- W En-

^ Mr*.


. utod Mnl IJowaton, Billy, were the difihnj

. Ma.;*eld £oad,*mthe Biarfiiy |B<*t«'

'*eA Mm 1***;'irf'PorJto*, Bfc

Jtoey >ca^:.'j

&rd Thcmtwwt

t r - .^JMr. tafl Mn. PatafH'i, -trf Beech Street,


ibrirtAspoc*tk»:atf^ «««-:T:"^^0?;




iltt** tii ,


[ S i £> . . v. - i . i . i f in ' i r tCj i « i»#»#i#*»n«a . ,..i.i.(ikrf V ^ h * ; ^ ^ ;

atitss Patti»(m,• fnn-sfci SroadwayYori: City.i —Mr. and Mrs. William Scut

deugUer, EiitK «f BcrWejti 4 « t M-were tite Ma.

, - r^£ 'aaa Vrs, 9 t * n Hand ehiMrea,' al Colon!* Bonle-

Ve^WWfi .to*?'a TiiV.,.-.

br CtS^aA Otic l!njir.w«-jnenf ChftW iU-ltay -mbefeifmade plant for « picnic to %e Mi& Jttnr »0 on the twmi» «f Otto

of ICatt Street

Htatit. i.





' .svnue:Tai<- noUcc tbt

• BAB rntvtiat <e 81-,..t i*ij) -Cwtaathfet nf itif

'WosrtJi.i 'flit iw , »' J"i_CoOTOBipiioi! llcenw lor .,

-,-,situ(rt*fi at S«4 l^iiton Btreet, Wuofl' briftKt, TuwmtUip ul

oiiiettitia*, J; am, — -•itoHHsduittlF in trriunf tu: E. J.

jrowmrtap Clerk, TTtioii-


nwtier, » r £ B»d»l Mae-....«.», of Neraji^ i—Mrs. Alex Madsea.ot B # t f m

ATerme. was a fneSt at tt» Wed-d; rip erf her niece. Miss Hose Sta-

iwns, of Bristol, Fa, «> Salardty.—Mr. .and Mrs. loeejth .KeAa-

diewF.. of West BSD. ftoai, bad attbi'ir fueaw over the vedtend Mr.McAndrew'e tttrtiet, Mis. K. T.HkAndrews and Us mtez, £Hza-.bt'th. of Scrantoa, Pa.

—MTE. iAlbert Eebberp, lbs .AtJuljft Jaeger, Mrs. MaM Steel,Mre. Aubrey Wotwiwai^, J to . MB-(irfed CoBdoK'Un. JoBe Aufie' Gras-Fi, Miiif Teresa lorio, Hiw Annslorio and lire. Htward Flett-her-refe risitOM in Old Bridge on

aosenberf, of ICatt Srenee Suit, the pretadeni, cotidned Ihe.ffleetaut sad appointed com-

—-Tbe MBT towtrng: of the Co.A i L i A i l i

of iriendiCity over ti« ireek*i. —thi' Ctflonia G!rl Seout

^ti^ooptelda vertwcteiBjaint dance in the Colonifi u-jbrary on Saturday niirk. Severalnovelty dsnees were featured. The

Catherine Cilrean Pretty Bride *=%£•&&?££# . _ _ _ inentB on fhe grounds''at tbe rear

in Cw^emony^AtSfcjtocj ChurchFather Carney Solemnizes Nuptials l/ititui* Locd

i; Siderh


Take aotiot t\m~Pi£i> fALKOW apply to tiit Tp»r.uBbip

of the TuwnnWp • ofof he Tulor a, WenBr.v Kett

WPtHn litTnst lur vt)!':«il»eti! el «ts Belnny Armut

, WmfibrjOf t, Ttm-aeiiiji of"l.rid«t, K. J.

OVjotloiei W RBJ1, »tiou)fl bt m.J.' m *rlunt te; S. J

Hi To* u«ti» tSerk, Wood.New Jfr»BJ-.

a^eneU) P A l t PJLRO,W. L-i..—t-tl-; t-J Wowlln««e, N. J

JACK'S TOYUNWSetting the Urgwt Stock urf

Bat Q«*fity «f T«r* *i

Dm't ffMrfei to UIM«f Mtr lowest price* «a BtmckC*triM$t* *»A Uttjci**. Thelargest, stock in tbm city andlowest prices tTiiUMc .Hith ChMiry AatwoxAiles, DoUCurnges and ottttr i U » i fortW'cEli. . ^

401 State Str»et'

C«L Broad

WOODBEI&GE—Miais CaiiieriDe Gilreaa, •daughterof Mre. MkiAe3 GUrean, recently became the'Wiie of Jo-

Oer,- Jr., BOD of Mr. and Mrt. Joseph Cier, of Cran-E C h hat a pretty wedding held at St. James* R. C. Church.

Eev. Tix mag Carney performed the ceremony.Patrick H. Featon, the chorch orgaifi»t playecl theing nniEit. The soloist, Mrs. (

HcRewm, san|:, ' "Aie;an« "Mother At Thy Feet

It Kneeling**.The bride •was' gowned' ia mou*-1

ieline-de-soie, brocaded, 5a satin,simply made -with a Bqtjare neck-'line.*nd short sleere£ Her T«3 was;tuJi^ Ehaulder length and was at-tached to a torpnet of gardeniatShe carried s bHdaJ bemtjoei ofsrhit* rost! and sveet peat.

Sifter' Honor MaidMIES Margaret Ci«r, sister of £he

bridegyom, m msid of honor, vorea gown of ASice-blue taffeta, piak-

and a wreath of pinkblot flwerB, knotted with


andpiok ribbon. She carried ax>> arm

jboucju*: of pink rosei andewt-et peaa. •

Michatl Gilreaa, rf Perth Am-boy. brother of t i e bride, lerred

j as the bridegroom's boet man..The fcride'i sof ter va i aftired

in fi»vy Mac wftb nary bW« ae-.eetwrkt. She WOT* a cftrsig* <rftpitti M»fcs. Ute fcridegroonfi «W«ft-

er was also attired in M-vy bineand wore a corsage of pick roses.

The bride's "'going-sway" outfitof s aery biue suit and

Thos. F. Burke

g HtnrnBhip for CCCmest k expected for the July con-tingent according to an aanottnee-1a«at aade today h}< Jono Omen-

, Moniclpal Director of Eeliel.to t i e fact that s Jerge

quota it expected, Mr. Omenhiset:said that,he was very' ampotiB toknow ae coon as posfiible sci-w manyToinifihip youtbj betwera the agesof 17' and 24 are interested insigning up. He reqsestwi that allinterested jmrto g*t in touch wiliy t ' V

white acceawriei and aef Vbite row* MK) sweet' peae.

' XOT1CKT t k t noting that HELE3C TFAB-

OS'Ao TOMCJJ3K l»ten«« l o . 4 » J y totin Tmvtii-.liip. Ccinutiittee . ft t3>*.Tuw.'isiiiti Committee of <be T o * n -

fora Wciuu-y K*-f


it;ip vf y a c gtaii C'jiii-wiflpljciii il'.-t:m* for p jibt-e fituu.'.«i3 at N'.w and W i l t a m

l r i » * i T J l p 0'H K. J.

j»bjm-ilufli», il »ny, ehoujfl be mad.nibdialtiT i» writiBS lo: B. J,tjisai!, Towutiiip Clerk, Wool


W. 1.-3..—5-3J;'«-? lV«tiflbria«e, K. J

i » tbe Golonia library, -where s ij outdoor firepla* and a gardesiinta besebes tad tobies vfll bebuilt Miss Betty l iases, troop

is in charge and trill beby Lj-flia Volk and Alice

Manse. Mrs. Artfonr Nelson 6a-nstad mtterial for eurtaine vMehtise girls mil make for the vis-dovs in tbe reading room of t i tlibrary^

- r i b . and- Mrs.. Edward Scbo-berg, of Highfieid Jtead, -nere the

of Mr. *Dd MTE. J.A. Bebenbolm, of Colnmbia, K. J.

James McCornikk, t)fis the gnest;«f

! she is reenjftr-lier sister, Mrs, B. M. Chambers, offating from a reeeni ilineEE.

—MTE. Sidney Pinkhajn, ofn _ L* II T L 1" i Chain-O-Hilk Eoad, held a veryUmeOtUSer U r g e s lnOM I n - ; soccB6sfQl card party, at her hom«

TO F i l e A M U C a b W l . president, on Friday nigW."» r n m M ^ r " A , A I —Mr. and Mrs. GiKHre Hodg-W00DBSII>GE - One of the j o f c ! ^ ^ A r e m i e ( Mt f o r

nices t (jnotas ever set Sw Wood- j l h e i r 5 ,3^^^ i ^ , t t g g ^ e AcresOB Sunday.y

—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MfAn-drews, <rf W«?t HiD Boad, enter-tained a,t a birthdar party in hon-or rf l l n . MeAndrews1 Bister^n-

, Mrs. George 'Merrifield. Thereabout twenty gnesli present

offiee attainted

in the CCC are not aobeet to eaUfor military serriee. TheTe havebeen a cumber of CCC boy* whotransferred to the Cwwt Guard,but that was their own Detection,

from Losg Iriaod, Brooklyn andColonia.

—itr, and lbs . Qeorge B. Hod?


ing take* care of itxelf—BO does thti t b t d

glntcmatie gas water beater—andal«ay« it i« quick, cle^n and re-liable. There'! DO need of fueling,firing, regulating, and there is noannoyanca and delay over a pooror inadequate supply of hot .water.

"I Never Have Trouble WithMy Feet/' SaysJack Eldridge


_ _ _ s r a B f l WAdtfihd by $p*fowti

wit M

I Jfltl JUUAOltt.



M7 New Brunnrkk A m(at Elm St.)

Perth Amboy, N, J.dkni Htwvuk u>4 Jw»ey City

P. A, 4-KSt Oyen 8;00 to 1:00

Jack wa» practically broughtup m JR. ARCH PRESERV-ERS and now tl»at he hatgrown up he u never trou-bled with hi* feet Mother*ahoold intttt on theae acien-tific »hoe» that properly moldthe feat of growing children.

666 MALARIAm 7 IUM «S<


A W*»fcrt*l UmimtMt

11» BOSTON fit.

UttW | | m ier Y»w liw»y—Ow PHCM AW Always'"Low tfciw EUawUwi Cotfwc"


™.v-n ~*™., « » ^ » . , , b a l l o o n dance was won byst fte knot 'of K« . Jo-J Fletcher and Betty Jane

3 P A *H1TFIBM>.' f , . r C. I T. CorporatlvO.

•toWB^Wll tif. \}






H « 1.

Dr. Rakerl SteskoyIOOI


It's The Talk Of The Town!


Don't Miss Our SensationalDown-With-Inventory Used Car Sale!Value*! Bargain*! Every Car on our premiaes slashed from $10.to $100 in price. • • *

Because we're enjayitj the biggest tales of new Chryslers and Plymouths in years. We must reduce used at

mventory> • •. •• . . • •

All prices — from <40 up. Ail makes, models, colon, body itylet. • '

Terms — arranged to suit YOUR conrenience. Your old car accepted in trade.

COME IN TODAY! • . — " ^ ^ n - 1


1939 OLDSMOBILE (70)4 Dr. SedanRadio and.

Heater 56951937 CHRYSLER TD. SD.


with radio $4651934 CHEVROLET

2-DoorSedan $135



Sedan $5251934 FORD V-8 MOD 85

An unusualBuy at $95


$585-00RADIO W


Perfectthroughout $665193$ PLYMOUTH 2-DR.SedanRadio andHeater $2951932 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Sed.

A StealAt $1251936 PLYMOUTH 2-DR.

Sedan.Very good $295193S PLYMOUTH Driven

. Sed.

193S PLYMOUTH Tr.S«d.A perfectbuy. Radioand heater


Sedan. Ra-dio and ,Heater $3251937 FORD V-8 MOD. 60

4-Dr. Sed.Like new. $2951936 DODGE PICKOJP

FineCondition 3251937 PLYMOUTH 2-DR.

Sed. Cleanthroughout.


2-DoorSedan $3851934 PLYMOUTH 4-DR.

Sed. V«ryclean job. $1751937 DODGE COUPE

Radio andHeater. $3951W5 DODGE 4DR

Tourinf .

1931 , ^ $ A L L E SEDAN'

Radio and Heater





'".ififmn •


IS SCENEOF PRETTY BRIDALgewaren Man, Perth Am-|,oy Girl Wed In Greek

Catholic Rites

],;,,,„ i!ulocza

lc|,;\VAREN — MISB Helen Bui-daughter of Mr, and Mrs.

f>( 482 AugustinePerth Amb'oy, became the

,|/ of Johr\ Kgpi, son of Mrv

',1,1 y\r*. Charlea Kopi, of 273 Olda.l, t:'il« plnce, Saturday aftor-„„ in St. John the Baptist Greekiihnfit Russian Ghui'ch,' Perth

llllOy. the Very RpW I r i* fH


| l y

tijjlV* pnator ,

i f l t f• nils attended'the reception held'{[{„ hridq's home' aifjfir- 1;hoc

)t, hi'idc was fifoyrnbd in rnous.lim..,|(..saio;6'm.bo88ed with lilios

If i he valley.1 The knee length vej!If ,iintiiuii W.'»s caught with, clusters

Ijl'y.u^the-ynirey-'anfl the sameImvi'i-H weroVcPtoMn'od W.ith' or

,1/ r,ir "the bridal botjunet,\\iH Murpric Dickun, maid-.of„,]• w'iis'm pink' ntousseline-do-, .md she carried a cascade bou-

l,,t .if pink roses, blue centaureasweet- peas. M|BS IJary Bul-

IIK her sister's bridesmaid,,, ;i blue frock, made similarImt word by the maid of honor.;dso carried a cascade bou-

tcvi' Waznee Served as the best, ;ih(l Michael C. Kurueza wasU,IHT. The couple will makei home on Charles tSrcct,ih Amboy.'

WoodbridgeThe Builders' Society * of the

•ilmdist Church will sponsor ai,iiiia luncheon, open to thetill.-, Thursday, June 6, from:iii) A. M. to 1:30 P. ,M.," in theureh dining room. The waysil means committee with Mrs,iii-iiair Kiatrup as chairman, is


Arlene Bendy

G f i A r l o n c EditaBeiuly will celebrate her first birth-day.today at n:.pnrty ot be givenby her parent*, vMr. ^ d Mrs. EarlBndy^-of Smith Street., The littlj* gtrli .wan fourth place*

winner in thcrecent Popular Baby•Cdnteat sponsored Bythc Indc-porident-Leadcr,v' ' • ' •

I -The Little Woman's Club metilay afternoon at the home of::ioia Leison on Grove Street.A\< were made for a contest toheld at the meeting on June 7.

I—The installation luncheon ofJunior Woman's Club will beI tomorrow in Plainfield. _-Mr. and Mrs, John Rupp and

lildrt-n, John, Jr., and Jean, -w ere| i Riu'sta of Misa Mary E, Neary,

Grove Street, Saturday night.I —.Mr. and Mrs. Huph Temp-Ins mid family, of Jacksonville,|:i.. are visiting. Mrs. r.Tompkinh'units, Mr. and Mrs. William H.)ui'ln'iis, of Barron,Avenue.


Tendered Shower BySister-In-Law

AVENEL —Mrs. Andrew F,Dragoaet, of-Manhattan Avenue,was hostess at a surprise linenshower in honor of her sister-in-law, Miss Anne 'C. Dragoset, wh<will be married tomorrow to Win!tonFroy, of Westfield. '--

A buffet supper was served ina room attractively decorated tproduce a Mexican effect. Th<guest of honor received manlovely Rifts,

—Thusc present were: Mrs", GeorgeKahlor, of Waterbury, Conn., MrsRobert Campbell,. of . BayonneMrs, Raymond Folter, of Dunelen; Mrs. Peter Jandriaevets, oMctuchcn; Mrs..Joseph Scher, o;Crunford; Mrs. Frank Frenery, oElizabeth; Mrs, Frank Lanza, 61Roaollc Park; Mrs. J. R. HeathMrs. M. JJJnly, Mrs. P. J. Bowjeiof Kahway; "Mrs. Herman Fro;Mrti. Cltirinco Potts, Miss Ann>WaycsB, Miss Jean Angre, of Westfield.1 .'.. . '"' •' . . . . •',:

Also TvTrs, William" Rrug, Mrs?G. Everett Woitchock, Mrs. PaulLevin, Mrs. Frank Hacker, Sr.,Mrs. Elmer vDragos, Mrs. JohnHacker, Mrs, Carl Swetits, MissHelen Hacker and Miss TeresaReimcr, of town.

Sewaren NotesBy Mrs. Frank Burnt

—The Sewaren Bridge ,Clubield its final meeting of the seasonecently at the home of Mrs. Orray

Fraser un Cliff, Road; .Highwore mafle by- Mrs. F. J,

Mrs. A. F. Sofield, Mrs.lamuel J. Henry. Others present'ere; Mrs,. Morrison, Chrlstfe, oftiddlebush; Mrs." Peter Vanlyckle Mrs. Thomas Zcttlemoyer,Irs, George Stilwoll, Mrs. H...P.ayden, Mrs, George Urban, Mrs.'. T. Howoll, MrB. Seymour Peber,Irs. William C. Ecker, Mrs. Mark>. McClain, Mfs. A;,'W/ Scheldtnd Mrs.William Vincent of y>wn.•he next, meeting'will be, held .Incptember' at the hortfc'' of Mrsv

laker inn Woodbildpre .Avcniie..Mrs. David 6b"o,rlin arid" Mrs,illiam H. Watson, 6f Ter% Ant-

oy, entertained '.the Wednesdaylif ternoon flridgo Clpb at a lun,c'h-on- recently at the1 Oborlin .home;' ir scores were made'.by Mrs.

Mbanmaty of Rah'way; Mrs;W., Frank Burns, Mrs, foussefl So'ltand Mrs. W%rd: Rank'in. Othersiresent"were: Mrs, Konrad Stern,

of. Woodbridge -and Mrs. A., C.Dodwell', of towni Anothor> lunch-eon will be held'with Mi's. Solt

nd Mrs, Rankir. as hostesses.A Junior Sewing Club was

ecently organized with Joan


en of Woodbridge. Mrs. Haydeni the former Mils Aimed* Hc-

—<Mr. a?(d Mrs, Herbert B, Ban-kin'and family of But Avenuewore tiie gueate of Mr. lino; Mrs.HarrJ EclceBrode/ of Pottavlllc,Pa., Sunday. - , '

—Mr. and Mn, W, B. McCurdyof Camden, add Mr». W, B. Mc-Curdy of Drexel Hill, Pa., woro theweekend guests »f Mr. and -MrsH.P. Hayd«nofCi|rtjioad, ; „ ;. —Mark D, McClain ha*, return-ed to his liorno In, We8t Avenuofrpra a business trip to Baltimore,Md. ,-'•;

-Mri and Mrs, P .J . .West Avenue wore the Sunday

«f M V J W M T B . R o b e r t !


sented By Various TroopMembers

I f V \JMS +* AW • m* \i* *-• f^ 1

Scouts attended,.^

of Nerw-Brunswick/;H l l Glub will

meet Monday night at the Ibcalp i h H W C n ' f f J d

Avenel Notes

er as president; Mary Ann Pe'ter-lon, vice-president; Dorothy Strus,;rcasurer, and Kathryh Kuzmft,secretary. Other members areEvelyn Page, Rose Marie Surichand Loretta Reichardt,

New books to be found in the,ewaren Public Library are:Their Own Country," by Hobart;Bethel Merriday," by Lewis;How Green Was My Valley," by,cwellyn.; "Chad Hanna,!' by Ed-

monds; "The Loom Feather," byFuller; "How: To Read A Book,"by Adler;" "Bird in-A Tree," by"oudge and "An Old Captivity,"by Shute. — .

—Mrs. A. W. Scheldt of HoltonStreet, chairman in Sewaren forthe American Red Cross War-Re-lief Drive announces the followingcontributions "received to date:Mrs. W. T. Ames, 10; Mrs, LouisBrown 5; A Fr,iend ?B; SewarenHistory Club Card Party $34.75;Mrs, Peter Van Syckle $5; MissRuth Ballard $5; Herbert Rankin$5; Sewaren Republican Club Inc.,$3; Mr, and Mrs. Mark D, McClain$2;Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Molitor $2;Mrs. Cl-R. Brown ?2; W, Nixon $2;Mrs. H. D. Clark ?2; Sewaren Par-ent-Teacher Association $2; Mrs.

H. Mullen SI; Roslyn BeautyShop ?!•;. R. W. Muller SI; Mrs.J. H, Bayer f.Su, totaling $88.25.

—Tho Ladies' . Guild of St.,Johii'ripfje'opal CMttch' Will meetTuesday eyeninpr, June 11 at thehome of Miss Lillian' Denman inCliff Road.

—Mrs. Kelly Chadwjck and in-fant daughter, Susan Mary havereturned to their home in WestAvenue from St. Peter's Hospitalin Nuw Brunswick.

—Mr. and Mrs. Orris W. Garn-jer's brother und wife, Mr, and Mrs,S, F. Griffin of Grafton, West Va.,

—iMlss Helen 'Bishop, 'daughterof Mr, and'Mrs. Thomas Bishop,' ofPlcasanl Avenue, was a member of•tke eraduailng class from St. Po;tcr's Hospital in -New Brunswick,Monday, night. Those attendingfrom town were-Mr". *nd: Mxs. tAn-ton Bishop, Thomas Bishop andthe Misses Helen, Lillian and Elea-nor Bishop.

—A motion picture party washeld at the home of Mr. and Mrs.J. M. Grant in East Avenue, Satur-day night. Guests were Ut- andMrs. William Poole of Carteret,Miss Ruth Mafhiasen of Wood-bridge, Mies Ruth Schank of Hac-kettatown, Mr., and Mrs. WiJHamBarry, Mr. and Mrs. 'N, Delperlco,Miss Mary Cerinp and Peter Caseyof South Ambfty, Mr.' and Mrs,Jeremiah . Daley, Mr, and Mrs,John Daley of Perth Amboy, MiesRuth Ely, Catherine and WilliamGrant of town.


Township Girl Scout Rally heldhire Saturday, afternoon in thosoditorium of School,No. IL

FHti HAndblph, ScootCpmmisBiohoV, welcomed the glrlaand gayb,a short talkSn regard totho^or,k of the Girl; Scouts. Theopening-* yHual )W8B .conducte'd-.VTropiw 8 and 12, of-Avenel, can-t«ined by Mr'a. Robert' PlasaandMtt. Jshrt Etteranank. ' .'. '..

T-rootf J, Miss Jaijo.Warr, captain, sahg, "Playmate", with Gloria,Kittcll accompanying at tlio piano.Troop ?,.'Miss, Ella Nielsen, ca.p-tain,; danced the Virginia Reel,,while' an-exhibit of dolls dressedto typify girl scouts tif all pfttlonswas shown (by Troop -8 of S"erwaren, captained 'by" Mrs1. RogerLulbourrow. '. , .

A' short sketch, depicting thoorogin of scout laws, was present-ed by Troop 4, under the direction

IstHn Ntwt—-Mr. md Mn. Edwin L»u of

OakTroe.ion of Mr, and Mrs. T#nof HMcreit Avenue, «ro the proudparents of i boy, Richard Edwinwho wan Horn bn May 21.

-Mr, »nd Mri. W, H«u»ehildof Hillcrost Avenue spent' theweekend at Norwalk Connecticut,vyhcre the; attended the funeralof Mr. Hao^hlld'e brother, Mr,Clifford ptttMhlltl who wan .tho,commander «* McKlnley Camp.

—Mr. «nd ^ t i . A.Hamol 6f UGcfordla Avchuo had ns their Sun-day guenta Mr., and Mrn, Entllotand, family of Jowy City.


to the


*\PECIAL TRAINect to the World's Fair and return 1



JuKus Schiller, of ParkAvunuc, will act ns chairman of aAvunuc, will act ns chairman of acurd party sponsored by the PTA Stubbs and son, Robert

for several days this week.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.

of Mas-at Koos Brothers in., Railway,!*""1, N. Y., were the WeekendThursday afternoon, June Hi. ' Rucsts of Mr. and Mrs, H. D. Clark


Arranged By Sylvia To-browsky, Mytelka

WOODB'RIDGE — Plans for a>iciiic to be held on June 23 at

Fords. Park were made at a meeting of the Kadimah Council heldTuesday night in th,e vestry room

f the Synagogue on School Street.Morris Mytelka and Miss SylviaTobrowsky were na.med co-chair-men of the affair.

The councfl voted to donate fivedollars to the "Red Cross War Re-lief fund. It was decided to holdthe,June.meeting.at the Hungar-ian Hall on. School Street, wherethe Dramatic Group will present acne-act play written and directedby Leon Fishkin. It was announc-ed'that the discussion group willmeet Wednesday, June 5, at thehome of Miss Rosalie Choper onMain .Street, >

After the business session amock trial was held with the fal-lowing taking part: Edward Kop-,per, Mrs. Cyril Hutner, Miss LilyanMinsky, Dr. H. Belafsky, IrvingGoodsttiin, Dr. I. Skolnick, Benja-min Kantor and Leon Marante,

of its captain, Miss EUa Nelson.Troop 7 of Fords, Miss DorothyJtreyling, captain, presented asketch" entitled. "Three Pirates"and Troop 8, of Fords, Bang agroup of songs. Troop 11, un'derthe direction of its captain," MissFlora Kahme, offered a noveltydance,

Alio On Program -Troop 9, of lselin, closed the

program by singing, "Taps," theOfficial Bcout closing song.

Earlier in the program,, twoBrownie Packs,r under the leader-ship of Mrs. Rowland Crane' andMrs. Benowitz, sang. the officialsong and repeated the Browniepledge. Pack 8, under the leader-ship of Mrs. Martin Jaeger andMrs. Karl Metzger presented Vir-gi'nai Nergch, pianist, who played,"Waiting for the Mail," and ZeldaBenowitz who recited, "Supersti-tion." The entire pack presenteda song and dance, "Hi, a LittleLassje."


• 1'i'rih Amboy

• VC'uodbridfie

• Wotld'j Fiir Stttion

Dinlitkt Sitht Tim10:0OA.M.10:05 A.M.10:011 A.M.10:12 A.M.U:10A.M,

s Fair SutionJ^nelWuodbfldie

, MM,-10:20 PM,1U16P.M.11:20 P.M.

PMitnjuo W!23 P.M.'ltth Amboy 11:30 P,M.

t lm year's Fair, everybody (greel,! • inner than last year's. More fun!

rt K>icty! More free amuie-nts! So go with your friends and"Y on this ipecial-low-fare

•xuirsion-dircct io tho World's•!r Elation ii) the heart of the»" gruunds!

$*e the Hit Shot* tjlht MrRAILROADS ON f A U D I



' ' * 1 I O N ON f AHI O H O U N I H

-The Junior Woman's Clubheld a theatre party in Perth Am-boy recently after which a chowmein supper wus served at thehome of Mrs. Ray Misenhelder.Those .attending were; Mrs, JohnAzud, Mrs. William Kuzmiak,' Mrs.Misenhelder, Mrs. Muriel Johnson.Mrs. Theresa Kutcher, Mrs. PhyllisPctras, Miss Felice Donato, MissRuth Stern and Miss VirginiaManakor,

Mr, and Mrs. Michael Pernaand Mra. Joseph Perna, of New-ark, wore guests of Mr. and Mrs,William Perna, of Avenel Street,Tuesday.

—Mrs. Julia Drost, of JansenAvenue, is convalescing from aniippendcctorrly performed in thePerth Amboy General HospitalSaturday.

•Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riemer,Theresa and Elsie Riemer, Mr. andMrs. Joseph Wukovets, Sr., andMr. and Mrs, Carl Ebcling, attend-ed the wedding of Mrs. Riemer'sniece in Westfield, Tuesday after-noon.

—Mrs, Walter Parker, of FifthAvenuo, entertained the JollyEight Pinochle Club at, her homethis week. Mrs, Leroy Slover andMrs. S. Charles Browne were highscore winners.

—The Tuesday Evoning: SowingClub met with Mrs. A! J. Fox, ofLord" Street, this week. Presentwere: Mrs. William Hofgesang,Mrs. William Perna, Mrs. ErnestW. Nier, Mrs. Everett Johnson,Mrs. M, Szalay.

of Ciiffroad. Mr, and Mrs. Clarkreturned to town Saturday morning from a three week trip throughthe middle west and Canada.

—Mrs. Michael Quinn has re-turned to her home in Oaklamfrom a visit (of several days withher sister, Mrs. Herman Hillen-bach of East Orange.

—A son, James Howard, was.born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hay-

v^The Children o! Maty Sptlnl-itiy :hold -.the, ,lMt meeting of_'thtfycar^dn thuriday evening. >arrftngemen,ti) ".for .the; May. Bnl!were completefl and pi-eparatibniwere - m'adfl, toj:,. the Children MMary Breakfast to bV held on Juili* a , ' ' • ' ' • • . " . " . ' ' • . '

fMiss 'Alice, A-lkcn of JerseyCity and'Mr; Dave Urkhi of, $tLautii/.'MWsouri were the* Sundaydinner gueBts of Mrs. A, Bofyoaljof Flat Avenue.

—Mr. and Mrs, Conrad :Drfbbiof-Lincoln Highway,have been cn>terttlnlng friend* from the South.

•Tho iBellh "Women's Clubclosed their yearly sessions oiWednesday, May 22, at a luncheorat Pfaff's, Metuchen, Those pros,cnt were:-Mrs. O, Berry, Mrs.'LSmith, Mrs. M. Nash, Mrs. E. Bolte, Mrs. E.' W«lckert, Mrs. C. Bower, Mrs, H. Moilncey, Mrs. LChristcnsen, Mrs./W. CameraMrS. J. Cooper, lifrs, R, JansenMrs. F. Johnson^Irs. Jirsa, Mrs,J-. Hall, Mrs. p. Wtrte, Mrs. T,Furze, Mrs; G. Bennett, Mrs.Shofi, Mrs. C. Huttemann, MrF. Walker, Mrs. F. Cooper, Mrs.Becker; Mrs, Fuchs, Mrs. R. Rey-nolds of Irvington, and Mrs. C, P.Amann of Brooklyn, Medals wereawarded to the charter, members,who are: Mrs. Fuchs, Mrs. F.CoOper, and Mrs. Walker-. Bou-quets were present$d-to Mrs, Nash,Mrs, Hall and Mrs. Weickert,

MRS. DEBER NAMEDP R B I D M O F P T AElected At Annual Meeting

Of Sewaren Organ*zation Tuesday

.SEWAUEN — Members of theiowaren Paront-Tancher Awdcia

ion elected Mrs. Seymour Doberu It's president during tho annualmeeting held tucuday afternoonIn th'o Khool (iuditortum.OtW of-ficw wire filled-*s.fpirow«:,Vlc«1»e#Went, Mm J&seph SKccretary,, Miss Pauline'reo«urer,' *MMi. farcy ^.ire, .Herbert Br Rankin, chairmanf the liomlnatinn committee luli-

niiUfd thS above slate.' • ' " • '• , ,f rinqipal; Mi»s ,M^rjtBret .tiock-wood |>n^antcd, \\\a following' iior

Woodbridge—A ion, James Howard,

born recently to Mr. and 1Robert Hayden, of town.

—Mrs, Aiihcr Fitt R«ndo]Mrs. Winflcid Reydcr andWilliam Baldwin, spent MondayCulver Lake. i . '*

—M'IM Frances Ryun unl

Altn Ryan; of Green Stricttended the (induatlon ofFlorence, Albertaoil, ofStreet,'from 8 t Peter1* U\Training School, NeV BrumvwljThe exercises were Ji«ldnight in SLPeteirVR. C.

BRIDE-TO-BE DIES, Fresno, Calif—Approaching tho

threshold of the tottagc that wasto be her honeymoon cottage Miss.Filomena Fegosao, 27-year-oldbride-to-be, collapsed and died bla heart attack.

WANT ADSPersonal

POISON IVY—For (lultrk rollef frompoison Ivy, tuiiiuu.', mill oak buy

P.-A.-L. at your locul ilruKKl'L.Miinufuiiturod by Paamijc Analyticalti|iboratorlo8, Inc. C-31

llflhtful 'Wjnlichle1 'Piano »o!"Humply.Purap'ty" and* Gay W«<3oUp" by Carol Gfroml>f 'the l»t(trade; Piano sola "The MountainCllmber^hy Bonnie Me Cliiin ofthis Mr grade; tland solo ''Marchof the Wee Polk" byJljiien Clarkof the 3rd grtidc; Violih »o,lo "3rdAlro'Varle1! by. Dorothy Harris ofthe 6th graitc, iiccompanlqd byMiss Elsie M. Wood pianist..

Piano solo "Sparkling Water*",by Janot Frasei; of the 5th grade;Piano solo "Swaying Daffodils,"by Ruth Jacobsen of the 7th grado;.String group "Aloah 6e", by He-len tojowskl, guitar, CatherineClark, 'Mandftllh,

Dorothy Harris, violin, HelenGilbert, violin and Irving Benson,guitar; Piano nolo,'"Dorothy" byDorothy Snee of tho 8th grade;Clarinet »duot "Whispera of Eve-nings" by Charles Dober and JohnDodwell; Piano solo "LOVCH Greet-ings" by Ralph Rankin of tho 8thgrade; Piano solo "Schubert's Ser-enade" by Catherine Clark of the8th grado,

During the business session, con-.ducted by the president, Mrs, MarkD. McClain, it was vt>tod to put$15 aside for the milk fund, to beuscd'next term for undornourishedprimary children. A donation of$2 was voted for the AmericanRed Cro!(8 War Relief Fund. Re-frcshmonts were served during ttvsocial hour by the hostess, Mrs,Felix Cheris.

Male Help WantedNATIONAL COMPANY |IUH nponluK

for inlddlo-iiKsd mini with cur.SIIICB Hurvlui) imil collci'tlonn. Cartcr-ct und vicinity.. AIIIII'OHH A, Hill, I'. O,Ilox 101, Purth Amlioy. 5-31

Dr. Leo Steskovitz .Surgeon Chiropodist '

FOOT AILMENTS1176 Smith St.1 Room 210

PERTH AMBOY, N. J.Tel. P. A. #-1344

What PerfectServ ice . . .THAT'S what our wt-Ufied cuttotnert Myabout our call-for and.deliver dry cleaning.Make a note of ournumber, Woodbridge8-1735, and keep bet-ter drened.

COPPOLARepairing - Remodeling

Tailori • Droumalter*



— Please mention this wperadvertisers. —

NOTICKTiilu- notice Unit EnWAI'.D .1.

FINN lntcni|» to apply to tho Town-H1II|> Corrtmittcc of the Township ofWooiUii'lilKe for a Pletmry ItetiUlCuiisuinptlon lluenao for pi'cmi.scHBlumtoil at 90 Second Street, NJ'ond-hrldKC, Townslilp ot Woodhrldgc,N. .1.

Objections, If any; should he miuleImrooillutoly In wi-ltlng to; B. .1.UunlKiin, Townulilp Cl^rk, • Wood-brklBc, Now Joraoy.' (Slgimd) EDWAKD. .1. FINK,

W. l.-U—6-31; 6-7 Woodbridge, N, J.

UnderU. S. Government;


AWNINGSVenetian Blinds and Shades

of the Better KindAt Pricei No More Than Ordinary Type



P. A. 4.2487


TheLastWordInConvenienceThis bank aims to make its service topatron* deserve this description.Whether you desire Checking, Sav-ings, Safe Deposit, Personal 6r Auto-mobile Loan service, you are sure ofprompt and interested attention here.

Your individual preferences as well asyour routine business needs are alwaysconsidered and respected when youdeal with this insured bank.

STYLESRUDY'S $25,000 Stuck "oi

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TheWoodbridgeNational Bank


Styl«i like theie have never been offeredat thcie pi-icoi before. A complete •elec-tion in Iiigh and low heeli, all ttylei, allcolon and all iilei.

Super Valuesto $8.50

ALL NEW, SPRING & SUMMER STYLES, Black, Tan,Whitesi Tu-Tone

These Are Values Never To Be Forgotten

Leather and Rubber Soles




CHILDREN'S SHOES Values to$2.98 .


Strap Pumps, Oxfords, Mocc&ins, Black,Brown, White, Patent Leather, Tu-Tones


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fatai n "MA rasr A K «n

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aar- fa Jmsat insHac aaifwotw i4* |»ww flatter)

A ssfSwjfct «rf B I &rf MjHtf a •i* rKin «J tie fwaer




25Sbo* SUrtt 11:00 P. » i



l »* a* sunup*, i t-.-pt si ya

—L i

/ VJT,™ L«-_fi kxA l i e hix&tant ks&crl IVJVJT miUfMX'-T '•• ' M U J I B tirSlf !« ti*»t/t-J4«r» wfeo »•« i* fiijs ^

»i»?«4 it il« pk*»re "A Y»JA Al Oii'jri' w=i«k «!*TTed


F i t - SAT. • iVN

H.US 'Dkb Foru

"Winwrt of li>e West"Oitftv X«. 2


MTUt 5*1.




- A L S O

TEL. P. A.











"Girl h %\%» GAMESOCIAL

Cm* Hon.,


STRAWDPerth Amboy 4-1593







Cb*pUrTbre« Terry and the Pirates

- • - • . * ' . •



• • •



Frutk- Billy P"s>

£VE1T»fON, 8;30 K U.






Greiner Trophy Permanently4 - HITTER


Priscomcn Sutcutnb, How-••ever, t o Cartefet And

Bound 'Brook ,


dbniiebjill tcam,.wltich.

.'linjf* for brio' of 'its worst

| f .,,,s iin, rccoVdi could,do no Bet-, il,"iii win ono ball fctimc-

visl wobkYthat coming- „_._„,!',i'i:'snk, 7-0,<TUe!9tlay afternooni IN il Bank. ' In-lj», other two

imv over tho yfccltend,the Bar.,..' -,,.|>rc« dumped by •Carterot; 5

! i inst FrMoy at Wondb.ridge„,i humid Brook, M t Wednesdayfviiinnn nt tho Legion Stadium

\firr absorbing a S-8 defent at|l,,' hands of Cnrtcrct Friday for

„. Harrbn Avenue combine's..., nil, straight defeat a.complete,',„"<: ciima ovCT^thc Priseomon'.„ ,|;iy in its frame with Red

. • > * - •

Wiih n Central Jersey Confer-,. .rnme at stake against Rod.!:, thn Bnrronu played thci• i.rand of ball in the entire sea-mil whipped the Bitnkcrs ruth-

!i;iinlily witl^n 7-0 whitewashMiind'the ^ottP-hit perform

,. nf 1'aul'GuTzq. '

Nary An Eirmri'iiinmitting. nary an error fnr

jiii first time this season and itsicr Ruing the route for thn

lime, too, tho Bartons look-l.i' it new ball club. Paul Gur-.vho has now -stepped into, the(if NV. 1 pitcher, turned in n

iirfiil performance and


I'risco new hopes, mnybe

Hero . ram sitting, hero' and try^t id-say- adlos'to.eatsh otto of you

lads': who'have taken uptho RreatAmerican indoor rg'ame pf ton-pins,andatn«fi'n'dlnK,il. my bftrticst'.-nn.liKnment, I've b'oeh, sitting JieVa''or Jwo hnura-tiiyini? toicxpVess myhoufthtnin"words and fiti(l"myV«lfn;a'rn(t, lint wtien you haVoa job.o (lo, you've got to dojt . So lfere

feocs.'.- • . ' ' • • • ••'.""" i ... •' ' , . l _ ^ _ 3 o o — r - .- . '

Flnt of »l! I'd'llke to m.i).tion th« f*ct thst^Kope you «n»•joycd: reading thit column, • •. much, «8""I enjoyed willing it,and if «1 any time there w»i knarticle giving "wtaebody a littleribbing, I want you to know that•it wai all done in fun. Alio'lwant to congratulate the alleyowneri for the tptendid Waythey organized and managedtheir reipeetlve leagues ahd 1want to thnnk my "ghost writ-en" who gave me their full co-operation to make thit.columnInteresting. P. S. I don't Want tomention any nitnei u i mayneed them again next leaiod.

On the Round Robin Tourna-ment, which was sponsored by thispaper, we want to congratulatetho Woodhridge Rec whp came Infirst ntroin this year to keep thoMayor Greiner trophy permanently, and hopa they will cherish ifor many yenrs to come. We alsowant to congratulate "Hack1

Chomickl, Lou Pavlik, and And;Barna for the fine bowling theydid to win the special prixes. Else-where in this issue there is a com

this aensoi) but for thei. (iui7.o now boasts of n rec-nf fifteen scoreless iimingR of

i'mvr. He relieved Wasilek in

finirth ngninflt Carteret andhid runless ball for his'iiix in-;',• nf relief. . .

Lu'iiinst Red Bank, which waaIliirrons' first Central Jersey'

ifi'ivncc victory against two de-E:it?,-th« Red and ffladt scored

•i,in the first and five times irihirij when, they combined .two

jl.i, three* drag-bunts, n walk,•ilk, unil nn error to boost thcfijI'jrin to

plete aummnry on the Tournamentwhich gives you full informationas to how much of the' teams anlads finished up. • '

At thit ttifle, I want to thankthe judgei, Kore-lcaegen andofficials for th« twell way th«jrhandled their jobi, alto JoeSmilly, who kept an accurateaccount of each individual1! ava-rage, and tcami itanditig. Theboyi did a good job and deierreplenty of credit for tacrificinftheir tlm« to put the RoundRobin

the hectic session. ••' A banquet was held Tuesda;honors with Paul fiuno evening at Borbas1 tavern, on Fulndinc an performance ton Street, where alt tho prizeil Rank wiia'Bill Gurney were presented to the winner;

four-for-five, includ?triple, which paced the 12-

The presentations were made bour own Police Commissioner Hei

| t attack of the Bnrrftna. George \,ct[ Rankin who wns pinch-hittin•ilt'k, with three-for-fivc, find | for II pinch-hitter, and madely Vahnly, with two-for-four,[swell job of it. In fact, I thini- next in liiUinK.i vc Knzma was Frisco's nomi-fur hurling against Bound

"I; ai.id ho wna opposed by Joe''illy. The latter turned iii the ,'i1 pitching performance, B1-|I:H: the Barrona but three hits;> Knzma gave, up seven, butIlinmd Brook' hurler receivedI'l'ttcr support, not nn error

• •;• committed behind hia pitch-. :iml therein liea the'cause of

•I'tnry over Woodbrid(;e.|Tiii< afternoon the Barrons will

i'li South River'at the Legion•im in a Central Jersey Con-(c gumc. In its last meeting! took place on April 20 at| Kivcr, the Maroona won by

'iv count. Gui'zo ia the prob-

iayonAugto and CJlmmer" Wightwukl use him mdrt often;.In re-renco to the high single

e, betweert P.avlicfc aHd Barna,9n1nTtiislonor'Ran1«ln has donated<luplic.ate high w^reirophy whichIllbe preicntocr to fiah O111, be presentocf to fiarha ju

-* * v i 2 # r ^ : ' ; . • • ' ' ' • •%r ' ln«, «k|lMitt6)ii on th»

facti i f tar ilu banquet, 1m»|(n« that tW boyjt w«rf W«ll

" • 'with t U way thii ban-rai prai^ntad. Tit* bcijn

*«r» .ienr«d aTttythlqi'. fromlojiip to strawberry iliott-eakeand th«rt wai plinly of mtj.th!n|.

AT THE BAN(JUET-P. T. Bo-<a waiting for a second portionCholly Plus* dciwned -three orden

' strawberry short cake, anoked like a blimp roady to takeff . . ' . "Nate" Bernstein fetnark.

ing "What no hamt" . . . WallHabich eating light for a big fel

Andy Barna trying to mak<the ring fit on his fat fingers'.Joe Smalley getting a pain in the-umrny and trying to say it wasnfrom eating too much . . , Com-missioner Rcinkin cracking a goodone about the window shade . . .Clmer, Vecjey looking, for theihange of 'a 15,00 bill—and get-ting It, from Johnny Bacskay . . .Lou Pavlick's 116 score'.prteedidn't last long—he forgot him-self and bit the tall off -the- horse

Who swiped thpse two conso-


LANGHORNB* Pa.--By popularomnnd after a flTC-year lamina of

entury trrinds) Promoter R«lphHanklhion will offer a feature 100-mile race at Langhorne Speedway

^Sunday, June 10, in his annualpant-IndtanapblU spee4:, C1»M!C» "

Mr. John Q. Public, who unreelathe bonkrpll to.lafceln tacei »tLanghorne, put it up to the Sllvpr" • " prombter to ^ivo a ^tataneanee, jvnil Hanklm(6n. doing,. thean» a.one better, has added three

ip-mjlo.'' hoot, races > , the thrill-card to make it more; t h a n , dmeasufd ! • , .'• , '



Of David At Stadium;Winegar To .Pitch


rained out on two occasions,Wopdbridge's night, baseball inau-gural is now slated to take placeSaturday night, Juno 8, at Legion'Stadium here... William (Monk) Mcssick's Am-erican Legion club, which twicedefeated the Linden A, A., 1939'National semi-pro champs, thUsenson, will meet the House ofDavid bearde dwonders, " Gametitme is set for 9 P, M.

Ted Wiinegar, South Amboy left-hander, will elbow for the Soldiers.3thers in the Legion cast will bePrankic Joat, Mickey "aKrnas,

talk ntr the Biirran;,Ay(!niie high school waftedmjaerable ShbWlrig of-tho Bed and filacfc 4ffitri'ort4ioh'to plan^for thci^oijiihg'griiJjfon season,.1. •

ation prizes Dick? EddieSimonscn making a date for, an-othor dinner . ' . ; "Bus"-Lorch-ooked good wiping up the gravy

with a piece of bread . . . "Andy"Simonson finally got in on n din-ner.. . . Dick .KroW's speech—'We juitjjome in third, that's nil", . . "Zing" Skay wan among themiming . . . And so was "JoJPofa"Bacskay—his' son 'Johnny pinch-hitted for him . . . Aunt Kate wasaatlsfied that the meal was'o. k.—only two plates came back withleft overs . , .Willie Skay's Pea-nut league crack — "Somebodyhad to be on the bottom to holdyou guys up" . . . George Nelsondidn't .bothst, to taW—he

El V iEimer Vecsey is gettin^goodwith his new camera—he only usedfour films for two picturesWib Romer kept quiet, as usual. . .Mac, Petras- and Nlonson were sat-iified—(with the eats) , . . , . And Iwaa satisfied the way everythingturned out and hoping we'H be to-gether again next year—so adios'till then.

Tony Barcellona, Mit Mitroka,George Gcrek, Andy Barcellona,Lofty Virag, Johnny Grega andRay Jacobaen.

Winegar has iompiled an envi-able curly season- record for thelocals and Messick is confident theSouth Amboyan will come throughas he did against the strong Lin-den tfibe two weeks ago In aUnion County League clash,


end Schedule To BePlayed Tonight


Sporfi Brtd&tiRttin ttf pole otit most of the townihlp')| bfttebktl

«cUviti«l during the p«it w e e k . . . A* • result, there'ive*y little to report . . . Indlcatiotit, however, point toheavy spbrtitts'traflEic lor jthe holidiiy weekend. .


to plan^for the*^eipihg"griiJjfon season,.Making 'up his footbaJl qqdlpmehtilQt; ne' t' fallNi?V Trisco' will.again use r6d parits:, .;,,Reaponi Red,a stimulating, vftnl color; thp symbol of action and couradB. . . That what Nick claims'- \'; '"•('.. ""' ", , ' /

. The BarrtW grid mentor U fclrekdy rown ing up. his foptball'luggeri.' . ,, He'» checking their weight*' regularly and preicribipg diet* t* glfe theni added

poundage...,. A boy in good cohditloB, according toNick, is supposed to gain 10 to 15 poundi in one year. . . Boyi not growing heavier are put on Fat-producingdleti,

ODDS AND ENDS: Johnny.Korczowaki, former .WHSathkte, is hitting the ball hard for William & Mafy Pol-lege Frosh , . . Al Leffler is also pounding the leatheherivily for St. Benedict's, batting in cleanup position . , .Walter Karnas has turned model student, passing hiBtotaghest class, physics, with a nice mark,

STILL CONVERSATION: Th« hom* run b)a.t ofBob Simonsen in the Long Branch garhe cohtinue* algood conversation matter at the high* ichool here. Bobbelted the leather so hard it hit the LBHS building400 feet away . . . In this same game, Spike Wasifcftk •stole four bases.. At all make's excellent fireside chat-tirig material.

I think, it's in order to commend my sidekick, Wil-

tnhimWitiiy MlidltuxKtnntl C\*bRARITAN TOWNSHIP — TJQg

fanelew throughout the out willgather Sutidsy at,tho Pine* h*refftr th« ftr»t annual liceniied do«show of the MiddlMCt KennHChb of M«« Jetwy,. Inc.'

" xrt/ toil "b"tv the. flneitAmerica will v<e f«t..Ka'a«

dred» of trophies «tid othor award*and mote that) )l,0()D fi

ThAaiiewwlllrOpefiUo'cieek Inthft ihornlliit and continue to 7tt'ctocVIn the. e*ahit)g; t^ic piibileH i j iv t tk to a t t e n d / : ' . y ' ..'•' •


boy June 27 AttractsFighters


Tally Oi 16,249


liam ("Juicy") Fauble, for the manner in which he againcarried the Township Round Robin Bowling Tournamentto a successful close . •. .The event, this year, drew theInterest of several hundred alley fans who witnessed thecompetition at the township's four boWling centers ,Operators of the four centers also deserve commendation


state's topnatoh amateur fightersare being signed for Iho benefitboxing shofr to bo staged June 27,t Mac William Stadium, PerthImboy, Proceed** w l " R° toward

edicftl and hospital expenses ofrands' (Jimmy) Gbrlty; local ath-

late who ia confined at the Rpose-irelt ffoapltal.

Harry Varava,.of Trenton, New'orsey A, A. U, 112-lb, champion,and Gene Pitts, Clllrwood amateurwho gave Varava a tough fight inthe'finals of the Knights of Colum-

us Diamond Belt ChampionshipsIn Perth Amboy throe weeka ago,have agreed to a live-round battle

Other fighters being sough forthe show aVc Ted Jankowski, ofSouth Pla!nflcl(l; Tony Poppa, Ol(Bridge; Ted Sanders, Mechnnlcii-villc, S. C.j James ErlckBon ftndJohnny Asay, who gavef PleasantStokes a tough go recently, andStan Gural, of Carteret.

the .Woo|lbridKe'; Recreation,awarded nernjanerit ith'e .Mayor • Grojncr..ga ing won tho townshipllohin Tournnmoflt for thenucccs&lvo year. Tho. presenlwai made- Tucuday night bymittecitlnn Herbert Rankin at'1

dinner hold In BsrbaV Tsretn; Fatton Street, here.

More than 40particlpatlnjt

er«( alloy oporatort and

A-FieldandA-StreamFather And Son Outing

A state wide father and son outing will be held oniSaturday, June 8, at Hackettstown, along the Muscon-

jiitrhor slated toI itzpatrickmen this afternoon.U week the Barrona conclude• I'licdule with the plnyinp; ofKlines. Monday the Bed and

I: forces travel to Hamilton;«Wl) in a conference tilt,'•nsiilay they play host to Perth

^'"y and Vru\ayt New -Bruns-k moves into the Legion Field"if CTiind finale of the season.READ 'EM AND WEEP

11 Woodbridge 6, NewarkProp 1

11 Woodbridge 8, Somer-villo 3

20 Red Bank 9, Wood-bridge 6

M South Riyor. 8, Wood-bridge 2

!! Wnodbridge 7, LongBranch 4

• 1 Woodbridge -10, Fa-culty 5

8 Perth Amboy 11, Woodbrldgal •

Carteret 8, Wood. IBound Brook 8, Wood-bridge 6

New Br'uris. 9, Wood-bridge 8




*22 gLong. Branch 5, Wood-

bridge 4,Carteret 5, Wood. 3Woodbridge 7, Red

BankO,Bouhd Brook 8, Wood-


29bridge 1

gentral Jersey GrQup 3 Con-| c e games. .

COAL ACT.an 7-to-i vote, the Supremo

has upheld the.coqstitution-|of thd Bituminous Coal Act\ a a passed by Ooftgress af-

Court killed the Guffey»ur years »go. Only thren

juaticea wjjo opposed thect are ow on tb,» bench nod,

some pajn.t« ftirmerlyt i b J «linl-

[etcong River and in Stephen's State Park, under the spoasorship of the State Federation .of Sportsmen's'Clubs, theState Fish and Game Department' and the Department ofConservation and Development.

About 200 will be permitted tocook their lundhesin Stephen's State Park. There will be a fly and bait cast-ing tournament, also a tour of inspection of the fish hatch-

y. It is desired that the boys be at least ten years of age.The purpose of the outing is to give the boys a day in

the open and to acquaint them with the fishing facilities,ish culture and recreational value of the state parks ofour state. x.-

If you expect to go, it is requested that you,notifyCharles O. Hayford, superintendent of the State FishHatchery at Hackettstown, how many will be in your pa.rty,

ConservationWe always thought that conservation meant conserv-

ing our fish and game supply, and that is why we bring toyour attention the following:

The Sussex County Sport ftnd Conservation Leagueheld an outing last Saturday along the Wallkill River, atwhich prizes were given for the heaviest creel.- In otherwords instead of frowning on full creels, tyey encouragedthem. Perhaps our idea of conservation is old-fashionedor something.

Casting TonrnArt Neu, fly and bait casting expert, will be in charge

of the metropolitan open amateur casting championshipto be run at the World's Fair on-June 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th.The competition will include all forms of casting.

Entries can be made either through Charles Richter,25 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, or Art Neu, 82 Freeman

WOODBRIDGE — Starting thisevening at 6:30 o'clock against theAbarry, Iron & -Steel Company ofPerth Amboy, the Mayor GreinerAssociation softball team will findplenty to do over the holiday week-end. Tonight' • contest is slated'or the Parish House Held.

.Sunday afternoon, the Greinersnckle the Callalian Association of

Perth Amboy at Maurer field.Game ,timeis I P . M. At 6:S0Monday evening, June 3, the Ber-man Bees of Perth Amboy visit theParish House field to oppose theGreincrs,

Other tilts include WallaceClothiers of Keyport, June 4, 6 :<J6P. M., at Keyport High Schoolfield; Trojan A. C. of Perth Am-boy, June 6, 6:30 iP. M. at ParishHouse field. .

In the last ttao starts, the Groin-rs, drewa 50-50 split. They lost

a 9-B- decision to the Simson Bud-dies Association of Perth Amboythen came back to smear the PortReading Clovers 16 to 1.

SCOrsTfflffilCANSSEEK STATE TITLETo Meet Paterson Dovers

for their wholehearted cooperation. . .Paul Curzo turned in a commendable pitching

performance against Carteret holding the McCarthy-men scoreless for six frames. Paul looks like a realstarter next year . . . A lighting system for LegionStadium appears very likely before long.

Steve Werlock, WHS athletic director, is consideriptan Alumni grid battle for September 20 to inaugurat<

e-nfeht lightmg* A-iwnni footbalUplayers, who graduatewithin the last two years, are eligible. .

In rebuilding the Barron baseball bunch for nextseason, Al Cilo, catcher, is improving with each game.A sophomore, Cilo is going to bid for Al Leffler'alaurels . . . Nick Semak is really hitting the ball thisyear. Scmak is looking more like Johnny Korczowskieach day.

• Spike Wasilek set a record of some kind or other inthe Carteret gatoe . . , He pitched twelve straight ballswithout pegging a strike in the first stanza. The firstthree batters loaded the bases.

Entry blanks may be obtained atthe office of Wes Wilson, A. A. tJ.Gommissioher, 4 2B Market Street,Perth Amboy, N. J.

Tickets fof the bencflt ovcritare on sale hero, Fords, «Sewaronand Perth Amboy.

or' August F. Greiner inchairman of the Woodbridgc. com-mittee, while Comm'laaloncr HaroldD. Ruivyon heads the Perth Amboygroup. .. ,. ..

attended the affair,In winning the titje tourtteyjr

Woodbridgo Rec pinners" gco:totnl of 16,682, Fords Bees fiishdd second with a count of921, The CtVic team followed!16,240 and in last place wut thf[

Peanut combine with a total of1.6,180, • •:•

Henry* Chomickl, of tho ftwAclub, was the outstanding star oftho awards.-He won the trophy tvtithe tournament, copping two O&high individual avtrago with til'avernge of 202.7 for. 18 gntne*. Aftalso won the individual high-tgame trophy with a total atHia games were: 233, 231 and l l |

'L. Pavlik, also of the Fordafit, and A, Barna, of the Woo*bridgo Recfl, tied for high iridlyii*dual Hingle game, they each rol

246. Commltteeman Ronklnnatcd the duplicate awurd in thisevent. .

In addition to the trophies, each '•]member of the, winning Wood;bridge Rcc3 received a' handsaw)ring, and each participant of thetourney was given lapel buttons.

The championship tournamentand dinner wan sponsored by thljWoortti! Hgo Indepcndent-LcadorFaulty, howling editor of theami Fords Brticdn. William (Juicy)',newspapoii-,, conducted the annualevent. Thn full-course dinner was :

prepared by Mrs. George Borbas.

Complete Tabulation Of ScoringIn Round Robin Bowling Tourney

WOODBRIDGfc—Here am the complete results of the Township

Round Robin Bowling Tournament: <»,•;,

Avenue, East Orange,\ SaltWaterMet

The mackerel are hitting at last. Boats out of Bridlethe week-end-caught hundreds of them. According

h h r eoverto the boat captains the fish were everywhere.Quite a numbsr of large w m U * fcrtft'l

recently in Bartegaf Bay. these yeUew ftt» «re m sportif taken on light tackle.

Fresh WaterMto < - , - . ,There are plenty of trout, th | t is, if yo)» happen to

- - - • • • • fc « < | * w n , .

Sunday In Kearney InQuest Of Crown

KEARNY—In quest pf anotherchampionship the Scots AmerlcftfiBwill take on the Paterson DoyerlSunday afternoon at ScotaFiel^,Koarny, in the first, game og thfcState Cup open competition final,

home and home series.The Scots have, enjoyed except

tional success this season by ,aM-nexing teh title of the America||.Soccer League for the fourth cdtt-secutiye year and copping top hon>ors in the Lewis Cup and as de-fending champs In the state opfinthey will field their regular teamagainst their arch rivals who* havesurprised the soccet fan? (MB yearby their canny picking, of younj;playersof rare ability. ;,

In reaching the- final of this postseason competition the Scots e M ^

h N k F i t G


Elko Oitfit To Face' Ports' TomorrowFORDS—Rain checked the dia-

mond operations of the FordsSporting Club last Sunday, butManager Nick Elko booked a pan-el contests lor this weekend, tomake up for Sunday's lost action.

•fymprrow afternoon,, tho Fordstrible will tatiKle with 'the strom?Port Monmouth A. C. at 2 o'clockin the Fords Park. Elko requestsall performers to report ,at thepark field tomorrow at 1 P. M.

The undefeated WoodbridgeSpotting Club will oppose the locsle Sunday afternoon in an Inter-City League battle. Both teamswill present full strength in thisskirmish,

The Woodbridge and Fords conv

season competition the Scots e M ^nated the. Newark First Germans' Fwhile the Dovers disposed of thft be

Irish Americana. Kick off has beensot for S o'clock. - ,

bines have been working in finestyle in Inter-Oity loop play so farthis seaBon. Backers of the clubiare virtually certain that ono oithe township aggregations willfinish on top,


WOODBKIDGB—The Red StarRod and Gun Club will hold theirregular monthly, meeting'Wednes-day night at the club rooma at804 Fulton Street.

Plans,.will be discussed for theirfirst fishing trip to Fortescue inDelaware Bay and the contestticket returns will be received.

Jhe meeting Will be opened bypresident GusJBindlewood at 8:0.0

All members are asked.'to


Sensational Program To BeOrdered At Union Sun-

day, WednesdayUNION — Joe Garson, a magic

na,me in speed competition in ie-cent ytarB, will be one of the driv-ers moat feared as potential threatin the starting lineup at the Tri:

City Stadium in Union, N. J. wheniwi'dget auto racers battle it out inthe neit two meets Sunday andWednesday nights.

The races at the TriJCity Sta-dium on Sunday and Wednesdaynights will start at 8:30 o'clock.

e^einiwBBWy meets will be pre-sented at that track throughoutthe season,'it. has been announcedby Promotorg Albert Santo, JackKochman and Bed Crise. All theleading midget auto drivers havebeen lined Dp fpr the competition•throughout .this campaign andthose formidable fields are expect-ed to set Up 6 new array of recordsfor the track. ••'.


H. ChoraickiKovach, 'A. SimonsenLorchW. SkayD. HabichC. FluazSpringerL, NagyBoknBarnaB. NagyS. HmielcskiE, SimonscnRomefNelson, .PioskoPavlikC. SchwenzcrHagula , (

J. UgfP. McCue

Team Games T'tl Pins Avo, High Sot H.8.G.


FordsW. Rec.W. Rcc.


W. Rec.FordsCivic

PeanutW. Rec.


Civic 'Civic




PeanutW. Rec.


' 71813IS1818




33573333259212933816 .2393330531C23140.2440.


202.7191.9191.5188.7188.3188.11186.9185.3 '185.2184.5184.4184.1183.11 •175.12174.8

• 1.74.4174.1172.14169-p10D.81C6.P106.9


GEO •• 59 1619'803594698830G10002631559 -594-682577' B453725695005585096Q8


•s ip2Z722B*235209,10124a



(Signed) J. Smalley, Sec'y R."R. ,Tottt«.



1 tfepartnient re-ports thai internal revenue eol*lections Iii the first ten months atthe current fiscal year amountedto $4,298,740,79, Thit is an in-crease of $1,857,918,000 over tk«corresponding period of'the preti

STRICT NEUTRALITYSpeaking last week in Missouri,

Senator Taft, candidate for theRepublican nomination . for thepresidency, made a strong appealfor strict American neutrality, fl-njMcial as well as military, in re-gi»d iq (he war in Europe. He in-aisted that the cquntry "stop playing'with the idea that it may.en.ter the « « r ( " ' " ; _ . . ' _

Voting'Scottish clergyman hnd ii

^ 1 ^ P ; 6 » « rabid pql|-;kian with distinct' democraticleanings, Om day when the pat-on callf&j M waa told of a newittor of kittens.

"And do you think they'll be In-terested in politics!"

"Deed, yes,'sir.. They're .Con-servatives."

The parson* was surprised, andeven more so on his next visit, %he was informed they were Lib'erals.

"Och," said the old fellow, withi k ^Ify'Vfl hai their ejtes

,w«" tiere last."

Cops AAU Crown In Com-petition Held In Madison

Square Garden'KBASBUY — Steve Stanko, of

this place, Saturday won the na-tional AA,U. heavyweight weight-lifting championship at MadisonSquaise Garden, New York.

•Staniw lifted a total of 950pounds in the military pr?snatch and el?an andjerlc divlsioDsand finished with a 40-poUnd mar-Bin over his team mate.

Stanko'a triumph/ piovided theclimax to a highlys8ucee88ful dayof caiirtpaignlpa for the York Bftr

a wink.open i

f q . p y VThe Keasbey youth, member of

the U, 8. Olympic team,.starred inathletics at Woodbridge HighSchool three years ago.

Lynch, McDowell To Head-line Card Sponiorei

By Junior C. oi C.N E W B R U N S W I C K-Jai -

Butch" Lynch of PlalnfloidWild Bill MeDoweH of "water, /Tews, will hea,difirst outdoor boxing showheld in Middlesex Countyyears when the Milk Fundthe Junior Chamber of Ciare held; her^ next Thinight, June 6,

Promoter" Behpy RubinNew BruBiWclt Boxing CKjbflftoperating with the Chamberranging the card nt the000 City Stadium here,plfina te continue his showsweek intervals throughout Idoor season and haa leaseddium fot the summer. '

"ITho Parting ' •

suppose there is some pre-cious rdlle in tKat locket you.wear,Lncy," *

"Yes, that ia a look of my* hus-band's hair." l

"But your husband isn't dead!"No, but his hair 1» Ions sipte

« » ' " • •

Open BOWLING Eyefy Day at


FRIDAY, MAT &1, 1940

By t h e N«Tt(*tor,

A Birdie Told Me:That Jimmy (Dubb?) Ger-

ity and Francis Everett arestaging a real Kentucky fetfdover a pretty miss frotaPerth Amboy . i . MarianKutekai is sigh big. >ovjs'r ayouth named Irvinj? .Who

r d i Lteray andety. Dr. C. H. RMhf4l,Vt]tntiae'i


hails from Y.Lester Itjborowsky is the

'TEdittie. puclsiJi"*; of'.the Wfilt.eBirchinfl;". .7nhiasihe-satirerumor Ivhave .heard for thepast several springis now'aJaiing rhe



by Co?gTov'e',is- going tcbe marriwj in June.'!'

Anmi the Township:•Tat" Minkler is now tak-

ing accordion lemons . ' . . TheWoodbridge chapter, Ameri-tan Red Crow, has a ther-1

mometer in Blake's jvindA owing the,

Joseph Klein; KadimahHenry BernsUM,.


gtions io the war relief fund. . . . Hiss Jean Cook is theflew tlerk in Real EstateDi rector William Allgaier'soffice.,. Captain Jack Egan,who was on the sick list forover a week, is back at work.

Here and There:High School students, es-

pecially the "officials,"' gota big kick out of youth' week. . . Some of them held amock trial in Judge Brown'scourt room and then, armedwith a complaint, solemnlylocked up one of their num-ber—and then almost forgothim . , . The Lions are plan-ning a testimonial in honorof the elected youth officials. . . Martin Minkler is tryingto decide which young ladyhe likes the bestfrom.Glens Falls, the prettyone from Baltimore • or thedainty miss who hails fromCarteret.

Pill TakCoaHnwd from Ptge 1

tiont at SUt« Theatre, 147.88; col-lertloMJ »t Girl*' i Voettont!School m.l'; R0U17 Onb, $26;Woman's Club of W«dbridfe K 5 ;collection at Ehniiiutio* ttlebrn-lion. 122.35; St. June** church,122; eolltetion at Republican Ba)>ly i t Htrii Scbwl. »11.M.

I t e i i i f t doltan each, Ai

F. Grenwr, Mr. A. F. Randolph,Frark Ltwyoft, Mr*, fiwiry Von

Jrsadi Literary and X u f o l SOK-

C h CUCoUcetiqnr, 18,27.

of five dol!»n e«cK»Mrs, J«epl> Hwk, JtprriiHis R«sti*CVffe Xm;Hits

Bjidt*, Mr. and Mis,

one dollar each.Mrs.- Jtnnie $ .

Donations.of^ three dollars.each,Mrs. A-' Acktr ami Lager Brj»th<r«;

o doHat*. .Arene] • RT.'AJ..JainMi;*r, Stem and Drip>»t. Dr.

Aaron Parjurt, .First' Wrd SocialClub, Mn., A. G. Barnett, Dr. !.Rftbinavitz. Fortnightly Gaild ofM. E. .Church.

Donatiooi ofDrake's itore,Moore,'Miss Martha Drake, Mrs. F.

Bartow,, H. Almasi, J. Almasi,S. Schoenbrac, William Tobrow-

y, L. Cohen, W. Cohen, Mr. Tier,& Germ, C.. Gioffre, WilliamThompson, Mrs. B. Werner. Sher-man'! Barber Shop, WoodbridjreDelicatessen, Woodbridge Confec-tionery, Charlie fong, 0. Morel,B«rko's •Market. C. Behrens, Chris-ten's Department Store, MatildaGarthwaite, Margaret Krevinkle,Mrs. L. R. Whitinr, Abe Duff, Jos-eph Peter Vojel.

Girl Scoot Troop, 1,11.10; MainStreet A & P employees, $1.70; G.Haa?, J1.50; donations of .50cents eacn, Charles Kaufman, Mrs,C. Vornoli,'Peter del Popolo, Ser-vice Barber shop, Busy Bee Mark-et; Sylvia's Beauty Shop, Naircy'sLuncheonette, Mr. Camtoileiri, F.'lavin, Mr. Matthew, Miriam Shop-

pe, Woodbridge Shoe Repair; .40cents, Pappas'Restaurant.

BITES WIFE'S NOSEHuntington, L. I,—Arigelo Fus-

caldo, 45, was sentenced to servepix months in jail after being con-victed of biting his wife, Anna, onhe end of htr nose, almost .seve'r-ng the member, during a family

quarrel. '

PeoplelMeet(No.S):Iti case you haven't met

her please allow me to pre-sent Miss Helen Van Tassel

, • XOTICETake notice, that HAKTANO TIUS-

SO Inti-nilx'to .uliply to the Town-•the o n e *''IP Orinnltti-e of ihi- Township of

Wnti'lliridKO . for a I'letliity llftailConsumption 'lli-en.se 'for p iHltUiUcil (it .WuudbrldKet'lirt Ili-'ullUKi Townsliln ulIjrldKf, N. J- ,

(Ejections, if any, slioulil.ht miuliImmi'ilhituly in wrlline to: B, JiJuniKiin, Town'ulilp Clerk, Wuo'l-iiriilyi!. New Jersey. •

Irficnedi. OAETiVNO RfSSO,XV; I.-i..—5-31; CM Wbudliridbt, N. J.

. XOTIVtiTake nnlii'c Unit THANK V.ACZ in-

ijinlu'lii ;i|i|>ly t'/ thq TuwiiHlilp Coni-yi i t tw nf Uit Tuwrwlilp <•! Wtmil-irMKc for it I'lenury ttctall- Con-;'jinp1ioh UcenM: for pr<-rnlH<.*H Hilu-

.iitiil «t •!'•» I'ulion KtrUiit, W'uoil-lni<!>.-(.., N, il.,.

T V i o t e r m "crnnrl q n n r t " ' Objuctiwis. If any, should IK, insult

, . . i n e term, gooa sjpou, immHll i licl,. ln w r m n P .lo; u. i.'lJuniKan. TOU'IIKIIIII Clerk, of theTowtishlu of WooilliriilKc.XeW .Jer-sey.

Calendar Of Coming Etenb

Dinner and Theatre Party ipotuibred bj JollierWoman's Gob of A r e w l

I Sporl Dane* at Craftmwn'j Club..Jane I i ' Junior Wotntn't CUA Insetem in !*!ai*S«&.Inn* IJ OedkatioD of a Matae of SL Btae at St. Ab-

' tfcony't Chttrch, Port R*aiixw.• June 9: First tff a s*rie» of raiamtr e*rd pujtin for &»1 . benefit of the ATtntlWoaam'* Chib at hojne of

Mr*. Fr«d»iek Bflnue,Vcc t iu of Biwitt Society of St, Jamet* Chnrei

•ht St, Janaet' Avontoritak K - ;Annual dinner, W<pna»'« Unit, ?lwt Vanl Be-paoucan UBDi^svuoiwMs u o w t n unS' •.

- ' UJMii«s' Dtmocratfc Qob of THird Wart i s n e e tai'StiUweU'j Tea Room in S««ar«n.'

, Hectialr of D'taundon Grtoap of Ktdtmah Csttn-• til'It home ot Miat Rota^t. Cboper in Maw Street1

. ABIUMJ ' Sprin*. Lonchwm' xrf Sewtrea H&tory. - .Qab at Mart»-Loui*e Tea. TJoorn OJff Road, S*-

' - '. Aveiwl Ladies' Aid Society luieheonand.fwtd a l e '" ' RiU«rT«l bj* We'odRrla(ie> Coaster Am)srwarilUd ,

:'.6f Mldaietei County Prew Oub at MB- .BaOdiat.' * . • . " • • • . lTV •. .

Jon* 11;

• 1 3 :

June J6:

; p l a d * , :Eircineo'i Memorial Scrrkes. ' • » ' • • ' ' .Anniial rweptioh ana diniitr of Salmi^andt Lit-

l.frary..audr Mutital Soi-wiy >a,t Colonla CoonUVC l o H . • t . -, ' . ' •• • '" •- ••

CartiParty-spoiuofed.by Janet Gage'Chapter,D . A . - E . - ; , • . - ' • • • • . . • •

."PkBM.apoHSjredbjr Children-of the Aneri^apRevolution.Play to be presented by Girls' Friendly Society atTrinity Pariah Houae.


At Meeting Of Sewtren ,RepaMictn Unit


SEWAHEN—"Moral R*-Arma.ti>e mem-

AWARD VALUABLEPRIZES _ £ PARTYHousehold Furnishing In-

cluded In Gifts GivenGamfc-Winnerr

WOODBRIDGE—' V n 1 u a b 1ohw true-place )loUSChol(l furnishinKS were amonK

Srftteraful reaV"',!)^ vf»ct nw»r(lc(1 Monday night

the Bafton FreePuAfter « « « ! reaw *f sulence. Su-san Glaswli h«. aB»«n «om« for"**rd with a T«rwetful''andstory. Uteil* of axeman


Winners wore aa[ T Electric toaster, J. Nitko, Car-.

lotion on th« *obi«t pused by the Atnmea* m w mj««."'"Vr^/^'Uict; Lir.en set, W.. G, RUSCb,T n m t k i n PnifM>H*k u<f F^imi i!• i8!nttldn)f of • 1J»"*T sten ., I a»otch Plains: smokinii'ittttnd, MreV

»on Rhmhft Smdfy by the Re*. $»*•. ""> » * t e "* J teldcT'S!!P« i f l ! ' Mrs RoltO S t u i f ^ ' r„ _ . , „ „.... ^ ™ . ^ ^ dr.,™ ._ c W « » j«d« :«£• U(u Kt.n A and .ThornyH«rwatd,F. Klein of t«>.Trinityl«rtble.aji;

•n catone*.- The

Pellejrflito'. and 'Joseph i

. Rttfh'presJde'd at the*.itijtihdss . j^ion' during whichfll,' •m decided tb^ddnate t§"i6 thoHOJr

Red Cross War Relief Ftmd. Mand Mrs. H. Walsh of Avenel at

Tipsy(Continued from Page 1)

'the aaked a man she knew, to driveher home and that he. jumped oatof the ear when they reached herhome. She claimed that the toldtitv officer the was driving: becatu?"the did not want to get the manin trouble with hit wife." ActingRecorder Wight believed thatthere was sufficient doubt in thecase—and.dijmissed the complaint

However, this tine there was nodoubt in Judge Brown'i mind andthe $200 fine, the minimum sen-tence set by law, was imposed.

VETOEDIn vetoinethe $109,985,200 Rivers

and Harbors Bill,, President Roose-velt told Congress that the WarDepartment should devote itsenergies to "military preparednessrather thantits."

non-military activi-

(Continued from Page 1)the American ptbple.' And as forthe enemy from within we snaillay low the idols of treason, hate•nd kifotry." «,

The Celtic Band, sponsored bythe Knights of Columbus, pkyed8) group'of seictions and Rev. How-ard ,F. Klein, rector of TrinityEpiscopal Church, pronounced thebenediction. _ ' : '

Concluding the, program, Mr.Warren, the announcer;'declaredthat the scene reminded him of(he immortal poem, Gray's "El-egy" and recited a few lines.

" HELP WANTEDBaltimore—Leaving -his lunch-

rpom in the care of a newly-hiredcolored employe for a short time,John Koboutoa, operator, returnedto find the employe gone, the cashregister open and $30 missing.

Miss Dorothy Nelson of tfim wereaccepted into membership. l { wasdecided to hold an inn mil sammcrpicnic to Tie known as the "Lucyj . LoPsrr Day" in! recognition ofhtr services to the dub. (Mirer P.•Xilsen, chairman of the recentcard party, announced that $17.10had been cleared. Hewy Niekenigextended an invitation to the localGirl and Boy Scouts to meet at hi«home next Tuesday at 7 P. M. foran inspection visit to the EdisonMemorial at Menlo Park. A. O.Dodwell, member of the Boy Sconttroop Committee, asked interestedadults with suggestions to attendthe' committee meetings held the


1 : . and * ' -.. '





must have been coinedespecially for her . . . Sheis very active in athletics andis now coaching the softballteam of St. James' Sodality. . . She is also! the "tops" as.A basketball player . . . She isemployed in a Rahway Ave-nue cleaning establishment. . . She is the kind of personwho will go out of her wayto do you a favor-'an.d aboveall, she is a good listener.

Jottings:Hugh Tompkins, formerly

of town and now of Jackson-ville, Fla,, dropped in to sayhello the other day. He'svacationing in town . . . InDay opinion Sam Gioe has in-

; finite patience . . . Ed. Keat:

'ing (Chief Heating's son) isi back home from Dickinson' College for the summer vaca-

•'•; tion . . . Here's a tip, if you£ want to know anything con-

cerning the fire company,first aid squad or memorial

^programs, just call J'Alfy"at the ftrehoiuse.

KltANK IUCZ,6-7 \V.ofl(lijrl()B". *•'. •


ii3Uce that JL'MA SIPOSto apply' to .the Towimliipel- of the Townstiiji of

ir" for a I'lcniiry(.'ontujn|>tlfjti licx-nue for re/tuaiod at 1 (irecn'Strt'*t,

'Township of WN, J.

' If any, Khould he madei l l B Jimmtdialt'ly in wrlllnK (o: IS. J.

i, Township Clerk, Wood-New Jersey. • , '

(Klgned) • JUUA 3IP0S,vr. I.-L.—5-Sl: C--7 Voodbrldge, N. J.

MJT1CETake nf'tlc* that CHArtLES H.VI,I-:i: imerids to apply to the

Towrmhlp' Cuminftttft'of the Town-hir< of Wtjwibrldife for a Plenaryit-tail 't'vnxusnptlqn license forrtmlset Hltunud at St. George

Avc-nlie and Hlltler Street, Avencl,'wnxliip of Woodbridge, N. J.

Objt'iioriH, If any, should be mademrnedlately in writing to: • B. J.)uni(fan. Townghip Clerk; Wood-

ld N i

NOTICE 'TaktJ notl'e that CLINTOK A.

iUKlift (Itny'B Hut) Intends to ap-ly to tlj* iTuWnijIilp Oommittee of the

Township of Woodbrldgfe for a- Plen-ary H«tail Consumption license torIiremlBeH situated at 8upertiiKhwa7>

•*8pec" Coughlin, Statef (Theatre asistant manager;

hap a standing order for amidnight snack at the'HouseOf Finn' . . . Grandma's Log^labin is installing a new, 80foot circular bar .«' , It will; be ready on July 1 . . . "Abe1

)Uflf baa a lot of lun distract-fiijg.the attention of the boys

r_ asking them # smell his'.•fibwers and lifting cigars'•'•" their, pockets;;, , Pete

. TpldBu. New itfney. t(Signed) CRAP.LES H. TBLER,

iy. I.-I*—5-31; 6-7 '..Avenel.'N, J.

. . N. J.OWeeiloBK, If any, oliould be made

JmmnliHttly In writing to D. J.Dunlgan, Townulilp. Clerk, of theTownship of Woodbridce, K. J.

•(Signed)' CLINTON A. BAKEB,W. 1.-L,—5-31; 6-7 Woodbridge, N. J.


uttnda 10 apply to the TownshipCommittee of the Township ofWoodbridge tor a plenary RetailConsumption license for premisesMtuated at 924 St, George Avenue,Woodbridge. Towhatyp of Woodbridge, N, J, ,

Th» oftlt-eru of tne cftrporatlon area.i follow^:

Umma Ifffljarop, Fres.\Vm. Halin, VU-e-Pron,Julia Fasseksis Hahn, '

Sue. & TreasObjwtfons, if any, should be made

Immediately In writing to: B. J.Duiilgin, Town^Jilp Clerk, Wood;brldse. New Jersey.

(Signed) .Silver PftlniB of Wooflbrldge

liy Emma Meszaros, Pree.Attest: Julia Vozekas Hahn,

Secretary & Treasurer.W, I.-L.—5-31; 6-7 Woodbriaga, N. J.

the Beau BrummelfihVA&P market, talks.in|

Wtyti aleejp,

s i eTake notice that R I I

CORPORATION Intends to, apply tothe Township 'Committee of theTowimhlp • of Woodbridge for aPlenary Retail Consumption licensefor premUeu uttuated, at Route 2fand Loree Avonue, Wooabriage, N. J,

The names of 'the offlcorB of thiCiirpuration' are as follows:'

» Peter SWeHe, Pres. &.Trea»,Clmrles Caravltla, Vtc;e-Pre8.Anthony 'C. Stein, Secretary

Objections, It any, should be madeImmediately In writing to: B. JyunJgan, Township Clerk, Wood'bridge, New Jersey.


H l k l P i d


, car; hopi.to fa la 1 ™%~.-^ ftn(J. Mr8; RUtiey,'ciaik Township; .mHiraiinfc rackpn^'fnd table, Jlrf. • Sal»; * Mel-Ijouiti* Court," town; 'cheHillespread, Chaj-Jra ISurnniick,, Rah

"•Drum .taVi'le,1 JnmcsFreeman Sti'tfrt, t*wn; patch^itt,

pecial, Mrs.

she had le't

-little Greek.plrJ-and. boy * e hjs adopted, finda new confe^Unent' there,

feels that-a do'tfd. of; sinister• hangs over. Hen rccalliftp

Lof her earlier relationship wi& her beautiful rhother.around 'whom there is an aura ofmyitery. The. Morning Is NearUs is an iinuntally 'satisfying novelthat takes the reader .into, the ten-ter of a human heart seeking a«undeMtanding of itself. ^

Another ne* arrival is THETREES, by Conrad Richter. "They,moved along in the bobbingspringy gait of a family that fol-lowed the woods as some familiesfollow the sea." In thBt first sen-tence (Jonrad Richter sets the nJoodof this magnificent epic of the Am-erican wilderness. TowaroV theclose of the eighteenth centpy theland west of the Allefhenies andnorth of the Ohio River was an un-broken sea of trees. Beneath themthe forest trails were dark, wlp.ntand lonely, brightened onlv, by a

third ' Wednesday night of eachmonth in the school.

There were 35 members, presentend refreshments were served bythe chairman, 0. P. Nilsen and hi i j j™ lost besms'of sunlight: Herecommittee, A. C. Dodwell and W . j t h e L u ck e t t & l a wild, woodsfaringPrgnk Burns. The last meetinp \ f a m i ) v U v e d t h j i r r o a m i n g life,


isolation.a histori-

Xhomas Cunri*, Often t Street,tow-h; sheets and pillow eo?es,Mrs;Lynquist,' Rahway; Luttey seven,Mrs. Robert Rtofrwdod, GorhamAvenue, town; basket of groceries,Vincent Auito, Carteret; Tiridgclamp, Ethel Rajah, Spring Street,town;'special, Mrs. Robert Ring-wood,town; boudoir chair, AgnesSchott Clark Township.

Other WinnenFifty-three piece dish set, Law-

rence Powers,. Millfown; six-way3oor lamp, Mrs. Heffner, Carteret;special, Q. R. Titus, Railway; ham-mock, Mi's. Charles Flynn, Avenel;radio, Mary Kowalski', Carteretglider, Anna gzurkfyFulton Street,town; special, Mrs. Charles Brady,Washington Avenue, Cajrteret;breakfast sot, Mrs. M. Skranko,Carteret; easy chair, Mrs. J. E.Marsh, Prospect Street, town; bi-cycle, Anna Szurko, Fulton Streettown.

gof the season will be held June 25atthehotneof Mr andMrS.-H.D.

m '

I family,

a d v a n c e d B n d

menu- threatened their

wtdow, .,. ..,,Mri. Stephen Adams, ofCity and ijrt.Joi«ph koiia-RarlUn wwrulilp; throe ',Alex*na John of Woodbri,),:, !Micha«VcitPwrft Amboy. ii, [

garlan Societies, *unl

" Boy BtampiBdpostofflcfl. • •

stamps »tickenvelopes ,•

• Qukkwt, fintplMl way lo gel oil,without co-mikwi. C*f rtma.r.i m

. your poiMttiott.

o-Te cul big pay-,1-,1,.down I* a mar* convtnun 12 |r




PWM POIH AMIOYTUI i\i% m unpaid




SfflP BUTTER R i 3 3 c

Freth Creamery Butter 93 Score

Jenejr Fresh

Pork L6in«, lbeither end


Corned BeeUMilk Fed

Rumps Veal, lb. 23cSwifts Premium

Smoked Hams, lb.'half or whole


Freih Clean

Spinach, lb. 5cFreih Juicy

Pineapples, 2 for

Fancy Fresh

Tomatoes, 2 lbs.

Full Pod, Fre.h

Limas, 2 lbs. (or 19c

Stolen In House Robbery ™*y, but a nwei of authentic—: . early American life, of which there

WOODBRIDGE—A watch, val-lare so few. It is the primitiveued at $20, and six dollars in pen-'. sfory of Worth Luckett, the hunt-nies were stolen out of the homoier, and of Jary, his woman;' ofof A.'Hoddesonj of 263 Green'j.Genny,. Wyitt. Achsa. and Sulie,Street, some time Saturday night their boy and the Solitary andacocrding to a report made by the Jake French; but principally oflatter Sunday to Officer Joseph | the oldest girl, 'Sax-ward Luckett,Dalton. Mr. Hodduson said he had \ whose pfeoplejas far back as sheno idea how the thieves entered : knew had always been huntersthe house.. . .land gunsmiths' to hunters, but

who, through the quiet, growing,i and yet tragic oppression of the| trees, turns her back at last on her

(Continued from Page 1) | lif« as a hunter's child and be-dolph Knudstn and Lawrence Mc-{cwnes a tiller of the soil. ThisLeod. Miss Arline Corbctt ,is fac- i n o v e l o f S r e a t b'rical beauty andulty assistant. • i high excitement tells'the story of

Our 1940 Styles Are Now On^/Display. We Invite Your

(Inspection Of Them BeforeRemodeling Your Fur Coat

219 Seniors

Th'e patrons and patronessesare: Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Nick-las, -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Ferry,Mr. and \}rs. William Benson, Mr,and- Mrs. Thomas J. Brennan, MissJC

t h e transition of American pio-! n e e r s f r o m the. ways of the wil-j d e r n e s s :t0 the ways of civilization.

DELAY FATAL, Gardiner, Mont.—Because of a

Jonanna'CMaRyar, Miss Margaret;painfu], vpoth ulcer, Mrs. AnamaeE. Morganson, Miss Martha J. ; Scott postponed her wedding for aMorrow, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A,; w e ck. The next day, her 24-year-Prisco, Miss Alida van Slyke, Mr,'old fiance, John Jones, was crush-and Mrs, Stephen K.^V'erlock and • ed to death i(n a mine at SilverDonald A. Wcscott,, JCity", Nev.

U T B U C R P ,Bs Peter Hlik-ila, President.

AHest: Anthony C. Stein, Secretary,V l B - a i ; 0-7

Let Us Give Your Cara Complete Check-up

Before Going forlection


V TeLWo-8-0104 '

493 Rahway Ave., Woodbridge

Life Begins At


ttlirrt- Will You He - ur :( Vrarn rrnni X<m f

Doit't l-"»c An.- TIIUF In I'rriinrlni; VnurI'ill n n-. Time la Valuulilk

'.nrull \ u » In a I'rofrmiliiu Thni St-t-urm\ Sitlt-niliil Ktiturr A it tl< (ttiml limtuir.

All 1'lir Mum Modern Kqni|iinrnl AmiluKtruiui'.iita AI Vuur l)i«|ii»iul.

>Ve AUu llnvr Thrpr I'rufCHiiluiinl .Mm ln«lructorn.

Sn(urilo) Ouru I)) Apiwlutiupul «tnl>.



. PRIN. ELEANOR J. BOWERSFormerly Ilead Teacher and Urtructoi ot Tli*

> . ' • B ' WUfCfa

HobartBldg. PERTH AMBOYTel. P. A. 4-1320 |*



.WOODBRIDGE FUR SHOP522 Amboy Avenue , Woodbridge



MonlyNight G a m e Social[ AT ST. JAMES' AUDITORIUM



SEE FOR YOURSELF!Just What $33,50 Monthly Wil I Buy

(After a 10% Down Payment)

Others from $3,990 "VAT






F. H. A.Approved

i o r ; Do*n


No Taxes Until 1941Monthly Payments $29,00 (or Balance of


Hard To Believe.


Mu«t Be Seen

T ? ? r WlUh f |Turn left two blockl to pr«p«r»r.


WHtfAY, MAT 81,1940


•ihr I I ' l•i hi- ] ,piidpr-

«niXTAMf.ON KEWA Editor ana PublisherManaging .Editor


jnpatulnting Our Graduates .schools of the nation are closing

,i,(,rrf once again and the advent of

The Forest Service of the Department Iof Agriculture reports that'in 1989 therewere 15,725 fire? in the national!oreats andthat unprotected forest land reported 146,-000 forest fires. How many smaller blazesoccurred without being reported is, un-known. ' . . • • - • •

Many farihers have fouiid a source ofrevenue in their forest acres. Gradually,they .are learning not to bum over their.woodlands because of the effect of fire uponthe growth vof timber. Moreover,' forestdistricts,have been organized to maintainlookouts and'flre-fighting facilities*, Evenwith these activities, thtoe} are sections ofthe nation where bnecair see, in d'iwiftatV

innurcbl f t fi

The Finger's Oh Him!


niariy,;ii.totM thi:ea|ioid bf'a

civ innumerable, forest fires which-'valuable4imber. ; ' '. •••'- '.',

g ;_ . ; ; ;. .liunibpf !af,years, they: have par-!

of learning! picking.up,in-,nw and experience through, various.•,.;ir.>)i and how, at last,,they receive"ii)umaa and Wephito "the. world ;*of

•; will find it vastly'different Mm theincut in which they have been nur

There will be no assignment of par- sick."liisk.Vwith success surely crowning

; ,,,-f.s of those who think and do well.;,'unlike in-school, meritorious • per-;',i-i' is not always crowned with suc-• :.,| laurels. ' ' • .

hii'h schools are graduating a fine: young men and women. Many ofAIU continue their education at col-.i,i snme will not have.that privilege.will £o forth immediately to seekn'nimmic fortunes iiY business cn-

,!, buttling the various forces that.:, in the struggle for profits.i i of our gsaduates who have theiniity of attending college are fortu-nuly if they make, use of the addi-

\].:il 1'iliication advantages thut coraesioCertainly the training that college

Ii'i'ils is worth what it costs, in timemucy, but these benefits do. not flow:;iii.'ally intb the being of the student.innst be earned,

to;the people of the >Unit6.cf. • States to,con-tribute.^10,000,000 io 'a. war relief fund.Officials "of .the organization ,say that it isimpossible to',exaggerate the rescue pfob-1em, pointing out that "probably 5,000,000French imd Belgians .are on the'.march,homeless, without food, many wounded and

• The sympathy of the people of theUnited States is undoubtedly overwhelm-ingly on the side of the Allied nations, pficemore, in the midst of warfare, the civilianpopulation of these nations is suffering un-imaginable hardships. If our sympathymeans Anything, we should respond to thisappeal of the. Red Cross and make avail-able the $10,000,000 requested and, if nec-essary, other millions later on to assist inthe care of the refugees, many of whomare helpless children.


Our Gold Worth Having. The monetary gold stock of the United

States has crossed the $19,000,000,000-level and the experts are already, begin-ning to worry about what will happen tothis hiige hoard if the totalitarian states re-form the savings1 of the world.

Bankers and economists in this.country


uduates-who have'no'chance to)h i l i 'c expressed the opinion that the goldtheir studies in collages w special standard, cannot operate if Germany andiioed not accept any inferiority!11** a l l i e s w i n t h e w a r a n d d o m i n a t e t h e „ „ .,in regards to their classmates whol f u t u r e G(;o"omic set-up of the world. Their pie of thta cbuntry.ger. While it is not to be denied s-vstc'm of trading, involving barter and con •

So far as the average American icitizen is ooncernotl, since the rap-id invasion of The Netherlandsand Belgium, there is only thejrrcat question that engages thefull-fledged attention of the peo-

>mi> advantage .accrues to college.1 individuals, this is.not conclusive>{niggle that engages adults in the• oi their existence".wish to cougra

r high school who complete their- tins year, and, at the'samc time, to

il ti'iicitations to.those who complete-'..Huge careers. May all of them play.•I,.',1 of life fairly, earning just re-

;:;nl rejoicing in the similar success•ii- i'ellowmen. »

Seeliing-Low-Priced Homes'•are (.'lad tofsee that the; architectsi'niicd States are becoming interested

homing needs of the 19,000,000lurntnc families of (his country."I he annual convention of the Amer-

|i hwtitule' of Architects, considerabler was shown in the development of

•'ii» house plan and.'the suggestion that-i-rts in all parts of the country estab!•'•(; clinics and do all in their power'.c home ownership easier for families•'i'.-st m e a n s ; • „•

ninth W. Dalzell, of New'.Jersey!i:.ui of a committee investigating the>'iity of.low-cost .shelter for familiesAV able to own homes, suggests "that ahe made of materials to be used in

'instruction-of homes to cost $2,500'.'••4 for. fifty years, thus getting the'is of long-term financing.

| v hilt; the task of', providing suitablelor the low-income families is tre-

IIS," the interest of the architects isinilable. It is to be hoped that in-and financial leaders will also co-

i' in' the effort to put home-buildinglike, the basis of our mass

llMrics, ' . • ' • • ' •

[• uch a

trolled swapping, tends to • eliminate thenecessity of another, medium of exchange.

While it is within the realm of possi-bility, in the event of a German victory, that

ate the students> l t f w i l t ' I o s ° s o r a e of i ts ™P°rtance innternational trade, the disability will betemporary. In fact, we do npth think theJnited States nee'd worry very much about

having a worthless stock on hand, Wemight worry about the possibility of losingour gold stock if this nation is ever attackedby a coalition of powers, such as Germany,Italy anil .Japan, after the totalitarian stateshave coiu|uered Europe.

Give 'Em To The GeneralGen. Georjre C. Marshall, chief of staff

and the high' command of the army, are tohe congratulated on the fact that they haveno thought of capitalizing on "the dilemmaof this tragic world situation as an.oppor-tunity to aggrandize the army.1'

i Nevertheless, the general • wants ninesmall, streamlined divisions of 8,500 men,each in readiness for whatever purposethey may be'required in the Western Hemi-sphere, • * .1 The general should get his nine divi-

sions, with arms, equipment and accessoriesthat will make them the best divisions inthe world.

900,000 Bulbs

which will flow to the fariii-d are important, but the stimulus

[ um would'give to business(industry throghgout the nation might

h to overcome the depressing unem-t ' which lingers .throughout

Last Fall the Netherlands governmentpresented 900,000 tulip bulbs to the Cityof New York, whose park developmentplanned a Garden of a Million Tulips forthe later part of this month.

The garden will not be among the sightsto see, however, for most of the bulbs havebeen destroyed and grass beds are takingtheir place, Some experts thought that thebulbs had been "drowned", due to poordrainage but. others said they were plant-ed too late to- escape damage from, early.cold weather.

Anyway, it was a nice gesture fromthe Netherlands whether the garden oftulips bloomed or not,

Adequate preparation, for na-ional defense is the topic that in-riguqs Americans, in Washing-on and outside of thu capital, be-

cause the spectacular speed ofthe invading Germans, has causedour people to realize that, in spiteof the huge sums spent on arma-ment, the United States is relative-iy unarmed for a modern war.

Of course, the reason for thisstate of affairs is to be found inour retention of the belief that noinvader can cross the AtlanticOcean. This belief has been severe-ly shattered. Every American un-derstands today that ' i f the Britisharid French fleets fall into thehands of Hitler there is no bar-rier to such an attack.

' With these conclusions in mind;let's take up the present state ofthe American army.' We have asmall force, without adequate me-chanization. Although we havesome medium and lightweightanks there are no* heavy tanksntl pnly a brigade is mechanized.

We have about 400 tanks, whichless than one German armored


In armored'cars, scoui cars', mo-.orcycles, anti-aircraft guns andccegsary instruments, anti-tankuns, certain types of ai'tillery,achine guns, automatic rifles

(as masks and other items we arcshort: The Regular Army and theNational Guard need additionatraining. It is proposed to increase:hc Army from 230,000 to 280,000men and the National Guard from230,000 to 300,000 or more.

The reader should bear in mindhat imm'enso supplies aro. neces

sary for a defense force of thissizeand vast additional equipment andsupplies are to be had if this na-tion contemplates putting any-think like a million or more menin the field at any time. Moreover,tho manufacture of these itemstakes time and when an emerg-ency arises it will be too late tocall upon industry for what a first-class army should have,

The Navy has been thoroughlymodernized within the past tenyears and .our fleet,is formidable,Warships have been constructedto balance the fleet and auxiliaryvessels proyulcd to supplement it.'Underway are other warships thatwill give us; at the end of nextyear, 17 battleships, 6 aircraftcarriers, 36 cruisers, 200 detVoy-ers, 60 submarines and leave usabout 100- other ships under con-struction.

preparation for defence There isthe-question of eortain vital ma.turials, not produced in this country, 'such'as rubber,'tin, manga-nose, quinine, etc. Adequate storesof these, and other supplies, mustbe mi integration of our indus-trial plants for prompt productionin quantity of nil the manifold ar-ticles that would be consumed ina large-scale conflict.

there is a grave danger that theAmerican people may confuseiconomic strength with militarypower.'This would Bo a tragic mis:uke. The Allied nations in Europe Iinve a superabundance of econom-ic strength but what they lack isiightinpfpower.on the battlefronts.Natural resources arc worthlessfor defense unless appropriatelyatilized against the enemy. Thereiiust be a mobilization of the en-

C m / Pick 'Em! ••• .This department; figures it can boot about three more

predictions befpre it becomes automatically eligible forclassification as an expert. ' -

Those who read these despatches from time -to timemay recall my observatipn that Mr. Harold G» Hoffmajiwould, win the Republican primary nomination' for Gover-nor against Robert C. Hendrickson. While I did not pub*licly calculate any' numerical ihargin at "victor}' for'him Ilet a few of my most intimate Wends know that it wouldbe Hoffman, by at least, 20,000. .Not-evetyono got.this hot ;tipryou uhderstand--ju8t those- who-professionally andpersonally are" very dbse to m©.' , •; . From;:the,complete return*, of. which JT, havptbqen ••appHsed/Hyjwh'dle siyarfyia of rememberers, V'Wfts some-thing- IJke 56,006\yotesoutof the way.-1 call ihut pretty •l.ousyptekjrtg;- by: any way* syoir figure It'ajid, to view ofpast performhwee, if anybody, put any tnoney'p'M.'M^ Hoff«inan'8:nos?,OD the Msia of.my prediction 111- send postal-cards td }\\m in.;tHe ''po6r:fAKm. I'll also forward to tb.«same address all future progrtpjiticatfons at no additionalcharge. They atlettstshould pr&yide a, substantial reasonfor betting1 the othe.K way. : , " \ • ' • ' •• • •' :

MA Right One In Jhe lot!, I calculated the results county by county.; I didn't

iiave a single one of them right. I might have come a littlecloser if I had accepted the claim of a very astufe friendof mine'from Jersey City who told me that Hendricksonwould carry Union County. If I could have believed that,a prediction which seemed to be entirely insane to me, Imight have believed that Hendrickson would click. • <

But r chortled at it. I told my friend that I oncehad implicit faith in his political observations, but thatnow he must be getting old and wasn't* snjarUike he usedto be. So I see by the returns that Mr. *Hendriclfson!carriedUnjoh County by something like13,'500. I had given the

* > • '

Prevent Forest Firesf .Muttered in-the United States every

through forest fires invites theof all those who possess timber

f hile about half of'the fires are causedSfhlning, the other half is'cfrtwed by the

sa of'human beings. There is no>«e against the lightning-set blaze ex-

|tlirough 'attempts to extinguish thelu'it men,,1 women and children can

careful whenever they visit thei thus cutting down the loss of timber

Even so, construction ' nowirowds our facilities which mustie expanded. Tho naval Kim fac-tory at Washington is working atmaximum capacity but army ar-lsenals have helped supply some|needs. Fire control apparatus andanti-aircraft guns are not-plentifulenough and the fleet is seriouslyhandicapped by inadequate operat-ing bases. We need suitable shorefacilities in the Alaskan-Aleutianarea and' in thu Atlantic. Existingbases must be enlarged.

In the^ir the United States ha?two forces, one with the Navy andthe other with the Army, and eachservice controls its planes. Togeth-er they have about.4,B00 planes,which, in the light of tl)e fifflitint:in Europe, is far below the num-ber nedcd'»for reasonable protec-tion.

The suggestion by the Presidentthat.the air forces be increased to50,000 reminds us that we needthousands, of •trained.' pilots and,just as important, n multitude oftrained mechanics. Our productionrate is not yet up-to capacity arida scarcity .is reported in facilitiesfor the manufacture of airplanoengines.

There are other factors thatmust be assayed in surveying our

tire c^qnomjc:.re.sources., of thisnation behind the fighting services.

Congress, following' the adviceof the President, hns speedily giv-m approval .to recommendationslesigned to hasten the prepara-tions of this country to face what-

county to Hoffman, as I romember it, by. 5,000. That'sabout as cl6se as I came anywhere in the state.

If IHaiOnly listened-• ,*About the only newspaperman I know who picked

Hendrickson was George B. Shick of the Trenton Times. -He'not only said Mr. Hoffman would-lose but he placedthe Hendrickson plurality at ,33,00.0, which is what I call -naming the turn, He offered me his figures a month beforeelection but I politely declined, wondering the while ifMr. Shick's falling hair hadn't taken his mind off his work.

I may still salvage some.consolation out of that piecewrote assuring all and sundry that1 Mr. Hoffman woulii-

be the nominee. I said tha« in the event he didn't carryHudson County, aided and abetted by Mi;,,; Hague, thatthe Hoffman supporters-in the legislature would promptlywrite out the orders for voting machines in Hudson to bedelivered before the Fall general election., A bill carrying this provision already had passed theHouse d! Assembly and got stalled in the Senate waiting,as I believed, to see what'happened in Hudson for Hoff-man May 21.. Well, Hendrickson carried the county withplenty to spare ancHf any of my guesses are'to come true,that bill is due to go through the upper house before ad-

;vcr future is aheiul, There is littlatime to lose. If,the war in Europe•mis with a German victory, whiohn'jansthat it will be a short war,there is no prophet alive who canforetell when demands wjll be.mule against the security of thishemisphere.

Years AgeTen Years Ago


School Commissioner Mark D.•McClain was elected president ofthe- Woodbridge Liona Club pnMonday night at the annual elec-tion of officers, Mr. McClain hashold the office of vice president for,the past year.

journment. If you want to take a tip from a friend, though,vlon't lay any money on it. I don't even trust-myselfanymore.

Have Another?However, while on the subject of candidates, I might

as well tell you that I believe it will'be Barbour and Edisoncome next November - - - or have you had enough of mypredictions for a while?


Cut Rate Air TravelNow that the railroads haye appar-,

ently come to .the conclusion that lowerfares might increase their passenger #ev-epu.es, it is interesting to. observe that the ^United AirfLines, is trying out the same.policy on it's iine between Satt panciscq,Los Angeles and pan,Diego,, * . . '

The new fare of three ,pd two-thirdscents a ftiile is part of an experimentalcampaign to compete with the private auto- 'mobile. It will probably produce results & j _paralleling those secured by, the


The , Salmagundi Musical andliterary Society met Tuesdaynisht at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Asher Fitz Randolph on RahwayAvenue and mnde plans for thefiftieth anniversary " reeeption tobe held Tuesday, June 8 at- 8:30o'clock at the Craftsmen's Club.


The memory of three Wood-bridge boys, Charles F. Marty, Ed-ward if, Kelly and Ira C. DurtnTwho made the suprome sacrifice inthe World War may be preservedto future generations in' a sub-stantial, way if the suggestion ofWoodbridge Post, American Le-trian,' is carried out. In a resolu-tion adopted by'the post recently•ittention is called to-the fact that'the park system ini tho heart- oftown Is in three;sections and thatthe three boys of Woodbridpte'proper were killed in the war. Itwas suggested .that a most effec-tual way to honor the memory ofthose, boys would l e to name thepark sections after them (Editor'snote: The suggestion was nevercarried,out due to objections fromother'sections of tho Township",•particularly Port ' Reading whichwanted a section of the park nam-od-after aJPort Reading war hero.)'


Th's Woodbiidfe Taxpayers^As-sociation is not in Record with.theproposal • currerjtly befo-re tlicTownship Committee to equip th«police department with a two-wayradio system. The Association onMonday adopted a-iehrtlution rec-ommending that a portion of theexisting motorcycle equipment belcpjaced u the r than the move ex-

[peusiva radio, system installation.


Amendment of the buildingcode, to provide for an .indefiniteterm for the Building Inspector,will probably be voted by theTownship Committee .Mondaynight. It is expected at the snmetime that the appointment will begiven "to William Allgaicr;


More efficient importing of con-tagious diseases and more success-ful quarantines are envisioned byDr. Samuel W. Fox, Townshipphysicion, aa resulting from thenewly adopted Health Qode. Hendicated yesterday a-strenuousat-

tempt will be made by the Boardo:f Health to enforce the require-ment that all persons who so muchas suspect presence of a contagi-ous disease report it to municipaauthorities.. •


After two weeks of feverish nctivity, Iselin is putting on the fin-ishing touches to preparations fo

ts mammoth patriotic observancetomorrow.. United States .Senator\ . Harry Moore will be the prin-ip|il speaker.


High tribute was paid to Mrs.ohn W. Boos by the rank and, filet' the Republican party at a din-

ner arranged by the men's andwomen's- divisions of .the FirstWard Republican Club in tho Co?Ionia Country Club Wednesday.Mayor August F;\»Greiner was thetonstmaster.


Fifteen Township lads have de-serted form the Civilian Conserva-tion Corps in the last month, mu-nicipal records show today. DlSitress at the rapidly climbing perjr,centage of delinquency in youthssent to the CCC from Woodbridge,was expressed by officials, not onlybecause of the direct cash loss tothe Township but nlso beeauso Mthe wuukness revealed in the loca,lboys' morale and their' unwilling-ness to work.


Consult Us For Rates And Information



w, ' 4 , ; A , '., - - . v '

jjSy.-.ifij^F.;-, . ,-,.-;

tTWIt'i " f i t MMilAM J- >>AIi-• ii'li" I" npplv I" I IK1 Town-nltlro o! lh« Township !

1 llT\ o...n.rbridtrx, N (.

;.. rnw fnr . .St. fltf>r*> » T « K ,Ti.wft«Mp of ,W«o«l-

lit. r inn* If any, jljftuld b e nttdttirnnr-i ,ii. <v ,D writing: to; n J.r»JIiHm T'urr.Fhifl Ottk,

l OAWOMW.V 1 •l.-t.- l .

"XOTK'fc >Ti k/ ! • • » « • ' t h a t JOSEPH (-'A-

,M| iA ip-f.-i.!* to »PW>- tATa* T « * fi;if r^fnmittf* of th« ~ "


for *• nij.r .r IJrt-BM Tor .••<-) .• u : Main strwt, ,Te> v I

.f>. If Mr, ihouJd b* :

SOTH'B.twtiio tlial I'AJ'L A. KINS

:o arplt lo tlis T*nrN»>".lpdf tlrf Tiiwtiiiilp offf.r a. Fl'iiary U»'*ll

i , I I M M * for pruningiiiix-rltlchmy and '/AIB-

M?n*\, Townchip "f

nbiii-iiv-K If ,iny. rlwuM b* madr11 In wrtMn* tfl If J,Tovnthlp Cltrk, Wuod-

situated att A

JT J - L - M l ; »-7 •H. J.

notlr**t^ivIBJOI»KPH AN-

PI«tt!bUtl'on liwiw foriituitwl • ) . fr«'

• —'

iI» i r i Pi>iurjr

-i1'/1 •>! II "t1."'* ' ft>J p<M .it 'MtcJ.!lt««i • h d u K w l. k)1 >f ! l i i l Tn*rnt1llp . Cf


ir wr.i'mg

w J'f'rJ.S.OT M

- 'U .6.7 -Iwl.n N, J.

T.ik» notlrv tli.)l 11Nint.n.ln tn »ppl>' to the Ti'»n#hlpCommUtM- of thf T««n.«Mp <•!

M** fir « PJ*«ir>' K»l*llJon:. l k * w « (or '

»( * « Main FtrTotrttfilp Of



, thoulil hV mad*

JOHN*N. i7

HOTIfcBr*k» ,*»ut* that

KATH <«#»«•'*» apply to tut Town


p. ofi1

rtcril* ^pOonlinitt«> of


t.i th«>» T«%n-

I'l»narjhlp. of WdhrM.i( I jJleui1 CMwumplion Itcen*» tut pe*K-,lw» HtiutHi at « Fulion Himftt

. «IMn:IIM i lh» Tf1f l\V(.,vlhrldgi' (or it rifis»r>l^nnuunMUn liritn» for


at « Fulion HmfttTownKttlji «r W«d.

immediwlj in writlnn; 10: &..J.punlimrt. Teim«hU>r CltrK, WOlb r i d f N o * J*r»«r.

* L - L . — 5 : 1 1 ; S - 7 W d b , N. J.

. . > XOtiCHT»)t* nnt!c« that K

Ittttndi tn sratr to ther ^ of i T


KAUTAir to the ToTrMisIP

of il)» Toinntilji Mfar * Plenary 9ftMIllftn** for MtwJ»«tM SjirtM *M SttpfrLbM SjirtM * M Sttpfr

AJKhWHT, . Artti#l -Towwillip ofWi?odbri.!f*,- X 1.

OtjKilnnlL. If «nr, »houM h* rtt*4«flv in wrlt)n« to: t l J.

-;.-!!: «. 4.


»t 4j« W<»*M>rid» Ay#nu»,Tr»«n«t!lp "f

ObfM-tiont! if *ny, shout-l ht ." " Ir In writing-*". B. J.

T»»Mhl» Vjlerk. Wood-

(tfljmpd) PRTBR flfilR -ar. L-I*. t-s>. «.: port rswuing. N. J .

XdncT.>nntk* (lint

aRIHJRR , .ntcn. .To*h»W» Commit! MT*I>IBl l U

IB of .WwUll Cw»u

i t * !


p)yt h e Town


. AvPrtPl, To*n*Wp ofN. J.if «ns\ s l w a f(a vri l ln* <h: 11.

L i a n t m fowimiilp; Clwk, "WoodhrWre, Kfir Jtnptry." '

/ t lM JliH^CTtit f(D

Conwmpilnn H»en*f fnr

, ,^ I f ,any, . . ^ . . .i y ' In wr i t lhg t o : ft. J.

P-ii'tfftfl Townfhip. '••"«•• «'niMi-hrl<lf*,.S'. ^.

KTnft<» nhtlf* Hint MiOI-SAfl Iniftfl tMOI

Town«lnp*blp of W mrt*t»ill J...ffoflftrfrmliei slUtmm Htrm>t

tttton Si,

r .woAHirTa*^OliJfftlotiH, If *

i l lMS- (n

j , • ', »|,niiMlil" .

thin FFIA;- -

(jnm'mittM of the TownsC, •',brlrfge for it Plenary i , .jumptlnn llrcnM /or-|ir.,,ntcil nt St Now fUrriM AVTownnlllp" of Woodlirliic •

ObjortloM, If nhj;, sli.m:;in

CE- 'Tlkv.' noty.-«"'Owt !l*NS .

h'KN' intftxls to'.apply, to the' ToWti-'•l i ip t.'nmmlilM-of the To*n»h!p nf

Wo'.iliri'let' f«r a PSenary Retail

Bliuai'-'l ,'.•'. fSref'n Street «t)d Rail-road Avtr.iie; -Jselia, Township of

Obje-i-tioii*. if any, should be tntdeSrdtncliateiy "in wrlung. to; B, J.l#iui!Ka,n, TnwnnHIp Clerk, Wood-brldEi', New, Jersey. . . .«OiBOfd) HANS KlfCIJSES.

\i,\ ) . ] . _ ; . . 3 j : ?.; j^|fn i « . j ,

Take notice that WALTER K.HAH1CH inti-ndi! to apply to theTii»7i*lilp Commlltte of the.Town-ship of Woodbriag* for a PlenaryReiait C'f'niumption llcenre fbrpremip^i! siitiat^l r at 449 .AmboyAvenue. Woodbrldge, Township' ofTVtff)fllirIil|ff,"Jt..1"ir"~' —-r"--—~ •

Ob/wtinns, if any, rhouM be. mad*'1mme<liHteIy in writing to: B. J.JiuniR.ir. Township C)ei"k, Wood-brl<lRc, New Jersey r

»Bigne<D WALTE1I E. IfABTCH.•ft". I.-l,.—a-ll; «.7 WoodWdn, K. J.

JtOTICBTak*. notlfe.tha't FFJANCIS FITZ-

Olit.-AI.I) Inti-nil* to apply to theTmrnslilp Committee of the Town-*li!p of Wood bridge for a PlenaryJipl.iil Consumption license fortiremiKe* Riiuated at Zlegler Avenuefind Supi-rhighway, Avenel, Town-tJiip of Woodbrldge, N. J.

Oljj/-.iif)np, 1( any, should be madeImmediately Mn writing to; B. J,l>unlgan. Township Clerk, Wood-bridRe. New Jersey.

(Siirned) KF1ANCIS FITZOKnALB,W. I.-L.—5-31; «*7 Avenel, N. J.

Take notlre thill HARRY 'VANTASfiKL Intende to apply tn theTown«lilp Committee of the Town-ship of Woodbrldge for a PlenaryI!»tal! (.'onxumpflon license forpremises Bituatcil at (ColleBe Inn)111, Main Street, Wondbrlilge, Nv J.

Objections, if any, should be madeimmediately in writing to: R > J.Dunlfian, Township Clerk, Wood-bridge, New Jersey.

(Signed) HAUUV VAN TASSEL,W. l.-L.—5-31; 6-7 •B'oo.lbrldgo, N. 3.

NOTICE Kvnotice thut JOSEPH 1VKI}*- . 1mis to npply to the Township y^rt:e of the Township of Wood- \ \ •

Take notlocBit IntPmUCommlteebridge for a Plenary Holail IJIRtrlljutlon llfense for premises sllu-atod nt 79 MalnSlreet, AVboiIbrldge,loWnahlp of Woodbrldge, N, .1,

Ohjci'tlonN, If any, should ho made, immediately in writing to: R J.

Dunlgan, TownBhip Clerk, Wood-brldBe, New JerBcy.

(Signed) JOHRPH 'vVTIINEn,W.,!.-!*—5-31f C-7 Woodhrldge, N. J.

NOTICET.iko notice that ANTHONY J.

ANDKIltSCH Intends to apply to thoTuwnxliip' Committee of the Town-Bhip of Woodhrldgo for a PlenaryKetnll Consumption license for prem-ises Mtuatod. at 351 West Avenue,Hsuarvn, Township of Woodbridge,

Objections, If any, should be niiulo• Immullately In writing to: B, J.

Dunigan, Township Clerk, Wood-brldRi-: N. J.


•W I-L.—5-31; 6-7 Sewaren, N. J.

NOTICE 'Take notice thafCLAIRE O'NEIIX

Intends to np/Ply to the TownshipCommittee of the Township ofWoodbridgp. for a Plenary .RetailConsumption HcenBe for premisessituated at. St. George Avenue, Avo-JU-l, Township .of Woodliridge, N. J,

Objcctious.t.lf «^l, jshouia belmflde,immediately In 1iTitlns5to: B.. J.'Dunlg&n. : Tqwnslilp;; Clerk, Wood,bridge, Ww Jersej; •

(Signed) CLAIRE O'NEILL,TV. I.-L.—6-Jl; C-7 Avenel, N. J.

SOTICBTake notice, that MA0ELYN W.

.TANOVCSIK Intends to apply to theTownship Commlttco of. the Town-ship of Woodbrldge for a PlenaryBelall Consumption' license forpremises situated at 10 West Avc-.«ue, fieWaren, ToWnahlp of Wood-bridge, N. J.

Objection*, if any, should be madeImmwliately In writing to; B. .1.

" ~ • Town«hlp clerk. Wood-s'. J.


VT. I - L - 5 - 3 1 ; {-7 Bewaren, N. J.

Take notice that FIlArJK MON-TKCAIAO Intends to apply to theTownship Committee of the Town-TI f nof W°«"»rl'IS« for a JPlennryHeial! Connumptlnn llccaie forpremise!! situated at Hallway Ave-

« " N j > r o ' p e c t S l r e e t ' W o o d '

*- i f ai"r- »hould be made' I •"• VTIINB- to: B. J,

aut, Township Clerk, Wood-bridge, New. Jerg«y . . . ' . . .

, , <S'gned) FRANK M0NTECAI.VO,_, w , L-L.—5-31; 6-7 Woodbrlfljre, N. J.

_ , . . . *0TICE ..», ?•Take notice that ABE DUFF )n-n4« to apply to the Township Com-

? f t h 0 T&wnshlP- of Wood-i0\, * p l e n a i ry detail Con-

"2 ? I } S 9 'or premlsoB sltii-W ? 8 i ! ^ ."Woodbridge,

ofWoodbrld'ge, N. J,

NOTICEnotice that Ito apply to.

Committee o f , t h e « „ „ , „ , „ - o tWoodhrldKe for a" Plenary feiSltDlgtrlbutlon llfienso •--• - - W

tn Wutll Q I I put. yy UOU"

N _e, Township of Woodbrldee,i, If any,

In writing -tq:Township ~"

) pETEn VCXJKL,.-[J,—5-31; 6-7 Weoubrldga. N. J.

notice thut J' 0 »PPly to t

of (li% Tfor a Pl

« ftpaa,Wooabrlde



we've GOT TO



OUtJ T b P VoO't.1HAve

CA6G-PA' .-TrrtEMH e CAN'-T


Sewaren, N, J,

- I'm W-11S Mwkrt 11N-M4'" ' , ! , , , ! , llimk 1J2N l*«ir* HW

i n r I't'ttMCl

1.1.1.MI it May Concern:* *., , u , , ' , K.iirtr .mo»lHI|f-jff-.lh.« Towti-1 i.,imin!H.pi' of ' the Towtmlilji of

''•' iiirhuto lifid Mondny, MnyJoth,',', I IVNH (Uflll'tCd tO tt(lVDrtl|Cjl|l(l

ili-H nti'-'flnnaiiJf.Bt.nninRSjM?'*''1

I'HII, the Towtmliincdniinitted* ,,',ri'» III li P, M, (Rffjj'lli- tht)

,,H,M. ('Ifknibern, Memorlnl Hu-"; ,t iiniiiinjBi WowlhrlilKo, S w

.,',, Mixi m the IMtsntMt blrtrtnrj , , , ; in tormn ot snlo on lliofiii- Towimliln Clsrlc, oBen' to

, '„ imi" iind t« no .iililrtkny rim*' 11, Kiiic. ijo.tK IJOo tt iW in-, ,, in Hioch 811(0 ana LpU 11(1.4'.•jii7 • IHPIIIRIVA In Ulrtnk KBflto,

-, i.iiiritiKi' Towntdilp", Amogijmont

Hint, tho'k liy reiin-

||pr<-r T o ,

lli.c.k IHtiM-nw SI? •

ToW1i»tn ;'Jt Jin?


,,, I'o'tnmlltms lift,li.l [iill MTlIltlt t o liny, i n

m , |irl|-n. nt 'which *nhtIcIiiritH Will ll.O

ftflfufrnt, SUMrn fiio«,« jiiii

p B <l«ofl anil iiilvi.rsn-lfi,Sale) ,li»l8. In mild

/iW,Vin tcftnu.. Will f Wllf*..y'infitt''of MM, tlM! bill-inilmw •|ir.l<*,iito It".'!'"')'!

(Bly' i h S f l m t t

i i i n i l w |' imm(Bly'

i l i t

•|ir.l<*,iit' ihSfal tntu


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£ « « t n y » n » n « . June<'«imHWtte<.T l

»«. J'«imHWTl liV


in m\t mill in tun

UrnMil-Nh(, N(W

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v(>M Iftrtltt

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MMImirtn price, titIn «n|d Mock will tin nji,iWlili ft*! citll!>r di*tl\ll» pfcklminimum price bain,

" -ot pi-eiiHslfif'iii

it dowfineeIn

>i\ W^ttifBt nf |?St(li\ ,tliaof niirrhiitfi) |frlMi I

ffltintiiJjH IrtuMllmhntji »ftVlle linljl-

, JMimfii'lio.on iilit«,inlPTn«l n M ' o l h wprovided Mf ilni.fti»tmpt rttmw,

TtjkiV fftrtiW MI|J«« ih'rtt.ut Mltlortloi of »ny, iihu< to which It mayIm luJjciUfitl'd, Illc ToWHKhlp Cmtw

tho rlKht In Its-i\tifr lia rlKht in fnnctlun lo rvjcit nny 0110 or nil11ml to »«ll tililil Ion Jn tmlt

l b d Il »l tlil I n Jn t t l kMitli bidder fid It mny fOlnvt, ilul'riinl hnlnK Riven lo li>rmn - nnd

imuincr nf Itnytncvnti In PII^H nni* mmm'o mliiltnuin IIIIIB MIIILII bu

I lo

ll'IVdl,r r t nrtcptitncq of thn minimum

hll I l l m by thii

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t , . jmln,lfv.«ii|i| in,I H

willi jn ' i

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fur In e-onlranT^of•iicnihi'ijl of (.lUefitot'lit a n y

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Hl.ii' mmlg liy the:

IH ,ii. iiom'ourly illllt«,

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withy r j y w s r Htrcit"

iinri.hVrJy Uiiii.iir,.«nrkimmv ( | j h > l l '

iirty frjiiii lliii..|fti[*rl.y I'iin »rHie iinrihVrJy

.'hiir>lt«r •"•

,,r , , » - . . monthly.iisr.1 lit tlin. cnirl.rlu;t. nf

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:,II- iiny nnn lilt to lie Hf>|pct<>iliin- pityninnt nf an ndiHtlniml

„ t,|.v lot loRGLIipr .wi l l i -u ' run-,i,. t'cM! for* tho pretliirntloii uf

h . - i . v • . • ' . • ' •

, . rur ihor noilnoi t h a t n't wilil,.r .-my (Into to wltldi It mny

'.i-,,111-iK'd, tho Tnwn«lil|i Own-.. rrvi-H tlio rlKht In ltn IIIH-

, in reject liny Olio or all bhlK• I inll mild lots in nn 111 lilork.ii i.lilrlur a s . l t mny Hoiocl, duo

. ,1 i,i-inK s lven lo tornm nmt:, i- ut iiiiymcnti'ln-ciMK) »ne or

minimum liiilo alifill lin re -1

1 . 1 ,

.-.:, ui-1-i'iitn.nno nf the minimum

..,- iiiil »ilinV(Utnliilniuni| liy thn:,,;, I 'nmnilttdo and tlici poy-ihiii'iii' by tlio iiurnhaiior m:-

',r in llio niniinci' of fi'dTclinno. .i.liiHM' wi th lerniH c/( »n.\K on: i,. TowtiRhlp w l l i ' deijvor n

:i :iml mile ileml iOf,«ftlil |ir<>in-

•!•::>: .May 2I?.',, I B - J O . '

. it, .1, DITNIGAN,Tawnalnp Cl»rk,

• 1.1- riilvprllNnd Mny Ml'li uhil' !•; . HMD in ihu Indopandont

i- piiHtHly, Jfm. of •,-e>'Hi,.fHlre» frft. limro iir. !<-«K. t u n pnliii-

I h n w l ' n ( - - • " • " - . . . - • ' . —



in•of Wny.

• Ka'

„ . . . Hmr nr "Mi{)i('.'n?" .#iiy irf".tale IMKIIwny Nn. ; t iiloni? n curveXn (In- liKlft hiivliiK [(. ''riidliin cif


p p qI1I1I; or hlil 11I10V11 nilnlmuiji, by theT b l p Crn)imlll/M\ uml Hin pnv

f h (h l t fiwimbp C \

Mij>nt tlii-rp<if hy (hn pnin l l i iK lo tl io ' nuiiiipor »f phi nt'i'tti'diitu'6 V|lb tcrhm nf. Hftin1 onillq, llii! 'Powri'Hltl.n Will ilellvhr atijrititKi nnij aiild l f l

l"xM>: Mnjt at1 - ' n, , Towiti'

/•To--.Jin (\I1VI'WICIMI Miiy.S R ' v 1 1 t 1 9 1 ) In 1bo Jtid

* "

ill-MilIlcfir Tm -r,---lli'iiiril'i-di J-nuk' IMS

• NOTKI'i OF i'F'liMOTo'' Whiliil' It Miif Cijlirol' ACn rc!«il)Jir mfnitlnK elf tl|i-TOWn-itliln C'limmlufa of th« Tiiwiitililji ufWiniillii'|iiiiti).liolil-Mcinrliiy,"Miiy 'iOJIl,

, Aven^l Newsi-r Hi*. It 0. P«rM JJParkArtaiM :


rii:f l i

t rlnl37S!l.«a fiu:l,mr I

lllil fiM-ti thmure or 1(>«K to i rpoint In thii siiirth

crly llnci of Lui ; ; ui(.iu'i> (*l) Vmdfer-Jy imil pnrnllul «-|lh KnrkiiH Avpnuomid (ilimg HIP northerly •'lino nf r<ol*iI mul 3, llfty-m-voii (RJ) fcnl mure.ni' li'KK to l'|.,yni.r Hlroist, tlm .pointfir pldpo or liLRJunlni;. Hciiiir por-tions of Ilii- iilii»vc-tni-nttiini>(l lotd. '

Tiiltc furilior miUeo thu l nt snld.iiilc, ,iir nny ilnti. lo which It Innyhp ndjoiiriiud, Ilio Tnwnshln Com-nilttcu rcniirvi'H tlin Huht In IIS (IIHs uh In

to rcji.'i't nny onn or all blilnll Miilillubi In tuilil, bloc-It

t, I1HO.|anil

unit tnIn such lilildcr n« It mny1 I b l l j,'lvi-n to

luifl, Ii t t b

to iy iOJl,liM-tliu

lluifl, I Wmjirftiicd to i i i lvflr i l iMuiiict'tbibt on •t(oiiiluyuvpnlnK,..liinoIh'il, Ifllb, llii), Towimbfii t'ommltloe.will lilint nt 7 P: M, <I«T) In theI'linimltll'it Chnnib*orH, Memorial MU-nli'lpiil IlllliillliK, WoodliHilKP, Nowh i pW h l ll 'nlftmliami

o d Kuhil sell '

l l l t

muniicr of piiyiniMit, in CMHCS otic ormore minimum bids sliull lie rc-

I l'•••Ivt-il.

Hu Halo ami tu Llio JilKhuHt .bidderftmlfyllnff Id terms nf Hlil« on illowith tlm TiiwnHlifp Clerk opim tolimiici'tlon nnU lo ho publicly rendpi'lor to nnlu, Lot 2 In Illock '>b2]l,Wcimlhrlilifo . ToWltulllp AHHCdfimenlMnH. ,

Tdko furthor nnlihe that thnTowiiBltlp Commlttoe linn, hy reso-lution nnd piirmtunl'to law. Hx«cl uminimum prlve nt which wild lot Inmild liKii'k will i)fl Bold' togetherwith nil othi-r dbtnllH pertinent, aiiulnilnlmiim prlt-o bcln^ |M)O.Ol) pluspoal« or preparing deed iincl' ndwr-tlHfntc- thin nnlc>. Suld lot |n naldIdock If suld mi tprm«,_-will reriiilro

• Fr«4 Aitat»,"Gear|e Murphy «n* Ele*nor Powell «• they »pji«»r

in a tcene1 from tha. "Broidwuy Melody of 1940,". tlie "topi"

, in ino»lo miiricili, tfairting SuniJujr at Railway ThsUra." ';


of >li'oi

p i W i r i f >lio fntfiI1I1I or bid nliovi! min imum, by tlioTown.iJilp Comnll l lpo itnc) tire pny-mpnt t l f b th d i Umpnt

) pby thn pui'din-ii'i'

f l

i iv: 'I'm W-'iO, 'W>31, W-17H,ITS. KIT . I .

M.ITK'K OF I M I t l M r HI A liM

Wi.niii II May C o n c e r n :,: 1 r r n u i n r ino|ot[i>K <if Hit' Ttiw

,,111111111™ of tlio TUWIIHII IPcilt l l l M l M !!I

nordlnrf to Ilin iniiiiner of jiurolin.HeIn ncioi'itiiiir,. v l l l i toniiH .of sulii on(lie;, t he TdWimliip wi l l ilellvol' uImrKitlti mul H;I1O flood for siilii p rum-l8(!«.IJATKU: Mny 21ut, 10111, '

It.-.I, DUNlrtAN,Tnwns l i lp Clnl'k.

T o lie- ndvcrlInert Miiy 21 III nndMny Slut, l!Hi), In Urn, Indei iendcnt-l.i-.'idi'f. •

ll r n i i r- t l i e . ImU I

, It has been predicted that bp-

fofe thin yenv la out.jtjtjchniwlbr

vtill, lie uaccl for all fllirii i-ftd,be-

fore long, tho biaik-fiitd-wljlte yo-

tiety wilt be just as obsolete and

novel to .movic audiences as arc

the silent films today. All this

will come about because ttie.Teph-

nicolor folk have •slaahea.. tho cbst

of sucV films more, tfttn twenty -I

por cent,' which makeB^CDior fiims

cost onlyy a.Utt^o,nAi're'than,tHe

conventional black.- and - .white

o TU•.!;• ci.ltin luilil Montlny,

i l l t l l


Ilillroctod lei iiilv(>rtlx<'n . I I mi Monday evenliiK -lunu

M. I'll il, the Tuwnohln Cnnimllleein-ii nt 7 V. M. (liHT) In Hieiniii'e (Minmhers, Mcmnrlnl Mir-:il liuililliiB, •\V(imlhrlilK<!f New:, ii nil expoHft mill .Hell l i t rtiiU-•• mul to* Llio lilK'lii'Mt liiililcr•liiii;- I" t e rms ot sale on Illc

On- TowiiHhlp Clf'rk open Hi• ti'in nnd to he pulillrly reiii!

l i Miln, LotH 'Mi ninl.i;(|i, J!HS.'"Ii lii Klni'k 40111); l.otK 3SJ .nnd

" " • tn :l"8 Inclusive In llluck

Tot \\-111:1 llockfl Nl-;ttllci'oriloili llmik ICIO 1'iiKi-'Itlll

Ml ' IK i : 1111 I'I 111,II1 MALI'!Tn Wbniii It Jfny

A bAt ;iy

inertInuiriini:f of tlio

l TownT0W11-

ft ; n K i b i If

Slilp I ' l i i i imi l lo ' "I flu* T o w n s h i p nfWninlliililxc. 'held Jloiichiy, H a y HOUi,liUn, r UIIH dli-cc'lml to ailvorllMi tjiefrirt tlinl mi Mniiil;iy pvcnlnff. .luuc

Iti-lu, 1 lib (1'nwiiHlilp i!cimmltl.oa

U ' l i i n l l ic s u I l u k

i'lilQo THWiiHhlp ASBI'HH-| . .

. flirthert notlcp. -pintliip ('•unmlttrfi I1118, by

l t l li

tjiop t I 1 , bynil p n r m i i i n t t n l a w , l ixml 11i pi'li-n lit w h i c h l l l Il

will -mciil 11 M, I ' IKT) In thoM l M

i In".ha" will I lo sold toffcther

ni ntlii-r 'U'lfillH perl lmm[, nii'l•'.iinn price lifin«• JI.IHMUIO plua

'ii'. lu'cpiirlnH deed andII HIIH snlo .Hiild lots In hiilill-i: ir fiild on t r rmn, will rmiulrr•- ii piiymetit of $ 1110.00, the tinl-

"I' |Hlt'i'll!18fl p|-il,-C! til III) |in|ll1'iual numtlily InstullmentH ofIII I ' lns I n t e r e s t n n d o t h o r t e r n i n"Iiii for In oiintrnet ot unln.

•' .i •slunmont of l i i lort*t I tunny11 •• l"l i Incltidod In tliln wile orI I H I for nny ono or nil ot wild

^i:ill lie mndo hy the piirchimc-r. uii'lc-r unless It he to n p.'n-iy

w h o m ' a home «hnll lie built•i:n forty d(iyn, • .

•i.-vldoil tlio piirrhnse.r eimllniien"iv promptly, tho, monthly,• i«iy-'••''•' fixed In tlia contract of nale• iM of the. lots Included In Llio• nil there bo no dof'uilt whntr

in yui'li jmyments , or nny pnrt•""•', to the cliile> of re(|ilest fur: ' <i. tho purchamr nlmll bo

|i"i to recniva a linrgnln o-ndfor nny one lot to lio

., ('hninlicrM, Mniiiorliil Mil-HUHIIIHK, Wc;ocllirlilKii, New

Jerncy, ' i ind i.xiiosn'ilinl m>ll n t ' p u b -lic MI lij nnd tii I Im 'h'ltfliKHl lilddorlimonllnif, to termn of wile on Illowiih the Township Clerk niion lolimpccllou inn! In be .publicly roildprior lo sub., J,ot 17 in llloi-U 11)71111,WiKidbrldKi! Tottiialilp AssuHament

rurihor notice that tlinTuwiitililp 'Cominllten lins, liy rcdo-luiliiii nnd luii'HUiiiit tii law, dxiil uniliiltnmi' pi-lfi. nt vsiilch taiil lotIn suld hbick will be mild HiKntllorwith nlli i t l iei; ilt'liillH jifrlllHUit, Hiil'l

,. .hnnt-THiymintt-of , , . . . .itni'ii Df iilnrliiiHt' prii-i' to bo pllUIiii iMiunl nrtmthly lnittnllmenln ofJin.tin plus intercut nnd other termHprovided for In cont rac t n"f mile.

Tnkc furthor 'notim; llmC nt Hiildmile, or nny ilnte lo which It mnybo ndJniicniMl, tho Townnlilp Com-inltlee rcaerven tlio rlglH In Its illB-erellon to reject ttliy j m o or nilbids nnd lo Hell "mid l o t In fluidblock to such bidder a s It mny He-l e d , illic roioird bolptf Riven to lonnnnnd iiiiiiinoi1 of pitymnnt, In euse onaor mure minimum bklH shall Itp i-e-ci'U'ed. ,

Upon (leooptilnoe of the minimumhid, or hid abnve minimum, liy llioTownship Oomnilltee nnd llio pny-inunt thereof hy the purcbiiHer ne-cni'linif to the manner of inimluiaoIn aiieoi'ibinee with trruiK of sale onIllc, llio Townnlilp will dijllver uhiirgi'iln and Kiile dood for auiil p renv

IJATI'-D: Mny 31«I,'.1MO. ' '11. I . DUNIGAN,

> • ' Toivnuhlp (!lerlt.|i(» advertised Miiy 2-llh '

M.i P.'Kiko.


o b(»y 31st,d

ilvortlsiil Miy

llllll In - the Independent-



c u e s " . " . ' , ~ ' " " - - • - * • '•.-•• •• > - •

' .Harold Bell Wright's stbry,

"Shepherd of the Hills," .if*', to U

filmed by. paramouijt mill \ Batty

Field itr tho feminine lead oppo-

site Robert Preston . . .

"Nice Girl," by Phyllis; Dug-

ga'nno, IB being preparod as a ve-

hicle for Dennna Dtirbin . ; .

' Katherine Hepburn has eno*td

her tour in- "The Philadelphia

Story," and will go to her home

in Hartford, Conn., for a brief rest

beforo going to Hollywood to

make-the; film version of the com'

edy . . .

Edward Everett Horton, who ha!

been. appearing in "Springtime

fo r Henry," has completed his

tour with the show and has return

ed to Hollywood . ' - . ' . • *

Warner Brothers is planning to

h l ier i l l i l j ,m i n i m u m p i ' l ee l ioh iK ?7fi,00 p l u sCOHIH, nl1 [ p l l d d a d v rt i s i n i c t i l l s su l

T l 1

^ i l c i d in idSuld lot In said

i l lilillllt if B"l.I llll liM'IIIM, Will rcllllll'l)II i l ' .wi i tM.viiii lit i,r f i iMui , t h e i in i -i i l i i i i o i pm*< b : i sc p r l r i . l o tie |i<tiilIII iw|iml i i ioiiMily l i i i i l : i l | n i f .h t s of95,1)11 jiliiK lliti-i-c.--t a n i l i i l l i tT turifiiii i n i v l i h ' d I'm" 111 e n n l r n e l ii.f Hnlc-.

1 T i i k i ' - f n r l l i c r nut-let* Uni t lit B:IIII

f u l e , o r n n y i k i t e t n wliii-li il i n n yiii i i i l j o n n i i il, llii< T . i v i i H l i i n C'oiu-

i n l l l e o I'eiii-rve.M | h e rlirht in i t s .114- jSfatn""siVea'tI ' l ' t ' t ion In rcji'i. 't n n y o n e o r n i l b l d s ! u n v A n 1, -1,1iiii,l t o ttell su i i ! im. iiv.sii l i l b l o c k t o ' ly' - o n •'- " "HiiL-h I 'ldiU-r :i.s i t . i n n y .Heliuit, d u ert-Kiird be l i iK i,ivi.-n t u - t e r m s i indm i i n n c r nf puy i i i cn . ' , I " e n s e " H e o rniiii 'e m i n i m u m biilH a l m l l in- vi.-

celvecl.tjpi.ni (li-ccpliuice of (I




re-fllm some of the film fa-


, N. J., ATJUNli] -7TB,-

TlECIi!IVKn'a"''NOTICr!] OF SALETo Whom it May Ciincurn:

Pursuant to iiutborlty of


llpuu phid, or • I1I1I nlmvTownship r

of Il mi i i i n i i m i i n , h y . l h o

uml the t'ay-cnt. thcrcnl'thV tho |iiiri:li!iKcr IU1

to the miiimcr ot l>urcliii«fi( h ftrniH » r mtlc en

will deliver at t ld m

curdlnK mi111 iic-coi'diiiHc «'(t,hftlc, tho Tnwnnlllpi ' j l d

paymont of nn additional i,tL.h; lot tOROther With n roll l f

I he•"" I'ct; bit toROther with n ren-j ! |l" ten, for tlio iiropnrnllon of

• i i - i - i l , '

•''<• further nntlno that nt wikl"r ;my ilnte in which It mny

;''!i->in-ni!d, t b o T o w n s h i p Ciiip-1 • ii-mivoH t he rliclit in i t s din-'•u i " I'ftjcet n n y ono or nil IIMH'•'. -ill SIIiii lotfl In mibl bliieK" to

ftlc, tho Tnwnlllp wi,Iir'g)l|,, ttnj fllllo deed tut flald prem-

LlATI'in: .Mny 2 In I, 19-10.•IC ,!. DIISIOAN,

Tiilvimhlp Clerk-To Im nilvertised Miiy 241U and

Mny illBt, 111 PI In tlio Ipdnpcndelit-

„, . . theComptroller of tho Currency of thoUnited KtutGii, thn unclerHlirneil, Ku-.Biino Vii-ri>clf, an Itonnlver of thoFirst Natlmial riiinlt nnd Trust Com-pany nf Wnoilbi'iilKo, Now Jersey,will ofCor nt puhllc aalo to tho high-est bidder or 'blildors for CIIBII, littho Committee ChnmborR of thoMumorlal Mnnlcfpnl BuildlnB n t , l

36t, WoodbrldRs, New Jcr-•uj, u.i 1. rldtvy, Juno 7, 1810 at 10:30A. M.. tho rwnainlnff assets of thesiild First Nntlniml Unnk and Trust.Cnmimny eonslstlnff of real- osttUo,hills recolwablo, JuilRments, -over-drafts," nnrt other cbo.ics In actionnnd clinltolu, less sncll Items orurtloIoH iiH may be paid or other-wise disposed' of prior to tho said(Into nf fialo herein mentioned, Adniiurlptlve Hat. of tlio rcmiilnlng aa-<Hela HO nfi'ored for nalc may btln»pecteil by prnHpuntlvo purchasersnt lioom 203 at tho Cltlzena Buildingnt 10 Day'aril Street, New Brunswick,Sow JarHoy, on Ml business days upto and Incliulliu; tho date of the aaldanlo between tho boura1 of 0 A, M.nnd 3 P. M. nnd Satiirdnya from 9A, M, to 13 A, M.

A l i t l

mous by the late Marie Dressjer,

the first being "Tugboat Annie

Sails Again," with MarjorieRim-

beau in the title roie. ,Alan Hul<

will play the rolo fornvaily jpor.

triyed by Wallacfi Beery, , , .

Film rights to tho cartoon stri

•'Li'l Abner," which Al Oapplw

been drawing for the past fiv>

with Laughton in the Bllgh rolo

and it" would bo only natural tot

him to appear in this later Him...

Qlark .Qablc and. Robert, Taylor

Will J)e B«cn In "Osb'orrie of Sing

Sing," which deals with the. prison

eforms of Thomas Mott Osborno.

able is ,slated to play the .title

die.. The picture will be produced

iyMetro i . ' . • ' ' •

Sol Lessjor's' "Our Town,": has

cert included 'in tho course of

itudy,of ^'English. 40" -* - the his-

bry andlirt of motioh'pfctiifq"s7-

t Columbia University . . .

Whan. Bette Davis heard that

ane Bryan and her naw husbnnd

were visiting in. Hollywood, she

clegraphod her studio urging that

if Jane is persuaded to resume her

movie, career that she be given a

part in .Bette's next picture, "The

Letter.." . Jane, Bette's protege,

abandoned her screen caroer im-

mediately after getting married al-

though she gave real promise of

success as an actress . . ,

will hold iU. ojMtnjt mooting of

lastin n«x|.Tu«itfi|,"eveoin^,

June 4, 6 t f iSn . Sttllwell-iv to*

room on Clllf Kofld, Se*nrcn. tlcc-.

(ion and installation of ofllcpra will

b c ' l i c l d . :

• • . . , • • ; • • • j ' • .

—Tho memnere of Gftri Sfottt

Troop, No, G, attended the fctthuill

Girl Scout rally held in School No.

11 tip Woodbriup Saturday, C*t[i-

tains Etterflhank arid Plass nlfto fit-'

t o U d c d / ( i \ ';, ;!'•• • ; ,_. :''

—Mri Afina. Hlne,."t«B^ii| s i

Avtncl. School; "wu tfwii*d«tf '

Bpccial prlJio by the Gfrfs-.'Soejnl;

Club rccenMy. i-. ."_.••• ,

~ S l . Andrew's BuHiJinj?. Pi-ni)

Society 'AtutiliRrywHl.Tadflt ntlb»

ch'urcji ort- "A cncl Street-T^dtiy

afte'r.noon,' fljnii -wili-V mndft'for

a stiajlHcrfy festival 'ichyuloo* for

trfdayi Jvnc 14. •';- ' • • ' • „ , I'-."'

.. —Mrg, JuliiM Schniar wl)| he

chnirnlan of a'card.'party.- Spon-

sored l>y th«CFPA at Koo» -Bro-

thers* in Sahway on-Thursday'nf-.

tertioon; Jfiino 13. TrAnap.'oftatton-'

will* bo furft-lshed;.- ,',, ••

-Mr. and Hra. Androw Srailh,

Jr., of Prospect Street, wcre'din-

nor giiBBts of Mr. ami Mrs.' How-

ard Hoffman, of PJainftsld, Suit-

day. ' .' '

litmmFriday night Qj

and Mm. L«^]

worth, Mr. ftnd't

vifr^w^Ne^ftrw^ipr^iimWiiltor Harvey. o^Elisslwt*! Mi

and Mm Hlmv^nl Ajrurt-, of Run

way.i Mm, Ann Cohamky and Mis*

Matniittn Cohgriiky, Mm. Konnan

mm and Mr»- Hermun Elsltir, oT

town. .;,.-•

• i —The flrtt of the Womtn'i Club

Wood Will ((frjoj of c*rd P*rtfes

will fail held at the home of Mrs.Frederick pn Smith Street,


yWrs. L,Hk.

R(*ch, Flertda

Ewert, ot Rsrgtj


roy, of A vend

—The Ttaart of


Mrs. - 0 .


meet on Thurdday, June 0, i

homio of tho prosidottt, Mtf.(

fllhrka, on Fifth Avoitno. -

—Mr, and Mrs. Fruntti.;

of MartlmviUe, wtre OIB 1 |

night jruMts of Mr. ind Mri,

linrii F«Ufi»ii»teni; i f Wo """

i p j j pn Sm ,

next M'oiH)»yhl((h.t, Juno 3»>t 8J5

o'clock. All' cord 'games will be

ptayod". \ \ / ' '

—Mrs. .Archer Ajruvof Dcmti-

rest Avenue,1 .tondorflrt .a nurviJtiQ

party, to Hcrm'aij' Elator nt'.his

home -on Doh'iorost Avjnjuie .In. celt

aeration of hiii'flith birth'day Sal-

urdiiy. uftcrmmn, <Jue*As were!

j^ Stern, Ki\thqdpc

.Stuhc, 'Mnlvina' Duckworth und

Betty'Aycrnan-) RohhUl Vencio'.

-*Mrs,-Alfred Ayerj/'Mr. anil

tyrfl. John Dumehttk a'ljd daURhter

Emjly Ann, of1' Rarftan,; w e ^

Kiicstsof Mr.-nml Mr«.".Johii A«uJ,

of George SCre.et', -Fciday •ovcnihK".

—Tho Men's plub will conduci

a social hour with n pi ogrnm 'con-

sis^hig of mnvics, " T r a v e l o "


Cnntrtttlmet wit*i.ibp. W«ltor .tMeniinlStrw* •. W t f o d b r i a ^ ^Wddneldiiy ovening., - ^ a r

EaH.-.Piiln-er,;.hMrmnn.and Mra. Ilarol4 (I t

whit, drapia'thnninan, of'the'W0»"<

mitn'i Club' went' to' No*. Y4*; ?

Msm>y and. jkurthaj-ed mu

th« choral (frouji ,i»nil dople

ilny tb.be riro«cht«d »» • ; - = - . i

.-aisinp'proect onPritlay «?#««»,';

Octo(Hir Z5.' Thp pjay,' " U t . % . ,

Will' Bo—Clever," •» an Wlalrf(ittl-';|

comerfyond will *e .coiiched'hfS

Mis Palmci '

l'''nr3, been acquired by

it may tln«. it m y »tlflH,.1 hnin'R -givnn tn luriiiN find11' "f payment , In' nnHn M\<\ or

minimum blila shal l bo ro-

" ncceptanpo nf tlm minimum">' I'lil uh(iv«i minimum, by the•hip Ciiintnllton nnd the pny-

| i ' ilii-ri-cif by tlin, purcliuHcr nc-' to tlin nl(illii<ir (if 'piiroluwa

d will terms of eulo oni l

l iefer Tin \\'-:I^S lloeket"iS-l-MISIli-i-onli-ili Hunk ll(l:l l'il|ie tKIO

NUTICK 0 1 ' I ' l ' lH.IC HAI.HTo ' Whom II Mny Cniieem;

,i\t u ri'Knlni- meetliip; HMIIU Town-ship Conimltm. of tlm Township ofWiniilbrldgo Imld Mondny, Mny illtli,Ill-Ill,il wim illi-ei-tiiil to ailvevllHe thefuel Hint on Mondiiy evenliiR, .'liinoHrd, Ilt-in, the 'l'liwusiilii llnnnnltteeWill meet ill 7 I', M. (I'MSTI In the

will terms of euloTnu'iiHliip will (lellvor n

i l l d f t l l in


ip wlilood forsftlil pri-'in-

i ami

II. ,1. i M N I .Tnwnnhlp Clerk,

'»f iidvcrtlBoil' Mny 2-1 Lli and; | ' i , 10-10, In the IriuYpemknf-

i \ V - ! U « I H i r k e t ^ l -l l n i . k 11(13 l ' iwi>'(IT

V C M l l .

nli-lpul ilullilliiK1,l 'm i l BXIIUS

Cliiimli'crH,' Wiiiiiorliil MII-, i l l i r l i l n " . N o w

j mil l BXIIUSH m u l aiill n t p u l i -l l r s>ili' a n i l In t l io IliKlU'hl l i l i l i lar i l r -r o i ' i i r u ( r " l o fc'i'nis o r NIIICI 'nn lilt.' WltH

liu T H W I I K I I I I I l.*li-rk IJIU'I) l o InMinji'-Inn no i l t n Im |)iilill<-ly riuii'l i i r l u r I n

-.v.u „ to lnw, said romalnlne-npm>tu cannnt ho sold otherwiao than•wllhout reccHii'uo nnU without war-ranty o( any. kind or Hliaructor, andsulijoct to tho approval of tho Gomn-trnller of tlio Curroney of tho UnitedfUntoR, nnd Biibjeet to conllrmiitlonby a court ot record ot compiitontJurlHdli'tloii.

(Hlunod) BUQBNE .VIKTIECK,Ilucolvor.

mi nyil t•le, *.otHi llC ' I I

in It May Omiei'mKulnr Mu-iitlnn of tl .

IP ''iiiMiiiitlee of tho Towimhlp of•i.liH-iilKe liultl Monday, >l«y.• i MIIS iiirnu'od to iiiivortlac the .

'but on Mondny (ivenllllf -lune1111«, tho Townntiln (Jnnunittoo"ii'ct ut 7 I', M, TR'S'11) In thoii i i iw Chanihars, MflnJorlftt-'-Mtr-;|l llullilln,-;, Wooilhrlatfii,.N«W•v. mid iixpuso nn« Hqll lit nulil.li;:"i'i to thr> lilKlidHt lilrtdcr, no;'u; ID Wrnwof nnl,e op flln.witl.i1'i'ivnslilp Cleric upen In Illspeo-iiiul lo be publicly mini prior t"

l.oU 1|)I13 and 1054 in Jlloclf!. Woodbrliltie Townalilp AhHfiHB-

Rl -MI'IU. . . • -;

; further notice flint • tho"ip ('(iminltleo liax, by rosy-,mid purmiiiut to law, IlKcd ft

giniini priee a t which Bnld lots"ill hloi-k W jn | , f l sold 'tognlhernil other de.lulls partlnovt, wMil

I11"! price Heine 4500.(1(1' pliut"f iM-epariiiK dood nnd ndver-

Ull:i HIIIII, Raid loin hi Wild

(It Hold, on torirrn, will r.ctiu.lrc

>vii naymant at-.$50,00, the' bal-of ptirelingo prlpa to bo paid-in

•l;'nniithiy inalftiiinonts.or |l(l.(i«,"ileV^Hl and qthfli1 torniii, PW*

'HI* Iii contiaot of anle,...•'•••'•" furthor notioe thnt nt saw

' "I1 miy data to .vr)i|oli- U mnyVlJoiirnocl, the TOwnBliip, (?»»"i-'" veacrvBii tho.l'ljrllpi*! Us «!)••

1 lo reject any one or all iiltla:! I'lll Hald lotH h itiiA- blooH

buidof no it .m»yp wteut.-diii)boing (rlvon to tormii and

fi"1 of paymont, In aalft ono qtb niliiitimin bldt- Bliall ba re»l

aeoeptftneo of the mlnlmuni, lilii iibove minimum,"hy tho»i|ip Committee and tive pay

Tnwn»lil|i AHm-ssineiil Map.'MUe further niHiee tlln't the

Tnwnslilp (!(iiuinitl«e IIHH, by t'eso-iiilluii nml pui-Hiiatit to law, llN'od nIllliilinilin prli-e nl which MIIIII lot illK.iiil hlncli will IM.- mild locethur withnil fj tii ii- ili'tnlts pei'tJniiut, M:I illinlHuniiin pi-Ire . Jn'iiiK Sii.in.i.iiii pHm

•orprepiii'lliK diMid und adver-- this null', Haiti lot In HIIIIIIf sold mi terms, 'will rot|uln>

iluwn pnyineiit of J25O.00, thi; hul-jirlco I'i bo puld

T U nl.1 S-\r,RPnlo IN snlij.-i't In npprnviil by

tin- Onnijitfnllm' ill' tlm Cur-ii'in-y und (Hinl't of .coinpotuntJiiris(lli;llcm. . .

•'M% of hid tn bo pnlil nt ndln,1

oltbor In CIIHII ur OPI-UHPI! cliwlc,. hiLluiii'n upon trnij'Hl'i'i' anil i lol i j

Very ill' tlio MHiit or nfifuMH iipimnpl>l'<iviil by tlin Comptrol ler ottlm crurrhncy nnd tlio Court.I. h, fi-17, 24, .31. '

Vocjue Pro'juetionsi a newly creat-

ed independent unit which will re-

lease its product through RKO . . .

The next picture in which little

Gloria Jean will appear ig to be

"Little Bit of Heaven," which An-

drew Marton will direct for Joe

Pasternak. With the child atnr

will bo Hftlcn . Parrish, Robert

Stack and Lewis Howard . . •

John Barrymore has been given

a six-months' leave of absence

from the cast *of "My Dear Chil-

drtfn," to play himself in "The

Great Profile," a story of Melville

Ci'ossmnn based on Barrymqre's

appenrance in the aforementioned

P l a y . . .

The. (three Andrews Sisters, a

radio vaudevillo team,, will,,

teiunfl with the Ritz Brothera in

"Argentine Nights," which is the

first picture the Ritzes will make

for Universal under thein' new con.

tract . . . ' ...

"The Thin Man" series will bi

revived nt Metro when Myrna ^oy

and William Powell make "Thi

Shadow of the Thin Man" . . , .,

• Charles Lauffhton is being sough

for the title rolo In a treatment o:

the later, life'of Captain Bligh; o

H. M. S. Bounty, to be made; b;

Frank Lloyd at Universal, TMB i

hia first picturo under his nev

Christian ScienceChrlitlin Science— First Church

of Christ, Scientist, gewarch, is a

branch of the Mother Church, The

First Church of Christ, Scientist,

in Boston, MaBs. Sunday services

L.-'M., Sunday School, 9;30 A.

M., Wednesday Testimonial moot-

ing 1} P. M'., Thursday, reading

room, 3 to 5 P. M.



ISM, DENOUNCED" is the Les-

son-Sermon subject in-all Christian

Science Churches and Societies

hroughout the world on June 2.

The Golden Text is: "Sing unto

lie Lord, praise ye the Lord: for

e hath delivered tlie soul of the

oor from the hand of evildoers."

Jeremiah 20:13).

Among the Lesson-Sermon ci-

;ations is the following from the

ible: 'But whosa hatkencth unto

mo shall dwell safely, and shnll be

uiet from fear of evil," (Proverbs

—Mrs. Andrew Spfith,>of Pros

pect Avonue, was hostess- Wodnoa-

day evening1 to thb Wednesday

Evenjng Sewiip;' Club'. Guests

wore: Mrs. Piorro Ahrcy, Mri

nTuttlo, Jr., of Colonin; Mrs,

Arvid Winquiat, Mrs,) 'Willinni

.riH^B, EilWayd Poraeroy nnd

plrs. Adolph jlasmussen, of town.

Mts. John dardner ami Mrs.

ter Cpok sH'ved as' co-chnir-

wi'eri, ol" the suecessfuj food salp

and luncheon sponsored- by the

Aveiiol Parent-Teacher,- Associa-

tion . ktst,Tuesday-'at the school.

Assisting were: Mrs. A, J. Fox,

Mrs. Lei'oy Slover, Mrs. John Ur-

ban, firs.. Edmund speccc,' Mrs.

James.Gillis, Mrs.'William Graham

and Mrs. John Ettershank.

—The Ladies' Aid Society of

the.Presbyterian Church will hold

a luncheon and food snlu at the

homo of Mrs. Edward Grade oh

Park Avenue,1 Wednesday, June 5,

at 11:30 A. M. , .

—Mr, and,Mra. Peter Conisha,

of Linden, Sverc Ruosts nf Mr. und

Mrs. Kuchtyak, of Avcncl Street,

Monday evenin-r.

—Mi1, and Mrs'. Archer Ayera,

of Dcmarest, entertainod at dinner


Ot lines "Jesta Jamei"has he hot) such a rolel





HA! Kt.


8HlSltll'|i''S PA 1.10o( N l

it 'luwn pnyutU'n u(. iitiri'iiitHi) prlno in bo pulilIn r-qliic) immlhlv InalallniciilH nr$ j ,ri. (> 11 pins iiii ivii-sL a ml 'OIIIIM' ti-rmu'provlrtoil Tnf In ronti'n.i't ot milei Tilltr 1'ur I tier iintli:i! Unit nt HIIIIImill", nr any ilnfn tiv wlilolt It mtiybu luUuurucii, tin- 'I'IIWIIHIIIP ,'Jotn-inltliiu ri'sni'Vt.rf tlm t l l?bt In it a ill.i-

• • - . . . . . . n i , i , i ueretliiu to .ivjci't any (ine or il

In MI-11 .uulil lot hi miliT ..It limy noleul,


li(' udvnrtlscjil Muy.llHl, l'J-ld, In tlio lndtimiic luiu-

rtkiTl Unuljl HIM I'liffu SHUNOTUilil 111;1 I*(atl,ft HMM

—llfttween Coliinlti UulldUiK iind lie-vi'lopmenl Oiiinpiiny, u eurpai'iitton

<it tho State, of New .riirfluy, Cntn-p]ii|luinl, und Miibel I''. I'ildet1 Stenl,(it ill., Defiiiulnnts, V\. Fli, tot' tilsHiilu'iif niiii'tKu'goil promises datedApril 11, 131(1. .

liy vlrlue," (if the ii'lmve utatartWrit, to itlii illriietert ntnl dellversid,I will expusu tu sulu ut jiiiiillo voh-ilue nn>V|.;i'NICH11AY, Till'! TW

• . MAY OK .IUNI'3,.A, p., XM .at (inn uVlnrk Mniidiird t i m e andtwn. o'c'loiik JIIIJIIKIII KIIVIIIK 'I'linvIn tiie 'aflei'iuiiin nf the Hiikl ilny, uttho Hhi'i'llT'M Offleo In ,tho City a,!New JlniimlVleR, N,- J. .. , .

Alltluwo certain tniels pr. ptirqijli)(if liuul. iind premises,..horeltiftftorrturtluulnrly dosertbnil', .. sltuataU: ly-,luK uml lining In the Tawhahln ofWoiutbrldKe, In llio O'niinty of Mld-rtlosii?' -41111' \HMa:. nf Nnw Jnrsoy,"with' tHa Improvements thereon,

Hliown. known nml dpslsnmodi IVP.tioto Wumbero 8,'9 -tiiul 10' In Btoelt111 on IL eet'ltilli nuip entitled "Ito-vised M(ip of Coloiiln IllllH, Oolanlu,.N. J., prnperty of TIHI Corporiitioh.of ('oldiiln, Oiitnliur "Hill, FranKl|h'Mnrxh, Hiivviiyiir," wlih-h mild miip,\VJI\H duly' Illud 1n th|> OlTlne of t|l8Clark of th« Oou.nty'qt U|ilill«q«xoil; tlia 15lh day of .MimtilT, JljJTw Mop No. W. Subject to eonven-m(R and rsalrlotions) oajitnlnoiV"'"toriwer fleailH. ' ,

lU'BnilMOR .Kinutnil on Miirth HU\HoM/ Colonltt, N,. .1. , v .,'.. Tljs. aimro*titjiite nrnount qf thedill-rod t(> titi »atl»fl«d hy eald mileId (lie mini' of So'Verr 'I'liniiBund NlntcVtoon: Bollari- •,(|t.W-«»i 4 " - ' - : ' W i -

producer - director ai'i'apgcnien

with tliat' studio, LJpya mkd

"Mutiny of'the tipunty/'. in 1P3

IELDSHIRLEVurdav's Children'


The •Lesson-Sermon also in-



iludes the following passage from

the Christian Science textbook,

"Science nnd Health with Key to

he Scriptures" by Mary Baker

Eddy; 'Science only can explain

the incredible good anil qvil ele-

ments now coming to the sur-

face. Mortals must find rqftigo in

Truth'in order to escape the er-

ror of these-latter days" (p, 83).

STARDUST• .- • « I / I

John Payne • Roland Young

itRcqueit Feature Snt. Nile;. BURNS !& ALLEN"HERE COMES COOKIE"



- wilt




Lincoln replied that they

are just long enough to

reach the ground. :

When you ask how micjl

you* should pay iot'tvrf

«torage...we reply/VuH

enough to get the beat

possible protection for

your furs." I


for complete fur storage

earvico.....calling for and

delivering., .refrigerated

vault 8orvice,,.inaurance.

$2 minimum charge,\7" of your valua-lion.

Telephone at,once.El izabeth 3-3400,our bonded mesaen-Ber will call for yourgarments.,, Yes, woalso store your furtrimmed cloth coats,men's cloth coataand nigs.

79 Broad Strett




Or Hog Calling

Jfuslcal Aspirant—Professor, do

you think I'll over be able to do

anything with ;ny voice?

Teacher—Well, it might conle

in handy in case of shipwreck.

/ What a Uric

Wife (coyiy)—A littlo bird told

me you were going to buy me u

a new car for my birthday*,

Husband (behind hia paper)—

Well, it must have been a1 little

1 •ms Axitvr < if

fetherenf by tho pur'ehaaer .ftp§K to tho nmiiner o( purotiiwalordatieo with tcrms: of HIIIO oft'ine. Townslilp wilt d»llv,(>r ft

i und Bitie de«d for »ald prara^

3: M M : .

ftuit 'tlnit ' .(in Mnnil'lf oyoiMUM, nui,«3rd, 1011), Illn Tu\vii»lll|i' CniuuiUto"

l t 7 I' M (IWT) In tlm

. , . are values in Enijt'to-pny-for

carp that will, save you- MONEY.

Your money goep farther with UB on

used car values,'

' • »


4-Door Sedan.

A R « l Buyj

4 1934 Dod|« Sedan. U i w * v \

precUta tilvle Impect l"l S A

r' this our

1933 Plymouth Coupe $

Al e '

1933 DeSoto 2-Dooi. $

Excellent' ,„......,.„„...

1937 Pa Soto Canv. Sedan

Good r,.Bi»«V ' /+£& ,more ooihfort,

drive the, big Olds "60" today)

1937'Trupk ^n.l br«ck'fi»i.h, ' H«lp promoln «qf«ty-dim your llghtt vhw

Small Monthly WyiwnU ~ $

Edward K. Cummmgiiidiita itiid np|to liolnntjlng- at- In unywldo upperInltihicr / "3rd, 1011), Illn Tu \v i i» l l |

will wool nt 7 I'. M, (IWT) In tlmCuMiultluti Oliamlitiis, MiimiirliU Mi)-


Uwd Car Lot407 Rahwny Ave,

Sport fans will flnd compleU





mm wm


^ i L — - - j ^ ^ - . - 1 . . . . .:. . . I ; l ! i : " ' ' •'•-'; ' - •''••'•• i - i - H t

TWrHATEVER you want in a motor car—you'll. ^ it O/c/s $ricea begin nt $$07 for Coupes, $8S$.ti&\

VV do better w|tt»iinOlds.'For only "a few dollars S<*dms,! delivered at Lansing, Mich, Trfni^cm]:W

more than towes^'prjeed COTB, you get roor^stav •' **8"Q" H9ed ohrai/rates, afore and JocaffMaf i f f i : ^

• any), optional equipment &nd»cceasorie9"-$^rip;:.<jf

• i '


Of All ThingsBy Harold a Hoffman

TRENTON.—The terrible tales, which fill the headlines' have far'echoes.

The longes*. and loudeiit of these4 echoes is the stern truth that when

calamity cpmes, only the strongmay aurviy.e—the fciifoftg who-havt!made themselves re*dy fay, the testin advance of it* coming." '

The- wcaJtnessAof frce <ments is that they-are too- sipwin decision, tpo-TeaSy'^o beljeyethe.bc'Bt"andmake ii£ preparation'for.the worst" • ,' ';. ';:'"'

' . .But ih.'ipjte of?:4his'liberty survives.the i j d

i after i l l ,flpjft 4 i y j

'rtrertgth. and riot-a weftkriesa.Maybe wen are happier when "they

. we not under discipline, not march." tog; to death or \yh.at js called, glory.

Maybe the refugee Jias. had- day* 'of hanipiticss in.ljfo ttan has

the soldierTwho sands hini fly-ingy the I lon£. hard road' that

refugees travel. ; ' ' ,

Of course the ' weaknesses offreedom stand out in the hour ofdisaster. Of course 'our blesiingsiade in our mental eyes whencalamity overtake? us. In the lan-guage of stern utility, liberty oftenfinds free men playing with the-ories when stern facts rumbledown over the horizon upon their

" "unreadiness.But" freedom itself is still' a

theory. So are all other humanconditions. We have not yet

> frozen the status of human life;there is still room for change, forgrowth.

No Pnwnwe"The belief current in the abso-

ulte countries that the commonman is fit to be no more than anuquiesccnt tool in the hand ofmaster minds holds no promise ofhappiness for the tools; when theyare dulled with service they willbe thrown away.

We have made our mistake ofplaying with the theory of submis-sion to the master mind. Our ex-periment has made poverty an en-dowed institution among us—andthat can be as bad as invadingtanks, blasting planes and machine

- gunners dropping upon us from theair.

. Now, however, we face put' ownhour of decision. The world of in-terdependent commerce and.peace;ful relations hua fnllcn apart al-

most overnight. We are again inan era when force is the factorof decision'and only the strongm&y survive. We will have to'arm,itd be ready—to be so ready thatwe will be too 'strong to attack.That .if a good,goal to work forand .one not at, all inconsistent withouiji established program of liberty.

'We fight,forwil,fires arid floodsand dean up, the debris iftcr.hur-rtcajjei!.'' The Mtar.Uireat incljidesthese and"other'calamities)i\l inotfej. He?? is a kfrtthat *i|l showWhether w«:-ian, .survjye,:,; whether,this, thing..men 'call- :fjeedom- is_wbrthy. of sjirvivalin * world d«3i-'cited, for, th* moment to- enslave-ment, ,'.' ./'•,. - • ' • • . ' " . ; .

Q p p .It iflfoftunate'that'wearc'in a"

•political campaign.,, ft is fortunatethat'in this fateful-year we havethe opportunity to face facU,, tochoose men who represent ourrstength rather than our weakness,to help us set stern faces aganistthe peril oft dissolution.

The readiness of a people forsurvival is more in their mindsthan in their armies and navies. Ifthe iron is in their minds, the steelWill be 1n their hand.

There is no occasion for. de-spair. > There is an occasion fordetermination, for effort, for thatdevotion which will prove whetheror not human freedom is sufficient-ly right and sufficiently strong tosurvive, I believe that is right,that it can be Btrong and that itcan survive. .

But no matter how we argue orwhat course we choose there is noonger time to hesitate. We can't

take an adjournment until nextweek or next year or the next gen-

O i



Most infectious diseases beginwith fever, headache, a runningnose and sore throat, When yourchild shops such symptoms, keephim at home away frbjp otherchildren. Put him to bed and sendfoi the doctor,. He'may have scar-let fever". •. .--". •, .'.' ' ' • » ' . ••

If so, the doctor notices that the;iltin IJ quite flushed inA_ dry. Onntipectibfi he finds the throat-andtonsils are red ftnd ifwolltn. Eventhe tongue is red arid •rough. Acharacteristic rasfi« begins to j\\i-pear'priv

rth|B rjcfk .and ch&t, thenext day .trie surface, of, tn«. bodybccpntCB scarlet', ,and'je6vcrcd withr a s h . : , : > . '••... • •••! ,• • . , ; • , . . ' ' • ' . - . '

,The WOVBI thing'that' you )iawto fear-about scarlet fever is thecomplication* that might arise.Helen Keller is a vfctirrt of scarletfever.- It left.her blind, djeaf andspeechless. But her afflictions havj'made Mr one' of the jniracle fwo-men of

keep their lingers out of theirnous and moottu.

Th« rmhor tht^e days.thonjfht that


A ckarmmf cuttom that hat become popular i« the motlier>dau|li-ter duplicate dretiinf. For play-time, mu»lin worn with little bol-ero* ii inifitted. They wuh beautifully and don't have to beironed. Colon are turquoite, trillium rote, lupin blue or fladiolkpink. . . - : • ' . . '


Avenel Club Holds MeetingIn School Auditorium

Red Cross h AidedAVEKEL — The Avenel Pro-

gresstve Democratic Club held itsMay meeting in the schoothousethis week, instead of in Weston'sGrove .as had. been originallyplanned, due to the inclementwetther. , (

Frank Wukovets presided and

eration. Our test is tpon m ."??.r t e d .°* r " e n t ^f} ac"

Hartung Is Host At PartyTo Observe 20th Birthday

WOODBRIDGE — Robert Har-tung, of Aiwat Street, entertaineda group of friends Saturday nightin celebration of his twentiethbirthday.

Guests were: Miss Alma Fagan,Miss Evelyn Ho user, Mrs. A. Fa-gan and James Heller, of Railway;George and William Bell, of Co-Ionia; Frank and James Somers,of Dover; Robert McAra, RichardMurray qnd Norman Hartung, oftown.

Elsie Fisher Is InstalledAt helin Lodge Session

ISELIN-JMrs. Elsie Finher, wasinstalled, as' Chief Companion at arecent meeting of the Pride of Ise-

MIIfSIIIKI'-'S SALEIn Chancery 01 Neiv Jernry

B e t w e e n H o m o ' Owners' LoanCorporation, u body corporate oftho United S ta tes of America, Com-plainant, and Jtatf(,rle Weber, ulnok n o w n us Margaret Weber, wil low,e l alo., DefeniluntH. Ki. l"'n. for the , . - . , , . _ „ n . , ,• a l e of m o r t g a g e d jtrnmlsta riated | Mn U r c l c Hb£, C o m p a n i o n s o f t h eM a y 3, 1940, „ Forest of America. Other officers

By virtue of l.ho ultovc ntatuil Writ, !

to me dlreuiLtl anil delivered, 1 willexpose to mile at jiublli: veiidue onTVBDNKSDAY, TJIK FIFTH, DAY

OF JUNE A. U., 1!MOat one o'clock NlnnduriJ Time, two

ptivities, A donation of ?2.50 wasmade to the Red Cross War ReliefEmergency Fund. William Perhawas awarded the dark horse prize.

Refreshments were served afterthe- business session by Mrs. Char-les Weston, hospitality, chairman,assisted by Mrs.' John- Tjornlundand Mrs. Frank Wukovets.

FormulaLate to start

And early to stopMakes life easy—

But you a flop.

Trinity Church TeachersEntertain At Card Party

WOODBRIDGE——A very suc-cessful card party wps held recent-ly by the Trinity* Episcopal"ChurchSchool teachers and officers in theParish itouse. Mrs. Beatrice Daubwon the door prize and the specialprize went to Mrs. Edward Brady.

Winners in the various gameswere; Auction, Mrs. Hilda Dema-rest, Mrs. Cecelia Braun, Mrs. Har-old Pateman ,Mrs! Joseph McAn-drews; pinochle, Mrs, Daub, Mrs.Brady, Mrs. Simon Coupland,Jairies Storey; fan-tan, Mrs. An-drew Schaffer, Mrs. Stephen Schaf-fer; non-players, Mrs. Mary Mc-Ara, "Mrs. B. C, Demarest, Mrs.George A. McLaughlin, StephenSchaffer and Mrs! A. Bennett;

Mott«y Talkt, Money SilenceiThe captain of a small trading

vessel wanted to .land some con-traband at a certain port. Ap-proaching a customs officer helaid: "Joe, if I put a ten shillingnote over each eye, could you see?"

"I.could not," said Joe.-"And ifI had one in me mouth, I couldn'tspeak."

to pe«lin WoIt WM fftrmerlydwqa»fflatlng, or

h wpeeling Males, cdntained the germ*of Ui*' difewia. Thi* theory hasbeen Ifivcn tip, and it is believedthat the discharge from the noseand throat are the chief means otconveying the contagion to others;

Mbst.bf (ybii know a^puLthe'*Schick". Jest which .' tells yp»whether a child is susceptible wdiphtherU,'but,,not many are fa-Wiliar with the Dick test, tfhich isa similar test for scarlet fevCr, Itis simple vfid priptit-""' " r f M*Thp skin, is pricked'of solution Injected. ,ijrtrind;'the area becomes quite. TC,(J

sKqws that -the child

a • « • • drPPIf the' skiiv

j ,The period, of incubation inybar-

et fever varies from a day 'to a-week. It may appear suddenly andbe ushered in by convulsions orvomiting. The fever may run to104 or 105 degrees.

The kidneys may become- in-flamed and there may be involve-ment of the hear£, the middle ear,the joints, or any part of the body.Pneumonia might be a late com-plication. " .

Every effort should be made toprotect children against this dis-ease if it is,, in a community; thepatients should be Strietls quaran-ined.' A mild case requires little

treatment besides reit, baths anda light nourshing diet. .

But scarlet lever is increasing,due to negligence. Parents sendchildren to school who are sneez-ng, sniffing- and coughing. This

infectious material is'apt to. besprayed over other children, whomay. Succumb to the infectionwhich may turji out to be moreerioBs than a cold.

Soiled hands can carry conta-gion. So can pencils, door knobs,erasers, books and what not.

Teach your children to washtheir hands before eating.and to

•against scarlet leVcr.: It- must beslated that the vaccine*'docs notalways carry immunity, yet'it 'hf l i th j i t y of cw

always cary y, yof,.value in the major.i.ty of

All those, who have had.scarletfever,i should be "isolated' for atleast a month. It is'too serious adisease to expose others and- runthe risk of their eatching.lt

It has ruined the careers ofmany children wlib were the vic-tims of others' carelessness.







Now is the time to hmfe ymr*

Cloth OVERCOATSand Winter Suits



# SAVES closet SPACE' ••.. More topm for$ummer (loihei

' ^ ' • * ; • * " * • " * • • • • ' ' • ' ' • ' • • • '

Softjrdta MOTHS, theft, fxrc

, No molhballi or garment % • to huy

Your cloth coals and wWter «iM* will bostored for the summer when Sinltone DryCleaned at the regular clewiloi h

plusonly 1 , of Valuation

,(nrin, ttg, charge 25c)'



Daily tervice in Woodbridge and all jpointi in Mid-

dleiex and Monmouth Counti«i.

a t e l o k tinmlnrU T m ,o'doi'k Iwyl lg l i l BHVIIIK Time-, in tliuit'fternoon (if. th« BH!C1 Any, ut tlieHlicrlrt's Office In tlit City ql NuwBrunHWli'k, N. J,

ALL that lot tract nr pnrutl ofland and prtinlsu* l iurdnufter purt l l l l l b M l t l l

are;Mrs, Anna Fasser, sub-chief;

Mrs. Agatha Schmidt, financialsecretary; Mrs. Francis Sluk,

t lcularlyd I I

pHltimtf, lylnff

hi f W dand liolne In the Township of Wood-ttrldge In the County of MliiiHeBi-xand tlie Htute of New JiTsey, itiidbutted and bounil^d us (ullutt'u, to

• BEGINNING (it tl»; Soutliwmtcornel- of a lot ui luml htlonKliig t»Frederick Itelfiil, running Knaturlyalong Hiild lot of land.Seventy-live(7&1) fcot: tlience Southerly alongthe Woodbrlclge anil Perth AmboyBallroail Forty (41)') feet;' thenceWe»terly along land lulungitig tojamcn Valentine, Seventy-live (75')]Fe6t; thenco Nurlherly ulong a coil-templute'd Stret-t, l-'urty (4U') feetto th« plilie "f DKOIXSINO.

CONTAINING Three thousand• 0,000) suuure feet of land and be-

Ing" the Hume land itii'l rremiaenheretofore conveyed to the xiUd ]>ur-ty of the first part by deed of 4n.m(:»VAlentlnu, et ux, dated May 1, 1867and recorded In HIM (Murk's Offlto of'the County of Middlesex In Hock 109Of DceilH, page 31.2, &t;

PECOND TltACT: Hutted andbounded UB follows to wit:

BEGINNING) at tho South westcorner of a' lot of land belongingto Patrick Cnnoly running UnaterlyBlong milil lot KeventU-Hve (7!i'Jteet .to the WooilbrldKo and PerthAmboy llallrrmd:. tlu-nve Houtherlyalong mild ]tillIroait Forty-two (42)feet; thence WeHtevly alung a lotor land' belonging to Joseph CookypftventY'Seven (77) f(ie,t; thunoe

running Northerly nloiiu tho StreetVorly-elght (4V) feet to the placeOf BEfllNNlNG,

COJJTA1N1NU 3420 miuaro feet ofland., ,

Being the name promlseH conveyed*to OlmrlftH A. Weber, and MugglqWeber, hl« vlfc, liy deud of PatrickConlcy and Miirgarat Conley," hi"*lf», dated May irnn. ltiOl and re.corded on Mny 14, nun in' the Mid'

• dteiex County Olei'k's Office In, Book 336 of Deeds for tmld County

page 437. The Hiilil ChuMcH A._ll«r died-on Deccmli'er •!,' 192(1.

, TOQETHKR with all ijnd alrigularand bulldtnga, lmprovemcnta, wny»,trees; waters, water c ' "'liberties, prlvlleseuit^rtdlliumentB, and . . .thereunto belonging or In unywlneSppertiilnlng, and the reversion andrevei'elons. rcmlilnder ftiul remain-4era, rents, Issues anil proftts, JITIV-l)«g«B and udvuntageu thereof: AU-80, «11 tl\« estate, right, title, Inter-

tut, property, puu»0B«l(m, clalin undemand wlmtunover, a« well in !»«'

IJL In eimlty, of the Wild Mortgagorof, tn and to tne xnnie nnd every))»rt nnd pamel thereof wlt,h tlie an-—Tttnuui'Mi; AND ALSO, all the

lit, title und • lnter»ut of tlieirtgatfoi In and to any and (ill

(M]Ulpmei|l, tlxturen, tools, goodH unde.hatteU now usi'il or herenfter tn]fe uHud In foiiiieeilon with the ap-

lon or enjoyment nf the prom-ov a,n> l«irt tliereof, w uuy BB

ntefl tliereunlo • belonging.'1 tlie ' premlsan commonly,

n and aosiKnuted at No, 31!'n Streolt, WoodbrMge, X J,tnjiproiclBtttte ainoHiH nt tho deto be »atl»ned by n»Ul sale la

mm of Six Thousand TWo Hun-8»Veilty-flV« D < | U ^ (f8.a-75.0p)

Cher witli the cent* o t i U U ea e.ther with till and BliiOTlur tlie

treasurer; Mrs. Maude May andMrs. Julia Jermolitz, guides; Mrs,.Delia Cooper, guad;; Mrs. MarieJirsa, past chief companion, andMrs. Isabelle Reedy, chaplain.

please menti<*s»dvertis«r». —

this paper



Prompt and Courteous Service


Phon. Rah. 7-1263— Night Phono Rah. 7-0424-R

TIME for Yourself

THERE are a thousand thingsyou want to do but there

are only twenty-four hours ina day. The solution, then, is tobudget your time. That's howclever homemakers accom-plish so much and a Kelvinatorautomatic electric refrigeratorcan help;

YOU can prepare some dishes ahead of

, time and keep them in the Kelvinator. You

,cqn purchase jn larger quantities and store

supplies in the refrigerator, confident that

foods, will'keep their freshness and flavor for

dpys.- Why not lopk over the different

model*? A roomy sij?'cubic foot.refrigerator

nlti.fpr.anly $1 T4.75,cash! Small carrying

cj)afjjt%dded if youbuyon ttirms. ,.

IT happens to the best of us. Weall like to step out in something

a little finer, a little smarter, a bitmore able, than the other fellow has.

So when you can do that-W let abetter- buy ii^the iar^fl/n-why notstep right up to the head of the class?

way its soft, fear coil springs floatthe body serenely along, even thoughthe wheels be dancing?

You won't find a bigger car any-where at its price, measured bumper'to bumper, nor one with a frame asheavy and stout.

Just look around you. Can you name v ,a sleeker, trimmer, neater, smarter- Y o » w o n l find "ool.ng systems

looking car than this 1940 Buicttf,

the business^ coupe, delivered atFlint, Mich.; transportation bascJon rail rates, state and local tux^(if any), optional equipment 'amiaccessories-extra as usual.

Net of all that is delivered-to-y •'

sealed under pressure, Fore-N-Aft prices so close to iQv rt'pVice-ficlJ

Flash-Way Direction Signals with figures that yoiiHl fyvmast ol theDo you see anything on the road that automatic cut-off, nor as many cost- difference back in the higher tra Jt •can keep pace with its husky, valve- free "extras" included in the price,in-head straight-eight engine^Dyna-flash patterned for thrift, and elec-trically balanced a/ter assembly to

Irt short, here's your one best 1940

yardstick-but that's only half of it.brand-new smoothness?

Ever see anything slicker than the,Here's big value-t«7ij/» your reach!

Current pricesf begin at $895 *for

So go ahead-ia/i>/i) ttia't itch to l»v

"tops"! First step is.to see the near-

est Buick dealer.

\Prices, subject to changenotice,

225.Z27 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUE w . P, A. 4.0714» • J '