2016 - May 8 Mothers Day - webzoom.freewebs.comwebzoom.freewebs.com/foresthillunitedchurch/Bulletins/2…  · Web viewWe are very pleased to welcome Alice Finnamore as worship leader

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Forest Hill United Church

'open doors, open hearts, open minds'

May 8, 2016 at 10 am

WELCOME to worship! It is good that you are here. We are very pleased to welcome Alice Finnamore as worship leader while our minister is on sabbatical. May you feel God's presence here. After worship, please join us for coffee, tea, juice, and conversation.

Forest Hill United Church is a safe place for all people to gather regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, or sexual orientation. You are welcome here!

Fair trade coffee, tea, sugar, and chocolate are available every Sunday here at Forest Hill. Make your selection and support the outreach efforts of our congregation!

Our greeter this morning is Jennifer Abbott,our tellers are William Hughes and Robert Christie,

our hospitality host is Marilyn Lohnes,our Sunday School teachers are Mary Grant and Margie Roxborough,and our music is led by Deborah Park and the FHUC Choir.



At the **, you are asked to rise in body or in spirit.

Prelude: Salut d'Amour by E. Elgar

Welcoming the Light

**Introit:(Sung Together) #958 VU

Hal-le, hal-le, halle-lu-u-jah! Hal-le, hal-le, halle-lu-u-jah!

Hal-le, hal-le, halle-lu-u-jah! Hal-le-lujah! Hal-le-lu-jah!

Welcome & Church News

Call to Worship and Gathering Prayer:(Sung Together)

ALL - One thing I have asked of the Lord,

this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord

all the days of my life; to behold the beauty of the Lord

and to seek Him in His temple.

One - Who is it that you seek?

All - We seek the Lord our God.

One - Do you seek Him with all your heart?

All - Amen, Lord, have mercy.

One - Do you seek Him with all your soul?

All - Amen, Lord, have mercy.

One - Do you seek Him with all your mind?

All - Amen, Lord, have mercy.

One - Do you seek Him with all your strength?

All - Amen, Christ, have mercy.

All - To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed and have come to know

that you are the Holy One of God. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory.

(From Celtic Daily Prayer)

Opening Hymn:Come In, Come In and Sit Down VU 395



Story Time

Children's Hymn: I Can Feel You Near Me God. MV 48

After the first verse is sung, children, youth and teachers

are invited to go to Sunday School.

Words from Our Bible:Patricia Powell

Acts 16:16-34

Psalm 97 (VU 817)

John 17:20-26

One:This is the Word of God for our community.

All:Thanks be to God!

Special Music: There Is a Time #MV 165

Message:One Big Family

Hymn of Reflection: Though I May Speak. VU 372


Presentation of Our Gifts

**Offering Verse: (Sung Together) #179 VU, Refrain

Hallelujah, hallelujah. Give thanks to the risen Christ.

Hallelujah, hallelujah! Give praise to God's name.


**Prayer over the Gifts(Spoken Together)

In the name and in the spirit of Jesus,

we bring our gifts to you, O God

Help us also to give a ready mind,

a willing spirit,

and a joyful heart. Amen.

Prayers of the People

Prayer of Jesus:(Spoken Together)

Our Father-Mother, who is in the heavens,

may your name be made holy,

may your dominion come,

may your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today the bread we need;

and forgive us our debts,

as we have forgiven our debtors;

and do not put us to the test,

but rescue us from evil.

For yours is the dominion, and the power,

and the glory forever. Amen.

From United Church of Christ, 1995

**Closing Hymn:We Are One VU 402


**Choral Response:(Sung Together) #216 MV, Refrain

Wherever you may go, I will follow,

and your people shall be my people too.

Wherever you may go, I will follow,

for I will be faithful, loyal and true.

Sharing the Light of Life

Postlude:Jesus Christ. Our Blessed Savior


Church News

Thank you to anyone and everyone who was in any way a part of our Roast Beef Supper yesterday before, during or after the event. It is so good to be able to put on such an event, and your participation is most appreciated.

For this week only, Alice will be in the office on Thursday morning, May 12, and doing pastoral visitation that afternoon, rather than her usual Wednesday.


(506) 455-0988 | foresthillunited.com

Administrative Assistant - Kris Yarych

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 12:45 - 3:45 pm [email protected]

Alice Finnamore will be in the office on

Thursday, from 9am to 1pm.

Most Wednesday afternoons she will be available for pastoral calls.

[email protected] or 450-1885.

PROCLAMATION 2016 Proclamation is the reading in public of the whole Bible. It was last held in Fredericton10 years ago. This 2016 reading is to take place from 4 to 13, May, at St. Annes Chapel of Ease on Westmoreland Street. Forest Hill U. C. has been asked to contribute readers for the afternoon of Wednesday, 11 May, from 12 to 5 p.m. Each reading takes 2 to 5 minutes. There are 10 or 11 readings per hour. One person may read up to 3 times per hour, but preferably not consecutively. Patricia has taken on arranging FH readers. To that end, there are time sheets for each of the 5 hours. Please indicate on them when you would be able to read. (If that afternoon is not suitable for you, and you would like to be part of this Biblical Proclamation, please indicate day, morning, afternoon or evening, and approximate time on the back of the last sheet. Patricia will forward your name and time available to the organizer.) Questions to Patricia at 455-8602.



Quilt GroupWednesdays 1-3 pm Upper Room

Choir PracticeWednesday at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room

Forest Hill Book Club Tuesday May 3rd at 12:00 noon in the Parlour

Roast Beef Supper Saturday 7 May 4-6 p.m.

Sunday May 15th a CD meeting will be held in the parlour after church. Those interested in Sunday School, Bible Studies, Movie Night, Nursery and/or Library are welcome to join us.

Worship Committee will meet at 7pm in the library Tuesday May 17.

The InterchurchRefugeeCommittee is hoping to welcome two Syrian families to Fredericton within the next month, although we are still waiting for the processing to be complete and do not have arrival dates. We are putting together a list of available furniture, kitchen items, etc. so that when they do arrive we can set up apartments as quickly as possible. If you have furniture, etc. to donate, please letMargieRoxborough know and keep the items at your house until we need them, as we have exhausted our storage capabilities.

Ushers/Greeters needed for 2016: Please check your schedule to see if you are available for one or more Sundays to help out with set up and greeting our congregation on Sunday mornings. Signup sheet is on the back table. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Many thanks. Lorna McKnight

Potential Scripture Readers are invited to see the Date Chart and to indicate their availability for any particular Sunday. Please note the manner of indication given at the top of the Chart. New Readers are most welcome. A copy of the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible (which is the version of the Pulpit Bible) is available to loan for practice, with helpful instructions included. If you have questions, please talk with Patricia Powell (455-8602).


Minute for Missions

A Call for Peace and Prayer

A prolonged civil war that began in 1996 has led to extreme violence and human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Women and girls are bearing the brunt of the atrocities, suffering widespread sexual violence and abuse.

Mission & Service partner Lglise du Christ au Congo has issued a cri dalarme to the world highlighting the urgency of the situation. The Rev. Nzeba Kalombo Berthe, General Secretary of the Department for Women and Family of the ECC, says: This cry of alarm invites us into national solidarity and compassion to assist these innocent victims to recover their dignitybut also to offer them hope as future professional women and honourable mothers.

Supported by Lglise du Christ au Congo, local women volunteer to support and accompany survivors, war orphans, and womens groups. Families receive support to foster war orphans and provide them with a loving and safe haven. ECC also provides funding for school, medical care, and psychosocial support.

The United Church, in partnership with others, is answering a call for prayers and action supporting peace in Congo and an end to the war on women.

We are thankful that our Mission & Service gifts support the women and children of the Democratic Republic of Congo, who seek security, dignity, and healing.

Please join me in making Mission & Service giving a regular part of your life of faith.

Loving God, we are called to be your colours in the world, to walk with each other, to share in love through our gifts for Mission & Service. Guide us to shine brightly in the world. Amen