2015 Amboseli-Tsavo Ivory belongs to elephant campaign walk report

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The elephant population in 1973 was at 167, 000. The numbers stand at 26,400 elephants in Kenya today as at 2014 (African Elephant Database by AfESG). Kenya loses one (1) elephant daily to poaching and over 365 elephants for its tusks (ivory) annually. The future of elephants is of critical significance to the Government of Kenya. Elephants are charismatic animals that serve as a reassembling point for conservation, winning global attention and generating momentous returns from wildlife-based tourism. The Amboseli- Tsavo “Ivory belongs to Elephants” campaign edition covered 455km in 37 days from Emali to Voi. Out of 85 schools, only 26 had registered with Wildlife Clubs of Kenya, Most schools in Kajiado county had interacted with Giraffe Center education officer with only 5 schools in Taita Taveta had heard about Giraffe center.