Savannah Jewish Federation Annual Report 2014 / 5774 Volunteer. Donate. Make a Difference Today.

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Savannah Jewish Federation Annual Report

2014 / 5774

Volunteer. Donate. Make a Difference Today.

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Joel Greenberg 07-09

Meredith Bodziner 05-07

Fred Rabhan 03-05

Harold Yellin 01-03

Jerry Portman 99-01

Paul Kulbersh 97-99

Richard Bodziner 95-97

Dana Braun 93-95

Michael Zoller 91-93

Richard Eichholz 89-91

Sheldon Tenenbaum 87-89

Millicent Melaver 85-87

Ronald Kronowitz 83-85

Bernard Portman 81-83

Arnold Tillinger 79-81

Aaron Levy 77-79

Linda Zoller 09-11

2013-2014 SJF Board of Governors Stephen Greenberg President

Sherry Dolgoff President Elect

Allan Ratner Vice President

Margie Levy Treasurer/Secretary

Jeffrey Lasky Immediate Past President

Linda Zoller Past President

2 Yr Term Ending 9/15

Matthew Allan

Steven Berwitz

Scott Center

Skye Cossio

Daniel Eichholz

Susan Jaffie

Sally Krissman**

Harvey Lebos

Jack Levine

Arlene Ratner, JEA President

2 Yr Term Ending 9/14

Charlotte Black

Lynn Berkowitz

Edwin Byck

Morris Geffen

Ronald Ginsberg**

Mark Konter

Stacey Schlafstein

Benjamin Karpf

Members At Large

Murray Arkin 72-73

Norton Melaver z”l 70-71

Don Kole 67-69

Ernie Friedman z”l 65-67

Sol Minkovitz z”l 63-65

William A. Wexler z”l 61-63

Herman Director z”l 59-61

Raymond Rosen z”l 57-59

Harry Friedman z”l 55-57

Samuel Robinson z”l 52-55

Albert Tenenbaum z”l 49-52

Jack Levy z”l 48-49

Sidney Rosenzweig z”l 47-48

Morris Slotin z”l 46-47

Benjamin I. Friedman z”l 44-46

Edmund H. Abrahams z”l 43-44

Doris G. Lukin z”l 74-75

Murray Bono z”l 75-77

Past Presidents

** Retiring


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Building community and helping to make the world a better place is what we do every day. For us, it’s what being Jewish feels like.

It’s a promise that social services and community organizations will remain strong and active for all of us. And for you.

It’s an opportunity to be part of a caring community that gives back. And it’s an opportunity to foster and celebrate Jewish identity for future generations.

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This Annual Report of the Savannah Jewish Federation highlights its activities and community involvement over the last twelve months. It is worthy of your reading and examination. You are what makes the Savannah Jewish Federation what it is and thus your understanding of its mission and accomplishments is critically impor-tant. Knowledge is truly power. But, behind the day to day activities, there is a larger consideration - a factor that tells the story of who we are and why we exist. We live in an ever changing world that is becoming smaller and smaller. The headlines today on matters of Jewish concern regarding Israel, the Middle East, Europe and the United States were practically non-existent one year ago. These are challenges that our Federation has sought to keep the community updated for we cannot ig-nore any effort, anywhere, that rings the bell of his-tory. Savannah responded sincerely and meaningfully to the Stop The Sirens campaign of the Jewish Federations of North America. As evidenced by the Community Soli-darity Rally SJF hosted in August, the support for Israel among us runs deep and powerful. While the headlines may be less as I write this message, the needs of Israel have not diminished. The continuing commitment to Is-rael of the Savannah Jewish Federation and other federa-tions around the country must be a constant and must be vigilant. With the outstanding leadership of Campaign Chair Allan Ratner and his able team and many solicitors, the annual Federation campaign surpassed $ 1,000,000.00 in pledges. It is a truly outstanding effort and one that evi-dences the binding element of a Federation. It is a com-bined effort of many people to raise funds for worthy causes, to sustain organizations and to make a difference in the lives of our people. Whether it is a large allocation or a small grant, every dollar is important, every dollar is an investment, every dollar helps write a chapter in our history. That is why your support of our Annual Cam-paign is so very vital. But beyond all of the above, the story of Federation and why we exist is people. People we know. People we do not know. People in Savannah. People in other parts of the Jewish world. Please allow me to elaborate. Members of our community benefit in unlimited ways through Jewish Family Services. This is a program of SJF that provides a variety of supportive social and finan-cial services in a respectful and meaningful way. It is a program that has seen an increase with the demographics indicating an even greater need in the future.

SJF, through the use of funds established by generous do-nors, encourages and provides a path for our young people to have Jewish experiences, both in this country and in Israel. These experiences are so important in helping build future generations of Jewish commitment and involvement. Programs of Holocaust observances, film, music and speak-ers help our community maintain its connections with our history, our culture and with each other - the most important connection we have. All of these events remind us that we must endeavor every day to honor our past, preserve our pre-sent and guarantee our future. The Savannah Jewish Federation is also looking to the fu-ture. There is a new emphasis on connecting with new gen-erations through Young Jewish Savannah. There are plans for initiatives to cultivate and encourage leadership develop-ment throughout the community. We are constantly examin-ing new ideas for social services that can benefit those among us in need, however temporary. We are very fortunate to have a staff, led by Adam Solender, that understands the importance and value of our Federa-tion. Each person works tirelessly every day to meet the high expectations that we set for ourselves and help make our community the best it can be. There are never enough thanks to Adam, Cheryl, Vicky, Sonya, Charlene, Jennifer, Justin (and crew) and Jamie. Finally, there is you. Every member of our community is a resource that we value, appreciate and respect. You are the reason SJF exists. You are the reason for confidence in the future of our Jewish Community. And, at the end of the day, it is your support that provides the energy for the Savannah Jewish Federation. On behalf of the Officers, Board of Governors and Staff, we thank you.

Steve Greenberg President

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Dear Friends,

We are pleased to present this 2014 Annual Report for the Savannah Jewish Federation. Through some very great challenges, our Community Campaign broke the $1M mark for the first time in three years...it was a testament to the leadership of Allan Ratner, Harvey Lebos, Joel Greenberg, Bunny Cohen Montag, and Nancy Rosenthal. They would-n’t take “no for an answer.”

Our Annual Campaign is the engine that allows us to impact the lives of thousands of members of the Jewish community throughout the Coastal Empire, in Israel, and around the world. With the support of our endowment funds, Federa-tion allocated an additional $690,000+ to other worthwhile causes in Savannah, Israel and throughout the world.

Our Budget and Allocations process works tirelessly to en-sure that your generous donations are effective and applied where they are needed most to support Jews and Jewish organizations. The committee was one of the largest in re-cent memory with 32 members of the community commit-ting to the process. Not only one of the largest groups, it was the most diverse possible and represented each and every segment of the Savannah Jewish community.

Thanks to your generosity, we were very proud to have been able to fund Hillel and BBYO, Birthright Israel (over 100 Savannahians have been able to travel to Israel over the past 13 years), and provide funding to Shalom School. This was our second year of providing direct grants to overseas beneficiaries who are doing essential work throughout the world on our behalf. Beneficiaries were nominated by com-munity members who had an experience with the organiza-tion including Meshi Children’s Rehabilitation Center, Ayalim Association, Nalag’at Art Center, Yeadim School, Magan David Odom, the Atlit Ma’apalim Camp and Ein Prat Academy (Israel), Guantanamo Jewish Center and Communidad Hebrea Hatikva (Cuba), JDC Warsaw JCC (Poland), JDC Baby Help (Argentina), JDC Ukraine Relief and WUPJ Ukraine Relief, AJWS (Latin America), and the Survivor Project. This funding plus our annual support of JDC and JAFI is our commitment to worldwide Jewry

While “breaking” one million dollars is a strong result for a small community, we still have incredible opportunity. We continually make changes that will help us serve the Jewish community in a responsible, positive manner to achieve our objectives of connecting Jewish lives, assisting the vulner-able, and strengthening community.

Your Federation continues to provide support for those in need today and for innovative programs that work to ensure a vibrant Jewish community in the future.

Thanks to generous donors and dedicated volunteers, we continue to hear positive responses to our various commu-nity programs. Ongoing activities include our annual Yom Hashoah observance, Savannah Jewish Film Festival, Israel advocacy, PJ Library, weekly eNews and the Savannah

Adam M. Solender Executive Director

Jewish News.

The demands on our Jewish Family Services continues to grow (as does our community) in size of needs and complex-ity. While our community shows great generosity and many of us help others “quietly,” there are many among us who are receiving assistance and case management, rental/utility sub-sidy, food cards, and transportation. It is done as efficiently and effectively as possible. We will continue to focus on pro-viding for those in our community in need.

In the midst of the year, our community “stood tall” in an-swering the immediate needs of Jews in peril in Ukraine with thousands of dollars raised for immediate security needs. And our response to provide support for brethren in Israel was su-perb. Joining together with URJ, USCJ, World ORT, JAFI and JDC, Jewish Federations of NA was able to raise over $30M to assist those affected by terror in the Stop the Sirens campaign. Almost $70,000 of additional funding was raised.

We recognize and honor the thousands of hours contributed to our organization by our board members, committee chairs and members, fund-raising and program volunteers. It is gratifying to know that you continue to value and support the work we do and that the future of our Jewish community is important to so many.

There are many challenges facing our community in the years ahead, including concerns about Jewish identity, support of Israel and supporting vulnerable Jewish populations here in Savannah and across the globe. We are committed to continu-ing our work to build a strong, vibrant Jewish community and target resources where they can be the most effective.

This Annual Report is but a snapshot of the organization’s financial condition. There is so much behind the numbers and we’d like to share it with you. Come, be a part of our holy work-Volunteer. Donate. Make a Difference Today!

Adam M. Solender Executive Director

Cheryl Lansing Controller

Jennifer Rich Community Programs PJ Library

Vicky Lunick Office Administration

Jamie Cahn Campaign Administration Community Outreach Sonya Rush A/P Finance Department

Viola Moore JFS Program Assistant

Risha Katzman Sharon Hughes Mike Strear Reception

Savannah Jewish Federation Staff

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ASSETS Operating Fund

Individual Fund

Endowment Fund

2013 2012

Current Assets

Cash & cash equivalents 643,053 175,638 409,870 1,227,561 1,216,525

Certificates of deposit - - - - -

Pledges receivable (less uncollectible) 230,533 - - 230,533 363,740

Other receivables 7,904 - 65 7,969 8,502

Advance on allocation to agency - - - - 7,224

Investment income receivable - - 1,076 1,076 446

Prepaid expenses 2,710 4,491 - 7,201 6,978

Total current assets 883,200 180,129 411,011 1,474,340 1,603,415

Noncurrent Assets

Investments - - 4,250,664 4,250,664 3,666,865

Total Assets 883,200 180,129 4,661,674 5,725,004 5,270,280


Current Liabilities

Unpaid allocations to agencies 384,619 - - 384,619 452,452

Unpaid designated pledges 16,462 - - 16,462 5,950

Accounts Payable 5,343 - - 5,343 4,936

Accrued expenses 2,044 - - 2,044 1,933

Mission trip funds collected in advance 61,115 - 61,115

Due to (from) JEA (24,736) - (4,686) (29,442) 5,827

Interfund (receivables) payables 46,093 (51,223) 5,130 - -

Funds held in trust for JEA/Rambam - 786,638 786,638 737,516

Total current liabilities 490,940 (51,223) 787,082 1,226,799 1,208,614


Unrestricted 392,260 - - 392,260 430,875

Unrestricted-Board designated - 80,770 290,519 371,289 349,823

392,260 80,770 290,519 763,549 780,698

Temporarily restricted - 150,582 2,315,740 2,466,322 2,060,977

Permanently restricted - - 1,268,334 1,268,334 1,219,991

Total Net Assets 392,260 231,352 3,874,593 4,498,205 4,061,666

Total Liabilities & Net Assets 883,200 180,129 4,661,675 5,725,004 5,270,280

SJF Statement of Financial Position

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Fundraising Expenses

Management & General Expenses Savannah Jewish News


Each year the Savannah Jewish Federation receives an independent Annual Audit done by the Certified Accountants of Canady, Richbourg, and Woodward, LLC, of all donations and expenditures made for the past year. Highlights from the audit of our Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2013 include: Fundraising Expenses-Reflects what a charity spends to raise money, including printing, publicity, mailing, and event expense - 2.5%. Management and General Expenses-Reflects what percentage of its total budget a charity spends on overhead, ad-ministrative staff, and associated costs including depreciation, building, maintenance, telephone, etc. SJF’s total was only 14.9%. Program Services-What percent of its total budget a charity spends on the programs and services it exists to deliver was 82.5% Charity Navigator, an independent 501(c)3 organization, evaluates thousands of charitable organizations through-

out the country. Charity Navigator has rated the Savannah Jewish Federation as a 3-Star Charity for overall opera-

tions. Definitions as stated above are from the Charity Navigator organization.

Israel & Overseas

Local Programming, Identity

Jewish Family Services Occupancy

Education Hillel

Shalom School BBYO

Cultural, Leadership Dev, Community



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MAJOR GIFTS $50,000+ Kole Family Mr. Don Kole Mrs. Kaye Kole Mr. Jeff Kole Mrs. LeeAnn Kole Levy Foundation, Inc. Mr. Aaron Levy Mrs. Dayle Levy* Anonymous (2)

CHAI SOCIETY $18,000+ Byck Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Judy Byck* Mr. Anthony Eichholz Mrs. Donna Eichholz* Byck-Rothschild Foundation Mrs. Ellen Byck* Dr. David Byck Dr. Peggy Byck Mr. Edwin Byck Mrs. Melinda Byck Morris & Marla Geffen Foundation Dr. Morris Geffen Mrs. Marla Geffen* Dr. Joel Greenberg & Mrs. Carol Greenberg* Jerry & Marcy Konter Fund Mr. Jerry Konter Mrs. Marcy Konter* Jeffrey & Stacy Lasky Family Fund Mr. Jeffrey Lasky Mrs. Stacy Lasky**/* Allan & Arlene Ratner Family Fund Mr. Allan Ratner Mrs. Arlene Ratner* The Solomons Fund Mr. Phillip Solomons Mrs. Cathy Solomons

MEN’S CAMPAIGN $10,000+ Mr. Aaron Buchsbaum obm & Mrs. Esther Buchsbaum Southern Motors, Inc. Mr. Adam Kaminsky Mr. Danny Kaminsky Mr. Myron Kaminsky Mr. Ross Kaminsky

Dr. Marvin Rappaport Alice M. & Thomas J. Tisch Foundation Anonymous (1) WOMEN’S CAMPAIGN $10,000+ Anonymous (1) Byck Foundation Inc Mrs. Judy Byck* Mrs. Sharon Galin**/* Morris & Marla Geffen Foundation Mrs. Marla Geffen* Mrs. AM Goldkrand**/* Levy Foundation, Inc Mrs. Dayle Levy* Men’s Gifts of $5,000+ Dr. Murray Arkin Denmark Family Fund Mr. Meyer Denmark obm Mr. Michael Dobbs Mr. Anthony Eichholz Mr. David Eichholz Dr. Ronald Fagin & Mrs. Catherine Fagin Mr. Julian Friedman Mr. Stephen Greenberg Mr. Martin Karp Mr. Ronald Kronowitz Dr. Harvey Lebos Mr. Paul Robinson Schlafstein Family Fund Dr. Barry Schlafstein Mr. Larry Zaslavsky Dr. Michael Zoller Lion of Judah Division Gifts of $5,000+ Mrs. Lynn Berkowitz* Mrs. Joan Bloom* Meredith Monsky Bodziner & Richard Alan Bodziner Fund Mrs. Merry Bodziner**/* Mrs. Murial Bono* Mrs. Ellen Byck* Mrs. Harriet Carter* Mrs. Carole Cohen* Mrs. Donna Eichholz* GE Foundation Matching Gifts Mrs. Peggy Good* Mrs. Carol Greenberg* Mrs. Toby Hollenberg* Mrs. Marcy Konter* Mrs. Hilary Kronowitz* Jeffrey & Stacy Lasky Family Fund

Mrs. Stacy Lasky**/* Ms. Millie Melaver* Mrs. Norma Rappaport* Allan & Arlene Ratner Family Fund Mrs. Arlene Ratner* Mrs. Samra Robbins* Dr. Linda Sacks* Schlafstein Family Fund Mrs. Stacey Schlafstein* Dr. Susan Timna* Mrs. Sheree Zaslavsky* Mrs. Stephanie Zerden* Mrs. Linda Zoller* Anonymous (1) Women’s Gifts-Double Chai of $3,600+ Mrs. Zelda Tenenbaum Men’s Gifts of $2,500+ Meredith Monsky Bodziner & Richard Alan Bodziner Fund Dr. Richard Bodziner Dr. Gerald Caplan and Mrs. Ginger Caplan Mr. Daniel Eichholz Dr. Ronald Finger Mr. Murray Galin Dr. Theodore Geffen Mr. Harold Heyman David & Merle Horwitz Overseas Fund Dr. Michael Konter Mr. Lowell Kronowitz Dr. Paul Kulbersh Dr. Barry Luskey Mr. James Montag Joanne & Barney Portman Fund Mr. Barnard Portman Mrs. Joanne Portman Mr. Scott Samuels Mr. Adam Solender Mr. Arnold Tenenbaum Dr. Arnold Tillinger Mr. Harold Yellin & Mrs. Peggy Yellin


The following Honor Roll is a tribute to all Campaign 2014 contributors who have chosen to be part of our

community’s expression of Tzedakah. The Savannah Jewish Federation expresses its

gratitude to everyone listed on the Honor Roll, as well as to those who choose to remain anonymous.

Allan Ratner - Overall Campaign Chair Harvey Lebos - Men’s Division Co Chair Nancy Rosenthal - Women’s Division Co Chair

Joel Greenberg - Men’s Division Co Chair Bunny Cohen Montag - Women’s Division Co Chair

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Women’s Gifts of $2,500+ Mrs. June Arkin Mrs. Bunny Cohen Montag Mrs. Sherry Dolgoff Ms. Jane Furchgott Mrs. Anita Schlossberg Mrs. Sandy Schneider & Mr. Lewis Schneider Mrs. Jan VandenBulck & Mr. Charles VandenBulck Men’s Gifts of $1,500+ Dr. Gregory Borak Mr. Edward Cohen Mr. Richard Eichholz Dr. Lloyd Goodman Dr. Steve Gordon Drs. Martin & Doris Greenberg Dr. Stephen Herman Dr. Larry Horesh Judge Michael Karpf Mr. Alan Lowe Dr. Daniel Nagelberg Mr. Barnard Portman Mr. Eric Richman Thoroughbred Communications Mr. Jerry Rogers Dr. Sanford Rosenthal The Brook Fund Mr. Barnett Rukin Mr. Stephen Sacks Mr. Marcus Seligman Mr. Leon Slotin Dr. Ben Sutker & Mrs. Lisa Sutker Mr. Sheldon Tenenbaum Dr. Paul Todtfeld Mr. Arnold Young Dr. Solomon Zerden Winfield Foundation Mr. Joel Zuckerman Anonymous (3) Women’s Gifts of $1,500+ Mrs. Jean Birnbaum Dr. Adelle Burnsed-Geffen Dr. Jessica Carter & Mr. Josh Carter Marjorie & BH Levy, Jr. Fund Circa Lighting Mrs. Sarah Denmark Mrs. Jane Kahn Mrs. Harriet Kulbersh Mrs. Debby Luskey Mrs. Julie Metzger Mrs. Nancy Rosenthal Mrs. Marilyn Slagel Mrs. Judy Todfeld Winfield Foundation Mrs. Elaine Zuckerman Men’s Gifts of $1,000+ Mr. Matthew Allan Dr. Leon Aronson Mr. Randall Bart Dr. Sanford Berens Mr. Richard Berkowitz

Dr. Harold Black Dr. Eugene Bloom Mr. J.K. Haim Bober Dr. Michael Bonder Mr. Ronald Cohen Mr. Arthur Cooper Mr. Paul Cranman Mr. Marvin Eichelbaum Mr. Donald Estroff Mr. Roger Freedman & Mrs. Pamela Freedman Mr. Jeff Gendelman & Mrs. Ellen Gendelman Judge Ronald Ginsberg Dr. Jay Goldstein Nancy & Lawrence Gutstein Campaign Fund Dr. Charles Harris Mr. Sander Hollander Mr. Sam Jospin Mr. Judah Kaplan and Mrs. Judie Kaplan Mr. Eugene Kowel & Mrs. Elysia Kowel Dr. Stephen Morris Dr. Victor Rosenfeld Mr. Steven Scheer & Mrs. Anne Scheer Mr. Robert Segall & Mrs. Mona Segall Mr. Charles Sitrin & Mrs. Jackie Sitrin Dr. Fred Spector & Mrs. Lynne Spector Dr. Anthony Sussman & Mrs. Melanie Sussman Mr. & Mrs. Duane Tomlin Weichselbaum Fund Mr. Harvey Weitz obm Women’s Gifts of $1,000+ Mrs. Michelle Allan Mrs. Charlotte Black Mrs. Simone Center Mrs. Marlene Dobbs Mrs. Carollee Getz & Mr. Alan Getz Mrs. Sandy Goodman Mrs. Sally Greenberg Mrs. Peggy Harris Mrs. Sara Heyman Mrs. Robbie Hollander Mrs. Harriet Konter Mrs. Sally Krissman Mrs. Harriet Kulbersh Mrs. Suzanne Mendonsa Mrs. Margo Webb Men’s Gifts under $1,000 Anonymous (5) Mr. Ellis Abrams & Mrs. Barbara Abrams Mr. Arthur Altman Mr. Andrew Ames Mr. Abram B. Applebaum Mr. Steven Arkin Mr. Arnold Axelberg

Phillip & Ethel Barbanel PACE Fund Mr. Robert Batchelor & Mrs.Sari Batchelor Rabbi Reuvain Bauman & Mrs. Tzivia Bauman Mr. Efraim Ben-Avraham Mr. Ed Benson Mr. Allen Berger Mr. Jerry Berkman & Mrs. Penny Berkman Mr. Daniel Berman Mr. Ira Berman Mr. Ed Bernard & Mrs. Suzi Bernard Mr. Stephen Bernstein & Mrs. Eunice Bernstein Dr. Steven G. Berwitz Mr. Robert Blair & Mrs. Mary Blair Mr. Keith Blumberg Mr. Milton Brenner Mr. Lonnie Breslow Mr. Russell Bridges Mr. Arthur Brill Mr. Lawrence Brody Mr. Scott Center Mr. Tony Center Mr. Ken Chanin & Mrs. Melinda Carter Mr. Mikhail Chernomordik Dr. Michael Chisner Mr. Fred Clark Mr. Jack Coburn Mr. Davis Cohen Mr. Lance Cohen Mr. Mark Cohen & Mrs. Laurie Cohen Mr. Neil Cohen Mr. Ron Cohen Mr. Scott Cohen Mr. Darren Cole Mr. Allan Cooper Mr. Howard Cooper & Mrs. Patti Cooper Mr. Joseph Cooper & Mrs. Linda Cooper

Mr. Herman Cranman Mr. Larry Dane-Kellogg Danziger Campaign Fund Mr. Julius Davidson Mr. Albert Davne Mr. Marvin Doerfler & Mrs. Myrna Doerfler Mr. Norman Dolgoff

Dr. Kaveh Ehsanipoor Mr. Steven Elisha & Mrs. Larisa Elisha Mr. Michael Faber Mr. Paul Feldman Dr. Bruce Finkel Mr. Adam Fins Mr. Howard Fleischaker Mr. Stan Freeman, Jr. Mr. Kurt Fried Mr. Louis Friedenberg Mr. Ricky Friedenberg Mr. Alex Friedman Mr. C. Robert Friedman Mr. Eugene Friedman & Mrs. Jennifer Friedman Dr. Ido Friedman Mr. Marc Friedman Mr. Stanley H. Friedman Mr. Charles Furchgott Mr. Barry Gale Mr. Howard Gaynor Mr. Joel Gerber & Mrs. Allison Gerber Mr. Gene Ginsburg Mr. Bill Glass Mr. Jeffrey Glazer Rabbi Yisrael Gold Mr. Edward Goldberg Dr. Ronald Goldberg Mr. Arnold Goldstein Mr. Doug Goldstein Mr. Eric Goldstein Dr. Steve Gonto Dr. Brad Goodman Mr. Laurence Goodman Mr. Marc Gordon Dr. Jerald Gottlieb Mr. Stephen Gross Mr. Charles Grossman Mr. Martin Grossman & Mrs. Sheila Grossman Mr. Stan Grossman & Mrs. Audrey Grossman Mr. Freddie Harkavy Mr. Stanley Harris, Jr. Mr. Stephen Harris Mr. Stephen Herman Mr. Tommy Hersch Mr. David Hirsh Dr. Richard Hochman Dr. Frank Hoffman Mr. Michael Hofstein & Mrs. Marian Hofstein Mr. Jules Homans Mr. Julius Hornstein Mr. Arthur Horovitz Dr. Paul Horovitz Mr. Jeffrey Ignatoff Mr. Eliot Israel Mr. Lee Javetz Mr. Scott Javetz Mr. David Kahn & Mrs.Diane Kahn Mr. Adam Kaminsky Mr. Ross Kaminsky Mr. Donald Kantor &


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Mrs. Rhoda Kantor Mr. Leonard Kantziper Mr. Jack Karesh Mr. Arnold Karp Mr. Ben Karpf Mr. Eric Karpf Mr. Frank Katz Mr. Jules Kerness & Mrs. Phoebe Kerness Mr. Stuart Klugler Mr. Danny Klugman Mr. Murray Klugman Mr. Tom Kohler Mr. John Kohn Mr. Jeffrey Kole Mr. Mark Konter Mr. Michael Kooden Mr. Andrew Kramer Mr. Brian Krapf Dr. Gustave Kreh

Mr. Morris H. Lamhut Mr. Larry Lasky Dr. Michael Leblang & Mrs. Sharon Leblang Mr. David Lebos Mr. Mark Lebos Mr. Larry Lehner Mr. Jerry Lesser Mr. Howard Levine Mr. Irvin Jay Levine Mr. Jack Levine Dr. Ron Levit & Mrs. Cheryl Levit Mr. Gary Levy Mr. Henry Levy Mr. Harris Lewis Mr. Alan Lipsitz Mr. Motti Locker Mr. Stephen Longwater Mr. Walter Lowe Mr. Richard Macarin Dr. Jeffrey Mandel Mr. Brian Markowitz Dr. Neal Markowitz Mr. Scott McGhie Mr. Gary McGuffin Mr. Eric Meyerhoff Mr. Julian Miller Mr. David Minkovitz Mr. Ray Mintz Mr. Jerry Montana Mr. Jere Myers & Mrs. Elizabeth Myers Mr. Mark Nathan Dr. Steven Novack Mr. Larry Odrezin

Mr. Stephen F. Offenbach Dr. Jules Paderewski Mr. Elliott Palefsky & Mrs. Vivian Palefsky Mr. Lewis Perelman Mr. Marvin Perlis & Mrs. Lynette Perlis Mr. Stan Plonchak Mr. Jerry Portman Mr. Jonathan Rabb & Mrs. Andra Rabb Mr. Lester Rackoff Mr. William Raffel Mr. Brett Ratner Mr. Harold Reed Mr. Irwin Reed Mr. Ron Reed Mr. David Reeves Mr. Kenneth Richards Mr. Charles Richman Mr. Brian Robin Mr. Sherwin Robin Mr. Stanley Rosenberg & Mrs. Brenda Rosenberg Mr. Mires Rosenthal, Jr Dr. Matt Rosenthal Dr. Steven Roth Dr. Jacob & Beatrice Rubin Campaign Fund Rabbi Saul J. Rubin Mr. David Rubnitz Mr. Jeffrey Rubnitz Mr. Ira Ruby Mr. Sol Rundbaken Mr. Kenneth Sadler Hon. Samuel Salus II Mr. Bill Sand Mr. Stephen Schneider Mr. Allan Schoenberger & Mrs. Julie Schoenberger Mr. Robert Schwartz Dr. Steven Shapiro Mr. Cary Shoob Mr. Larry Silbermann Mr. Ramon Silverman Mr. Frank Slotin Mr. Kayton Smith, Jr Mr. Joel Spivak Mr. George Staimer & Mrs. Carole Staimer Mr. Steve Stein & Mrs. Melinda Stein Dr. Michel Steinfeldt Mr. Jack Stoltzman Mr. Michael Strear Mr. Gary Sunshine Mr. John Sussman Mr. Alan Tanenbaum Mr. Julian Toporek Mr. Matthew Tratt & Mrs. Debra Tratt Dr. Andrew Tucker Mr. Gary Udinsky Mr. Aaron Vantosh Mr. Herbert Victor Mr. Lawrence Wagger Mr. Stephen Wagner

Mr. Aron Weiner & Mrs. Marsha Weiner Mr. Stuart Weiner & Mrs. Joan Weiner Mr. Julian Weitz Col. Edward I Wexler Mr. Charles Zedd Mr. Warren Zeger & Mrs. Ida Zeger Men’s Gifts—No Category Rabbi Ruven Barkan and Ms. Adina Weber Barkan Mr. Jerald Cohen Rabbi Robert Haas Mr. Herb Sanders Dr. Charles Sitron Women’s Gifts under $1,000 Mrs. Berta Adams Mrs. Jane Alpert Mrs. Ina Altman Mrs. Margo Ames Mrs. Liz Arkin Mrs. Rita Asher Mrs. Alisa Balakhashvili Mrs. Kate Barker & Mr. Richard Barker Mrs. Sybil Barnett obm Mrs. Barbara A. Baroni Mrs. Gertrude Barr Mrs. Barbara Bart Mrs. Kitty Bartley Mrs. Janet Basseches Mrs. Nita Kramer Beasley Mrs. Elaine Becker Mrs. Lynne Bendoly Mrs. Marcia Berens Dr. Kasey Berman Mrs. Anna Berwitz Mrs. Audrey Biloon Mrs. Madeleine Blank Mrs. Merri Blum Mrs. Esther Blumenthal Mrs. Stephanie Bock Mrs. Nancy Bracker Mrs. Virginia Bradley Mrs. Georgene Brazer Mrs. Penny Breslow Mrs. Linda Brill Mrs. Robin Brody Mrs. Elaine Bromley Mrs. Ginger Caplan Mrs. Annette Carnow Mrs. Robyn Carroll & Mr. Sam Carroll Mrs. Miriam Center Mrs. Yelena Chernyak Mrs. Nancie Clark Mrs. Amy Cohan & Mr. Jeff Cohan Mrs. Debbie Cohen Mrs. Wendy Cohen & Mr. Jonathan Cohen Mrs. Donna Cohen Mrs. Becky Cohen Mrs. Skye Cossio &

Mr. Macchi Cossio Mrs. Karen Cranman Mrs. Helen Cranman Mrs. Joan Dane-Kellogg Mrs. Emily Danzig Mrs. Carol Davne Dr. Josepha DeVaro Mrs. Carol Devine Mrs. Ellie Dixon Mrs. Nina Eidell & Mr. Ron Eidell Dr. Lisa Elkin Mrs. Bernice Elman Mrs. Zinnia Engelhardt Mrs. Sandra Epstein Mrs. Anita Estroff Mrs. Marilyn Farley Mrs. Mitzie Faurest Mrs. Jan Feehley & Mr. George Feehley Mrs. Jane Feiler Mrs. Nancy Feldman Mrs. Cheryl Finger Mrs. Lauren Fins Mrs. Sharon Fischer Mrs. Marilyn Fleischaker Mrs. Carol Fleischaker Cohen Mrs. Joanne Forkin Mrs. Joanne Chopak Foss Mrs. Elaine Fox Mrs. Rochelle Frank & Mr. Allen Frank Mrs. Bertha Freedman Mrs. Barbara Friedenberg Mrs. Lisa Friedman & Dr. Philip Friedman Mrs. Toby Friedman Mrs. Erwin Friedman Mrs. Helene Friedman Mrs. Cookie Gale Melvyn P. And Eleanor N. Galin Family Foundation Mrs. Sheila Gefen & Mr. Stan Gefen

Mrs. Phylis Giglinto Mrs. Jean C. Gilmore Mrs. Maddy Ginsberg Mrs. Judy Glazer Mrs. Anne Gold Mrs. Sondra Goldberg Mrs. Lisa Goldstein Mrs. Doris Goldstein Mrs. Elsie Gonto Mrs. Beatrice Goodman


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Mrs. Lynn Goodman Mrs. Kelly Gordon Mrs. Maureen Gordon Mrs. Marjorie Gordon Mrs. Sarah Gottlieb Mrs. Jay Gould Mrs. Geraldine Greenberg Mrs. Judy Gruber & Mr. Allen Gruber Mrs. Vickie Halperin & Mr. Richard Halperin Mrs. Rhoda Halperin & Dr. Stephen Halperin Mrs. Louise Harkavy Mrs. Patsy Heller Mrs. Louise Herrick & Mr. Doug Herrick Mrs. Michelle Heyman Mrs. Julie Hirsch & Mr. Norman Hirsch Mrs. Gale Hirsh Mrs. Joanne Hochman Mrs. Veronica Hoffman Mrs. Thelma Hoffman Mrs. Anita Homansky Mrs. Judith Hughes Mrs. Sharon Hughes Mrs. Jean Iaderosa Mrs. Harriet Isaacson Mrs. Nancy Isaacson & Mr. Robert Isaacson Mrs. Rachel Israel Mrs. Monique Jaffie Mrs. Arlene Jaffie Mrs. Susan Jaffie Mrs. Shannon Javetz Mrs. Lynn Javetz Mrs. Janis Javetz Mrs. Ellin Joselove Mrs. Sara Jospin Mrs. Dawn Kaley Mrs. Jean Kaminsky Mrs. Amy Kaminsky Mrs. Lisa Kaminsky Mrs. Fran Kaminsky Mrs. Suzanne Kantziper Mrs. Zena Kaplan Mrs. Harriet Karlin Mrs. Annette Karp Mrs. Linda Karpf Mrs. Maxine Karr Mrs. Janice Kase Mrs. Jan Katz Mrs. Clare Kinsey Mrs. Susan Klugman Mrs. Doris Klugman Mrs. Cyndi Kohn Mrs. LeeAnn Kole Dr. Lindsey Konor Mrs. Allison Konter Mrs. Suzanne Konter Mrs. Joanne Kooden Mrs. Sarah Kovensky Mrs. Betty Jo Krapf Mrs. Sheryl Kreh Mrs. Diane Kuhr Mrs. Betty Lasky

Mrs. Hara Levy & Mr. Richard Leavey Mrs. Jessica Leigh Lebos Mrs. Irene Lebow Mrs. Malvina Leder Mrs. Matiel Leffler Mrs. Betsy Lehner Mrs. Rene Lehrberger Ms. Lynn Levine Mrs. Fran Levow & Mr. Lawrence Levow Mrs. Sissy Levy Mrs. Bobbie Levy Mrs. Roni Libow Mrs. Judy Licht Mrs. Stephanie Lichtman Mrs. Susan Lieber Lozada Dr. Dina Linfoot Mrs. Pam Lipsitz Mrs. Eileen Lobel Mrs. Eva Locker Ms. Lori Loncon Mrs. Diana London Mrs. Lillian Lowe Mrs. Candy Lowe Ms. Barbara Lubar Mrs. Bernice Luskey Mrs. Dottie Lynch & Mr. Joel Lynch Mrs. Ruth Markowitz Mrs. Jane Martin Mrs. Julie Mazo Mrs. Hollye McAdams Mrs. Robyn McDowell Mrs. Morgan McGhie Mrs. Karen McGuffin Mrs. Betty Melaver Mrs. Barbara Meyer Mrs. Harriet Meyerhoff Mrs. Aileen Miller & Mr. Ira Miller Mrs. Phyllis Mintz Mrs. Darsey Mitchell Mrs. Biff Montana Mrs. Joan Moore & Mr. Ed Moore Mrs. Michele Morris & Mr. Raymond Morris Mrs. Phyllis Munitz & Mr. Rudy Munitz Mrs. Linda Myers Mrs. Cathy Nagelberg Mrs. Mindy Nash Mrs. Elizabeth Neufeld Mrs. Linda Novack Mrs. Judy Odrezin & Mr. Larry Odrezin Mrs. Eva Odrezin Mrs. Michelle Ourhaan Mrs. Inez Pachter Mrs. Nancy Paderewski Mrs. Thea Pallay & Dr. Robert Pallay Mrs. Joan Pam Mrs. Terri Parker & Mr. Barry Parker Mrs. Maxine Patterson


Mrs. Henrietta Pearlman & Mr. Ira Pearlman Mrs. Barbara Pecknay Mrs. Mary Perelman Mrs. Amy Pine & Mr. Jonah Pine Mrs. Cubby Plonchak Ms. Samantha Pogorelsky Mrs. Lynn H. Pories Mrs. Sheri Portman Mrs. Rosalind Portman Mrs. Zita Prince Mrs. Robin Rackoff Mrs. Lenore Ram & Mr. Arnold Ram Mrs. Esther Reed Mrs. Lynn Reeves Mrs. Robin S. Reineri Mrs. Joanna Rich & Mr. Robert Rich

Mrs. Jennifer Rich & Mr. Jason Rich Mrs. Sara Rigel Mrs. Laura Roberson Mrs. Hilary Robertshaw & Mr. Justin Robertshaw Mrs. Anne Robin Mrs. Francine Robin Ms. Gail Robinson Ms. Brenda Rosenberg Mrs. Carol Rosenberg Mrs. Lois Rosenstein Mrs. Tricia Rosenthal Mrs. Susan Rosenzweig Mrs. Jeri Rosenzweig-Gale Mrs. Beth Roth Mrs. Amy Rotker & Mr. Bobby Rotker Mrs. Debbie Rotkow Mrs. Deganit Ruben & Mr. Jesse Ruben Mrs. Nancee Rubin Mrs. Laurie Rubnitz Mrs. Sue Ruby Mrs. Jodi Sadler Mrs. Shirley Salmon Mrs. Kathryn Salus Mrs. Sharon Sand Mrs. Anne Scheer Mrs. Barbara Scobee Mrs. Marilyn Seeman Mrs. Sandy Seligman

Dr. Rebecca Sentman & Mr. James Sentman Mrs. Esther Shaver Mrs. Mindy Shea Mrs. Elise Shernoff Mrs. Cathy Shriver Mrs. Fay Silverman Mrs. Harriet Simowitz Mrs. Sylvia Slotin Mrs. Vivian Slotin Mrs. Susan Slotin Mrs. Nancy Slotin Mrs. Lucile Smith Ms. Becky Smith Mrs. Carol Smith Mrs. Maxine Snyder Ms. Lisa Solod Mrs. Ann Solomon & Mr. Steven Solomon Mrs. Michelle Solomon Mrs. Jackie Spivak Mrs. Arlene Steinfeldt Mrs. Dorothy Stock Mrs. Lillian Stoltzman Mrs. Pepi Streiff & Dr. Irwin Streiff Mrs. Florence Sussman Mrs. Barbara Tanenbaum Mrs. Rosalyn Taratoot Mrs. Lauri Taylor Mrs. Amy Trestman & Dr. Irwin Trestman Mrs. Rita Trotz Mrs. Harriet Ullman Mrs. Beth Vantosh Mrs. Katherine Vantosh Mrs. Henrietta Victor Mrs. Teresa Victor Ms. Karla Wall Mrs. Gillian Warmkessel Mrs. Rhoda Weiland Mrs. Sheila Weinberg & Mr. Michael Weinberg Mrs. Sue Robin Weinhauer Mrs. Sherri Weiss & Mr. Allen Weiss Mrs. Elizabeth Weitz Mrs. Jean Weitz Mrs. Liela Weltman Mrs. Gail Wexler Mrs. Millicent Willner & Mr. Lester Willner Mrs. Jane Winter Mrs. Arlene Wizwer Mrs. Sandra Wolf Mrs. Sylvia Yellin Mrs. Carolyn Zalesne Winfield Foundation Mrs. Elaine Zuckerman Women’s Gifts—No Category Mrs. Anita Karnibad Mrs. Elaine Radetsky Mrs. Sally Sanders

SJF Campaign list as of June

2014 Our apologies for any

misspellings or omissions

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Bad Debt reserve -20,172

SJF Direct Programs & Services -450,350

General Donations 5,065

Budget Savings from Previous 40,341

Designated Gifts -39,660

Available for Allocation 544,818



Teen Jewish Identity Funding 7,500

SCAD Hillel 1,000

JELF 1,000

Shalom School 23,000

BBYO 2,500

Jewish Educational Alliance 291,000

JCPA 500

JTA 200

Technology grant to JEA 10,000

Israel Action Network 450

Total Local/National/Regional 377,150


Jewish Federations of NA/JAFI/JDC 152,780

Overseas Project Funding 9,000

Birthright Israel 5,888

Total Overseas Allocations 167,668

Special Community Initiative 40,000


Allocations Committee

Allan Ratner Chair

Matthew Allan

Bunny Cohen


Ron Ginsberg

Adam Kaminsky

Jerry Konter

Marcy Konter

Michael Konter

Paul Kulbersh

Jeffrey Lasky

Lynn Reeves

Scott Samuels

Stacey Schlafstein

Arnold Young

Murray Arkin

Richard Bodziner

Sherry Dolgoff

Daniel Eichholz

Morris Geffen

Jerald Gottlieb

Steve Greenberg

Lynn Levine

Nancy Rosenthal

Joel Greenberg

Peggy Harris

Toby Hollenberg

Harvey Lebos

Margie Levy

Degi Ruben

Kayton Smith

Beth Vantosh

Robyn Carroll

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As my ancestors planted for me

so do I plant for those who will come after me.

The Jewish Community Foundation of Savannah (the Foundation) is dedicated to creating permanent resources to meet the challenges and needs of the Savannah Jewish community, connecting yesterday, today and tomorrow. Individuals and family donors work in partnership with the Foundation to enhance Jewish community life and education.

The Foundation is fortunate to be invested in The Investment Fund for Foundations (TIFF) . TIFF is a cooperative-style investment organization founded by a nationwide network of foundations whose mission is

• To seek to enhance the investment returns of non-profit organizations.

• To reduce the investment and administrative expenses of non-profit organizations.

• To broaden the universe of investment choices available to non-profit organizations.

• To assist non-profit organizations in deploying their assets in a manner that will support charitable expenditures while preserving the purchasing power of their assets. The TIFF Multi-Asset Fund seeks to produce an annualized real return of 5% or more over long-term holding periods. In pursuit of this aim the fund employs a globally diversified portfolio. The Fund is a highly blended combination of assets in-cluding US Stocks, T-Bills, High Yield Bonds, Inflation Hedges (i.e. REITs and commodities), and Deflation Hedges (Conventional bonds). In addition to TIFF, JCFS also maintains modest investments in funds run by Chatham Capital (Savannah) and Caldwell & Orkin. Each of these funds has a different investment philosophy and provides donors with the opportunity to have their funds invested in a way that reflect their investment philosophy (if so desired).

Value 9/30/12 Value 9/30/13

Foundation Capital Account 54,144 62,260

Foundation Checking Account 86,038 102,086

Money Market - WCCU 262,763 264,751

Money Market - Wells Fargo 35,181 35,216

Accrued Interest Receivable (Israel Bond) 725 585

Investment - TIFF 3,407,607 3,979,939

Investment - Caldwell Orkin 105,786 108,379

Investment - Chatham Capital 103,473 112,346

Israel Bonds 50,000 50,000

$4,105,717 $4,715,562

Meredith Monsky Bodziner & Richard Alan Bodziner Family Philanthropic Fund Chatham Steel Philanthropic Fund Carole & Jerald Cohen Philanthropic Fund Denmark Family Philanthropic Fund Joseph & Sarah Denmark Memorial Philanthropic Fund Amelia Beatrice Eichholz & Caroline Margaret Eichholz B’nai Tzedek Fund Benjamin Sheftall Eichholz Philanthropic Fund Linda & Herman Friedman Philanthropic Fund Joan and Murray Gefen Memorial Jewish Film Festival Fund Morris and Marla Geffen Family Foundation Kenneth M. Gold Fund for Children with Special Needs John Goldkrand Jewish Healthcare Fund Lisa & Danny Kaminsky Holocaust Memorial & Education Fund Pauline C. Karp Family Philanthropic Fund Marcy and Jerry Konter Family Philanthropic Fund Michael and Joanne Kooden Philanthropic Fund

Paul and Harriet Kulbersh Family Philanthropic Fund Jeffrey and Stacy Lasky Family Fund Barbara & Leon Longwater JEA Fund Jerry & Myra Portman Family Philanthropic Fund Joanne and Barney Portman Family Philanthropic Fund Allan & Arlene Ratner Family Fund Savannah Chai Fund Schlafstein Philanthropic Fund Victor and Elise Shernoff Family Philanthropic Fund Zelda & Sheldon Tenenbaum Fund Ed and Linda Wexler Family Charitable Foundation Harold and Peggy Yellin Family Philanthropic Fund Solomon and Stephanie Zerden Family Philanthropic Fund



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2012 2013

Endowed Funds Fund Balances

Ethel & Phillip Barbanel PACE Fund - 10,853.23

Benzion & Jennie Baruch Endowment Fund for the Needy 8,211.78 9,460.62

Kay Becker Israel Fund 25,000.00 27,730.27

Jacob Bluestein Fund 22,917.80 23,502.64

Dena & Lawrence Bodziner Donor Recognition Fund 20,223.07 22,431.54

Dena Yaschik Bodziner and Lawrence S. Bodziner Foundation Fund 209,864.89 226,703.07

Ilene & Lee Braun Endowment Fund for Social Services 21,266.10 23,641.55

Phillipa Sherman Cohen Jewish Museum and Fine Arts Fund 8,989.22 9,965.18

Matthew J. Cranman Holocaust Teacher Education Endowment Fund 53,298.40 59,733.94

Herta and Warner Danziger Family Fund 5,440.54 5,883.60

Leon Deich PACE Fund 30,440.54 33,764.96

Israel Dombrow Fund for Jewish Children 11,231.99 11,720.80

Hymie & Bertha Friedman Family Fund 16,147.85 17,782.51

Charles and Josephine Lorant Glauber Fund for Senior Needs 18,061.75 20,034.26

AM Goldkrand Lion of Judah Endowment Fund 110,742.24 112,895.55

Lloyd and Sandra Goodman JEA Unrestricted Endowment Fund 15,246.25 17,146.07

Carol & Joel Greenberg Health Resource Fund 12,698.33 14,123.54

Nancy and Lawrence Gutstein Annual Campaign Endowment Fund 16,312.62 17,672.78

"Uncle" Max Handshu Rambam Preschool Fund 15,469.62 17,266.32

The Hebrah Gemiluth Hesed Society of Savannah Fund 189,789.49 212,067.44

Toby W. Hollenberg PACE Fund 2,500.00 5,247.46

David & Merle Horwitz Endowment Fund 31,352.98 32,235.74

JEA Kibbitzers Fund - 3,692.54

Dayle & Aaron Levy JEA Fund - 920.02

JEA Fred and Rene Lehrberger Fund 40,915.74 42,880.11

Barbara & Leon Longwater JEA Fund 40,919.65 43,468.87

JEA Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Fund 641,832.42 685,188.93

Jane & Buddy Kahn General Fund 31,352.98 35,722.86

Abe and Ethel Kamine Endowment Fund 64,695.19 74,496.79

Lawrence Konter & Bertram Weiland Jewish Cultural Arts Fund 219,415.47 243,635.95

Annie Shapiro Lowenkopf Fund for the Visually Impaired 9,453.68 10,484.26

David Portman Memorial Fund 6,845.70 6,743.93

Dr. Jacob and Beatrice S. Rubin Campaign Fund 5,868.90 6,080.66

Julius Rudikoff JEA Healthcare Fund 10,133.64 11,934.20

Barney & Ruth Sadler PACE Fund - 4,692.19

Isadore (Junior) Scheer JEA Children's Scholarship Fund 38,504.25 40,229.91

Sarah and Sam Steinberg JEA Camp Fund 119,158.35 124,171.71

Steirn Fund for Contemporary Jewish Music 6,919.50 7,646.89

Ralph and Pauline Tenenbaum Fund for Social Services 34,161.75 38,876.45

Tikvah Fund 25,713.76 35,013.70

Jacob & Ida Ullman Scholarship Fund 13,818.46 12,162.45

William and Mildred Weichselbaum PACE Fund 15,798.43 16,525.02

Total Named Funds 2,170,713.30 2,376.430.50


2013 - 2014 JEWISH




Jeff Lasky Chair

Richard Berkowitz Meredith Bodziner

Morris Geffen AM Goldkrand Joel Greenberg

Jerry Konter Margie Levy Allan Ratner

Larry Zaslavsky Linda Zoller

Supporting Foundations of the Savannah Jewish Federation

The Byck Family Foundation The Kole Family Foundation The Levy Family Foundation

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As the central address in the community, the Savannah Jewish Federation convenes, organizes, advocates, and educates on a wide range of issues which impact our Jewish community. Whether it is here in Savannah, in Israel, or throughout the world, the Federation partners with and creates programs to provide the greatest impact with agencies and programs such as:

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Savannah Jewish Federation 5111 Abercorn Street Savannah, GA 31405 912.355-8111 www.savj.org 5111 Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA 31405 www.savj.org

You might say we’re always on call. Whether it’s a Holocaust survivor left without family, a single mother who’s

lost her job or an entire community devastated by catastrophe. At home,

in Israel, and across the globe. Federation is there.

We strengthen Jewish life in countless ways. Helping thousands to

reconnect to their Jewish identity where there’s a yearning. Supporting

cultural programs, summer camps, and Jewish education. Your help

enables us to achieve this and so much more.