TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Worshiping God as disciples of Jesus; showing love to our neighbours near and far. 1230 Bank St. Ottawa ON K1S 3Y3 613-733-7536 | [email protected] | www.trinityottawa.ca Facebook.com/TrinityAnglicanOttawa | Twitter: @OttawaTrinity 2014 ANNUAL VESTRY REPORT ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING, Sunday, February 22 nd , 2015

2014 ANNUAL VESTRY REPORT - Trinity Anglican...Trinity Anglican Church—Annual Vestry Reports 2014 6 there is more loose cash than there was prior to passing the plate. Sarah Connor

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Page 1: 2014 ANNUAL VESTRY REPORT - Trinity Anglican...Trinity Anglican Church—Annual Vestry Reports 2014 6 there is more loose cash than there was prior to passing the plate. Sarah Connor


Worshiping God as disciples of Jesus;

showing love to our neighbours near and far.

1230 Bank St. Ottawa ON K1S 3Y3

613-733-7536 | [email protected] | www.trinityottawa.ca

Facebook.com/TrinityAnglicanOttawa | Twitter: @OttawaTrinity


ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING, Sunday, February 22nd

, 2015

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Table of Contents

2014 ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING AGENDA ............................................................................................................. 3

NOTES FROM VESTRY MEETING, FEBRUARY 24, 2013 ............................................................................................ 4

INCUMBENT’S REPORT ........................................................................................................................................ 11

WARDENS REPORT .............................................................................................................................................. 13

STATISTICS FOR 2014 ........................................................................................................................................... 14

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION .................................................................................................................. 15

STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, AND FUND BALANCES ........................................................................................... 16 STATEMENT OF RESTRICTED FUNDS BALANCES (SCHEDULE A) .............................................................................................. 17 DETAILS OF OPERATING FUND REVENUE (SCHEDULE B)....................................................................................................... 18 DETAILS OF OPERATING FUND EXPENDITURES (SCHEDULE C) ............................................................................................... 19 DONATIONS FORWARDED TO OTHER CHARITIES AND RANGE OF OFFERINGS REPORT (SCHEDULES D & E) ...................................... 21 SUMMARY OF TRINITY FUNDS IN DIOCESAN CONSOLIDATED TRUST FUND ............................................................................... 22

FINANCIAL NOTICES OF MOTION & AUDITOR’S REPORT ...................................................................................... 23

WORSHIP ............................................................................................................................................................. 24

ALTAR GUILD: ............................................................................................................................................................. 24 LAY ADMINISTRATORS: ................................................................................................................................................. 24 MUSIC MINISTRY: ........................................................................................................................................................ 25

PROPERTY ............................................................................................................................................................ 26

MABEL GORDON HOUSE: .............................................................................................................................................. 26 PROPERTY COMMITTEE: ................................................................................................................................................ 26

OUTREACH, HOSPITALITY, OUR COMMUNITY ...................................................................................................... 27

ACW/DORCAS: .......................................................................................................................................................... 27 PAUSE TABLE: ............................................................................................................................................................. 27 OUT OF THE COLD: ....................................................................................................................................................... 28 FROSTY’S FAIR: ............................................................................................................................................................ 28 PASTORAL CARE: ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 HOSPITALITY: .............................................................................................................................................................. 31 SENIORS’ LUNCHEON: ................................................................................................................................................... 31 SHEILA’S FUND—WORLD VISION CHILD: ......................................................................................................................... 32

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ....................................................................................................................................... 32

CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND YOUNG ADULTS: ......................................................................................................................... 32 HOUSE GROUP: ........................................................................................................................................................... 34

SOLAR PANEL REPORT ......................................................................................................................................... 35

BAPTISMS ............................................................................................................................................................ 36

DEATHS ................................................................................................................................................................ 36

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1. Opening Prayer

2. Appointment of Vestry Clerk

3. Confirmation of Minutes of the February 24th, 2013, meeting of Vestry

4. Incumbent’s Report

5. Church Wardens’ Financial Statement for 2014

6. Presentation of the Budget for 2015

7. Committee Reports by Mission Statement Area:

8. Nominations

10. Motion of Banking Resolution

11. Motion to approve the appointment/re-appointment of Lay Administrators

for the Eucharist

12. General business

13. Adjournment

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(43 Vestry members in attendance

as signed on the Vestry Declaration Statement)

1. Opening Prayer

2. Appointment of Vestry Clerk

MOTION: That we appoint Kiersten Jensen as Vestry Clerk for the

February 23, 2014 Annual Vestry Meeting. Moved: Ailsa Gladish,

Seconded: Darcy DeMarsico, Carried.

3. Confirmation of Minutes of the February 24th, 2013 Vestry meeting.

MOTION: That we accept the Minutes of the February 24, 2013 Vestry

Meeting. Moved: Allan Winship, Seconded: Kelly Hanson, Carried.

4. Incumbent’s Report

Rev. Arran noted that if he has missed a ministry or person to thank, it is not

intentional. Arran is very optimistic about the future of the church, and

remarked that we have a great core of people. His main concern is that we

have the same people doing the same thing, so we need to find a way of

inviting others to share in the ministries of this church. Arran thanked the

wardens, David Wilson, Kiersten Jensen, and expressed sadness that Victoria

had to leave. It was tough to be starting new and have to say goodbye to Jane

and Miss Jess. In 2013 the entire staff of Trinity has changed. Thankfully the

Wardens and Treasurer have done a masterful job in helping Arran get

acclimatized. Arran sent a “HUGE thank you” to Jackie and Dick Johnston,

and Pierre Chamberland for their work, friendship, and prayers. They

received a round of applause.

Judy Chamberland made a correction to the written report: Johnston with a T,

not Johnson.

Heather Maclachlan said Arran is doing a great job. This received a round of

applause. Arran invites the congregation to let him know if anyone thinks

there are things that we could be doing differently.

5. Churchwardens’ Financial Statement for 2013

Nothing further to add.

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6. Presentation of the Budget for 2014

David thanked Valerie Fields, Fatima DaRosa, the counters, Lisa

MacGillivray and Dick Johnston for the work that they do assisting with


David highlighted that our assets are in large part due to Trinity’s reserve

funds. A large part of the reserve funds have come from Capital Daycare rent.

We have been using some of those funds in recent years for Trinity’s operating

expenses. David reinforced that we are not “rolling in money” and we know

over the next decade or so numerous major repairs and renovations will be

needed, for example to our flat roof and old furnace.

Under Schedule C, David noted that staffing costs have shifted in budget lines,

because previously Trinity had two different people doing administration and

youth ministry. Now that they are the same person, it is listed in the budget

under Administration.

David also explained that under priestly services, line 30 is not what Rev.

Arran is paid. It is what we are required to pay the diocese, based on a

complex formula that totals all diocesan clergy costs and divides it among

parishes according to income and exemptions. Our costs would be the same

regardless of whether we had a priest with 1 or 20 years of experience. Our

costs exceeded our budget, because there was a two-week overlap between

Rev. Andrea’s paid vacation and Rev. Arran’s appointment, which meant we

were paying for two priests at once.

Kelly Hanson asked if when the diocese calculated the priestly services for the

two priests in relation to Rev. Andrea’s vacation, were we paying double

priestly services, or whether they took into account the two earnings. David

responded that what the priests receive does not change what we pay. We

were not paying more than we should have been.

Darcy DeMarsico asked if we had a music fund that accepted donations.

David responded that we do not as such, but we have donations come in that

he will credit the debit amounts of the music budget line.

Miranda Eggertson asked if passing the plate had generated more donations.

David replied that he had not researched it yet, but regardless, it is a good idea

to pass the plate. Arran added that Kiersten has anecdotally remarked that

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there is more loose cash than there was prior to passing the plate.

Sarah Connor Gorber asked if in line 27 of Schedule B, $244,891, was

revenue. David said Yes.

Bob Taylor asked for an explanation of line 31, on music. David replied that

line 31 was what Victoria received, line 35 is assuming we have a replacement


Bob Taylor asked for clarification that the budget is assuming that we will not

have a music director until 2015.

Point of order from Alan Winship: we are currently dealing with the financial

statements, not the budget.

Paul Merriam asked for clarification that on schedule B, line 25, actual 2013

figures, if Corporation had not transferred over money we would have been

short. So we have a slight surplus, but at an expense of our reserve funds.

Arran said this is correct.

David noted that the 4th line of Schedule D is something to be very proud of.

MOTION: That this Annual Vestry accept the Wardens’ Audited Financial

Report for 2013 as printed and circulated in the Statement of Financial

Position, Statement of Revenue, Statement of Expenditure and Fund

Balances, and Schedules A to E.

Moved: Evan Baker, Seconded: Neale Gillespie, Carried.

David presented the budget. He noted that this budget permits up to $10,000

in necessary renovations.

Alan Winship asked for characterization of any possible financial needs.

David replied, the roof and the furnace.

In the last few years we have been keeping fairly close to our budget. This

year if we are close to our budgets there will be a shortfall of $19,775. These

figures to not include inflation, or projects/staff cost increases.

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Paul Merriam commented that Darcy and himself are trying to get help from

the congregation to find what we want for music, and in that context a clear

budget for music cannot be done yet, so the music line should not be cast in


Simon McInnes asked how often the church rents out our rooms and whether

there was potential for us to increase our rental income. Arran said bookings

are down, but we are renting at fair market value and we have a great potential

given our location and space. We have AA, guides, pathfinders, venturers that

are community groups not paying, but we do charge other rentals. Evan noted

that we did find that the Daycare rental during the day does restrict some

rentals, because we do not have daytime access to the kitchen.

Mary Sean Burgham asked what the mandate of the Music Committee can be

if the committee is constrained by the figure in the budget. Paul Merriam

replied that his interpretation is that in other lines we have gone over-budget,

so going into deliberations, he is not thinking about any limitations. Darcy

responded that it will be incumbent in herself and Paul to put forward models

that look at different budget constraints and different fundraising options to

meet those constraints. So the committee, if elected, will have to put forward

options and suggestions to make a decision as a community about what we

want to do.

Mary Sean Burgham asked if there was a written job description at present for

the music director position. Arran replied that Neale Gillespie and Victoria

Scott drafted one when Arran first arrived, so there is a record of that.

Laura Eggertson commented on the budget and budget deficit, that we are in

this deficit because we are not projecting a transfer of funds. In her opinion,

transferring of those funds is a better use of funds than having it in a reserve

fund for property maintenance. She would rather spent the money on projects

and people, than the property at this point. David responded: the problem is

that inflation and new things take place, so if we just pour in the reserve fund

there, in a maximum of three years we will be in the situation that we will

have to launch a campaign if there is a property issue, because we will not

have those funds otherwise.

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David said his gut feeling is that in this coming year we must generate at least

$10,000 of new money. Otherwise we will have to make some major

decisions this time next year about our future. This new money will have to

come from new offerings, new rentals, new fund raising projects, or anything

else you can think of. Richard Hooker commented: if we are talking about

$10,000 over the year, on a monthly basis that is $8-900 extra, which might be

an easier way to think about it.

Arran commented: there are really unique ways to raise money. St. Matthews

flogs their marmalade to raise funds. There are lots of ways for us to address

our financial situation other than with Arran writing another letter begging the

congregation for more money. Music goes to the core of who we are, so this

is a good time for us to pause and reflect on all of the ways that we are a

church in this community, and how we can grow our mission forward at

Trinity. He believes that God has the right people at the right time at the right

place to do the work God calls us to do here. It is going to take us collectively

as a family to work on building this church, but we can make this happen.

There are lots of struggles out there that we all collectively face, but there is a

long line of people who stand with us, and there are new people coming to our

church every week! The mantle is on us to be people of action, but it is going

to take everyone.

MOTION: That we place an asterisk on line 35 of the budget of 2014 and

make a note that this line is subject to change. Moved, Alan Winship.

Seconded, David Wilson. Carried.

Mary-Sean Burgham asked for an explanation of line 32. Arran replied the

administrative assistant is now also the child and youth director, so now that

line includes two positions, because one person now holds the position that

two people used to have.

Mary-Sean Burgham asked for an explanation of the photocopier costs. Arran

explained we had no photocopier in 2013 because of a donation, but it cost

more in toner than we thought, so we went to a photocopier with more fixed

costs. David added, the photocopier line may come in at less than is budgeted,

because we do not know yet how much we will be printing. Myrna Rootham

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asked if we were printing too much and suggested people could print their own

bulletins. Judy Chamberland asked why the postage line is less when postage

costs are increasing. David responded that office admin budgets went down.

Richard Hooker asked why the total on page 22 does not match the total on

schedule C. David responded, suggesting that we leave the line differences,

because the budget can change.

MOTION: That this Annual Vestry accept the 2014 budgets as amended for

the Operating, Reserve and Mabel Gordon House Funds as printed and

circulated in the “Summary of 2014 Budgets by Fund” below.

Moved: Evan Baker, Seconded: Yvonne Silverman. Carried.

7. Committee Reports by Mission Statement Area

MOTION: to adopt committee reports. M: Simon, S. Judy. Carried.

8. Nominations

Election of the Deputy People’s Warden – Darcy Demarsico. Following no

further nominations, Arran pronounced Darcy, the Deputy People’s Warden.

Creation of the Music Visioning Committee and Election of the Chairs

Following no further nominations, Arran declared Paul Merriam and Darcy

Demarsico chairs of the committee. They are entrusted to fill the committee

with members. Mary Sean Burgham has volunteered to be on the committee.

Alan Winship asked if there would be a reporting date. Paul Merriam

responded that their plan is for a preliminary report by Easter, because Trinity

has Frances Macdonnell as an organist until Easter and Trinity has no plans

currently for after that time. Bob Taylor asked who the music committee

reports to and whether there would be a special vestry. Arran responded that it

reports to Parish Council and Corporation. We can make the report available.

Myrna Rootham asked: There are 50 pieces of music to be sung for Holy

Week, but the choir has been told there is no budget for rehearsals. Could the

choir have rehearsals prior to Holy Week?

Arran responded that rehearsal costs are $150. The congregation can decide to

fund that, but we have to be aware of the cost and we need to make sure that

the rehearsals will be well attended by choir members.

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Judy Chamberland pointed out that Frances was requiring $150 out of

deference for future musicians. Simon McInnes stated that without adequate

rehearsal time we will have a flawed product, so if people are ok with that, we

can go ahead, otherwise we need the time. After further discussion, Arran

stated that the choir should decide how many practices they think they need

and bring it to Parish Council.

Creation of the Worship and Hospitality Committees

Carol Robb and Joanne McCracken volunteered to be on the Worship

Committee. Arran will chair.

Hospitality committee: Judy Chamberland commented that what has

happened on a few occasions is we decide to have an event, but no one decides

who will do what, and Kiersten ends up being charged with handling it. Sally

Clark volunteered to chair.

Nomination of members to the Stewardship and Finance Committee (formerly

the Revenue Committee): Wardens are ex-officio members. Trever Heavens

has agreed to be on that committee.

9. Election of Auditors

Trevor Heavens, Lisa MacGillivray, Dick Johnston have all offered their

names. Dick is willing to step down since only two names are needed.

MOTION: to elect Trevor Heavens and Lisa MacGillivray as auditors for

2014. Carried.

10. MOTION OF BANKING RESOLUTION: That Trinity continue to use TD

Bank at Billings Bridge, and that the following people have signing

authority: Evan Baker, Neale Gillespie, Darcy DeMarsico, Yvonne

Silverman, Kiersten Jensen, and David Wilson. Moved, David Wilson.

Seconded, Evan Baker. Carried.

11. MOTION that the following people be endorsed as Lay Administrators for

the Eucharist: Evan Baker, Linda Bowering, Sue Cherry, Carmen

Christian, Laura Eggertson, Lisa MacGillivray, Heather Maclachlan,

Joanne McCracken, Martin McCurdy, Judy Richardson, Brenda Small,

Doug Small, Susan Taylor, Robert Taylor, Jim Robb, Carol Robb, and

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David Wilson. Moved, Bob Taylor. Seconded, Evan Baker. Carried.

12. General Business

Alan Winship asked to re-affirm our Synod delegates Paul Merriam and David

Wilson. Carried.

Alan Winship asked for a record of all churchwardens for 2014. Arran

responded that Evan Baker is the Rector’s Warden, Yvonne Silverman is the

Deputy Rector’s Warden, Neale Gillespie is the People’s Warden, and Darcy

is the Deputy People’s Warden.

Simon McInnes thanked Kiersten, the churchwardens, David, and Arran for

facilitating the meeting. Applause.

13. Adjournment: Moved, Simon McInnes. Seconded, Lisa MacGillivray.



Dear Trinity Church Family,

This past church year was a very successful one for Trinity Church, in Old Ottawa

South. We successfully reached out and partnered with Ottawa Crime prevention, Ottawa

Innercity Ministries: P4Y Youth Art Program, House of PainT and have a brand new

mural on our Bank street wall. This mural has brought a lot of attention to Trinity. We

were highlighted in the Anglican Journal, Cross Talk as well as featured by a Carleton

Journalism student. We have also raised our visibility by reworking our website,

Facebook page and twitter feeds; we may be a community church, but we now have

global reach.

Thank you for taking the time to pick up and read the Trinity Anglican Church

2014 Annual Report. The details included in these pages offer insights into the various

activities our church family has taken part in over this past year. I encourage you to read

the reports and give thanks to God for a loving community at Trinity.

As you may know Trinity is most active on Sunday at our worship times and I

want to THANK-YOU for making Sunday worship a priority in your lives. I thank God

for all of you who have offered yourselves in ministry in various ways. Our Church

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success is completely dependent on all of us showing our love and care towards each

other and the world that God calls us to serve.

As I look back on the year, I see our success reflected in our successful mural

completion, parish council meetings, Coldest Night of the Year walk to support Jericho

Road Ministries, home group bible study sessions, parish summer picnic in the park,

ACW meetings and quilting sessions, pastoral care and card ministry, church outreach

concerts such as the Twice upon a time and L’Arche Ottawa/Gatineau events, Back to

Church Sunday, Youth Group, Remembrance Sunday in November, the Sunday School-

Youth Group Christmas Pageant-Concert, Out of The Cold Suppers Ottawa and the

Advent study program. We have a lot to be thankful for.

Our Church Wardens, Evan Baker, Darcy DeMarsico, Neale Gillespie and Yvonne

Silverman, have added to the life of our church family in meaningful ways both publicly

and privately in supporting the work of the Church and me as Rector. I am truly thankful

for their ministry at Trinity and have been blessed by them all. On behalf of your Trinity

Church family, thank you, for your faithful service to the church. I would also like to

thank Dick Johnson, Jackie Johnson and Pierre Chamberland, our ex officio Church

Sexton/Caretakers, who behind the scenes keep our church facilities in great shape.

Our worship time together is truly blessed by our Choir and its Director, Fabien.

Fabien and the Choir put on successful Christmas program and finished off the season

with a wonderful lessons and carols service. Thank you all for working so hard to make

our time in worship uplifting and meaningful. Church music uplifts us all and I am

grateful for your time and offerings of music Sunday after Sunday.

I would especially like to thank Kiersten Jensen, our Parish Church Secretary,

Sunday School and Youth group coordinator, for her faithful service and organization.

Kiersten has organized many events and keeps the schedules of all our community groups

organized. I am very thankful for the work and effort that Kiersten put into our mural

project and is the real reason we have a mural at Trinity. Kiersten’s ability to take the

initiative and show leadership is all to her credit. I would like to offer my sincerest thanks

to Kiersten for her kindness, honesty and sense of humour over this past year.

Again, thank you to all of you, and I look forward to everything God has in store

for us as a Church Family at Trinity in Old Ottawa South in the weeks, months and years


Warmly, in peace and hope,

Arran +

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Evan Baker, Yvonne Silverman, and Neale Gillespie continued as Wardens for 2013 -

2014, with Darcy Demarco joining corporation.

Darcy's talents were immediately put to use as she and Paul Merriam with the help of

other parishioners began the search for a new Director of Music. Darcy and Paul

undertook a consultation with the Parish members to see what we liked about Trinity's

music program and what could be improved. This feedback was very helpful and helped

guide us as we searched for a new Director of Music. We are very pleased that Fabian

Tousignant has decided to join our Trinity family, and are very excited as he further

develops Trinity's music ministry. There have been many new and creative partnerships

including one with Twice Upon A Time, and L’Arche which have contributed to the

Ministry of Trinity and contributed to its stewardship.

The past year saw Trinity being the persistent target of graffiti. In addition to being an

eye sore, it was becoming an increasing burden on Dick and Jackie (plus an increasing

expense) to keep our walls clean. While Arran's idea of a mural to prevent further

"tagging" was good idea, it was Paul Merriam’s efforts in finding a funding source and

Kiersten’s grant writing that made this into a reality. Working with The House of Paint

and Ottawa Innercity Ministries allowed us to solve our graffiti problem and work with

at-risk youth for what was a truly win-win situation. We would like to thank everyone

who helped out with this project. Many of the young people working on the project

(many of whom are on the street or at risk) told Arran that they had never experienced

such warmth and hospitality before, and for that we are truly grateful to be a part of a

loving congregation that puts into action the teachings of Jesus Christ.

This past year saw Trinity begin the very early stages of the Ministry Assessment Process

(MAP). To be clear, this is not another visioning exercise. MAP is a planning initiative

that considers the how best the Trinity family can share in our mission not only with each

other, but also with our community. It will assess how to best leverage our gifts, what

resources and partners we need to share the good news. It will help us identify what we

as a parish want to do and what we need to do to get there. This will be an important

activity for us in 2015.

As always, Trinity would not be Trinity without the efforts of all the volunteers. Whether

it is helping out with Frosty's Fair, serving coffee at coffee hour to helping out with

Mabel Gordon House, Trinity is a vibrant community because of the time people

volunteer to the many activities and ministries.

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We would like to thank Arran for his continued leadership as our priest. Throughout the

year we receive visitors from Arran's former parish in Halifax. Having served as our

priest for two years this comes as no surprise to us and it is a testimony to his warmth,

skills and compassion. We continue to be blessed to have Arran as our priest and look

forward to working with him in the coming year. We would also like to acknowledge the

work done by Kiersten. Kiersten continues to take on many roles in Trinity both as office

administrator and youth leader. Kiersten's skills have been recognized by the Diocese,

which has given Trinity a grant of $7,000 from the GIFT program to help run Open Table

at Carleton University. Open Table is an interfaith dinner which will be hosted at Trinity

on Sunday nights for students at Carleton University. This is an exciting new Ministry

for Trinity, and we are pleased that Kiersten's considerable talents continue to be

recognized and utilized.

We also wish to thank David Wilson for his tireless work regarding the finances of

Trinity. He is a tireless worker, and we are grateful for all that he does.

Respectfully Submitted:

Evan Baker, Darcy Demarco, Neale Gillespie and Yvonne Silverman

Statistics for 2014

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Number of Services









Total Attendance 9,872 10,984 6,437 6,010 5,703 5,203 5118 4954 Total Communicants 7,257 7,414 5,228 4,686 3,915 3,863 4058 4214 Average Attendance 8 a.m. 16.4 14.3 9.6 10.3 7.6 6.6 6 5 Average Attendance 10 a.m. 105.4 96.4 84.4 75.1 80.1 76.4 77 84.5 Average Attendance 9:30

a.m. -- -- -- -- -- -- 60 54.7

Baptisms 10 15 7 2 4 11 3 3 Weddings 5 6 0 3 5 3 0 1 Funerals and Interments 38 47 6 3 7 10 5 4 Confirmations 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

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Statement of Financial Position

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Statement of Revenue, Expenditure, and Fund Balances

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Statement of Restricted Funds Balances (Schedule A)

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Details of Operating Fund Revenue (Schedule B)

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Details of Operating Fund Expenditures (Schedule C)

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Donations forwarded to other charities and range of offerings report

(Schedules D & E)

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Summary of Trinity Funds in Diocesan Consolidated Trust Fund

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The following two motions have been moved and seconded by the wardens Evan Baker and

Neale Gillespie.

1. That this Annual Vestry accepts the Wardens Audited Financial Report for 2014 as printed

and circulated in the Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Revenue, Statement of

Expenditure and Fund Balances, and Schedules A to E.

2. That this this Annual Vestry accepts the 2015 Budgets for the Operating, Reserve and Mabel

Gordon House Funds as printed and circulated in the “Summary of 2015 Budgets by Fund”


Summary of 2015 Budgets by Fund.

Operating Fund See Schedules B and C for details

Total revenue 225,974 Total Expenditures 248,824

Reserve fund

Total revenue 447 Total Expenditures 10,000

(Renovations not requiring Council approval)

Mabel Gordon House budget for 2015

Funds available Expenditures

Rents 26,000 Operating costs 11,000

Carried over from 2014 4,492 Repairs


Total 30,492 Trinity




To: The Parishioners of Trinity Anglican Church

I have examined the Statement of Financial Position of Trinity Anglican Church as at

December 31, 2014, the Statement of Revenue and Expenditures and Fund Balances for

the year then ended. My examination included a general review of accounting

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procedures and other supporting evidence which I considered necessary in the


In my opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of Trinity

Anglican Church as at December 31, 2014.

Trevor D. Heavens

Chartered Professional Accountant


Altar Guild:

Members of the Altar Guild committed their time and talents in 2014 to actively serving

Trinity Parish by preparing the Altar for all communion services and caring for the

communion vessels and linens used in those Services. The Guild also decorates the

church for each special season and event of the year.

Members are Carmen Christian, Belma Hull, Margo Kenney, Susan Cherry, Joanne

McCracken, Yvonne Silverman, Brenda Small, Mary Wilson, Beulah Rumbolt, Sue

Taylor and Simon McInnes.

Margo Kenney, as Flower Convenor, continued to purchase and arrange the flowers

present on the Altar each Sunday morning. She also arranged for flowers to fulfil the “In

Memoriam” requests for Christmas and Easter Services and occasionally through the

year. Many thanks to Margo and all the team members for their time and dedication to

the Altar Guild.

We are always looking for new volunteers. If you are interested, please speak to Rev.

Arran or Carmen.

Respectfully submitted, Carmen Christian, Altar Guild Chair.

Lay Administrators:

Trinity continues to be blessed by lay administrators who serve faithfully every

Sunday, and at special services. As well as administering communion at the altar

rail, lay administrators collect and bring the offertory to the altar.

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The returning lay administrators in 2014 were Evan Baker, Linda Bowering, Art

Brimley, Sue Cherry, Carmen Christian, Laura Eggertson, Heather Maclachlan,

Lisa MacGillivray, Judy Richardson, Carrol Robb, Jim Robb, Brenda Small, Doug

Small, Susan Taylor, Robert Taylor and David Wilson. They were joined by

Yvonne Silverman in January. We are very sorry that Art Brimley retired during

the year after decades of faithful service as a lay administrator.

Additional lay administrators are always needed for this important ministry at


Submitted by Robert Taylor, Lay Administrators Coordinator

Music Ministry:

First and foremost, I would like to thank the people at Trinity for giving me the opportunity

to lead the Music Ministry here at Trinity Anglican Church. It is a privilege for me to be

part of this community and to work with such dedicated and supportive people. I am very

happy with the progress the choir has made over the last four months. The choir works

extremely hard at preparing the music for the 10:00 am Service and hard work pays off.

By the first Sunday of Advent we were able to sing a psalm to a newly composed Anglican

chant in four-part harmony a capella. It was a remarkable achievement and I am extremely

proud of the choir for believing that it was possible. For the first time this year we had a

Lessons and Carol Service on the first Sunday after Christmas. This service will return next

year as it gives an opportunity to listen to the Christmas Story once more and also allows

the choir to present the pieces they worked on during Advent. I would like to thank the

choir for their commitment and dedication. You make a significant contribution to the

Sunday morning worship and without you none of the music we have done this year would

have been possible.

A special thank you goes out to Dick Johnston and Pierre Chamberland for building a ramp

that now belongs to Trinity. We can now offer more flexibility for concert rentals and we

can move the piano without having to hire piano movers. A thank you goes to Simon

McInnis and Doug Small for helping to move the piano. At present, they are in the process

of completing a platform with wheels on which the organ will sit. We will then be able to

move the organ console out of its spot. This will give the opportunity to have more organ

recitals or concerts that will require moving the organ.

We were fortunate to have Geoffrey McCurdy playing the pipes and Petty Officer First

Class Christopher Lane (ret) CD, MMus playing the trumpet at our Remembrance Service.

We were blessed with Erinne-Colleen Laurin’s beautiful soprano voice at the 10pm

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Christmas Eve service. Also, at the 7p.m. Christmas Eve Service, Roland Graham,

Director of Music at Southminster, gratefully accepted to accompany the choir and a

special thank you to the Nicol family for joining the choir.

We had three major concerts that brought funds to the Trinity Music Program: the Organ

Recital on November 15th 2014, Voices in Harmony on December 7th 2014 and L’Arche

Fundraiser on December 16th 2014.

I would like to thank my colleagues Reverend Arran and Kiersten Jensen for your help in

making me feel right at home here at Trinity Anglican Church and to the congregation for

your support.

Respectfully submitted, Fabien Tousignant, Director of Music.


Mabel Gordon House:

This is a residence for five students, adjacent to the church, managed by Trinity

volunteers. This past year saw some major upgrades to the kitchen, the purchase of a

new clothes washer and chest freezer, more energy efficient than their predecessors. Two

of the students joined the choir and three of them have volunteered as Sunday School


It has been a good year for Mabel Gordon House. Our residents are all responsible

Carleton University students and it has been a pleasure to interact with them.

After paying taxes, utilities, and buying two appliances, and doing major kitchen

renovations, we were still able to contribute $15,000 to Trinity.

Respectfully submitted, Simon McInnes, Mabel Gordon House Superintendent

Property Committee:

Property expenses for the church this year were almost entirely for routine maintenance.

Some old exterior light fixtures were replaced as was the Bank Street entrance door

locking system. The blank exterior brick wall of Turley Hall was colourfully transformed

by a mural to celebrate youth. Work was done by young people, under the supervision of

an artist from House of PainT and Ottawa Innercity Ministries with all costs covered by a

grant from Crime Prevention Ottawa.

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Proceeds from our new music program enabled us to build a portable ramp to move the

piano from nave level to the chancel area; and a portable platform for the organ console is

nearly ready for use.

Grounds and gardens were cared for by Doug Small, Sally and John Barber, Nancy

Bassam, and Chris Garnett.

Once again, a huge thank you to Pierre Chamberland for his ready and willing assistance.

Respectfully Submitted, Dick and Jackie Johnston, Property Committee Coordinators



During the period January to December, our members met on Wednesday morning 10

a.m. to 2 p.m. to quilt and sew. Some of these articles were sold at Frosty’s Fair in

November, or donated to the ACW mission project “Bales to the North”.

The quilted articles sold privately enabled us to make a donation for postage to the

“Bales” project, as well as to The Well and Cornerstone.

In May, we delivered and packed new men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing and

household goods, etc. to St. Columba’s Anglican Church for shipment to various

churches in the North.

We continue to remember the sick with prayers and cards. We also keep in touch with

members in retirement homes with cards and telephone calls.

Respectfully submitted, Eleanor Corbett, ACW/Dorcas President.

Pause Table:

Trinity did not participate in the Pause Table at Carleton University in April, but in

December, six volunteers were at the Pause Table organized by Rev. Meg Illman-White

of Southminster United Church. Together with our partners from Grace United Church,

we served approximately 6,000 students.

Serving them nutritious food and talking with them provide students stressed out by

exams with much needed physical and emotional support. There were many expressions

of gratitude from the students.

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Thank you to all those who donated time, food, and money for this rewarding outreach


Submitted by Yvonne Silverman, Pause Table Coordinator

Out of the Cold:

For many years Trinity has supported Out of the Cold dinners held at Southminster

United Church on Saturday evenings annually from October to April. Through this

program, a three course meal is provided free of charge to over 65 less advantaged

individuals and families. In addition to financial support, Trinity generally hosts a dinner

twice a season—once before and once after the New Year.

Support for the dinners is phenomenal. Volunteers range in age from preschoolers who

help with set up, to Church School youth who eagerly serve alongside adults of all ages

who prepare the meal, serve, host, register and cleanup. In general, Trinity volunteer

numbers regularly exceed the recommended number of 24. In October 2014, for

example, over 30 members of the Trinity community came out and joyfully served our

guests. Additionally, as of October 2014, Trinity now provides four dozen muffins when

we host, as rising meal costs has meant eliminating appetizers. Also a vegetarian dish is

often donated.

Trinity also plays an oversight role and in 2015, we will be asked to do more by assisting

with organizing and supporting a fundraiser dinner.

Many thanks to all our newer and seasoned volunteers. New volunteers always


Submitted by Judy Richardson, Out of the Cold Coordinator

Frosty’s Fair:

Frosty’s Fair is a wonderful event as it involves so many of the parishioners of Trinity.

A great deal of planning and work is required to make the bazaar a success. Volunteers

are needed to obtain donations, bake, cook, knit, and sew. There are volunteers who plan

and work at the sale, Father Arran who welcomes patrons at the door, many parishioners

who generously donate to the different tables and all the Trinity members who attend and

show their support by buying items and having lunch at Frosty’s Café. The sale is well

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advertised and it is a wonderful opportunity for us to show the community Trinity


We had the usual tables – Great Gifts, Attic Treasures, Jewellery, Silent Auction, Bake,

Brenda’s Cards, Knitting/Sewing and Books. This year we introduced a few changes in

our table setup and also added a couple of new tables. One of the new tables was the

Christmas table, located near the entrance. It set the focus we wanted to achieve. After

all, Frosty’s Fair, is a Christmas bazaar. Also, new this year was the $5, $10, $15 Table.

It was a great place to buy a small gift or stocking stuffer. The Bake Table and the

Knitting/Sewing Table generated strong sales again this year. The Gingerbread

Decorating/Craft Room was popular with the kids and they also enjoyed the return of the

“Fish Pond Lady”. We hope to see her again. Setting up the Jewellery Table separately

was a good decision. At the Silent Auction table we introduced a “Buy it Now” option

on several items and early closing bids on others.

Frosty’s Café was a success. The tourtieres seem to be the most popular item and we

had a lot of positive feedback on the dessert choices.

Although revenue is down somewhat from previous years, the bazaar is a major

fundraiser and we usually generate $6,500 to $7,000.

Shortly after the sale and while things were fresh in our minds, we had a meeting. One of

the suggestions for 2015 is to omit the Attic Treasures table and have a rummage sale at

another time during the year. This would allow more space for items to be displayed,

especially the Jewellery and Knitting/Sewing Tables. It was also suggested that all items

on the Silent Auction Table be new, like on the Great Gifts Table. There was also a

request that each table be informed of their profit as money is being collected throughout

the day. Another suggestion was with today’s busy families and the necessity for ready

made goods, we make soups, pies, etc. early in the Fall and freeze them to sell on the day

of the Fair. We are not sure how to implement this, as we would need a freezer, and

many cooks. Another suggestion that we will definitely implement this year is to

advertise the sale with flyers to the Daycare parents.

We are truly grateful for the support of the many people who help each year. There

wouldn’t be enough space in this report to list and thank everyone. We will continue to

seek and listen to all your ideas and look forward to Frosty’s Fair 2015.

Respectfully submitted, Brenda Cheeseman and Nancy Bassam, Frosty’s Fair


Pastoral Care:

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As the Pastoral Care brochure describes our team, we are “parishioners serving

parishioners”, offering emotional and spiritual support to our church community. Led by

Rev. Arran, members during 2014 were Judy Chamberland, Carmen Christian, Chris

Garnett, Jackie Johnston, Carrol Robb and Yvonne Silverman. Members take turns

serving as committee Chair.

Following past practice, team members met approximately once a month to review the

previous month’s activities and to share experiences, seeking and offering guidance when

appropriate. Following are the primary activities of the team.

— Visiting parishioners who cannot attend worship services at Trinity due to illness

or disability, where they reside. During 2014, this included eleven seniors residences.

As his schedule permits, Rev. Arran alone or with other team members visits these

parishioners, administering the Eucharist if requested. Moreover, once a month Rev.

Arran and several of the team hold an Anglican Communion service at the Col By

Retirement Residence. Another member of Trinity, Keith Murfin, accompanies

participants on the piano.

— Visiting hospitalized parishioners. As well, once a week a member of the team

visits Anglican patients at the Ottawa Hospital, General Campus as a Spiritual Care

volunteer on behalf of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa.

— Attending funerals of parishioners or members of their families. Members of the

Pastoral Care Team have often visited these individuals over a long period of time; they

have developed close relationships with many of them and therefore share the families’


— Sending cards to members of the congregation in response to a variety of life

events (e.g. illness, grief, celebrations) and delivering small gifts on special occasions

(e.g. Christmas).

— At the request of parishioners, offering prayers to support them as they deal with

difficult circumstances. Members of the congregation may contact any member of the

Pastoral Care Team; the prayer request is then passed from one member of the team to

another, so that every person on the Pastoral Care team becomes part of a Prayer Chain.

It is important to stress (and as it is stated in the Pastoral Care brochure), that while

undertaking these activities, “All communications and personal information shared with

members of our Pastoral Care Team are held in strict confidence”.

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During 2014 team members attended the two continuing education events offered by the

interdenominational Ottawa Pastoral Care Training Program. These sessions are very

helpful, not only for the course content delivered by specialists in various fields, but for

the opportunity to share knowledge and experience with fellow Pastoral Care team

members from other churches, mainly during the question and answer segments of the

different presentations. These events are not restricted to Pastoral Care team members;

anyone interested may attend. Brochures about the sessions are available at the back of

the church, as well as on the website: www.ottawapastoralcare.com.

We welcome new members to our team. We take our responsibilities very seriously, but

are not always serious: we have a lot of fun together!

Submitted by, Judy Chamberland, Pastoral Care Team Chair


I would like to thank the many volunteers who prepared and served coffee and

refreshments at Coffee Time following the 10 a.m. services over the past year. Special

thanks to Brenda Small for preparing the coffee on numerous Sundays and for making

sure that we had enough coffee and cups. Special thanks also to those who participated

for the first time.

In addition to providing Coffee Time, hospitality volunteers enjoyed offering wine and

cheese at the Easter Vigil, contributing food and assistance at various concerts hosted by

Trinity, and offering meals to the youth who painted our Bank Street mural.

Respectfully submitted, Sally Clarke, Hospitality Coordinator

Seniors’ Luncheon:

The Seniors’ Luncheon group gets together the last Thursday of each month at Trinity

Anglican Church in the Canterbury Room. The Seniors’ Luncheon is a time for seniors

to get together for a home cooked meal, some music, as well as either a Eucharist or

Morning Prayer service. There is also a lot of wonderful fellowship and a whole lot of


There are currently about 10 volunteers who work tirelessly to make this group what it is.

We try to have a monthly schedule done up so each volunteer knows what their duties are

for each month (this really does help things run smoothly). The schedule consists of:

main dish/dessert/set-up/clean-up/elevator/social butterfly (someone to chat with seniors).

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Keith Murfin is now also a special part of our group; he provides his wonderful gift of

music for our seniors.

The positive feedback that we have received from the seniors attending our luncheon has

really been wonderful!

We look forward to continuing with the Seniors’ Luncheon in 2015.

Sincerely, Ruth Cochrane and Chris Garnett, Seniors’ Luncheon Coordinators

Sheila’s Fund—World Vision Child:

We spent $140.00 and bought a goat for Sheila and her family. The goat was $100.00

and to have someone travel to Sheila's village to ascertain what they needed cost

$40.00. We have finally received a picture of Sheila, her Mom and the goat.

Parish Council was not pleased with the communication we have between World Vision

and Trinity and voted to spend our "bucket" money on a different project. With a heavy

heart I wrote a letter to World Vision advising that we would no longer be supporting

Sheila and her family. We will be using the "bucket" money for a different project.

Yours in service, Nancy Burwash, Coordinator


Children, Youth, and Young Adults:

This has been as really exciting year for me at Trinity. For me it has really been a

year of making and building relationships.

Trinity continues to have Grapevine Jr. Youth in partnership with Church of the

Ascension, which is a group for youth grades 4-8. My two favourite events from

Grapevine this past year were Priest on the Hot Seat, a potluck discussion night

with Trinity’s Rev. Arran and Ascension’s Rev. Gary Hauch, and Trick or Eat, our

Halloween adventure where we joined with the older Trinity Teens collecting

canned goods in the community for the Centretown Emergency Food Bank.

In February we had our first Messy Church. Messy Church is an all-ages active

worship with storytelling, music, arts, and activities, followed by fellowship with a

meal. That started as a partnership with Church of the Resurrection and St.

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Matthews in the Glebe, however with Youth Ministry staff turnover in both

congregations, I found myself quickly looking for new partners. Starting in

September, Ashley Russell, Director of Children and Youth Ministry at Ascension,

and my partner in crime with Grapevine, decided Ascension could benefit from

Messy Church as well. Now Trinity and Ascension take turns hosting Messy

Church, so that it can be a constant throughout the school year, while lessening the

load on our volunteer bases. I would like to thank all Messy Church volunteers,

especially Izzy MacFarlane and Emma Clarke, who have led activities at every

single Messy Church this year. We do not have a traditional “youth group” for

teens, but Trinity’s Teens are very active in our community serving and leading.

Likewise, we have a healthy and growing base of young adults at Trinity. In the

spring, I was approached by a young adult about starting a study group. Three

days later, we started meeting weekly as a group of anywhere from 2 to 8 people,

using Exploring Faith Questions. Unfortunately the new school year in September

made finding time to meet much more challenging, so the formal group is on hold

for now. Nevertheless, you can find our young adults on Sundays teaching in the

Church School, reading in the service, singing in the choir, or serving coffee.

Our thriving Church School is thanks to the hard work of our volunteer teachers

Travis DeCook, Karsa Worth, Sarah Connor Gorber, Kelly Hanson, Elizabeth

Keith, Marina Immonen, as well as Jen Small, who also directs the Easter and

Christmas pageants. I am so thankful for all of their hard work and support over

the past year, and for the support of parents, grandparents, and others who are

always willing to step in when needed. It takes a village to raise a child and we

have many very active children. It wonderful to see a vibrant community

supporting their growth.

Strengthening partnerships at the diocesan level and beyond has opened up so

many opportunities for our children, youth, and young adults. From things as big

as the Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth gathering in B.C., to organized

sleepovers, games and sports nights, youth ministry leadership trainings and young

adult Roots Symposium with the Montreal Diocese—there is so much vibrant

ministry happening! To me, these growing relationships are at the heart of

Embracing God’s Future. I am so blessed to be working with a great team of child,

youth, and young adult ministry leaders who are eager to reach beyond their own

congregations, sharing wisdom, time, and resources in collaboration to build up

our young people in the Ottawa Diocese.

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Child and youth ministry at Trinity would also not be where it is without Arran and

Fabien. I could not work with more supportive, hardworking, and fun people.

If you would like to get involved with child and youth ministry at Trinity, there is a

place for you! Speak to me after church or find me in the office for more information.

Respectfully submitted, Kiersten Jensen, Director of Child and Young Family Ministries.

House Group:

The House Group has sessions twice a month, normally on Monday afternoon at a

member’s house. New members are very welcome. During the last year our sessions have

consisted of viewing a short DVD followed by a discussion of the DVD with the aid of

good Study Guides.

Early in the Year our program “The Reason for God” had us discuss the concerns that

some have about Christianity. In the fall, an excellent program “Gospel in Life”

emphases living according to the Gospel in to-days world. This year we will study the

“Life and writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer”.

Respectfully submitted, David Wilson,

House Group Coordinator.

Creations from the youth-led Pentecost

service as the congregation reflected on

their hopes for the Church and the world.

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This chart illustrates the amount of solar power generated monthly by our rooftop

system. This chart shows power generated from 2012 to just over the first month of


Please see the financial report to learn how many dollars we earned, and how much we

have repaid to our Rectory Trust Fund.

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The following individuals were baptized Into the body of Christ during 2014:

William Mark Chapeskie Jacob MacGregor-Staple

Gabriel David Darrell Halliburton

The following members of Trinity died during 2014:

Hilda Chapman

Anna Lois Trowell Marjorie Bushnell

Beverly Clark

“Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord And let light perpetual shine upon them”