2014 ANNUAL REPORT - Home - · PDF fileexpanded its focus to include ... This Annual Report represents the ... supported the immunisation of nearly 500 million

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Chair:• Mr. Aldo King

(Jan. to Oct.) Managing Consultant

• Ms Chris Franks (Nov. to Dec.) FAICD, BA, MMgmt

Deputy Chair • Mr. Tom Evans

B.Sc. M. Sc.

Treasurer • Mr Dean Honan

(Feb. to Dec.) BBus (Acc), ADFP, ADSB

Secretary• Mr David Bailey

BSc (Hons), Dip Ind Psych, GAICD, GAICPG

Directors• Ms Ann Herbert

BA MEd M. Intl & Comm Dev.

• Ms Maree Nutt BAppSc (Physiotherapy)

RESULTS International (Australia) Inc. is a partner in ACTION, a global partnership of like-minded organisations working to influence policy and mobilize resources to fight diseases of poverty and achieve equitable access to health.

ACTION was founded in 2004 with an advocacy focus on TB and has since expanded its focus to include child immunization and undernutrition.

ACTION was founded in 2004 and as at the end of 2014 consisted of ten partner organisations working in ten countries plus the EU. The ACTION Secretariat is housed at RESULTS Educational Fund in Washington D.C.

RESULTS International (Australia) became a partner in 2012.

• RESULTS Australia

• RESULTS Canada




• AIDES (France)

• CITAM+ (Zambia)

• Global Health Advocates (France)

• Global Health Advocates (India)

• KANCO (Kenya)


Thanks to your enthusiasm, motivation and willingness to hold our elected representatives to account RESULTS has achieved some remarkable outcomes in the past year. This in turn has helped improve the health and well being of the poorest people in the world.It is of course also thanks to our intelligent, dedicated and passionate staff who work long and hard to design and lead our campaign work and advocacy. In reflecting on the past year I am astounded at how much they have achieved under the direction of our CEO, Maree Nutt, who we thank sincerely for

her leadership. I also want to thank our Directors who make substantial contributions through their advocacy, personal donations and enrolment of friends and colleagues to support us. In addition I express gratitude to two committed Directors who resigned due to career pressures - Aldo King, our previous Chair and Dean Honan, our Treasurer. We thank them both sincerely and know they will remain strong friends of RESULTS.I can only imagine the challenges faced daily by poor families in developing countries but I know just how fortunate I am to have

won the lottery of life by living in Australia. That’s why I have become an active and engaged supporter of RESULTS.Thank you again for your time, commitment and valuable financial support of RESULTS. I trust you enjoy reading about our achievements in this report. I look forward to working with the Board, CEO and Staff in the coming years to grow RESULTS in strength, impact and influence and I look forward to meeting all of our members in due course. Chris Franks Chair

The Board of RESULTS international (Australia) Inc is the governing body of the organisation. It is undergoing renewal following two resignations due to pressure of work this year. The Board members in 2014 were:



Message from the Chair

is to generate the public and political will to end poverty.

is a world without poverty.

Q RESULTS International (Australia) Inc. is part of a non-partisan, international network of volunteers whose purpose is to generate the public and political will to end poverty.

Q RESULTS volunteers are everyday people involved in activities to inform themselves and the community and influence government policy on poverty issues.

Q RESULTS engages in grassroots advocacy on poverty issues with members around the country.



Front cover photo courtesy of Steve Lewis RESULTS UK

When I look back over the past year, I liken RESULTS to a maturing tree. In 2014 our tree sent out deep roots so as to keep it steadfast and help weather approaching storms. As our tree grew taller and broader it gathered energy, became more visible and made more impact on the environment in which it stood.In 2014 we saw further cuts to the Australian aid program. And yet despite these difficult circumstances RESULTS helped to secure an additional

$50 million towards the life saving work of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.When one of the largest development conferences in the world (AIDS2014) headed to Melbourne, RESULTS was there supporting the first ever TBHIV networking zone which we helped to initiate.With coaching from RESULTS founder, Sam Daley Harris, the second half of 2014 saw us revamp some of our structures, start three new volunteer groups and inspire

This Annual Report represents the achievements and financial report of RESULTS International (Australia) Inc. for the year ended 31 December 2014. (RESULTS reports on a calendar year basis)

RESULTS is a not-for profit organisation incorporated as an Association in New South Wales. It is a full financial member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and committed to conducting its activities with integrity and accountability and in accordance with the high standards of the Code.

For additional information please visit the ACFID website at www.acfid.asn.au or email [email protected]

RESULTS is committed to securing the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and Australian Privacy Principles. For more information check our privacy policy at www.results.org.au

Should you have feedback or a complaint about our activities please contact the CEO on 1300 713 037 or email to [email protected]

groups and individuals to be more in action. We plan to build on this year on year.None of this happens by itself. It takes a strong Board, dedicated staff and most importantly quality volunteers who are determined, bold and generous with their time and their financial support. RESULTS is extremely fortunate to have had this in spades and my heartfelt thanks to you all for yet another great year.Maree Nutt CEO

Message from the CEO

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In 2014 RESULTS UK and RESULTS Australia released a report, “Undernutrition in the Land of Rice“, on the issue of undernutrition in Cambodia. It revealed some distressing facts:

• On average undernourished children enroll in school later and complete fewer years of school.

• Only a third of undernourished children go on to secondary school with completion rates very low.

• Maternal undernutrition is high. Anaemia caused by low consumption of iron rich foods is very high in women of reproductive age and is a leading cause of maternal deaths and linked to adverse birth outcomes such as low weight babies.

• Despite an economic growth rate of 7% per year, 40% of Cambodian children under

five are too short for their age or stunted. So where did Cambodia go wrong in relation to nutrition related investment?

• A common understanding in the development community is that economic growth will improve nutrition. The Cambodian case proves

otherwise. Sadly, Cambodia is far from unique in struggling with this issue –14 countries have a child stunting rate of over 30% in the Asia Pacific region.

• Investments resulting from economic growth need to be funneled in a targeted way to have an improvement on nutrition.

• The report advocates for a stand alone indicator on nutrition and food security to be incorporated into the post-2015 development goals, to ensure nutrition is prioritised.

• The report which was highlighted in the media in Australia and Cambodia also emphasised that Cambodia needs to invest more in nutrition interventions.


Fast factsQ The first 1000 days of life – from conception to your

second birthday – are the most important for healthy growth and cognitive development.

Q Undernutrition is responsible for an astonishing 45% of all child deaths (over 3 million every year) yet only 0.4% of total aid funding globally is directed to nutrition specific programs.

Q Globally, around one in four children are too short for their age (stunted) due to poor nutrition.

Q Some of the highest rates of stunting occur in our own region. In Timor Leste for example, 58% of children under five are stunted.

Spotlight on Gavi in Laos:

By Murray Proctor

‘…This morning we witnessed a mass-vaccination at two schools in Vientiane. It was quite humbling to see a long line of girls waiting patiently for their (apparently quite painful!) jab, knowing that without Gavi and the Australian Government’s support, this vaccine would not be available. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine prevents about 70% of cervical cancer and is a vital tool to keep women and girls healthy in a country where routine screening for cervical cancer does not exist.

Gavi aims to reach 30 million women in more than 30 countries by 2020 with this life-saving vaccine, developed by Australian Professor Ian Frazer and his team at the University of Queensland...‘

Excerpt from blog post from consultant, Murray Proctor who was supported by RESULTS to join a Gavi led Parliamentary tour of Laos in October 2014.

Undernutrition in the land of rice

Photos courtesy of Steve Lewis, RESULTS UK

Fast facts on VaccinesQ Vaccine preventable diseases kill 1.5 million children

under the age of five every yearQ Two of the leading causes of child mortality -

pneumococcal pneumonia and rotavirus diarrhoea can be prevented by a vaccine

Q Measles, one of the world’s most contagious diseases, still kills over 100,000 people each year.

Q ASIA joined the growing ranks of polio-free regions, the World Health Organisation declared in 2014.

Q Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is an organisation that subsidises vaccines for the poorest countries in the world. Since its establishment in 2000, Gavi has supported the immunisation of nearly 500 million children across the world and saved 6 million lives, nearly half of whom live in the Asia Pacific region.

RESULTS helps secure $50 million for Gavi

In 2014 RESULTS ran an intense campaign around letter writing, meeting Parliamentarians and social media to secure additional Australian aid funding for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Despite a backdrop of cuts to the aid budget and needing to respond to Ebola, a disease for which there is neither vaccine nor cure, in October the Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop announced an additional $50 million.to Gavi for the period 2011-2016. This brought Australia’s total pledge to $250 million over 5 years.

Our media release at the time said:

For every $1 invested by Australia into Gavi, over $8 has been invested in our region by Gavi. Our support to date has allowed at least 16 million children to be vaccinated. That kind of scale is something we could never do on our own.”

Foreign Minister Julie BIshop MP with Gavi CEO, Dr Seth Berkley

Photo courtesy of Gavi

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“We will never win the battle against AIDS until we combat TB”–

Nelson Mandela

This year our Education For All campaigning produced encouraging results with 23% of Australia’s overall aid budget being allocated to education.

However, our work to secure a generous pledge for the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) did not reflect this.

In June, the world came together in Brussels for the GPE’s second replenishment conference. The conference brought together 800 delegates including more than 40 ministers, education experts, and representatives from multilateral organisations, civil society, business and youth leaders from 91 countries.

Pledges of more than US$28.5 billion in additional funding for education for millions of children in more than 60 developing countries were made. The outcome was driven by commitments by 27 developing country partners to increase their own education

budgets by US$26 billion, or 25 percent, between 2015 and 2018.

In announcing a $140 million commitment to GPE, RESULTS witnessed Government cuts to our aid budget played out through an almost halving of Australia’s aid support. The drop in support appeared out of synch with Minister Bishop’s commitment to keep education as a ‘central pillar’ of the Australian aid program.

With aid to education falling by 10% in the last four years, and the target for the GPE fund not yet reached, donor country governments, including Australia, should meet the level of ambition set by developing country partners and those donors who have made significant contributions.

With your support, RESULTS will continue to advocate for the right for all children to go to school into 2015 and beyond.


Aid cuts hit good work of global education fund


Despite being preventable and treatable, the ancient disease of tuberculosis (TB) still claims 1.3 million lives per year.

There is no effective vaccine and the test to diagnose TB used in most of the world is over 100 years old.

TB is the leading killer of people living with HIV and AIDS. One in five people living with HIV is co infected with TB.

Left from top: TB survivor and Sydney volunteer Lili Koch with the ‘deadly duo’

Sydney volunteer Diana Shanks talks TB at AIDS2014

Lifting the profile of TB and HIV – the ‘deadly duo’

Spearheaded by RESULTS, the ACTION Partnership secured the first ever dedicated TB+HIV Networking Zone at AIDS2014, the 20th International AIDS Conference held in Melbourne from July 20-25, 2014.

Over 14,000 delegates from nearly 200 countries, including 1,200 journalists convened at AIDS2014 and for the first time ever at an international AIDS conference, TB was recognized as a neglected issue in the fight against AIDS, and the ‘deadly duo’ of TB and HIV was spotlighted in the TB+HIV Networking Zone.

RESULTS staff, volunteers and Board members joined our global health advocacy partners from ACTION at AIDS2014 with the purpose of profiling the issue of TB in the fight against HIV and AIDS, as well as the important role of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria in combatting these diseases.

These efforts were also greatly enhanced by working closely with international superstar and humanitarian Ms. Yvonne Chaka Chaka. The media that we were able to generate in the lead up to the Conference events also helped us to secure high profile meetings.


Maree Nutt CEO

“It was very inspiring (and at times overwhelming) to be part of such an amazing conference where so many people, institutions, governments and organisations come together united for a common cause.”

Sarah Kirk Global Health Campaign Manager (Tuberculosis)

“The TB/HIV Networking Zone was a buzzing place during the conference. TB activists from all over the world presented, discussed their projects, argued for new initiatives and shared their wisdom.”

Nicole So Volunteer and #DeadlyDuo Mascot

“I have never been inside a mascot costume before. It was heavy and cumbersome.

Mostly, people wanted to hug me. Or pretend to fight me. But one lady chased and punched me. I could hear her say, ‘I hate you. I hate you. You took my brother. I hate you.’”

Personal insights from AIDS2014

“When we put education first, we can reduce poverty and hunger, end wasted potential – and look forward to stronger and better societies for all.”

Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Fast facts:Q 58 million children

worldwide are not in school and another 250 million children leave school without basic numeracy and literacy skills.

Q Girls in particular will achieve a 20 per cent increase in income for every year of schooling completed beyond third grade.

Q The Global Partnership for Education provides funding for 60 of the worlds poorest countries.

Julia Gillard, Chair of the Global Partnership for Education speaking at the RESULTS International Conference (RESULTS CEO Maree Nutt to left)

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Remembering Mandela

Our Melbourne Hills group put on a night to remember, with South African superstar singer Yvonne Chaka Chaka sharing her memories of Nelson Mandela (and a song or two!) and local singer Dawn Faith entertaining us.Taking place the day after Mandela’s birthday, and on the eve of the International AIDS Conference2014, the event was a poignant and entertaining evening tribute to Nelson Mandela, and as well as a successful fundraiser for RESULTS.

Yvonne Chaka Chaka

MELBOURNE 19 - 20 July



b a l I M P A C T

– Lo



Canberra Advocacy Trips 2014

In 2014 a small but committed group of volunteers joined RESULTS staff for advocacy meetings in Canberra. Emma from our Melbourne group successfully secured her MP’s signature to a letter of support for Gavi the Vaccine Alliance, in her first trip to Canberra. Our meetings also resulted in speeches in parliament and letters being sent to Ministers. Melbourne volunteer Emma Whitty meeting MP MIchael Sukkar

It was our biggest National Conference ever, and being held in Melbourne on the eve of the International AIDS Conference meant attendees interacted with an incredible array of local national and international speakers in plenaries and workshops. Many advocates also stayed on to volunteer and interact at AIDS2014.

RESULTS Sydney Northern Beaches volunteer and TB survivor,Lili Koch shared her story of surviving TB as a child, in her local paper. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop responded with her own Letter to the Manly Daily and soon after a commitment to renew funding was secured!

Staff member Gina Olivieri welcomes delegates

Delegates taking in all the valuable information at the conference

Eager conference delegates prepare for the weekend ahead

Executive Director of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria addressing the conference

World Vision CEO Tim Costello & RESULTS US CEO Joanne Carter

Mike Picone from RESULTS Hobart shares his thoughts.

In 2014 we had 49 letters to the editor published in 13 different national and local newspapers on a range of issues .

“I am proud of every Australian dollar that goes towards foreign aid. It reflects our generous spirit as Australians – a spirit to help others because we consider them partner nations, mates you might even say.”

– Nicole So, Australian Financial Review, December 3.

“The value of a cup of coffee in Australia can make a world of difference to the poorest of the poor. They share our world. We can share our wealth.”

– Peter Graves, Canberra Times, December 17.

“17,000 children die each day from conditions such as diarrhea, malnutrition and pneumonia… I wonder when these invisible deaths will be embraced as political commitments by wealthy nations. Only then will they matter and action be taken to prevent them.”

– Sue Packham, The Age, July 28.

A Princess comes to Hobart

The “Princess of Africa”, superstar pop singer and UNICEF ambassador Yvonne Chaka Chaka visited Hobart to meet with parliamentarians, local school children, receive a donation of malaria-preventing bed nets from a primary school, and to present her documentary The Motherland Tour.

“Having gone to the screening of The Motherland Tour, I learned those living in Third World countries want a hand up, not a hand out. ...(and) their birth on the other side of the globe limits their access to immunisations, treatment and education we privileged people take for granted.”

– Marie Gregory-Naum, The Mercury, July 31Image: Yvonne Chaka and boy

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Liabil i ty l imi ted by a scheme approved under professional standards legis lat ion.

Partners Bennett Partners Pty Ltd ACN 010 430 314 ABN 21 171 313 477 Mackay: First floor, 122 Wood Street, Mackay QLD 4740 PO Box 92, Mackay QLD 4740 Phone: (07) 4951 1455 Fax: (07)4951 4824 Email: [email protected]

Brisbane: Level 3,400 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 GPO Box 2561, Brisbane QLD 4001 Phone: (07) 3221 6200 Fax: (07)3221 9811 Email: [email protected]

RESULTS International (Australia) Inc.

Independent Audit Report to the members of RESULTS International (Australia) Inc.


Basis for Qualified Opinion

It is not practical for the Association to maintain an effective system of internal control over cash receipts until their initial entry in the accounting records. Accordingly, our audit in relation to cash receipts was limited to the amounts recorded in theaccounting records.

Qualified Opinion

In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the financial report presents fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of RESULTS International (Australia) Inc. as at 31 December 2014, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Associations Incorporation Act (NSW) 2009 and Associations Incorporations Regulation (NSW) 2010 and the reporting requirements of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID).

Basis of Accounting

Without modifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note 1 to the financial report which describes the basis of accounting. The financial report is prepared to assist RESULTS International (Australia) Inc. to comply with the financial reporting provisions of Associations Incorporation Act (NSW) 2009 and Associations Incorporations Regulation (NSW) 2010 and the reporting requirements of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID). As a result, the financial report may not be suitable for another purpose.

Paul Hinton - CA Partner


27 May 2015

“Transposition of 2012 figures identified and corrected” is a footnote to the 2014 report.The Summary Financial Reports have been prepared in accordance with the requirements set out in the ACFID Code of Conduct.

For further information on the Code please refer to the ACFID Code of Conduct Guidance Document available at www.acfid.asn.au.

Note: RESULTS does not undertake any third party fundraisingFor a copy of RESULTS International (Australia) full Financial Report, please contact [email protected]

Table of Cash Movements for Designated Purposes

Year ended 31/12/2014

Cash available at beginning of year

Cash raised during year

Cash disbursed during year

Cash available at end of year

“Education for All” Grant (574) 17,493 15,650 1,269

“ACTION TB” (6,921) 219,536 213,258 (643)

“ACTION Vaccines” Grant 2,099 222,509 224,421 187

“ACTION Nutrition” Grant (1,912) 83,669 81,670 87

ACTION External Counsel - 58,146 40,096 18,050

Total for other non- designated purposes 69,717 104,214 75,676 98,255

TOTAL 62,409 705,567 650,771 117,205

Statement of Financial Position

Income Statement

The Directors of the entity declare that:

1) the financial statements and notes as set out on pages 10 to 11, are in accordance with Associations Incorporations Act (NSW) 2009 and Associations Incorporation Regulation (NSW) 2010 and:

✔ comply with relevant Australian Accounting Standards; and

✔ give a true and fair view of the financial position as at 31 December 2014 and of the performance for the year ended on that date of the entity.

✔ comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID).

2) in the Board’s opinion there are reasonable grounds to believe that the entity will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.

This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board:

Director: Chris Franks

Director: Dean Honan

Dated 31 May 2015

Year Ended 31/12/ 2014

2014 $

2013 $

INCOMEDonations and gifts

Monetary 32,659 30,772

Non-monetary* - -

Bequests and Legacies - -

GrantsDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade - -

Other Australian* - -

Other overseas 573,532 374,608

Investment Income 1,325 948

Other Income 26,041 47,193

Revenue for International Political or Religious Adherence Promotion Programs

- -

TOTAL REVENUE 633,557 453,521

EXPENDITUREInternational Aid and Development Programs Expenditure

International programs

Funds to international programs - -

Programs support costs - -

Community education 555,049 294,433

Fundraising costs

Public 9,083 8,068

Government, multilateral and private - -

Accountability and Administration 75,670 100,833

Non-Monetary Expenditure - -

Total International Aid and Development Programs Expenditure

639,802 403,334

International Political or Religious - -

Adherence Promotion Programs - -

ExpenditureDomestic Programs Expenditure


(6,245) 50,187

FINANCIAL REPORT 2014 2013As at 31 December 2014 $ $ASSETSCURRENT ASSETSCash and cash equivalents 117,205 62,409

Trade and other receivables - 38,716

Inventories - -

Assets held for sale - -

Other financial assets - -

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 117,205 101,125NON-CURRENT ASSETSTrade and other receivables - -

Other financial assets - -

Property, plant and equipment - -

Investment property - -

Intangibles - -

Other non-current assets - -

TOTAL ASSETS 117,205 101,125

LIABILITIESCURRENT LIABILITIESTrade and other payables 23,020 19,654


Current tax liabilities - -

Other financial liabilities 18,958 -

Provisions - -

Other - -


Other financial liabilities - -

Provisions - -

Other - -


NET ASSETS 75,227 81,471

EQUITYReserves - -

Retained earnings 81,471 31,284

TOTAL EQUITY 75,227 81,471

* Details on Note 1 referred to in the Auditors Report can be found in the full Financial Report available by emailing [email protected]

You are the heart of RESULTS and our success is your success thanks to the many and varied ways that you invest yourself in RESULTS – you volunteer, advocate, donate and work alongside us and we appreciate and acknowledge your hard work and commitment in long and ongoing campaigns. Success does not come overnight but when it does there is a real and measurable impact on health, education and wellbeing of those living in poverty around the world.

We don’t apply for or receive government funds – that would undermine our independence and ability to be fearless and forthright in our advocacy.

Currently we receive overseas grants from organisations with a conscience - THANK YOU to RESULTS Educational Fund (US) for the ACTION and Education For All grants and for your confidence in our work. Thank you also to Aeras for its first time support.

A huge thank you also to our Hobart, Melbourne Hills and Sydney Northern Beaches groups for running very successful fundraising events in their local communities during the year.

Most of all we rely on, and are grateful for, your individual donations, especially regular monthly commitments and lifetime membership gifts.

This year we welcome Belinda Kendall - White, Tony Lamb and Guy Marquis - our new Lifetime Membership supporters.

RESULTS grant funding is conditional on us receiving donations from members of the Australian community.

This means that every donation is vital so we ask that you once again consider a gift to support the advocacy work of RESULTS in 2015 by donating online at


or by calling us on

1300 713 037

• Atelier 41

• Bennett Partners

• Image DTO

• Blue Illusion Boutiques

• Carousel Pony

RESULTS International (Australia) | ABN 75 309 770 578PO Box 7329 | Warringah Mall 2100 | 204/117 Old Pittwater Road Brookvale NSW 2100 phone: 1300 713 037 | web: www.results.org.au

Thank you to our Valued Advocates, Donors and Supporters.

RESULTS also relies on the vision and commitment of corporate donors that give vital financial and in-kind support.

THANK YOU to our in-kind supporters:

THANK YOU to our corporate supporter:

Designed by Anne Willman, Atelier 41 creative design studio